Character Entity List

Also see
A simple Character Entity Chart at
HTML Symbol Entities Reference
WebMonkey Character Entity
HTMO Character Entities Unicode table 2000 - 2FFF for HTML charset UTF-8. Table of arrows (???), mathematical (???) + technical symbols (???), Dingbats (???) etc. in Unicode. Unicode table 2: Math ???, Arrows ??? … (HTML Charset UTF-8)
Charbase: Miscellaneous Symbols
ISO 10646 Characters from U+2600 to U+26FF as HTML Entities
hex entities : Java Glossary Canadian Mind Products Java & Internet Glossary : hex entities

Table with ASCII-Codes
Named Characters in HTML
#x 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00 ␀NUL-000 ␁SOH-001 ␂STX-002 ␃ETX-003 ␄EOT-004 ␅ENQ-005 ␆ACK-006 ␇BEL-007 ␈BS-008 ␉HT -009 ␊LF -010 ␋VT -011 ␌FF -012 ␍CR -13 ␎SO-014 ␏SI-015
10 ␐DLE-016 ␑DC1-017 ␒DC2-018 ␓DC3-019 ␔DC4-020 ␕NAK-021 ␖SYN-022 ␗ETB-023 ␘CAN-024 ␙EM-025 ␚SUB-026 ␛ESC-027 ␜FS-028 ␝GS-029 ␞RS-030 ␟US-031
20 ␠SPC -32 !-033 "-034 #-035 $-036 %-037 &-038 '-039 (-040 )-041 *-042 +-043 ,-044 --045 .-046 /-047
30 0-048 1-049 2-050 3-051 4-052 5-053 6-054 7-055 8-056 9-057 :-058 ;-059 <-060 =-061 >-062 ?-063
40 @-064 A-065 B-066 C-067 D-068 E-069 F-070 G-071 H-072 I-073 J-074 K-075 L-076 M-077 N-078 O-079
50 P-080 Q-081 R-082 S-083 T-084 U-085 V-086 W-087 X-088 Y-089 Z-090 [-091 \-092 ]-093 ^-094 _-095
60 `-096 a-097 b-098 c-099 d-100 e-101 f-102 g-103 h-104 i-105 j-106 k-107 l-108 m-109 n-110 o-111
70 p-112 q-113 r-114 s-115 t-116 u-117 v-118 w-119 x-120 y-121 z-122 {-123 |-124 }-125 ~-126 ␡DEL-127
80 €-128 -129 ‚-130 ƒ-131 „-132 …-133 †-134 ‡-135 ˆ-136 ‰-137 Š-138 ‹-139 Œ-140 -141 Ž-142 -143
90 -144 ‘-145 ’-146 “-147 ”-148 •-149 –-150 —-151 ˜-152 ™-153 š-154 ›-155 œ-156 -157 ž-158 Ÿ-159
A0  -160 ¡-161 ¢-162 £-163 ¤-164 ¥-165 ¦-166 §-167 ¨-168 ©-169 ª-170 «-171 ¬-172 ­-173 ®-174 ¯-175
B0 °-176 ±-177 ²-178 ³-179 ´-180 µ-181 ¶-182 ·-183 ¸-184 ¹-185 º-186 »-187 ¼-188 ½-189 ¾-190 ¿-191
C0 À-192 Á-193 Â-194 Ã-195 Ä-196 Å-197 Æ-198 Ç-199 È-200 É-201 Ê-202 Ë-203 Ì-204 Í-205 Î-206 Ï-207
D0 Ð-208 Ñ-209 Ò-210 Ó-211 Ô-212 Õ-213 Ö-214 ×-215 Ø-216 Ù-217 Ú-218 Û-219 Ü-220 Ý-221 Þ-222 ß-223
E0 à-224 á-225 â-226 ã-227 ä-228 å-229 æ-230 ç-231 è-232 é-233 ê-234 ë-235 ì-236 í-237 î-238 ï-239
F0 ð-240 ñ-241 ò-242 ó-243 ô-244 õ-245 ö-246 ÷-247 ø-248 ù-249 ú-250 û-251 ü-252 ý-253 ā-257 ÿ-255

Character Entity List Linear

            named HTML entity [or ? when unknown] & description/name
      &#x00; HEX hexadecimal equivalent
 &#nnn; DEC decimal equivalent
x   First column is result of &#xxx; decimal. Result could be unprintable or control(0-31)

Control Characters 0000
� &#0000; &#x0000; & � ;-00 ␀ NUL null/vacant/zero, null(ignore in band synchronous signaling, filler maintians carrier when lack of sourde data in communication channel) (U+0000)
 &#0001; &#x0001; &   ␁ SOH Start of Header,  start of heading (in band signaling to control communication channel) (U+0001)
 &#0002; &#x0002; &   ␂ STX Start of Text,  start of text (in band signaling to control communication channel) (U+0002)
 &#0003; &#x0003; &   ␃ ETX End of Text,  end of text (in band signaling to control communication channel)(U+0003)
 &#0004; &#x0004; &   ␄ EOT End of Transmission,  end of transmission (in band signaling to control communication channel) (U+0004)
 &#0005; &#x0005; &   ␅ ENQ Enquiry,  enquiry (in band signaling to control communication channel) (U+0005)
 &#0006; &#x0006; &   ␆ ACK Acknowleded,  acknowledge (in band signaling to control communication channel) (U+0006)
 &#0007; &#x0007; &  ␇ BEL Bell, audible attention signal/ring/alert (in band signaling to summon operator) (U+0007)
 &#0008; &#x0008; &   ␈ BS Back Space,  backspace (in band signaling print/display format effector) (U+0008)
&#0009; &#x0009; & ␉ HT Horizontal Tab, character tabulation (in band signaling print/display format effector) (U+0009)
&#0010; &#x000A; & ␊ LF Line Feed, line feed (lf) (U+000A) (in band signaling to control communication channel)
&#0011; &#x000B; & ␋ VT Vertical Tab, line tabulation (U+000B) (in band signaling print/display format effector)
&#0012; &#x000C; & ␌ FF Form Feed/Advance Page/Top of Next Page, form feed (ff) (U+000C) (in band signaling print/display format effector)
&#0013; &#x000D; & ␍ CR Carriage Return/Enter/End Field, carriage return (cr) (U+000D) (in band signaling print/display format effector)
 &#0014; &#x000E; &   ␎ SO Shift Out, shift out (U+000E) (platten drop, teletype signaling to select lower case)
 &#0015; &#x000F; &   ␏ SI Shift In, shift in (U+000F) (platten lift, teletype signaling to select upper case)

 &#0016; &#x0010; &   ␐ DLE Data Link Escape, data link escape (U+0010) (in band signaling to control communication channel) (U+0010)
 &#0017; &#x0011; &   ␑ DC1 Device Control one [XON], device control one (U+0011) such as printer select
 &#0018; &#x0012; &   ␒ DC2 Device Control two, device control two (U+0012) such as modem engage
 &#0019; &#x0013; &   ␓ DC3 Device Control three [XOFF], device control three (U+0013) such as printer deselect
 &#0020; &#x0014; &   ␔ DC4 Device Control four, device control four (U+0014) such as modem disengage
 &#0021; &#x0015; &   ␕ NAK Negative Acknowledge/Transmission Error/Re-send, negative acknowledge (U+0015) (in band signaling to control communication channel)
 &#0022; &#x0016; &   ␖ SYN Synchronous Idle/Start clocked data or filler, synchronous idle (U+0016) (in band signaling to control communication channel)
 &#0023; &#x0017; &   ␗ ETB End of Transmitted Block, end of transmission block (U+0017) (in band signaling to control communication channel)
 &#0024; &#x0018; &   ␘ CAN Cancel, cancel (U+0018)
 &#0025; &#x0019; &   ␙ EM End of Medium, end of medium (U+0019)
 &#0026; &#x001A; &   ␚ SUB Substitute, substitute (U+001A)
 &#0027; &#x001B; &   ␛ ESC Escape/quit mode, escape (U+001B)
 &#0028; &#x001C; &   𖤜 FS File Start/Separator, information separator four (U+001C)
 &#0029; &#x001D; &   ␝ GS Group Start/Separator, information separator three (U+001D)
 &#0030; &#x001E; &   ␞ RS Record Start/Separator, information separator two (U+001E)
 &#0031; &#x001F; &   ␟ US Unit Start/Separator, information separator one (U+001F)

Basic Latin, Printable Characters 0020
&#0032; &#x0020; & SPC _ space (U+0020)
! &#0033; &#x0021; &excl; ! ! exclamation mark (U+0021)
" &#0034; &#x0022; &quot; " " quotation mark (U+0022)
# &#0035; &#x0023; &num; # # number sign, pound, grid, hash (hence hashtag)(U+0023)
$ &#0036; &#x0024; &dollar; $ $ dollar sign (U+0024)
% &#0037; &#x0025; &percnt; % % percent sign (U+0025)
& &#0038; &#x0026; &amp; & & ampersand, ampersand (U+0026)
' &#0039; &#x0027; &quot; ' ' apostrophe (U+0027)
( &#0040; &#x0028; &lpar; ( ( left parenthesis (U+0028)
) &#0041; &#x0029; &rpar; ) ) right parenthesis (U+0029)
* &#0042; &#x002A; &midast; * * mid asterisk (U+002A)
+ &#0043; &#x002B; &plus; + + plus sign (U+002B)
, &#0044; &#x002C; &comma; , , comma (U+002C)
- &#0045; &#x002D; &hyphen; - - hyphen-minus (U+002D)
. &#0046; &#x002E; &period; . . full stop, period, dot (U+002E)
/ &#0047; &#x002F; &sol; / / solidus, slash, stroke (U+002F)

0 &#0048; &#x0030; & 0 0 digit zero (U+0030)
1 &#0049; &#x0031; & 1 1 digit one (U+0031)
2 &#0050; &#x0032; & 2 2 digit two (U+0032)
3 &#0051; &#x0033; & 3 3 digit three (U+0033)
4 &#0052; &#x0034; & 4 4 digit four (U+0034)
5 &#0053; &#x0035; & 5 5 digit five (U+0035)
6 &#0054; &#x0036; & 6 6 digit six (U+0036)
7 &#0055; &#x0037; & 7 7 digit seven (U+0037)
8 &#0056; &#x0038; & 8 8 digit eight (U+0038)
9 &#0057; &#x0039; & 9 9 digit nine (U+0039)
: &#0058; &#x003A; &colon; : : colon (U+003A)
; &#0059; &#x003B; &semi; ; ; semicolon (U+003B)
< &#0060; &#x003C; &lt; < < less-than sign (U+003C)
= &#0061; &#x003D; &equals; = = equals sign (U+003D)
> &#0062; &#x003E; &gt; > > greater-than sign (U+003E)
? &#0063; &#x003F; &quest; ? ? question mark (U+003F)

@ &#0064; &#x0040; &commat; @ @ commercial 'at cost' (U+0040)
A &#0065; &#x0041; & A A latin capital letter a (U+0041)
B &#0066; &#x0042; & B B latin capital letter b (U+0042)
C &#0067; &#x0043; & C C latin capital letter c (U+0043)
D &#0068; &#x0044; & D D latin capital letter d (U+0044)
E &#0069; &#x0045; & E E latin capital letter e (U+0045)
F &#0070; &#x0046; & F F latin capital letter f (U+0046)
G &#0071; &#x0047; & G G latin capital letter g (U+0047)
H &#0072; &#x0048; & H H latin capital letter h (U+0048)
I &#0073; &#x0049; & I I latin capital letter i (U+0049)
J &#0074; &#x004A; & J J latin capital letter j (U+004A)
K &#0075; &#x004B; & K K latin capital letter k (U+004B)
L &#0076; &#x004C; & L L latin capital letter l (U+004C)
M &#0077; &#x004D; & M M latin capital letter m (U+004D)
N &#0078; &#x004E; & N N latin capital letter n (U+004E)
O &#0079; &#x004F; & O O latin capital letter o (U+004F)

P &#0080; &#x0050; & P P latin capital letter p (U+0050)
Q &#0081; &#x0051; & Q Q latin capital letter q (U+0051)
R &#0082; &#x0052; & R R latin capital letter r (U+0052)
S &#0083; &#x0053; & S S latin capital letter s (U+0053)
T &#0084; &#x0054; & T T latin capital letter t (U+0054)
U &#0085; &#x0055; & U U latin capital letter u (U+0055)
V &#0086; &#x0056; & V V latin capital letter v (U+0056)
W &#0087; &#x0057; & W W latin capital letter w (U+0057)
X &#0088; &#x0058; & X X latin capital letter x (U+0058)
Y &#0089; &#x0059; & Y Y latin capital letter y (U+0059)
Z &#0090; &#x005A; & Z Z latin capital letter z (U+005A)
[ &#0091; &#x005B; &lsqb; [ [ left square bracket (U+005B)
\ &#0092; &#x005C; &bsol; \ \ reverse solidus, backslash (U+005C)
] &#0093; &#x005D; &rsqb; ] ] right square bracket (U+005D)
^ &#0094; &#x005E; &circ; ^ ^, circumflex accent, caret (U+005E)
_ &#0095; &#x005F; &lowbar; _ _ low line, underscore (U+005F)

` &#0096; &#x0060; &grave; ` ` grave accent (U+0060)
a &#0097; &#x0061; & a a latin small letter a (U+0061)
b &#0098; &#x0062; & b b latin small letter b (U+0062)
c &#0099; &#x0063; & c c latin small letter c (U+0063)
d &#0100; &#x0064; & d d latin small letter d (U+0064)
e &#0101; &#x0065; & e e latin small letter e (U+0065)
f &#0102; &#x0066; & f f latin small letter f (U+0066)
g &#0103; &#x0067; & g g latin small letter g (U+0067)
h &#0104; &#x0068; & h h latin small letter h (U+0068)
i &#0105; &#x0069; & i i latin small letter i (U+0069)
j &#0106; &#x006A; & j j latin small letter j (U+006A)
k &#0107; &#x006B; & k k latin small letter k (U+006B)
l &#0108; &#x006C; & l l l latin small letter l (U+006C)
m &#0109; &#x006D; & m m latin small letter m (U+006D)
n &#0110; &#x006E; & n n latin small letter n (U+006E)
o &#0111; &#x006F; & o o latin small letter o (U+006F)

p &#0112; &#x0070; & p p latin small letter p (U+0070)
q &#0113; &#x0071; & q q latin small letter q (U+0071)
r &#0114; &#x0072; & r r latin small letter r (U+0072)
s &#0115; &#x0073; & s s latin small letter s (U+0073)
t &#0116; &#x0074; & t t latin small letter t (U+0074)
u &#0117; &#x0075; & u u latin small letter u (U+0075)
v &#0118; &#x0076; & v v latin small letter v (U+0076)
w &#0119; &#x0077; & w w latin small letter w (U+0077)
x &#0120; &#x0078; & x x latin small letter x (U+0078)
y &#0121; &#x0079; & y y latin small letter y (U+0079)
z &#0122; &#x007A; & z z latin small letter z (U+007A)
{ &#0123; &#x007B; &lcub; { { left curly bracket (U+007B)
| &#0124; &#x007C; &verbar; | | vertical line (U+007C)
} &#0125; &#x007D; &rcub; } } right curly bracket (U+007D)
~ &#0126; &#x007E; &tilde; ~ ~ tilde (U+007E)
 &#0127; &#x007F; &   DEL Rub Out/Delete next (typist signaling to control command channel) (U+007F)

Latin-1 Supplement: accented letters, basic symbols 0080
€ &#0128; &#x0080; &euro; € ? ? € currency: Euro, <control> (U+0080)
 &#0129; &#x0081; &  <control> HOP - HIGH OCTET PRESET [figment name/not in approved sets] (U+0081)
‚ &#0130; &#x0082; ‚ single low-9 quotation mark (see(U+201A)), <control> BPH - BREAK PERMITTED HERE ‚ ‚ ‚ ? (U+0082)
ƒ &#0131; &#x0083; <control> NBH - NO BREAK HERE (U+0083)
„ &#0132; &#x0084; &bdquo; „ bottom double quote, <control> IND - INDEX (U+0084)
… &#0133; &#x0085; &hellip; … horizontal ellipsis, <control> NEXT LINE (NEL) (U+0085)
† &#0134; &#x0086; &dagger; å dagger, ?<control> SSA -START OF SELECTED AREA. (U+0086)
‡ &#0135; &#x0087; &Dagger; ç double Dagger, <control> ESA - END OF SELECTED AREA. (U+0087)
ˆ &#0136; &#x0088; ? ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent (see(U+02C6)), <control> HTS - CHARACTER TABULATION SET or HORIZONTAL TABULATION SET (U+0088)
‰ &#0137; &#x0089; &permil; ë per/thousand, ?<control> HTJ - CHARACTER TABULATION WITH JUSTIFICATION or HORIZONTAL TABULATION WITH JUSTIFICATION.character tabulation with justification (U+0089)
Š &#0138; &#x008A; &Scaron; capital S caron, <control> VTS - LINE TABULATION SET or VERTICAL TABULATION SET (U+008A)
‹ &#0139; &#x008B; ?ï ‹,<control> PLD - PARTIAL LINE DOWN or PARTIAL LINE FORWARD (U+008B)
Œ &#0140; &#x008C; &OElig; Œ capital OE ligature (connected), <control> PLU - PARTIAL LINE BACKWARD or PARTIAL LINE UP (U+008C)
 &#0141; &#x008D; ?  <control> RI - REVERSE INDEX or REVERSE LINE FEED (U+008D)
Ž &#0142; &#x008E; ? Ž <control> SS2 - SINGLE SHIFT TWO or SINGLE-SHIFT-2 (U+008E)
 &#0143; &#x008F; ? <control> SS3 - SINGLE SHIFT THREE or SINGLE-SHIFT-3 (U+008F)

 &#0144; &#x0090; ? device control string (U+0090)
‘ &#0145; &#x0091; &lsquo; ‘ left side quote, <control>private use one (U+0091
’ &#0146; &#x0092; &rsquo; ’ right side quote, <control>private use two (U+0092)
“ &#0147; &#x0093; &ldquo; “ left double quote, ?<control>set transmit state (U+0093)
” &#0148; &#x0094; &rdquo; ” right double quote, ?<control>cancel character (U+0094)
• &#0149; &#x0095; &bull;  • bullet, ?<control>message waiting (U+0095)
– &#0150; &#x0096; &ndash; – 'n' spaced dash, ?<control>start of guarded area (U+0096)
— &#0151; &#x0097; &mdash; — 'm' spaced dash, <control>?end of guarded area (U+0097)
˜ &#0152; &#x0098; &circ; ˜ circumflex, <control>start of string (U+0098)
™ &#0153; &#x0099; &trade; ™ trademark, ?<control> (U+0099)
š &#0154; &#x009A; &scaron; š lower case s with caron, ?<control>single character introducer (U+009A)
› &#0155; &#x009B; &rsaquo; › right side a quote, <control>control sequence introducer (U+009B)
œ &#0156; &#x009C; &oelig; œ lower case oe ligature (connected), <control>?string terminator (U+009C)
 &#0157; &#x009D; ? <control>operating system command (U+009D)
ž &#0158; &#x009E; ? ž latin small letter z with caron (see(U+017E)), ?<control>privacy message (U+009E)
Ÿ &#0159; &#x009F; ? Ÿ latin capital letter y with diaeresis (see(U+0178)), ?<control>application program command (U+009F)

  &#0160; &#x00A0; &nbsp;  non-breaking space, forced space,   (U+00A0)
¡ &#0161; &#x00A1; &iexcl; Spanish: ¡ leading/inverted exclaimation mark, ¡(U+00A1)
¢ &#0162; &#x00A2; &cent; ¢ cent (1/100 dollar), ¢(U+00A2)
£ &#0163; &#x00A3; &pound; £ currency: British Pound Sterling, £(U+00A3)
¤ &#0164; &#x00A4; &curren; ¤ currency, ¤(U+00A4)
¥ &#0165; &#x00A5; &yen; ¥ currency: Yen/Yuan, ¥(U+00A5)
¦ &#0166; &#x00A6; &brvbar; ¦ abreviated/broken vertical bar, ¦(U+00A6)
§ &#0167; &#x00A7; &sect; § Code Section, §(U+00A7)
¨ &#0168; &#x00A8; &uml; &Dot;¨¨ Umlat/Diaeresis, ¨(U+00A8)
© &#0169; &#x00A9; &copy; © Copyright, ©(U+00A9)
ª &#0170; &#x00AA; &ordf; ª ordinal feminine function, ª(U+00AA)
« &#0171; &#x00AB; &laquo; « left pointing guillemet (double angle quotation), « (U+00AB)
¬ &#0172; &#x00AC; &not; ¬ not/opposite, ¬ (U+00AC)
­ &#0173; &#x00AD; &:shy; ­ shy/narrow space (discretionary hyphen), ­(U+00AD)
® &#0174; &#x00AE; &reg; ® registered trademark, ®(U+00AE)
¯ &#0175; &#x00AF; &macr; ¯ macron (overline/overbar), ¯(U+00AF)

° &#0176; &#x00B0; &deg; ° degree, °(U+00B0)
± &#0177; &#x00B1; &plusmn; ± plus-or-minus, ±(U+00B1)
² &#0178; &#x00B2; &sup2; ² superscript two (squared), ²(U+00B2)
³ &#0179; &#x00B3; &sup3; ³ superscript three (cubed), ³(U+00B3)
´ &#0180; &#x00B4; &acute; ´ acute stroke, ´(U+00B4)
µ &#0181; &#x00B5; &micro; µ micro 1/1000, µ(U+00B5)
¶ &#0182; &#x00B6; &para; ¶ paragraph/pilcrow, ¶(U+00B6)
· &#0183; &#x00B7; &middot; · micro-dot (middle dot/Gerogian comma), ·(U+00B7)
¸ &#0184; &#x00B8; &cedil; ¸ cedilla/lower hook, ¸ (U+00B8)
¹ &#0185; &#x00B9; &sup1; ¹ superscript one, ¹(U+00B9)
º &#0186; &#x00BA; &ordm; º ordinal, masculine, º(U+00BA)
» &#0187; &#x00BB; &raquo; » right juillemet (double angle quotation), »(U+00BB)
¼ &#0188; &#x00BC; &frac14; ¼ fraction: 1/4 one quarter, vulgar, ¼(U+00BC)
½ &#0189; &#x00BD; &frac12; ½ fraction: 1/2 one half, vulgar, ½(U+00BD)
¾ &#0190; &#x00BE; &frac34; ¾ fraction: 3/4 three quarters, vulgar, ¾ (U+00BE)
¿ &#0191; &#x00BF; &iquest; ¿ Spanish: leading inverted question mark, ¿(U+00BF)

À &#0192; &#x00C0; &Agrave; À capital A with grave stroke, À(U+00C0)
Á &#0193; &#x00C1; &Aacute; Á capital A with acute stroke, Á(U+00C1)
 &#0194; &#x00C2; &Acirc;  capital A with circumflex, Â(U+00C2)
à &#0195; &#x00C3; &Atilde; à capital A with tilde, Ã(U+00C3)
Ä &#0196; &#x00C4; &Auml; Ä capital A with diaeresis, Ä(U+00C4)
Å &#0197; &#x00C5; &Aring; Å capital A with ring, Å(U+00C5)
Æ &#0198; &#x00C6; &AElig; Æ capital AE, ligature (connected), Æ(U+00C6)
Ç &#0199; &#x00C7; &Ccedil; Ç capital C with cedilla, Ç(U+00C7)
È &#0200; &#x00C8; &Egrave; È capital E with grave stroke, È(U+00C8)
É &#0201; &#x00C9; &Eacute; É capital E with acute stroke, É(U+00C9)
Ê &#0202; &#x00CA; &Ecirc; Ê capital E with circumflex, Ê(U+00CA)
Ë &#0203; &#x00CB; &Euml; Ë capital E with umlat/diaeresis, Ë(U+00CB)
Ì &#0204; &#x00CC; &Igrave; Ì capital I with grave stroke, Ì(U+00CC)
Í &#0205; &#x00CD; &Iacute; Í capital I with acute stroke, Í(U+00CD)
Î &#0206; &#x00CE; &Icirc; Î capital I with circumflex, Î(U+00CE)
Ï &#0207; &#x00CF; &Iuml; Ï capital I with umlat/diaeresis, Ï(U+00CF)

Ð &#0208; &#x00D0; &ETH; Ð capital ETH, Ð(U+00D0)
Ñ &#0209; &#x00D1; &Ntilde; Ñ capital N with tilde "Enya", Ñ(U+00D1)
Ò &#0210; &#x00D2; &Ograve; Ò capital O with grave stroke, Ò(U+00D2)
Ó &#0211; &#x00D3; &Oacute; Ó capital O with acute stroke, Ó(U+00D3)
Ô &#0212; &#x00D4; &Ocirc; Ô capital O with circumflex, Ô(U+00D4)
Õ &#0213; &#x00D5; &Otilde; Õ capital O wiht tilde, Õ(U+00D5)
Ö &#0214; &#x00D6; &Ouml; Ö capital O with umlat/diaeresis, Ö (U+00D6)
× &#0215; &#x00D7; &times; × "times" multiplier indicating multiplication function, ×(U+00D7)
Ø &#0216; &#x00D8; &Oslash; Ø capital O with slash/stroke "Empty Set", Ø(U+00D8)
Ù &#0217; &#x00D9; &Ugrave; Ù capital U with grave stroke, Ù(U+00D9)
Ú &#0218; &#x00DA; &Uacute; Ú capital U with acute stroke, Ú(U+00DA)
Û &#0219; &#x00DB; &Ucirc; Û capital U with circumflex, Û (U+00DB)
Ü &#0220; &#x00DC; &Uuml; Ü capital U with umlat/diaeresis, Ü(U+00DC)
Ý &#0221; &#x00DD; &Yacute; Ý capital Y with acute stroke, Ý(U+00DD)
Þ &#0222; &#x00DE; &THORN; Þ capital THORN, Þ (U+00DE)
ß &#0223; &#x00DF; &szlig; ß lower-case sharp s (ess-zed ligature), ß(U+00DF)

à &#0224; &#x00E0; &agrave; à lower-case a with grave stroke, à (U+00E0)
á &#0225; &#x00E1; &aacute; á lower-case a with acute stroke, á (U+00E1)
â &#0226; &#x00E2; &acirc; â lower-case a with circumflex, â (U+00E2)
ã &#0227; &#x00E3; &atilde; ã lower-case a with tilde, ã (U+00E3)
ä &#0228; &#x00E4; &auml; ä lower-case a with umlat/diaeresis, ä (U+00E4)
å &#0229; &#x00E5; &aring; å lower-case a with ring, å (U+00E5)
æ &#0230; &#x00E6; &aelig; æ lower-case ae ligature, æ (U+00E6)
ç &#0231; &#x00E7; &ccedil; ç lower-case c with cedilla, ç (U+00E7)
è &#0232; &#x00E8; &egrave; è lower-case e with grave stroke, è (U+00E8)
é &#0233; &#x00E9; &eacute; é lower-case e with acute stroke, é (U+00E9)
ê &#0234; &#x00EA; &ecirc; ê lower-case e with circumflex, ê (U+00EA)
ë &#0235; &#x00EB; &euml; ë lower-case e with umlat/diaeresis, ë (U+00EB)
ì &#0236; &#x00EC; &igrave; ì lower-case i with grave stroke, ì (U+00EC)
í &#0237; &#x00ED; &iacute; í lower-case i with acute stroke, í (U+00ED)
î &#0238; &#x00EE; &icirc; î lower-case i with circumflex, î (U+00EE)
ï &#0239; &#x00EF; &iuml; ï lower-case i with umlat/diaeresis, ï (U+00EF)

ð &#0240; &#x00F0; &eth; ð lower-case eth, ð (U+00F0)
ñ &#0241; &#x00F1; &ntilde; ñ lower-case n with tilde, ñ (U+00F1)
ò &#0242; &#x00F2; &ograve; ò lower-case o with grave stroke, ò (U+00F2)
ó &#0243; &#x00F3; &oacute; ó lower-case o with acute stroke, ó (U+00F3)
ô &#0244; &#x00F4; &ocirc; ô lower-case o with circumflex, ô (U+00F4)
õ &#0245; &#x00F5; &otilde; õ lower-case o with tilde, õ (U+00F5)
ö &#0246; &#x00F6; &ouml; ö lower-case o with umlat/diaeresis, ö (U+00F6)
÷ &#0247; &#x00F7; &divide; ÷ division operator, ÷ (U+00F7)
ø &#0248; &#x00F8; &oslash; ø lower-case o with slash/stroke, ø (U+00F8)
ù &#0249; &#x00F9; &ugrave; ù lower-case u with grave stroke, ù (U+00F9)
ú &#0250; &#x00FA; &uacute; ú lower-case u with acute stroke, ú (U+00FA)
û &#0251; &#x00FB; &ucirc; û lower-case u with circumflex, û (U+00FB)
ü &#0252; &#x00FC; &uuml; ü lower-case u with umlat/diaeresis, ü (U+00FC)
ý &#0253; &#x00FD; &yacute; ý lower-case y with acute, ý (U+00FD)
þ &#0254; &#x00FE; &thorn; þ lower-case thorn, þ (U+00FE)
ÿ &#0255; &#x00FF; &yuml; ÿ lower-case y with umlat/diaeresis, ÿ (U+00FF)

Latin extended-A: Esperanto accented letters 0100
Ā &#0256; &#x0100; &Amacr; ? Latin capital letter A with MACRON Ā (U+0100)
ā &#0257; &#x0101; &amacr; ? Latin small letter A with MACRON ā (U+0101)
Ă &#0258; &#x0102; &Abreve; ? Latin capital letter A with BREVE Ă (U+0102)
ă &#0259; &#x0103; &abreve; ? Latin small letter A with BREVE ă (U+0103)
Ą &#0260; &#x0104; &Aogon; ? Latin capital letter A with OGONEK Ą (U+0104)
ą &#0261; &#x0105; &aogon; ? Latin small letter A with OGONEK ą (U+0105)
Ć &#0262; &#x0106; &Cacute; ? Latin capital letter C with ACUTE Ć (U+0106)
ć &#0263; &#x0107; &cacute; ? Latin small letter C with ACUTE ć (U+0107)
Ĉ &#0264; &#x0108; &Ccirc; ? Latin capital letter C with CIRCUMFLEX Ĉ (U+0108)
ĉ &#0265; &#x0109; &ccirc; ? Latin small letter C with CIRCUMFLEX ĉ (U+0109)
Ċ &#0266; &#x010A; &Cdot; ? Latin capital letter C with DOT above Ċ (U+010A)
ċ &#0267; &#x010B; &cdot; ? Latin small letter C with DOT above ċ (U+010B)
Č &#0268; &#x010C; &Ccaron; ? Latin capital letter C with CARON Č (U+010C)
č &#0269; &#x010D; &ccaron; ? Latin small letter C with CARON č (U+010D)
Ď &#0270; &#x010E; &Dcaron; ? Latin capital letter D with CARON Ď (U+010E)
ď &#0271; &#x010F; &dcaron; ? Latin small letter D with CARON ď (U+010F)

Đ &#0272; &#x0110; &Dstrok; ? Latin capital letter D with STROKE Đ (U+0110)
đ &#0273; &#x0111; &dstrok; ? Latin small letter D with STROKE đ (U+0111)
Ē &#0274; &#x0112; &Emacr; ? Latin capital letter E with MACRON Ē (U+0112)
ē &#0275; &#x0113; &emacr; ? Latin small letter E with MACRON ē (U+0113)
Ĕ &#0276; &#x0114; & ? Latin capital letter E with BREVE Ĕ (U+0114)
ĕ &#0277; &#x0115; & ? Latin small letter E with BREVE ĕ (U+0115)
Ė &#0278; &#x0116; &Edot; ? Latin capital letter E with DOT above Ė (U+0116)
ė &#0279; &#x0117; &edot; ? Latin small letter E with DOT above ė (U+0117)
Ę &#0280; &#x0118; &Eogon; ? Latin capital letter E with OGONEK Ę (U+0118)
ę &#0281; &#x0119; &eogon; ? Latin small letter E with OGONEK ę (U+0119)
Ě &#0282; &#x011A; &Ecaron; ? Latin capital letter E with CARON Ě(U+011A)
ě &#0283; &#x011B; &ecaron; ? Latin small letter E with CARON ě (U+011B)
Ĝ &#0284; &#x011C; &Gcirc; ? Latin capital letter G with CIRCUMFLEX Ĝ (U+011C)
ĝ &#0285; &#x011D; &gcirc; ? Latin small letter G with CIRCUMFLEX ĝ (U+011D)
Ğ &#0286; &#x011E; &Gbreve; ? Latin capital letter G with BREVE Ğ (U+011E)
ğ &#0287; &#x011F; &gbreve; ? Latin small letter G with BREVE ğ (U+011F)

Ġ &#0288; &#x0120; &Gdot; ? Latin capital letter G with DOT above Ġ (U+0120)
ġ &#0289; &#x0121; &gdot; ? Latin small letter G with DOT above ġ (U+0121)
Ģ &#0290; &#x0122; &Gcedil; ? Latin capital letter G with CEDILLA Ģ(U+0122)
ģ &#0291; &#x0123; & ? Latin small letter G with CEDILLA ģ (U+0123)
Ĥ &#0292; &#x0124; &Hcirc; ? Latin capital letter H with CIRCUMFLEX Ĥ (U+0124)
ĥ &#0293; &#x0125; &hcirc; ? Latin small letter H with CIRCUMFLEX ĥ (U+0125)
Ħ &#0294; &#x0126; &Hstrok; ? Latin capital letter H with STROKE Ħ (U+0126)
ħ &#0295; &#x0127; &hstrok; ? Latin small letter H with STROKE ħ (U+0127)
Ĩ &#0296; &#x0128; &Itilde; ? Latin capital letter I with TILDE Ĩ (U+0128)
ĩ &#0297; &#x0129; &itilde; ? Latin small letter I with TILDE ĩ (U+0129)
Ī &#0298; &#x012A; &Imacr; ? Latin capital letter I with MACRON Ī (U+012A)
ī &#0299; &#x012B; &imacr; ? Latin small letter I with MACRON ī (U+012B)
Ĭ &#0300; &#x012C; & ? Latin capital letter I with BREVE Ĭ (U+012C)
ĭ &#0301; &#x012D; & ? Latin small letter I with BREVE ĭ (U+012D)
Į &#0302; &#x012E; &Iogon; ? Latin capital letter I with OGONEK Į (U+012E)
į &#0303; &#x012F; &iogon; ? Latin small letter I with OGONEK į (U+012F)

İ &#0304; &#x0130; &Idot; ? Latin capital letter I with DOT above İ (U+0130)
ı &#0305; &#x0131; &imath; ? Latin small letter dotless I ı (U+0131)
IJ &#0306; &#x0132; &IJlig; ? Latin capital ligature IJ IJ (U+0132)
ij &#0307; &#x0133; &ijlig; ? Latin small ligature IJ ij (U+0133)
Ĵ &#0308; &#x0134; &Jcirc; ? Latin capital letter J with CIRCUMFLEX Ĵ (U+0134)
ĵ &#0309; &#x0135; &jcirc; ? Latin small letter J with CIRCUMFLEX ĵ (U+0135)
Ķ &#0310; &#x0136; &Kcedil; ? Latin capital letter K with CEDILLA Ķ (U+0136)
ķ &#0311; &#x0137; &kcedil; ? Latin small letter K with CEDILLA ķ (U+0137)
ĸ &#0312; &#x0138; &kgreen; ? Latin small letter KRA ĸ (U+0138)
Ĺ &#0313; &#x0139; &Lacute; ? Latin capital letter L with ACUTE Ĺ (U+0139)
ĺ &#0314; &#x013A; &lacute; ? Latin small letter L with ACUTE ĺ (U+013A)
Ļ &#0315; &#x013B; &Lcedil; ? Latin capital letter L with CEDILLA Ļ (U+013B)
ļ &#0316; &#x013C; &lcedil; ? Latin small letter L with CEDILLA ļ (U+013C)
Ľ &#0317; &#x013D; &Lcaron; ? Latin capital letter L with CARON Ľ (U+013D)
ľ &#0318; &#x013E; &lcaron; ? Latin small letter L with CARON ľ (U+013E)
Ŀ &#0319; &#x013F; &Lmidot; ? Latin capital letter L with middle DOT Ŀ (U+013F)

ŀ &#0320; &#x0140; &lmidot; ? Latin small letter L with middle DOT ŀ (U+0140)
Ł &#0321; &#x0141; &Lstrok; ? Latin capital letter L with STROKE Ł (U+0141)
ł &#0322; &#x0142; &lstrok; ? Latin small letter L with STROKE ł (U+0142)
Ń &#0323; &#x0143; &Nacute; ? Latin capital letter N with ACUTE Ń (U+0143)
ń &#0324; &#x0144; &nacute; ? Latin small letter N with ACUTE ń (U+0144)
Ņ &#0325; &#x0145; &Ncedil; ? Latin capital letter N with CEDILLA Ņ (U+0145)
ņ &#0326; &#x0146; &ncedil; ? Latin small letter N with CEDILLA ņ (U+0146)
Ň &#0327; &#x0147; &Ncaron; ? Latin capital letter N with CARON Ň (U+0147)
ň &#0328; &#x0148; &ncaron; ? Latin small letter N with CARON ň (U+0148)
ʼn &#0329; &#x0149; &napos; ? Latin small letter N preceded by APOSTROPHE ʼn (U+0149)
Ŋ &#0330; &#x014A; &ENG; ? Latin capital letter ENG Ŋ (U+014A)
ŋ &#0331; &#x014B; &eng; ? Latin small letter ENG ŋ (U+014B)
Ō &#0332; &#x014C; &Omacr; ? Latin capital letter O with MACRON Ō (U+014C)
ō &#0333; &#x014D; &omacr; ? Latin small letter O with MACRON ō (U+014D)
Ŏ &#0334; &#x014E; & ? Latin capital letter O with BREVE Ŏ (U+014E)
ŏ &#0335; &#x014F; & ? Latin small letter O with BREVE ŏ (U+014F)

Ő &#0336; &#x0150; &Odblac; ? Latin capital letter O with double ACUTE Ő (U+0150)
ő &#0337; &#x0151; &odblac; ? Latin small letter O with double ACUTE ő (U+0151)
Œ &#0338; &#x0152; &OElig; Œ Latin capital ligature OE, Œ (U+0152)
œ &#0339; &#x0153; &oelig; œ Latin small ligature OE, œ (U+0153)
Ŕ &#0340; &#x0154; &Racute; ? Latin capital letter R with ACUTE Ŕ (U+0154)
ŕ &#0341; &#x0155; &racute; ? Latin small letter R with ACUTE ŕ(U+0155)
Ŗ &#0342; &#x0156; &Rcedil; ? Latin capital letter R with CEDILLA Ŗ (U+0156)
ŗ &#0343; &#x0157; &rcedil; ? Latin small letter R with CEDILLA ŗ (U+0157)
Ř &#0344; &#x0158; &Rcaron; ? Latin capital letter R with CARON Ř (U+0158)
ř &#0345; &#x0159; &rcaron; ? Latin small letter R with CARON ř (U+0159)
Ś &#0346; &#x015A; &Sacute; ? Latin capital letter S with ACUTE Ś (U+015A)
ś &#0347; &#x015B; &sacute; ? Latin small letter S with ACUTE ś (U+015B)
Ŝ &#0348; &#x015C; &Scirc; ? Latin capital letter S with CIRCUMFLEX Ŝ (U+015C)
ŝ &#0349; &#x015D; &scirc; ? Latin small letter S with CIRCUMFLEX ŝ (U+015D)
Ş &#0350; &#x015E; &Scedil; ? Latin capital letter S with CEDILLA Ş (U+015E)
ş &#0351; &#x015F; &scedil; ? Latin small letter S with CEDILLA ş (U+015F)

