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Well, here's a blast from the past. If, while you were at Disneyland, and you approached a man in a tuxedo who then handed you a small piece of paper, then I was that tuxedoed gentleman, and this is what that paper stated.
If you still have that piece of paper, keep it well, for it is more rare and valuable than any of the decoder cards.

Rope Bridge line

Abraham Lincoln, who wore the bever-pelt stovepipe hat which currently tours the United States with the Smithsonian Exhibit, was assassinated April 14, 1865 while watching "Our American Cousin" in the Ford theater, Washington, District of Columbia seated in a box at lower stage right, at the hand of confederate sympathizer and assassination conspiracy organizer John Wilkes Booth who, from the rear, fired a single shot pistol to the top of the former presidents spine and leapt onto the stage with a large ivory handled blade brandished and escaped by the exit in the front of the theater and then Booth was shot fourteen days later in the livery (or barn) to which he fled and concealed himself.

I am not Abe. I am the Wizard of Pinball. I am not a Cast Member. I work at Jet Propulsion Laboratory writing the operating systems for the Thinking Manchines product-Connection Machine 5 in the language of APL. I am a contemporary guest like yourself who enjoys things old, like the delicate 1932 Enardoe Brand silk collapsible opera hat manufactured by the Edward O. Drane Co. of Chicago, Illinois that you observe me wearing, while embracing the future by encouraging our nation to subscribe to the unknown benefits resulting from our involvement and participation in space exploration. You have the wrong guy.

I was born Mark Jefferson Turner, April 1st, 1961, Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital, California -- decendant of mixed western european (French, Welsh, German) and native American (Sioux tribe, Oklahoma.) I live in National Forest north of Altadena, California. I am just in from Wizards' at Universal City Walk, The Magic Castle, Disneyland, Las vegas (and BOY is my one arm tired,) Beverly Hills and all the other places I have been kicked out of. I am enjoying myself notwithstanding your intrusion.

How do you do, where are you from, what do you do and are you enjoying your journey here?

Updated on 2012.11.04.

Rope Bridge line

Write a message to Rev. Dr. Wizard ďIsneyThe Wizard of Indiana Jones
— ©Copyright DisneyWizard 1995-2025 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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