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Letters, telegrams and map
on wall beside Indy's office.

Secrets of the map. Which is the false path? 10Kb

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Today I'm trying out the hidden passage we talked about. I'm convinced it leads to the "Jewel of Power." I know you wanted to go with me but I need you out here to keep the tourists in line. If one of them decides to go eyeball to eyeball with the god, its adios amigo.

Rope Bridge line

Eastern Union Telegram
WDI 95 DL=IJ Glen 721
Lost delta Excavation Site, India


Learned of the news of Indy's disappearance. Study all references to the "gates of doom." They seem to guard the "Jewel of Power" perhaps Indy made it past the lethal force of that trap then he would have found the immense cavern where the Jewel is stored.
Abner Ravenwood

Rope Bridge line

Mr. Sallah,                                     July 12, 1935
Temple Excavation Site
Lost Delta

     Greetings, good work cleaning out that infernal spike chamber!
Imagine!  We had no idea some of them were poisoned!
Will send an antidote as soon as possible!  In the meantime,
please make sure the tourists are not inconvenienced by this

Sir I.M. Wooly
British Colonial Affairs

Rope Bridge line

Indianensis Universitatis Sigillium MDCCCXX
1401 Flower street, Laurence, Indiana

Oct.1, 1935

Professor Indiana Jones,
Lost Delta Encampment, India

Marcus Brody informed us that you have located the temple. We are anxiously awaiting reports. By the way, an old friend of yours-a Dr. Beloq-called and I passed along your whereabouts to him. I believe he wants to join you at the site:
Best of Luck.
Regards-Professor Kauffman.

Rope Bridge line

July 3, 1936

Mr Sallah
Temple Excavation Site
Lost Delta, India

My good man,
We are sympathetic to Jones' "grave questions" about the safety of the site. But we are not prepared to shut it down at this time - Carry on! You are doing a smashing job getting the tourists through unharmed.
Regards, Col. Blumbard
Attaché to the Consul General
British Colonial Affairs

Rope Bridge line

June 6,1936
Lost Delta Encampment, India


Rotten luck. Reports of "Temple of the Forbidden Eye" have hit the newspapers and newsreels. It's shaping up to be the biggest thing since Santa Claus. Counting on you to control the feeding frenzy until I return. Have deciphered a new map that may lead to the power source of the temple. I intend to try. Watch out for that snake Belloq!

Rope Bridge line

National Museum
Division of Antiquities
521 Rodier Street
Washington D.C.

October 12,1935

Indiana Jones
Lost Delta Encampment
Dear Indy,
Received the rubbings yesterday. Pictographs tell of gifts — eternal beauty, riches, et cetera. But warning in the lower left was added at a much later date. Something about eyes and death. I can't quite make it out. I'm still working on it.
George Marshall
Division of Antiquities
National Museum

Rope Bridge line

August 10,1935

Indiana Jones
Lost Delta Encampment,


So you have found the mysterious temple of the forbidden eye! Congratulations! But please proceed with caution. Sources in Calcutta tell me this temple of yours has a darker side. Legend has it that Pilgrims who were lured there with promises of great gifts were never seen again!
Yours truly,
Abner Ravenwood

Rope Bridge line

Letters in Indy's office:

June 4,1935

Greetings old friend. Here is the missing piece of the temple map! Fortune truly shines on the pure of heart! (and he who has a brother-in-law in the black market!) God go with you and I will join you as well.

Rope Bridge line

July 5, 1936
Temple of the Forbidden Eye
Excavation Office
Received your letter detailing Indy's disappearance inside the temple. I am leaving at once. I suggest you keep the tours running. Perhaps one of them will locate Indy.
Marcus Brody

Also see Notebook, Letters and Telegrams in temple entry.
Rope Bridge line

Notes on Maps, Rubbings and Drawings:

Temple of the forbidden eye, Lost delta region, India.
Discovered by Dr. Indiana Jones Circa 1935 - Flood debris.
It is theorized that the temple was buried in a flood over 2004 years ago.
Much of the temple, however, was built in underground chambers. [in red]
Watch out for the crocks.
Get some reinforcements up here before a stone falls and kills someone, Indy.[indicating temple tower.]

Snake column braziers once used to light ceremonial fires.
Bas relief in 'promise of youth' corridor - note empty husk of elder.
Wall paintings in promise of youth corridor depicting the old transforming into the youthful.

Common Motif found throughout the temple complex:
Bowl: Earthly Riches
Jug: Fountain of Youth
Amulet: Future Vision

Bas relief found in hall of promise
Indy believes the bas relief depicts Mara looking into the minds of his worshipers to discover their greatest secret desire - note eyes are closed so it is safe to look at this Mara.

Youthful Mara statue A 612 13X found in the promise of youth corridor - 12'-0" approx.

Absolutely no snakes in my office!! Indy.
Rope Bridge line

[ Sorry, all of these letters just fell out. If you can help put them back I'll let you read them before placing them back into the journal binding.]

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