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Rope Bridge line

Q: Considering the sun never sets on the Disney Park empire; what Disney Park Railway has no locomotive? (no engine, no motor)
research your answer.

Jan-Eric Nyström's 1:8 scale Baldwin 4-4-0
#3003 Project Eccentric Gear Movie Jan-Eric Nyström's 1:8 scale Baldwin 4-4-0 #3003 The 3003 Project recreates an engine used near his home in Helsinki, Finland. This Live Steam model was built entirely from scratch using drawings in his national archives.

Not quite a 'how to' since many of his projects are unsafe like building a homemade foundry to cast the wheels from his handmade forms, this site details many of the processes he used to fabricate parts of his working model. The movie he made (right) is an underside view of the eccentric gear that connects to the Johnson bar in the cab and controls the valve timing from full compression forward, through expansion forward, neutral, expansion reverse, and full compression reverse.

The large brass spring housing attached to the frame (top) helps torque the rod that lifts the adjustible Stephenson valve gear links up and down in the rockers relieving the strain of the engineer adjusting the Johnson bar in the cab. When that control is forward the gear moves up in the rockers and the valves above the cylinders allow steam into and out of the front and back of each cylinder, pressing the pistons in the right order to move forward or backward.

Driven by steam, the piston in the cylinder pushes and pulls the piston rod connected to the drive wheels, (not seen in movie above.) The wheels turn the axle and eccentric cams. You can see that attached to the axle inside the frame are four large offset cams, or eccentrics, named because their centers are offset of the axle by 90 degrees of the drive pin. Wrapped around each eccentric is a strap and rod leading left to the tops and bottoms of each rocker. When the wheel turns the rockers wiggle back and forth, more, or to a greater degree at their tops and bottoms. The valve tie rods connect at the left onto the lever mounted through the frame.

The movie above demonstrates inside valve gear. Below is an outside the frame type of valve gear: Walschaerts. Walschaerts also accomplishes tapping 90° rotation from the position of the driver wheel's drive pin, but with less friction. The Johnson bar acts similarly though. The position of the wheels tilt the rockers to and fro, the Johnson bar lifts the valve rod to the forward or reverse valve timing position in the rockers, and steam is delivered to and exhausted from the cylinder in the correct order.

Direction controls.
Blue = steam, Red = exhaust

Crib Jig, the bawdy ribald reel of a troubled tool room attendant.

The Jig Crib Jig
is a bawdy ribald reel of a troubled tool room attendant. This song I arranged is loosely based upon a faded, manually typed sheet titled "TROUBLED" which is located in the display case at the Travel Town railroad museum, in Griffith Park, California.

Knott's matchbooks.
Knott's Berry Farm, Hours of Operation, Job Opportunities

Engineer Bill.
Read about Engineer Bill, and the C.K.Holiday #1.

Photo Album.
Photo Album

La Verdad Dolorosa, The Painful Truth, Die Schmerzliche Wahrheit
La Verdad Dolorosa, The Painful Truth, Die Schmerzliche Wahrheit
VIEW the Animation
Illustrating the reason Travel Town visitors are not permitted to climb under, over or on the sides of any and all equipment for guest safety.
Stereopticon image developed for free amusement device viewing at Travel Town

3D Boiler Demonstration with Text, Travel Town Museum, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, California, Hyper 3D, 2008.04.27 14:36
What makes a steam engine powerful? VIEW the EXHIBIT

Southern Pacific locomotive No. #1273, Smoke Box face at Travel Town, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CaliforniaSouthern Pacific locomotive No. #1273
a 0-6-0 switcher locomotive on static display at Travel Town, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, California EXPLORED!

Railroad 3D, stereoscopic.
"Disney Wizard" Railroad 3D, stereoscopic - search

"Disney Wizard" 3D Railroad, Search YouTube.