Š &#0352; &#x0160; &Scaron; Š Latin capital letter S with caron, Š (U+0160)
š &#0353; &#x0161; &scaron; š Latin small letter s with caron, š (U+0161)
Ţ &#0354; &#x0162; &Tcedil; ? Latin capital letter T with CEDILLA Ţ (U+0162)
ţ &#0355; &#x0163; &tcedil; ? Latin small letter T with CEDILLA ţ (U+0163)
Ť &#0356; &#x0164; &Tcaron; ? Latin capital letter T with CARON Ť (U+0164)
ť &#0357; &#x0165; &tcaron; ? Latin small letter T with CARON ť (U+0165)
Ŧ &#0358; &#x0166; &Tstrok; ? Latin capital letter T with STROKE Ŧ (U+0166)
ŧ &#0359; &#x0167; &tstrok; ? Latin small letter T with STROKE ŧ (U+0167)
Ũ &#0360; &#x0168; &Utilde; ? Latin capital letter U with TILDE Ũ (U+0168)
ũ &#0361; &#x0169; &utilde; ? Latin small letter U with TILDE ũ (U+0169)
Ū &#0362; &#x016A; &Umacr; ? Latin capital letter U with MACRON Ū (U+016A)
ū &#0363; &#x016B; &umacr; ? Latin small letter U with MACRON ū (U+016B)
Ŭ &#0364; &#x016C; &Ubreve; ? Latin capital letter U with BREVE Ŭ (U+016C)
ŭ &#0365; &#x016D; &ubreve; ? Latin small letter U with BREVE ŭ (U+016D)
Ů &#0366; &#x016E; &Uring; ? Latin capital letter U with RING above Ů (U+016E)
ů &#0367; &#x016F; &uring; ? Latin small letter U with RING above ů (U+016F)

Ű &#0368; &#x0170; &Udblac; ? Latin capital letter U with double ACUTE Ű (U+0170)
ű &#0369; &#x0171; &udblac; ? Latin small letter U with double ACUTE ű (U+0171)
Ų &#0370; &#x0172; &Uogon; ? Latin capital letter U with OGONEK Ų (U+0172)
ų &#0371; &#x0173; &uogon; ? Latin small letter U with OGONEK ų (U+0173)
Ŵ &#0372; &#x0174; &Wcirc; ? Latin capital letter W with CIRCUMFLEX Ŵ (U+0174)
ŵ &#0373; &#x0175; &wcirc; ? Latin small letter W with CIRCUMFLEX ŵ (U+0175)
Ŷ &#0374; &#x0176; &Ycirc; ? Latin capital letter Y with CIRCUMFLEX Ŷ (U+0176)
ŷ &#0375; &#x0177; &ycirc; ? Latin small letter Y with CIRCUMFLEX ŷ (U+0177)
Ÿ &#0376; &#x0178; &Yuml; Ÿ Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis, Ÿ (U+0178)
Ź &#0377; &#x0179; &Zacute; ? Latin capital letter Z with ACUTE Ź (U+0179)
ź &#0378; &#x017A; &zacute; ? Latin small letter Z with ACUTE ź (U+017A)
Ż &#0379; &#x017B; &Zdot; ? Latin capital letter Z with DOT above Ż (U+017B)
ż &#0380; &#x017C; &zdot; ? Latin small letter Z with DOT above ż (U+017C)
Ž &#0381; &#x017D; &Zcaron; Ž Latin capital letter Z with CARON Ž (U+017D)
ž &#0382; &#x017E; &zcaron; ž Latin small letter Z with CARON ž (U+017E)
ſ &#0383; &#x017F; & ? Latin small letter long S ſ (U+017F)
a> Latin extended-B: African 0180
ƀ &#0384; &#x0180; & ? Latin small letter B with STROKE ƀ (U+0180)
Ɓ &#0385; &#x0181; & ? Latin capital letter B with hook Ɓ (U+0181)
Ƃ &#0386; &#x0182; & ? Latin capital letter B with TOPBAR Ƃ (U+0182)
ƃ &#0387; &#x0183; & ? Latin small letter B with TOPBAR ƃ (U+0183)
Ƅ &#0388; &#x0184; & ? Latin capital letter TONE SIX Ƅ (U+0184)
ƅ &#0389; &#x0185; & ? Latin small letter TONE SIX ƅ (U+0185)
Ɔ &#0390; &#x0186; & ? Latin capital letter OPEN O Ɔ (U+0186)
Ƈ &#0391; &#x0187; & ? Latin capital letter C with hook Ƈ (U+0187)
ƈ &#0392; &#x0188; & ? Latin small letter C with hook ƈ (U+0188)
Ɖ &#0393; &#x0189; & ? Latin capital letter AFRICAN D Ɖ (U+0189)
Ɗ &#0394; &#x018A; & ? Latin capital letter D with hook Ɗ (U+018A)
Ƌ &#0395; &#x018B; & ? Latin capital letter D with TOPBAR Ƌ (U+018B)
ƌ &#0396; &#x018C; & ? Latin small letter D with TOPBAR ƌ (U+018C)
ƍ &#0397; &#x018D; & ? Latin small letter turned DELTA ƍ (U+018D)
Ǝ &#0398; &#x018E; & ? Latin capital letter reversed E Ǝ (U+018E)
Ə &#0399; &#x018F; & ? Latin capital letter SCHWA Ə (U+018F)

Ɛ &#0400; &#x0190; & ? Latin capital letter OPEN E Ɛ (U+0190)
Ƒ &#0401; &#x0191; & Ƒ ? Latin capital letter F with hook Ƒ (U+0191)
ƒ &#0402; &#x0192; &fnof; ƒ ƒ Latin small f with hook (AKA: function of)(<currency>florin) (U+0192)
Ɠ &#0403; &#x0193; & ? Latin capital letter G with hook Ɠ (U+0193)
Ɣ &#0404; &#x0194; & ? Latin capital letter GAMMA Ɣ (U+0194)
ƕ &#0405; &#x0195; & ? Latin small letter HV ƕ (U+0195)
Ɩ &#0406; &#x0196; & ? Latin capital letter IOTA Ɩ (U+0196)
Ɨ &#0407; &#x0197; & ? Latin capital letter I with STROKE Ɨ (U+0197)
Ƙ &#0408; &#x0198; & ? Latin capital letter K with hook Ƙ (U+0198)
ƙ &#0409; &#x0199; & ? Latin small letter K with hook ƙ (U+0199)
ƚ &#0410; &#x019A; & ? Latin small letter L with BAR ƚ (U+019A)
ƛ &#0411; &#x019B; & ? Latin small letter LAMBDA with STROKE ƛ (U+019B)
Ɯ &#0412; &#x019C; & ? Latin capital letter turned M Ɯ (U+019C)
Ɲ &#0413; &#x019D; & ? Latin capital letter N with left hook Ɲ (U+019D)
ƞ &#0414; &#x019E; & ? Latin small letter N with long right LEG ƞ (U+019E)
Ɵ &#0415; &#x019F; & ? Latin capital letter O with middle TILDE Ɵ (U+019F)

Ơ &#0416; &#x01A0; & ? Latin capital letter O with HORN Ơ (U+01A0)
ơ &#0417; &#x01A1; & ? Latin small letter O with HORN ơ (U+01A1)
Ƣ &#0418; &#x01A2; & ? Latin capital letter OI Ƣ (U+01A2)
ƣ &#0419; &#x01A3; & ? Latin small letter OI ƣ (U+01A3)
Ƥ &#0420; &#x01A4; & ? Latin capital letter P with hook Ƥ (U+01A4)
ƥ &#0421; &#x01A5; & ? Latin small letter P with hook ƥ (U+01A5)
Ʀ &#0422; &#x01A6; & ? Latin letter YR Ʀ (U+01A6)
Ƨ &#0423; &#x01A7; & ? Latin capital letter TONE TWO Ƨ (U+01A7)
ƨ &#0424; &#x01A8; & ? Latin small letter TONE TWO ƨ (U+01A8)
Ʃ &#0425; &#x01A9; & ? Latin capital letter ESH Ʃ (U+01A9)
ƪ &#0426; &#x01AA; & ? Latin letter reversed ESH LOOP ƪ (U+01AA)
ƫ &#0427; &#x01AB; & ? Latin small letter T with PALATAL hook ƫ (U+01AB)
Ƭ &#0428; &#x01AC; & ? Latin capital letter T with hook Ƭ (U+01AC)
ƭ &#0429; &#x01AD; & ? Latin small letter T with hook ƭ (U+01AD)
Ʈ &#0430; &#x01AE; & ? Latin capital letter T with RETROFLEX hook Ʈ (U+01AE)
Ư &#0431; &#x01AF; & ? Latin capital letter U with HORN Ư (U+01AF)

ư &#0432; &#x01B0; & ? Latin small letter U with HORN ư (U+01B0)
Ʊ &#0433; &#x01B1; & ? Latin capital letter UPSILON Ʊ (U+01B1)
Ʋ &#0434; &#x01B2; & ? Latin capital letter V with hook Ʋ (U+01B2)
Ƴ &#0435; &#x01B3; & ? Latin capital letter Y with hook Ƴ (U+01B3)
ƴ &#0436; &#x01B4; & ? Latin small letter Y with hook ƴ (U+01B4)
Ƶ &#0437; &#x01B5; & ? Latin capital letter Z with STROKE Ƶ (U+01B5)
ƶ &#0438; &#x01B6; & ? Latin small letter Z with STROKE ƶ (U+01B6)
Ʒ &#0439; &#x01B7; & ? Latin capital letter EZH Ʒ (U+01B7)
Ƹ &#0440; &#x01B8; & ? Latin capital letter EZH reversed Ƹ (U+01B8)
ƹ &#0441; &#x01B9; & ? Latin small letter EZH reversed ƹ (U+01B9)
ƺ &#0442; &#x01BA; & ? Latin small letter EZH with TAIL ƺ (U+01BA)
ƻ &#0443; &#x01BB; & ? Latin letter TWO with STROKE ƻ (U+01BB)
Ƽ &#0444; &#x01BC; & ? Latin capital letter TONE FIVE Ƽ (U+01BC)
ƽ &#0445; &#x01BD; & ? Latin small letter TONE FIVE ƽ (U+01BD)
ƾ &#0446; &#x01BE; & ? Latin letter inverted GLOTTAL Stop with STROKE ƾ (U+01BE)
ƿ &#0447; &#x01BF; & ? Latin letter WYNN ƿ (U+01BF)

ǀ &#0448; &#x01C0; & ? Latin letter DENTAL CLICK ǀ (U+01C0)
ǁ &#0449; &#x01C1; & ? Latin letter LATERAL CLICK ǁ (U+01C1)
ǂ &#0450; &#x01C2; & ? Latin letter ALVEOLAR CLICK ǂ (U+01C2)
ǃ &#0451; &#x01C3; & ? Latin letter RETROFLEX CLICK ǃ (U+01C3)
DŽ &#0452; &#x01C4; & ? Latin capital letter DZ with CARON DŽ (U+01C4)
Dž &#0453; &#x01C5; & ? Latin capital letter D with small letter Z with CARON Dž (U+01C5)
dž &#0454; &#x01C6; & ? Latin small letter DZ with CARON dž (U+01C6)
LJ &#0455; &#x01C7; & ? Latin capital letter LJ LJ (U+01C7)
Lj &#0456; &#x01C8; & ? Latin capital letter L with small letter J Lj (U+01C8)
lj &#0457; &#x01C9; & ? Latin small letter LJ lj (U+01C9)
NJ &#0458; &#x01CA; & ? Latin capital letter NJ NJ (U+01CA)
Nj &#0459; &#x01CB; & ? Latin capital letter N with small letter J Nj (U+01CB)
nj &#0460; &#x01CC; & ? Latin small letter NJ nj (U+01CC)
Ǎ &#0461; &#x01CD; & ? Latin capital letter A with CARON Ǎ (U+01CD)
ǎ &#0462; &#x01CE; & ? Latin small letter A with CARON ǎ (U+01CE)
Ǐ &#0463; &#x01CF; & ? Latin capital letter I with CARON Ǐ (U+01CF)

ǐ &#0464; &#x01D0; & ? Latin small letter I with CARON ǐ (U+01D0)
Ǒ &#0465; &#x01D1; & ? Latin capital letter O with CARON Ǒ (U+01D1)
ǒ &#0466; &#x01D2; & ? Latin small letter O with CARON ǒ (U+01D2)
Ǔ &#0467; &#x01D3; & ? Latin capital letter U with CARON Ǔ (U+01D3)
ǔ &#0468; &#x01D4; & ? Latin small letter U with CARON ǔ (U+01D4)
Ǖ &#0469; &#x01D5; & ? Latin capital letter U with DIAERESIS and MACRON Ǖ (U+01D5)
ǖ &#0470; &#x01D6; & ? Latin small letter U with DIAERESIS and MACRON ǖ (U+01D6)
Ǘ &#0471; &#x01D7; & ? Latin capital letter U with DIAERESIS and ACUTE Ǘ (U+01D7)
ǘ &#0472; &#x01D8; & ? Latin small letter U with DIAERESIS and ACUTE ǘ (U+01D8)
Ǚ &#0473; &#x01D9; & ? Latin capital letter U with DIAERESIS and CARON Ǚ (U+01D9)
ǚ &#0474; &#x01DA; & ? Latin small letter U with DIAERESIS and CARON ǚ (U+01DA)
Ǜ &#0475; &#x01DB; & ? Latin capital letter U with DIAERESIS and GRAVE Ǜ (U+01DB)
ǜ &#0476; &#x01DC; & ? Latin small letter U with DIAERESIS and GRAVE ǜ (U+01DC)
ǝ &#0477; &#x01DD; & ? Latin small letter turned E ǝ (U+01DD)
Ǟ &#0478; &#x01DE; & ? Latin capital letter A with DIAERESIS and MACRON Ǟ (U+01DE)
ǟ &#0479; &#x01DF; & ? Latin small letter A with DIAERESIS and MACRON ǟ (U+01DF)

Ǡ &#0480; &#x01E0; & ? Latin capital letter A with DOT above and MACRON Ǡ (U+01E0)
ǡ &#0481; &#x01E1; & ? Latin small letter A with DOT above and MACRON ǡ (U+01E1)
Ǣ &#0482; &#x01E2; & ? Latin capital letter AE with MACRON Ǣ (U+01E2)
ǣ &#0483; &#x01E3; & ? Latin small letter AE with MACRON ǣ (U+01E3)
Ǥ &#0484; &#x01E4; & ? Latin capital letter G with STROKE Ǥ (U+01E4)
ǥ &#0485; &#x01E5; & ? Latin small letter G with STROKE ǥ (U+01E5)
Ǧ &#0486; &#x01E6; & ? Latin capital letter G with CARON Ǧ (U+01E6)
ǧ &#0487; &#x01E7; & ? Latin small letter G with CARON ǧ (U+01E7)
Ǩ &#0488; &#x01E8; & ? Latin capital letter K with CARON Ǩ (U+01E8)
ǩ &#0489; &#x01E9; & ? Latin small letter K with CARON ǩ (U+01E9)
Ǫ &#0490; &#x01EA; & ? Latin capital letter O with OGONEK Ǫ (U+01EA)
ǫ &#0491; &#x01EB; & ? Latin small letter O with OGONEK ǫ (U+01EB)
Ǭ &#0492; &#x01EC; & ? Latin capital letter O with OGONEK and MACRON Ǭ (U+01EC)
ǭ &#0493; &#x01ED; & ? Latin small letter O with OGONEK and MACRON ǭ (U+01ED)
Ǯ &#0494; &#x01EE; & ? Latin capital letter EZH with CARON Ǯ (U+01EE)
ǯ &#0495; &#x01EF; & ? Latin small letter EZH with CARON ǯ (U+01EF)

ǰ &#0496; &#x01F0; & ? Latin small letter J with CARON ǰ (U+01F0)
DZ &#0497; &#x01F1; & ? Latin capital letter DZ DZ (U+01F1)
Dz &#0498; &#x01F2; & ? Latin capital letter D with small letter Z Dz (U+01F2)
dz &#0499; &#x01F3; & ? Latin small letter DZ dz (U+01F3)
Ǵ &#0500; &#x01F4; & ? Latin capital letter G with ACUTE Ǵ (U+01F4)
ǵ &#0501; &#x01F5; & ? Latin small letter G with ACUTE ǵ (U+01F5)
Ƕ &#0502; &#x01F6; & ? Latin capital letter HWAIR Ƕ (U+01F6)
Ƿ &#0503; &#x01F7; & Ë Latin capital letter WYNN Ƿ (U+01F7)
Ǹ &#0504; &#x01F8; & Ì Latin capital letter N with GRAVE Ǹ (U+01F8)
ǹ &#0505; &#x01F9; & ? Latin small letter N with GRAVE ǹ (U+01F9)
Ǻ &#0506; &#x01FA; & ? Latin capital letter A with RING above and ACUTE Ǻ (U+01FA)
ǻ &#0507; &#x01FB; & ? Latin small letter A with RING above and ACUTE ǻ (U+01FB)
Ǽ &#0508; &#x01FC; & ? Latin capital letter AE with ACUTE Ǽ (U+01FC)
ǽ &#0509; &#x01FD; & ? Latin small letter AE with ACUTE ǽ (U+01FD)
Ǿ &#0510; &#x01FE; & ? Latin capital letter O with STROKE and ACUTE Ǿ (U+01FE)
ǿ &#0511; &#x01FF; & ? Latin small letter O with STROKE and ACUTE ǿ (U+01FF)

Ȁ &#0512; &#x0200; & Ȁ ? Latin capital letter A with double GRAVE Ȁ (U+0200)
ȁ &#0513; &#x0201; & ȁ ? Latin small letter A with double GRAVE ȁ (U+0201)
Ȃ &#0514; &#x0202; & Ȃ ? Latin capital letter A with inverted BREVE Ȃ (U+0202)
ȃ &#0515; &#x0203; & ȃ ? Latin small letter A with inverted BREVE ȃ (U+0203)
Ȅ &#0516; &#x0204; & Ȅ ? Latin capital letter E with double GRAVE Ȅ (U+0204)
ȅ &#0517; &#x0205; & ȅ ? Latin small letter E with double GRAVE ȅ (U+0205)
Ȇ &#0518; &#x0206; & Ȇ ? Latin capital letter E with inverted BREVE Ȇ (U+0206)
ȇ &#0519; &#x0207; & ȇ ? Latin small letter E with inverted BREVE ȇ (U+0207)
Ȉ &#0520; &#x0208; & Ȉ ? Latin capital letter I with double GRAVE Ȉ (U+0208)
ȉ &#0521; &#x0209; & ȉ ? Latin small letter I with double GRAVE ȉ (U+0209)
Ȋ &#0522; &#x020A; & Ȋ ? Latin capital letter I with inverted BREVE Ȋ (U+020A)
ȋ &#0523; &#x020B; & ȋ ? Latin small letter I with inverted BREVE ȋ (U+020B)
Ȍ &#0524; &#x020C; & Ȍ ? Latin capital letter O with double GRAVE Ȍ (U+020C)
ȍ &#0525; &#x020D; & ȍ ? Latin small letter O with double GRAVE ȍ (U+020D)
Ȏ &#0526; &#x020E; & Ȏ ? Latin capital letter O with inverted BREVE Ȏ (U+020E
ȏ &#0527; &#x020F; & ȏ ? Latin small letter O with inverted BREVE ȏ (U+020F)

Ȑ &#0528; &#x0210; & Latin capital letter R with double GRAVE Ȑ (U+0210)
ȑ &#0529; &#x0211; & Latin small letter R with double GRAVE ȑ (U+0211)
Ȓ &#0530; &#x0212; & Latin capital letter R with inverted BREVE Ȓ (U+0212)
ȓ &#0531; &#x0213; & Latin small letter R with inverted BREVE ȓ (U+0213)
Ȕ &#0532; &#x0214; & Latin capital letter U with double GRAVE Ȕ (U+0214)
ȕ &#0533; &#x0215; & Latin small letter U with double GRAVE ȕ (U+0215)
Ȗ &#0534; &#x0216; & Latin capital letter U with inverted BREVE Ȗ (U+0216)
ȗ &#0535; &#x0217; & Latin small letter U with inverted BREVE ȗ (U+0217)
Ș &#0536; &#x0218; & Latin capital letter S with COMMA below Ș (U+0218)
ș &#0537; &#x0219; & Latin small letter S with COMMA below ș (U+0219)
Ț &#0538; &#x021A; & Latin capital letter T with COMMA below Ț (U+021A)
ț &#0539; &#x021B; & Latin small letter T with COMMA below ț (U+021B)
Ȝ &#0540; &#x021C; & Latin capital letter YOGH Ȝ (U+021C)
ȝ &#0541; &#x021D; & Latin small letter YOGH ȝ (U+021D)
Ȟ &#0542; &#x021E; & Latin capital letter H with CARON Ȟ (U+021E)
ȟ &#0543; &#x021F; & Latin small letter H with CARON ȟ (U+021F)

Ƞ &#0544; &#x0220; & Latin capital letter N with long right LEG Ƞ (U+0220)
ȡ &#0545; &#x0221; & Latin small letter D with CURL ȡ (U+0221)
Ȣ &#0546; &#x0222; & Latin capital letter OU Ȣ (U+0222)
ȣ &#0547; &#x0223; & Latin small letter OU ȣ (U+0223)
Ȥ &#0548; &#x0224; & Latin capital letter Z with hook Ȥ (U+0224)
ȥ &#0549; &#x0225; & Latin small letter Z with hook ȥ (U+0225)
Ȧ &#0550; &#x0226; & Latin capital letter A with DOT above Ȧ (U+0226)
ȧ &#0551; &#x0227; & Latin small letter A with DOT above ȧ (U+0227)
Ȩ &#0552; &#x0228; & Latin capital letter E with CEDILLA Ȩ (U+0228)
ȩ &#0553; &#x0229; & Latin small letter E with CEDILLA ȩ (U+0229)
Ȫ &#0554; &#x022A; & Latin capital letter O with DIAERESIS and MACRON Ȫ (U+022A)
ȫ &#0555; &#x022B; & Latin small letter O with DIAERESIS and MACRON ȫ (U+022B)
Ȭ &#0556; &#x022C; & Latin capital letter O with TILDE and MACRON Ȭ (U+022C)
ȭ &#0557; &#x022D; & Latin small letter O with TILDE and MACRON ȭ (U+022D)
Ȯ &#0558; &#x022E; & Latin capital letter O with DOT above Ȯ (U+022E)
ȯ &#0559; &#x022F; & Latin small letter O with DOT above ȯ (U+022F)

Ȱ &#0560; &#x0230; & Latin capital letter O with DOT above and MACRON Ȱ (U+0230)
ȱ &#0561; &#x0231; & Latin small letter O with DOT above and MACRON ȱ (U+0231)
Ȳ &#0562; &#x0232; & Latin capital letter Y with MACRON Ȳ (U+0232)
ȳ &#0563; &#x0233; & Latin small letter Y with MACRON ȳ (U+0233)
ȴ &#0564; &#x0234; & Latin small letter L with CURL ȴ (U+0234)
ȵ &#0565; &#x0235; & Latin small letter N with CURL ȵ (U+0235)
ȶ &#0566; &#x0236; & Latin small letter T with CURL ȶ (U+0236)
ȷ &#0567; &#x0237; & Latin small letter dotless J ȷ (U+0237)
ȸ &#0568; &#x0238; & Latin small letter DB DIGRAPH ȸ (U+0238)
ȹ &#0569; &#x0239; & Latin small letter QP DIGRAPH ȹ (U+0239)
Ⱥ &#0570; &#x023A; & Latin capital letter A with STROKE Ⱥ (U+023A)
Ȼ &#0571; &#x023B; & Latin capital letter C with STROKE Ȼ (U+023B)
ȼ &#0572; &#x023C; & Latin small letter C with STROKE ȼ (U+023C)
Ƚ &#0573; &#x023D; & Latin capital letter L with BAR Ƚ (U+023D)
Ⱦ &#0574; &#x023E; & Latin capital letter T with DIAGONAL STROKE Ⱦ (U+023E)
ȿ &#0575; &#x023F; & Latin small letter S with SWASH TAIL ȿ (U+023F)

ɀ &#0576; &#x0240; & Latin small letter Z with SWASH TAIL ɀ (U+0240)
Ɂ &#0577; &#x0241; & Latin capital letter GLOTTAL STOP Ɂ (U+0241)
ɂ &#0578; &#x0242; & Latin small letter GLOTTAL STOP ɂ (U+0242)
Ƀ &#0579; &#x0243; & Latin capital letter B with STROKE Ƀ (U+0243)
Ʉ &#0580; &#x0244; & Latin capital letter U BAR Ʉ (U+0244)
Ʌ &#0581; &#x0245; & Latin capital letter turned V Ʌ (U+0245)
Ɇ &#0582; &#x0246; & Latin capital letter E with STROKE Ɇ (U+0246)
ɇ &#0583; &#x0247; & Latin small letter E with STROKE ɇ (U+0247)
Ɉ &#0584; &#x0248; & Latin capital letter J with STROKE Ɉ (U+0248)
ɉ &#0585; &#x0249; & Latin small letter J with STROKE ɉ (U+0249)
Ɋ &#0586; &#x024A; & Latin capital letter small Q with hook TAIL Ɋ (U+024A)
ɋ &#0587; &#x024B; & Latin small letter Q with hook TAIL ɋ (U+024B)
Ɍ &#0588; &#x024C; & Latin capital letter R with STROKE Ɍ (U+024C)
ɍ &#0589; &#x024D; & Latin small letter R with STROKE ɍ (U+024D)
Ɏ &#0590; &#x024E; & Latin capital letter Y with STROKE Ɏ (U+024E)
ɏ &#0591; &#x024F; & Latin small letter Y with STROKE ɏ (U+024F)

IPA Extensions: International Phonetic Alphabet 0250
ɐ &#0592; &#x0250; & Latin small letter turned A ɐ (U+0250)
ɑ &#0593; &#x0251; & Latin small letter ALPHA ɑ (U+0251)
ɒ &#0594; &#x0252; & Latin small letter turned ALPHA ɒ (U+0252)
ɓ &#0595; &#x0253; & Latin small letter B with hook ɓ (U+0253)
ɔ &#0596; &#x0257; & Latin small letter OPEN O ɔ (U+0257)
ɕ &#0597; &#x0255; & Latin small letter C with CURL ɕ (U+0255)
ɖ &#0598; &#x0257; & Latin small letter D with TAIL ɖ (U+0257)
ɗ &#0599; &#x0257; & Latin small letter D with hook ɗ (U+0257)
ɘ &#0600; &#x0258; & Latin small letter reversed E ɘ (U+0258)
ə &#0601; &#x0259; & Latin small letter SCHWA ə (U+0259)
ɚ &#0602; &#x025A; & Latin small letter SCHWA with hook ɚ (U+025A)
ɛ &#0603; &#x025B; & Latin small letter OPEN E ɛ (U+025B)
ɜ &#0604; &#x025C; & Latin small letter reversed OPEN E ɜ (U+025C)
ɝ &#0605; &#x025D; & Latin small letter reversed OPEN E with hook ɝ (U+025D)
ɞ &#0606; &#x025E; & Latin small letter closed reversed OPEN E ɞ (U+025E)
ɟ &#0607; &#x025F; & Latin small letter dotless J with STROKE ɟ (U+025F)

ɠ &#0608; &#x0260; & Latin small letter G with hook ɠ (U+0260)
ɡ &#0609; &#x0261; & Latin small letter SCRIPT G ɡ (U+0261)
ɢ &#0610; &#x0262; & Latin letter small capital G ɢ (U+0262)
ɣ &#0611; &#x0263; & Latin small letter GAMMA ɣ (U+0263)
ɤ &#0612; &#x0264; & Latin small letter RAMS HORN ɤ (U+0264)
ɥ &#0613; &#x0265; & Latin small letter turned H ɥ (U+0265)
ɦ &#0614; &#x0266; & Latin small letter H with hook ɦ (U+0266)
ɧ &#0615; &#x0267; & Latin small letter HENG with hook ɧ (U+0267)
ɨ &#0616; &#x0268; & Latin small letter I with STROKE ɨ (U+0268)
ɩ &#0617; &#x0269; & Latin small letter IOTA ɩ (U+0269)
ɪ &#0618; &#x026A; & Latin letter small capital I ɪ (U+026A)
ɫ &#0619; &#x026B; & Latin small letter L with middle TILDE ɫ (U+026B)
ɬ &#0620; &#x026C; & Latin small letter L with BELT ɬ (U+026C)
ɭ &#0621; &#x026D; & Latin small letter L with RETROFLEX hook ɭ (U+026D)
ɮ &#0622; &#x026E; & Latin small letter LEZH ɮ (U+026E)
ɯ &#0623; &#x026F; & Latin small letter turned M ɯ (U+026F)

ɰ &#0624; &#x0270; & Latin small letter turned M with long LEG ɰ (U+0270)
ɱ &#0625; &#x0271; & Latin small letter M with hook ɱ (U+0271)
ɲ &#0626; &#x0272; & Latin small letter N with left hook ɲ (U+0272)
ɳ &#0627; &#x0273; & Latin small letter N with RETROFLEX hook ɳ (U+0273)
ɴ &#0628; &#x0274; & Latin letter small capital N ɴ (U+0274)
ɵ &#0629; &#x0275; & Latin small letter barred O ɵ (U+0275)
ɶ &#0630; &#x0276; & Latin letter small capital OE ɶ (U+0276)
ɷ &#0631; &#x0277; & Latin small letter closed OMEGA ɷ (U+0277)
ɸ &#0632; &#x0278; & Latin small letter PHI ɸ (U+0278)
ɹ &#0633; &#x0279; & Latin small letter turned R ɹ (U+0279)
ɺ &#0634; &#x027A; & Latin small letter turned R with long LEG ɺ (U+027A)
ɻ &#0635; &#x027B; & Latin small letter turned R with hook ɻ (U+027B)
ɼ &#0636; &#x027C; & Latin small letter R with long LEG ɼ (U+027C)
ɽ &#0637; &#x027D; & Latin small letter R with TAIL ɽ (U+027D)
ɾ &#0638; &#x027E; & Latin small letter R with FISHHOOK ɾ (U+027E)
ɿ &#0639; &#x027F; & Latin small letter reversed R with FISHHOOK ɿ (U+027F)

ʀ &#0640; &#x0280; & Latin letter small capital R ʀ (U+0280)
ʁ &#0641; &#x0281; & Latin letter small capital inverted R ʁ (U+0281)
ʂ &#0642; &#x0282; & Latin small letter S with hook ʂ (U+0282)
ʃ &#0643; &#x0283; & Latin small letter ESH ʃ (U+0283)
ʄ &#0644; &#x0284; & Latin small letter dotless J with STROKE and hook ʄ (U+0284)
ʅ &#0645; &#x0285; & Latin small letter SQUAT reversed ESH ʅ (U+0285)
ʆ &#0646; &#x0286; & Latin small letter ESH with CURL ʆ (U+0286)
ʇ &#0647; &#x0287; & Latin small letter turned T ʇ (U+0287)
ʈ &#0648; &#x0288; & Latin small letter T with RETROFLEX hook ʈ (U+0288)
ʉ &#0649; &#x0289; & Latin small letter U BAR ʉ (U+0289)
ʊ &#0650; &#x028A; & Latin small letter UPSILON ʊ (U+028A)
ʋ &#0651; &#x028B; & Latin small letter V with hook ʋ (U+028B)
ʌ &#0652; &#x028C; & Latin small letter turned V ʌ (U+028C)
ʍ &#0653; &#x028D; & Latin small letter turned W ʍ (U+028D)
ʎ &#0654; &#x028E; & Latin small letter turned Y ʎ (U+028E)
ʏ &#0655; &#x028F; & Latin letter small capital Y ʏ (U+028F)

ʐ &#0656; &#x0290; & Latin small letter Z with RETROFLEX hook ʐ (U+0290)
ʑ &#0657; &#x0291; & Latin small letter Z with CURL ʑ (U+0291)
ʒ &#0658; &#x0292; & Latin small letter EZH ʒ (U+0292)
ʓ &#0659; &#x0293; & Latin small letter EZH with CURL ʓ (U+0293)
ʔ &#0660; &#x0294; & Latin letter GLOTTAL STOP ʔ (U+0294)
ʕ &#0661; &#x0295; & Latin letter PHARYNGEAL VOICED FRICATIVE ʕ (U+0295)
ʖ &#0662; &#x0296; & Latin letter inverted GLOTTAL STOP ʖ (U+0296)
ʗ &#0663; &#x0297; & Latin letter STRETCHED C ʗ (U+0297)
ʘ &#0664; &#x0298; & Latin letter BILABIAL CLICK ʘ (U+0298)
ʙ &#0665; &#x0299; & Latin letter small capital B ʙ (U+0299)
ʚ &#0666; &#x029A; & Latin small letter closed OPEN E ʚ (U+029A)
ʛ &#0667; &#x029B; & Latin letter small capital G with hook ʛ (U+029B)
ʜ &#0668; &#x029C; & Latin letter small capital H ʜ (U+029C)
ʝ &#0669; &#x029D; & Latin small letter J with CROSSED-TAIL ʝ (U+029D)
ʞ &#0670; &#x029E; & Latin small letter turned K ʞ (U+029E)
ʟ &#0671; &#x029F; & Latin letter small capital L ʟ (U+029F)

ʠ &#0672; &#x02A0; & ʠLatin small letter Q with hook (U+02A0)
ʡ &#0673; &#x02A1; & ʡLatin letter GLOTTAL Stop with STROKE (U+02A1)
ʢ &#0674; &#x02A2; & ʢLatin letter reversed GLOTTAL Stop with STROKE (U+02A2)
ʣ &#0675; &#x02A3; & ʣLatin small letter DZ DIGRAPH (U+02A3)
ʤ &#0676; &#x02A4; & ʤLatin small letter DEZH DIGRAPH (U+02A4)
ʥ &#0677; &#x02A5; & ʥLatin small letter DZ DIGRAPH with CURL (U+02A5)
ʦ &#0678; &#x02A6; & ʦLatin small letter TS DIGRAPH (U+02A6)
ʧ &#0679; &#x02A7; & ʧLatin small letter TESH DIGRAPH (U+02A7)
ʨ &#0680; &#x02A8; & ʨLatin small letter TC DIGRAPH with CURL (U+02A8)
ʩ &#0681; &#x02A9; & ʩLatin small letter FENG DIGRAPH (U+02A9)
ʪ &#0682; &#x02AA; & ʪLatin small letter LS DIGRAPH (U+02AA)
ʫ &#0683; &#x02AB; & ʫLatin small letter LZ DIGRAPH (U+02AB)
ʬ &#0684; &#x02AC; & ʬLatin letter BILABIAL PERCUSSIVE (U+02AC)
ʭ &#0685; &#x02AD; & ʭLatin letter BIDENTAL PERCUSSIVE (U+02AD)
ʮ &#0686; &#x02AE; & ʮLatin small letter turned H with FISHHOOK (U+02AE)
ʯ &#0687; &#x02AF; & ʯLatin small letter turned H with FISHHOOK and TAIL (U+02AF)

Spacing Modifier Letters 02B0
ʰ &#0688; &#x02B0; & ʰ modifier letter small H (U+02B0)
ʱ &#0689; &#x02B1; & ʱmodifier letter small H with hook (U+02B1)
ʲ &#0690; &#x02B2; & ʲ modifier letter small J (U+02B2)
ʳ &#0691; &#x02B3; & ʳ modifier letter small R (U+02B3)
ʴ &#0692; &#x02B4; & ʴmodifier letter small turned R (U+02B4)
ʵ &#0693; &#x02B5; & ʵmodifier letter small turned R with hook (U+02B5)
ʶ &#0694; &#x02B6; & ʶmodifier letter small capital inverted R (U+02B6)
ʷ &#0695; &#x02B7; & ʷ modifier letter small W (U+02B7)
ʸ &#0696; &#x02B8; & ʸmodifier letter small Y (U+02B8)
ʹ &#0697; &#x02B9; & ʹmodifier letter PRIME (U+02B9)
ʺ &#0698; &#x02BA; & ʺmodifier letter double PRIME (U+02BA)
ʻ &#0699; &#x02BB; & ʻmodifier letter turned COMMA (U+02BB)
ʼ &#0700; &#x02BC; &apos; ʼmodifier letter APOSTROPHE (U+02BC)
ʽ &#0701; &#x02BD; & ʽmodifier letter reversed COMMA (U+02BD)
ʾ &#0702; &#x02BE; & ʾmodifier letter right HALF RING (U+02BE)
ʿ &#0703; &#x02BF; & ʿmodifier letter left HALF RING (U+02BF)

ˀ &#0704; &#x02C0; & ? ˀmodifier letter GLOTTAL STOP (U+02C0)
ˁ &#0705; &#x02C1; & ? ˁmodifier letter reversed GLOTTAL STOP (U+02C1)
˂ &#0706; &#x02C2; & ? ˂modifier letter left ARROWHEAD (U+02C2)
˃ &#0707; &#x02C3; & ? ˃modifier letter right ARROWHEAD (U+02C3)
˄ &#0708; &#x02C4; & ? ˄modifier letter up ARROWHEAD (U+02C4)
˅ &#0709; &#x02C5; & ? ˅modifier letter down ARROWHEAD (U+02C5)
ˆ &#0710; &#x02C6; &circ; ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent, ˆ (U+02C6)
ˇ &#0711; &#x02C7; &caron; ? CARON ˇ (U+02C7)
ˈ &#0712; &#x02C8; & ? modifier letter vertical LINE ˈ (U+02C8)
ˉ &#0713; &#x02C9; & ? modifier letter MACRON ˉ (U+02C9)
ˊ &#0714; &#x02CA; & modifier letter ACUTE ACCENT ˊ (U+02CA)
ˋ &#0715; &#x02CB; & modifier letter GRAVE ACCENT ˋ (U+02CB)
ˌ &#0716; &#x02CC; & modifier letter low vertical LINE ˌ (U+02CC)
ˍ &#0717; &#x02CD; & modifier letter low MACRON ˍ (U+02CD)
ˎ &#0718; &#x02CE; & modifier letter low GRAVE ACCENT ˎ (U+02CE)
ˏ &#0719; &#x02CF; & modifier letter low ACUTE ACCENT ˏ (U+02CF)

ː &#0720; &#x02D0; & modifier letter TRIANGULAR COLON ː (U+02D0)
ˑ &#0721; &#x02D1; & modifier letter HALF TRIANGULAR COLON ˑ (U+02D1)
˒ &#0722; &#x02D2; & modifier letter centered right HALF RING ˒ (U+02D2)
˓ &#0723; &#x02D3; & modifier letter centered left HALF RING ˓ (U+02D3)
˔ &#0724; &#x02D4; & modifier letter UP TACK ˔ (U+02D4)
˕ &#0725; &#x02D5; & modifier letter down TACK ˕ (U+02D5)
˖ &#0726; &#x02D6; & modifier letter PLUS SIGN ˖ (U+02D6)
˗ &#0727; &#x02D7; & modifier letter MINUS SIGN ˗ (U+02D7)
˘ &#0728; &#x02D8; &breve; BREVE ˘ (U+02D8)
˙ &#0729; &#x02D9; &dot; DOT above ˙ (U+02D9)
˚ &#0730; &#x02DA; &ring; RING above ˚ (U+02DA)
˛ &#0731; &#x02DB; &ogon; OGONEK ˛ (U+02DB)
˜ &#0732; &#x02DC; &tilde; ˜ small tilde, ˜ (U+02DC)
˝ &#0733; &#x02DD; &dblac; double ACUTE ACCENT ˝ (U+02DD)
˞ &#0734; &#x02DE; & modifier letter RHOTIC hook ˞ (U+02DE)
˟ &#0735; &#x02DF; & modifier letter CROSS ACCENT ˟ (U+02DF)

ˠ &#0736; &#x02E0; & modifier letter small GAMMA ˠ (U+02E0)
ˡ &#0737; &#x02E1; & modifier letter small L ˡ (U+02E1)
ˢ &#0738; &#x02E2; & modifier letter small S ˢ (U+02E2)
ˣ &#0739; &#x02E3; & modifier letter small X ˣ (U+02E3)
ˤ &#0740; &#x02E4; & modifier letter small reversed GLOTTAL STOP ˤ (U+02E4)
˥ &#0741; &#x02E5; & modifier letter EXTRA-HIGH TONE BAR ˥ (U+02E5)
˦ &#0742; &#x02E6; & modifier letter HIGH TONE BAR ˦ (U+02E6)
˧ &#0743; &#x02E7; & modifier letter MID TONE BAR ˧ (U+02E7)
˨ &#0744; &#x02E8; & modifier letter low TONE BAR ˨ (U+02E8)
˩ &#0745; &#x02E9; & modifier letter EXTRA-LOW TONE BAR ˩ (U+02E9)
˪ &#0746; &#x02EA; & modifier letter YIN DEPARTING TONE MARK ˪ (U+02EA)
˫ &#0747; &#x02EB; & modifier letter YANG DEPARTING TONE MARK ˫ (U+02EB)
ˬ &#0748; &#x02EC; & modifier letter VOICING ˬ (U+02EC)
˭ &#0749; &#x02ED; & modifier letter UNASPIRATED ˭ (U+02ED)
ˮ &#0750; &#x02EE; & modifier letter double APOSTROPHE ˮ (U+02EE)
˯ &#0751; &#x02EF; & modifier letter low down ARROWHEAD ˯ (U+02EF)

