You are at

The Wizard of Pinball's
Buskers Playhouse

brought to you by the SmileBringers Coalition

Rope Bridge line

Mayor of Buskers in Pasadena
Elected from among peers.

Rainbow line.

Comming Soon
The Wizard of Pinball
… near you, but only if you call!

Los Angeles County

For the secrets to life,the universe and everyting!
(424) is the (310) area code overlay.
From Orange County telephones dial
424-294-9273, that's
657-888-4WIZ !
(657) is the (714) area code overlay.

Click "Call Me"
I'll ring your phone FREE!

Call me on the radio telephone set, funphone at queue of Indiana Jones™ Adventure - Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California —(o=8> If I don't pick up, just leave a message.

Photo Album.Photo Album

A Hand Up! Not a Handout.

A Hand Up! Not a Handout.

Rope Bridge line

Chalkboard/Schedule of Appearances
Green=open to public Gold=Admission/Cover required Red=Exclusive Event
Itinerary subject to change, check here for latest information

Original Doo-Dah Parade, Pasadena
Personal Appearance:
Parade King

(click for Complementary Reserved Spot Tickets)
11 a.m. until 2 p.m.
November 24

(click for Complementary Reserved Spot Tickets)

2627 East Colorado Boulevard,
Pasadena, CA 91107
(click for official map)
One Colorado, Pasadena
Victoria's Secret

Saturday Evenings

(o=8> Sorry, all final performances sold out.<8=o)
- Downtown Disney -
Houdini's Magic

Monday and Tuesday Mornings

(o=8> Inquire about other hours <8=o)

The Wizard of Pinball performs endlessly comedic interpretations of a magician trying to get his tricks to work.

I, the Wizard of Pinball, am a street performer, or Busker, regularly appearing in Old Pasadena, California at the entrance of One Colorado, at the corner of Fair Oaks and Colorado Blvd. on Friday and Saturday nights. Depending on what suits my fancy, it might be Victoria's Secret at 21 W. Colorado Blvd., or 110 W. Colorado Blvd. Ghirradelli Chocolate Co. if I'm in the mood for a San Francisco flare. DISCLAIMER

Act Description

It's a weird, wild, wacky, wonderful rush of adrenaline [for me anyway], packed with more jokes than you'll get, a bit of live music, no spuds, and the real secrets of life, fakirwize (pron. FAKE-EAR-WISE.)

Remember that for the squeamish, the young and the young at heart that less shocking and more appropriate entertainment is available: Rates

The cost is a reasonable industry standard of $100 per hour, with a minimum of two hours. Transportation costs, set-up and travel time may be applied. Discounts and reductions may be available to qualified institutions. contact me with a description of your entertainment function and intended audience for more information, customization and a quote. 1-42-42-Wizard (949273)

Appeared at

I am no longer a member of the Magic Castle, because my act revolves around revealing the secrets of magic. I have performed at Venice Beach (which sucks,) Santa Monica's Third Street Promenade (hardly worth the permit fee,) Universal City Walk (excellent, once the audition is passed,) the Magic Castle, Hollywood (no longer), Ghirardelli Chocolate Manufactory, San Francisco and Las Vegas, both as a Busker for Main Street Station and in various trade shows like Comdex and Networld/Interop. I have designed shows from period parlour magic to elaborate and extravagant stage shows, performed in mid air, on small tables, balconies, hospitality suites, school auditoriums and cruise ships like the Star Dancer. I am certain that the evening we spend together will be pleasantly surprising, amazing, entertaining and informative.

Have a ďIsneyMagic day!

Wiz animated profile, small Wiz animated profile, small
{secret message in Marabic}
| D i s n e y W I Z A R D |
You won`t believe your eyes!

Try my Online Magic Trick!

