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The Official
Hidden Mickey List

Lost of folks, er… lots of folks hop around through here, skip over to, and then jump in with a mis-report of some hidden-Mickey that they thought they saw here. Beware the false pathways… Having not been paying close attention to the sightings listed below as wishful thinking, then head off to report an original sighting or confirm a sighting. Perhaps this is a claim to fame, an inscription, as a petroglyph, defacing the virtual halls with their mark, for the ages, as proof of their existence. People, PLEASE! Screw your heads back on! Over three quarters of the quotes on that page are misinformed paraphrasing of the guruspeak here. So, you are not the first, you could still be the best, and you won't be the last to knick it here and claim it there. Yet, there are still more to be discovered, I've seen most of 'em, the ones yet to be reported, and I'm keeping my mouth shut.

Now that I told you, as a condition of this reveal - IF YOU GO ABOUT SPOUTING THIS SECRET, LIVE OR ONLINE, CREDIT THE SOURCE!

Waltsicle - Can you find the hidden Walt without help?

Hidden Walt Disney is hidden in the Lost Delta Encampment queue area outside. Fifty feet behind the truck outside is a tent with a radio playing. On the corner nearest the rope bridge of that tent is this statue.

Some would say that the twisted green 'M's that appear throughout the temple could be considered representations of the initials of Mickey Mouse. I mentioned it at the 2nd Annual Passholders party preview in December 1994, so I may have been the first to say.

Inside Indy MM - Mickey Mouse

On the column across the queue from the water fountains is a pair of Petroglyphs in the shape of the Marabic letters M. Definitely, an intentional Mickey Mouse. Actually, it is intended as a credit, much like the credits at the end of a film.

Inspect closer - Hidden Mickey in the Avenue of Voices.

In the Avenue of Voices There is little reason to believe that this is indeed an intentional Hidden Mickey, given the photographic proof. On closer inspection it seems to fade into the background with a cable framing the left ear, dark cracks framing the right. There is definitely a hidden speaker grill, but do the two white splotches line the ear on purpose? If it was designed to be a Hidden Mickey it was extraordinarily well executed to blend into the surroundings. Others argue that this proves it is an intentional Hidden Mickey. I argue that it reinforces conspiracy just as the U.S. military denying UFO's existed in Roswell, N.M. proves their existence and cover-up. On the other hand, it has been said "a Hidden Mickey is where you find them." and by that definition real, fabricated and imaginary Hidden Mickeys all qualify.

People PLEASE! This ain't it! Pay attention!

This is a photo of the WRONG SIDE of the purple illuminated tunnel, in the bat cavern. Stand just seven or eight feet further along. Here in the bat cavern, after the 3Dl, Votive Shrine, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:33 votive shrine, just before arriving at the rolling stone gate entrance to the spike room, look up to your left, you'll see the shape seen in this Nobody saw this until I pointed it out!sepia-tone cross-eye stereograph of the true Hidden Mickey. The hole framing the light bulb is the smiling mouth, with the lamp as the tongue. The smiling mouth is beneath two eye sockets, a lavender illuminated ear on the left and a half of an ear on the right.
O.K., social experiment over, I'll post the proper picture; the shape I'm talking about, the one too big to notice as folks filled their shoes with pounding feet as they hurried on by, is this — represented here in this, which nobody got until I posted this 3D picture.
But everybody pointed to the wrong two holes and said "Look, Hidden Mickey!"
So, if you see someone do that, please point to them and exclaim "Look, Retard!"
You must be standing in precisely the right spot, behind the guano covered stalagmite, to see it.

Hidden Eeyore. by rcarlson80, on FlickrLook directly above this elephant.
Elephant statue in which I perceive the profile of a growling tiger, Altar of the Stone Tablets, Indiana Jones™ Adventure, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California

Eeyore — To observe it, when standing near the projection screen, look back to the scaffolding directly above this elephant statue. In keeping with the tradition of having a part (a blue triangular sign) of the previous attraction (the parking lot) which stood at that location mounted in its precise location and orientation hidden within new attractions, there is an Eeyore (thanks for noticing) high above the scaffolding at the entrance to the Altar of the Stone Tablets. It will remain well hidden, as it is very difficult to discover and shrouded in dark shadows.

LIFE magazine cover, Hidden Mickey and scroll

In Indy's office, notice the two mice on the cover of a genuine, original vintage copy of LIFE Magazine on laying under the scroll on Indy's desk. They are Mickey and Minnie. The metal string pulls tied to the bottom of each atlas projection of the roll-up map far in the back of Indy's office are shaped like Mickeys. Note that Shiva's upper right hand holds a Blu-ray disc.

Bones Mickey, Don't twist your neck to find me.

There is a story behind the "Bones Mickey". It is actually in the attraction main show building itself and not in the queue. It is or was a Mickey ears skullcap like the ones that can purchased and embroidered anywhere in the park. It had the 'Mickey Mouse Club' patch covered by a skull and crossbones.
It's in the skeleton/wind chamber, stapled to the head of a painted skeleton on the wall near the exit.
The story goes that a Cast Member Lead that walked the track after closing, which is a normal routine to pick up personal items violently wrenched, blown and thrown from guests, decided that the "Bones" was a prank by fellow CM's and tore it down.

Hidden False "wishful" Mickey.

Other hidden-mickeys are wishful thinking.

I have been unable to verify any other Hidden Mickeys such as the big dent in the wall at the bend of the Avenue of Voices that some claim to see, or groups of holes in the walls/floors/ceilings of the Spike Chamber/Hall of Descending Blocks. I have searched these thoroughly, seen what was claimed, and determined the claims to be wishful thinking. The bogus decoy Hidden Mickey was wished on so hard it was wished into existence. In the circle of Marabic lettering on the face of the sarcophagus stone in the Rotunda Calendar, the ink of a ball point bic pen has become a "hidden Mickey" that was neither on the original plan or there on the lid for several years, until graffiti artists filled their time waiting in line by drawing an outline of Mickey and filled their line, waiting in time.

Rope Bridge line

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Updated on 2013.01.21.

Rope Bridge line

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