˰ &#0752; &#x02F0; & modifier letter low up ARROWHEAD ˰ (U+02F0)
˱ &#0753; &#x02F1; & modifier letter low left ARROWHEAD ˱ (U+02F1)
˲ &#0754; &#x02F2; & modifier letter low right ARROWHEAD ˲ (U+02F2)
˳ &#0755; &#x02F3; & modifier letter low RING ˳ (U+02F3)
˴ &#0756; &#x02F4; & modifier letter middle GRAVE ACCENT ˴ (U+02F4)
˵ &#0757; &#x02F5; & modifier letter middle double GRAVE ACCENT ˵ (U+02F5)
˶ &#0758; &#x02F6; & modifier letter middle double ACUTE ACCENT ˶ (U+02F6)
˷ &#0759; &#x02F7; & modifier letter low TILDE ˷ (U+02F7)
˸ &#0760; &#x02F8; & modifier letter RAISED COLON ˸ (U+02F8)
˹ &#0761; &#x02F9; & modifier letter BEGIN HIGH TONE ˹ (U+02F9)
˺ &#0762; &#x02FA; & modifier letter END HIGH TONE ˺ (U+02FA)
˻ &#0763; &#x02FB; & modifier letter BEGIN low TONE ˻ (U+02FB)
˼ &#0764; &#x02FC; & modifier letter END low TONE ˼ (U+02FC)
˽ &#0765; &#x02FD; & modifier letter SHELF ˽ (U+02FD)
˾ &#0766; &#x02FE; & modifier letter OPEN SHELF ˾ (U+02FE)
˿ &#0767; &#x02FF; & modifier letter low left ARROW ˿ (U+02FF)

Combining Diacritical Marks 0300
̀ &#0768; &#x0300; & ̀combining GRAVE ACCENT (U+0300)
́ &#0769; &#x0301; & ́combining ACUTE ACCENT (U+0301)
̂ &#0770; &#x0302; & ̂combining CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT (U+0302)
̃ &#0771; &#x0303; & ̃combining TILDE (U+0303)
̄ &#0772; &#x0304; & ̄combining MACRON (U+0304)
̅ &#0773; &#x0305; & ̅combining OVERLINE (U+0305)
̆ &#0774; &#x0306; & ̆combining BREVE (U+0306)
̇ &#0775; &#x0307; & ̇combining DOT above (U+0307)
̈ &#0776; &#x0308; & ̈combining DIAERESIS (U+0308)
̉ &#0777; &#x0309; & ̉combining hook above (U+0309)
̊ &#0778; &#x030A; & ̊combining RING above (U+030A)
̋ &#0779; &#x030B; & ̋combining double ACUTE ACCENT (U+030B)
̌ &#0780; &#x030C; & ̌combining CARON (U+030C)
̍ &#0781; &#x030D; & ̍combining vertical LINE above (U+030D)
̎ &#0782; &#x030E; & ̎combining double vertical LINE above (U+030E)
̏ &#0783; &#x030F; & ̏combining double GRAVE ACCENT (U+030F)

̐ &#0784; &#x0310; & ̐combining CANDRABINDU (U+0310)
̑ &#0785; &#x0311; & ̑combining inverted BREVE (U+0311)
̒ &#0786; &#x0312; & ̒combining turned COMMA above (U+0312)
̓ &#0787; &#x0313; & ̓combining COMMA above (U+0313)
̔ &#0788; &#x0314; & ̔combining reversed COMMA above (U+0314)
̕ &#0789; &#x0315; & ̕combining COMMA above right (U+0315)
̖ &#0790; &#x0316; & ̖combining GRAVE ACCENT below (U+0316)
̗ &#0791; &#x0317; & ̗combining ACUTE ACCENT below (U+0317)
̘ &#0792; &#x0318; & ̘combining left TACK below (U+0318)
̙ &#0793; &#x0319; & ̙combining right TACK below (U+0319)
̚ &#0794; &#x031A; & ̚combining left ANGLE above (U+031A)
̛ &#0795; &#x031B; & ̛combining HORN (U+031B)
̜ &#0796; &#x031C; & ̜combining left HALF RING below (U+031C)
̝ &#0797; &#x031D; & ̝combining up TACK below (U+031D)
̞ &#0798; &#x031E; & ̞combining down TACK below (U+031E)
̟ &#0799; &#x031F; & ̟combining PLUS SIGN below (U+031F)

̠ &#0800; &#x0320; & ̠combining MINUS SIGN below (U+0320)
̡ &#0801; &#x0321; & ̡combining PALATALIZED hook below (U+0321)
̢ &#0802; &#x0322; & ̢combining RETROFLEX hook below (U+0322)
̣ &#0803; &#x0323; & ̣combining DOT below (U+0323)
̤ &#0804; &#x0324; & ̤combining DIAERESIS below (U+0324)
̥ &#0805; &#x0325; & ̥combining RING below (U+0325)
̦ &#0806; &#x0326; & ̦combining COMMA below (U+0326)
̧ &#0807; &#x0327; & ̧combining CEDILLA (U+0327)
̨ &#0808; &#x0328; & ̨combining OGONEK (U+0328)
̩ &#0809; &#x0329; & ̩combining vertical LINE below (U+0329)
̪ &#0810; &#x032A; & ̪combining BRIDGE below (U+032A)
̫ &#0811; &#x032B; & ̫combining inverted double ARCH below (U+032B)
̬ &#0812; &#x032C; & ̬combining CARON below (U+032C)
̭ &#0813; &#x032D; & ̭combining CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT below (U+032D)
̮ &#0814; &#x032E; & ̮combining BREVE below (U+032E)
̯ &#0815; &#x032F; & ̯combining inverted BREVE below (U+032F)

̰ &#0816; &#x0330; & ̰combining TILDE below (U+0330)
̱ &#0817; &#x0331; & ̱combining MACRON below (U+0331)
̲ &#0818; &#x0332; & ̲combining low LINE (U+0332)
̳ &#0819; &#x0333; & ̳combining double low LINE (U+0333)
̴ &#0820; &#x0334; & ̴combining TILDE OVERLAY (U+0334)
̵ &#0821; &#x0335; & ̵combining short STROKE OVERLAY (U+0335)
̶ &#0822; &#x0336; & ̶combining long STROKE OVERLAY (U+0336)
̷ &#0823; &#x0337; & ̷combining short SOLIDUS OVERLAY (U+0337)
̸ &#0824; &#x0338; & ̸combining long SOLIDUS OVERLAY (U+0338)
̹ &#0825; &#x0339; & ̹combining right HALF RING below (U+0339)
̺ &#0826; &#x033A; & ̺combining inverted BRIDGE below (U+033A)
̻ &#0827; &#x033B; & ̻combining SQUARE below (U+033B)
̼ &#0828; &#x033C; & ̼combining SEAGULL below (U+033C)
̽ &#0829; &#x033D; & ̽combining X above (U+033D)
̾ &#0830; &#x033E; & ̾combining vertical TILDE (U+033E)
̿ &#0831; &#x033F; & ̿combining double OVERLINE (U+033F)

̀ &#0832; &#x0340; & ̀combining GRAVE TONE MARK (U+0340)
́ &#0833; &#x0341; & ́combining ACUTE TONE MARK (U+0341)
͂ &#0834; &#x0342; & ͂combining Greek PERISPOMENI (U+0342)
̓ &#0835; &#x0343; & ̓combining Greek KORONIS (U+0343)
̈́ &#0836; &#x0344; & ̈́combining Greek DIALYTIKA TONOS (U+0344)
ͅ &#0837; &#x0345; & ͅcombining combining YPOGEGRAMMENI (U+0345)
͆ &#0838; &#x0346; & ͆combining BRIDGE above (U+0346)
͇ &#0839; &#x0347; & ͇combining EQUALS SIGN below (U+0347)
͈ &#0840; &#x0348; & ͈combining double vertical LINE below (U+0348)
͉ &#0841; &#x0349; & ͉combining left ANGLE below (U+0349)
͊ &#0842; &#x034A; & ͊combining NOT TILDE above (U+034A)
͋ &#0843; &#x034B; & ͋combining HOMOTHETIC above (U+034B)
͌ &#0844; &#x034C; & ͌combining ALMOST EQUAL TO above (U+034C)
͍ &#0845; &#x034D; & ͍combining left right ARROW below (U+034D)
͎ &#0846; &#x034E; & ͎combining upwards ARROW below (U+034E)
͏ &#0847; &#x034F; & ͏combining GRAPHEME JOINER (U+034F)

͐ &#0848; &#x0350; & ͐combining right ARROWHEAD above (U+0350)
͑ &#0849; &#x0351; & ͑combining left HALF RING above (U+0351)
͒ &#0850; &#x0352; & ͒combining FERMATA (U+0352)
͓ &#0851; &#x0353; & ͓combining X below (U+0353)
͔ &#0852; &#x0354; & ͔combining left ARROWHEAD below (U+0354)
͕ &#0853; &#x0355; & ͕combining right ARROWHEAD below (U+0355)
͖ &#0854; &#x0356; & ͖combining right ARROWHEAD and up ARROWHEAD below (U+0356)
͗ &#0855; &#x0357; & ͗combining right HALF RING above (U+0357)
͘ &#0856; &#x0358; & ͘combining DOT above right (U+0358)
͙ &#0857; &#x0359; & ͙combining ASTERISK below (U+0359)
͚ &#0858; &#x035A; & ͚combining double RING below (U+035A)
͛ &#0859; &#x035B; & ͛combining ZIGZAG above (U+035B)
͜ &#0860; &#x035C; & ͜combining double BREVE below (U+035C)
͝ &#0861; &#x035D; & ͝combining double BREVE (U+035D)
͞ &#0862; &#x035E; & ͞combining double MACRON (U+035E)
͟ &#0863; &#x035F; & ͟combining double MACRON below (U+035F)

͠ &#0864; &#x0360; & ͠combining double TILDE (U+0360)
͡ &#0865; &#x0361; & ͡combining double inverted BREVE (U+0361)
͢ &#0866; &#x0362; & ͢combining double rightWARDS ARROW below (U+0362)
ͣ &#0867; &#x0363; & ͣcombining Latin small letter A (U+0363)
ͤ &#0868; &#x0364; & ͤcombining Latin small letter E (U+0364)
ͥ &#0869; &#x0365; & ͥcombining Latin small letter I (U+0365)
ͦ &#0870; &#x0366; & ͦcombining Latin small letter O (U+0366)
ͧ &#0871; &#x0367; & ͧcombining Latin small letter U (U+0367)
ͨ &#0872; &#x0368; & ͨcombining Latin small letter C (U+0368)
ͩ &#0873; &#x0369; & ͩcombining Latin small letter D (U+0369)
ͪ &#0874; &#x036A; & ͪcombining Latin small letter H (U+036A)
ͫ &#0875; &#x036B; & ͫcombining Latin small letter M (U+036B)
ͬ &#0876; &#x036C; & ͬcombining Latin small letter R (U+036C)
ͭ &#0877; &#x036D; & ͭcombining Latin small letter T (U+036D)
ͮ &#0878; &#x036E; & ͮcombining Latin small letter V (U+036E)
ͯ &#0879; &#x036F; & ͯcombining Latin small letter X (U+036F)

Greek 0370
Ͱ &#0880; &#x0370; & ͰGreek capital letter HETA (U+0370)
ͱ &#0881; &#x0371; & ͱGreek small letter HETA (U+0371)
Ͳ &#0882; &#x0372; & ͲGreek capital letter ARCHAIC SAMPI (U+0372)
ͳ &#0883; &#x0373; & ͳGreek small letter ARCHAIC SAMPI (U+0373)
ʹ &#0884; &#x0374; & ʹGreek NUMERAL SIGN (U+0374)
͵ &#0885; &#x0375; & ͵Greek LOWER NUMERAL SIGN (U+0375)
Ͷ &#0886; &#x0376; & ͶGreek capital letter PAMPHYLIAN DIGAMMA (U+0376)
ͷ &#0887; &#x0377; & ͷGreek small letter PAMPHYLIAN DIGAMMA (U+0377)
͸ &#0888; &#x0378; & ͸
͹ &#0889; &#x0379; & ͹
ͺ &#0890; &#x037A; & ͺGreek YPOGEGRAMMENI (U+037A)
ͻ &#0891; &#x037B; & ͻGreek small reversed LUNATE SIGMA symbol (U+037B)
ͼ &#0892; &#x037C; & ͼGreek small DOTTED LUNATE SIGMA symbol (U+037C)
ͽ &#0893; &#x037D; & ͽGreek small reversed DOTTED LUNATE SIGMA symbol (U+037D)
; &#0894; &#x037E; & ;Greek QUESTION MARK (U+037E)
Ϳ &#0895; &#x037F; & ͿGreek (U+038E)

΀ &#0896; &#x0380; & ΀
΁ &#0897; &#x0381; Ž ΁
΂ &#0898; &#x0382; ž ΂
΃ &#0899; &#x0383; & ΃
΄ &#0900; &#x0384; & ΄ ? ? ? Greek TONOS (U+0384)
΅ &#0901; &#x0385; & ΅Greek DIALYTIKA TONOS (U+0385)
Ά &#0902; &#x0386; &Aacgr; ΆGreek capital letter ALPHA with TONOS (U+0386)
· &#0903; &#x0387; & ·Greek ANO TELEIA (U+0387)
Έ &#0904; &#x0388; &Eacgr; ΈGreek capital letter EPSILON with TONOS (U+0388)
Ή &#0905; &#x0389; &EEacgr; ΉGreek capital letter ETA with TONOS (U+0389)
Ί &#0906; &#x038A; &Iacgr; ΊGreek capital letter IOTA with TONOS (U+038A)
΋ &#0907; &#x038B; & ΋ not a valid unicode character.(U+038B)
Ό &#0908; &#x038C; &Oacgr; b ΌGreek capital letter OMICRON with TONOS (U+038C)
Ύ &#0910; &#x038E; &Uacgr; ΎGreek capital letter UPSILON with TONOS (U+038E)
Ώ &#0911; &#x038F; &OHacgr; ΏGreek capital letter OMEGA with TONOS (U+038F)

Greek Alphabet
ΐ &#0912; &#x0390; &idiagr; ΐGreek small letter IOTA with DIALYTIKA and TONOS (U+0390)
Α &#0913; &#x0391; &Agr; &Alpha; capital alpha, ΑGreek capital letter ALPHA (U+0391)
Β &#0914; &#x0392; &Bgr; &Beta; capital beta, ΒGreek capital letter BETA (U+0392)
Γ &#0915; &#x0393; &Gamma; &Gamma; capital gamma, ΓGreek capital letter GAMMA (U+0393)
Δ &#0916; &#x0394; &Delta; &Delta; capital delta, ΔGreek capital letter DELTA (U+0394)
Ε &#0917; &#x0395; &Egr; &Epsilon; capital epsilon, ΕGreek capital letter EPSILON (U+0395)
Ζ &#0918; &#x0396; &Zgr; &Zeta; capital zeta, ΖGreek capital letter ZETA (U+0396)
Η &#0919; &#x0397; &EEgr; &Eta; capital eta, ΗGreek capital letter ETA (U+0397)
Θ &#0920; &#x0398; &Theta; &Theta; capital theta, ΘGreek capital letter THETA (U+0398)
Ι &#0921; &#x0399; &Igr; &Iota; capital iota, ΙGreek capital letter IOTA (U+0399)
Κ &#0922; &#x039A; &Kgr; &Kappa; capital kappa, ΚGreek capital letter KAPPA (U+039A)
Λ &#0923; &#x039B; &Lambda; capital lambda, ΛGreek capital letter LAMDA (U+039B)
Μ &#0924; &#x039C; &Mgr; &Mu; capital mu, ΜGreek capital letter MU (U+039C)
Ν &#0925; &#x039D; &Ngr; &Nu; capital nu, ΝGreek capital letter NU (U+039D)
Ξ &#0926; &#x039E; &Xi; capital xi, ΞGreek capital letter XI (U+039E)
Ο &#0927; &#x039F; &Ogr; &Omicron; capital omicron, ΟGreek capital letter OMICRON (U+039F)

Π &#0928; &#x03A0; &Pi; &Pi; capital pi, ΠGreek capital letter PI (U+03A0)
Ρ &#0929; &#x03A1; &Rgr; &Rho; capital rho, ΡGreek capital letter RHO (U+03A1)
Σ &#0931; &#x03A3; &Sigma; &Sigma; capital sigma, ΣGreek capital letter SIGMA (U+03A3)
Τ &#0932; &#x03A4; &Tgr; &Tau; capital tau, ΤGreek capital letter TAU (U+03A4)
Υ &#0933; &#x03A5; &Upsi; &Upsilon; capital UPSILON, ΥGreek capital letter UPSILON (U+03A5)
Φ &#0934; &#x03A6; &Phi; capital phi, ΦGreek capital letter PHI (U+03A6)
Χ &#0935; &#x03A7; &KHgr; &Chi; capital chi, ΧGreek capital letter CHI (U+03A7)
Ψ &#0936; &#x03A8; &Psi; capital psi, ΨGreek capital letter PSI (U+03A8)
Ω &#0937; &#x03A9; &Omega; capital omega, ΩGreek capital letter OMEGA (U+03A9)
Ϊ &#0938; &#x03AA; &Idigr; ΪGreek capital letter IOTA with DIALYTIKA (U+03AA)
Ϋ &#0939; &#x03AB; & &Udigr; ΫGreek capital letter UPSILON with DIALYTIKA (U+03AB)
ά &#0940; &#x03AC; &aacgr; άGreek small letter ALPHA with TONOS (U+03AC)
έ &#0941; &#x03AD; &eacgr; έGreek small letter EPSILON with TONOS (U+03AD)
ή &#0942; &#x03AE; & &eeacgr; ήGreek small letter ETA with TONOS (U+03AE)
ί &#0943; &#x03AF; &iacgr; ίGreek small letter IOTA with TONOS (U+03AF)

ΰ &#0944; &#x03B0; &udiagr; ΰGreek small letter UPSILON with DIALYTIKA and TONOS (U+03B0)
α &#0945; &#x03B1; &alpha; lower-case alpha, αGreek small letter ALPHA (U+03B1)
β &#0946; &#x03B2; &beta; lower-case beta, βGreek small letter BETA (U+03B2)
γ &#0947; &#x03B3; &gamma; lower-case gamma, γGreek small letter GAMMA (U+03B3)
δ &#0948; &#x03B4; &delta; lower-case delta, δGreek small letter DELTA (U+03B4)
ε &#0949; &#x03B5; &epsi; &epsilon; lower-case epsilon, εGreek small letter EPSILON (U+03B5)
ζ &#0950; &#x03B6; &zeta; lower-case zeta, ζGreek small letter ZETA (U+03B6)
η &#0951; &#x03B7; &eta; lower-case eta, ηGreek small letter ETA (U+03B7)
θ &#0952; &#x03B8; &theta; lower-case theta, θGreek small letter THETA (U+03B8)
λ &#0955; &#x03B9; &iota; lower-case iota, λGreek small letter IOTA (U+03B9)
κ &#0954; &#x03BA; &kappa; lower-case kappa, κGreek small letter KAPPA (U+03BA)
λ &#0955; &#x03BB; &lambda; lower-case lambda, λGreek small letter LAMDA (U+03BB)
μ &#0956; &#x03BC; &mu; lower-case mu, μGreek small letter MU (U+03BC)
ν &#0957; &#x03BD; &nu; lower-case nu, νGreek small letter NU (U+03BD)
ξ &#0958; &#x03BE; &xi; lower-case xi, ? ξGreek small letter XI (U+03BE)
ο &#0959; &#x03BF; &omicron; lower-case omicron, οGreek small letter OMICRON (U+03BF)

π &#0960; &#x03C0; &pi; lower-case pi, πGreek small letter PI (U+03C0)
ρ &#0961; &#x03C1; &rho; lower-case rho, ρGreek small letter RHO (U+03C1)
ς &#0962; &#x03C2; &sigmaf; lower-case final sigma, ςGreek small letter FINAL SIGMA (U+03C2)
σ &#0963; &#x03C3; &sigma; lower-case sigma, σGreek small letter SIGMA (U+03C3)
τ &#0964; &#x03C4; &tau; lower-case tau, τGreek small letter TAU (U+03C4)
υ &#0965; &#x03C5; &upsilon; lower-case upsilon, υGreek small letter UPSILON (U+03C5)
φ &#0966; &#x03C6; &phi; lower-case phi, φGreek small letter PHI (U+03C6)
χ &#0967; &#x03C7; &chi; lower-case chi, χGreek small letter CHI (U+03C7)
ψ &#0968; &#x03C8; &psi; lower-case psi, ψGreek small letter PSI (U+03C8)
ω &#0969; &#x03C9; &omega; lower-case omega, ωGreek small letter OMEGA (U+03C9)
ϊ &#0970; &#x03CA; & ϊGreek small letter IOTA with DIALYTIKA (U+03CA)
ϋ &#0971; &#x03CB; & ϋGreek small letter UPSILON with DIALYTIKA (U+03CB)
ό &#0972; &#x03CC; & όGreek small letter OMICRON with TONOS (U+03CC)
ύ &#0973; &#x03CD; & ύGreek small letter UPSILON with TONOS (U+03CD)
ώ &#0974; &#x03CE; & ώGreek small letter OMEGA with TONOS (U+03CE)
Ϗ &#0975; &#x03CF; & ϏGreek capital KAI symbol (U+03CF)
ϐ &#0976; &#x03D0; & ϐGreek BETA symbol (U+03D0)
ϑ &#0977; &#x03D1; &thetasym; lower-case theta symbol, ϑGreek THETA symbol (U+03D1)
ϒ &#0978; &#x03D2; &upsih; upsilon with hook symbol, ϒGreek UPSILON with hook symbol (U+03D2)
ϓ &#0979; &#x03D3; & ϓGreek UPSILON with ACUTE and hook symbol (U+03D3)
ϔ &#0980; &#x03D4; & ϔGreek UPSILON with DIAERESIS and hook symbol (U+03D4)
ϕ &#0981; &#x03D5; & ϕGreek PHI symbol (U+03D5)
ϖ &#0982; &#x03D6; &piv; pi symbol, ϖGreek PI symbol (U+03D6)
ϗ &#0983; &#x03D7; & ϗGreek KAI symbol (U+03D7)
Ϙ &#0984; &#x03D8; & ϘGreek letter ARCHAIC KOPPA (U+03D8)
ϙ &#0985; &#x03D9; & ϙGreek small letter ARCHAIC KOPPA (U+03D9)
Ϛ &#0986; &#x03DA; & ϚGreek letter STIGMA (U+03DA)
ϛ &#0987; &#x03DB; & ϛGreek small letter STIGMA (U+03DB)
Ϝ &#0988; &#x03DC; & ϜGreek letter DIGAMMA (U+03DC)
ϝ &#0989; &#x03DD; & ϝGreek small letter DIGAMMA (U+03DD)
Ϟ &#0990; &#x03DE; & ϞGreek letter KOPPA (U+03DE)
ϟ &#0991; &#x03DF; & ϟGreek small letter KOPPA (U+03DF)

Ϡ &#0992; &#x03E0; & ϠGreek letter SAMPI (U+03E0)
ϡ &#0993; &#x03E1; & ϡGreek small letter SAMPI (U+03E1)
Ϣ &#0994; &#x03E2; & ϢCOPTIC capital letter SHEI (U+03E2)
ϣ &#0995; &#x03E3; & ϣCOPTIC small letter SHEI (U+03E3)
Ϥ &#0996; &#x03E4; & ϤCOPTIC capital letter FEI (U+03E4)
ϥ &#0997; &#x03E5; & ϥCOPTIC small letter FEI (U+03E5)
Ϧ &#0998; &#x03E6; & ϦCOPTIC capital letter KHEI (U+03E6)
ϧ &#0999; &#x03E7; & ϧCOPTIC small letter KHEI (U+03E7)
Ϩ &#1000; &#x03E8; & ϨCOPTIC capital letter HORI (U+03E8)
ϩ &#1001; &#x03E9; & ϩCOPTIC small letter HORI (U+03E9)
Ϫ &#1002; &#x03EA; & ϪCOPTIC capital letter GANGIA (U+03EA)
ϫ &#1003; &#x03EB; & ϫCOPTIC small letter GANGIA (U+03EB)
Ϭ &#1004; &#x03EC; & ϬCOPTIC capital letter SHIMA (U+03EC)
ϭ &#1005; &#x03ED; & ϭCOPTIC small letter SHIMA (U+03ED)
Ϯ &#1006; &#x03EE; & ϮCOPTIC capital letter DEI (U+03EE)
ϯ &#1007; &#x03EF; & ϯCOPTIC small letter DEI (U+03EF)

ϰ &#1008; &#x03F0; & ϰGreek KAPPA symbol(U+M03F0)
ϱ &#1009; &#x03F1; & ϱGreek RHO symbol(U+03F1)
ϲ &#1010; &#x03F2; & ϲGreek LUNATE SIGMA symbol (U+03F2)
ϳ &#1011; &#x03F3; & ϳGreek letter YOT(U+03F3)
ϴ &#1012; &#x03F4; & ϴGreek capital THETA symbol (U+03F4)
ϵ &#1013; &#x03F5; & ϵGreek LUNATE EPSILON symbol (U+03F5)
϶ &#1014; &#x03F6; & ϶Greek reversed LUNATE EPSILON symbol (U+03F6)
Ϸ &#1015; &#x03F7; & ϷGreek capital letter SHO (U+03F7)
ϸ &#1016; &#x03F8; & ϸGreek small letter SHO (U+03F8)
Ϲ &#1017; &#x03F9; & ϹGreek capital LUNATE SIGMA symbol (U+03F9)
Ϻ &#1018; &#x03FA; & ϺGreek capital letter SAN (U+03FA)
ϻ &#1019; &#x03FB; & ϻGreek small letter SAN (U+03FB)
ϼ &#1020; &#x03FC; & ϼGreek RHO with STROKE symbol (U+03FC)
Ͻ &#1021; &#x03FD; & ϽGreek capital reversed LUNATE SIGMA symbol (U+03FD)
Ͼ &#1022; &#x03FE; & ϾGreek capital DOTTED LUNATE SIGMA symbol (U+03FE)
Ͽ &#1023; &#x03FF; & Ͽ Greek capital reversed DOTTED LUNATE SIGMA symbol(U+03FF)

Cyrillic 0400
Ѐ &#1024; &#x0400; & Ѐ ? Cyrillic capital letter IE with grave (U+0400)
Ё &#1025; &#x0401; & Ё ? Cyrillic capital letter IO (U+0401)
Ђ &#1026; &#x0402; & Ђ ? Cyrillic capital letter DJE (U+0402)
Ѓ &#1027; &#x0403; & Ѓ ? Cyrillic capital letter GJE (U+0403)
Є &#1028; &#x0404; & Є ? Cyrillic capital letter Ukrainian IE (U+0404)
Ѕ &#1029; &#x0405; & Ѕ ? Cyrillic capital letter DZE (U+0405)
І &#1030; &#x0406; & І ? Cyrillic capital letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I (U+0406)
Ї &#1031; &#x0407; & Ї ? Cyrillic capital letter YI (U+0407)
Ј &#1032; &#x0408; & Ј ? Cyrillic capital letter JE (U+0408)
Љ &#1033; &#x0409; & Љ ? Cyrillic capital letter LJE (U+0409)
Њ &#1034; &#x040A; † Њ ? Cyrillic capital letter NJE (U+040A)
Ћ &#1035; &#x040B; ‡ Ћ ? Cyrillic capital letter TSHE (U+040B)
Ќ &#1036; &#x040C; ˆ Ќ ? Cyrillic capital letter KJE (U+040C)
Ѝ &#1037; &#x040D; ‰ Ѝ ? Cyrillic capital letter I with grave (U+040D)
Ў &#1038; &#x040E; Š Ў ? Cyrillic capital letter short U (U+040E)
Џ &#1039; &#x040F; ‹ Џ ? Cyrillic capital letter DZHE (U+040F)

А &#1040; &#x0410; & А ? Cyrillic capital letter A (U+0410)
Б &#1041; &#x0411; & Б ? Cyrillic capital letter BE (U+0411)
В &#1042; &#x0412; & В ? Cyrillic capital letter VE (U+0412)
Г &#1043; &#x0413; & Г ? Cyrillic capital letter GHE (U+0413)
Д &#1044; &#x0414; & Д ? Cyrillic capital letter DE (U+0414)
Е &#1045; &#x0415; & Е ? Cyrillic capital letter IE (U+0415)
Ж &#1046; &#x0416; & Ж ? Cyrillic capital letter ZHE (U+0416)
З &#1047; &#x0417; & З ? Cyrillic capital letter ZE (U+0417)
И &#1048; &#x0418; & И ? Cyrillic capital letter I (U+0418)
Й &#1049; &#x0419; & Й ? Cyrillic capital letter short I (U+0419)
К &#1050; &#x041A; & К ? Cyrillic capital letter KA (U+041A)
Л &#1051; &#x041B; & Л ? Cyrillic capital letter EL (U+041B)
М &#1052; &#x041C; & М ? Cyrillic capital letter EM (U+041C)
Н &#1053; &#x041D; & Н ? Cyrillic capital letter EN (U+041D)
О &#1054; &#x041E; & О ? Cyrillic capital letter O (U+041E)
П &#1055; &#x041F; & П ? Cyrillic capital letter PE (U+041F)

Р &#1056; &#x0420; & Р ? Cyrillic capital letter ER (U+0420)
С &#1057; &#x0421; & С ? Cyrillic capital letter ES (U+0421)
Т &#1058; &#x0422; & Т ? Cyrillic capital letter TE (U+0422)
У &#1059; &#x0423; & У ? Cyrillic capital letter U (U+0423)
Ф &#1060; &#x0424; & Ф ? Cyrillic capital letter EF (U+0424)
Х &#1061; &#x0425; & Х ? Cyrillic capital letter HA (U+0425)
Ц &#1062; &#x0426; & Ц ? Cyrillic capital letter TSE (U+0426)
Ч &#1063; &#x0427; & Ч ? Cyrillic capital letter CHE (U+0427)
Ш &#1064; &#x0428; & Ш ? Cyrillic capital letter SHA (U+0428)
Щ &#1065; &#x0429; & Щ ? Cyrillic capital letter SHCHA (U+0429)
Ъ &#1066; &#x042A; & Ъ ? Cyrillic capital letter hard sign (U+042A)
Ы &#1067; &#x042B; & Ы ? Cyrillic capital letter YERU (U+042B)
Ь &#1068; &#x042C; & Ь ? Cyrillic capital letter soft sign (U+042C)
Э &#1069; &#x042D; & Э ? Cyrillic capital letter E (U+042D)
Ю &#1070; &#x042E; & Ю ? Cyrillic capital letter YU (U+042E)
Я &#1071; &#x042F; & Я ? Cyrillic capital letter YA (U+042F)

а &#1072; &#x0430; & а ? Cyrillic small letter A (U+0430)
б &#1073; &#x0431; & б ? Cyrillic small letter BE (U+0431)
в &#1074; &#x0432; & в ? Cyrillic small letter VE (U+0432)
г &#1075; &#x0433; & г ? Cyrillic small letter GHE (U+0433)
д &#1076; &#x0434; & д ? Cyrillic small letter DE (U+0434)
е &#1077; &#x0435; & е ? Cyrillic small letter IE (U+0435)
ж &#1078; &#x0436; & ж ? Cyrillic small letter ZHE (U+0436)
з &#1079; &#x0437; & з ? Cyrillic small letter ZE (U+0437)
и &#1080; &#x0438; & и ? Cyrillic small letter I (U+0438)
й &#1081; &#x0439; & й ? Cyrillic small letter short I (U+0439)
к &#1082; &#x043A; & к ? Cyrillic small letter KA (U+043A)
л &#1083; &#x043B; & л ? Cyrillic small letter EL (U+043B)
м &#1084; &#x043C; & м ? Cyrillic small letter EM (U+043C)
н &#1085; &#x043D; & н ? Cyrillic small letter EN (U+043D)
о &#1086; &#x043E; & о ? Cyrillic small letter O (U+043E)
п &#1087; &#x043F; & п ? Cyrillic small letter PE (U+043F)

р &#1088; &#x0440; & р ? Cyrillic small letter ER (U+0440)
с &#1089; &#x0441; & с ? Cyrillic small letter ES (U+0441)
т &#1090; &#x0442; & т ? Cyrillic small letter TE (U+0442)
у &#1091; &#x0443; & у ? Cyrillic small letter U (U+0443)
ф &#1092; &#x0444; & ф ? Cyrillic small letter EF (U+0444)
х &#1093; &#x0445; & х ? Cyrillic small letter HA (U+0445)
ц &#1094; &#x0446; & ц ? Cyrillic small letter TSE (U+0446)
ч &#1095; &#x0447; & ч ? Cyrillic small letter CHE (U+0447)
ш &#1096; &#x0448; & ш ? Cyrillic small letter SHA (U+0448)
щ &#1097; &#x0449; & щ ? Cyrillic small letter SHCHA (U+0449)
ъ &#1098; &#x044A; & ъ ? Cyrillic small letter hard sign (U+044A)
ы &#1099; &#x044B; & ы ? Cyrillic small letter YERU (U+044B)
ь &#1100; &#x044C; & ь ? Cyrillic small letter soft sign (U+044C)
э &#1101; &#x044D; & э ? Cyrillic small letter E (U+044D)
ю &#1102; &#x044E; & ю ? Cyrillic small letter YU (U+044E)
я &#1103; &#x044F; & я ? Cyrillic small letter YA (U+044F)

ѐ &#1104; &#x0450; & ѐ ? Cyrillic small letter IE with grave (U+0450)
ё &#1105; &#x0451; & ё ? Cyrillic small letter IO (U+0451)
ђ &#1106; &#x0452; & ђ ? Cyrillic small letter DJE (U+0452)
ѓ &#1107; &#x0453; & ѓ ? Cyrillic small letter GJE (U+0453)
є &#1108; &#x0454; & є ? Cyrillic small letter Ukrainian IE (U+0454)
ѕ &#1109; &#x0455; & ѕ ? Cyrillic small letter DZE (U+0455)
і &#1110; &#x0456; & і ? Cyrillic small letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I (U+0456)
ї &#1111; &#x0457; & ї ? Cyrillic small letter YI (U+0457)
ј &#1112; &#x0458; & ј ? Cyrillic small letter JE (U+0458)
љ &#1113; &#x0459; & љ ? Cyrillic small letter LJE (U+0459)
њ &#1114; &#x045A; & њ ? Cyrillic small letter NJE (U+045A)
ћ &#1115; &#x045B; & ћ ? Cyrillic small letter TSHE (U+045B)
ќ &#1116; &#x045C; & ќ ? Cyrillic small letter KJE (U+045C)
ѝ &#1117; &#x045D; & ѝ ? Cyrillic small letter I with grave (U+045D)
ў &#1118; &#x045E; & ў ? Cyrillic small letter short U (U+045E)
џ &#1119; &#x045F; & џ ? Cyrillic small letter DZHE (U+045F)

Ѡ &#1120; &#x0460; & Ѡ ? Cyrillic capital letter OMEGA (U+0460)
ѡ &#1121; &#x0461; & ѡ ? Cyrillic small letter OMEGA (U+0461)
Ѣ &#1122; &#x0462; & Ѣ ? Cyrillic capital letter YAT (U+0462)
ѣ &#1123; &#x0463; & ѣ ? Cyrillic small letter YAT (U+0463)
Ѥ &#1124; &#x0464; & Ѥ ? Cyrillic capital letter iotified E (U+0464)
ѥ &#1125; &#x0465; & ѥ ? Cyrillic small letter iotified E (U+0465)
Ѧ &#1126; &#x0466; & Ѧ ? Cyrillic capital letter little YUS (U+0466)
ѧ &#1127; &#x0467; & ѧ ? Cyrillic small letter little YUS (U+0467)
Ѩ &#1128; &#x0468; & Ѩ ? Cyrillic capital letter iotified little YUS (U+0468)
ѩ &#1129; &#x0469; & ѩ ? Cyrillic small letter iotified little YUS (U+0469)
Ѫ &#1130; &#x046A; & Ѫ ? Cyrillic capital letter big YUS (U+046A)
ѫ &#1131; &#x046B; & ѫ ? Cyrillic small letter big YUS (U+046B)
Ѭ &#1132; &#x046C; & Ѭ ? Cyrillic capital letter iotified big YUS (U+046C)
ѭ &#1133; &#x046D; & ѭ ? Cyrillic small letter iotified big YUS (U+046D)
Ѯ &#1134; &#x046E; & Ѯ ? Cyrillic capital letter KSI (U+046E)
ѯ &#1135; &#x046F; & ѯ ? Cyrillic small letter KSI (U+046F)

Ѱ &#1136; &#x0470; & Ѱ ? Cyrillic capital letter PSI (U+0470)
ѱ &#1137; &#x0471; & ѱ ? Cyrillic small letter PSI (U+0471)
Ѳ &#1138; &#x0472; & Ѳ ? Cyrillic capital letter FITA (U+0472)
ѳ &#1139; &#x0473; & ѳ ? Cyrillic small letter FITA (U+0473)
Ѵ &#1140; &#x0474; & Ѵ ? Cyrillic capital letter IZHITSA (U+0474)
ѵ &#1141; &#x0475; & ѵ ? Cyrillic small letter IZHITSA (U+0475)
Ѷ &#1142; &#x0476; & Ѷ ? Cyrillic capital letter IZHITSA with double grave accent (U+0476)
ѷ &#1143; &#x0477; & ѷ ? Cyrillic small letter IZHITSA with double grave accent (U+0477)
Ѹ &#1144; &#x0478; & Ѹ ? Cyrillic capital letter UK (U+0478)
ѹ &#1145; &#x0479; & ѹ ? Cyrillic small letter UK (U+0479)
Ѻ &#1146; &#x047A; & Ѻ ? Cyrillic capital letter round OMEGA (U+047A)
ѻ &#1147; &#x047B; & ѻ ? Cyrillic small letter round OMEGA (U+047B)
Ѽ &#1148; &#x047C; & Ѽ ? Cyrillic capital letter OMEGA with titlo (U+047C)
ѽ &#1149; &#x047D; & ѽ ? Cyrillic small letter OMEGA with titlo (U+047D)
Ѿ &#1150; &#x047E; & Ѿ ? Cyrillic capital letter OT (U+047E)
ѿ &#1151; &#x047F; & ѿ ? Cyrillic small letter OT (U+047F)

Ҁ &#1152; &#x0480; & Ҁ ? Cyrillic capital letter KOPPA (U+0480)
ҁ &#1153; &#x0481; & ҁ ? Cyrillic small letter KOPPA (U+0481)
҂ &#1154; &#x0482; & ҂ ? Cyrillic THOUSANDS sign (U+0482)
҃ &#1155; &#x0483; & ҃ ? combining Cyrillic titlo (U+0483)
҄ &#1156; &#x0484; & ҄ ? combining Cyrillic palatalization (U+0484)
҅ &#1157; &#x0485; & ҅ ? combining Cyrillic DASIA pneumata (U+0485)
҆ &#1158; &#x0486; & ҆ ? combining Cyrillic PSILI pneumata (U+0486)
҇ &#1159; &#x0487; & ҇ ? combining Cyrillic POKRYTIE (U+0487)
҈ &#1160; &#x0488; & ҈ ? combining Cyrillic HUNDRED THOUSANDS sign (U+0488)
҉ &#1161; &#x0489; & ҉ ? combining Cyrillic MILLIONS sign (U+0489)
Ҋ &#1162; &#x048A; & Ҋ ? Cyrillic capital letter short I with tail (U+048A)
ҋ &#1163; &#x048B; & ҋ ? Cyrillic small letter short I with tail (U+048B)
Ҍ &#1164; &#x048C; & Ҍ ? Cyrillic capital letter semisoft sign (U+048C)
ҍ &#1165; &#x048D; & ҍ ? Cyrillic small letter semisoft sign (U+048D)
Ҏ &#1166; &#x048E; & Ҏ ? Cyrillic capital letter ER with tick (U+048E)
ҏ &#1167; &#x048F; & ҏ ? Cyrillic small letter ER with tick (U+048F)

