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—(o=8>Cave 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14 Random Acts 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15<8=o)—

Indiana Jones™ and the Secrets of the Stone Tiger Revealed!

Here, sit close and I'll tell you a story.
A tribute to the Summer of Hidden Mysteries.

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Banner over entrance of Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:49

The Tour That Has Spanned the Globe
Secrets of the Stone Tiger Revealed!
Special Guest Speaker
Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr.

Putting aside the fact that Disneyland celebrated the 2008 release of the long awaited fourth film in the series with a "Summer of Indiana Jones" Adventureland overlay by ripping off my website concept wholesale and trivializing it into children's storytelling in the Aladdin's Oasis venue, I'll re-rip them off and tell the tale here for the sake of historical completeness.

Indiana Jones Show banner at Disneyland

Contest symbol, Summer of Indiana Jones™, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.06.14 11:17

On this contest map it indicates "D" is at the Indiana Jones Adventure Outpost, seen behind the map. There are six symbols. Each symbol represents a word, and the pair can be matched on the back of the map. There are also six phrases with a missing word blank indicated by A-G where the symbol matched word is replaced. The treasure hunt contest accepted correct entries with all six correctly completed phrases for a drawing to win prizes. I treasured my map, so instead of completing the contest, I participated, but kept the document pristine. Was the map in hand really worth the two in the bushland? "You can keep the box, or trade it for what is behind curtain number 3, where lovely Carol Merril is standing." I keep cake in box, not eat it, comrade.

Contest symbol, Summer of Indiana Jones™, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.06.14 11:17

There it is, the contest symbol is on a shelf above the balcony. It looks like a letter p with a four spike mohawk haircut.

contest symbol, Indiana Jones™ and the Summer of Hidden Mysteries, Jungle Cruise, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:43

Contest Symbols
are scattered throughout Adventureland. This one over the entrance to Jungle Cruise.

contest symbol, Indiana Jones™ and the Summer of Hidden Mysteries, South Sea Traders roof, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:43

contest symbol, Indiana Jones™ and the Summer of Hidden Mysteries, Adventureland Bazaar, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:41

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, sign, Aladdin's Oasis courtyard, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:53

Indiana Jones™
Summer of
Hidden Mysteries
Please enter the
courtyard here for
Secret of the
Stone Tiger
Thank you.

Guests are directed to lounge in the courtyard until the next show begins.

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, sign, Aladdin's Oasis courtyard, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:53

Indiana Jones™
Summer of
Hidden Mysteries
Please enter the
courtyard here for
Secret of the
Stone Tiger
Thank you.

The line is moving, let's go find our seats.

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:15

The theatre fills.

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:15

Waiting at the Temple of Sher Dil for Dr. Rachael Fenry

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:15

Almost ready.

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:15

All set?

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:15

The show begins.

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:20

Rachael wrings her ring.

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:20

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:21

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:21

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:21

The clue must be Earth!

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:22

That was close!

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:22

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:23

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:23

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:24

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:24

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:24

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:26

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:27

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:27

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:31

Indiana Jones™ and the Secret of the Stone Tiger Revealed!, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:31

3D, Marquee, Aladdin's Oasis conversion to "Secrets of the Stone Tiger Revealed" show during Summer of Indiana Jones™, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008,06,14 11.10

3D, Indiana Jones™, Secrets of the Stone Tiger Revealed, storytelling show in Aladdin's Oasis for the Summer of Indiana Jones™, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, color Slow Shutter, 2008.06.09 00:34

3D, Showtimes sign, Indiana Jones™, Secrets of the Stone Tiger Revealed, storytelling show in Aladdin's Oasis for the Summer of Indiana Jones™, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, color slow shutter, 2008.06.09 00:35

3D, Banner, Indiana Jones™, Secrets of the Stone Tiger Revealed, storytelling show in Aladdin's Oasis for the Summer of Indiana Jones™, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, color Slow Shutter, 2008.06.09 00:35

3D, Indiana Jones™ & the Secret of the Stone Tiger, cave, Aladdin's Oasis, Adventureland,  Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2008.05.26 15:31

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Oficial Disneyland® Indiana Jones™ Summer of Mysteries preview
The comming attractions of videos seen on the
next page.

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Updated on 2012.10.19.
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Rope Bridge line

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