The Wizard of Pinball
Enchanted Lifestyle Facilitator
(Politically correct term for Magician.)
Parties and Picnics for Young and Old.
Cruise Ships - Custom Shows - Marketing Messages
Conventions - Trade Shows - Audience Warm-Up
Magical Comic Entertainment for All Occasions:

The secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye
contact me
ďIsneylands Indiana Jones Adventure Revealed.
8x10 glossy publicity photo.The Wizard of Pinball - with Mona Lisa smile.Wiz animated profile, life size

Herd o' Gnus?Rainbow line.

Have you heard the good news? Rainbow line.
Rainbow line.
Performers in
Old Pasadena

Rainbow line.
Joe Hardy <jhardy @>
Balloons Illustrated. P.O.Box 90182, Pasadena, CA 91109-0182 626-797-9188 Fax: 626-797-6725 Certified Balloon Artist - Balloons For All Occasions.
Rainbow line.
Where did he go?Where is he?Krazy Klown
Juggler, Fire Eater, Stilt Walker, Balloon Art. The clown for ALL Occasions! 626-296-6998 Graduate of clown school.
Rainbow line.
Dutchy's Blessed Blesser
Leonardo Leo with Sax. Rhythm Keyboard Accompaniment. Salsa Rhythm, Regae Rhythm. 626-399-1222.
Rainbow line.
John Boudreaux
The New Orleans Drummer and late night saxophonist best known for "Tequila!" Los Angeles, CA 213-931-7266.
Rainbow line.
Martha and Harry
Martha plays the keyboard with the tempo of a death march. Harry plays a diminutive coronet. They appeared together in the Tom Petty Video "It's Good To Be King". 818-795-9570.
Rainbow line.
Rod The Magician < mystikus @ >
performs close up coin magic 818-781-6207.
Rainbow line.
Rex Berry
Entertainment Featuring the Magic of Rex Berry <rbtheillusionist @>. P.O. Box 1568, Temple City, CA 90780 626-641-1739
Rainbow line.
Donna Kraft Tarot and palm readings. Also Natal Charts, compatability charts and daily Transits. $30 per half hour, $60 per hour. 818-781-6207.
--> Rainbow line.
who performs diabolic tricks with a diablo stick and is a juggling juggernaut.
Rainbow line.
Dulcimer Dave <cohen @>
Enchanting Music on the Hammered Dulcimer 310-625-9653.
Rainbow line.
Keith A Johnson
Blind since age 12, Keith plays the saxophone near Barns and Noble. P.O.Box 212, Pasadena, CA 91102-2122, 818-563-6062.
Rainbow line.
David Hart
Sketch artist, Musician, Puppeteer. He also hosts a Public Access show on Century Cable. 3918 West Beverly Bl., Suite 407. Los Angeles, CA 90004-3479, Telephone 213-381-0791.

Rainbow line.
Rainbow line.
Rainbow line.
King Swami G
Acoustic guitar accompanied by candles and incense. "Jah Bless, amen, ONE LOVE" 323-461-7807.
Rainbow line.
William "Bill" Johnson
Song-Writer/Composer sings differing lyrics but plays the same tune on a Taylor twelve string guitar, over and over and over, near Barns & Noble. Script Music [whatever Script Music means.] Claim to fame: World's oldest cancer-surviving college student.[626-683-3379 message phone number, disconnected] 2790 Mataro St., Pasadena, CA, 91107-3420, US
Rainbow line.
Bob Clark <BobClark @>
Guitarist with silly songs. 626-359-8561
Rainbow line.
Red shock wig and a voice to match accompanied by Acoustic guitar, dark sunglasses and an Ace bandage providing the cleavage. The best, if not only, 90 year old punk rocker this side of Cucamonga, she puts the Age in Cleavage.