Ґ &#1168; &#x0490; & Ґ ? Cyrillic capital letter GHE with upturn (U+0490)
ґ &#1169; &#x0491; & ґ ? Cyrillic small letter GHE with upturn (U+0491)
Ғ &#1170; &#x0492; & Ғ ? Cyrillic capital letter GHE with stroke (U+0492)
ғ &#1171; &#x0493; & ғ ? Cyrillic small letter GHE with stroke (U+0493)
Ҕ &#1172; &#x0494; & Ҕ ? Cyrillic capital letter GHE with middle hook (U+0494)
ҕ &#1173; &#x0495; & ҕ ? Cyrillic small letter GHE with middle hook (U+0495)
Җ &#1174; &#x0496; & Җ ? Cyrillic capital letter ZHE with descender (U+0496)
җ &#1175; &#x0497; & җ ? Cyrillic small letter ZHE with descender (U+0497)
Ҙ &#1176; &#x0498; & Ҙ ? Cyrillic capital letter ZE with descender (U+0498)
ҙ &#1177; &#x0499; & ҙ ? Cyrillic small letter ZE with descender (U+0499)
Қ &#1178; &#x049A; & Қ ? Cyrillic capital letter KA with descender (U+049A)
қ &#1179; &#x049B; & қ ? Cyrillic small letter KA with descender (U+049B)
Ҝ &#1180; &#x049C; & Ҝ ? Cyrillic capital letter KA with vertical stroke (U+049C)
ҝ &#1181; &#x049D; & ҝ ? Cyrillic small letter KA with vertical stroke (U+049D)
Ҟ &#1182; &#x049E; & Ҟ ? Cyrillic capital letter KA with stroke (U+049E)
ҟ &#1183; &#x049F; & ҟ ? Cyrillic small letter KA with stroke (U+049F)

Ҡ &#1184; &#x04A0; & Ҡ ? Cyrillic capital letter BASHKIR KA (U+04A0)
ҡ &#1185; &#x04A1; & ҡ ? Cyrillic small letter BASHKIR KA (U+04A1)
Ң &#1186; &#x04A2; & Ң ? Cyrillic capital letter EN with descender (U+04A2)
ң &#1187; &#x04A3; & ң ? Cyrillic small letter EN with descender (U+04A3)
Ҥ &#1188; &#x04A4; & Ҥ ? Cyrillic capital ligature EN GHE (U+04A4)
ҥ &#1189; &#x04A5; & ҥ ? Cyrillic small ligature EN GHE (U+04A5)
Ҧ &#1190; &#x04A6; & Ҧ ? Cyrillic capital letter PE with middle hook (U+04A6)
ҧ &#1191; &#x04A7; & ҧ ? Cyrillic small letter PE with middle hook (U+04A7)
Ҩ &#1192; &#x04A8; & Ҩ ? Cyrillic capital letter Abkhasian HA (U+04A8)
ҩ &#1193; &#x04A9; & ҩ ? Cyrillic small letter Abkhasian HA (U+04A9)
Ҫ &#1194; &#x04AA; & Ҫ ? Cyrillic capital letter ES with descender (U+04AA)
ҫ &#1195; &#x04AB; & ҫ ? Cyrillic small letter ES with descender (U+04AB)
Ҭ &#1196; &#x04AC; & Ҭ ? Cyrillic capital letter TE with descender (U+04AC)
ҭ &#1197; &#x04AD; & ҭ ? Cyrillic small letter TE with descender (U+04AD)
Ү &#1198; &#x04AE; & Ү ? Cyrillic capital letter STRAIGHT U (U+04AE)
ү &#1199; &#x04AF; & ү ? Cyrillic small letter STRAIGHT U (U+04AF)

Ұ &#1200; &#x04B0; & Ұ ? Cyrillic capital letter STRAIGHT U with stroke (U+04B0)
ұ &#1201; &#x04B1; & ұ ? Cyrillic small letter STRAIGHT U with stroke (U+04B1)
Ҳ &#1202; &#x04B2; & Ҳ ? Cyrillic capital letter HA with descender (U+04B2)
ҳ &#1203; &#x04B3; & ҳ ? Cyrillic small letter HA with descender (U+04B3)
Ҵ &#1204; &#x04B4; & Ҵ ? Cyrillic capital ligature TE TSE (U+04B4)
ҵ &#1205; &#x04B5; & ҵ ? Cyrillic small ligature TE TSE (U+04B5)
Ҷ &#1206; &#x04B6; & Ҷ ? Cyrillic capital letter CHE with descender (U+04B6)
ҷ &#1207; &#x04B7; & ҷ ? Cyrillic small letter CHE with descender (U+04B7)
Ҹ &#1208; &#x04B8; & Ҹ ? Cyrillic capital letter CHE with vertical STROKE (U+04B8)
ҹ &#1209; &#x04B9; & ҹ ? Cyrillic small letter CHE with vertical stroke (U+04B9)
Һ &#1210; &#x04BA; & Һ ? Cyrillic capital letter SHHA (U+04BA)
һ &#1211; &#x04BB; & һ ? Cyrillic small letter SHHA (U+04BB)
Ҽ &#1212; &#x04BC; & Ҽ ? Cyrillic capital letter Abkhasian CHE (U+04BC)
ҽ &#1213; &#x04BD; & ҽ ? Cyrillic small letter Abkhasian CHE (U+04BD)
Ҿ &#1214; &#x04BE; & Ҿ ? Cyrillic capital letter Abkhasian CHE with descender (U+04BE)
ҿ &#1215; &#x04BF; & ҿ ? Cyrillic small letter Abkhasian CHE with descender (U+04BF)

Ӏ &#1216; &#x04C0; & Ӏ ? Cyrillic letter PALOCHKA (U+04C0)
Ӂ &#1217; &#x04C1; & Ӂ ? Cyrillic capital letter ZHE with BREVE (U+04C1)
ӂ &#1218; &#x04C2; & ӂ ? Cyrillic small letter ZHE with BREVE (U+04C2)
Ӄ &#1219; &#x04C3; & Ӄ ? Cyrillic capital letter KA with hook (U+04C3)
ӄ &#1220; &#x04C4; & ӄ ? Cyrillic small letter KA with hook (U+04C4)
Ӆ &#1221; &#x04C5; & Ӆ ? Cyrillic capital letter EL with tail (U+04C5)
ӆ &#1222; &#x04C6; & ӆ ? Cyrillic small letter EL with tail (U+04C6)
Ӈ &#1223; &#x04C7; & Ӈ ? Cyrillic capital letter EN with hook (U+04C7)
ӈ &#1224; &#x04C8; & ӈ ? Cyrillic small letter EN with hook (U+04C8)
Ӊ &#1225; &#x04C9; & Ӊ ? Cyrillic capital letter EN with tail (U+04C9)
ӊ &#1226; &#x04CA; & ӊ ? Cyrillic small letter EN with tail (U+04CA)
Ӌ &#1227; &#x04CB; & Ӌ ? Cyrillic capital letter Khakassian CHE (U+04CB)
ӌ &#1228; &#x04CC; & ӌ ? Cyrillic small letter Khakassian CHE (U+04CC)
Ӎ &#1229; &#x04CD; & Ӎ ? Cyrillic capital letter EM with tail (U+04CD)
ӎ &#1230; &#x04CE; & ӎ ? Cyrillic small letter EM with tail (U+04CE)
ӏ &#1231; &#x04CF; & ӏ ? Cyrillic small letter PALOCHKA (U+04CF)

Ӑ &#1232; &#x04D0; & Ӑ ? Cyrillic capital letter A with BREVE (U+04D0)
ӑ &#1233; &#x04D1; & ӑ ? Cyrillic small letter A with BREVE (U+04D1)
Ӓ &#1234; &#x04D2; & Ӓ ? Cyrillic capital letter A with diaeresis (U+04D2)
ӓ &#1235; &#x04D3; & ӓ ? Cyrillic small letter A with diaeresis (U+04D3)
Ӕ &#1236; &#x04D4; & Ӕ ? Cyrillic capital ligature A IE (U+04D4)
ӕ &#1237; &#x04D5; & ӕ ? Cyrillic small ligature A IE (U+04D5)
Ӗ &#1238; &#x04D6; & Ӗ ? Cyrillic capital letter IE with BREVE (U+04D6)
ӗ &#1239; &#x04D7; & ӗ ? Cyrillic small letter IE with BREVE (U+04D7)
Ә &#1240; &#x04D8; & Ә ? Cyrillic capital letter SCHWA (U+04D8)
ә &#1241; &#x04D9; & ә ? Cyrillic small letter SCHWA (U+04D9)
Ӛ &#1242; &#x04DA; & Ӛ ? Cyrillic capital letter SCHWA with diaeresis (U+04DA)
ӛ &#1243; &#x04DB; & ӛ ? Cyrillic small letter SCHWA with diaeresis (U+04DB)
Ӝ &#1244; &#x04DC; & Ӝ ? Cyrillic capital letter ZHE with diaeresis (U+04DC)
ӝ &#1245; &#x04DD; & ӝ ? Cyrillic small letter ZHE with diaeresis (U+04DD)
Ӟ &#1246; &#x04DE; & Ӟ ? Cyrillic capital letter ZE with diaeresis (U+04DE)
ӟ &#1247; &#x04DF; & ӟ ? Cyrillic small letter ZE with diaeresis (U+04DF)

Ӡ &#1248; &#x04E0; & Ӡ ? Cyrillic capital letter Abkhasian DZE (U+04E0)
ӡ &#1249; &#x04E1; & ӡ ? Cyrillic small letter Abkhasian DZE (U+04E1)
Ӣ &#1250; &#x04E2; & Ӣ ? Cyrillic capital letter I with macron (U+04E2)
ӣ &#1251; &#x04E3; & ӣ ? Cyrillic small letter I with macron (U+04E3)
Ӥ &#1252; &#x04E4; & Ӥ ? Cyrillic capital letter I with diaeresis (U+04E4)
ӥ &#1253; &#x04E5; & ӥ ? Cyrillic small letter I with diaeresis (U+04E5)
ө &#1257; &#x04E6; & ө ? Cyrillic capital letter O with diaeresis (U+04E6)
ӧ &#1255; &#x04E7; & ӧ ? Cyrillic small letter O with diaeresis (U+04E7)
ө &#1257; &#x04E8; & ө ? Cyrillic capital letter barred O (U+04E8)
ө &#1257; &#x04E9; & ө ? Cyrillic small letter barred O (U+04E9)
Ӫ &#1258; &#x04EA; & Ӫ ? Cyrillic capital letter barred O with diaeresis (U+04EA)
ӫ &#1259; &#x04EB; & ӫ ? Cyrillic small letter barred O with diaeresis (U+04EB)
Ӭ &#1260; &#x04EC; & Ӭ ? Cyrillic capital letter E with diaeresis (U+04EC)
ӭ &#1261; &#x04ED; & ӭ ? Cyrillic small letter E with diaeresis (U+04ED)
Ӯ &#1262; &#x04EE; & Ӯ ? Cyrillic capital letter U with macron (U+04EE)
ӯ &#1263; &#x04EF; & ӯ ? Cyrillic small letter U with macron (U+04EF)

Ӱ &#1264; &#x04F0; & Ӱ ? Cyrillic capital letter U with diaeresis (U+04F0)
ӱ &#1265; &#x04F1; & ӱ ? Cyrillic small letter U with diaeresis (U+04F1)
Ӳ &#1266; &#x04F2; & Ӳ ? Cyrillic capital letter U with double acute (U+04F2)
ӳ &#1267; &#x04F3; & ӳ ? Cyrillic small letter U with double acute (U+04F3)
Ӵ &#1268; &#x04F4; & Ӵ ? Cyrillic capital letter CHE with diaeresis (U+04F4)
ӵ &#1269; &#x04F5; & ӵ ? Cyrillic small letter CHE with diaeresis (U+04F5)
Ӷ &#1270; &#x04F6; & Ӷ ? Cyrillic capital letter GHE with descender (U+04F6)
ӷ &#1271; &#x04F7; & ӷ ? Cyrillic small letter GHE with descender (U+04F7)
Ӹ &#1272; &#x04F8; & Ӹ ? Cyrillic capital letter YERU with diaeresis (U+04F8)
ӹ &#1273; &#x04F9; & ӹ ? Cyrillic small letter YERU with diaeresis (U+04F9)
Ӻ &#1274; &#x04FA; & Ӻ ? Cyrillic capital letter GHE with stroke and hook (U+04FA)
ӻ &#1275; &#x04FB; & ӻ ? Cyrillic small letter GHE with stroke and hook (U+04FB)
Ӽ &#1276; &#x04FC; & Ӽ ? Cyrillic capital letter HA with hook (U+04FC)
ӽ &#1277; &#x04FD; & ӽ ? Cyrillic small letter HA with hook (U+04FD)
Ӿ &#1278; &#x04FE; & Ӿ ? Cyrillic capital letter HA with stroke (U+04FE)
ӿ &#1279; &#x04FF; & ӿ ? Cyrillic small letter HA with stroke (U+04FF)

Cyrillic Supplement 0500
Ԁ &#1280; &#x0500; & Ԁ ? Cyrillic capital letter KOMI DE (U+0500)
ԁ &#1281; &#x0501; & ԁ ? Cyrillic small letter KOMI DE (U+0501)
Ԃ &#1282; &#x0502; & Ԃ ? Cyrillic capital letter KOMI DJE (U+0502)
ԃ &#1283; &#x0503; & ԃ ? Cyrillic small letter KOMI DJE (U+0503)
Ԅ &#1284; &#x0504; & Ԅ ? Cyrillic capital letter KOMI ZJE (U+0504)
ԅ &#1285; &#x0505; & ԅ ? Cyrillic small letter KOMI ZJE (U+0505)
Ԇ &#1286; &#x0506; & Ԇ ? Cyrillic capital letter KOMI DZJE (U+0506)
ԇ &#1287; &#x0507; & ԇ ? Cyrillic small letter KOMI DZJE (U+0507)
Ԉ &#1288; &#x0508; & Ԉ ? Cyrillic capital letter KOMI LJE (U+0508)
ԉ &#1289; &#x0509; & ԉ ? Cyrillic small letter KOMI LJE (U+0509)
Ԋ &#1290; &#x050A; & Ԋ ? Cyrillic capital letter KOMI NJE (U+050A)
ԋ &#1291; &#x050B; & ԋ ? Cyrillic small letter KOMI NJE (U+050B)
Ԍ &#1292; &#x050C; & Ԍ ? Cyrillic capital letter KOMI SJE (U+050C)
ԍ &#1293; &#x050D; & ԍ ? Cyrillic small letter KOMI SJE (U+050D)
Ԏ &#1294; &#x050E; & Ԏ ? Cyrillic capital letter KOMI TJE (U+050E)
ԏ &#1295; &#x050F; & ԏ ? Cyrillic small letter KOMI TJE (U+050F)

Ԑ &#1296; &#x0510; & Ԑ ? Cyrillic capital letter reversed ZE (U+0510)
ԑ &#1297; &#x0511; & ԑ ? Cyrillic small letter reversed ZE (U+0511)
Ԓ &#1298; &#x0512; & Ԓ ? Cyrillic capital letter EL with hook (U+0512)
ԓ &#1299; &#x0513; & ԓ ? Cyrillic small letter EL with hook (U+0513)
Ԕ &#1300; &#x0514; & Ԕ ? Cyrillic capital letter LHA (U+0514)
ԕ &#1301; &#x0515; & ԕ ? Cyrillic small letter LHA (U+0515)
Ԗ &#1302; &#x0516; & Ԗ ? Cyrillic capital letter RHA (U+0516)
ԗ &#1303; &#x0517; & ԗ ? Cyrillic small letter RHA (U+0517)
Ԙ &#1304; &#x0518; & Ԙ ? Cyrillic capital letter YAE (U+0518)
ԙ &#1305; &#x0519; & ԙ ? Cyrillic small letter YAE (U+0519)
Ԛ &#1306; &#x051A; & Ԛ ? Cyrillic capital letter QA (U+051A)
ԛ &#1307; &#x051B; & ԛ ? Cyrillic small letter QA (U+051B)
Ԝ &#1308; &#x051C; & Ԝ ? Cyrillic capital letter WE (U+051C)
ԝ &#1309; &#x051D; & ԝ ? Cyrillic small letter WE (U+051D)
Ԟ &#1310; &#x051E; & Ԟ ? Cyrillic capital letter ALEUT KA (U+051E)
ԟ &#1311; &#x051F; & ԟ ? Cyrillic small letter ALEUT KA (U+051F)

Ԡ &#1312; &#x0520; & Ԡ ? Cyrillic capital letter EL with middle hook (U+0520)
ԡ &#1313; &#x0521; & ԡ ? Cyrillic small letter EL with middle hook (U+0521)
Ԣ &#1314; &#x0522; & Ԣ ? Cyrillic capital letter EN with middle hook (U+0522)
ԣ &#1315; &#x0523; & ԣ ? Cyrillic small letter EN with middle hook (U+0523)
Ԥ &#1316; &#x0524; & Ԥ ? Cyrillic capital letter PE with descender (U+0524)
ԥ &#1317; &#x0525; & ԥ ? Cyrillic small letter PE with descender (U+0525)
Ԧ &#1318; &#x0526; & Ԧ ? Cyrillic capital letter SHHA with descender (U+0526)
ԧ &#1319; &#x0527; & ԧ ? Cyrillic small letter SHHA with descender (U+0527)
Ԩ &#1320; &#x0528; & Ԩ ? not a valid unicode character.
ԩ &#1321; &#x0529; & ԩ ? not a valid unicode character.
Ԫ &#1322; &#x052A; & Ԫ ? not a valid unicode character.
ԫ &#1323; &#x052B; & ԫ ? not a valid unicode character.
Ԭ &#1324; &#x052C; & Ԭ ? not a valid unicode character.
ԭ &#1325; &#x052D; & ԭ ? not a valid unicode character.
Ԯ &#1326; &#x052E; & Ԯ ? not a valid unicode character.
ԯ &#1327; &#x052F; & ԯ ? not a valid unicode character.

Armenian 0530
԰ &#1328; &#x0530; & ԰ ? not a valid unicode character.
Ա &#1329; &#x0531; & Ա ? Armenian capital letter AYB (U+0531)
Բ &#1330; &#x0532; & Բ ? Armenian capital letter BEN (U+0532)
Գ &#1331; &#x0533; & Գ ? Armenian capital letter GIM (U+0533)
Դ &#1332; &#x0534; & Դ ? Armenian capital letter DA (U+0534)
Ե &#1333; &#x0535; & Ե ? Armenian capital letter ECH (U+0535)
Զ &#1334; &#x0536; & Զ ? Armenian capital letter ZA (U+0536)
Է &#1335; &#x0537; & Է ? Armenian capital letter EH (U+0537)
Ը &#1336; &#x0538; & Ը ? Armenian capital letter ET (U+0538)
Թ &#1337; &#x0539; & Թ ? Armenian capital letter TO (U+0539)
Ժ &#1338; &#x053A; & Ժ ? Armenian capital letter ZHE (U+053A)
Ի &#1339; &#x053B; & Ի ? Armenian capital letter INI (U+053B)
Լ &#1340; &#x053C; & Լ ? Armenian capital letter LIWN (U+053C)
Խ &#1341; &#x053D; & Խ ? Armenian capital letter XEH (U+053D)
Ծ &#1342; &#x053E; & Ծ ? Armenian capital letter CA (U+053E)
Կ &#1343; &#x053F; & Կ ? Armenian capital letter KEN (U+053F)

Հ &#1344; &#x0540; & Հ ? Armenian capital letter HO (U+0540)
Ձ &#1345; &#x0541; & Ձ ? Armenian capital letter JA (U+0541)
Ղ &#1346; &#x0542; & Ղ ? Armenian capital letter GHAD (U+0542)
Ճ &#1347; &#x0543; & Ճ ? Armenian capital letter CHEH (U+0543)
Մ &#1348; &#x0544; & Մ ? Armenian capital letter MEN (U+0544)
Յ &#1349; &#x0545; & Յ ? Armenian capital letter YI (U+0545)
Ն &#1350; &#x0546; & Ն ? Armenian capital letter NOW (U+0546)
Շ &#1351; &#x0547; & Շ ? Armenian capital letter SHA (U+0547)
Ո &#1352; &#x0548; & Ո ? Armenian capital letter VO (U+0548)
Չ &#1353; &#x0549; & Չ ? Armenian capital letter CHA (U+0549)
Պ &#1354; &#x054A; & Պ ? Armenian capital letter PEH (U+054A)
Ջ &#1355; &#x054B; & Ջ ? Armenian capital letter JHEH (U+054B)
Ռ &#1356; &#x054C; & Ռ ? Armenian capital letter RA (U+054C)
Ս &#1357; &#x054D; & Ս ? Armenian capital letter SEH (U+054D)
Վ &#1358; &#x054E; & Վ ? Armenian capital letter VEW (U+054E)
Տ &#1359; &#x054F; & Տ ? Armenian capital letter TIWN (U+054F)

Ր &#1360; &#x0550; & Ր ? Armenian capital letter REH (U+0550)
Ց &#1361; &#x0551; & Ց ? Armenian capital letter CO (U+0551)
Ւ &#1362; &#x0552; & Ւ ? Armenian capital letter YIWN (U+0552)
Փ &#1363; &#x0553; & Փ ? Armenian capital letter PIWR (U+0553)
Ք &#1364; &#x0554; & Ք ? Armenian capital letter KEH (U+0554)
Օ &#1365; &#x0555; & Օ ? Armenian capital letter OH (U+0555)
Ֆ &#1366; &#x0556; & Ֆ ? Armenian capital letter FEH (U+0556)
՗ &#1367; &#x0557; & ՗ ? not a valid unicode character.
՘ &#1368; &#x0558; & ՘ ? not a valid unicode character.
ՙ &#1369; &#x0559; & ՙ ? Armenian modifier letter left half ring (U+0559)
՚ &#1370; &#x055A; & ՚ ? Armenian APOSTROPHE (U+055A)
՛ &#1371; &#x055B; & ՛ ? Armenian EMPHASIS mark (U+055B)
՜ &#1372; &#x055C; & ՜ ? Armenian EXCLAMATION mark (U+055C)
՝ &#1373; &#x055D; & ՝ ? Armenian COMMA (U+055D)
՞ &#1374; &#x055E; & ՞ ? Armenian QUESTION mark (U+055E)
՟ &#1375; &#x055F; & ՟ ? Armenian ABBREVIATION mark (U+055F)

ՠ &#1376; &#x0560; & ՠ ? not a valid unicode character.
ա &#1377; &#x0561; & ա ? Armenian small letter AYB (U+0561)
բ &#1378; &#x0562; & բ ? Armenian small letter BEN (U+0562)
գ &#1379; &#x0563; & գ ? Armenian small letter GIM (U+0563)
դ &#1380; &#x0564; & դ ? Armenian small letter DA (U+0564)
ե &#1381; &#x0565; & ե ? Armenian small letter ECH (U+0565)
զ &#1382; &#x0566; & զ ? Armenian small letter ZA (U+0566)
է &#1383; &#x0567; & է ? Armenian small letter EH (U+0567)
ը &#1384; &#x0568; & ը ? Armenian small letter ET (U+0568)
թ &#1385; &#x0569; & թ ? Armenian small letter TO (U+0569)
ժ &#1386; &#x056A; & ժ ? Armenian small letter ZHE (U+056A)
ի &#1387; &#x056B; & ի ? Armenian small letter INI (U+056B)
լ &#1388; &#x056C; & լ ? Armenian small letter LIWN (U+056C)
խ &#1389; &#x056D; & խ ? Armenian small letter XEH (U+056D)
ծ &#1390; &#x056E; & ծ ? Armenian small letter CA (U+056E)
կ &#1391; &#x056F; & կ ? Armenian small letter KEN (U+056F)

հ &#1392; &#x0570; & հ ? Armenian small letter HO (U+0570)
ձ &#1393; &#x0571; & ձ ? Armenian small letter JA (U+0571)
ղ &#1394; &#x0572; & ղ ? Armenian small letter GHAD (U+0572)
ճ &#1395; &#x0573; & ճ ? Armenian small letter CHEH (U+0573)
մ &#1396; &#x0574; & մ ? Armenian small letter MEN (U+0574)
յ &#1397; &#x0575; & յ ? Armenian small letter YI (U+0575)
ն &#1398; &#x0576; & ն ? Armenian small letter NOW (U+0576)
շ &#1399; &#x0577; & շ ? Armenian small letter SHA (U+0577)
ո &#1400; &#x0578; & ո ? Armenian small letter VO (U+0578)
չ &#1401; &#x0579; & չ ? Armenian small letter CHA (U+0579)
պ &#1402; &#x057A; & պ ? Armenian small letter PEH (U+057A)
ջ &#1403; &#x057B; & ջ ? Armenian small letter JHEH (U+057B)
ռ &#1404; &#x057C; & ռ ? Armenian small letter RA (U+057C)
ս &#1405; &#x057D; & ս ? Armenian small letter SEH (U+057D)
վ &#1406; &#x057E; & վ ? Armenian small letter VEW (U+057E)
տ &#1407; &#x057F; & տ ? Armenian small letter TIWN (U+057F)

ր &#1408; &#x0580; & ր ? Armenian small letter REH (U+0580)
ց &#1409; &#x0581; & ց ? Armenian small letter CO (U+0581)
ւ &#1410; &#x0582; & ւ ? Armenian small letter YIWN (U+0582)
փ &#1411; &#x0583; & փ ? Armenian small letter PIWR (U+0583)
ք &#1412; &#x0584; & ք ? Armenian small letter KEH (U+0584)
օ &#1413; &#x0585; & օ ? Armenian small letter OH (U+0585)
ֆ &#1414; &#x0586; & ֆ ? Armenian small letter FEH (U+0586)
և &#1415; &#x0587; & և ? Armenian small ligature ECH YIWN (U+0587)
ֈ &#1416; &#x0588; & ֈ ? not a valid unicode character.
։ &#1417; &#x0589; & ։ ? Armenian FULL Stop (U+0589)
֊ &#1418; &#x058A; & ֊ ? Armenian HYPHEN (U+058A)
֋ &#1419; &#x058B; & ֋ ? not a valid unicode character.
֌ &#1420; &#x058C; & ֌ ? not a valid unicode character.
֍ &#1421; &#x058D; & ֍ ? not a valid unicode character.
֎ &#1422; &#x058E; & ֎ ? not a valid unicode character.
֏ &#1423; &#x058F; & ֏ ? Armenian DRAM sign (U+058F)
Hebrew 0590
֐ &#1424; &#x0590; & ֐ ? not a valid unicode character.
֑ &#1425; &#x0591; & ֑ ? Hebrew accent ETNAHTA (U+0591)
֒ &#1426; &#x0592; & ֒ ? Hebrew accent SEGOL (U+0592)
֓ &#1427; &#x0593; & ֓ ? Hebrew accent SHALSHELET (U+0593)
֔ &#1428; &#x0594; & ֔ ? Hebrew accent ZAQEF QATAN (U+0594)
֕ &#1429; &#x0595; & ֕ ? Hebrew accent ZAQEF GADOL (U+0595)
֖ &#1430; &#x0596; & ֖ ? Hebrew accent TIPEHA (U+0596)
֗ &#1431; &#x0597; & ֗ ? Hebrew accent REVIA (U+0597)
֘ &#1432; &#x0598; & ֘ ? Hebrew accent ZARQA (U+0598)
֙ &#1433; &#x0599; & ֙ ? Hebrew accent PASHTA (U+0599)
֚ &#1434; &#x059A; & ֚ ? Hebrew accent YETIV (U+059A)
֛ &#1435; &#x059B; & ֛ ? Hebrew accent TEVIR (U+059B)
֜ &#1436; &#x059C; & ֜ ? Hebrew accent GERESH (U+059C)
֝ &#1437; &#x059D; & ֝ ? Hebrew accent GERESH MUQDAM (U+059D)
֞ &#1438; &#x059E; & ֞ ? Hebrew accent GERSHAYIM (U+059E)
֟ &#1439; &#x059F; & ֟ ? Hebrew accent QARNEY PARA (U+059F)

֠ &#1440; &#x05A0; & ֠ ? Hebrew accent TELISHA GEDOLA (U+05A0)
֡ &#1441; &#x05A1; & ֡ ? Hebrew accent PAZER (U+05A1)
֢ &#1442; &#x05A2; & ֢ ? Hebrew accent ATNAH HAFUKH (U+05A2)
֣ &#1443; &#x05A3; & ֣ ? Hebrew accent MUNAH (U+05A3)
֤ &#1444; &#x05A4; & ֤ ? Hebrew accent MAHAPAKH (U+05A4)
֥ &#1445; &#x05A5; & ֥ ? Hebrew accent MERKHA (U+05A5)
֦ &#1446; &#x05A6; & ֦ ? Hebrew accent MERKHA KEFULA (U+05A6)
֧ &#1447; &#x05A7; & ֧ ? Hebrew accent DARGA (U+05A7)
֨ &#1448; &#x05A8; & ֨ ? Hebrew accent QADMA (U+05A8)
֩ &#1449; &#x05A9; & ֩ ? Hebrew accent TELISHA QETANA (U+05A9)
֪ &#1450; &#x05AA; & ֪ ? Hebrew accent YERAH BEN YOMO (U+05AA)
֫ &#1451; &#x05AB; & ֫ ? Hebrew accent OLE (U+05AB)
֬ &#1452; &#x05AC; & ֬ ? Hebrew accent ILUY (U+05AC)
֭ &#1453; &#x05AD; & ֭ ? Hebrew accent DEHI (U+05AD)
֮ &#1454; &#x05AE; & ֮ ? Hebrew accent ZINOR (U+05AE)
֯ &#1455; &#x05AF; & ֯ ? Hebrew mark MASORA CIRCLE (U+05AF)

br/>ְ &#1456; &#x05B0; & ְ ? Hebrew POINT SHEVA (U+05B0)
ֱ &#1457; &#x05B1; & ֱ ? Hebrew POINT HATAF SEGOL (U+05B1)
ֲ &#1458; &#x05B2; & ֲ ? Hebrew POINT HATAF PATAH (U+05B2)
ֳ &#1459; &#x05B3; & ֳ ? Hebrew POINT HATAF QAMATS (U+05B3)
ִ &#1460; &#x05B4; & ִ ? Hebrew POINT HIRIQ (U+05B4)
ֵ &#1461; &#x05B5; & ֵ ? Hebrew POINT TSERE (U+05B5)
ֶ &#1462; &#x05B6; & ֶ ? Hebrew POINT SEGOL (U+05B6)
ַ &#1463; &#x05B7; & ַ ? Hebrew POINT PATAH (U+05B7)
ָ &#1464; &#x05B8; & ָ ? Hebrew POINT QAMATS (U+05B8)
ֹ &#1465; &#x05B9; & ֹ ? Hebrew POINT HOLAM (U+05B9)
ֺ &#1466; &#x05BA; & ֺ ? Hebrew POINT HOLAM HASER for VAV (U+05BA)
ֻ &#1467; &#x05BB; & ֻ ? Hebrew POINT QUBUTS (U+05BB)
ּ &#1468; &#x05BC; & ּ ? Hebrew POINT DAGESH OR MAPIQ (U+05BC)
ֽ &#1469; &#x05BD; & ֽ ? Hebrew POINT METEG (U+05BD)
־ &#1470; &#x05BE; & ־ - - - Hebrew punctuation MAQAF (U+05BE)
ֿ &#1471; &#x05BF; & ֿ ? Hebrew POINT RAFE (U+05BF)

׀ &#1472; &#x05C0; & ׀ | | | Hebrew punctuation PASEQ (U+05C0)
ׁ &#1473; &#x05C1; & ׁ ? Hebrew POINT SHIN DOT (U+05C1)
ׂ &#1474; &#x05C2; & ׂ ? Hebrew POINT SIN DOT (U+05C2)
׃ &#1475; &#x05C3; & ׃ : : : Hebrew punctuation SOF PASUQ (U+05C3)
ׄ &#1476; &#x05C4; & ׄ ? Hebrew mark UPPER DOT (U+05C4)
ׅ &#1477; &#x05C5; & ׅ ? Hebrew mark lower DOT (U+05C5)
׆ &#1478; &#x05C6; & ׆ ? Hebrew punctuation NUN HAFUKHA (U+05C6)
ׇ &#1479; &#x05C7; & ׇ ? Hebrew POINT QAMATS QATAN (U+05C7)
׈ &#1480; &#x05C8; & ׈ ? not a valid unicode character.
׉ &#1481; &#x05C9; & ׉ ? not a valid unicode character.
׊ &#1482; &#x05CA; & ׊ ? not a valid unicode character.
׋ &#1483; &#x05CB; & ׋ ? not a valid unicode character.
׌ &#1484; &#x05CC; & ׌ ? not a valid unicode character.
׍ &#1485; &#x05CD; & ׍ ? not a valid unicode character.
׎ &#1486; &#x05CE; & ׎ ? not a valid unicode character.
׏ &#1487; &#x05CF; & ׏ ? not a valid unicode character.

א &#1488; &#x05D0; & א ? Hebrew letter ALEF (U+05D0)
ב &#1489; &#x05D1; & ב ? Hebrew letter BET (U+05D1)
ג &#1490; &#x05D2; & ג ? Hebrew letter GIMEL (U+05D2)
ד &#1491; &#x05D3; & ד ? Hebrew letter DALET (U+05D3)
ה &#1492; &#x05D4; & ה ? Hebrew letter HE (U+05D4)
ו &#1493; &#x05D5; & ו ? Hebrew letter VAV (U+05D5)
ז &#1494; &#x05D6; & ז ? Hebrew letter ZAYIN (U+05D6)
ח &#1495; &#x05D7; & ח ? Hebrew letter HET (U+05D7)
ט &#1496; &#x05D8; & ט ? Hebrew letter TET (U+05D8)
י &#1497; &#x05D9; & י ? Hebrew letter YOD (U+05D9)
ך &#1498; &#x05DA; & ך ? Hebrew letter final KAF (U+05DA)
כ &#1499; &#x05DB; & כ ? Hebrew letter KAF (U+05DB)
ל &#1500; &#x05DC; & ל ? Hebrew letter LAMED (U+05DC)
ם &#1501; &#x05DD; & ם ? Hebrew letter final MEM (U+05DD)
מ &#1502; &#x05DE; & מ ? Hebrew letter MEM (U+05DE)
ן &#1503; &#x05DF; & ן ? Hebrew letter final NUN (U+05DF)

נ &#1504; &#x05E0; & נ ? Hebrew letter NUN (U+05E0)
ס &#1505; &#x05E1; & ס ? Hebrew letter SAMEKH (U+05E1)
ע &#1506; &#x05E2; & ע ? Hebrew letter AYIN (U+05E2)
ף &#1507; &#x05E3; & ף ? Hebrew letter final PE (U+05E3)
פ &#1508; &#x05E4; & פ ? Hebrew letter PE (U+05E4)
ץ &#1509; &#x05E5; & ץ ? Hebrew letter final TSADI (U+05E5)
צ &#1510; &#x05E6; & צ ? Hebrew letter TSADI (U+05E6)
ק &#1511; &#x05E7; & ק ? Hebrew letter QOF (U+05E7)
ר &#1512; &#x05E8; & ר ? Hebrew letter RESH (U+05E8)
ש &#1513; &#x05E9; & ש ? Hebrew letter SHIN (U+05E9)
ת &#1514; &#x05EA; & ת ? Hebrew letter TAV (U+05EA)
׫ &#1515; &#x05EB; & ׫ ? not a valid unicode character.
׬ &#1516; &#x05EC; & ׬ ? not a valid unicode character.
׭ &#1517; &#x05ED; & ׭ ? not a valid unicode character.
׮ &#1518; &#x05EE; & ׮ ? not a valid unicode character.
ׯ &#1519; &#x05EF; & ׯ ? not a valid unicode character.

װ &#1520; &#x05F0; & װ ? Hebrew ligature YIDDISH double VAV (U+05F0)
ױ &#1521; &#x05F1; & ױ ? Hebrew ligature YIDDISH VAV YOD (U+05F1)
ײ &#1522; &#x05F2; & ײ ? Hebrew ligature YIDDISH double YOD (U+05F2)
׳ &#1523; &#x05F3; & ׳ ' ' ' Hebrew punctuation GERESH (U+05F3)
״ &#1524; &#x05F4; & ״ " " " Hebrew punctuation GERSHAYIM (U+05F4)
׵ &#1525; &#x05F5; & ׵ ? not a valid unicode character.
׶ &#1526; &#x05F6; & ׶ ? not a valid unicode character.
׷ &#1527; &#x05F7; & ׷ ? not a valid unicode character.
׸ &#1528; &#x05F8; & ׸ ? not a valid unicode character.
׹ &#1529; &#x05F9; & ׹ ? not a valid unicode character.
׺ &#1530; &#x05FA; & ׺ ? not a valid unicode character.
׻ &#1531; &#x05FB; & ׻ ? not a valid unicode character.
׼ &#1532; &#x05FC; & ׼ ? not a valid unicode character.
׽ &#1533; &#x05FD; & ׽ ? not a valid unicode character.
׾ &#1534; &#x05FE; & ׾ ? not a valid unicode character.
׿ &#1535; &#x05FF; & ׿ ? not a valid unicode character.

