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and ride systems.

Track layout, the route of both the Indiana Jones and Countdown To Extinction attractions.

The "Indiana Jones Adventure - Temple of the Forbidden Eye" guideway (track) is bolt for bolt identical, with "Dinosaur!" (renamed, originally "Countdown to Extinction") in Walt Disney World, Animal Kingdom and with "Indiana Jones Adventure - Temple of the Crystal Skull" in Disney Seas, Tokyo. The Enhanced Motion Vehicles (EMV) of all three attractions are functionally equivalent with minor cosmetic theme differences to the EMV bodies.

There are only three rotary track switches: two of them split and combine the left and right sides of the embark/disembark station and the more complex switch beneath the mirrors has three positions for the maintenance bay bi-directional transfer track: normal operation, transfer on and transfer off. There is only one main track circuit and an illumination illusion of three doors at the Hall of Promise which is able to convince guests that there are three separate tracks.

A 'T'-bar beneath the slotted roadbed attaches the EMV to a tubular steel guide-track which steers the front wheels and dampens the back wheels also supports three electric power wipers that pick up 600 Volts and a great many amps to power the vehicle from the three-phase A/C Buss bars attached along the left side of the guide-track, rolling along like a 'trolley pole'. This tremendous electric power availability is required to coalesce the acceleration/deceleration of the car moved by four electric motors, each in a wheel hub, the hydraulic compressor and its control systems which violently rock the body, the onboard safety and communication system, and of course the reason we came, the stereo show sound system which integrates the eye candy we see and motion we feel as if we were rag dolls, into a cohesive whole.

The Motion Base is akin to aircraft cockpit simulators. Each EMV has three Hydraulic ram actuators, a reservoir for 36 gallons of hydraulic fluid, an electric turbine fluid pump, six proportional flow valves and hoses like one might find on a John Deere back hoe, WDW's Test Track vehicles, Animal Kingdom's Countdown to Extinction, Disney California Adventure Cars Land or formerly on Disneyland's Rocket Rods XPR, but not Tokyo-Crystal Skull, which substitutes massive electro-linear actuators similar in function to a scaled up arm-motor of a hard-drive pick-up-head. The controllers are programmed by a show director riding aboard with a strike sensitive MIDI keyboard strapped in their lap recording several different motions for each scene sequence, each key representing a function such as ± x,y and z axis transition as well as ± roll, pitch and yaw, when combined yield the sensation of counterbank, sway, plunge, blowout, et cetera. The raw controller programs are then downloaded and edited on a wave table editor to smooth spikes and enhance effects. Those final programs are stored on a CD-ROM master which is then downloaded to each vehicle controllers non-volatile. In normal operation, each vehicle 'decides' from among several motions to playback in each scene sequence. The 16 gig Flash EPROM computer that stores the alternate movement and audio controller programming also hosts communication and safety systems.

A digital spread spectrum two-way radio onboard receives commands from the tower computer about which sequence of programs to fun on this run. It also informs the tower where each car is and what it's doing, and the status of each system, such as safety restraint (seat belt) release.

EMV's are heavy moving equipment which should never contact pedestrians. There are many safety precautions, restraints, fail-safes, and ways to activate E-stops throughout the adventure: a key-chain board of lock-out tokens must be completely occupied before start up will otherwise alert operations cast-members that maintenance crew may still be loose on the track; guest PA, cast-member and digital radio vehicle communication systems, big red 'mushroom' buttons on cars/walls/dispatch/tower each halt all attraction motion, even accidental falls are prevented by railing at the track edge that automatically conceals when in operation mode. To dispatch a load of guests, two green dispatch buttons each enclosed deep within guard barrels must both be pressed simultaneously, twice - first at load station, then again at seatbelt check station. It is nearly impossible to accidently dispatch a vehicle. Reported guest injuries have all been attributed to slip/fall or existing medical conditions being exacerbated by vehicle turbulence. It is unlikely that injuries could occur to guests even with a crew that just completed training.

Just try to turn the steering wheel or press the brake with your foot - go ahead - I dare you.

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<8=o)-BACK— to generator in the camp.
<8=o)-BACK— to jalopy Troop Transports in the embark/disembark - loading.
<8=o)-BACK— to the Chamber of Destiny spoiler.
<8=o)-BACK— to Estop.

Aerial photo overlay by datameister on Flickr Aerial photo overlay
Three Dimensional track overlay

onto attraction aerial view from
by Datameister Joe Cardello

<8=o)-BACK— to Journal.
Updated on 2012.11.02.

Rope Bridge line

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