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Add One of These Banners

to your page!

Journal: Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye.
Visit Disneyland®s Indiana Jones™ Adventure
but not Xoom, NBCi, or Geocities.

New Banner Location!
Your Indy banner no longer displays properly on my site, how can I fix it?

A:Yahoo shut down Geocites and Angelfire prevents remote image loading, meaning that you must be on their site to view the images on a members page. There are two ways to fix this, refresh the old code or make a local copy of the banner by clicking on one below:
  1. Cut and paste the updated HTML code (below) over the similar old code in you page. It replaces the faulty tours, allowing restored remote banner viewing ability. OR
  2. Copy the image to your own website. When you reference the banner from within your site you only need the relative URL and can just call it IndyBanner.gif without all the messy http://www… at the begining. This has an added advantage, the banner can no longer become lost or broken due to shifting websites like so much sand collecting in drifts and shifting on the fickle winds of the world's web.
  3. That's all there is to it!

Rope Bridge line

width="468" height="60" 32.1KB
Click to download BannerIndy.gif
Visit Disneyland®s Indiana Jones™ Adventure
as Indiana Jones Discovers the Jewel of Power!

<8=o)— Get the code here! ^

Rope Bridge line

width="468" height="60" 45.5KB
Click to download BannerIndy1.gif
Visit Disneyland®s Indiana Jones™ Adventure
as Indiana Jones Discovers the Jewel of Power!

<8=o)— Get the code here! ^

Rope Bridge line

width="468" height="60" 12.1KB
Click to download BannerIndy2.gif
Visit Disneyland®s Indiana Jones™ Adventure
as Indiana Jones™ Discovers the Jewel of Power!

<8=o)— Get the code here! ^

Rope Bridge line

width="287" height="119" 5.5KB
Click to download BannerIndy3.gif
Visit Disneyland®s Indiana Jones™ Adventure
as Indiana Jones™ Discovers the Jewel of Power!

<8=o)— Get the code here! ^

Rope Bridge line

width="183" height="95" 9.6KB
Click to download BannerIndy4.gif
Visit Disneyland®s Indiana Jones™ Adventure
as Indiana Jones™ Discovers the Jewel of Power!

<8=o)— Get the code here! ^
(banners presented on a neutral-grey background to demonstrate transparency)

Rope Bridge line

Copy and Paste:

If you decide to use my banner copy, from flickr, just put the code above on your page.
If you decide to keep your own local banner copy this code which uses the simpler relative URL, (if you select an alternate banner change "BannerIndy.gif" number, width and height values) then paste it into the text of your page:

Here's how:

  1. Select the code:
    • Click the text box next to the banner you would like to add, to highlight the code. Or click anywhere in the box and CTRL+A to select all of the code.
    • [On a Macintosh substitute the command (cloverleaf) key for control.]
  2. Copy the code:
    • Type CTRL+C to copy it into the clipboard
    • Alternatively, on your browser's menu bar, click 'edit' then 'copy".
  3. Place the code:
    • Open your webpage editing application window to the file you want to insert the banner
    • Click the precise spot & move the cursor into the HTML code where you want to insert the banner.
  4. Paste the code:
    • Type CTRL+P, to paste it from the clipboard into your web page source text.
    • Alternativly, on your editor's menu bar, click 'edit' then 'paste'.
  5. Save your work!
    • Remember to save/upload your new page.

That's all there is to it!
Oh! By the way, do me a favor and type in your E-mail and web address URL so I can visit your spiffy new page and use it to inflate my ego and show off to my friends.
(Universal Resource Locator like or
(I'll keep it in confidence, not spam you.) Then click the button "I added your Banner".
Anyone can display this banner so registration isn't absolutely required, just nice to know. It's a poor artist who doesn't appreciate their fans.


I think its wonderful to know that so many folks have taken the time to tell me they think this Journal is so illustrious. Indeed so celebrated that they not only want to add a link, but a banner as well. I'll take a day off of my life to provide that. Heck, the chamber of earthly riches took years off of it. Thank you for your interest, and have a Disney day,      Wizard.
Updated on 2012.11.04.

Rope Bridge line

Write a message to Rev. Dr. Wizard ďIsneyThe Wizard of Indiana Jones
— ©Copyright DisneyWizard 1995-2025 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Journal: Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye
 ^— Add this banner to your web page —^Journal: Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye
 ^— Add this banner to your web page —^Journal: Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye
 ^— Add this banner to your web page —^
Disneyland®s Indiana Jones™ Adventure

^ Link this site on yours ^ with this banner! ^ Click for quick details ^

A Hand Up! Not a Handout.

A Hand Up! Not a Handout.

Angelfire provides, and is solely responsible for ALL advertisers, even the bogus error/virus warnings:
Updated on Tuesday, 30-Jul-2019 14:11:36 EDT.
RansomWare_Disk_Cleanup_for_(C)_36881294_Animated WARNING: Beware RansomWare Advertisements from Angelfire
pop-ups which falsely resemble MS-Windows Virus Alerts or bogus SpeedCleaners.
The entire image, including the clear areas beyond the borders, is a hyperlink to deceptively convincing "free help," so
Don't click ANYWHERE near them, especially the phony red close button!
Instead use ALT-F4 to kill that window or CTRL-W to close that tab! More…

This has always been a FEE-FREE Fee Free

No Charge Website no charge website, my gift to the public. However
Angelfire provides, and is solely responsible for, ALL advertisers! Even the bogus popup error/virus warnings: