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The Bonus Edition includes

The Gold Edition
is available ONLY at Disney Resorts and Parks.

And only the first five thousand numbered printings will contain the Gold Level voucher.

I know my code!Register Here for your Gold Edition Bonus Package. Please have your Disneyland Sales receipt handy.
The Gold edition purchase at the resort, along with the book you purchased, includes your Gold Bonus Package:

The Platinum Edition includes

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You are in control,
choose your adventure,
Pick your Path,
to which end, sir?

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    <8=o)  Platinum Edition  (o=8>
    Quite Opulently Extravagant.

  1. The Platinum Edition contains the most exciting experience, a trip to clearing in the jungle for the camp. Your On-line access will immediately granted with way-keys for each and every secret passageway. Your carefully packaged novel and membership adventure kit will ship promptly to arrive within four to six weeks.

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    Gold Edition
    I know my code!
    Best Bargain.

  3. The Gold Edition represents the greatest value, pick up your copy at the Disneyland Resort today. Retain your receipt. Then register here for your Gold rewards.

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    Bonus Edition
    Quickest start.

  5. The Bonus EditionPick up a Bonus Edition Souvenir Gift card at the Outpost. $9.95 +tax, a paltry sum, grants you the secret password (1 FamilyID) for the complete online novel and one secret passageway password. Or click here to get started right away. Now that's what I call instantaneous gratification!
    Bonus memberships require online access, no materials will ship.

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