Rainbow line.
Rainbow line.
Rainbow line.
The Shire Post by Bernie Zuber <bazuber @>
Unfortunatly, Bernie Zuber is no longer with us. While not technically a Busker, The Shire Post offers a fascinating assortment of the vast array of upcoming performances and events in Pasadena.
Subscription: 12 issues for $10. 940 E. Colorado Blvd. , #412, Pasadena, CA 91106. Phone: 626-440-9743
Rainbow line.
LightBringer Project. The nationally-recognized Pasadena Doo Dah Parade
[old website], in its twenty-ninth year at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend, November 24, 2007 [check date again, as this is an educated guess 626-449-3689] this is a free day for zaniness and wackiness in an otherwise pretty straight-forward world. The LightBringer Project also aranges many other events such as The Spotlight Award Murals at The Music Center, which were permanently installed last summer under the leadership of Manuel Gonzalez. Killer B's a series of sci-fi classic films which were screened outdoors against a large wall in Old Pasadena (look forward to more great films outdoors for free this summer, complements of One Colorado, The Light-Bringer Project, and The AFI!). Peruvian dance, sculpting for kids, and internet workshops, also provided free to the public thanks to Earthlink Network. Past visual and performance arts events we have produced include the famed Culture Factory (Boy were those the days!), Arroyo Seco Earth Walk and Festival, The American Indian Festival and Market Place, Secrets Out!, Arts Alive!, Dia De Los Muertos commemorating Cesar Chavez, ArtPark, Cultural Enrichment Programs in Area Parks, etc. Venues for artist exhibition over the years have included Armory Center for the Arts, The Old YWCA Building, Da-Gallery, Museum of Tolerance, Cadillac Cafe, Club Shelter, Holly Street Gallery, Occidental College, Poly-Technic School, Homes, Studios, Pavement!

The Light-Bringer Project invites participation from those of all ages and backgrounds. For More Information Call LightBringer 626-449-3689 or email lbp @

If you really like the Doo Dah! parade then find a group, volunteer, and even have the chance to be in the parade!
Rainbow line.
Little Angel Pug Rescue, Pasadena
Search here for pugs to find out more about the adopt a pug program during the parade!
Rainbow line.
Rose Parade
, official info 626-793-9911.
Rainbow line.
Old Pasadena Carriage Company
Horse Drawn Vehicle Services for weddings, Picnics, Hay Rides, Trolley Rides. P.O.Box 411613, Los Angeles, CA 90041, David 213-256-7503
Rainbow line.
Jack's private telephone number
Rainbow line.
: Some French Ex-convict with the worst balloons on the planets Earth or Mars.
Rainbow line.
Larry Bolton
: Somewhere, in someones pocket are Larry Bolton's TEETH. Have you seen them?
Rainbow line.


The Wizard Presents ~More information about Busking~Rainbow line.
The Wizard of Pinball
424-294-9273 Magic in the style of Carl "The Amazing" or "The Great" Balantine! (who can kiss meyer Beatle entombed Kessler, with single malt scotch tape…eh, wot? 'es DEAD?) Call 42-42-WIZARD

Rainbow line.
Rainbow line.
Rainbow line.
About Busking

Rainbow line.
via Login

It's about Passing-the-Hat, creating fun and giving away smiles.
Buskers can be in a restaurant at your table, or performing on the street.
Venues, methods and pitch. Roll up 'n get 'em here!

Buskers: Table Hoppers & Street Performers.
Buskers, view haloo! Welcome to the Street Performers Forum!

Here we discuss Busking as a profession. Whether it be Juggling, Balloons, Magic, Puppets, Vocal or Instrumental Music, Ventriloquism, Poetry, Stilts, Unicycling or something never seen before. The most important question is
`Where can I make my pitch?` which includes safe and legal venues.
Share with us likely crowds and permit requirements if any, tips on better tipping, travel secrets, and anything that will improve Buskers and the public's image of Buskers.
[not included: vending (flowers, food, compact disks…), prostitution (street walkers) or begging (homeless w/cup)]

