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A Hand Up! Not a Handout.

A Hand Up! Not a Handout.

That's right! Your deductible donation to the performing arts goes straight into the hat, and one hundred percent of administration fees are not enough to keep the magic alive. If you have ever giggled silly from too much fun or taken an idea to heart then now is the season to put something back. If you have enjoyed the show or merely walked by, even if you didn't have a penny in your pocket at the time, please pledge your support of starving artists now. The magic can only be kept alive by donations from viewers like you.

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And Now Back To The Show

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You found the easter egg!

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Your Prize is:

Jonny Rocks!

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Your desire to go back the way you came earned you this FABULOUS BONUS!

Now look! It's the show! It's the show!

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Big Messy Show.
As I was, after having taped a very interesting Parade of Dreams, which didn't stop for the show until the end float, Mickey and the fab 5 in Sleeping Beauty's Castle float, was in front of the Opera House. There may have been some professional video taping occurring. As the parade ended, I set the three cameras into time lapse, one in wide field and two as a stereo pair in telephoto down Main Street. So, when I got bored of watching dusk overtake Main Street Square, I sauntered around Coke Corner. Lo and Behold! 'Tis Jonny and Stan working up to a four hand ragtime performance! Shazam, three cameras in action, Wizard on the spot. (I'm a walking production studio. Not on purpose, it just worked out that way.) Later Jonny stomped his song so long and strong that my camera went Ka-BONG! The face close up camera walked itself right off of the end of the piano hinge. I will spare you the trauma of seeing the tape loaded into THAT camera. That of watching a camera worth a grand go permanently static. Eech... Anyhoo, you hoo, we all boo hoo. 'Ceptin' meself, I done Wailed. Security cleared their trouble ticket, three cameras, weird with a beard in a bowler at Coke Corner. When the kindly gentleman approached I knew it was more than to wish me a magical Disney day. 'Cause it was nighttime.
So here's the big messy show. (or order a la carte below.)

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The REAL Entertainer!.
Jonny plinks out some sassy sophisticated improvisations on a Joplin Classic! O.K. so he missed a few notes. There is real talent here, which is unusual because if REAL TALENT bit Disney Resort Casting in the rear end, not only could they not recognize it, but they would have it detained and questioned if not arrested.
"Why do you have three cameras?" he got right to the point. "Um... " I pondered "I don't know. It's not like I publish them or anything. I go home and watch them, sometimes my nephew likes to watch them too. He has autism and crowd situations overwhelm him." Still thinking about it I volunteered "Oh, and I gave a copy to him." indicating Mr. Long, who appears next. I wanted to than him for allowing my peace of mind with his exceedingly fine security presence. Instead he was busy with something more important and marched away with his partner, leaving me feeling less secure.

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Baby Medley and then Jonny BOOGIES!.
Starting with Baby Face and I Want a Girl Just Like The Girl That Married Dear Old Dad

Then proceeds to boogie out fabulously. It's a bumpin' with a beatin'. Which sure bears repeatin'.
Jonny Boogies! so well that you can put your blues astride.

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Jonny Boogies!.
so well that you can put your blues astride. Let us listen once more.

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Mr. Long tries to top Jonny..
With a medley starting in "Chopsticks", Stan cuts loose a phinger phlyin' phat Phizzle! So, trippy to his phingers.

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Four hands, now THAT'S RAGTIME! Peacherine Rag
Make light your soul, as yonder children break. Who wouldn't be happy, and who could stay angry, at the sound of this tune? Was it not Steve Martin in his "Wild and Crazy" tour doth spake "Who could stay mad listening to a banjo?"

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Updated on 09/09/2009.
For less information visit PROFILE at youtube.
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