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Wizened words from Dr. Dunfor Pullit, the archeologist in the burial chamber under the sarcophagus stone in the rotunda calendar:

3Dl, Dr. Dunfor Pullit, Sarcophagus Stone in the Rotunda Calendar, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:39

Dialog is arranged in pairs. On the first tug of the rope gives just a little and Dunfor utters his first line. Then a second tug is enabled for his final exclamation, when the rope goes slack. After the rope tightens again the sequence is repeated with the next pair.

First tug:
"Careful while I translate this… Let's see, um, 'twenty years of,' ah, 'sorrow to the,' ah, 'destroyer of this vessel!' "

Second tug:

First tug:
"Leave off the rope old chap, be a good fellow. I have a frightfully valuable artifact down here.

Second tug:
Oh no [crash.] I HAD a terribly valuable artifact down here.

First tug:
"I say leave off the rope old chap, be a jolly good sport.

Second tug:
I say! Uh oh… oh no… blimey [fall, thud]

First tug:
"I say quit mucking about up there.

Second tug:
Oh blast! Not again [fall, crash].

First tug:
"Blast it all, you don't want to pull the rope.

Second tug:
[crash] oh dear.

Please remember that each time you pull the rope, attached to poor Dunfor's harness, near the sign "Please don't pull the rope," you give a Pullit surprise.

3D, Dr. Dunfor Pullit & Wiz, Sarcophagus Stone in the Rotunda Calendar, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:39
3D, Dr. Dunfor Pullit, Sarcophagus Stone in the Rotunda Calendar, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:44
3D, Dr. Dunfor Pullit, Sarcophagus Stone in the Rotunda Calendar, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:37

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Updated on 2012.11.03.

Rope Bridge line

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