Rainbow line.
Rainbow line.
Rainbow line.
Notes on performing
in the Los Angeles area
Rainbow line.
City of Los Angeles, Cultural Affairs Department, Performing Arts Division at 213-485-2437
Rainbow line.
awardWCoPA_125x120.gif Rainbow line.
Sandra Romero-Plasencia < sandi @ >
Director of Cultural Education at the Institute for Urban Initiatives (formerly the Institute for Urban Research and Development) at 2122 W. Seventh St. Los Angeles, CA 90057, tel:213-487-4300 fax:213-487-8475 who would like to encourage balloon performers to twist in Mac Arthur Park at Wilshire and Alvarado. [near Metro Red line station. Only during the day because that park is a swarming hive of drugs and crime before the sun sets -Editor]
Rainbow line.
News groups that mention
Rainbow line.
Buskers Mailing list
by Dave Allen the Magic Man (Hereid?) <dave @> on ONE1ist at <buskers @> or Subscribe (His Homepage)
Rainbow line.
The Buskers Ball, of Bolton, England
by <busker @>. Acoustic music in Bolton, England and beyond, for people with taste!
Rainbow line.
CheckerHead YellowPages. Performer Yellow Pages
by David Aiken - "The Checkerboard Guy" <cbg @> 372 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1S3, Canada 604-872-6222 List of Performers>br/> UPDATE: seems to have taken over David Aiken's project.
Rainbow line.
via by <jimshow @> and <brian @>
Rainbow line.
Explore Talent <>
800-934-0000, "World's Largest Talent Resource" they self-proclaim. posible scam "REAL agencies don't charge up-front." claim victims.
Rainbow line.
Juggling Newsgroup <rec.juggling>

Rainbow line.
<UNICYCLING @> news group
by <owner-unicycling @>
Rainbow line.
Dusty 45's
Say "Hello!" to Billy and Scott and find the tour-dates of Texano, rockabilly surf style seven piece band.
Rainbow line.
Tony Michaels
Sales Consultants of Las Vegas
Rainbow line.
Wacky Entertainment
For all special adventures, Clowns, Magicians, Brake[sic] dancers, Fire Eaters, Singing Gram, DJ, Juggling, Face Painting, Balloon Animals, Music, Skits, Fun, Games, Puppets, and more.
Ramon 562-243-5900 562-927-0977
Rainbow line.
Bob Barker Marionettes
1355 W 1St St., Los Angeles, CA, 90026-5804, US , 213-250-9995
Rainbow line.
Yale Film & Video
, 16mm, 8mm and Super 8 Color and Black&White Cinema Film Services, State of the Art film/video transfer (ccd-film chain)
I found extra sprocket 16mm film-stock for use in ancient 8mm home movie cameras in high-contrast, pan-x and a variety of color including infra-red. Processing at their lab is included in the price for many film purchases, which is a very convenient feature for developing/printing by mail from around the world (include a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.) Send S.A.S.E or fax for price list.
3906 West Burbank Blvd. Burbank, CA 91505
818-558-3456, 800-955-9253
Rainbow line.
Zoot Suits 801 S. Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92632, 714.526.3743 714.526.0411
--> Rainbow line.
Would You Believe?
<wyb @> 1118 Fair Oaks Avenue, South Pasadena, CA 91030, U.S.A. 626-799-3828 1-800-700-3828 The Krueger Family Owners, Costumes, Magic, Balloons, Makeup, Jokes, and more.
Rainbow line.
Old Town Music Co.
42 E. Colorado Blvd. #1 [downstairs], Pasadena, CA 91105, 626-793-4730, 323-681-2481, 626-793-3873fax, Hours: Daily 10-6:30, Fri 10-8, Sat 10-6:30, Sun 1-5. Instrument Sales, Rentals & Repairs. Strings, Band Instruments, Guitars, Recorders, Sheet Music, Suzuki Materials, Studio 49, Accessories, Gifts.
Rainbow line.
Conwin's Balloons and More Store
P.O.Box 1009, Montrose, CA 91021-1009
4510 Sperry St., Los Angeles, CA 90039, 818-246-9233, 818-246-6862fax,
Hours:Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 8-4, Sun Closed.
Rainbow line.
Family Festival
& Certified Farmers' Market
Handcrafts, Live Music, Kids Rides, Food Booths & More! Managed by Family Festival Productions, Inc.
Dave Gaymen, 626-357-7442, 626-357-3503 Fax
Board of equalization Seller's Sub-permit required at each location:No city business licenses are required.

