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—(o=8>Cave 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14 Random Acts 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15<8=o)—

Indiana Jones™ and the Secrets of the Stone Tiger Revealed!
Stone Tiger Story
(Storytelling staged in Aladdin's Oasis.)

Here, sit close and I'll tell you a story.
A tribute to the Summer of Hidden Mysteries.

Indiana Jones and The Stone Tiger Fall

Through the dense fog machine vapor our hero miscounts the steps, colapses a light behind the tiger tooth and over-reaches the next step. Faceplant to concrete later he then drags his exposed and broken tibia across those teeth and the show must go on. This was then become finale as Rachael is applauded for rescuing Indiana Jones and for this one very special performance - remains heroine. And Indy could use some heroine just about now as the shock subsides, and a morphine subdural.

Indiana Jones & The Stone Tiger part 1

Indiana Jones & The Stone Tiger part 2

Indiana Jones & the Secret of the Stone Tiger (1 of 2)

Indiana Jones & the Secret of the Stone Tiger (2 of 2)

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Stone Tiger 1 of 2

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Stone Tiger 2 of 2

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Stone Tiger, Part 1

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Stone Tiger, Part 2

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Part 1

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Part 2

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Part 3

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Part 4

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Part 5

Indiana Jones summer mystery show @ Disneyland

Aladdin's Oasis playlist

Sawyer's View-Master. Are you seeing double?

If you are still having trouble seeing Three Dimensionally, click here for a quick flix of your brain switch
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—NEXT-(o=8> to Random Acts (Stunt Show).
<8=o)-BACK— to Tiger (Photographs).
<8=o)-BACK— to Disneyland.
<8=o)-BACK— to Journal.
Updated on 2012.10.19.
—(o=8>Cave 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14 Random Acts 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15<8=o)—

Rope Bridge line

Write a message to Rev. Dr. Wizard ďIsneyThe Wizard of Indiana Jones
— ©Copyright DisneyWizard 1995-2025 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Journal: Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye
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Disneyland®s Indiana Jones™ Adventure

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