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Decoder Cards

A free Collectible souvenir and
simple translation guide for the weary tourist

Preview half sheet, decoder A download

Download decoder A — The very first decoders were cheat-sheets duplicated two-to-a-page on common copier paper, then divided to 5½x8½ inch half-sheets which were distributed exclusively to guests of the the Second Annual Passholder special event night, December 1994. You may notice that the snake is wearing a Santa cap. The line was two hours long that night for the privilege of examining ONLY THE QUEUE, and the opportunity to view a stationary Troop Transport while interviewing a reception line of the attraction creators - a truly distinguished panel of Imagineers. But there were no riders that winter night and a great many disappointed guests with dashed hopes and expectations of being the first to ride.

The decoding alphabet pairing is ringed by Marabic text around the perimeter which, when transliterated, reads "Tis this season That spirit Mara promises to give you one of three gifts in the coming year - the gift of earthly riches the gift of eternal youth or the gift of [future knowledge is missing — wiz]
But beware if look not into the eyes of Mara or your destiny lies beyond the gates of doom in the pit of bubbling death"

Decoder B — There was also another, similar decoder which was re-printed for the press and preview dignitaries on yellowish paper with no Santa cap nor bottom line of Marabic text.

Castmember and press-preview event "Passports" — The next decoders were white folders approximating the size of international travel passports. They were distributed to castmembers during their exclusive preview, a night of fun designed to help shakedown the attraction crew and smooth out loading and operation issues. They were included in the press kit on Press-preview day as well. Each passport holder could ride only once during these popular yet exclusive events. If the guest displayed an unstamped passport they were allowed into the queue. The passport was stamped like a visa inside the front cover by a "Boarder Officer" immediately after disembarking with large red stamp in the shape of the Amulet of Mara.

Opening Day Special Event Passport FrontOpening Day Special Event Passport Back40 Years of Adventure Commemorative Passport Front
40 Years of Adventure Commemorative Passport Back
Merf! and Yert! According to Maurice and Pinky.
Commemorative Passports
Indiana Jones Adventure Front & Back admission media for the exclusive March 3, 1995 premier event participation in Adventureland.
40 Years of Adventure Front & Back admission media for the exclusive July 17, 1995 anniversary event participation and seating.

Event Pass & Opening Day Special Event DecoderOpening Day Decoder and Special Ticketed Event Pass — On March 3, 1995, the opening day, guests presenting the Indiana Jones Adventure Special Event Passport for admission at Main Gate were welcomed with a gift bag and their name was printed on a clear sticker attached to this special event pass/decoder attached to lanyards that hung 'round the neck which allowed them to pass into the walled off Adventureland to schmooze with the celebrities and enjoy the lavish premier party hosted by at&t. The special decoder had a loosely spinning disk mounted on its face, which when turned to point to the Marabic letter, would expose the plaintext letter under the spinning disk through the hole within the iris of the eye printed on the disk.

"Tan" decoder — The first publicly distributed card has "Know the Code dial 10-ATT" on the back. Tan' one you see above and at the beginning of these pages which has 'Know the Code dial 10-ATT' on the back.

Rainbow line.
Large 'Tan' Decoder Back
Large "Tan" Decoder Front "Tan" Decoder 1 front This is the first publicly distributed, or "Tan" decoder card. It was distributed to guests at the Adventureland Marquee of the attraction entrance just under the sign where castmembers check for the original height restriction of 48 inches against the crate mounted with a stone cobra to which a child should come up to the pair of sharp fangs (why the snake was later de-fanged was a predictable no brainer.)
These 'Indy Decoder Cards' provided by AT&T, the sponsor of the attraction (on the back of the card,) were offered to guests to assist them in deciphering the petroglyphs adorning the walls.

Large "Green" Decoder Front
The next was the "Green" one that had the troop transport bursting over the foliage of ferns and elephant ear plants while escaping from the giant cobra. "Know the Code, dial 10-10-ATT" is on the back.

Large "Red" Decoder Front
The next was the "Red" one. On the front is the troop transport crossing the rope bridge over the molten lava filled pit of bubbling death with rats cowering and leaping from the rope on the right. On the back is 'Dial 1 800 CALL ATT for collect calls'.
It occurs to me, and this is unverified, that the decoder card would have remained the same if it weren't for the need to update the backs. When the attraction opened the sponsor's main push in advertising was a response to changes in long distance access. They wanted to recapture lost long distance revenues that were being eaten away by new "10 access" competitors.
But then federal regulations changed and telephone users needed to dial "10-10-" to select an alternate long distance carrier. Then, the focus of the market changed with competition from "1-800-COLLECT" so the sponsor of the Indiana Jones Adventure, AT&T, decided to update the backs once again to "1-800-CALL-ATT". When their attraction sponsorship contract ran out, AT&T no longer provided the cards to each guest. Adventureland suddenly became easier to clean.

Anniversary Decoder March 3, 2020 FrontAnniversary Decoder March 3, 2020 Back Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye

Second (common) Future Adventurer StickerFuture Adventurer First (misprint) Future Adventurer Stickerstickers were also placed on the youths who were too short to ride and parents were handed a
Child Switch Pass (English)Child Switch Child Switch Pass (Spanish)pass allowing one parent to walk the queue while the other waited and watched the children until the first came out. Then one or two would use the pass by walking into the exit. This allows the parents to enjoy the adventure while the children remained safe. The stickers were only a consolation for having to wait without riding.

101 Exit Pass frontExit 101 Exit Pass backPasses were handed to those guests who had been in line or riding the attraction and decided not to wait for another ride when, on increasingly rarer occasions, the attraction would E-stop and guests would be walked off and the wait to "clean up" and restart the attraction was more than a half hour or so.

First Day Issue, Indiana Jones Adventure pin backed badge, buttonBadge or Button Although this is technically a pin-backed badge, I still refer to them colloquially as buttons. This is the only thing on this page that was for sale, $1.50 in 1995 in the Indiana Jones Adventure Outpost. Everything else on this page was selectively distributed at no charge.
The Disneyland Paper Collection at has more historical Disneyland ephemera.

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<8=o)-BACK— to Collector.

Rope Bridge line

Updated on 2012.12.12.

Rope Bridge line

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