Rainbow line.
If you are a member of this listing, or would like, on your own website, to link performers, add: #performers to your current location(URL) or you would like to reference busking use #buskers or #busking. For example:

If you are a performer in Old Pasadena and you want to add or update your listing [a really good idea since few have actually provided a description of their act - leaving me to make up one that may not be as flattering as they would like it] then send me by this very U-mail link or even placed by your hand into my hat;
  1. Your name or the name of your act
    (or even the name of Rascal, your pet raccoon,)
  2. a gleaming description of your act
    (make it flattering as you like it,)
  3. where and when folks can find you
  4. as much contact information as you can safely publish
    (website, email, phone and P.O. box are recommended. Home address is not recommended.)
Listings are a complimentary public service and are posted at no charge to Buskers who qualify (a regularly appearing act.) They are sponsored by the members of the SmileBringers coalition, who don't pay me a dime, so updates are infrequently a week to a month. Performers on this list are encouraged to join the SmileBringers coalition in an effort to self-regulate, talk shop, network, provide the ego boosting status quo of membership in an exclusive club (full of lunatics,) attend meetings (informally scheduled on weekends,) VOTE with strength in numbers, but mostly to present busking in Pasadena in a funtastic favorable light to the public and our politicians. Lest we not learn from the mistakes of Santa Monica Buskers.

Wiz performs at special appearance in Ghirardelli Square, San Francisco, California. Wizard at Ghirardelli's 5261x4137 7.5meg

Rainbow line.
See the Playhouse! Click to view large.
Performing Magic has been the toughest, most hard working, job of my life. Striving to present fresh fantastic feats standing in one spot for twelve hours, without a meal or restroom break, is a real test of endurance. I do it to make folks happy. It would hardly make one famous, and the pay… don't get me started. Suffice to say that working only for tips and donations, although presenting a staggering opportunity for surprisingly creative economic economy of ones personal life, only a fool would believe great wealth could be achieved.

In other words the hours are lousy but the pay blows wet mangy goats.

Well, here is your chance to change all that!
A Hand Up! Not a Handout.

A Hand Up! Not a Handout.
That's right! Your deductible donation to the performing arts goes straight into the hat, and one hundred percent of administration fees are not enough to keep the magic alive. If you have ever taken a dollar away from the table or taken an idea to heart then now is the season to put something back. If you have enjoyed the show or merely walked by, even if you didn't have a penny in your pocket at the time, please pledge your support of starving artists now. The magic can only be kept alive by donations from viewers like you.

<8=o)-BACK— to Journal.


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Image of Ilusion

In your mind is a mirror that you can see all Earth in,
Everything surrounds you, all of the time,
things that you learn from your father, mother, friends and enemies.

You learn everything that is real.
But He is ilusion the one that created the great magicians as well.
When this ilusion is done well you can get to think that He is real.

Many of our problems are ilusion of other people who teach our minds and the great power
but in the world is the ability to put ilusion in
the minds of other people to separate the image of ilusion.

— Adan

Imagen de Ilusion

En tu mente hay un espejo en el que puedes ver toda la tierra,
todo lo que te rodea, y tu mismo tambien vez cosas que
aprendes por tu padre, madre, amigos y enemigos.
Por tu escuela todo lo que es real. Pero tambien es ilusion la
que cren los grandes magos.
Cuando la ilusion esta bien hecha puedes llegar a pensar que
es real.
Muchos de nuestros problemas, son ilusion de otras personas
que vienen a nuestras mentes y el poder mas grande en el
mundo es la abilidad de poner ilusion en las mentes de otras
personas separar la imagen de la ilusion.

— Adan
Updated on 2024.04.01.

Rope Bridge line

Write a message to Rev. Dr. Wizard ďIsneyThe Wizard of Indiana Jones
— ©Copyright DisneyWizard 1995-2025 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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A Hand Up! Not a Handout.

A Hand Up! Not a Handout.

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