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EntryInscription over the doorway into the entry to temple:

Beware   the   eye   of   Mara   
Beware the eye of Mara.

The first word "Beware" is separated by an ocular eye petroglyph. Do not examine this eye! It is a thought catcher and direct viewing of any open eye is forbidden. Perhaps this is due to the culture on which this society was based, direct eye contact was considered rude and disrespectful. This includes any open eye in the temple, either inscribed or living.

More 3D Please

Crosseye Freeviewing stereography requires no equipment like special glasses. It meerly requires one to be able to flip the switch in their head, and be able to place the left eye on the right image and the right eye on the left. If you get it, then you will enjoy them deeply. Else if you don't get it, then just enjoy the each half of the pictures individually, and keep your intelligence test results to yourself.

Sawyer's View-Master. Are you seeing double?

If you are still having trouble seeing Three Dimensionally, click here for a quick flix of your brain switch
With "Cross-eye Freeviewing" you can enjoy the rest of the site, no 3D glasses required. It's like View-Master — without having to share.

3D, Booby Trapped Stairs, Lost Delta Camp, Indiana Jones™ Adventure, The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:18

Entry stone reads: Beware - the eye of Mara
Entry stone reads: Beware - the eye of Mara
Beware   the   eye   of   Mara   

Beware the eye of Mara.

Look not into the eye of Mara and you shall receive the gift of eternal youth, earthly riches or future knowledge.
Look not into the eye of Mara and you shall receive the gift of eternal youth, earthly riches or future knowledge.
Look   not   into   the   eye   of   Mara   and   you   shall receive   the   gift   of   eternal   youth   earthly   riches   or   future   knowledge   
Look not into the eye of Mara and you shall receive the gift of eternal youth, earthly riches or future knowledge
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Rope Bridge line

Updated on 2012.11.04.

Rope Bridge line

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