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Indiana Jones Adventure Facts & Figures

Name of Ride: The Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye

Opening Date: March 3, 1995

Where: Disneyland, Anaheim, California

Estimated Cost: $100 million

Where in D-Land: Sandwiched between Jungle Cruise and Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse in Adventureland.

Where it Takes You: To the recently discovered Temple of the Forbidden Eye deep within the dense jungles of the Lost Delta of India. (No, don't look for it in your atlas.) It's 1935, and famous archaeologist Indiana Jones has just begun exploring the temple to which "many have come, but few have returned". Mara, the temple's deity, offers three rewards: knowledge of the future, wealth or eternal youth. But beware: Do NOT look into the eye of Mara.

The Ride in a Nutshell: A winding path filled with fantastic ruins, special effects, explanatory information and intrigue leads you deeper and deeper inside the temple, where you are whisked through its darkest, most dangerous chambers on a rickety jeep with Indy's pal Sallah as your guide. (It's a given of course, that some numbskull in your party looks directly into Mara's eyes, so nobody's spared his considerable wrath.)

The "Pre-Ride" part of the Attraction: Working with photographs of Cambodian and Indian temples, artists have fashioned a subterranean maze of wonders. Mixed in among broken pottery and artifacts are Buddha-like figures and other faux objets d'art.

Highlights along the way include a puffing generator, a spike chamber, a rotunda painted with a fresco of Mara, a cavern with simulated stalagmites and stalactites and a screening room that plays mock newsreels explaining the legend. Disney planners have cleverly taken advantage of the ride's location by opening holes in the ceiling to reveal the lush foliage surrounding the Jungle Cruise next door.

Number of Rooms in the "Ride" Part of the Attraction: 11.

These are supposed to attract people?

Number of Human Skulls (fake, Disney assures us): 2,000.

Number of Snakes (sculpted, carved, painted or audio-animatronic): 2,129.

Special Effects (besides snakes): Fire, explosions, a crumbling ceiling, a lava pit, bugs, scurrying rats and a runaway boulder. Something for every masochist.

How Long its Been in the Works: Planning began in 1982; ground was broken in August 1993.

How Many People Have Been Working on it: About 400.

How Many People Will it Hold: About 2,400 per hour.

Length of "Pre-Ride": One hour.

Length of Ride: 3 minutes, 20 seconds.

"Marabic petroglyphs": Disney engineers created a language of translatable hieroglyphics. The ride's sponsor, AT&T, will distribute decoding information to promote the attraction.

Capacity: 2,400 temple visitors per hour.

Vehicles: 16, with a maximum of 15 - one dispatched every 18 seconds - cycling through the attraction at one time.

Rolling Boulder: 16 feet in diameter.

Moving the Monorail: The Disneyland monorail was closed down while a quarter-mile portion was realigned to accommodate the ride.

Fitting it In: The line for the 2.2 million-cubic-foot Adventureland attraction weaves between the Jungle Cruise and Pirates of the Caribbean. the one-eighth-mile-long path leads visitors to the main ride area, which was built on an old portion of the parking lot.

Motion Control: The "troop transports" use an internal motion system with nearly 160,000 possible ride variations. Random movements are created without relying on the track.

Sound Effects: A synchronized, on-board sound system with two speakers per rider gives full stereo sound with cued special effects added.

Enhancing the Ride: Visual and sound effects are triggered by the vehicle passing over sensors in the track.

How It Compares: Other motion simulation rides have stationary setups that move in with visuals on a screen.

What's Inside: Chamber of Destiny, Hall of Promise, Tunnel of Torment, Gates of Doom, Cavern of Bubbling Death, Mummy Chamber, Bug Room, Snake Temple, Rat Cave, Dart Corridor, and Rolling Boulder Finale.

Jones (and Related Disney) Trivia:

You'll see Indy thrice during the ride (well, as close as Disney Imagineers can muster, anyway) and he's programmed to say a bunch of different things: "Next time you're on your own" and "You were good in there - you were very good," for example.

Not every ride vehicle takes the same route, so the experience will vary - 27 versions are chosen randomly by computer for visitors, and 160,000 variations are possible.

Disney has come up with a new technology for the ride. Called an "enhanced motion system," it's an array of movement generators mounted on each tour jeep that simulate a bumpy, out-of-control trip.

As much as $20 million will have been spent on advertising by the time the ride opens. Late last year, Walt Disney Co. Chairman Michael Eisner trumpeted that no one living west of the Mississippi River would escape the marketing blitz. After reviewing all the pieces of Disney's promotional campaign, Disneyland's marketing vice president, Michele Reese, has upgraded Eisner's assessment to simply "no one alive." One thing is certain: The campaign is the biggest ever for the theme park.

Amusement Business, a trade magazine, said Disneyland attendance sagged 10 percent in 1994 to 10.3 million.

Highlights of the media blitz: For several months, National Rental Car commercials have featured scenes from the attraction. CBS television will air a special on the making of the ride in tandem with the final installment of the Indy trilogy, "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," on March 7, four days after the ride opens. Disney's Indiana Jones Adventure song and stunt presentation will be seen by more than 100 million viewers on ABC TV as the halftime show at the Super Bowl [review: Can Indiana Jones Save The Super Bowl?]. Indiana Jones displays will grace the windows of Disney's 348 retail stores. Inside, customers will be able to purchase Indiana Jones items such as replicas of his famous hat. In the Western United States, Disney will produce a traveling Indiana Jones display and mini-stunt show that will stop at many of the malls where the stores are located, starting this month. Finally, the Disney Channel, the company's cable television outlet, will air several Indiana Jones Adventure programs.

Information compiled from: The Orange County Register, Friday, February 24, 1995 Show Weekend Section
Courtesy of Sean's Disneyland Page -by Sean Perkins
Updated on 2012.11.04.

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