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Animation Celebration Page!

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THAT'S a Maynard!
I am about to be SO glad you asked: WHAT'S A MAYNARD?

Half as tall as he would be if he were twice his current height.

[crouching Maynard, hidden wire eyes George.]
A: THAT'S a Maynard!
Something special really, catching glimpse of a Maynard indigenously.
But I ruined my Hyper3D experiment by asking two things, be like the statue in the elevator of Haunted Mansion and to be absolutely still for 30 seconds.
A near impossibility for Maynard, standing deathly still is.

WDW Guidebook — Topological Trimobius Tidbit.
Message-ID: PyT8k.24$ on from news:rec.arts.disney.parks

Ginny Favers wrote:
I'm calling a contest — I want to see how many Trimobians can get into that bath tub at one time. and HOW many times you can fold the bath towel?
-- Ginny.

Wiz wrote:
No more than 16 times, if folded in half upon itself each time. It has been proofed QEDö Any length of a thing, from cosmically astronomically long lengths, to minuscule microscopically short lengths of the thinnest material exceed the ability to be folded in half for seventeen equal folds.
— Wiz.

Caren TDC Queen of Adventureland wrote:
Ah, but a Trimobian bath towel can be folded six DIFFERENT ways. That's how you get Trimobian towel animals.
-- Caren, TDC Queen of Adventureland.

Wiz wrote:
Ahh! My Adventureland highness, Trimobian Towel animals! Yes, those! Once, I got 64 Trimobus for a dollar + tax at the dollar tree. I think they were supposed to be one buck a piece, but nobody opened the case, and the cardboard case had a bar code, and was about the size of something you'd find at a dollar store. I tore the first one, fidgeting with it, and figured out not to twist and simultaneously pull as I fold helps preserve them. I used four to make a dodecahedron, but when I turned that assembly inside out with opposite powder and a wave of my wand, it became a nodecahedron of infinite volume. Everyone thought I made it vanish, but really I knew I could never catch up to the leading edge to reverse the spell. It was still a pretty cool trick. My Trimobian Towel animals came vacuum packed in the shape of Countdown to Extinction, and were amazingly absorbent for something advertised to be worn like a paper dress. Once, during a moonless night of a cold winter, 2004, I locked five Trimobian Towel animals in the tin shed, in the dark, with seven dayglow latex balloon twisted Jasons, and an Odie, complete with drooling tongue. In the morning were five Trimobian towel animals standing tall, glaring down on each devastated balloon animal, not one of which survived. I think the Trimobian Towel animals could have saved the balloon animals, both by laying down as a tarp over the pine needles, and as tent from the gusty drafts. Survival of the fittest, I guess. Oh, yeah, and the silly putty was able to recover after major surgery.
-- Wiz.

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3D, Paint by Lightning, Gallery paintings, Haunted Mansion, New Orleans Square, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, animated, small, transparent, 2009.05.20 20:54
3D, Paint by Lightning, Gallery paintings, Haunted Mansion, New Orleans Square, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, animated, small, transparency, 2009.05.20 20:52 Maynard has been seen nearby these "Paint by Lightning" numbers.
Maynard ha sido visto proximo por estos "Pintarse por el Rayo" numeros.

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Indiana Jones Playing Cards, Small (3.6MB 240x320)[enlarged]
By the bones of Nurhachi, choose your destiny carefully, but quickly.

Rope Bridge line

Full Size Tarzan Treehouse Ropebridge .gif animation, full size (1.1MB 1280x480) by DisneyWizard
Quaker, shaker ROPE BRIDGE to demonstrate the combination of illusions of depth methods.
I am particularly proud of this Image, it took a long time to build. Considerably less time and more accurate would have been with no people on the stairs, the bulk of the tedium and error in removing them. The labor counts not for art, perhaps contributing to it's value. Does it please the eye, no! It's purpose is to demonstrate the combination of illusions of depth, for which it excels.
On - click "All Sizes—Original size" to view image Animation.
It incorporates several 3D effects in one image, 3D, Hyper3D and TimeShift (cycling 2 16:9 frames 1.5 times over 2 seconds=333 millisecond duration)
If you cross your eyes, to get a patented OPTIGRAB® HEADACHE™, you can enjoy a REALLY INTENSE 3D EXPERIENCE!™

Rope Bridge line

QUAKIER, SHAKIER rope bridge to demonstrate cross-eyed stereo optical viewing with sway animation methods incorporated.
The toughest to correct and, consequently the greatest time to create so far was this swaying animation in 3D cross-eye OPTIGRAB® OPTIGRAM™.
If you cross your eyes, to get a patented OPTIGRAB® HEADACHE™, you can enjoy a REALLY INTENSE 3D EXPERIENCE!™
On - click "All Sizes—Original size" to view image Animation.
Time in a bottle, canned 4D — seven side-by side pairs were cycled left to right to left five frames per second (frame rate: 200ms=2decaseconds=5/sec. )
The entire assembly was horizontally aligned to the edge of the gray speaker box as it comes to a point along it's right edge. I had to alternate between standard fit right image to 1280x480 canvas, copy left image, anchor right with click in position of best guess of center of left image, paste left image, adjust to landmark, (in this case point on right edge of speaker box), anchor, save, crop, save.
For images on the same layer, that works fine, but the next animation layer up requires centering by viewing/unviewing the overlay and moving into place each new animation pane, then adding the right hand as above, then clicking New Layer. I did this for visual consistency. There was a great deal of error, polar angle is an example of what I didn't fix. I did remove people and the guy rocking/walking a stroller up the stairs is borrowed and pasted in from the next frame twice, for left/right pair consistency. I used the larger one over the smaller one (or over empty doorway,) which helped preserve the separation of depth as well. Otherwise he would appear to diminish up and right as the animation progressed as the frame moved left to right. Then I selected view on each animation layer and linked them all, saved, cropped to the lowest line shared by all frames and saved again.
After all of that then I scaled the whole thing to 1/4 of the 4MB image by halving the vertical pixels (which automatically scales the horizontal axis, when linked.) and saved the 'small' version gif.

