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The SHADOW betrays!

The Shadow Betrays
Cross-eye optical comparison:
To view - First, hold your head level, then cross your eyes until the images match up. View right image with the left eye and left with right.

[Hint: you can see around the edges if you move your head from side to side.
The temple will seem to sway within the background. —Ed]
The Shadow Betrays

The Shadow in the doorway is too long. This is an artifact of removing the images of folks standing at the door in the original, Disney copyrighted, shot. The shadow falls on a long diagonal as if the entrance were a tunnel.

The entrance is truly only as thick as the door pillar. It is also missing a mains powerline from the doorway to the generator. More jungle is added over the exit queue, that was successful. But you can still barely make out the 'Slide for Life' cable rising to the right from the stairway to the top right corner of the image. There is only one human in this image, muted for disguise. On the railing is a disembodied hand to the left of the doorway, and a disembodied pair of legs to the right, just below the railing.

Now you know how to cross your eyes to rapidly distinguish differences. You can use this with "Spot the Difference" games on restaurant place-mats and funny pages.

End of Road —CGI, out.

p.s. If you died here it is because you don't have the SECRET UNDERGROUND PASSAGE genius password which can be found elsewhere on this site. It's a spoiler though, detailed descriptions of hardware, backstage images from underneath the track at the buss-bar, stereo views of me riding the snake like a bronco buster at Gilley's, and so forth. In other words, pretty boring stuff.


Guests visiting the Indiana Jones™ Adventure at Disneyland decide if they should dare enter the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. Built long ago in tribute to the deity, Mara, the temple offers the "pure of heart" one of three magical gifts. However, ancient legend also issues a stern warning: "A terrible fate awaits those who gaze upon the eyes of Mara!" as they might be vaporized by beams of fire or face other horrors such as screaming mummies, creepy crawlies, ravenous rodents, and poisonous darts.

templeVanish.gif 426K

— Official photo and caption
© 1995 Disneyland Publicity
[† by fair use.]

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Updated on 2012.11.02.

Rope Bridge line

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— ©Copyright DisneyWizard 1995-2025 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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