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"How Daddy is doing"
With a Minimum word depth of letters.

Brendan's On-Line Anagram Generator "Over 850665 anagrams served!" Try It! Use words with at least # letter(s) to make anagrams of [contents] Tip: You can cram more letters into the input box if you omit punctuation and spaces. BRIEF EXPLANATION: This amazing program will take an English name, phrase, and so on, and rearrange the letters to form other English words! For example, "Robert Dole" becomes "Elder Robot". (Both phrases have one "R", two "O"s, one "B", and so on.) NEWS Someone else has put a Java anagram applet up on the Web; you might find it interesting… German anagrams: Here's a link to a German-language anagram generator run elsewhere on the net. French anagrams: There is also a French-language anagram generator, in case you're interested. (Thanks to Louis Geoffroy for the link!) Wordplay home page: Check out the Wordplay page if you want free PC and Unix anagram software. Phone anagrams: For an equally trivial waste of time, try my phone anagram generator as well. Length reduction: I had to reduce the maximum input phrase length to 15 characters because long anagrams were using up too much processing time on this computer. To anagram longer phrases, you can still download Wordplay and do it yourself. Bug fixed: Thanks to Darrell Kindred for finding and fixing a bug in Wordplay that he first discovered on this site. A Frequently Asked Questions list, with answers, is also available. !!! Martin's Java Applet Anagram Generator
The applet below and its compressed word list are in total 78 Kilobytes. So allow time for them to download, before thinking something has gone wrong. Note that the progress bar might take some time before it starts to fill. However if the applet does refuse to start up for some time, click on the Refresh or Reload button on your browser's toolbar.
It seems recent versions of Microsoft's Java Virtual Machine (as of December 1998) will crash when running this applet. To work around this bug switch off Microsoft's JIT compiler. Select Internet Options from the View menu of Internet Explorer. Click the Advanced tab and look for the Java VM section. Uncheck the Java JIT compiler enabled box. Then quit all open Internet Explorer windows and load this page again.

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