"Walt's Barn" - Carolwood Pacific Historical Society RailRoad Museum. 1k 73x66Cphssm
Masthead, Carolwood Pacific Railroad - The road that Walt built.
Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2004 01:23:31 +0100
From: Disney Wizard <>
Organization: Practically perfect in every way. 
Newsgroups: alt.disney.disneyland
Subject: [TR] Carolwood Pacific HS 6/17 trip report.
This is a trip report to the Carolwood Pacific Historical Society (CPHS) event viewing Walt's Barn on June 17, 2004. The miniature red barn has been rescued from demolition during a total rebuild of the original Holmby Hills property after Lillian Disney died and is re-located on the property of The Los Angeles Live Steamers Railroad Museum (LALS), 5202 Zoo Dr., 1/4 mile East of Travel Town in Griffith Park, nearest intersection is Forest Lawn Dr. and the 134 Ventura Fwy. (California State Route 134). It is a private club on public property. Because of the public/private arrangement the LALS must open it's doors to the public. This occurs at the public entrance (west end) of the club on Sunday's 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. sharp, and the first train carries guests at about 11 a.m. (periodically closed for regional club meets - each Sunday before Memorial Day & 1st Sunday in October.) I suggest that LALS is the best miniature railroad in existence (partly due to CPHS), and best of all - it's free (donations accepted, if you like the journey put in a dollar, if you didn't put in a five or a ten, 100% goes to making the club a better place.) C'mon in, have a seat, listen to the safety spiel and enjoy the scenic adventure. Enough about the location. On the East side of 5202 Zoo Drive is the service entrance of LALS, 1/2 mile East of Travel Town, and on the third Sunday of each month the pedestrian gate is opened to view Walt's Carolwood Car barn, again from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and again donations are accepted, if you like the journey into the prologue of Disneyland put in a dollar and if you didn't put in a five or a ten because 150% (by matching funds and/or volunteer sweat) goes to making the club a better place, there are no administrative fees and it is staffed entirely by volunteers. The volunteers are friendly and helpful and will temporarily hand you a guest identification sticker. As they escort you into the viewing compound (delimited by orange cones and safety tape) they may remind you to stay only within the compound, step across tracks not onto them, to please not touch artifacts (the excitement builds… ~Walt touched this!~) please sign the guest book, and feel free to ask questions - the docents will "track down" the right answer, and of course, most importantly, - enjoy yourself!
I was incredibly lucky to have been invited to attend the first docent orientation, which was conducted by the venerable Michael Broggie, author and CPHS founding chairman. The training started with the landscaping (which included the diminutive orange tree,) architectural features and alignment of the structure, it's history, cost, and method of acquisition. About 90 percent of the structure is original, with the overbuilt craftsman frame entirely intact and each board replaced perfectly. It was originally designed with a "Sagging Barn Door Frame" built-in above the barn doors and the sagging roof line are preserved. Only the cedar shake roof was replaced with concrete-foam simulated-cedar-shake to meet fire code. It was fashioned after the barn in Marcelline, Mo. in Walt's boyhood memory of his family's farm. Moving inside Michael pointed out each exhibit and described it's significance.
Ah, the treasures! What splendid surprises this museum holds starting with the wooden wall telephone set with magneto crank and butter-stamp receiver from whence the term 'hang up the phone' springs. You can look into the past through the very same mirror Walt shaved in and know that from the pencil sharpener to the Boraxo hand soap dispenser "Walt touched this." And more surprises remain locked just under my mind's surface until a later trip report. This installment is more about the Society.
Membership is a paltry $24 due January and is prorated one dollar less each month beginning in February. Quoting from the application, "As member benefits we occasionally and informally meet to trade fables, lore and collectibles of rail and Disney origin, or to attend important member-only events and activities. "We eschew regular meetings due to the high quotient of boredom they generally induce."
"An occasional newsletter, the _Carolwood_Chronicle_, carries event information and pertinent articles and stories. Members also receive a handsome membership certificate, a membership ID card and our exclusive full color lapel pin. Optional name badges are available, which are made by Disney's badge supplier. Members receive a discount on CPHS merchandise and exclusive invitations to backstage events, celebrations, winery tours, et cetera." I eschew obfuscation (and hate filibustering while I'm at it,) but I'm good at it. The folks at Retlaw Enterprises, Inc. that printed the brochure/application ©1995 state their purpose clearly and concisely "…The Society is active in the preservation of "Walt's Barn" within the LA Live Steamers enclave of Griffith Park. We support the mission to maintain Walt's steam railroad at Disneyland, and railroad safety information directed toward children." I was surprised at the great number and high quality of the exhibits in such a short period of time since my first private viewing. "If Walt's personal history and avid interest in railroading are interesting to you, may we invite you to apply for membership in the Society by returning the attached application, or visit the CPHS Web site: for more information. Thank You." Applications are available in the barn or at the gate during operating hours as well as from: The Carolwood Pacific Historical Society 1032 Amberton Lane Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-3514 The quickest, easiest and most convenient way to become a member is online. I see plenty of reasons why someone would become a member at long distance, (all the cool stuff and a convenient excuse not to volunteer, among them.) Although if you find yourself at the site on the third Sunday of each month, take the LALS railway journey as well as the self guided tour of Walt's Barn. Just remember that even though you are inside the fence, you will have to walk or roll all the way around the perimeter (believe me the street side is much safer and easier too) from the separate CPHS event to the LALS queue and vice versa. Still, you could find it more convenient to acquire a membership to both LALS and CPHS. I've been bitten by the Railway bug since a picnic near a gigantic black and silver wall of steam locomotive in Lomita with my dad before I can remember and have incurable RailFan fever since, but I sure have a swell head since my visit to CPHS. Perchance we'll meet there soon, some sunny day. =================== Legal stuff: This report of opening day "Walt's Barn" Carolwood Historical Society article represents my experience with CPHS and not the views of my employer or other entity. No monetary gain was received for this article and it remains under copyright ©2004 DisneyWizard—all rights reserved. Limited reproduction rights permission is expressly offered to CPHS, Disney Information Guide (now Mouse Planet) & under the restriction that no monitory gain comes from its use.