Arabic 0600
؀ &#1536; &#x0600; & ؀ ? Arabic number sign (U+0600)
؁ &#1537; &#x0601; & ؁ ? Arabic sign SANAH (U+0601)
؂ &#1538; &#x0602; & ؂ ? Arabic FOOTNOTE marker (U+0602)
؃ &#1539; &#x0603; & ؃ ? Arabic sign SAFHA (U+0603)
؄ &#1540; &#x0604; & ؄ ? Arabic sign SAMVAT (U+0604)
؅ &#1541; &#x0605; & ؅ ? not a valid unicode character.
؆ &#1542; &#x0606; & ؆ ? Arabic-Indic CUBE ROOT (U+0606)
؇ &#1543; &#x0607; & ؇ ? Arabic-Indic FOURTH ROOT (U+0607)
؈ &#1544; &#x0608; & ؈ ? Arabic RAY (U+0608)
؉ &#1545; &#x0609; & ؉ ? Arabic-Indic PER MILLE sign (U+0609)
؊ &#1546; &#x060A; & ؊ ? Arabic-Indic PER TEN THOUSAND sign (U+060A)
؋ &#1547; &#x060B; & ؋ ? Afghani sign (U+060B)
، &#1548; &#x060C; & ، ? Arabic COMMA (U+060C)
؍ &#1549; &#x060D; & ؍ ? Arabic DATE separator (U+060D)
؎ &#1550; &#x060E; & ؎ ? Arabic POETIC VERSE sign (U+060E)
؏ &#1551; &#x060F; & ؏ ? Arabic sign MISRA (U+060F)

ؐ &#1552; &#x0610; & ؐ ? Arabic sign SALLALLAHOU ALAYHE WASSALLAM (U+0610)
ؑ &#1553; &#x0611; & ؑ ? Arabic sign ALAYHE ASSALLAM (U+0611)
ؒ &#1554; &#x0612; & ؒ ? Arabic sign RAHMATULLAH ALAYHE (U+0612)
ؓ &#1555; &#x0613; & ؓ ? Arabic sign RADI ALLAHOU ANHU (U+0613)
ؔ &#1556; &#x0614; & ؔ ? Arabic sign TAKHALLUS (U+0614)
ؕ &#1557; &#x0615; & ؕ ? Arabic small high TAH (U+0615)
ؖ &#1558; &#x0616; & ؖ ? Arabic small high ligature ALEF with LAM with YEH (U+0616)
ؗ &#1559; &#x0617; & ؗ ? Arabic small high ZAIN (U+0617)
ؘ &#1560; &#x0618; & ؘ ? Arabic small FATHA (U+0618)
ؙ &#1561; &#x0619; & ؙ ? Arabic small DAMMA (U+0619)
ؚ &#1562; &#x061A; & ؚ ? Arabic small KASRA (U+061A)
؛ &#1563; &#x061B; & ؛ ? Arabic SEMICOLON (U+061B)
؜ &#1564; &#x061C; & ؜ ? not a valid unicode character.
؝ &#1565; &#x061D; & ؝ ? not a valid unicode character.
؞ &#1566; &#x061E; & ؞ ? Arabic triple dot punctuation mark (U+061E)
؟ &#1567; &#x061F; & ؟ ? Arabic QUESTION mark (U+061F)

ؠ &#1568; &#x0620; & ؠ ? Arabic letter KASHMIRI YEH (U+0620)
ء &#1569; &#x0621; & ء ? Arabic letter HAMZA (U+0621)
آ &#1570; &#x0622; & آ ? Arabic letter ALEF with MADDA above (U+0622)
أ &#1571; &#x0623; & أ ? Arabic letter ALEF with HAMZA above (U+0623)
ؤ &#1572; &#x0624; & ؤ ? Arabic letter WAW with HAMZA above (U+0624)
إ &#1573; &#x0625; & إ ? Arabic letter ALEF with HAMZA below (U+0625)
ئ &#1574; &#x0626; & ئ ? Arabic letter YEH with HAMZA above (U+0626)
ا &#1575; &#x0627; & ا ? Arabic letter ALEF (U+0627)
ب &#1576; &#x0628; & ب ? Arabic letter BEH (U+0628)
ة &#1577; &#x0629; & ة ? Arabic letter TEH MARBUTA (U+0629)
ت &#1578; &#x062A; & ت ? Arabic letter TEH (U+062A)
ث &#1579; &#x062B; & ث ? Arabic letter THEH (U+062B)
ج &#1580; &#x062C; & ج ? Arabic letter JEEM (U+062C)
ح &#1581; &#x062D; & ح ? Arabic letter HAH (U+062D)
خ &#1582; &#x062E; & خ ? Arabic letter KHAH (U+062E)
د &#1583; &#x062F; & د ? Arabic letter DAL (U+062F)

ذ &#1584; &#x0630; & ذ ? Arabic letter THAL (U+0630)
ر &#1585; &#x0631; & ر ? Arabic letter REH (U+0631)
ز &#1586; &#x0632; & ز ? Arabic letter ZAIN (U+0632)
س &#1587; &#x0633; & س ? Arabic letter SEEN (U+0633)
ش &#1588; &#x0634; & ش ? Arabic letter SHEEN (U+0634)
ص &#1589; &#x0635; & ص ? Arabic letter SAD (U+0635)
ض &#1590; &#x0636; & ض ? Arabic letter DAD (U+0636)
ط &#1591; &#x0637; & ط ? Arabic letter TAH (U+0637)
ظ &#1592; &#x0638; & ظ ? Arabic letter ZAH (U+0638)
ع &#1593; &#x0639; & ع ? Arabic letter AIN (U+0639)
غ &#1594; &#x063A; & غ ? Arabic letter GHAIN (U+063A)
ػ &#1595; &#x063B; & ػ ? Arabic letter KEHEH with TWO dots above (U+063B)
ؼ &#1596; &#x063C; & ؼ ? Arabic letter KEHEH with three dots below (U+063C)
ؽ &#1597; &#x063D; & ؽ ? Arabic letter FARSI YEH with inverted V (U+063D)
ؾ &#1598; &#x063E; & ؾ ? Arabic letter FARSI YEH with TWO dots above (U+063E)
ؿ &#1599; &#x063F; & ؿ ? Arabic letter FARSI YEH with three dots above (U+063F)

ـ &#1600; &#x0640; & ـ ? Arabic TATWEEL (U+0640)
ف &#1601; &#x0641; & ف ? Arabic letter FEH (U+0641)
ق &#1602; &#x0642; & ق ? Arabic letter QAF (U+0642)
ك &#1603; &#x0643; & ك ? Arabic letter KAF (U+0643)
ل &#1604; &#x0644; & ل ? Arabic letter LAM (U+0644)
م &#1605; &#x0645; & م ? Arabic letter MEEM (U+0645)
ن &#1606; &#x0646; & ن ? Arabic letter NOON (U+0646)
ه &#1607; &#x0647; & ه ? Arabic letter HEH (U+0647)
و &#1608; &#x0648; & و ? Arabic letter WAW (U+0648)
ى &#1609; &#x0649; & ى ? Arabic letter ALEF MAKSURA (U+0649)
ي &#1610; &#x064A; & ي ? Arabic letter YEH (U+064A)
ً &#1611; &#x064B; & ً ? Arabic FATHATAN (U+064B)
ٌ &#1612; &#x064C; & ٌ ? Arabic DAMMATAN (U+064C)
ٍ &#1613; &#x064D; & ٍ ? Arabic KASRATAN (U+064D)
َ &#1614; &#x064E; & َ ? Arabic FATHA (U+064E)
ُ &#1615; &#x064F; & ُ ? Arabic DAMMA (U+064F)

ِ &#1616; &#x0650; & ِ ? Arabic KASRA (U+0650)
ّ &#1617; &#x0651; & ّ ? Arabic SHADDA (U+0651)
ْ &#1618; &#x0652; & ْ ? Arabic SUKUN (U+0652)
ٓ &#1619; &#x0653; & ٓ ? Arabic MADDAH above (U+0653)
ٔ &#1620; &#x0654; & ٔ ? Arabic HAMZA above (U+0654)
ٕ &#1621; &#x0655; & ٕ ? Arabic HAMZA below (U+0655)
ٖ &#1622; &#x0656; & ٖ ? Arabic subscript ALEF (U+0656)
ٗ &#1623; &#x0657; & ٗ ? Arabic inverted DAMMA (U+0657)
٘ &#1624; &#x0658; & ٘ ? Arabic mark NOON GHUNNA (U+0658)
ٙ &#1625; &#x0659; & ٙ ? Arabic ZWARAKAY (U+0659)
ٚ &#1626; &#x065A; & ٚ ? Arabic vowel sign small V above (U+065A)
ٛ &#1627; &#x065B; & ٛ ? Arabic vowel sign inverted small V above (U+065B)
ٜ &#1628; &#x065C; & ٜ ? Arabic vowel sign dot below (U+065C)
ٝ &#1629; &#x065D; & ٝ ? Arabic reversed DAMMA (U+065D)
ٞ &#1630; &#x065E; & ٞ ? Arabic FATHA with TWO dots (U+065E)
ٟ &#1631; &#x065F; & ٟ ? Arabic wavy HAMZA below (U+065F)

٠ &#1632; &#x0660; & ٠ ? Arabic-Indic digit ZERO (U+0660)
١ &#1633; &#x0661; & ١ ? Arabic-Indic digit ONE (U+0661)
٢ &#1634; &#x0662; & ٢ ? Arabic-Indic digit TWO (U+0662)
٣ &#1635; &#x0663; & ٣ ? Arabic-Indic digit THREE (U+0663)
٤ &#1636; &#x0664; & ٤ ? Arabic-Indic digit FOUR (U+0664)
٥ &#1637; &#x0665; & ٥ ? Arabic-Indic digit FIVE (U+0665)
٦ &#1638; &#x0666; & ٦ ? Arabic-Indic digit SIX (U+0666)
٧ &#1639; &#x0667; & ٧ ? Arabic-Indic digit SEVEN (U+0667)
٨ &#1640; &#x0668; & ٨ ? Arabic-Indic digit EIGHT (U+0668)
٩ &#1641; &#x0669; & ٩ ? Arabic-Indic digit NINE (U+0669)
٪ &#1642; &#x066A; & ٪ ? Arabic PERCENT sign (U+066A)
٫ &#1643; &#x066B; & ٫ ? Arabic DECIMAL separator (U+066B)
٬ &#1644; &#x066C; & ٬ ? Arabic THOUSANDS separator (U+066C)
٭ &#1645; &#x066D; & ٭ ? Arabic FIVE POINTED STAR (U+066D)
ٮ &#1646; &#x066E; & ٮ ? Arabic letter dotless BEH (U+066E)
ٯ &#1647; &#x066F; & ٯ ? Arabic letter dotless QAF (U+066F)

ٰ &#1648; &#x0670; & ٰ ? Arabic letter superscript ALEF (U+0670)
ٱ &#1649; &#x0671; & ٱ ? Arabic letter ALEF WASLA (U+0671)
ٲ &#1650; &#x0672; & ٲ ? Arabic letter ALEF with wavy HAMZA above (U+0672)
ٳ &#1651; &#x0673; & ٳ ? Arabic letter ALEF with wavy HAMZA below (U+0673)
ٴ &#1652; &#x0674; & ٴ ? Arabic letter high HAMZA (U+0674)
ٵ &#1653; &#x0675; & ٵ ? Arabic letter high HAMZA ALEF (U+0675)
ٶ &#1654; &#x0676; & ٶ ? Arabic letter high HAMZA WAW (U+0676)
ٷ &#1655; &#x0677; & ٷ ? Arabic letter U with HAMZA above (U+0677)
ٸ &#1656; &#x0678; & ٸ ? Arabic letter high HAMZA YEH (U+0678)
ٹ &#1657; &#x0679; & ٹ ? Arabic letter TTEH (U+0679)
ٺ &#1658; &#x067A; & ٺ ? Arabic letter TTEHEH (U+067A)
ٻ &#1659; &#x067B; & ٻ ? Arabic letter BEEH (U+067B)
ټ &#1660; &#x067C; & ټ ? Arabic letter TEH with ring (U+067C)
ٽ &#1661; &#x067D; & ٽ ? Arabic letter TEH with three dots above downwards (U+067D)
پ &#1662; &#x067E; & پ ? Arabic letter PEH (U+067E)
ٿ &#1663; &#x067F; & ٿ ? Arabic letter TEHEH (U+067F)

ڀ &#1664; &#x0680; & ڀ ? Arabic letter BEHEH (U+0680)
ځ &#1665; &#x0681; & ځ ? Arabic letter HAH with HAMZA above (U+0681)
ڂ &#1666; &#x0682; & ڂ ? Arabic letter HAH with TWO dots vertical above (U+0682)
ڃ &#1667; &#x0683; & ڃ ? Arabic letter NYEH (U+0683)
ڄ &#1668; &#x0684; & ڄ ? Arabic letter DYEH (U+0684)
څ &#1669; &#x0685; & څ ? Arabic letter HAH with three dots above (U+0685)
چ &#1670; &#x0686; & چ ? Arabic letter TCHEH (U+0686)
ڇ &#1671; &#x0687; & ڇ ? Arabic letter TCHEHEH (U+0687)
ڈ &#1672; &#x0688; & ڈ ? Arabic letter DDAL (U+0688)
ډ &#1673; &#x0689; & ډ ? Arabic letter DAL with ring (U+0689)
ڊ &#1674; &#x068A; & ڊ ? Arabic letter DAL with dot below (U+068A)
ڋ &#1675; &#x068B; & ڋ ? Arabic letter DAL with dot below and small TAH (U+068B)
ڌ &#1676; &#x068C; & ڌ ? Arabic letter DAHAL (U+068C)
ڍ &#1677; &#x068D; & ڍ ? Arabic letter DDAHAL (U+068D)
ڎ &#1678; &#x068E; & ڎ ? Arabic letter DUL (U+068E)
ڏ &#1679; &#x068F; & ڏ ? Arabic letter DAL with three dots above downwards (U+068F)

ڐ &#1680; &#x0690; & ڐ ? Arabic letter DAL with FOUR dots above (U+0690)
ڑ &#1681; &#x0691; & ڑ ? Arabic letter RREH (U+0691)
ڒ &#1682; &#x0692; & ڒ ? Arabic letter REH with small V (U+0692)
ړ &#1683; &#x0693; & ړ ? Arabic letter REH with ring (U+0693)
ڔ &#1684; &#x0694; & ڔ ? Arabic letter REH with dot below (U+0694)
ڕ &#1685; &#x0695; & ڕ ? Arabic letter REH with small V below (U+0695)
ږ &#1686; &#x0696; & ږ ? Arabic letter REH with dot below and dot above (U+0696)
ڗ &#1687; &#x0697; & ڗ ? Arabic letter REH with TWO dots above (U+0697)
ژ &#1688; &#x0698; & ژ ? Arabic letter JEH (U+0698)
ڙ &#1689; &#x0699; & ڙ ? Arabic letter REH with FOUR dots above (U+0699)
ښ &#1690; &#x069A; & ښ ? Arabic letter SEEN with dot below and dot above (U+069A)
ڛ &#1691; &#x069B; & ڛ ? Arabic letter SEEN with three dots below (U+069B)
ڜ &#1692; &#x069C; & ڜ ? Arabic letter SEEN with three dots below and three dots above (U+069C)
ڝ &#1693; &#x069D; & ڝ ? Arabic letter SAD with TWO dots below (U+069D)
ڞ &#1694; &#x069E; & ڞ ? Arabic letter SAD with three dots above (U+069E)
ڟ &#1695; &#x069F; & ڟ ? Arabic letter TAH with three dots above (U+069F)

ڠ &#1696; &#x06A0; & ڠ ? Arabic letter AIN with three dots above (U+06A0)
ڡ &#1697; &#x06A1; & ڡ ? Arabic letter dotless FEH (U+06A1)
ڢ &#1698; &#x06A2; & ڢ ? Arabic letter FEH with dot MOVED below (U+06A2)
ڣ &#1699; &#x06A3; & ڣ ? Arabic letter FEH with dot below (U+06A3)
ڤ &#1700; &#x06A4; & ڤ ? Arabic letter VEH (U+06A4)
ڥ &#1701; &#x06A5; & ڥ ? Arabic letter FEH with three dots below (U+06A5)
ڦ &#1702; &#x06A6; & ڦ ? Arabic letter PEHEH (U+06A6)
ڧ &#1703; &#x06A7; & ڧ ? Arabic letter QAF with dot above (U+06A7)
ڨ &#1704; &#x06A8; & ڨ ? Arabic letter QAF with three dots above (U+06A8)
ک &#1705; &#x06A9; & ک ? Arabic letter KEHEH (U+06A9)
ڪ &#1706; &#x06AA; & ڪ ? Arabic letter SWASH KAF (U+06AA)
ګ &#1707; &#x06AB; & ګ ? Arabic letter KAF with ring (U+06AB)
ڬ &#1708; &#x06AC; & ڬ ? Arabic letter KAF with dot above (U+06AC)
ڭ &#1709; &#x06AD; & ڭ ? Arabic letter NG (U+06AD)
ڮ &#1710; &#x06AE; & ڮ ? Arabic letter KAF with three dots below (U+06AE)
گ &#1711; &#x06AF; & گ ? Arabic letter GAF (U+06AF)

ڰ &#1712; &#x06B0; & ڰ ? Arabic letter GAF with ring (U+06B0)
ڱ &#1713; &#x06B1; & ڱ ? Arabic letter NGOEH (U+06B1)
ڲ &#1714; &#x06B2; & ڲ ? Arabic letter GAF with TWO dots below (U+06B2)
ڳ &#1715; &#x06B3; & ڳ ? Arabic letter GUEH (U+06B3)
ڴ &#1716; &#x06B4; & ڴ ? Arabic letter GAF with three dots above (U+06B4)
ڵ &#1717; &#x06B5; & ڵ ? Arabic letter LAM with small V (U+06B5)
ڶ &#1718; &#x06B6; & ڶ ? Arabic letter LAM with dot above (U+06B6)
ڷ &#1719; &#x06B7; & ڷ ? Arabic letter LAM with three dots above (U+06B7)
ڸ &#1720; &#x06B8; & ڸ ? Arabic letter LAM with three dots below (U+06B8)
ڹ &#1721; &#x06B9; & ڹ ? Arabic letter NOON with dot below (U+06B9)
ں &#1722; &#x06BA; & ں ? Arabic letter NOON GHUNNA (U+06BA)
ڻ &#1723; &#x06BB; & ڻ ? Arabic letter RNOON (U+06BB)
ڼ &#1724; &#x06BC; & ڼ ? Arabic letter NOON with ring (U+06BC)
ڽ &#1725; &#x06BD; & ڽ ? Arabic letter NOON with three dots above (U+06BD)
ھ &#1726; &#x06BE; & ھ ? Arabic letter HEH DOACHASHMEE (U+06BE)
ڿ &#1727; &#x06BF; & ڿ ? Arabic letter TCHEH with dot above (U+06BF)

ۀ &#1728; &#x06C0; & ۀ ? Arabic letter HEH with YEH above (U+06C0)
ہ &#1729; &#x06C1; & ہ ? Arabic letter HEH GOAL (U+06C1)
ۂ &#1730; &#x06C2; & ۂ ? Arabic letter HEH GOAL with HAMZA above (U+06C2)
ۃ &#1731; &#x06C3; & ۃ ? Arabic letter TEH MARBUTA GOAL (U+06C3)
ۄ &#1732; &#x06C4; & ۄ ? Arabic letter WAW with ring (U+06C4)
ۅ &#1733; &#x06C5; & ۅ ? Arabic letter KIRGHIZ OE (U+06C5)
ۆ &#1734; &#x06C6; & ۆ ? Arabic letter OE (U+06C6)
ۇ &#1735; &#x06C7; & ۇ ? Arabic letter U (U+06C7)
ۈ &#1736; &#x06C8; & ۈ ? Arabic letter YU (U+06C8)
ۉ &#1737; &#x06C9; & ۉ ? Arabic letter KIRGHIZ YU (U+06C9)
ۊ &#1738; &#x06CA; & ۊ ? Arabic letter WAW with TWO dots above (U+06CA)
ۋ &#1739; &#x06CB; & ۋ ? Arabic letter VE (U+06CB)
ی &#1740; &#x06CC; & ی ? Arabic letter FARSI YEH (U+06CC)
ۍ &#1741; &#x06CD; & ۍ ? Arabic letter YEH with tail (U+06CD)
ێ &#1742; &#x06CE; & ێ ? Arabic letter YEH with small V (U+06CE)
ۏ &#1743; &#x06CF; & ۏ ? Arabic letter WAW with dot above (U+06CF)

ې &#1744; &#x06D0; & ې ? Arabic letter E (U+06D0)
ۑ &#1745; &#x06D1; & ۑ ? Arabic letter YEH with three dots below (U+06D1)
ے &#1746; &#x06D2; & ے ? Arabic letter YEH BARREE (U+06D2)
ۓ &#1747; &#x06D3; & ۓ ? Arabic letter YEH BARREE with HAMZA above (U+06D3)
۔ &#1748; &#x06D4; & ۔ ? Arabic FULL Stop (U+06D4)
ە &#1749; &#x06D5; & ە ? Arabic letter AE (U+06D5)
ۖ &#1750; &#x06D6; & ۖ ? Arabic small high ligature SAD with LAM with ALEF MAKSURA (U+06D6)
ۗ &#1751; &#x06D7; & ۗ ? Arabic small high ligature QAF with LAM with ALEF MAKSURA (U+06D7)
ۘ &#1752; &#x06D8; & ۘ ? Arabic small high MEEM INITIAL FORM (U+06D8)
ۙ &#1753; &#x06D9; & ۙ ? Arabic small high LAM ALEF (U+06D9)
ۚ &#1754; &#x06DA; & ۚ ? Arabic small high JEEM (U+06DA)
ۛ &#1755; &#x06DB; & ۛ ? Arabic small high three dots (U+06DB)
ۜ &#1756; &#x06DC; & ۜ ? Arabic small high SEEN (U+06DC)
۝ &#1757; &#x06DD; & ۝ ? Arabic end of AYAH (U+06DD)
۞ &#1758; &#x06DE; & ۞ ? Arabic START of RUB EL HIZB (U+06DE)
۟ &#1759; &#x06DF; & ۟ ? Arabic small high rounded ZERO (U+06DF)

۠ &#1760; &#x06E0; & ۠ ? Arabic small high UPright RECTANGULAR ZERO (U+06E0)
ۡ &#1761; &#x06E1; & ۡ ? Arabic small high dotless HEAD of KHAH (U+06E1)
ۢ &#1762; &#x06E2; & ۢ ? Arabic small high MEEM ISOLATED FORM (U+06E2)
ۣ &#1763; &#x06E3; & ۣ ? Arabic small low SEEN (U+06E3)
ۤ &#1764; &#x06E4; & ۤ ? Arabic small high MADDA (U+06E4)
ۥ &#1765; &#x06E5; & ۥ ? Arabic small WAW (U+06E5)
ۦ &#1766; &#x06E6; & ۦ ? Arabic small YEH (U+06E6)
ۧ &#1767; &#x06E7; & ۧ ? Arabic small high YEH (U+06E7)
ۨ &#1768; &#x06E8; & ۨ ? Arabic small high NOON (U+06E8)
۩ &#1769; &#x06E9; & ۩ ? Arabic PLACE of SAJDAH (U+06E9)
۪ &#1770; &#x06EA; & ۪ ? Arabic empty center low STOP (U+06EA)
۫ &#1771; &#x06EB; & ۫ ? Arabic empty center high STOP (U+06EB)
۬ &#1772; &#x06EC; & ۬ ? Arabic rounded high Stop with filled center (U+06EC)
ۭ &#1773; &#x06ED; & ۭ ? Arabic small low MEEM (U+06ED)
ۮ &#1774; &#x06EE; & ۮ ? Arabic letter DAL with inverted V (U+06EE)
ۯ &#1775; &#x06EF; & ۯ ? Arabic letter REH with inverted V (U+06EF)

۰ &#1776; &#x06F0; & ۰ ? extended Arabic-Indic digit ZERO (U+06F0)
۱ &#1777; &#x06F1; & ۱ ? extended Arabic-Indic digit ONE (U+06F1)
۲ &#1778; &#x06F2; & ۲ ? extended Arabic-Indic digit TWO (U+06F2)
۳ &#1779; &#x06F3; & ۳ ? extended Arabic-Indic digit THREE (U+06F3)
۴ &#1780; &#x06F4; & ۴ ? extended Arabic-Indic digit FOUR (U+06F4)
۵ &#1781; &#x06F5; & ۵ ? extended Arabic-Indic digit FIVE (U+06F5)
۶ &#1782; &#x06F6; & ۶ ? extended Arabic-Indic digit SIX (U+06F6)
۷ &#1783; &#x06F7; & ۷ ? extended Arabic-Indic digit SEVEN (U+06F7)
۸ &#1784; &#x06F8; & ۸ ? extended Arabic-Indic digit EIGHT (U+06F8)
۹ &#1785; &#x06F9; & ۹ ? extended Arabic-Indic digit NINE (U+06F9)
ۺ &#1786; &#x06FA; & ۺ ? Arabic letter SHEEN with dot below (U+06FA)
ۻ &#1787; &#x06FB; & ۻ ? Arabic letter DAD with dot below (U+06FB)
ۼ &#1788; &#x06FC; & ۼ ? Arabic letter GHAIN with dot below (U+06FC)
۽ &#1789; &#x06FD; & ۽ ? Arabic sign SINDHI AMPERSAND (U+06FD)
۾ &#1790; &#x06FE; & ۾ ? Arabic sign SINDHI POSTPOSITION MEN (U+06FE)
ۿ &#1791; &#x06FF; & ۿ ? Arabic letter HEH with inverted V (U+06FF)

Syriac 0700
܀ &#1792; &#x0700; & ܀ ? Syriac end of PARAGRAPH (U+0700)
܁ &#1793; &#x0701; & ܁ ? Syriac supralinear FULL STOP (U+0701)
܂ &#1794; &#x0702; & ܂ ? Syriac sublinear FULL STOP (U+0702)
܃ &#1795; &#x0703; & ܃ ? Syriac supralinear COLON (U+0703)
܄ &#1796; &#x0704; & ܄ ? Syriac sublinear COLON (U+0704)
܅ &#1797; &#x0705; & ܅ ? Syriac horizontal COLON (U+0705)
܆ &#1798; &#x0706; & ܆ ? Syriac COLON skewed left (U+0706)
܇ &#1799; &#x0707; & ܇ ? Syriac COLON skewed right (U+0707)
܈ &#1800; &#x0708; & ܈ ? Syriac supralinear COLON skewed left (U+0708)
܉ &#1801; &#x0709; & ܉ ? Syriac sublinear COLON skewed right (U+0709)
܊ &#1802; &#x070A; & ܊ ? Syriac CONTRACTION (U+070A)
܋ &#1803; &#x070B; & ܋ ? Syriac Harklean OBELUS (U+070B)
܌ &#1804; &#x070C; & ܌ ? Syriac Harklean METOBELUS (U+070C)
܍ &#1805; &#x070D; & ܍ ? Syriac Harklean ASTERISCUS (U+070D)
܎ &#1986; &#x070E; & ܎ ? not a valid unicode character.
܏ &#1807; &#x070F; & ܏ ? Syriac ABBREVIATION mark (U+070F)

ܐ &#1808; &#x0710; & ܐ ? Syriac letter ALAPH (U+0710)
ܑ &#1809; &#x0711; & ܑ ? Syriac letter superscript ALAPH (U+0711)
ܒ &#1810; &#x0712; & ܒ ? Syriac letter BETH (U+0712)
ܓ &#1811; &#x0713; & ܓ ? Syriac letter GAMAL (U+0713)
ܔ &#1812; &#x0714; & ܔ ? Syriac letter GAMAL GARSHUNI (U+0714)
ܕ &#1813; &#x0715; & ܕ ? Syriac letter DALATH (U+0715)
ܖ &#1814; &#x0716; & ܖ ? Syriac letter dotless DALATH RISH (U+0716)
ܗ &#1815; &#x0717; & ܗ ? Syriac letter HE (U+0717)
ܘ &#1816; &#x0718; & ܘ ? Syriac letter WAW (U+0718)
ܙ &#1817; &#x0719; & ܙ ? Syriac letter ZAIN (U+0719)
ܚ &#1818; &#x071A; & ܚ ? Syriac letter HETH (U+071A)
ܛ &#1819; &#x071B; & ܛ ? Syriac letter TETH (U+071B)
ܜ &#1820; &#x071C; & ܜ ? Syriac letter TETH GARSHUNI (U+071C)
ܝ &#1821; &#x071D; & ܝ ? Syriac letter YUDH (U+071D)
ܞ &#1822; &#x071E; & ܞ ? Syriac letter YUDH HE (U+071E)
ܟ &#1823; &#x071F; & ܟ ? Syriac letter KAPH (U+071F)

ܠ &#1824; &#x0720; & ܠ ? Syriac letter LAMADH (U+0720)
ܡ &#1825; &#x0721; & ܡ ? Syriac letter MIM (U+0721)
ܢ &#1826; &#x0722; & ܢ ? Syriac letter NUN (U+0722)
ܣ &#1827; &#x0723; & ܣ ? Syriac letter SEMKATH (U+0723)
ܤ &#1828; &#x0724; & ܤ ? Syriac letter final SEMKATH (U+0724)
ܥ &#1829; &#x0725; & ܥ ? Syriac letter E (U+0725)
ܦ &#1830; &#x0726; & ܦ ? Syriac letter PE (U+0726)
ܧ &#1831; &#x0727; & ܧ ? Syriac letter reversed PE (U+0727)
ܨ &#1832; &#x0728; & ܨ ? Syriac letter SADHE (U+0728)
ܩ &#1833; &#x0729; & ܩ ? Syriac letter QAPH (U+0729)
ܪ &#1834; &#x072A; & ܪ ? Syriac letter RISH (U+072A)
ܫ &#1835; &#x072B; & ܫ ? Syriac letter SHIN (U+072B)
ܬ &#1836; &#x072C; & ܬ ? Syriac letter TAW (U+072C)
ܭ &#1837; &#x072D; & ܭ ? Syriac letter Persian BHETH (U+072D)
ܮ &#1838; &#x072E; & ܮ ? Syriac letter Persian GHAMAL (U+072E)
ܯ &#1839; &#x072F; & ܯ ? Syriac letter Persian DHALATH (U+072F)

ܰ &#1840; &#x0730; & ܰ ? Syriac PTHAHA above (U+0730)
ܱ &#1841; &#x0731; & ܱ ? Syriac PTHAHA below (U+0731)
ܲ &#1842; &#x0732; & ܲ ? Syriac PTHAHA DOTTED (U+0732)
ܳ &#1843; &#x0733; & ܳ ? Syriac ZQAPHA above (U+0733)
ܴ &#1844; &#x0734; & ܴ ? Syriac ZQAPHA below (U+0734)
ܵ &#1845; &#x0735; & ܵ ? Syriac ZQAPHA DOTTED (U+0735)
ܶ &#1846; &#x0736; & ܶ ? Syriac RBASA above (U+0736)
ܷ &#1847; &#x0737; & ܷ ? Syriac RBASA below (U+0737)
ܸ &#1848; &#x0738; & ܸ ? Syriac DOTTED ZLAMA horizontal (U+0738)
ܹ &#1849; &#x0739; & ܹ ? Syriac DOTTED ZLAMA ANGULAR (U+0739)
ܺ &#1850; &#x073A; & ܺ ? Syriac HBASA above (U+073A)
ܻ &#1851; &#x073B; & ܻ ? Syriac HBASA below (U+073B)
ܼ &#1852; &#x073C; & ܼ ? Syriac HBASA-ESASA DOTTED (U+073C)
ܽ &#1853; &#x073D; & ܽ ? Syriac ESASA above (U+073D)
ܾ &#1854; &#x073E; & ܾ ? Syriac ESASA below (U+073E)
ܿ &#1855; &#x073F; & ܿ ? Syriac RWAHA (U+073F)

݀ &#1856; &#x0740; & ݀ ? Syriac FEMININE dot (U+0740)
݁ &#1857; &#x0741; & ݁ ? Syriac QUSHSHAYA (U+0741)
݂ &#1858; &#x0742; & ݂ ? Syriac RUKKAKHA (U+0742)
݃ &#1859; &#x0743; & ݃ ? Syriac TWO vertical dots above (U+0743)
݄ &#1860; &#x0744; & ݄ ? Syriac TWO vertical dots below (U+0744)
݅ &#1861; &#x0745; & ݅ ? Syriac three dots above (U+0745)
݆ &#1862; &#x0746; & ݆ ? Syriac three dots below (U+0746)
݇ &#1863; &#x0747; & ݇ ? Syriac OBLIQUE line above (U+0747)
݈ &#1864; &#x0748; & ݈ ? Syriac OBLIQUE line below (U+0748)
݉ &#1865; &#x0749; & ݉ ? Syriac MUSIC (U+0749)
݊ &#1866; &#x074A; & ݊ ? Syriac BARREKH (U+074A)
݋ &#1967; &#x074B; & ݋ ? not a valid unicode character.
݌ &#1968; &#x074C; & ݌ ? not a valid unicode character.
ݍ &#1869; &#x074D; & ݍ ? Syriac letter SOGDIAN ZHAIN (U+074D)
ݎ &#1870; &#x074E; & ݎ ? Syriac letter SOGDIAN KHAPH (U+074E)
ݏ &#1871; &#x074F; & ݏ ? Syriac letter SOGDIAN FE (U+074F)

ݐ &#1872; &#x0750; & ݐ ? Arabic letter BEH with three dots horizontallybelow (U+0750)
ݑ &#1873; &#x0751; & ݑ ? Arabic letter BEH with dot below and three dots above (U+0751)
ݒ &#1874; &#x0752; & ݒ ? Arabic letter BEH with three dots pointing upwards below (U+0752)
ݓ &#1875; &#x0753; & ݓ ? Arabic letter BEH with three dots pointing upwards below and TWO dots above (U+0753)
ݔ &#1876; &#x0754; & ݔ ? Arabic letter BEH with TWO dots below and dot above (U+0754)
ݕ &#1877; &#x0755; & ݕ ? Arabic letter BEH with inverted small V below (U+0755)
ݖ &#1878; &#x0756; & ݖ ? Arabic letter BEH with small V (U+0756)
ݗ &#1879; &#x0757; & ݗ ? Arabic letter HAH with TWO dots above (U+0757)
ݘ &#1880; &#x0758; & ݘ ? Arabic letter HAH with three dots pointing upwards below (U+0758)
ݙ &#1881; &#x0759; & ݙ ? Arabic letter DAL with TWO dots verticalLY below and small TAH (U+0759)
ݚ &#1882; &#x075A; & ݚ ? Arabic letter DAL with inverted small V below (U+075A)
ݛ &#1883; &#x075B; & ݛ ? Arabic letter REH with stroke (U+075B)
ݜ &#1884; &#x075C; & ݜ ? Arabic letter SEEN with FOUR dots above (U+075C)
ݝ &#1885; &#x075D; & ݝ ? Arabic letter AIN with TWO dots above (U+075D)
ݞ &#1886; &#x075E; & ݞ ? Arabic letter AIN with three dots pointing downwards above (U+075E)
ݟ &#1887; &#x075F; & ݟ ? Arabic letter AIN with TWO dots verticalLY above (U+075F)

ݠ &#1888; &#x0760; & ݠ ? Arabic letter FEH with TWO dots below (U+0760)
ݡ &#1889; &#x0761; & ݡ ? Arabic letter FEH with three dots pointing upwards below (U+0761)
ݢ &#1890; &#x0762; & ݢ ? Arabic letter KEHEH with dot above (U+0762)
ݣ &#1891; &#x0763; & ݣ ? Arabic letter KEHEH with three dots above (U+0763)
ݤ &#1892; &#x0764; & ݤ ? Arabic letter KEHEH with three dots pointing upwards below (U+0764)
ݥ &#1893; &#x0765; & ݥ ? Arabic letter MEEM with dot above (U+0765)
ݦ &#1894; &#x0766; & ݦ ? Arabic letter MEEM with dot below (U+0766)
ݧ &#1895; &#x0767; & ݧ ? Arabic letter NOON with TWO dots below (U+0767)
ݨ &#1896; &#x0768; & ݨ ? Arabic letter NOON with small TAH (U+0768)
ݩ &#1897; &#x0769; & ݩ ? Arabic letter NOON with small V (U+0769)
ݪ &#1898; &#x076A; & ݪ ? Arabic letter LAM with BAR (U+076A)
ݫ &#1899; &#x076B; & ݫ ? Arabic letter REH with TWO dots verticalLY above (U+076B)
ݬ &#1900; &#x076C; & ݬ ? Arabic letter REH with HAMZA above (U+076C)
ݭ &#1901; &#x076D; & ݭ ? Arabic letter SEEN with TWO dots verticalLY above (U+076D)
ݮ &#1902; &#x076E; & ݮ ? Arabic letter HAH with small Arabic letter TAH below (U+076E)
ݯ &#1903; &#x076F; & ݯ ? Arabic letter HAH with small Arabic letter TAH and TWO dots (U+076F)

ݰ &#1904; &#x0770; & ݰ ? Arabic letter SEEN with small Arabic letter TAH and TWO dots (U+0770)
ݱ &#1905; &#x0771; & ݱ ? Arabic letter REH with small Arabic letter TAH and TWO dots (U+0771)
ݲ &#1906; &#x0772; & ݲ ? Arabic letter HAH with small Arabic letter TAH above (U+0772)
ݳ &#1907; &#x0773; & ݳ ? Arabic letter ALEF with extended Arabic-Indic digit TWO above (U+0773)
ݴ &#1908; &#x0774; & ݴ ? Arabic letter ALEF with extended Arabic-Indic digit THREE above (U+0774)
ݵ &#1909; &#x0775; & ݵ ? Arabic letter FARSI YEH with extended Arabic-Indic digit TWO above (U+0775)
ݶ &#1910; &#x0776; & ݶ ? Arabic letter FARSI YEH with extended Arabic-Indic digit THREE above (U+0776)
ݷ &#1911; &#x0777; & ݷ ? Arabic letter FARSI YEH with extended Arabic-Indic digit FOUR below (U+0777)
ݸ &#1912; &#x0778; & ݸ ? Arabic letter WAW with extended Arabic-Indic digit TWO above (U+0778)
ݹ &#1913; &#x0779; & ݹ ? Arabic letter WAW with extended Arabic-Indic digit THREE above (U+0779)
ݺ &#1914; &#x077A; & ݺ ? Arabic letter YEH BARREE with extended Arabic-Indic digit TWO above (U+077A)
ݻ &#1915; &#x077B; & ݻ ? Arabic letter YEH BARREE with extended Arabic-Indic digit THREE above (U+077B)
ݼ &#1916; &#x077C; & ݼ ? Arabic letter HAH with extended Arabic-Indic digit FOUR below (U+077C)
ݽ &#1917; &#x077D; & ݽ ? Arabic letter SEEN with extended Arabic-Indic digit FOUR above (U+077D)
ݾ &#1918; &#x077E; & ݾ ? Arabic letter SEEN with inverted V (U+077E)
ݿ &#1919; &#x077F; & ݿ ? Arabic letter KAF with TWO dots above (U+077F)

Thaana: Maldives 0780
ހ &#1920; &#x0780; & ހ ? Thaana letter HAA (U+0780)
ށ &#1921; &#x0781; & ށ ? Thaana letter SHAVIYANI (U+0781)
ނ &#1922; &#x0782; & ނ ? Thaana letter NOONU (U+0782)
ރ &#1923; &#x0783; & ރ ? Thaana letter RAA (U+0783)
ބ &#1924; &#x0784; & ބ ? Thaana letter BAA (U+0784)
ޅ &#1925; &#x0785; & ޅ ? Thaana letter LHAVIYANI (U+0785)
ކ &#1926; &#x0786; & ކ ? Thaana letter KAAFU (U+0786)
އ &#1927; &#x0787; & އ ? Thaana letter ALIFU (U+0787)
ވ &#1928; &#x0788; & ވ ? Thaana letter VAAVU (U+0788)
މ &#1929; &#x0789; & މ ? Thaana letter MEEMU (U+0789)
ފ &#1930; &#x078A; & ފ ? Thaana letter FAAFU (U+078A)
ދ &#1931; &#x078B; & ދ ? Thaana letter DHAALU (U+078B)
ތ &#1932; &#x078C; & ތ ? Thaana letter THAA (U+078C)
ލ &#1933; &#x078D; & ލ ? Thaana letter LAAMU (U+078D)
ގ &#1934; &#x078E; & ގ ? Thaana letter GAAFU (U+078E)
ޏ &#1935; &#x078F; & ޏ ? Thaana letter GNAVIYANI (U+078F)

ސ &#1936; &#x0790; & ސ ? Thaana letter SEENU (U+0790)
ޑ &#1937; &#x0791; & ޑ ? Thaana letter DAVIYANI (U+0791)
ޒ &#1938; &#x0792; & ޒ ? Thaana letter ZAVIYANI (U+0792)
ޓ &#1939; &#x0793; & ޓ ? Thaana letter TAVIYANI (U+0793)
ޔ &#1940; &#x0794; & ޔ ? Thaana letter YAA (U+0794)
ޕ &#1941; &#x0795; & ޕ ? Thaana letter PAVIYANI (U+0795)
ޖ &#1942; &#x0796; & ޖ ? Thaana letter JAVIYANI (U+0796)
ޗ &#1943; &#x0797; & ޗ ? Thaana letter CHAVIYANI (U+0797)
ޘ &#1944; &#x0798; & ޘ ? Thaana letter TTAA (U+0798)
ޙ &#1945; &#x0799; & ޙ ? Thaana letter HHAA (U+0799)
ޚ &#1946; &#x079A; & ޚ ? Thaana letter KHAA (U+079A)
ޛ &#1947; &#x079B; & ޛ ? Thaana letter THAALU (U+079B)
ޜ &#1948; &#x079C; & ޜ ? Thaana letter ZAA (U+079C)
ޝ &#1949; &#x079D; & ޝ ? Thaana letter SHEENU (U+079D)
ޞ &#1950; &#x079E; & ޞ ? Thaana letter SAADHU (U+079E)
ޟ &#1951; &#x079F; & ޟ ? Thaana letter DAADHU (U+079F)

ޠ &#1952; &#x07A0; & ޠ ? Thaana letter TO (U+07A0)
ޣ &#1955; &#x07A1; & ޣ ? Thaana letter ZO (U+07A1)
ޢ &#1954; &#x07A2; & ޢ ? Thaana letter AINU (U+07A2)
ޣ &#1955; &#x07A3; & ޣ ? Thaana letter GHAINU (U+07A3)
ޤ &#1956; &#x07A4; & ޤ ? Thaana letter QAAFU (U+07A4)
ޥ &#1957; &#x07A5; & ޥ ? Thaana letter WAAVU (U+07A5)
ަ &#1958; &#x07A6; & ަ ? Thaana ABAFILI (U+07A6)
ާ &#1959; &#x07A7; & ާ ? Thaana AABAAFILI (U+07A7)
ި &#1960; &#x07A8; & ި ? Thaana IBIFILI (U+07A8)
ީ &#1961; &#x07A9; & ީ ? Thaana EEBEEFILI (U+07A9)
ު &#1962; &#x07AA; & ު ? Thaana UBUFILI (U+07AA)
ޫ &#1963; &#x07AB; & ޫ ? Thaana OOBOOFILI (U+07AB)
ެ &#1964; &#x07AC; & ެ ? Thaana EBEFILI (U+07AC)
ޭ &#1965; &#x07AD; & ޭ ? Thaana EYBEYFILI (U+07AD)
ޮ &#1966; &#x07AE; & ޮ ? Thaana OBOFILI (U+07AE)
ޯ &#1967; &#x07AF; & ޯ ? Thaana OABOAFILI (U+07AF)

ް &#1968; &#x07B0; & ް ? Thaana SUKUN (U+07B0)
ޱ &#1969; &#x07B1; & ޱ ? Thaana letter NAA (U+07B1)
޲ &#1970; &#x07B2; & ޲ ? not a valid unicode character.
޳ &#1971; &#x07B3; & ޳ ? not a valid unicode character.
޴ &#1972; &#x07B4; & ޴ ? not a valid unicode character.
޵ &#1973; &#x07B5; & ޵ ? not a valid unicode character.
޶ &#1974; &#x07B6; & ޶ ? not a valid unicode character.
޷ &#1975; &#x07B7; & ޷ ? not a valid unicode character.
޸ &#1976; &#x07B8; & ޸ ? not a valid unicode character.
޹ &#1977; &#x07B9; & ޹ ? not a valid unicode character.
޺ &#1978; &#x07BA; & ޺ ? not a valid unicode character.
޻ &#1979; &#x07BB; & ޻ ? not a valid unicode character.
޼ &#1980; &#x07BC; & ޼ ? not a valid unicode character.
޽ &#1981; &#x07BD; & ޽ ? not a valid unicode character.
޾ &#1982; &#x07BE; & ޾ ? not a valid unicode character.
޿ &#1983; &#x07BF; & ޿ ? not a valid unicode character.