Rope Bridge line

3Da, STG - father pushes Graco DuoGlider LX Stroller up stairs, Rope Bridge on Tarzan's Treehouse, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, animated, shake (5.9MB_1280X465), 2008.06.14 11:27
"quakiest,.;-'-'-;., shakiest" rope bridge. Retrograde motion demo in cross-eyed 3D. Same as above, but two extra frames retrograde the center of the sequence, giving the image a shake in the sway— swaying animation in 3D cross-eye OPTIGRAB® OPTIGRAM™.
If you cross your eyes, to get a patented OPTIGRAB® HEADACHE™, you can enjoy a REALLY INTENSE 3D EXPERIENCE!™
Rope Bridge line

Looking for
Minnie's Yoo Hoo? It's moved to it's own page
How Many Squares?
How Many Squares?
Animated gif response to: Artify It's Wall Photo
A. 17
B. 18
C. 23
D. 40
E. 42

Rainbow line.

A methodology was applied to counting the squares. Largest to smallest, then left to right, top to bottom. Squares #19 and #28 are "between the lines" so to speak, but they are still counted in order of top to bottom - they just have the unique position to be counted once by beginning centered, giving the animated illusion of being counted diagonally as the cursor returns.
 1 container 4x4
 4 large 3x3
 9 medium 2x2
18 small 1x1
 8 tiny ½x½

Rainbow line.

A: 17 squares — incorrect
  • Perhaps you are guessing or not trying, or you could be counting the space between the lines as a square solid - which would give you 8 tiny whole squares, two outside columns of 4 small whole squares and the large container and discounting the 8 "L" shapes. But the illustration on a background other that white illustrates the space between the lines is void and squares can be counted in any manner without regard for intervening intersecting line segments.

  • Rainbow line.

    B: 18 squares — incorrect
  • Perhaps you are counting only the small squares, 16 in the regular grid and two floating ones, while ignoring the outside container and the eight tiny ones formed by the intersection of the regular grid in the floating squares.

  • Rainbow line.

    C: 23 squares — incorrect
  • Perhaps you didn't care and are submitting a guess to discover the truth. No-way no-how are there a total of 23 squares, you must be forgetting to count the eight tiny ½x½ squares and the nine 3x3 squares which are the easiest to overlook. This answer is a trap for the epic fail.

  • Rainbow line.

    D: 40 squares — correct
  • 40 are the maximum number of unique squares which can be formed from the line segments provided, disregarding the fact that the voids form 8 "L" shapes, which if solid would be subtracted from the total.

  • Rainbow line.

    E: 42 squares — incorrect
  • Perhaps you are double counting the floating squares #19 & #28. I like fourty-two, for it is the answer to life the universe and everything. But try as I might, the desire to set the world ablaze and achieve a neat result fails the wet towel of scientific observation.

  • Rope Bridge line

    Steve Martin and I.
    Me & Steve Martin, together in lock-up, settin' a stir.
    We were singing different songs together at the same time out of cacophonous spite. I sang:
    "I was stirrin' up, a stirrup cup, in a stolen sterling stein.
    When I chanced upon a ladle, who was once my valentine.
    Oh whence that wench?
    My whence, quoth I.
    She blushed and said
    Oh, Sir!
    Oh daddy isn't stirrin' since my momma's been in stir!"

    While Steve, being the obstinate stick in the head that we both are, tried to drown me out as well with
    "You said they were coming to take you away, for all your kind unselfish deeds.
    We're both mangy mutts, 'cause I just wait, they got me yet.
    And when they did, they put me in the ASPCA with mutt and Jeff. And..."
    He insisted the words were those, and I didn't want to hear the wrong lyrics.
    Anyway, Steve, you LOST the bet and YOU OWE ME the left foot from a Palmer DoubleCrisp Lil'Crispy chocolaty bunny and — ONE DOLLAR — AND NINE CENTS!

    Rope Bridge line

    3D, Penny Press, Hollywood Tower Hotel Gift Shop, Disney California Adventure, animated

    3D, Penny Press, Hollywood Tower Hotel Gift Shop, Disney California Adventure, animated
    Keep an eye on the power.

    What if there was a lightning strike?
    What if there were a darkening strike?
    What if you booked a class action suite, with a sliver view?
    [crosseye stereograph, see 3D with your right eye on the left image, and left on right.]
    Rope Bridge line

    Rope Bridge line

    Updated on 2012.11.03.
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