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Studied Experts


and fan apprecation.

Honored Fellow Travelers
Rescue AdventuRangers
Folks who helped along the way.
Frank Wells advises Mark Turner about upcomming Indiana Jones Adventure. Frank Wells advises Mark Turner about upcomming spectacular Indiana Jones Adventure just before groundbreaking on July 17, 1990.
I would also like to thank Frank Wells for all of his encouragement to develop this website.
Mark Shaw - Imagine. Mark Shaw "Imagine!" host, and he was the host of "The Scheme of Things, among many other accomplisments."
Barney Morris. Barney Morris.
Thanks for your help, Daniel. Daniel Garnreiter for his help in the study of every single nook and cranny of the temple.

I'd also like to thank Michael Johns, A.K.A. Professor Johns, pictured in the top photo, wearing the pith helmet and holding the book of Jumanji, along with Daniel Garnreiter, A.K.A. Dr. Garnreiter for thier vast research assistance. Neither of these pair are doctor nor professor. They don't even act like it, they haven't studied at a university and they couldn't teach someone to tie their shoes. O.K., so I have a problem with their self appointed titles.
But OH BOY! When it comes to research in something they are interested in, like the Disneyland Indiana Jones attraction, or the Back to the Future attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood, they sure can point out thousands of significant details. Thanks guys, for your tremendous assistance.

I would also like to thank Frank Wells for all of his encouragement to develop this website.

I stole many pictures from other websites and extensively modified them, which makes the pictures displayed here my work based on the work of others. O.K., it is a legal technicality and a loophole to escape prosecution. Although I would like to thank each and every one of the unknowing contributors by listing their websites.

All of the photos of and in the Temple Attraction that come from the Disney company were supplied in their Press Kit and are displayed under fair use for promotional purposes. They are all heavily modified which makes the pictures displayed here my work based on the work of others.

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Updated on 2012.11.04.

Rope Bridge line

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