߀ &#1984; &#x07C0; & ߀ ? Nko digit ZERO (U+07C0)
߁ &#1985; &#x07C1; & ߁ ? Nko digit ONE (U+07C1)
߂ &#1986; &#x07C2; & ߂ ? Nko digit TWO (U+07C2)
߃ &#1987; &#x07C3; & ߃ ? Nko digit THREE (U+07C3)
߄ &#1988; &#x07C4; & ߄ ? Nko digit FOUR (U+07C4)
߅ &#1989; &#x07C5; & ߅ ? Nko digit FIVE (U+07C5)
߆ &#1990; &#x07C6; & ߆ ? Nko digit SIX (U+07C6)
߇ &#1991; &#x07C7; & ߇ ? Nko digit SEVEN (U+07C7)
߈ &#1992; &#x07C8; & ߈ ? Nko digit EIGHT (U+07C8)
߉ &#1993; &#x07C9; & ߉ ? Nko digit NINE (U+07C9)
ߊ &#1994; &#x07CA; & ߊ ? Nko letter A (U+07CA)
ߋ &#1995; &#x07CB; & ߋ ? Nko letter EE (U+07CB)
ߌ &#1996; &#x07CC; & ߌ ? Nko letter I (U+07CC)
ߍ &#1997; &#x07CD; & ߍ ? Nko letter E (U+07CD)
ߎ &#1998; &#x07CE; & ߎ ? Nko letter U (U+07CE)
ߏ &#1999; &#x07CF; & ߏ ? Nko letter OO (U+07CF)

ߐ &#2000; &#x07D0; & ߐ ? Nko letter O (U+07D0)
ߑ &#2001; &#x07D1; & ߑ ? Nko letter DAGBASINNA (U+07D1)
ߒ &#2002; &#x07D2; & ߒ ? Nko letter N (U+07D2)
ߓ &#2003; &#x07D3; & ߓ ? Nko letter BA (U+07D3)
ߔ &#2004; &#x07D4; & ߔ ? Nko letter PA (U+07D4)
ߕ &#2005; &#x07D5; & ߕ ? Nko letter TA (U+07D5)
ߖ &#2006; &#x07D6; & ߖ ? Nko letter JA (U+07D6)
ߗ &#2007; &#x07D7; & ߗ ? Nko letter CHA (U+07D7)
ߘ &#2008; &#x07D8; & ߘ ? Nko letter DA (U+07D8)
ߙ &#2009; &#x07D9; & ߙ ? Nko letter RA (U+07D9)
ߚ &#2010; &#x07DA; & ߚ ? Nko letter RRA (U+07DA)
ߛ &#2011; &#x07DB; & ߛ ? Nko letter SA (U+07DB)
ߜ &#2012; &#x07DC; & ߜ ? Nko letter GBA (U+07DC)
ߝ &#2013; &#x07DD; & ߝ ? Nko letter FA (U+07DD)
ߞ &#2014; &#x07DE; & ߞ ? Nko letter KA (U+07DE)
ߟ &#2015; &#x07DF; & ߟ ? Nko letter LA (U+07DF)

ߠ &#2016; &#x07E0; & ߠ ? Nko letter NA WOLOSO (U+07E0)
ߡ &#2017; &#x07E1; & ߡ ? Nko letter MA (U+07E1)
ߢ &#2018; &#x07E2; & ߢ ? Nko letter NYA (U+07E2)
ߣ &#2019; &#x07E3; & ߣ ? Nko letter NA (U+07E3)
ߤ &#2020; &#x07E4; & ߤ ? Nko letter HA (U+07E4)
ߥ &#2021; &#x07E5; & ߥ ? Nko letter WA (U+07E5)
ߦ &#2022; &#x07E6; & ߦ ? Nko letter YA (U+07E6)
ߧ &#2023; &#x07E7; & ߧ ? Nko letter NYA WOLOSO (U+07E7)
ߨ &#2024; &#x07E8; & ߨ ? Nko letter JONA JA (U+07E8)
ߩ &#2025; &#x07E9; & ߩ ? Nko letter JONA CHA (U+07E9)
ߪ &#2026; &#x07EA; & ߪ ? Nko letter JONA RA (U+07EA)
߫ &#2027; &#x07EB; & ߫ ? Nko combining short high tone (U+07EB)
߬ &#2028; &#x07EC; & ߬ ? Nko combining short low tone (U+07EC)
߭ &#2029; &#x07ED; & ߭ ? Nko combining short RISING tone (U+07ED)
߮ &#2030; &#x07EE; & ߮ ? Nko combining long DESCENDING tone (U+07EE)
߯ &#2031; &#x07EF; & ߯ ? Nko combining long high tone (U+07EF)

߰ &#2032; &#x07F0; & ߰ ? Nko combining long low tone (U+07F0)
߱ &#2033; &#x07F1; & ߱ ? Nko combining long RISING tone (U+07F1)
߲ &#2034; &#x07F2; & ߲ ? Nko combining NASALIZATION mark (U+07F2)
߳ &#2035; &#x07F3; & ߳ ? Nko combining double dot above (U+07F3)
ߴ &#2036; &#x07F4; & ߴ ? Nko high tone APOSTROPHE (U+07F4)
ߵ &#2037; &#x07F5; & ߵ ? Nko low tone APOSTROPHE (U+07F5)
߶ &#2038; &#x07F6; & ߶ ? Nko symbol OO DENNEN (U+07F6)
߷ &#2039; &#x07F7; & ߷ ? Nko symbol GBAKURUNEN (U+07F7)
߸ &#2040; &#x07F8; & ߸ ? Nko COMMA (U+07F8)
߹ &#2041; &#x07F9; & ߹ ? Nko EXCLAMATION mark (U+07F9)
ߺ &#2042; &#x07FA; & ߺ ? Nko LAJANYALAN (U+07FA)
߻ &#2043; &#x07FB; & ߻ ? not a valid unicode character.
߼ &#2044; &#x07FC; & ߼ ? not a valid unicode character.
߽ &#2045; &#x07FD; & ߽ ? not a valid unicode character.
߾ &#2046; &#x07FE; & ߾ ? not a valid unicode character.
߿ &#2047; &#x07FF; & ߿ ? not a valid unicode character.

ࠀ &#2048; &#x0800; & ࠀ ? Samaritan letter ALAF (U+0800)
ࠁ &#2049; &#x0801; & ࠁ ? Samaritan letter BIT (U+0801)
ࠂ &#2050; &#x0802; & ࠂ ? Samaritan letter GAMAN (U+0802)
ࠃ &#2051; &#x0803; & ࠃ ? Samaritan letter DALAT (U+0803)
ࠄ &#2052; &#x0804; & ࠄ ? Samaritan letter IY (U+0804)
ࠅ &#2053; &#x0805; & ࠅ ? Samaritan letter BAA (U+0805)
ࠆ &#2054; &#x0806; & ࠆ ? Samaritan letter ZEN (U+0806)
ࠇ &#2055; &#x0807; & ࠇ ? Samaritan letter IT (U+0807)
ࠈ &#2056; &#x0808; & ࠈ ? Samaritan letter TIT (U+0808)
ࠉ &#2057; &#x0809; & ࠉ ? Samaritan letter YUT (U+0809)
ࠊ &#2058; &#x080A; & ࠊ ? Samaritan letter KAAF (U+080A)
ࠋ &#2059; &#x080B; & ࠋ ? Samaritan letter LABAT (U+080B)
ࠌ &#2060; &#x080C; & ࠌ ? Samaritan letter MIM (U+080C)
ࠍ &#2061; &#x080D; & ࠍ ? Samaritan letter NUN (U+080D)
ࠎ &#2062; &#x080E; & ࠎ ? Samaritan letter SINGAAT (U+080E)
ࠏ &#2063; &#x080F; & ࠏ ? Samaritan letter IN (U+080F)

ࠐ &#2064; &#x0810; & ࠐ ? Samaritan letter FI (U+0810)
ࠑ &#2065; &#x0811; & ࠑ ? Samaritan letter TSAADIY (U+0811)
ࠒ &#2066; &#x0812; & ࠒ ? Samaritan letter QUF (U+0812)
ࠓ &#2067; &#x0813; & ࠓ ? Samaritan letter RISH (U+0813)
ࠔ &#2068; &#x0814; & ࠔ ? Samaritan letter SHAN (U+0814)
ࠕ &#2069; &#x0815; & ࠕ ? Samaritan letter TAAF (U+0815)
ࠖ &#2070; &#x0816; & ࠖ ? Samaritan mark IN (U+0816)
ࠗ &#2071; &#x0817; & ࠗ ? Samaritan mark IN-ALAF (U+0817)
࠘ &#2072; &#x0818; & ࠘ ? Samaritan mark OCCLUSION (U+0818)
࠙ &#2073; &#x0819; & ࠙ ? Samaritan mark DAGESH (U+0819)
ࠚ &#2074; &#x081A; & ࠚ ? Samaritan modifier letter EPENTHETIC YUT (U+081A)
ࠛ &#2075; &#x081B; & ࠛ ? Samaritan mark EPENTHETIC YUT (U+081B)
ࠜ &#2076; &#x081C; & ࠜ ? Samaritan vowel sign long E (U+081C)
ࠝ &#2077; &#x081D; & ࠝ ? Samaritan vowel sign E (U+081D)
ࠞ &#2078; &#x081E; & ࠞ ? Samaritan vowel sign OVERlong AA (U+081E)
ࠟ &#2079; &#x081F; & ࠟ ? Samaritan vowel sign long AA (U+081F)

ࠠ &#2080; &#x0820; & ࠠ ? Samaritan vowel sign AA (U+0820)
ࠡ &#2081; &#x0821; & ࠡ ? Samaritan vowel sign OVERlong A (U+0821)
ࠢ &#2082; &#x0822; & ࠢ ? Samaritan vowel sign long A (U+0822)
ࠣ &#2083; &#x0823; & ࠣ ? Samaritan vowel sign A (U+0823)
ࠤ &#2084; &#x0824; & ࠤ ? Samaritan modifier letter short A (U+0824)
ࠥ &#2085; &#x0825; & ࠥ ? Samaritan vowel sign short A (U+0825)
ࠦ &#2086; &#x0826; & ࠦ ? Samaritan vowel sign long U (U+0826)
ࠧ &#2087; &#x0827; & ࠧ ? Samaritan vowel sign U (U+0827)
ࠨ &#2088; &#x0828; & ࠨ ? Samaritan modifier letter I (U+0828)
ࠩ &#2089; &#x0829; & ࠩ ? Samaritan vowel sign long I (U+0829)
ࠪ &#2090; &#x082A; & ࠪ ? Samaritan vowel sign I (U+082A)
ࠫ &#2091; &#x082B; & ࠫ ? Samaritan vowel sign O (U+082B)
ࠬ &#2092; &#x082C; & ࠬ ? Samaritan vowel sign SUKUN (U+082C)
࠭ &#2093; &#x082D; & ࠭ ? Samaritan mark NEQUDAA (U+082D)
࠮ &#2094; &#x082E; & ࠮ ? not a valid unicode character.
࠯ &#2095; &#x082F; & ࠯ ? not a valid unicode character.

࠰ &#2096; &#x0830; & ࠰ ? Samaritan punctuation NEQUDAA (U+0830)
࠱ &#2097; &#x0831; & ࠱ ? Samaritan punctuation AFSAAQ (U+0831)
࠲ &#2098; &#x0832; & ࠲ ? Samaritan punctuation ANGED (U+0832)
࠳ &#2099; &#x0833; & ࠳ ? Samaritan punctuation BAU (U+0833)
࠴ &#2100; &#x0834; & ࠴ ? Samaritan punctuation ATMAAU (U+0834)
࠵ &#2101; &#x0835; & ࠵ ? Samaritan punctuation SHIYYAALAA (U+0835)
࠶ &#2102; &#x0836; & ࠶ ? Samaritan ABBREVIATION mark (U+0836)
࠷ &#2103; &#x0837; & ࠷ ? Samaritan punctuation MELODIC QITSA (U+0837)
࠸ &#2104; &#x0838; & ࠸ ? Samaritan punctuation ZIQAA (U+0838)
࠹ &#2105; &#x0839; & ࠹ ? Samaritan punctuation QITSA (U+0839)
࠺ &#2106; &#x083A; & ࠺ ? Samaritan punctuation ZAEF (U+083A)
࠻ &#2107; &#x083B; & ࠻ ? Samaritan punctuation TURU (U+083B)
࠼ &#2108; &#x083C; & ࠼ ? Samaritan punctuation ARKAANU (U+083C)
࠽ &#2109; &#x083D; & ࠽ ? Samaritan punctuation SOF MASHFAAT (U+083D)
࠾ &#2110; &#x083E; & ࠾ ? Samaritan punctuation ANNAAU (U+083E)
࠿ &#2111; &#x083F; & ࠿ ? not a valid unicode character.

Mandic: African 0840
ࡀ &#2112; &#x0840; & ࡀ ? Mandaic letter HALQA (U+0840)
ࡁ &#2113; &#x0841; & ࡁ ? Mandaic letter AB (U+0841)
ࡂ &#2114; &#x0842; & ࡂ ? Mandaic letter AG (U+0842)
ࡃ &#2115; &#x0843; & ࡃ ? Mandaic letter AD (U+0843)
ࡄ &#2116; &#x0844; & ࡄ ? Mandaic letter AH (U+0844)
ࡅ &#2117; &#x0845; & ࡅ ? Mandaic letter USHENNA (U+0845)
ࡆ &#2118; &#x0846; & ࡆ ? Mandaic letter AZ (U+0846)
ࡇ &#2119; &#x0847; & ࡇ ? Mandaic letter IT (U+0847)
ࡈ &#2120; &#x0848; & ࡈ ? Mandaic letter ATT (U+0848)
ࡉ &#2121; &#x0849; & ࡉ ? Mandaic letter AKSA (U+0849)
ࡊ &#2122; &#x084A; & ࡊ ? Mandaic letter AK (U+084A)
ࡋ &#2123; &#x084B; & ࡋ ? Mandaic letter AL (U+084B)
ࡌ &#2124; &#x084C; & ࡌ ? Mandaic letter AM (U+084C)
ࡍ &#2125; &#x084D; & ࡍ ? Mandaic letter AN (U+084D)
ࡎ &#2126; &#x084E; & ࡎ ? Mandaic letter AS (U+084E)
ࡏ &#2127; &#x084F; & ࡏ ? Mandaic letter IN (U+084F)

ࡐ &#2128; &#x0850; & ࡐ ? Mandaic letter AP (U+0850)
ࡑ &#2129; &#x0851; & ࡑ ? Mandaic letter ASZ (U+0851)
ࡒ &#2130; &#x0852; & ࡒ ? Mandaic letter AQ (U+0852)
ࡓ &#2131; &#x0853; & ࡓ ? Mandaic letter AR (U+0853)
ࡔ &#2132; &#x0854; & ࡔ ? Mandaic letter ASH (U+0854)
ࡕ &#2133; &#x0855; & ࡕ ? Mandaic letter AT (U+0855)
ࡖ &#2134; &#x0856; & ࡖ ? Mandaic letter DUSHENNA (U+0856)
ࡗ &#2135; &#x0857; & ࡗ ? Mandaic letter KAD (U+0857)
ࡘ &#2136; &#x0858; & ࡘ ? Mandaic letter AIN (U+0858)
࡙ &#2137; &#x0859; & ࡙ ? Mandaic AFFRICATION mark (U+0859)
࡚ &#2138; &#x085A; & ࡚ ? Mandaic VOCALIZATION mark (U+085A)
࡛ &#2139; &#x085B; & ࡛ ? Mandaic GEMINATION mark (U+085B)
࡜ &#2140; &#x085C; & ࡜ ? not a valid unicode character.
࡝ &#2141; &#x085D; & ࡝ ? not a valid unicode character.
࡞ &#2142; &#x085E; & ࡞ ? Mandaic punctuation (U+085E)
࡟ &#2143; &#x085F; & ࡟ ? not a valid unicode character.

ࡠ &#2144; &#x0860; & ࡠ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡡ &#2145; &#x0861; & ࡡ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡢ &#2146; &#x0862; & ࡢ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡣ &#2147; &#x0863; & ࡣ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡤ &#2148; &#x0864; & ࡤ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡥ &#2149; &#x0865; & ࡥ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡦ &#2150; &#x0866; & ࡦ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡧ &#2151; &#x0867; & ࡧ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡨ &#2152; &#x0868; & ࡨ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡩ &#2153; &#x0869; & ࡩ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡪ &#2154; &#x086A; & ࡪ ? not a valid unicode character.
࡫ &#2155; &#x086B; & ࡫ ? not a valid unicode character.
࡬ &#2156; &#x086C; & ࡬ ? not a valid unicode character.
࡭ &#2157; &#x086D; & ࡭ ? not a valid unicode character.
࡮ &#2158; &#x086E; & ࡮ ? not a valid unicode character.
࡯ &#2159; &#x086F; & ࡯ ? not a valid unicode character.

ࡰ &#2160; &#x0870; & ࡰ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡱ &#2161; &#x0871; & ࡱ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡲ &#2162; &#x0872; & ࡲ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡳ &#2163; &#x0873; & ࡳ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡴ &#2164; &#x0874; & ࡴ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡵ &#2165; &#x0875; & ࡵ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡶ &#2166; &#x0876; & ࡶ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡷ &#2167; &#x0877; & ࡷ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡸ &#2168; &#x0878; & ࡸ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡹ &#2169; &#x0879; & ࡹ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡺ &#2170; &#x087A; & ࡺ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡻ &#2171; &#x087B; & ࡻ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡼ &#2172; &#x087C; & ࡼ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡽ &#2173; &#x087D; & ࡽ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡾ &#2174; &#x087E; & ࡾ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࡿ &#2175; &#x087F; & ࡿ ? not a valid unicode character.

ࢀ &#2176; &#x0880; & ࢀ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢁ &#2177; &#x0881; & ࢁ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢂ &#2178; &#x0882; & ࢂ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢃ &#2179; &#x0883; & ࢃ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢄ &#2180; &#x0884; & ࢄ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢅ &#2181; &#x0885; & ࢅ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢆ &#2182; &#x0886; & ࢆ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢇ &#2183; &#x0887; & ࢇ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢈ &#2184; &#x0888; & ࢈ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢉ &#2185; &#x0889; & ࢉ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢊ &#2186; &#x088A; & ࢊ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢋ &#2187; &#x088B; & ࢋ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢌ &#2188; &#x088C; & ࢌ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢍ &#2189; &#x088D; & ࢍ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢎ &#2190; &#x088E; & ࢎ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢏ &#2191; &#x088F; & ࢏ ? not a valid unicode character.

࢐ &#2192; &#x0890; & ࢐ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢑ &#2193; &#x0891; & ࢑ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢒ &#2194; &#x0892; & ࢒ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢓ &#2195; &#x0893; & ࢓ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢔ &#2196; &#x0894; & ࢔ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢕ &#2197; &#x0895; & ࢕ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢖ &#2198; &#x0896; & ࢖ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢗ &#2199; &#x0897; & ࢗ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢘ &#2200; &#x0898; & ࢘ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢙ &#2201; &#x0899; & ࢙ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢚ &#2202; &#x089A; & ࢚ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢛ &#2203; &#x089B; & ࢛ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢜ &#2204; &#x089C; & ࢜ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢝ &#2205; &#x089D; & ࢝ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢞ &#2206; &#x089E; & ࢞ ? not a valid unicode character.
࢟ &#2207; &#x089F; & ࢟ ? not a valid unicode character.

ࢠ &#2208; &#x08A0; & ࢠ ? Arabic letter BEH with small V below (U+08A0)
ࢡ &#2209; &#x08A1; & ࢡ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢢ &#2210; &#x08A2; & ࢢ ? Arabic letter JEEM with TWO dots above (U+08A2)
ࢣ &#2211; &#x08A3; & ࢣ ? Arabic letter TAH with TWO dots above (U+08A3)
ࢤ &#2212; &#x08A4; & ࢤ ? Arabic letter FEH with dot below and three dots above (U+08A4)
ࢥ &#2213; &#x08A5; & ࢥ ? Arabic letter QAF with dot below (U+08A5)
ࢦ &#2214; &#x08A6; & ࢦ ? Arabic letter LAM with double BAR (U+08A6)
ࢧ &#2215; &#x08A7; & ࢧ ? Arabic letter MEEM with three dots above (U+08A7)
ࢨ &#2216; &#x08A8; & ࢨ ? Arabic letter YEH with TWO dots below and HAMZA above (U+08A8)
ࢩ &#2217; &#x08A9; & ࢩ ? Arabic letter YEH with TWO dots below and dot above (U+08A9)
ࢪ &#2218; &#x08AA; & ࢪ ? Arabic letter REH with loop (U+08AA)
ࢫ &#2219; &#x08AB; & ࢫ ? Arabic letter WAW with dot withIN (U+08AB)
ࢬ &#2220; &#x08AC; & ࢬ ? Arabic letter ROHINGYA YEH (U+08AC)
ࢭ &#2221; &#x08AD; & ࢭ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢮ &#2222; &#x08AE; & ࢮ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢯ &#2223; &#x08AF; & ࢯ ? not a valid unicode character.

ࢰ &#2224; &#x08B0; & ࢰ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢱ &#2225; &#x08B1; & ࢱ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢲ &#2226; &#x08B2; & ࢲ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢳ &#2227; &#x08B3; & ࢳ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢴ &#2228; &#x08B4; & ࢴ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢵ &#2229; &#x08B5; & ࢵ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢶ &#2230; &#x08B6; & ࢶ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢷ &#2231; &#x08B7; & ࢷ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢸ &#2232; &#x08B8; & ࢸ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢹ &#2233; &#x08B9; & ࢹ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢺ &#2234; &#x08BA; & ࢺ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢻ &#2235; &#x08BB; & ࢻ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢼ &#2236; &#x08BC; & ࢼ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢽ &#2237; &#x08BD; & ࢽ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢾ &#2238; &#x08BE; & ࢾ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࢿ &#2239; &#x08BF; & ࢿ ? not a valid unicode character.

ࣀ &#2240; &#x08C0; & ࣀ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣁ &#2241; &#x08C1; & ࣁ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣂ &#2242; &#x08C2; & ࣂ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣃ &#2243; &#x08C3; & ࣃ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣄ &#2244; &#x08C4; & ࣄ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣅ &#2245; &#x08C5; & ࣅ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣆ &#2246; &#x08C6; & ࣆ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣇ &#2247; &#x08C7; & ࣇ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣈ &#2248; &#x08C8; & ࣈ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣉ &#2249; &#x08C9; & ࣉ ? not a valid unicode character.
࣊ &#2250; &#x08CA; & ࣊ ? not a valid unicode character.
࣋ &#2251; &#x08CB; & ࣋ ? not a valid unicode character.
࣌ &#2252; &#x08CC; & ࣌ ? not a valid unicode character.
࣍ &#2253; &#x08CD; & ࣍ ? not a valid unicode character.
࣑ &#2257; &#x08CE; & ࣑ ? not a valid unicode character.
࣏ &#2255; &#x08CF; & ࣏ ? not a valid unicode character.

࣑ &#2257; &#x08D0; & ࣑ ? not a valid unicode character.
࣑ &#2257; &#x08D1; & ࣑ ? not a valid unicode character.
࣒ &#2258; &#x08D2; & ࣒ ? not a valid unicode character.
࣓ &#2259; &#x08D3; & ࣓ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣔ &#2260; &#x08D4; & ࣔ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣕ &#2261; &#x08D5; & ࣕ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣖ &#2262; &#x08D6; & ࣖ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣗ &#2263; &#x08D7; & ࣗ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣘ &#2264; &#x08D8; & ࣘ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣙ &#2265; &#x08D9; & ࣙ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣚ &#2266; &#x08DA; & ࣚ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣛ &#2267; &#x08DB; & ࣛ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣜ &#2268; &#x08DC; & ࣜ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣝ &#2269; &#x08DD; & ࣝ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣞ &#2270; &#x08DE; & ࣞ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣟ &#2271; &#x08DF; & ࣟ ? not a valid unicode character.

࣠ &#2272; &#x08E0; & ࣠ ? not a valid unicode character.
࣡ &#2273; &#x08E1; & ࣡ ? not a valid unicode character.
࣢ &#2274; &#x08E2; & ࣢ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣣ &#2275; &#x08E3; & ࣣ ? not a valid unicode character.
ࣤ &#2276; &#x08E4; & ࣤ ? Arabic curly FATHA (U+08E4)
ࣥ &#2277; &#x08E5; & ࣥ ? Arabic curly DAMMA (U+08E5)
ࣦ &#2278; &#x08E6; & ࣦ ? Arabic curly KASRA (U+08E6)
ࣧ &#2279; &#x08E7; & ࣧ ? Arabic curly FATHATAN (U+08E7)
ࣨ &#2280; &#x08E8; & ࣨ ? Arabic curly DAMMATAN (U+08E8)
ࣩ &#2281; &#x08E9; & ࣩ ? Arabic curly KASRATAN (U+08E9)
࣪ &#2282; &#x08EA; & ࣪ ? Arabic tone ONE dot above (U+08EA)
࣫ &#2283; &#x08EB; & ࣫ ? Arabic tone TWO dots above (U+08EB)
࣬ &#2284; &#x08EC; & ࣬ ? Arabic tone LOOP above (U+08EC)
࣭ &#2285; &#x08ED; & ࣭ ? Arabic tone ONE dot below (U+08ED)
࣮ &#2286; &#x08EE; & ࣮ ? Arabic tone TWO dots below (U+08EE)
࣯ &#2287; &#x08EF; & ࣯ ? Arabic tone LOOP below (U+08EF)

ࣰ &#2288; &#x08F0; & ࣰ ? Arabic open FATHATAN (U+08F0)
ࣱ &#2289; &#x08F1; & ࣱ ? Arabic open DAMMATAN (U+08F1)
ࣲ &#2290; &#x08F2; & ࣲ ? Arabic open KASRATAN (U+08F2)
ࣳ &#2291; &#x08F3; & ࣳ ? Arabic small high WAW (U+08F3)
ࣴ &#2292; &#x08F4; & ࣴ ? Arabic FATHA with ring (U+08F4)
ࣵ &#2293; &#x08F5; & ࣵ ? Arabic FATHA with dot above (U+08F5)
ࣶ &#2294; &#x08F6; & ࣶ ? Arabic KASRA with dot below (U+08F6)
ࣷ &#2295; &#x08F7; & ࣷ ? Arabic left ARROWHEAD above (U+08F7)
ࣸ &#2296; &#x08F8; & ࣸ ? Arabic right ARROWHEAD above (U+08F8)
ࣹ &#2297; &#x08F9; & ࣹ ? Arabic left ARROWHEAD below (U+08F9)
ࣺ &#2298; &#x08FA; & ࣺ ? Arabic right ARROWHEAD below (U+08FA)
ࣻ &#2299; &#x08FB; & ࣻ ? Arabic double right ARROWHEAD above (U+08FB)
ࣼ &#2300; &#x08FC; & ࣼ ? Arabic double right ARROWHEAD above with DOT (U+08FC)
ࣽ &#2301; &#x08FD; & ࣽ ? Arabic right ARROWHEAD above with DOT (U+08FD)
ࣾ &#2302; &#x08FE; & ࣾ ? Arabic DAMMA with DOT (U+08FE)
ࣿ &#2303; &#x08FF; & ࣿ ? not a valid unicode character.

Devanagari: Hindi 0900
ऀ &#2304; &#x0900; & ऀ ? Devanagari sign inverted CANDRABINDU (U+0900)
ँ &#2305; &#x0901; & ँ ? Devanagari sign CANDRABINDU (U+0901)
ं &#2306; &#x0902; & ं ? Devanagari sign ANUSVARA (U+0902)
ः &#2307; &#x0903; & ः ? Devanagari sign VISARGA (U+0903)
ऄ &#2308; &#x0904; & ऄ ? Devanagari letter short A (U+0904)
अ &#2309; &#x0905; & अ ? Devanagari letter A (U+0905)
आ &#2310; &#x0906; & आ ? Devanagari letter AA (U+0906)
इ &#2311; &#x0907; & इ ? Devanagari letter I (U+0907)
ई &#2312; &#x0908; & ई ? Devanagari letter II (U+0908)
उ &#2313; &#x0909; & उ ? Devanagari letter U (U+0909)
ऊ &#2314; &#x090A; & ऊ ? Devanagari letter U (U+090A)
ऋ &#2315; &#x090B; & ऋ ? Devanagari letter vocalic R (U+090B)
ऌ &#2316; &#x090C; & ऌ ? Devanagari letter vocalic L (U+090C)
ऍ &#2317; &#x090D; & ऍ ? Devanagari letter CANDRA E (U+090D)
ऎ &#2318; &#x090E; & ऎ ? Devanagari letter short E (U+090E)
ए &#2319; &#x090F; & ए ? Devanagari letter E (U+090F)

ऐ &#2320; &#x0910; & ऐ ? Devanagari letter AI (U+0910)
ऑ &#2321; &#x0911; & ऑ ? Devanagari letter CANDRA O (U+0911)
ऒ &#2322; &#x0912; & ऒ ? Devanagari letter short O (U+0912)
ओ &#2323; &#x0913; & ओ ? Devanagari letter O (U+0913)
औ &#2324; &#x0914; & औ ? Devanagari letter AU (U+0914)
क &#2325; &#x0915; & क ? Devanagari letter KA (U+0915)
ख &#2326; &#x0916; & ख ? Devanagari letter KHA (U+0916)
ग &#2327; &#x0917; & ग ? Devanagari letter GA (U+0917)
घ &#2328; &#x0918; & घ ? Devanagari letter GHA (U+0918)
ङ &#2329; &#x0919; & ङ ? Devanagari letter NGA (U+0919)
च &#2330; &#x091A; & च ? Devanagari letter CA (U+091A)
छ &#2331; &#x091B; & छ ? Devanagari letter CHA (U+091B)
ज &#2332; &#x091C; & ज ? Devanagari letter JA (U+091C)
झ &#2333; &#x091D; & झ ? Devanagari letter JHA (U+091D)
ञ &#2334; &#x091E; & ञ ? Devanagari letter NYA (U+091E)
ट &#2335; &#x091F; & ट ? Devanagari letter TTA (U+091F)

ठ &#2336; &#x0920; & ठ ? Devanagari letter TTHA (U+0920)
ड &#2337; &#x0921; & ड ? Devanagari letter DDA (U+0921)
ढ &#2338; &#x0922; & ढ ? Devanagari letter DDHA (U+0922)
ण &#2339; &#x0923; & ण ? Devanagari letter NNA (U+0923)
त &#2340; &#x0924; & त ? Devanagari letter TA (U+0924)
थ &#2341; &#x0925; & थ ? Devanagari letter THA (U+0925)
द &#2342; &#x0926; & द ? Devanagari letter DA (U+0926)
ध &#2343; &#x0927; & ध ? Devanagari letter DHA (U+0927)
न &#2344; &#x0928; & न ? Devanagari letter NA (U+0928)
ऩ &#2345; &#x0929; & ऩ ? Devanagari letter NNNA (U+0929)
प &#2346; &#x092A; & प ? Devanagari letter PA (U+092A)
फ &#2347; &#x092B; & फ ? Devanagari letter PHA (U+092B)
ब &#2348; &#x092C; & ब ? Devanagari letter BA (U+092C)
भ &#2349; &#x092D; & भ ? Devanagari letter BHA (U+092D)
म &#2350; &#x092E; & म ? Devanagari letter MA (U+092E)
य &#2351; &#x092F; & य ? Devanagari letter YA (U+092F)

र &#2352; &#x0930; & र ? Devanagari letter RA (U+0930)
ऱ &#2353; &#x0931; & ऱ ? Devanagari letter RRA (U+0931)
ल &#2354; &#x0932; & ल ? Devanagari letter LA (U+0932)
ळ &#2355; &#x0933; & ळ ? Devanagari letter LLA (U+0933)
ऴ &#2356; &#x0934; & ऴ ? Devanagari letter LLLA (U+0934)
व &#2357; &#x0935; & व ? Devanagari letter VA (U+0935)
श &#2358; &#x0936; & श ? Devanagari letter SHA (U+0936)
ष &#2359; &#x0937; & ष ? Devanagari letter SSA (U+0937)
स &#2360; &#x0938; & स ? Devanagari letter SA (U+0938)
ह &#2361; &#x0939; & ह ? Devanagari letter HA (U+0939)
ऺ &#2362; &#x093A; & ऺ ? Devanagari vowel sign OE (U+093A)
ऻ &#2363; &#x093B; & ऻ ? Devanagari vowel sign OOE (U+093B)
़ &#2364; &#x093C; & ़ ? Devanagari sign NUKTA (U+093C)
ऽ &#2365; &#x093D; & ऽ ? Devanagari sign AVAGRAHA (U+093D)
ा &#2366; &#x093E; & ा ? Devanagari vowel sign AA (U+093E)
ि &#2367; &#x093F; & ि ? Devanagari vowel sign I (U+093F)

ी &#2368; &#x0940; & ी ? Devanagari vowel sign II (U+0940)
ु &#2369; &#x0941; & ु ? Devanagari vowel sign U (U+0941)
ू &#2370; &#x0942; & ू ? Devanagari vowel sign U (U+0942)
ृ &#2371; &#x0943; & ृ ? Devanagari vowel sign vocalic R (U+0943)
ॄ &#2372; &#x0944; & ॄ ? Devanagari vowel sign vocalic RR (U+0944)
ॅ &#2373; &#x0945; & ॅ ? Devanagari vowel sign CANDRA E (U+0945)
ॆ &#2374; &#x0946; & ॆ ? Devanagari vowel sign short E (U+0946)
े &#2375; &#x0947; & े ? Devanagari vowel sign E (U+0947)
ै &#2376; &#x0948; & ै ? Devanagari vowel sign AI (U+0948)
ॉ &#2377; &#x0949; & ॉ ? Devanagari vowel sign CANDRA O (U+0949)
ॊ &#2378; &#x094A; & ॊ ? Devanagari vowel sign short O (U+094A)
ो &#2379; &#x094B; & ो ? Devanagari vowel sign O (U+094B)
ौ &#2380; &#x094C; & ौ ? Devanagari vowel sign AU (U+094C)
् &#2381; &#x094D; & ् ? Devanagari sign VIRAMA (U+094D)
ॎ &#2382; &#x094E; & ॎ ? Devanagari vowel sign PRISHTHAMATRA E (U+094E)
ॏ &#2383; &#x094F; & ॏ ? Devanagari vowel sign AW (U+094F)

ॐ &#2384; &#x0950; & ॐ ? Devanagari OM (U+0950)
॑ &#2385; &#x0951; & ॑ ? Devanagari STRESS sign UDATTA (U+0951)
॒ &#2386; &#x0952; & ॒ ? Devanagari STRESS sign ANUDATTA (U+0952)
॓ &#2387; &#x0955; & ॓ ? Devanagari grave accent (U+0955)
॔ &#2388; &#x0954; & ॔ ? Devanagari ACUTE accent (U+0954)
ॕ &#2389; &#x0955; & ॕ ? Devanagari vowel sign CANDRA long E (U+0955)
ॖ &#2390; &#x0956; & ॖ ? Devanagari vowel sign UE (U+0956)
ॗ &#2391; &#x0957; & ॗ ? Devanagari vowel sign UE (U+0957)
क़ &#2392; &#x0958; & क़ ? Devanagari letter QA (U+0958)
ख़ &#2393; &#x0959; & ख़ ? Devanagari letter KHHA (U+0959)
ग़ &#2394; &#x095A; & ग़ ? Devanagari letter GHHA (U+095A)
ज़ &#2395; &#x095B; & ज़ ? Devanagari letter ZA (U+095B)
ड़ &#2396; &#x095C; & ड़ ? Devanagari letter DDDHA (U+095C)
ढ़ &#2397; &#x095D; & ढ़ ? Devanagari letter RHA (U+095D)
फ़ &#2398; &#x095E; & फ़ ? Devanagari letter FA (U+095E)
य़ &#2399; &#x095F; & य़ ? Devanagari letter YYA (U+095F)

ॠ &#2400; &#x0960; & ॠ ? Devanagari letter vocalic RR (U+0960)
ॡ &#2401; &#x0961; & ॡ ? Devanagari letter vocalic LL (U+0961)
ॢ &#2402; &#x0962; & ॢ ? Devanagari vowel sign vocalic L (U+0962)
ॣ &#2403; &#x0963; & ॣ ? Devanagari vowel sign vocalic LL (U+0963)
। &#2404; &#x0964; & । ? Devanagari DANDA (U+0964)
॥ &#2405; &#x0965; & ॥ ? Devanagari double DANDA (U+0965)
० &#2406; &#x0966; & ० ? Devanagari digit ZERO (U+0966)
१ &#2407; &#x0967; & १ ? Devanagari digit ONE (U+0967)
२ &#2408; &#x0968; & २ ? Devanagari digit TWO (U+0968)
३ &#2409; &#x0969; & ३ ? Devanagari digit THREE (U+0969)
४ &#2410; &#x096A; & ४ ? Devanagari digit FOUR (U+096A)
५ &#2411; &#x096B; & ५ ? Devanagari digit FIVE (U+096B)
६ &#2412; &#x096C; & ६ ? Devanagari digit SIX (U+096C)
७ &#2413; &#x096D; & ७ ? Devanagari digit SEVEN (U+096D)
८ &#2414; &#x096E; & ८ ? Devanagari digit EIGHT (U+096E)
९ &#2415; &#x096F; & ९ ? Devanagari digit NINE (U+096F)

॰ &#2416; &#x0970; & ॰ ? Devanagari ABBREVIATION sign (U+0970)
ॱ &#2417; &#x0971; & ॱ ? Devanagari sign high SPACING DOT (U+0971)
ॲ &#2418; &#x0972; & ॲ ? Devanagari letter CANDRA A (U+0972)
ॳ &#2419; &#x0973; & ॳ ? Devanagari letter OE (U+0973)
ॴ &#2420; &#x0974; & ॴ ? Devanagari letter OOE (U+0974)
ॵ &#2421; &#x0975; & ॵ ? Devanagari letter AW (U+0975)
ॶ &#2422; &#x0976; & ॶ ? Devanagari letter UE (U+0976)
ॷ &#2423; &#x0977; & ॷ ? Devanagari letter UE (U+0977)
ॸ &#2424; &#x0978; & ॸ ? not a valid unicode character.
ॹ &#2425; &#x0979; & ॹ ? Devanagari letter ZHA (U+0979)
ॺ &#2426; &#x097A; & ॺ ? Devanagari letter HEAVY YA (U+097A)
ॻ &#2427; &#x097B; & ॻ ? Devanagari letter GGA (U+097B)
ॼ &#2428; &#x097C; & ॼ ? Devanagari letter JJA (U+097C)
ॽ &#2429; &#x097D; & ॽ ? Devanagari letter GLOTTAL STOP (U+097D)
ॾ &#2430; &#x097E; & ॾ ? Devanagari letter DDDA (U+097E)
ॿ &#2431; &#x097F; & ॿ ? Devanagari letter BBA (U+097F)

