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Gettin' Jiggy
with a
Bawdy Railroad Ribald Reel
of a
Troubled Tool Room Attendant,
in da Tool Crib, caged behind steel.

============©2008 Mark Turner, all rights reserved.============
as sung to the traditional tune of "The Scotsman".

============©2008 Mark Turner, all rights reserved.============

Troubles [of a Tool Room girl.]

Surely there must be other copies of this bawdy railroad ribald somewhere else in the world. I returned to Travel Town to locate and study this document after several years because the art struck me so. And because I tried, unsuccessfully, to express it to others.

What I call the original is the only reference I can find, is truly just a copy. The dingy paper's faded ink in the museum case there is from a manual typewriter (small characters such as periods and comas have punched holes through the paper into the worn rubber platen.)

What leads me to believe that it can't be the only surviving copy is - it's incompleteness. Similar to the FAXed joke, this must have made the rounds of several manufacturers via secretarial pools. And it would have played "telephone" throughout the repeated copies and mailings, collecting errors along the way. And it's accrued brilliance is result of linear collaborative improvement by many manipulative minds. Hence the girl is fictional. The authors are not the subject. So the signors would be among the broad group of contributors and varied widely enough to attribute it to "anonymous."
Of my observations of old artworks at the Getty Center, I see ancient artworks that survive are religious or pornography. And the most ancient - religious pornography - which also helps it become the most imitated art.

Everything nearly rhymes in nearly metered couplets, except for two verses:

They ask me for a ratchet drill
 and for a bastard file.

 as well as:

They asked me for a bitch dog,
 which makes my temper wild,

These are the only two stanzas on the page in that case, that are missing their second half. Perhaps they were once joined, they sound related, but separated by copy error, and the second verse re-inserted when the error was discovered, but further down the paper. Or perhaps it was set to a popular tune of the time and verse came out right this way. They could have even been left incomplete intentionally, due to their overt sexual suggestiveness.
So, based on what was broken, and re-arranged in my attempt at correction, I have created my own verses, set it to music, cleaned up the meter but not the language, and given it a snappier, pop, title "Crib Jig".

 The trouble of a Tool Room girl.

Jennifer of Traverse City, Michigan, spake thusly in her blog on April 16, 2007:

I took the liberty of retyping the following prose because I thought it was just a piece of history that needed to be shared. My husband Rob and I came across these words typed from a very old typewriter, on very old, yellowed aged paper, so light from exposure, you could hardly read it. It was in a display case at the railroad museum in Griffith Park near Los Angeles. I retyped it exactly as the writer had written it. What war she is talking about at the end, I don't know. Most likely World War II. At the time, women took men's jobs as they headed off to war and this young lass apparently worked in the tool crib at a rail yard. There was no name on it or date but we thought it was very entertaining. She seems slightly ahead of her time. And I give you;

dsc04413 Troubles of a Toolroom Girl by Dr. Disney Wizard, on Flickr. (Jeniffer's copy was off. The above copy is from my reading on videotape and is perfect - letter, punctuation, line and positioning - verbatim to the copy in the case.)
Now as I was reading this out loud and scanning it, line by line, into the video camera, a child came into the building where the case is located. Then the parents followed, and when they heard what it was that I was reading aloud, they grabbed the kid by the arm and scurried out the door!
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Updated on 2012.11.04.

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