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Avenue of Voices

Avenue of voices:

3D, Avenue of Voices, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:31 THE EYE OF MARA SEES DECEIT

This is on the stone joist above the small dent that the rolling boulder repeatedly bounced off of at the bend in the avenue of voices.


The above two inscriptions are reminders that the deity knows when you are napping, it knows when you're untrue. Much like Christopher Kringle.


These four warnings are thought to have been spoken by the Servants of Mara while leading the devout to what was apparently a solid wall before blindfolding or similarly rendering the pilgrims unable to see. This was for their own protection as there is an eye petroglyph on the right above a door where the servants would exit carrying the tribute and fresh servants would emerge from the left door to guide the pilgrim the remainder of the journey. Leather documents have been recovered to indicate that the pilgrim was questioned about seeing the eye so far and those who had were turned away with their tribute in hand. This changed rapidly when Mara became one with the Jewel of Power and the servants sent unfaithful pilgrims away empty handed. This was a vast hall where the stones have been rubbed smooth by knees and other flesh. The documents indicate the name 'the avenue of voices' was not the original name and was replaced when people kept leaning over to those on their way out and asking "How was it?" Responses varied, with samples of youngsters replying "Worth the wait." Heavily laden samples replying "I'm coming back to do it again." and the remainder saying "Awesome, Dude. Knawrly thrash! It was kewel!" which has yet to be deciphered.

Hidden Mickey Avenue Of VoicesThe first warning: "The eye of Mara sees deceit." is on the stone riser just above the depression where the large rolling boulder repeatedly slammed into the wall. The next is on the opposite riser, and further down the last two are near the ceiling just before the pictograph of the three common motifs found throughout the temple of the Amulet of Future Knowledge, the Bowl of Earthly Riches and the Fountain of Eternal Youth. Small wooden signs indicate a word that has remained unchanged in meaning or content in over four millennia. And our last observation of this hall is once again the green 'M's rotated 90 degrees to the north, not 'I's, so it is safe to look at these.

Last year, 1935, Abner Ravenwood came through and blasted the top off of this hall so that the large rolling boulder would no longer reset and endanger the tourists. The boulder here had a clever mechanism, ingenious like all of the other self powered devices found within.

The boulder is released by the slacking of a vine of unknown family, without visible roots or leaves but definitely alive. This trigger stretches from the Obelisk of Doom where the roots may be to beyond the Gates of Doom where some claim to have seen foliage disappear into (hearsay and unverified as no one has returned from there.) It has been said the vine relaxes and expands its length when touched.

When the boulder reaches the end of the hall, pressure from the enormous weight of it forces the locks (large wooden doors which seal the chamber from the seeping river water, like on a dry-dock.) to open, it rolls onto a stone raft tipping valves open and the inrushing water presses the locks (now wooden doors) closed, thus flooding the cistern and when [the rolling boulder] reaching the top tips the raft, the boulder rolls off, and down a channel to its original position resetting the trap.

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3D, Avenue of Voices, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:31

3D, Avenue of Voices, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:31 View to the Outside Indiana Jones Adventure Queue Indiana Jones Adventure Queue Vines in the Indy Queue Indiana Jones Adventure Queue Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye Rope ladder out of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye "The Eye of Mara Never Sleeps" Hidden Message, Avenue of Voices, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.06.09 00:08 "The Eye of Mara Sees Deceit" Hidden Message, Avenue of Voices, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.06.09 00:08 "Fortune Favors the Pure of Heart" Hidden Message, Avenue of Voices, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.06.09 00:08 "Fortune Favors the Pure of Heart" Hidden Message, Avenue of Voices, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.06.09 00:08 "Fortune Favors the Pure of Heart" Hidden Message, Avenue of Voices, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.06.09 00:08 "Look Not with Your Eyes but with Your Heart" Hidden Message, Avenue of Voices, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.06.09 00:08 Indiana Jones Temple Of The Forbidden Eye Line Cue Decorations 12 Indiana Jones Temple Of The Forbidden Eye Line Cue Decorations 11 Hidden Mickey Avenue Of Voices mara
Updated on 2012.11.02.

Rope Bridge line

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