Bengali 0980
ঀ &#2432; &#x0980; & ঀ ? not a valid unicode character.
ঁ &#2433; &#x0981; & ঁ ? Bengali sign CANDRABINDU (U+0981)
ং &#2434; &#x0982; & ং ? Bengali sign ANUSVARA (U+0982)
ঃ &#2435; &#x0983; & ঃ ? Bengali sign VISARGA (U+0983)
ং &#2434; &#x0984; & ং ? not a valid unicode character.
অ &#2437; &#x0985; & অ ? Bengali letter A (U+0985)
আ &#2438; &#x0986; & আ ? Bengali letter AA (U+0986)
ই &#2439; &#x0987; & ই ? Bengali letter I (U+0987)
ঈ &#2440; &#x0988; & ঈ ? Bengali letter II (U+0988)
উ &#2441; &#x0989; & উ ? Bengali letter U (U+0989)
ঊ &#2442; &#x098A; & ঊ ? Bengali letter U (U+098A)
ঋ &#2443; &#x098B; & ঋ ? Bengali letter vocalic R (U+098B)
ঌ &#2444; &#x098C; & ঌ ? Bengali letter vocalic L (U+098C)
঍ &#2445; &#x098D; & ঍ ? not a valid unicode character.
঎ &#2446; &#x098E; & ঎ ? not a valid unicode character.
এ &#2447; &#x098F; & এ ? Bengali letter E (U+098F)

ঐ &#2448; &#x0990; & ঐ ? Bengali letter AI (U+0990)
঑ &#2449; &#x0991; & ঑ ? not a valid unicode character.
঒ &#2450; &#x0992; & ঒ ? not a valid unicode character.
ও &#2451; &#x0993; & ও ? Bengali letter O (U+0993)
ঔ &#2452; &#x0994; & ঔ ? Bengali letter AU (U+0994)
ক &#2453; &#x0995; & ক ? Bengali letter KA (U+0995)
খ &#2454; &#x0996; & খ ? Bengali letter KHA (U+0996)
গ &#2455; &#x0997; & গ ? Bengali letter GA (U+0997)
ঘ &#2456; &#x0998; & ঘ ? Bengali letter GHA (U+0998)
ঙ &#2457; &#x0999; & ঙ ? Bengali letter NGA (U+0999)
চ &#2458; &#x099A; & চ ? Bengali letter CA (U+099A)
ছ &#2459; &#x099B; & ছ ? Bengali letter CHA (U+099B)
জ &#2460; &#x099C; & জ ? Bengali letter JA (U+099C)
ঝ &#2461; &#x099D; & ঝ ? Bengali letter JHA (U+099D)
ঞ &#2462; &#x099E; & ঞ ? Bengali letter NYA (U+099E)
ট &#2463; &#x099F; & ট ? Bengali letter TTA (U+099F)

ঠ &#2464; &#x09A0; & ঠ ? Bengali letter TTHA (U+09A0)
ড &#2465; &#x09A1; & ড ? Bengali letter DDA (U+09A1)
ঢ &#2466; &#x09A2; & ঢ ? Bengali letter DDHA (U+09A2)
ণ &#2467; &#x09A3; & ণ ? Bengali letter NNA (U+09A3)
ত &#2468; &#x09A4; & ত ? Bengali letter TA (U+09A4)
থ &#2469; &#x09A5; & থ ? Bengali letter THA (U+09A5)
দ &#2470; &#x09A6; & দ ? Bengali letter DA (U+09A6)
ধ &#2471; &#x09A7; & ধ ? Bengali letter DHA (U+09A7)
ন &#2472; &#x09A8; & ন ? Bengali letter NA (U+09A8)
঩ &#2473; &#x09A9; & ঩ ? not a valid unicode character.
প &#2474; &#x09AA; & প ? Bengali letter PA (U+09AA)
ফ &#2475; &#x09AB; & ফ ? Bengali letter PHA (U+09AB)
ব &#2476; &#x09AC; & ব ? Bengali letter BA (U+09AC)
ভ &#2477; &#x09AD; & ভ ? Bengali letter BHA (U+09AD)
ম &#2478; &#x09AE; & ম ? Bengali letter MA (U+09AE)
য &#2479; &#x09AF; & য ? Bengali letter YA (U+09AF)

র &#2480; &#x09B0; & র ? Bengali letter RA (U+09B0)
঱ &#2481; &#x09B1; & ঱ ? not a valid unicode character.
ল &#2482; &#x09B2; & ল ? Bengali letter LA (U+09B2)
঳ &#2483; &#x09B3; & ঳ ? not a valid unicode character.
঴ &#2484; &#x09B4; & ঴ ? not a valid unicode character.
঵ &#2485; &#x09B5; & ঵ ? not a valid unicode character.
শ &#2486; &#x09B6; & শ ? Bengali letter SHA (U+09B6)
ষ &#2487; &#x09B7; & ষ ? Bengali letter SSA (U+09B7)
স &#2488; &#x09B8; & স ? Bengali letter SA (U+09B8)
হ &#2489; &#x09B9; & হ ? Bengali letter HA (U+09B9)
঺ &#2490; &#x09BA; & ঺ ? not a valid unicode character.
঻ &#2491; &#x09BB; & ঻ ? not a valid unicode character.
় &#2492; &#x09BC; & ় ? Bengali sign NUKTA (U+09BC)
ঽ &#2493; &#x09BD; & ঽ ? Bengali sign AVAGRAHA (U+09BD)
া &#2494; &#x09BE; & া ? Bengali vowel sign AA (U+09BE)
ি &#2495; &#x09BF; & ি ? Bengali vowel sign I (U+09BF)

ী &#2496; &#x09C0; & ী ? Bengali vowel sign II (U+09C0)
ু &#2497; &#x09C1; & ু ? Bengali vowel sign U (U+09C1)
ূ &#2498; &#x09C2; & ূ ? Bengali vowel sign U (U+09C2)
ৃ &#2499; &#x09C3; & ৃ ? Bengali vowel sign vocalic R (U+09C3)
ৄ &#2500; &#x09C4; & ৄ ? Bengali vowel sign vocalic RR (U+09C4)
৅ &#2501; &#x09C5; & ৅ ? not a valid unicode character.
৆ &#2502; &#x09C6; & ৆ ? not a valid unicode character.
ে &#2503; &#x09C7; & ে ? Bengali vowel sign E (U+09C7)
ৈ &#2504; &#x09C8; & ৈ ? Bengali vowel sign AI (U+09C8)
৉ &#2505; &#x09C9; & ৉ ? not a valid unicode character.
৊ &#2506; &#x09CA; & ৊ ? not a valid unicode character.
ো &#2507; &#x09CB; & ো ? Bengali vowel sign O (U+09CB)
ৌ &#2508; &#x09CC; & ৌ ? Bengali vowel sign AU (U+09CC)
্ &#2509; &#x09CD; & ্ ? Bengali sign VIRAMA (U+09CD)
ৎ &#2510; &#x09CE; & ৎ ? Bengali letter KHANDA TA (U+09CE)
৏ &#2511; &#x09CF; & ৏ ? not a valid unicode character.

৐ &#2512; &#x09D0; & ৐ ? not a valid unicode character.
৑ &#2513; &#x09D1; & ৑ ? not a valid unicode character.
৒ &#2514; &#x09D2; & ৒ ? not a valid unicode character.
৓ &#2515; &#x09D3; & ৓ ? not a valid unicode character.
৔ &#2516; &#x09D4; & ৔ ? not a valid unicode character.
৕ &#2517; &#x09D5; & ৕ ? not a valid unicode character.
৖ &#2518; &#x09D6; & ৖ ? not a valid unicode character.
ৗ &#2519; &#x09D7; & ৗ ? Bengali AU length mark (U+09D7)
৘ &#2520; &#x09D8; & ৘ ? not a valid unicode character.
৙ &#2521; &#x09D9; & ৙ ? not a valid unicode character.
৚ &#2522; &#x09DA; & ৚ ? not a valid unicode character.
৛ &#2523; &#x09DB; & ৛ ? not a valid unicode character.
ড় &#2524; &#x09DC; & ড় ? Bengali letter RRA (U+09DC)
ঢ় &#2525; &#x09DD; & ঢ় ? Bengali letter RHA (U+09DD)
৞ &#2526; &#x09DE; & ৞ ? not a valid unicode character.
য় &#2527; &#x09DF; & য় ? Bengali letter YYA (U+09DF)

ৠ &#2528; &#x09E0; & ৠ ? Bengali letter vocalic RR (U+09E0)
ৡ &#2529; &#x09E1; & ৡ ? Bengali letter vocalic LL (U+09E1)
ৢ &#2530; &#x09E2; & ৢ ? Bengali vowel sign vocalic L (U+09E2)
ৣ &#2531; &#x09E3; & ৣ ? Bengali vowel sign vocalic LL (U+09E3)
৤ &#2532; &#x0AE4; & ৤ ? not a valid unicode character.
৥ &#2533; &#x0AE5; & ৥ ? not a valid unicode character.
০ &#2534; &#x09E6; & ০ ? Bengali digit ZERO (U+09E6)
১ &#2535; &#x09E7; & ১ ? Bengali digit ONE (U+09E7)
২ &#2536; &#x09E8; & ২ ? Bengali digit TWO (U+09E8)
৩ &#2537; &#x09E9; & ৩ ? Bengali digit THREE (U+09E9)
৪ &#2538; &#x09EA; & ৪ ? Bengali digit FOUR (U+09EA)
৫ &#2539; &#x09EB; & ৫ ? Bengali digit FIVE (U+09EB)
ਊ &#2570; &#x09EC; & ਊ ? Bengali digit SIX (U+09EC)
਋ &#2571; &#x09ED; & ਋ ? Bengali digit SEVEN (U+09ED)
਌ &#2572; &#x09EE; & ਌ ? Bengali digit EIGHT (U+09EE)
਍ &#2573; &#x09EF; & ਍ ? Bengali digit NINE (U+09EF)

਎ &#2574; &#x09F0; & ਎ ? Bengali letter RA with middle DIAGONAL (U+09F0)
ਏ &#2575; &#x09F1; & ਏ ? Bengali letter RA with lower DIAGONAL (U+09F1)
ਐ &#2576; &#x09F2; & ਐ ? Bengali RUPEE mark (U+09F2)
਑ &#2577; &#x09F3; & ਑ ? Bengali RUPEE sign (U+09F3)
਒ &#2578; &#x09F4; & ਒ ? Bengali currency numerator ONE (U+09F4)
ਓ &#2579; &#x09F5; & ਓ ? Bengali currency numerator TWO (U+09F5)
৶ &#2550; &#x09F6; & ৶ ? Bengali currency numerator THREE (U+09F6)
৷ &#2551; &#x09F7; & ৷ ? Bengali currency numerator FOUR (U+09F7)
৸ &#2552; &#x09F8; & ৸ ? Bengali currency numerator ONE LESS THAN the denominator (U+09F8)
৹ &#2553; &#x09F9; & ৹ ? Bengali currency denominator SIXTEEN (U+09F9)
৺ &#2554; &#x09FA; & ৺ ? Bengali ISSHAR (U+09FA)
৻ &#2555; &#x09FB; & ৻ ? Bengali GANDA mark (U+09FB)
ৼ &#2556; &#x09FC; & ৼ ? not a valid unicode character.
৽ &#2557; &#x09FD; & ৽ ? not a valid unicode character.
৾ &#2558; &#x09FE; & ৾ ? not a valid unicode character.
৿ &#2559; &#x09FF; & ৿ ? not a valid unicode character.

Gurmukhi: Punjabi 0A00
ਊ &#2570; &#x0A00; & ਊ ? not a valid unicode character.
਋ &#2571; &#x0A01; & ਋ ? Gurmukhi sign ADAK BINDI (U+0A01)
਌ &#2572; &#x0A02; & ਌ ? Gurmukhi sign BINDI (U+0A02)
਍ &#2573; &#x0A03; & ਍ ? Gurmukhi sign VISARGA (U+0A03)
਎ &#2574; &#x0A04; & ਎ ? not a valid unicode character.
ਏ &#2575; &#x0A05; & ਏ ? Gurmukhi letter A (U+0A05)
ਐ &#2576; &#x0A06; & ਐ ? Gurmukhi letter AA (U+0A06)
਑ &#2577; &#x0A07; & ਑ ? Gurmukhi letter I (U+0A07)
਒ &#2578; &#x0A08; & ਒ ? Gurmukhi letter II (U+0A08)
ਓ &#2579; &#x0A09; & ਓ ? Gurmukhi letter U (U+0A09)
ਊ &#2570; &#x0A0A; & ਊ ? Gurmukhi letter U (U+0A0A)
੯ &#2671; &#x0A0B; & ੯ ? not a valid unicode character.
ੰ &#2672; &#x0A0C; & ੰ ? not a valid unicode character.
ੱ &#2673; &#x0A0D; & ੱ ? not a valid unicode character.
ੲ &#2674; &#x0A0E; & ੲ ? not a valid unicode character.
ਏ &#2575; &#x0A0F; & ਏ ? Gurmukhi letter EE (U+0A0F)

ਐ &#2576; &#x0A10; & ਐ ? Gurmukhi letter AI (U+0A10)
ੵ &#2677; &#x0A11; & ੵ ? not a valid unicode character.
੶ &#2678; &#x0A12; & ੶ ? not a valid unicode character.
ਓ &#2579; &#x0A13; & ਓ ? Gurmukhi letter OO (U+0A13)
ਔ &#2580; &#x0A14; & ਔ ? Gurmukhi letter AU (U+0A14)
ਕ &#2581; &#x0A15; & ਕ ? Gurmukhi letter KA (U+0A15)
ਖ &#2582; &#x0A16; & ਖ ? Gurmukhi letter KHA (U+0A16)
ਗ &#2583; &#x0A17; & ਗ ? Gurmukhi letter GA (U+0A17)
ਘ &#2584; &#x0A18; & ਘ ? Gurmukhi letter GHA (U+0A18)
ਙ &#2585; &#x0A19; & ਙ ? Gurmukhi letter NGA (U+0A19)
ਚ &#2586; &#x0A1A; & ਚ ? Gurmukhi letter CA (U+0A1A)
ਛ &#2587; &#x0A1B; & ਛ ? Gurmukhi letter CHA (U+0A1B)
ਜ &#2588; &#x0A1C; & ਜ ? Gurmukhi letter JA (U+0A1C)
ਝ &#2589; &#x0A1D; & ਝ ? Gurmukhi letter JHA (U+0A1D)
ਞ &#2590; &#x0A1E; & ਞ ? Gurmukhi letter NYA (U+0A1E)
ਟ &#2591; &#x0A1F; & ਟ ? Gurmukhi letter TTA (U+0A1F)

ਠ &#2592; &#x0A20; & ਠ ? Gurmukhi letter TTHA (U+0A20)
ਡ &#2593; &#x0A21; & ਡ ? Gurmukhi letter DDA (U+0A21)
ਢ &#2594; &#x0A22; & ਢ ? Gurmukhi letter DDHA (U+0A22)
ਣ &#2595; &#x0A23; & ਣ ? Gurmukhi letter NNA (U+0A23)
ਤ &#2596; &#x0A24; & ਤ ? Gurmukhi letter TA (U+0A24)
ਥ &#2597; &#x0A25; & ਥ ? Gurmukhi letter THA (U+0A25)
ਦ &#2598; &#x0A26; & ਦ ? Gurmukhi letter DA (U+0A26)
ਧ &#2599; &#x0A27; & ਧ ? Gurmukhi letter DHA (U+0A27)
ਨ &#2600; &#x0A28; & ਨ ? Gurmukhi letter NA (U+0A28)
਩ &#2601; &#x0A29; & ઃ ? not a valid unicode character.
ਪ &#2602; &#x0A2A; & ਪ ? Gurmukhi letter PA (U+0A2A)
ਫ &#2603; &#x0A2B; & ਫ ? Gurmukhi letter PHA (U+0A2B)
ਬ &#2604; &#x0A2C; & ਬ ? Gurmukhi letter BA (U+0A2C)
ਭ &#2605; &#x0A2D; & ਭ ? Gurmukhi letter BHA (U+0A2D)
ਮ &#2606; &#x0A2E; & ਮ ? Gurmukhi letter MA (U+0A2E)
ਯ &#2607; &#x0A2F; & ਯ ? Gurmukhi letter YA (U+0A2F)

ਰ &#2608; &#x0A30; & ਰ ? Gurmukhi letter RA (U+0A30)
਱ &#2609; &#x0A31; & ਱ ? not a valid unicode character.
ਲ &#2610; &#x0A32; & ਲ ? Gurmukhi letter LA (U+0A32)
ਲ਼ &#2611; &#x0A33; & ਲ਼ ? Gurmukhi letter LLA (U+0A33)
਴ &#2612; &#x0A34; & ਴ ? not a valid unicode character.
ਵ &#2613; &#x0A35; & ਵ ? Gurmukhi letter VA (U+0A35)
ਸ਼ &#2614; &#x0A36; & ਸ਼ ? Gurmukhi letter SHA (U+0A36)
਷ &#2615; &#x0A37; & ਷ ? not a valid unicode character.
ਸ &#2616; &#x0A38; & ਸ ? Gurmukhi letter SA (U+0A38)
ਹ &#2617; &#x0A39; & ਹ ? Gurmukhi letter HA (U+0A39)
਺ &#2618; &#x0A3A; & ਺ ? not a valid unicode character.
਻ &#2619; &#x0A3B; & ਻ ? not a valid unicode character.
਼ &#2620; &#x0A3C; & ਼ ? Gurmukhi sign NUKTA (U+0A3C)
਽ &#2621; &#x0A3D; & ਽ ? not a valid unicode character.
ਾ &#2622; &#x0A3E; & ਾ ? Gurmukhi vowel sign AA (U+0A3E)
ਿ &#2623; &#x0A3F; & ਿ ? Gurmukhi vowel sign I (U+0A3F)

ੀ &#2624; &#x0A40; & ੀ ? Gurmukhi vowel sign II (U+0A40)
ੁ &#2625; &#x0A41; & ੁ ? Gurmukhi vowel sign U (U+0A41)
ੂ &#2626; &#x0A42; & ੂ ? Gurmukhi vowel sign U (U+0A42)
੃ &#2627; &#x0A43; & ੃ ? not a valid unicode character.
੄ &#2628; &#x0A44; & ੄ ? not a valid unicode character.
੅ &#2629; &#x0A45; & ੅ ? not a valid unicode character.
੆ &#2630; &#x0A46; & ੆ ? not a valid unicode character.
ੇ &#2631; &#x0A47; & ੇ ? Gurmukhi vowel sign EE (U+0A47)
ੈ &#2632; &#x0A48; & ੈ ? Gurmukhi vowel sign AI (U+0A48)
੉ &#2633; &#x0A49; & ੉ ? not a valid unicode character.
੊ &#2634; &#x0A4A; & ੊ ? not a valid unicode character.
ੋ &#2635; &#x0A4B; & ੋ ? Gurmukhi vowel sign OO (U+0A4B)
ੌ &#2636; &#x0A4C; & ੌ ? Gurmukhi vowel sign AU (U+0A4C)
੍ &#2637; &#x0A4D; & ੍ ? Gurmukhi sign VIRAMA (U+0A4D)
੎ &#2638; &#x0A4E; & ੎ ? not a valid unicode character.
੏ &#2639; &#x0A4F; & ੏ ? not a valid unicode character.

੐ &#2640; &#x0A50; & ੐ ? not a valid unicode character.
ੑ &#2641; &#x0A51; & ੑ ? Gurmukhi sign UDAAT (U+0A51)
੒ &#2642; &#x0A52; & ੒ ? not a valid unicode character.
੓ &#2643; &#x0A53; & ੓ ? not a valid unicode character.
੔ &#2644; &#x0A54; & ੔ ? not a valid unicode character.
੕ &#2645; &#x0A55; & ੕ ? not a valid unicode character.
੖ &#2646; &#x0A56; & ੖ ? not a valid unicode character.
੗ &#2647; &#x0A57; & ੗ ? not a valid unicode character.
੘ &#2648; &#x0A58; & ੘ ? not a valid unicode character.
ਖ਼ &#2649; &#x0A59; & ਖ਼ ? Gurmukhi letter KHHA (U+0A59)
ਗ਼ &#2650; &#x0A5A; & ਗ਼ ? Gurmukhi letter GHHA (U+0A5A)
ਜ਼ &#2651; &#x0A5B; & ਜ਼ ? Gurmukhi letter ZA (U+0A5B)
ੜ &#2652; &#x0A5C; & ੜ ? Gurmukhi letter RRA (U+0A5C)
੝ &#2653; &#x0A5D; & ੝ ? not a valid unicode character.
ਫ਼ &#2654; &#x0A5E; & ਫ਼ ? Gurmukhi letter FA (U+0A5E)
੟ &#2655; &#x0A5F; & ੟ ? not a valid unicode character.

੠ &#2656; &#x0A60; & ੠ ? not a valid unicode character.
੡ &#2657; &#x0A61; & ੡ ? not a valid unicode character.
੢ &#2658; &#x0A62; & ੢ ? not a valid unicode character.
੣ &#2659; &#x0A63; & ੣ ? not a valid unicode character.
੤ &#2660; &#x0A64; & ੤ ? not a valid unicode character.
੥ &#2661; &#x0A65; & ੥ ? not a valid unicode character.
੦ &#2662; &#x0A66; & ੦ ? Gurmukhi digit ZERO (U+0A66)
੧ &#2663; &#x0A67; & ੧ ? Gurmukhi digit ONE (U+0A67)
੨ &#2664; &#x0A68; & ੨ ? Gurmukhi digit TWO (U+0A68)
੩ &#2665; &#x0A69; & ੩ ? Gurmukhi digit THREE (U+0A69)
੪ &#2666; &#x0A6A; & ੪ ? Gurmukhi digit FOUR (U+0A6A)
੫ &#2667; &#x0A6B; & ੫ ? Gurmukhi digit FIVE (U+0A6B)
੬ &#2668; &#x0A6C; & ੬ ? Gurmukhi digit SIX (U+0A6C)
੭ &#2669; &#x0A6D; & ੭ ? Gurmukhi digit SEVEN (U+0A6D)
੮ &#2670; &#x0A6E; & ੮ ? Gurmukhi digit EIGHT (U+0A6E)
੯ &#2671; &#x0A6F; & ੯ ? Gurmukhi digit NINE (U+0A6F)

ੰ &#2672; &#x0A70; & ੰ ? Gurmukhi TIPPI (U+0A70)
ੱ &#2673; &#x0A71; & ੱ ? Gurmukhi ADDAK (U+0A71)
ੲ &#2674; &#x0A72; & ੲ ? Gurmukhi IRI (U+0A72)
ੳ &#2675; &#x0A73; & ੳ ? Gurmukhi URA (U+0A73)
ੴ &#2676; &#x0A74; & ੴ ? Gurmukhi EK ONKAR (U+0A74)
ੵ &#2677; &#x0A75; & ੵ ? Gurmukhi sign YAKASH (U+0A75)
੶ &#2678; &#x0A76; & ੶ ? not a valid unicode character.
੷ &#2679; &#x0A77; & ੷ ? not a valid unicode character.
੸ &#2680; &#x0A78; & ੸ ? not a valid unicode character.
੹ &#2681; &#x0A79; & ੹ ? not a valid unicode character.
੺ &#2682; &#x0A7A; & ੺ ? not a valid unicode character.
੻ &#2683; &#x0A7B; & ੻ ? not a valid unicode character.
੼ &#2684; &#x0A7C; & ੼ ? not a valid unicode character.
੽ &#2685; &#x0A7D; & ੽ ? not a valid unicode character.
੾ &#2686; &#x0A7E; & ੾ ? not a valid unicode character.
੿ &#2687; &#x0A7F; & ੿ ? not a valid unicode character.

Gujarati: Gujarat 0A80
઀ &#2688; &#x0A80; & ઀ ? Gujarati sign CANDRABINDU (U+0A81)
ઁ &#2689; &#x0A81; & ઁ ? Gujarati sign CANDRABINDU (U+0A81)
ં &#2690; &#x0A82; & ં ? Gujarati sign ANUSVARA (U+0A82)
ઃ &#2691; &#x0A83; & ઃ ? Gujarati sign VISARGA (U+0A83)
઄ &#2692; &#x0A84; & ઄ ? not a valid unicode character.
અ &#2693; &#x0A85; & અ ? Gujarati letter A (U+0A85)
આ &#2694; &#x0A86; & આ ? Gujarati letter AA (U+0A86)
ઇ &#2695; &#x0A87; & ઇ ? Gujarati letter I (U+0A87)
ઈ &#2696; &#x0A88; & ઈ ? Gujarati letter II (U+0A88)
ઉ &#2697; &#x0A89; & ઉ ? Gujarati letter U (U+0A89)
ઊ &#2698; &#x0A8A; & ઊ ? Gujarati letter U (U+0A8A)
ઋ &#2699; &#x0A8B; & ઋ ? Gujarati letter vocalic R (U+0A8B)
ઌ &#2700; &#x0A8C; & ઌ ? Gujarati letter vocalic L (U+0A8C)
ઍ &#2701; &#x0A8D; & ઍ ? Gujarati vowel CANDRA E (U+0A8D)
઎ &#2702; &#x0A8E; & ઎ ? not a valid unicode character.
એ &#2703; &#x0A8F; & એ ? Gujarati letter E (U+0A8F)

ઐ &#2704; &#x0A90; & ઐ ? Gujarati letter AI (U+0A90)
ઑ &#2705; &#x0A91; & ઑ ? Gujarati vowel CANDRA O (U+0A91)
O6; &#27O6; &#x0A92; & O6; ? not a valid unicode character.
ઓ &#2707; &#x0A93; & ઓ ? Gujarati letter O (U+0A93)
ઔ &#2708; &#x0A94; & ઔ ? Gujarati letter AU (U+0A94)
ક &#2709; &#x0A95; & ક ? Gujarati letter KA (U+0A95)
ખ &#2710; &#x0A96; & ખ ? Gujarati letter KHA (U+0A96)
ગ &#2711; &#x0A97; & ગ ? Gujarati letter GA (U+0A97)
ઘ &#2712; &#x0A98; & ઘ ? Gujarati letter GHA (U+0A98)
ઙ &#2713; &#x0A99; & ઙ ? Gujarati letter NGA (U+0A99)
ચ &#2714; &#x0A9A; & ચ ? Gujarati letter CA (U+0A9A)
છ &#2715; &#x0A9B; & છ ? Gujarati letter CHA (U+0A9B)
જ &#2716; &#x0A9C; & જ ? Gujarati letter JA (U+0A9C)
ઝ &#2717; &#x0A9D; & ઝ ? Gujarati letter JHA (U+0A9D)
ઞ &#2718; &#x0A9E; & ઞ ? Gujarati letter NYA (U+0A9E)
ટ &#2719; &#x0A9F; & ટ ? Gujarati letter TTA (U+0A9F)

ઠ &#2720; &#x0AA0; & ઠ ? Gujarati letter TTHA (U+0AA0)
ડ &#2721; &#x0AA1; & ડ ? Gujarati letter DDA (U+0AA1)
ઢ &#2722; &#x0AA2; & ઢ ? Gujarati letter DDHA (U+0AA2)
ણ &#2723; &#x0AA3; & ણ ? Gujarati letter NNA (U+0AA3)
ત &#2724; &#x0AA4; & ત ? Gujarati letter TA (U+0AA4)
થ &#2725; &#x0AA5; & થ ? Gujarati letter THA (U+0AA5)
દ &#2726; &#x0AA6; & દ ? Gujarati letter DA (U+0AA6)
ધ &#2727; &#x0AA7; & ધ ? Gujarati letter DHA (U+0AA7)
ન &#2728; &#x0AA8; & ન ? Gujarati letter NA (U+0AA8)
઩ &#2729; &#x0AA9; & ઩ ? not a valid unicode character.
પ &#2730; &#x0AAA; & પ ? Gujarati letter PA (U+0AAA)
ફ &#2731; &#x0AAB; & ફ ? Gujarati letter PHA (U+0AAB)
બ &#2732; &#x0AAC; & બ ? Gujarati letter BA (U+0AAC)
ભ &#2733; &#x0AAD; & ભ ? Gujarati letter BHA (U+0AAD)
મ &#2734; &#x0AAE; & મ ? Gujarati letter MA (U+0AAE)
ય &#2735; &#x0AAF; & ય ? Gujarati letter YA (U+0AAF)

ર &#2736; &#x0AB0; & ર ? Gujarati letter RA (U+0AB0)
઱ &#2737; &#x0AB1; & ઱ ? not a valid unicode character.
લ &#2738; &#x0AB2; & લ ? Gujarati letter LA (U+0AB2)
ળ &#2739; &#x0AB3; & ળ ? Gujarati letter LLA (U+0AB3)
઴ &#2740; &#x0AB4; & ઴ ? not a valid unicode character.
વ &#2741; &#x0AB5; & વ ? Gujarati letter VA (U+0AB5)
શ &#2742; &#x0AB6; & શ ? Gujarati letter SHA (U+0AB6)
ષ &#2743; &#x0AB7; & ષ ? Gujarati letter SSA (U+0AB7)
સ &#2744; &#x0AB8; & સ ? Gujarati letter SA (U+0AB8)
હ &#2745; &#x0AB9; & હ ? Gujarati letter HA (U+0AB9)
઺ &#2746; &#x0ABA; & ઺ ? not a valid unicode character.
઻ &#2747; &#x0ABB; & ઻ ? not a valid unicode character.
઼ &#2748; &#x0ABC; & ઼ ? Gujarati sign NUKTA (U+0ABC)
ઽ &#2749; &#x0ABD; & ઽ ? Gujarati sign AVAGRAHA (U+0ABD)
ા &#2750; &#x0ABE; & ા ? Gujarati vowel sign AA (U+0ABE)
િ &#2751; &#x0ABF; & િ ? Gujarati vowel sign I (U+0ABF)

ી &#2752; &#x0AC0; & ી ? Gujarati vowel sign II (U+0AC0)
ુ &#2753; &#x0AC1; & ુ ? Gujarati vowel sign U (U+0AC1)
ૂ &#2754; &#x0AC2; & ૂ ? Gujarati vowel sign U (U+0AC2)
ૃ &#2755; &#x0AC3; & ૃ ? Gujarati vowel sign vocalic R (U+0AC3)
ૄ &#2756; &#x0AC4; & ૄ ? Gujarati vowel sign vocalic RR (U+0AC4)
ૅ &#2757; &#x0AC5; & ૅ ? Gujarati vowel sign CANDRA E (U+0AC5)
૆ &#2758; &#x0AC6; & ૆ ? not a valid unicode character.
ે &#2759; &#x0AC7; & ે ? Gujarati vowel sign E (U+0AC7)
ૈ &#2760; &#x0AC8; & ૈ ? Gujarati vowel sign AI (U+0AC8)
ૉ &#2761; &#x0AC9; & ૉ ? Gujarati vowel sign CANDRA O (U+0AC9)
૊ &#2762; &#x0ACA; & ૊ ? not a valid unicode character.
ો &#2763; &#x0ACB; & ો ? Gujarati vowel sign O (U+0ACB)
ૌ &#2764; &#x0ACC; & ૌ ? Gujarati vowel sign AU (U+0ACC)
્ &#2765; &#x0ACD; & ્ ? Gujarati sign VIRAMA (U+0ACD)
૎ &#2766; &#x0ACE; & ૎ ? not a valid unicode character.
૏ &#2767; &#x0ACF; & ૏ ? not a valid unicode character.

ૐ &#2768; &#x0AD0; & ૐ ? Gujarati OM (U+0AD0)
૑ &#2769; &#x0AD1; & ૑ ? not a valid unicode character.
૒ &#2770; &#x0AD2; & ૒ ? not a valid unicode character.
૓ &#2771; &#x0AD3; & ૓ ? not a valid unicode character.
૔ &#2772; &#x0AD4; & ૔ ? not a valid unicode character.
૕ &#2773; &#x0AD5; & ૕ ? not a valid unicode character.
૖ &#2774; &#x0AD6; & ૖ ? not a valid unicode character.
૗ &#2775; &#x0AD7; & ૗ ? not a valid unicode character.
૘ &#2776; &#x0AD8; & ૘ ? not a valid unicode character.
૙ &#2777; &#x0AD9; & ૙ ? not a valid unicode character.
૚ &#2778; &#x0ADA; & ૚ ? not a valid unicode character.
૛ &#2779; &#x0ADB; & ૛ ? not a valid unicode character.
૜ &#2780; &#x0ADC; & ૜ ? not a valid unicode character.
૝ &#2781; &#x0ADD; & ૝ ? not a valid unicode character.
૞ &#2782; &#x0ADE; & ૞ ? not a valid unicode character.
૟ &#2783; &#x0ADF; & ૟ ? not a valid unicode character.

ૠ &#2784; &#x0AE0; & ૠ ? Gujarati letter vocalic RR (U+0AE0)
ૡ &#2785; &#x0AE1; & ૡ ? Gujarati letter vocalic LL (U+0AE1)
ૢ &#2786; &#x0AE2; & ૢ ? Gujarati vowel sign vocalic L (U+0AE2)
ૣ &#2787; &#x0AE3; & ૣ ? Gujarati vowel sign vocalic LL (U+0AE3)
૤ &#2788; &#x0AE4; & ૤ ? not a valid unicode character.
૥ &#2789; &#x0AE5; & ૥ ? not a valid unicode character.
૦ &#2790; &#x0AE6; & ૦ ? Gujarati digit ZERO (U+0AE6)
૧ &#2791; &#x0AE7; & ૧ ? Gujarati digit ONE (U+0AE7)
૨ &#2792; &#x0AE8; & ૨ ? Gujarati digit TWO (U+0AE8)
૩ &#2793; &#x0AE9; & ૩ ? Gujarati digit THREE (U+0AE9)
૪ &#2794; &#x0AEA; & ૪ ? Gujarati digit FOUR (U+0AEA)
૫ &#2795; &#x0AEB; & ૫ ? Gujarati digit FIVE (U+0AEB)
૬ &#2796; &#x0AEC; & ૬ ? Gujarati digit SIX (U+0AEC)
૭ &#2797; &#x0AED; & ૭ ? Gujarati digit SEVEN (U+0AED)
૮ &#2798; &#x0AEE; & ૮ ? Gujarati digit EIGHT (U+0AEE)
૯ &#2799; &#x0AEF; & ૯ ? Gujarati digit NINE (U+0AEF)

૰ &#2800; &#x0AF0; & ૰ ? Gujarati ABBREVIATION sign (U+0AF0)
૱ &#2801; &#x0AF1; & ૱ ? Gujarati RUPEE sign (U+0AF1)
૲ &#2802; &#x0AF2; & ૲ ? not a valid unicode character.
૳ &#2803; &#x0AF3; & ૳ ? not a valid unicode character.
૴ &#2804; &#x0AF4; & ૴ ? not a valid unicode character.
૵ &#2805; &#x0AF5; & ૵ ? not a valid unicode character.
૶ &#2806; &#x0AF6; & ૶ ? not a valid unicode character.
૷ &#2807; &#x0AF7; & ૷ ? not a valid unicode character.
૸ &#2808; &#x0AF8; & ૸ ? not a valid unicode character.
ૹ &#2809; &#x0AF9; & ૹ ? not a valid unicode character.
ૺ &#2810; &#x0AFA; & ૺ ? not a valid unicode character.
ૻ &#2811; &#x0AFB; & ૻ ? not a valid unicode character.
ૼ &#2812; &#x0AFC; & ૼ ? not a valid unicode character.
૽ &#2813; &#x0AFD; & ૽ ? not a valid unicode character.
૾ &#2814; &#x0AFE; & ૾ ? not a valid unicode character.
૿ &#2815; &#x0AFF; & ૿ ? not a valid unicode character.

Oriya: Odiya Orissa 0B00
଀ &#2826; &#x0B00; & ଀ ? not a valid unicode character.
ଁ &#2817; &#x0B01; & ଁ ? Oriya sign CANDRABINDU (U+0B01)
ଂ &#2818; &#x0B02; & ଂ ? Oriya sign ANUSVARA (U+0B02)
ଃ &#2819; &#x0B03; & ଃ ? Oriya sign VISARGA (U+0B03)
଄ &#2820; &#x0B04; & ଄ ? not a valid unicode character.
ଅ &#2821; &#x0B05; & ଅ ? Oriya letter A (U+0B05)
ଆ &#2822; &#x0B06; & ଆ ? Oriya letter AA (U+0B06)
ଇ &#2823; &#x0B07; & ଇ ? Oriya letter I (U+0B07)
ଈ &#2824; &#x0B08; & ଈ ? Oriya letter II (U+0B08)
ଉ &#2825; &#x0B09; & ଉ ? Oriya letter U (U+0B09)
ଊ &#2826; &#x0B0A; & ଊ ? Oriya letter U (U+0B0A)
ଋ &#2827; &#x0B0B; & ଋ ? Oriya letter vocalic R (U+0B0B)
ଌ &#2828; &#x0B0C; & ଌ ? Oriya letter vocalic L (U+0B0C)
଍ &#2829; &#x0B0D; & ଍ ? not a valid unicode character.
଎ &#2830; &#x0B0E; & ଎ ? not a valid unicode character.
ଏ &#2831; &#x0B0F; & ଏ ? Oriya letter E (U+0B0F)

ଐ &#2832; &#x0B10; & ଐ ? Oriya letter AI (U+0B10)
଑ &#2833; &#x0B11; & ଑ ? not a valid unicode character.
଒ &#2834; &#x0B12; & ଒ ? not a valid unicode character.
ଓ &#2835; &#x0B13; & ଓ ? Oriya letter O (U+0B13)
ଔ &#2836; &#x0B14; & ଔ ? Oriya letter AU (U+0B14)
କ &#2837; &#x0B15; & କ ? Oriya letter KA (U+0B15)
ଖ &#2838; &#x0B16; & ଖ ? Oriya letter KHA (U+0B16)
ଗ &#2839; &#x0B17; & ଗ ? Oriya letter GA (U+0B17)
ଘ &#2840; &#x0B18; & ଘ ? Oriya letter GHA (U+0B18)
ଙ &#2841; &#x0B19; & ଙ ? Oriya letter NGA (U+0B19)
ଚ &#2842; &#x0B1A; & ଚ ? Oriya letter CA (U+0B1A)
ଛ &#2843; &#x0B1B; & ଛ ? Oriya letter CHA (U+0B1B)
ଜ &#2844; &#x0B1C; & ଜ ? Oriya letter JA (U+0B1C)
ଝ &#2845; &#x0B1D; & ଝ ? Oriya letter JHA (U+0B1D)
ଞ &#2846; &#x0B1E; & ଞ ? Oriya letter NYA (U+0B1E)
ଟ &#2847; &#x0B1F; & ଟ ? Oriya letter TTA (U+0B1F)

ଠ &#2848; &#x0B20; & ଠ ? Oriya letter TTHA (U+0B20)
ଡ &#2849; &#x0B21; & ଡ ? Oriya letter DDA (U+0B21)
ଢ &#2850; &#x0B22; & ଢ ? Oriya letter DDHA (U+0B22)
ଣ &#2851; &#x0B23; & ଣ ? Oriya letter NNA (U+0B23)
ତ &#2852; &#x0B24; & ତ ? Oriya letter TA (U+0B24)
ଥ &#2853; &#x0B25; & ଥ ? Oriya letter THA (U+0B25)
ଦ &#2854; &#x0B26; & ଦ ? Oriya letter DA (U+0B26)
ଧ &#2855; &#x0B27; & ଧ ? Oriya letter DHA (U+0B27)
ନ &#2856; &#x0B28; & ନ ? Oriya letter NA (U+0B28)
଩ &#2857; &#x0B29; & ଩ ? not a valid unicode character.
ପ &#2858; &#x0B2A; & ପ ? Oriya letter PA (U+0B2A)
ଫ &#2859; &#x0B2B; & ଫ ? Oriya letter PHA (U+0B2B)
ବ &#2860; &#x0B2C; & ବ ? Oriya letter BA (U+0B2C)
ଭ &#2861; &#x0B2D; & ଭ ? Oriya letter BHA (U+0B2D)
ମ &#2862; &#x0B2E; & ମ ? Oriya letter MA (U+0B2E)
ଯ &#2863; &#x0B2F; & ଯ ? Oriya letter YA (U+0B2F)

ର &#2864; &#x0B30; & ର ? Oriya letter RA (U+0B30)
଱ &#2865; &#x0B31; & ଱ ? not a valid unicode character.
ଲ &#2866; &#x0B32; & ଲ ? Oriya letter LA (U+0B32)
ଳ &#2867; &#x0B33; & ଳ ? Oriya letter LLA (U+0B33)
଴ &#2868; &#x0B34; & ଴ ? not a valid unicode character.
ଵ &#2869; &#x0B35; & ଵ ? Oriya letter VA (U+0B35)
ଶ &#2870; &#x0B36; & ଶ ? Oriya letter SHA (U+0B36)
ଷ &#2871; &#x0B37; & ଷ ? Oriya letter SSA (U+0B37)
ସ &#2872; &#x0B38; & ସ ? Oriya letter SA (U+0B38)
ହ &#2873; &#x0B39; & ହ ? Oriya letter HA (U+0B39)
଺ &#2874; &#x0B3A; & ଺ ? not a valid unicode character.
଻ &#2875; &#x0B3B; & ଻ ? not a valid unicode character.
଼ &#2876; &#x0B3C; & ଼ ? Oriya sign NUKTA (U+0B3C)
ଽ &#2877; &#x0B3D; & ଽ ? Oriya sign AVAGRAHA (U+0B3D)
ା &#2878; &#x0B3E; & ା ? Oriya vowel sign AA (U+0B3E)
ି &#2879; &#x0B3F; & ି ? Oriya vowel sign I (U+0B3F)

ୀ &#2880; &#x0B40; & ୀ ? Oriya vowel sign II (U+0B40)
ୁ &#2881; &#x0B41; & ୁ ? Oriya vowel sign U (U+0B41)
ୂ &#2882; &#x0B42; & ୂ ? Oriya vowel sign U (U+0B42)
ୃ &#2883; &#x0B43; & ୃ ? Oriya vowel sign vocalic R (U+0B43)
ୄ &#2884; &#x0B44; & ୄ ? Oriya vowel sign vocalic RR (U+0B44)
ன &#2985; &#x0B45; & ன ? not a valid unicode character.
ப &#2986; &#x0B46; & ப ? not a valid unicode character.
େ &#2887; &#x0B47; & େ ? Oriya vowel sign E (U+0B47)
ୈ &#2888; &#x0B48; & ୈ ? Oriya vowel sign AI (U+0B48)
஭ &#2989; &#x0B49; & ஭ ? not a valid unicode character.
ம &#2990; &#x0B49; & ம ? not a valid unicode character.
ୋ &#2891; &#x0B4B; & ୋ ? Oriya vowel sign O (U+0B4B)
ୌ &#2892; &#x0B4C; & ୌ ? Oriya vowel sign AU (U+0B4C)
୍ &#2893; &#x0B4D; & ୍ ? Oriya sign VIRAMA (U+0B4D)
୎ &#2894; &#x0B4E; & ୎ ? not a valid unicode character.
୏ &#2895; &#x0B4F; & ୏ ? not a valid unicode character.