Carolwood Pacific
Historical Society
'Walt's Barn'

<8=o)—— < info @ > ——(o=8>
Preserving Walt Disney's Railroad Legacy

5202 Zoo Drive, East Entrance, Los Angeles, CA 90027
in North Griffith Park, near Glendale and LA Zoo
Exit the 134 Ventura Fwy. at Forest Lawn Dr.
1/2 mile east of Travel Town, use Service Entrance.
Open to the public from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
only on the Third Sunday of each month
<8=o)——   2023   ——(o=8>
<8=o)——   2023 SUMMER BONUS DAYS   ——(o=8>
Additional first Sunday of each summer month! Now 15 visits this year!
June 4 July 2 August 6
January 15 February 19 March 19 April 16 May 21 June 18
July 16 August 21 September 18 October 16 November 20 December 18
<8=o)——   2024   ——(o=8>
January 16 February 20 March 20 April 17 May 15 June 19
July 17 August 21 September 18 October 16 November 20 December 18
<8=o)——   2025   ——(o=8>
January 16 February 20 March 20 April 17 May 15 June 19
July 17 August 21 September 18 October 16 November 20 December 18

Locate 'Walt's Barn'
Carolwood Pacific Historical Society
5202 Zoo Drive, East Entrance, Los Angeles, CA 90027

View Larger Map
View Reviews and more information

3D, photographer, Michael Broggie, Walt's Barn, LALS, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, 2010.05.16
3D, photographer, Michael Broggie, Walt's Barn, LALS, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, 2010.05.16
[crosseye stereograph, see 3D with your right eye on the left image, and left on right.]
Walt Disney's Railroad Story By Michael Broggie, book preview.

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Updated on 2013.12.24.
—(o=8>Loco#3003|Crib Jig|Knott's|Engineer Bill|photo|3D RRs|TR|Map|Broggie|WD RR Story book<8=o)—

Rope Bridge line

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