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From - Mon Dec 28 19:48:04 1998
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Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 19:49:11 -0700
From: The Wizard of Pinball
Organization: Practically perfect in every way.
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Subject: <8=o) How would you like to own a parrot?  [Happy New Year]  (o=8>
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I was working as magician on Star Dancer, a cruise ship in the Pacific. The audience was different each week, so I allowed myself to do the same tricks over and over again. There was only one problem: the captain's parrot saw the shows each week and began to understand how each and every one of my tricks worked. Once he understood, he started shouting in middle of the show:
  • "Look, it's not the same hat!"
  • "Look, he's hiding the flowers under the table."
  • "Hey, why are all the cards the ace of spades?"
  • Well, needless to say, I was furious but there was nothing I could do.
    It was, after all, the captain's parrot.
    One day the ship had an accident. It struck it's own anchor while under way.
    The anchor ripped along the side and then when the crew tried to winch it
    back the ship split down the center and sank.  There I was
    on a piece of wood
    in the middle of the sea
    with, of all people and as fate would have it,
    the parrot
    who looked very old, and could have been the very same parrot
    that I used to throw rocks at while a student at Redondo Union High School
    or shoot my blanks at while skippering Jungle Cruise. We stared at each other with hatred
    but niether of us uttered a word. This went on for a day and then another.
    After the second bitter cold night and now exposed directly under the brutal sun
    I was thankfull that I didn't nail him earlier. Just as comming to terms with being
    freeze-dried parrot food or freeze-dried with a gut-full of parrot, I made my move.
    As I lunged the parrot finally spoke:

          "OK, I give up. Where's the boat?

    Hello, I'm the Wizard of Pinball.  No, not Tommy, he's the Pinball Wizard, and he's also deaf, dumb, and blind due to childhood trauma.  I'm the other guy.  The one with the weird hats ("Hey Rocky, gotta get another hat!") The magician who hates magicians.  The one who messes up each and every trick I do [as part of the show] revealing the secrets.
    I'm over fourty years of age pathetically living with my folks, a part time entertainer, and programmer for JPL.  I've been performing since age seven, and spent several summers working Hollywood Blvd. in the vacant lot at the corner of Cherokee from the time Magoo's burned down until a strip mall of souvenier stands was built.

    What makes a good pitch?  (i.e., where should/shouldn't I try to busk?) Good places to busk: In the middle of the street before a parade.  Bad places to busk: In the middle of the street any other time.

    Bad situations to try and busk in. When 20 gang members rush the show, overwhelming the performer in order to steal something, or in a town with strong enforcement of anti-panhandling laws, like Hollywood.

    The busker-audience relationship.

    Busking legalities across the country.

    Busking protocol

    What tricks do buskers use?

    Rules & Regulations in different cities


    Travelling Partners

    The effect of busking on a relationship

    Female buskers

    Busking parents/Children of buskers

    Busking seasons/Chistmas busking

    Mainstream view of Buskers

    Police and busking

    Buskers organizing/march on Washington(!!!)

    Jealousy of good buskers/territorial fears

    Busker-Busker ethics & relationship


    Using volunteers

    Using comedy

    Generating ideas

    Busking & selling something

    Busking for kids

    Busking at beaches

    Busking outside sporting events

    Music & sound

    Grand finales

    Renaissance fairs

    "World Theater"  (east + west traditions)

    Busking in a new town

    Gypsy/Rom roots:  history & present day Gypsies

    Busking resources

    Books on Busking

    Building a routine

    Getting applause


    &that's all he wrote.
    ©The Wizard of Pinball.  Remove NOSPAM to reply.
    Visit the less than FABULOUS
    The Wizard of Pinball online.    Pasadena, California area Buskers.
    Magic, Music, Mayhem.        (o=8>           News of the street scene.

    Updated on 2012.11.04.
    Rope Bridge line

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