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3D, Booby Trapped Stairs, Lost Delta Camp, Indiana Jones™ Adventure, The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:18


& artifact activities.

Indiana Jones in the Lost Delta camp.

if you dare to
look into the eye
of mara you shall
be incinerated.

If you dare to
look into the eye
of Mara you shall
be incinerated.

There are tablets and statues strewn around as we walk near the booby trapped staircase leading to the entrance of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. A stripe of green decoration is on the outside walls of this staircase. The stripe contains a row of Marabic petroglyphs of what appears to be the letter 'I.' They are indeed a series of 'M's on their side. Having had future knowledge, the servants of Mara, knew that the site would be uncovered in the future under what would be Adventureland and decided to match the address number in the count of the Marabic alphabet having been directed to do so by the Omniscient Mara. This was revealed by Prof. Jones.

Many of the warning tablets have been destroyed by iconoclasts but some have been restored to their original composition and placed upright, the one at the entrance to the first rope bridge, for example:

Camp, Indy stands poised to snap snakes from the perilous path!Camp, Indy stands poised to snap snakes from the perilous path!

 Tablets by rope bridge:


There are two of these tablets. The first tablet behind the hoist block at the beginning of the rope bridge and the tablet in the foliage at the end of the rope bridge just before the entry are identical, but for aging and colouration. They were recently unearthed, restored and erected on May 23, two months after the official discovery, March third, 1935. [The tablets have since been moved near the river loading dock to prepare for shipment.


This tablet reveals a double door with a large viper in the form of a cobra, the doors are surrounded by jagged knife points. There are two of these tablets one at the center of the rope bridge, and is identical, as above, to the one on the mine car near the "No Stopping, No Looking" river landing.

Rope Bridge line

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Crosseye Freeviewing stereography requires no equipment like special glasses. It merely requires one to be able to flip the switch in their head, and be able to place the left eye on the right image and the right eye on the left. If you get it, then you will enjoy them. Else if you don't get it, then just enjoy the pictures individually, and keep your intelligence test results to yourself.

3D, Busts, Statue Excavation, Lost Delta Camp, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:18

Busts cleared of vegetation are being recorded, photographed and cataloged. Select artifacts are then prepared for shipment to the university and further close examination.

3D, Command Tent, Lost Delta Camp, Indiana Jones™ Adventure, The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:20

Our command tent, and radio. Weather can be surprisingly hot and humid, or a cold torrential downpour and rarely anything in between. The tent helps protect us from the elements, but not the mud. When the monsoon hits,excavation command moves back into the truck. The radio is useful for weather reports but most often tunes in the hit parade.

3D, Generator, Lost Delta Camp, view from Rope Bridge, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:20

Generator — It was quite a bit of trouble bringing this unwieldy equipment here, and even more trouble operating it. We dare not static test the boiler or we will be without power for months waiting for a replacement if it fails. The pressure should always be below 80 pounds per square inch, but the magneto load is so great the piston cylinder stalls under 120psi, where the safety valve blows.

3D, Brazier of Souls, view from Rope Bridge, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:23

Flaming Brazier of Souls offer tribute to the guardians of the temple, When souls are ignited and consumed they release both vis and taint (around 0.5 units/s) into the atmosphere so you do need a destroyer. Ceremonies were held honoring the serpents who protect the temple treasures, as well as feast upon the rats which plague the temple grain storage vaults. Some are very old, and VERY large. The smoke and vapor of the souls which waift across the Chamber of Elders atop the temple spire are blessed with good fortune on their journey to the heavens.

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Rope Bridge line

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3D, Busts, Statue Excavation, Lost Delta Camp, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:18 3D, Command Tent, Lost Delta Camp, Indiana Jones™ Adventure, The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:20 3D, Generator, Lost Delta Camp, view from Rope Bridge, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:20 3D, Brazier of Souls, view from Rope Bridge, Queue, Indiana Jones™ Adventure - The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:23 3D, Booby Trapped Stairs, Lost Delta Camp, Indiana Jones™ Adventure, The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Adventureland, Disneyland®, Anaheim, California, 2009.02.23 13:18 Brazers 1 <8=o)-BACK— to Journal.
Updated on 2013.03.12.

Rope Bridge line

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