୐ &#2896; &#x0B50; & ୐ ? not a valid unicode character.
୑ &#2897; &#x0B51; & ୑ ? not a valid unicode character.
୒ &#2898; &#x0B52; & ୒ ? not a valid unicode character.
୓ &#2899; &#x0B53; & ୓ ? not a valid unicode character.
୔ &#2900; &#x0B54; & ୔ ? not a valid unicode character.
୕ &#2901; &#x0B55; & ୕ ? not a valid unicode character.
ୖ &#2902; &#x0B56; & ୖ ? Oriya AI length mark (U+0B56)
ୗ &#2903; &#x0B57; & ୗ ? Oriya AU length mark (U+0B57)
୘ &#2904; &#x0B58; & ୘ ? not a valid unicode character.
୙ &#2905; &#x0B59; & ୙ ? not a valid unicode character.
୚ &#2906; &#x0B5A; & ୚ ? not a valid unicode character.
୛ &#2907; &#x0B5B; & ୛ ? not a valid unicode character.
ଡ଼ &#2908; &#x0B5C; & ଡ଼ ? Oriya letter RRA (U+0B5C)
ଢ଼ &#2909; &#x0B5D; & ଢ଼ ? Oriya letter RHA (U+0B5D)
୞ &#2910; &#x0B5E; & ୞ ? not a valid unicode character.
ୟ &#2911; &#x0B5F; & ୟ ? Oriya letter YYA (U+0B5F)

ୠ &#2912; &#x0B60; & ୠ ? Oriya letter vocalic RR (U+0B60)
ୡ &#2913; &#x0B61; & ୡ ? Oriya letter vocalic LL (U+0B61)
ୢ &#2914; &#x0B62; & ୢ ? Oriya vowel sign vocalic L (U+0B62)
ୣ &#2915; &#x0B63; & ୣ ? Oriya vowel sign vocalic LL (U+0B63)
୤ &#2916; &#x0B64; & ୤ ? not a valid unicode character.
୥ &#2917; &#x0B65; & ୥ ? not a valid unicode character.
୦ &#2918; &#x0B66; & ୦ ? Oriya digit ZERO (U+0B66)
୧ &#2919; &#x0B67; & ୧ ? Oriya digit ONE (U+0B67)
୨ &#2920; &#x0B68; & ୨ ? Oriya digit TWO (U+0B68)
୩ &#2921; &#x0B69; & ୩ ? Oriya digit THREE (U+0B69)
୪ &#2922; &#x0B6A; & ୪ ? Oriya digit FOUR (U+0B6A)
୫ &#2923; &#x0B6B; & ୫ ? Oriya digit FIVE (U+0B6B)
୬ &#2924; &#x0B6C; & ୬ ? Oriya digit SIX (U+0B6C)
୭ &#2925; &#x0B6D; & ୭ ? Oriya digit SEVEN (U+0B6D)
୮ &#2926; &#x0B6E; & ୮ ? Oriya digit EIGHT (U+0B6E)
୯ &#2927; &#x0B6F; & ୯ ? Oriya digit NINE (U+0B6F)

୰ &#2928; &#x0B70; & ୰ ? Oriya ISSHAR (U+0B70)
ୱ &#2929; &#x0B71; & ୱ ? Oriya letter WA (U+0B71)
୲ &#2930; &#x0B72; & ୲ ? Oriya fraction ONE QUARTER (U+0B72)
୳ &#2931; &#x0B73; & ୳ ? Oriya fraction ONE half (U+0B73)
୴ &#2932; &#x0B74; & ୴ ? Oriya fraction THREE QUARTERS (U+0B74)
୵ &#2933; &#x0B75; & ୵ ? Oriya fraction ONE SIXTEENTH (U+0B75)
୶ &#2934; &#x0B76; & ୶ ? Oriya fraction ONE EIGHTH (U+0B76)
୷ &#2935; &#x0B77; & ୷ ? Oriya fraction THREE SIXTEENTHS (U+0B77)
୸ &#2936; &#x0B78; & ୸ ? not a valid unicode character.
୹ &#2937; &#x0B79; & ୹ ? not a valid unicode character.
୺ &#2938; &#x0B7A; & ୺ ? not a valid unicode character.
୻ &#2939; &#x0B7B; & ୻ ? not a valid unicode character.
୼ &#2940; &#x0B7C; & ୼ ? not a valid unicode character.
୽ &#2941; &#x0B7D; & ୽ ? not a valid unicode character.
୾ &#2942; &#x0B7E; & ୾ ? not a valid unicode character.
୿ &#2943; &#x0B7F; & ୿ ? not a valid unicode character.

Tamil: India and Sri Lanka 0B80
஀ &#2944; &#x0B80; & ஀ ? not a valid unicode character.
஁ &#2945; &#x0B81; & ஁ ? not a valid unicode character.
ஂ &#2946; &#x0B82; & ஂ ? Tamil sign ANUSVARA (U+0B82)
ஃ &#2947; &#x0B83; & ஃ ? Tamil sign VISARGA (U+0B83)
஄ &#2948; &#x0B84; & ஄ ? not a valid unicode character.
அ &#2949; &#x0B85; & அ ? Tamil letter A (U+0B85)
ஆ &#2950; &#x0B86; & ஆ ? Tamil letter AA (U+0B86)
இ &#2951; &#x0B87; & இ ? Tamil letter I (U+0B87)
ஈ &#2952; &#x0B88; & ஈ ? Tamil letter II (U+0B88)
஋ &#2955; &#x0B89; & ஋ ? Tamil letter U (U+0B89)
ஊ &#2954; &#x0B8A; & ஊ ? Tamil letter U (U+0B8A)
஋ &#2955; &#x0B8B; & ஋ ? not a valid unicode character.
஌ &#2956; &#x0B8C; & ஌ ? not a valid unicode character.
஍ &#2957; &#x0B8D; & ஍ ? not a valid unicode character.
எ &#2958; &#x0B8E; & எ ? Tamil letter E (U+0B8E)
ஏ &#2959; &#x0B8F; & ஏ ? Tamil letter EE (U+0B8F)

ஐ &#2960; &#x0B90; & ஐ ? Tamil letter AI (U+0B90)
஑ &#2961; &#x0B91; & ஑ ? not a valid unicode character.
ஒ &#2962; &#x0B92; & ஒ ? Tamil letter O (U+0B92)
ஓ &#2963; &#x0B93; & ஓ ? Tamil letter OO (U+0B93)
ஔ &#2964; &#x0B94; & ஔ ? Tamil letter AU (U+0B94)
க &#2965; &#x0B95; & க ? Tamil letter KA (U+0B95)
஖ &#2966; &#x0B96; & ஖ ? not a valid unicode character.
஗ &#2967; &#x0B97; & ஗ ? not a valid unicode character.
஘ &#2968; &#x0B98; & ஘ ? not a valid unicode character.
ங &#2969; &#x0B99; & ங ? Tamil letter NGA (U+0B99)
ச &#2970; &#x0B9A; & ச ? Tamil letter CA (U+0B9A)
஛ &#2971; &#x0B9B; & ஛ ? not a valid unicode character.
ஜ &#2972; &#x0B9C; & ஜ ? Tamil letter JA (U+0B9C)
஝ &#2973; &#x0B9D; & ஝ ? not a valid unicode character.
ஞ &#2974; &#x0B9E; & ஞ ? Tamil letter NYA (U+0B9E)
ட &#2975; &#x0B9F; & ட ? Tamil letter TTA (U+0B9F)

஠ &#2976; &#x0BA0; & ஠ ? not a valid unicode character.
஡ &#2977; &#x0BA1; & ஡ ? not a valid unicode character.
஢ &#2978; &#x0BA2; & ஢ ? not a valid unicode character.
ண &#2979; &#x0BA3; & ண ? Tamil letter NNA (U+0BA3)
த &#2980; &#x0BA4; & த ? Tamil letter TA (U+0BA4)
஥ &#2981; &#x0BA5; & ஥ ? not a valid unicode character.
஦ &#2982; &#x0BA6; & ஦ ? not a valid unicode character.
஧ &#2983; &#x0BA7; & ஧ ? not a valid unicode character.
ந &#2984; &#x0BA8; & ந ? Tamil letter NA (U+0BA8)
ன &#2985; &#x0BA9; & ன ? Tamil letter NNNA (U+0BA9)
ப &#2986; &#x0BAA; & ப ? Tamil letter PA (U+0BAA)
஫ &#2987; &#x0BAB; & ஫ ? not a valid unicode character.
஬ &#2988; &#x0BAC; & ஬ ? not a valid unicode character.
஭ &#2989; &#x0BAD; & ஭ ? not a valid unicode character.
ம &#2990; &#x0BAE; & ம ? Tamil letter MA (U+0BAE)
ய &#2991; &#x0BAF; & ய ? Tamil letter YA (U+0BAF)

ர &#2992; &#x0BB0; & ர ? Tamil letter RA (U+0BB0)
ற &#2993; &#x0BB1; & ற ? Tamil letter RRA (U+0BB1)
ல &#2994; &#x0BB2; & ல ? Tamil letter LA (U+0BB2)
ள &#2995; &#x0BB3; & ள ? Tamil letter LLA (U+0BB3)
ழ &#2996; &#x0BB4; & ழ ? Tamil letter LLLA (U+0BB4)
வ &#2997; &#x0BB5; & வ ? Tamil letter VA (U+0BB5)
ஶ &#2998; &#x0BB6; & ஶ ? Tamil letter SHA (U+0BB6)
ஷ &#2999; &#x0BB7; & ஷ ? Tamil letter SSA (U+0BB7)
ஸ &#3000; &#x0BB8; & ஸ ? Tamil letter SA (U+0BB8)
ஹ &#3001; &#x0BB9; & ஹ ? Tamil letter HA (U+0BB9)
஺ &#3002; &#x0BBA; & ஺ ? not a valid unicode character.
஻ &#3003; &#x0BBB; & ஻ ? not a valid unicode character.
஼ &#3004; &#x0BBC; & ஼ ? not a valid unicode character.
஽ &#3005; &#x0BBD; & ஽ ? not a valid unicode character.
ா &#3006; &#x0BBE; & ா ? Tamil vowel sign AA (U+0BBE)
ி &#3007; &#x0BBF; & ி ? Tamil vowel sign I (U+0BBF)

ீ &#3008; &#x0BC0; & ீ ? Tamil vowel sign II (U+0BC0)
ு &#3009; &#x0BC1; & ு ? Tamil vowel sign U (U+0BC1)
ூ &#3010; &#x0BC2; & ூ ? Tamil vowel sign U (U+0BC2)
௃ &#3011; &#x0BC3; & ௃ ? not a valid unicode character.
௄ &#3012; &#x0BC4; & ௄ ? not a valid unicode character.
௅ &#3013; &#x0BC5; & ௅ ? not a valid unicode character.
ெ &#3014; &#x0BC6; & ெ ? Tamil vowel sign E (U+0BC6)
ே &#3015; &#x0BC7; & ே ? Tamil vowel sign EE (U+0BC7)
ை &#3016; &#x0BC8; & ை ? Tamil vowel sign AI (U+0BC8)
௉ &#3017; &#x0BC9; & ௉ ? not a valid unicode character.
ொ &#3018; &#x0BCA; & ொ ? Tamil vowel sign O (U+0BCA)
ோ &#3019; &#x0BCB; & ோ ? Tamil vowel sign OO (U+0BCB)
ௌ &#3020; &#x0BCC; & ௌ ? Tamil vowel sign AU (U+0BCC)
் &#3021; &#x0BCD; & ் ? Tamil sign VIRAMA (U+0BCD)
௎ &#3022; &#x0BCE; & ௎ ? not a valid unicode character.
௏ &#3023; &#x0BCF; & ௏ ? not a valid unicode character.

ௐ &#3024; &#x0BD0; & ௐ ? Tamil OM (U+0BD0)
௑ &#3025; &#x0BD1; & ௑ ? not a valid unicode character.
௒ &#3026; &#x0BD2; & ௒ ? not a valid unicode character.
௓ &#3027; &#x0BD3; & ௓ ? not a valid unicode character.
௔ &#3028; &#x0BD4; & ௔ ? not a valid unicode character.
௕ &#3029; &#x0BD5; & ௕ ? not a valid unicode character.
௖ &#3030; &#x0BD6; & ௖ ? not a valid unicode character.
ௗ &#3031; &#x0BD7; & ௗ ? Tamil AU length mark (U+0BD7)
௘ &#3032; &#x0BD8; & ௘ ? not a valid unicode character.
௙ &#3033; &#x0BD9; & ௙ ? not a valid unicode character.
௚ &#3034; &#x0BDA; & ௚ ? not a valid unicode character.
௛ &#3035; &#x0BDB; & ௛ ? not a valid unicode character.
௜ &#3036; &#x0BDC; & ௜ ? not a valid unicode character.
௝ &#3037; &#x0BDD; & ௝ ? not a valid unicode character.
௞ &#3038; &#x0BDE; & ௞ ? not a valid unicode character.
௟ &#3039; &#x0BDF; & ௟ ? not a valid unicode character.

௠ &#3040; &#x0BE0; & ௠ ? not a valid unicode character.
௡ &#3041; &#x0BE1; & ௡ ? not a valid unicode character.
௢ &#3042; &#x0BE2; & ௢ ? not a valid unicode character.
௣ &#3043; &#x0BE3; & ௣ ? not a valid unicode character.
௤ &#3044; &#x0BE4; & ௤ ? not a valid unicode character.
௥ &#3045; &#x0BE5; & ௥ ? not a valid unicode character.
௦ &#3046; &#x0BE6; & ௦ ? Tamil digit ZERO (U+0BE6)
௧ &#3047; &#x0BE7; & ௧ ? Tamil digit ONE (U+0BE7)
௨ &#3048; &#x0BE8; & ௨ ? Tamil digit TWO (U+0BE8)
௩ &#3049; &#x0BE9; & ௩ ? Tamil digit THREE (U+0BE9)
௪ &#3050; &#x0BEA; & ௪ ? Tamil digit FOUR (U+0BEA)
௫ &#3051; &#x0BEB; & ௫ ? Tamil digit FIVE (U+0BEB)
௬ &#3052; &#x0BEC; & ௬ ? Tamil digit SIX (U+0BEC)
௭ &#3053; &#x0BED; & ௭ ? Tamil digit SEVEN (U+0BED)
௮ &#3054; &#x0BEE; & ௮ ? Tamil digit EIGHT (U+0BEE)
௯ &#3055; &#x0BEF; & ௯ ? Tamil digit NINE (U+0BEF)

௰ &#3056; &#x0BF0; & ௰ ? Tamil number TEN (U+0BF0)
௱ &#3057; &#x0BF1; & ௱ ? Tamil number ONE HUNDRED (U+0BF1)
௲ &#3058; &#x0BF2; & ௲ ? Tamil number ONE THOUSAND (U+0BF2)
௳ &#3059; &#x0BF3; & ௳ ? Tamil DAY sign (U+0BF3)
௴ &#3060; &#x0BF4; & ௴ ? Tamil MONTH sign (U+0BF4)
௵ &#3061; &#x0BF5; & ௵ ? Tamil YEAR sign (U+0BF5)
௶ &#3062; &#x0BF6; & ௶ ? Tamil DEBIT sign (U+0BF6)
௷ &#3063; &#x0BF7; & ௷ ? Tamil CREDIT sign (U+0BF7)
௸ &#3064; &#x0BF8; & ௸ ? Tamil AS above sign (U+0BF8)
௹ &#3065; &#x0BF9; & ௹ ? Tamil RUPEE sign (U+0BF9)
௺ &#3066; &#x0BFA; & ௺ ? Tamil number sign (U+0BFA)
௻ &#3067; &#x0BFB; & ௻ ? not a valid unicode character.
௼ &#3068; &#x0BFC; & ௼ ? not a valid unicode character.
௽ &#3069; &#x0BFD; & ௽ ? not a valid unicode character.
௾ &#3070; &#x0BFE; & ௾ ? not a valid unicode character.
௿ &#3071; &#x0BFF; & ௿ ? not a valid unicode character.

Telugu: Andhra Pradesh 0C00
ఀ &#3072; &#x0C00; & ఀ ? not a valid unicode character.
ఁ &#3073; &#x0C01; & ఁ ? Telugu sign CANDRABINDU (U+0C01)
ం &#3074; &#x0C02; & ం ? Telugu sign ANUSVARA (U+0C02)
ః &#3075; &#x0C03; & ః ? Telugu sign VISARGA (U+0C03)
ఄ &#3076; &#x0C04; & ఄ ? not a valid unicode character.
అ &#3077; &#x0C05; & అ ? Telugu letter A (U+0C05)
ఆ &#3078; &#x0C06; & ఆ ? Telugu letter AA (U+0C06)
ఇ &#3079; &#x0C07; & ఇ ? Telugu letter I (U+0C07)
ఈ &#3080; &#x0C08; & ఈ ? Telugu letter II (U+0C08)
ఉ &#3081; &#x0C09; & ఉ ? Telugu letter U (U+0C09)
ఊ &#3082; &#x0C0A; & ఊ ? Telugu letter U (U+0C0A)
ఋ &#3083; &#x0C0B; & ఋ ? Telugu letter vocalic R (U+0C0B)
ఌ &#3084; &#x0C0C; & ఌ ? Telugu letter vocalic L (U+0C0C)
఍ &#3085; &#x0C0D; & ఍ ? not a valid unicode character.
ఎ &#3086; &#x0C0E; & ఎ ? Telugu letter E (U+0C0E)
ఏ &#3087; &#x0C0F; & ఏ ? Telugu letter EE (U+0C0F)

ఐ &#3088; &#x0C10; & ఐ ? Telugu letter AI (U+0C10)
౵ &#3189; &#x0C11; & ౵ ? not a valid unicode character.
ఒ &#3090; &#x0C12; & ఒ ? Telugu letter O (U+0C12)
ఓ &#3091; &#x0C13; & ఓ ? Telugu letter OO (U+0C13)
ఔ &#3092; &#x0C14; & ఔ ? Telugu letter AU (U+0C14)
క &#3093; &#x0C15; & క ? Telugu letter KA (U+0C15)
ఖ &#3094; &#x0C16; & ఖ ? Telugu letter KHA (U+0C16)
గ &#3095; &#x0C17; & గ ? Telugu letter GA (U+0C17)
ఘ &#3096; &#x0C18; & ఘ ? Telugu letter GHA (U+0C18)
ఙ &#3097; &#x0C19; & ఙ ? Telugu letter NGA (U+0C19)
చ &#3098; &#x0C1A; & చ ? Telugu letter CA (U+0C1A)
ఛ &#3099; &#x0C1B; & ఛ ? Telugu letter CHA (U+0C1B)
జ &#3100; &#x0C1C; & జ ? Telugu letter JA (U+0C1C)
ఝ &#3101; &#x0C1D; & ఝ ? Telugu letter JHA (U+0C1D)
ఞ &#3102; &#x0C1E; & ఞ ? Telugu letter NYA (U+0C1E)
ట &#3103; &#x0C1F; & ట ? Telugu letter TTA (U+0C1F)

ఠ &#3104; &#x0C20; & ఠ ? Telugu letter TTHA (U+0C20)
డ &#3105; &#x0C21; & డ ? Telugu letter DDA (U+0C21)
ఢ &#3106; &#x0C22; & ఢ ? Telugu letter DDHA (U+0C22)
ణ &#3107; &#x0C23; & ణ ? Telugu letter NNA (U+0C23)
త &#3108; &#x0C24; & త ? Telugu letter TA (U+0C24)
థ &#3109; &#x0C25; & థ ? Telugu letter THA (U+0C25)
ద &#3110; &#x0C26; & ద ? Telugu letter DA (U+0C26)
ధ &#3111; &#x0C27; & ధ ? Telugu letter DHA (U+0C27)
న &#3112; &#x0C28; & న ? Telugu letter NA (U+0C28)
఩ &#3113; &#x0C29; & ఩ ? not a valid unicode character.
ప &#3114; &#x0C2A; & ప ? Telugu letter PA (U+0C2A)
ఫ &#3115; &#x0C2B; & ఫ ? Telugu letter PHA (U+0C2B)
బ &#3116; &#x0C2C; & బ ? Telugu letter BA (U+0C2C)
భ &#3117; &#x0C2D; & భ ? Telugu letter BHA (U+0C2D)
మ &#3118; &#x0C2E; & మ ? Telugu letter MA (U+0C2E)
య &#3119; &#x0C2F; & య ? Telugu letter YA (U+0C2F)

ర &#3120; &#x0C30; & ర ? Telugu letter RA (U+0C30)
ఱ &#3121; &#x0C31; & ఱ ? Telugu letter RRA (U+0C31)
ల &#3122; &#x0C32; & ల ? Telugu letter LA (U+0C32)
ళ &#3123; &#x0C33; & ళ ? Telugu letter LLA (U+0C33)
ఴ &#3124; &#x0C34; & ఴ ? not a valid unicode character.
వ &#3125; &#x0C35; & వ ? Telugu letter VA (U+0C35)
శ &#3126; &#x0C36; & శ ? Telugu letter SHA (U+0C36)
ష &#3127; &#x0C37; & ష ? Telugu letter SSA (U+0C37)
స &#3128; &#x0C38; & స ? Telugu letter SA (U+0C38)
హ &#3129; &#x0C39; & హ ? Telugu letter HA (U+0C39)
఺ &#3130; &#x0C3A; & ఺ ? not a valid unicode character.
఻ &#3131; &#x0C3B; & ఻ ? not a valid unicode character.
఼ &#3132; &#x0C3C; & ఼ ? not a valid unicode character.
ఽ &#3133; &#x0C3D; & ఽ ? Telugu sign AVAGRAHA (U+0C3D)
ా &#3134; &#x0C3E; & ా ? Telugu vowel sign AA (U+0C3E)
ి &#3135; &#x0C3F; & ి ? Telugu vowel sign I (U+0C3F)

ీ &#3136; &#x0C40; & ీ ? Telugu vowel sign II (U+0C40)
ు &#3137; &#x0C41; & ు ? Telugu vowel sign U (U+0C41)
ూ &#3138; &#x0C42; & ూ ? Telugu vowel sign U (U+0C42)
ృ &#3139; &#x0C43; & ృ ? Telugu vowel sign vocalic R (U+0C43)
ౄ &#3140; &#x0C44; & ౄ ? Telugu vowel sign vocalic RR (U+0C44)
౅ &#3141; &#x0C45; & ౅ ? not a valid unicode character.
ె &#3142; &#x0C46; & ె ? Telugu vowel sign E (U+0C46)
ే &#3143; &#x0C47; & ే ? Telugu vowel sign EE (U+0C47)
ై &#3144; &#x0C48; & ై ? Telugu vowel sign AI (U+0C48)
౉ &#3145; &#x0C45; & ౉ ? not a valid unicode character.
ొ &#3146; &#x0C4A; & ొ ? Telugu vowel sign O (U+0C4A)
ో &#3147; &#x0C4B; & ో ? Telugu vowel sign OO (U+0C4B)
ౌ &#3148; &#x0C4C; & ౌ ? Telugu vowel sign AU (U+0C4C)
్ &#3149; &#x0C4D; & ్ ? Telugu sign VIRAMA (U+0C4D)
౎ &#3150; &#x0C4E; & ౎ ? not a valid unicode character.
౏ &#3151; &#x0C4F; & ౏ ? not a valid unicode character.

౐ &#3152; &#x0C50; & ౐ ? not a valid unicode character.
౑ &#3153; &#x0C51; & ౑ ? not a valid unicode character.
౒ &#3154; &#x0C52; & ౒ ? not a valid unicode character.
౓ &#3155; &#x0C53; & ౓ ? not a valid unicode character.
౔ &#3156; &#x0C54; & ౔ ? not a valid unicode character.
ౕ &#3157; &#x0C55; & ౕ ? Telugu length mark (U+0C55)
ౖ &#3158; &#x0C56; & ౖ ? Telugu AI length mark (U+0C56)
౗ &#3159; &#x0C57; & ౗ ? not a valid unicode character.
ౘ &#3160; &#x0C58; & ౘ ? Telugu letter TSA (U+0C58)
ౙ &#3161; &#x0C59; & ౙ ? Telugu letter DZA (U+0C59)
ౚ &#3162; &#x0C5A; & ౚ ? not a valid unicode character.
౛ &#3163; &#x0C5B; & ౛ ? not a valid unicode character.
౜ &#3164; &#x0C5C; & ౜ ? not a valid unicode character.
ౝ &#3165; &#x0C5D; & ౝ ? not a valid unicode character.
౞ &#3166; &#x0C5E; & ౞ ? not a valid unicode character.
౟ &#3167; &#x0C5F; & ౟ ? not a valid unicode character.

ౠ &#3168; &#x0C60; & ౠ ? Telugu letter vocalic RR (U+0C60)
ౡ &#3169; &#x0C61; & ౡ ? Telugu letter vocalic LL (U+0C61)
ౢ &#3170; &#x0C62; & ౢ ? Telugu vowel sign vocalic L (U+0C62)
ౣ &#3171; &#x0C63; & ౣ ? Telugu vowel sign vocalic LL (U+0C63)
౤ &#3172; &#x0C64; & ౤ ? not a valid unicode character.
౥ &#3173; &#x0C65; & ౥ ? not a valid unicode character.
౦ &#3174; &#x0C66; & ౦ ? Telugu digit ZERO (U+0C66)
౧ &#3175; &#x0C67; & ౧ ? Telugu digit ONE (U+0C67)
౨ &#3176; &#x0C68; & ౨ ? Telugu digit TWO (U+0C68)
౩ &#3177; &#x0C69; & ౩ ? Telugu digit THREE (U+0C69)
౪ &#3178; &#x0C6A; & ౪ ? Telugu digit FOUR (U+0C6A)
౫ &#3179; &#x0C6B; & ౫ ? Telugu digit FIVE (U+0C6B)
౬ &#3180; &#x0C6C; & ౬ ? Telugu digit SIX (U+0C6C)
౭ &#3181; &#x0C6D; & ౭ ? Telugu digit SEVEN (U+0C6D)
౮ &#3182; &#x0C6E; & ౮ ? Telugu digit EIGHT (U+0C6E)
౯ &#3183; &#x0C6F; & ౯ ? Telugu digit NINE (U+0C6F)

౰ &#3184; &#x0C70; & ౰ ? not a valid unicode character.
౱ &#3185; &#x0C71; & ౱ ? not a valid unicode character.
౲ &#3186; &#x0C72; & ౲ ? not a valid unicode character.
౳ &#3187; &#x0C73; & ౳ ? not a valid unicode character.
౴ &#3188; &#x0C74; & ౴ ? not a valid unicode character.
౵ &#3189; &#x0C75; & ౵ ? not a valid unicode character.
౶ &#3190; &#x0C76; & ౶ ? not a valid unicode character.
౷ &#3191; &#x0C77; & ౷ ? not a valid unicode character.
౸ &#3192; &#x0C78; & ౸ ? Telugu fraction digit ZERO for ODD POWERS of FOUR (U+0C78)
౹ &#3193; &#x0C79; & ౹ ? Telugu fraction digit ONE for ODD POWERS of FOUR (U+0C79)
౺ &#3194; &#x0C7A; & ౺ ? Telugu fraction digit TWO for ODD POWERS of FOUR (U+0C7A)
౻ &#3195; &#x0C7B; & ౻ ? Telugu fraction digit THREE for ODD POWERS of FOUR (U+0C7B)
౼ &#3196; &#x0C7C; & ౼ ? Telugu fraction digit ONE for EVEN POWERS of FOUR (U+0C7C)
౽ &#3197; &#x0C7D; & ౽ ? Telugu fraction digit TWO for EVEN POWERS of FOUR (U+0C7D)
౾ &#3198; &#x0C7E; & ౾ ? Telugu fraction digit THREE for EVEN POWERS of FOUR (U+0C7E)
౿ &#3199; &#x0C7F; & ౿ ? Telugu sign TUMU (U+0C7F)

Kannada: Karnataka 0C80
ಀ &#3200; &#x0C80; & ಀ ? not a valid unicode character.
ಁ &#3201; &#x0C81; & ಁ ? not a valid unicode character.
ಂ &#3202; &#x0C82; & ಂ ? Kannada sign ANUSVARA (U+0C82)
ಃ &#3203; &#x0C83; & ಃ ? Kannada sign VISARGA (U+0C83)
಄ &#3204; &#x0C84; & ಄ ? not a valid unicode character.
ಅ &#3205; &#x0C85; & ಅ ? Kannada letter A (U+0C85)
ಆ &#3206; &#x0C86; & ಆ ? Kannada letter AA (U+0C86)
ಇ &#3207; &#x0C87; & ಇ ? Kannada letter I (U+0C87)
ಈ &#3208; &#x0C88; & ಈ ? Kannada letter II (U+0C88)
ಉ &#3209; &#x0C89; & ಉ ? Kannada letter U (U+0C89)
ಊ &#3210; &#x0C8A; & ಊ ? Kannada letter U (U+0C8A)
ಋ &#3211; &#x0C8B; & ಋ ? Kannada letter vocalic R (U+0C8B)
ಌ &#3212; &#x0C8C; & ಌ ? Kannada letter vocalic L (U+0C8C)
಍ &#3213; &#x0C8D; & ಍ ? not a valid unicode character.
ಎ &#3214; &#x0C8E; & ಎ ? Kannada letter E (U+0C8E)
ಏ &#3215; &#x0C8F; & ಏ ? Kannada letter EE (U+0C8F)

ಐ &#3216; &#x0C90; & ಐ ? Kannada letter AI (U+0C90)
಑ &#3217; &#x0C91; & ಑ ? not a valid unicode character.
ಒ &#3218; &#x0C92; & ಒ ? Kannada letter O (U+0C92)
ಓ &#3219; &#x0C93; & ಓ ? Kannada letter OO (U+0C93)
ಔ &#3220; &#x0C94; & ಔ ? Kannada letter AU (U+0C94)
ಕ &#3221; &#x0C95; & ಕ ? Kannada letter KA (U+0C95)
ಖ &#3222; &#x0C96; & ಖ ? Kannada letter KHA (U+0C96)
ಗ &#3223; &#x0C97; & ಗ ? Kannada letter GA (U+0C97)
ಘ &#3224; &#x0C98; & ಘ ? Kannada letter GHA (U+0C98)
ಙ &#3225; &#x0C99; & ಙ ? Kannada letter NGA (U+0C99)
ಚ &#3226; &#x0C9A; & ಚ ? Kannada letter CA (U+0C9A)
ಛ &#3227; &#x0C9B; & ಛ ? Kannada letter CHA (U+0C9B)
ಜ &#3228; &#x0C9C; & ಜ ? Kannada letter JA (U+0C9C)
ಝ &#3229; &#x0C9D; & ಝ ? Kannada letter JHA (U+0C9D)
ಞ &#3230; &#x0C9E; & ಞ ? Kannada letter NYA (U+0C9E)
ಟ &#3231; &#x0C9F; & ಟ ? Kannada letter TTA (U+0C9F)

ಠ &#3232; &#x0CA0; & ಠ ? Kannada letter TTHA (U+0CA0)
ಡ &#3233; &#x0CA1; & ಡ ? Kannada letter DDA (U+0CA1)
ಢ &#3234; &#x0CA2; & ಢ ? Kannada letter DDHA (U+0CA2)
ಣ &#3235; &#x0CA3; & ಣ ? Kannada letter NNA (U+0CA3)
ತ &#3236; &#x0CA4; & ತ ? Kannada letter TA (U+0CA4)
ಥ &#3237; &#x0CA5; & ಥ ? Kannada letter THA (U+0CA5)
ದ &#3238; &#x0CA6; & ದ ? Kannada letter DA (U+0CA6)
ಧ &#3239; &#x0CA7; & ಧ ? Kannada letter DHA (U+0CA7)
ನ &#3240; &#x0CA8; & ನ ? Kannada letter NA (U+0CA8)
಩ &#3241; &#x0CD9; & ಩ ? not a valid unicode character.
ಪ &#3242; &#x0CAA; & ಪ ? Kannada letter PA (U+0CAA)
ಫ &#3243; &#x0CAB; & ಫ ? Kannada letter PHA (U+0CAB)
ಬ &#3244; &#x0CAC; & ಬ ? Kannada letter BA (U+0CAC)
ಭ &#3245; &#x0CAD; & ಭ ? Kannada letter BHA (U+0CAD)
ಮ &#3246; &#x0CAE; & ಮ ? Kannada letter MA (U+0CAE)
ಯ &#3247; &#x0CAF; & ಯ ? Kannada letter YA (U+0CAF)

ರ &#3248; &#x0CB0; & ರ ? Kannada letter RA (U+0CB0)
ಱ &#3249; &#x0CB1; & ಱ ? Kannada letter RRA (U+0CB1)
ಲ &#3250; &#x0CB2; & ಲ ? Kannada letter LA (U+0CB2)
ಳ &#3251; &#x0CB3; & ಳ ? Kannada letter LLA (U+0CB3)
಴ &#3252; &#x0CB4; & ಴ ? not a valid unicode character.
ವ &#3253; &#x0CB5; & ವ ? Kannada letter VA (U+0CB5)
ಹ &#3257; &#x0CB6; & ಹ ? Kannada letter SHA (U+0CB6)
ಷ &#3255; &#x0CB7; & ಷ ? Kannada letter SSA (U+0CB7)
ಹ &#3257; &#x0CB8; & ಹ ? Kannada letter SA (U+0CB8)
ಹ &#3257; &#x0CB9; & ಹ ? Kannada letter HA (U+0CB9)
಺ &#3258; &#x0CBA; & ಺ ? not a valid unicode character.
಻ &#3259; &#x0CBB; & ಻ ? not a valid unicode character.
಼ &#3260; &#x0CBC; & ಼ ? Kannada sign NUKTA (U+0CBC)
ಽ &#3261; &#x0CBD; & ಽ ? Kannada sign AVAGRAHA (U+0CBD)
ಾ &#3262; &#x0CBE; & ಾ ? Kannada vowel sign AA (U+0CBE)
ಿ &#3263; &#x0CBF; & ಿ ? Kannada vowel sign I (U+0CBF)

ೀ &#3264; &#x0CC0; & ೀ ? Kannada vowel sign II (U+0CC0)
ು &#3265; &#x0CC1; & ು ? Kannada vowel sign U (U+0CC1)
ೂ &#3266; &#x0CC2; & ೂ ? Kannada vowel sign U (U+0CC2)
ೃ &#3267; &#x0CC3; & ೃ ? Kannada vowel sign vocalic R (U+0CC3)
ೄ &#3268; &#x0CC4; & ೄ ? Kannada vowel sign vocalic RR (U+0CC4)
೅ &#3269; &#x0CC5; & ೅ ? not a valid unicode character.
ೆ &#3270; &#x0CC6; & ೆ ? Kannada vowel sign E (U+0CC6)
ೇ &#3271; &#x0CC7; & ೇ ? Kannada vowel sign EE (U+0CC7)
ೈ &#3272; &#x0CC8; & ೈ ? Kannada vowel sign AI (U+0CC8)
೉ &#3273; &#x0CC9; & ೉ ? not a valid unicode character.
ೊ &#3274; &#x0CCA; & ೊ ? Kannada vowel sign O (U+0CCA)
ೋ &#3275; &#x0CCB; & ೋ ? Kannada vowel sign OO (U+0CCB)
ೌ &#3276; &#x0CCC; & ೌ ? Kannada vowel sign AU (U+0CCC)
್ &#3277; &#x0CCD; & ್ ? Kannada sign VIRAMA (U+0CCD)
೎ &#3278; &#x0CDE; & ೎ ? not a valid unicode character.
೏ &#3279; &#x0CDF; & ೏ ? not a valid unicode character.

೐ &#3280; &#x0CD0; & ೐ ? not a valid unicode character.
೑ &#3281; &#x0CD1; & ೑ ? not a valid unicode character.
೒ &#3282; &#x0CD2; & ೒ ? not a valid unicode character.
೓ &#3283; &#x0CD3; & ೓ ? not a valid unicode character.
೔ &#3284; &#x0CD4; & ೔ ? not a valid unicode character.
ೕ &#3285; &#x0CD5; & ೕ ? Kannada length mark (U+0CD5)
ೖ &#3286; &#x0CD6; & ೖ ? Kannada AI length mark (U+0CD6)
೗ &#3287; &#x0CD7; & ೗ ? not a valid unicode character.
೘ &#3288; &#x0CD8; & ೘ ? not a valid unicode character.
೙ &#3289; &#x0CD9; & ೙ ? not a valid unicode character.
೚ &#3290; &#x0CDA; & ೚ ? not a valid unicode character.
೛ &#3291; &#x0CDB; & ೛ ? not a valid unicode character.
೜ &#3292; &#x0CDC; & ೜ ? not a valid unicode character.
ೝ &#3293; &#x0CDD; & ೝ ? not a valid unicode character.
ೞ &#3294; &#x0CDE; & ೞ ? Kannada letter FA (U+0CDE)
೟ &#3295; &#x0CDF; & ೟ ? not a valid unicode character.

ೠ &#3296; &#x0CE0; & ೠ ? Kannada letter vocalic RR (U+0CE0)
ೡ &#3297; &#x0CE1; & ೡ ? Kannada letter vocalic LL (U+0CE1)
ೢ &#3298; &#x0CE2; & ೢ ? Kannada vowel sign vocalic L (U+0CE2)
ೣ &#3299; &#x0CE3; & ೣ ? Kannada vowel sign vocalic LL (U+0CE3)
೤ &#3300; &#x0CE4; & ೤ ? not a valid unicode character.
೥ &#3301; &#x0CE5; & ೥ ? not a valid unicode character.
೦ &#3302; &#x0CE6; & ೦ ? Kannada digit ZERO (U+0CE6)
೧ &#3303; &#x0CE7; & ೧ ? Kannada digit ONE (U+0CE7)
೨ &#3304; &#x0CE8; & ೨ ? