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Dangerous penetrating spikes

pierce unwary travelers from the crushing ceiling.

Mind Thy Head!
Mind Thy Head

Here in the spike chamber there are several mis-adventurers hired by Belloq who remain that haven't successfully journeyed past the test of this penetrating dilemma. The experience is much like the one in the second IJ motion picture "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" where Willie breaks a fingernail before she is required to reach into the bug coated hole to release the spikes descending upon our hero except that this time you are convoluted, giving new meaning to entomology.

Rolling Door in Indy spikeSign
is this a duplicate of
3D, Spike Chamber, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, enhanced, 2009.02.23 13:34
Dangerous penetrating spikes pierce unwary travelers from the crushing stone ceiling above and the solid plot below. Dangerous penetrating spikes pierce unwary travelers from the crushing stone ceiling above and the solid plot below.
Rickety Bamboo Pole supports ceiling
Be especially careful here because many of the spikes are poisoned. Especially taking care to pay special attention to the weak and bending bamboo pole [hint, hint] that supports the ceiling. There are no petroglyphs here. It is doubtful that anyone would have time to scribe them into the stone.

3D, Spike Chamber, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, enhanced, 2009.02.23 13:34
This long, flexible bamboo pole that reaches from floor to ceiling next to the sign that reads "Don't touch pole" has its own history, half of which is somewhere else. The pole takes time to reset and the impatient pilgrims tend to corrupt this fixture frequently.

[The pole that suspends the ceiling is under the lightbulb.]

Bamboo Pole "Danger, DO NOT TOUCH POLE"
Dangerous penetrating spikes pierce unwary travelers from the crushing ceiling.
Dangerous penetrating spikes pierce unwary travelers from the crushing ceiling. spikeright1 pole_1 3D, Entrance to Spike Chamber, Rolling Stone Gate, Indiana Jones™ Adventure, The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, California, Anaheim, Disneyland®, Adventureland, Enhanced, 2009.02.23 13:34 3D, Rolling Stone Gate, Entrance to Spike Chamber, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:34 3D, Spike Chamber, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, enhanced, 2009.02.23 13:34 3D, Spike Chamber, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:34 3D, Spike Chamber, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, enhanced, 2009.02.23 13:34 3D, Spike Chamber, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:34 3D, Spike Chamber, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, enhanced, 2009.02.23 13:34 3D, Spike Chamber, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, enhanced, 2009.02.23 13:34 <8=o)-BACK— to Journal
Adventurers, spike chamber, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - Temple of the Forbidden Eye queue.



If the pole is installed, kindly wait about a minute for the ceiling to reset, about thirty seconds after the sounds of reset stop.
Have someone else push or pull the pole enough to feel the 'click'. More often than not impatient guests have destroyed this wonderful feature by hanging and banging on the pole without waiting for it to reset, not realizing that it is truly very sensitive.

It is fabricated of a hard vulcanized rubber center coated in a foam insulation and then an ingenious fiberglass in resin that remains resilient.
Because the resin must remain flexible, the hardener is sparse, and the pole, when manufactured, takes several weeks to cure, long enough that it won't stick to the guests hands. When one is broken, it takes a long time to replace and several tens of thousand guests are denied it's thrills.

<8=o)-BACK— to Journal.
Updated on 2012.12.06.

Rope Bridge line

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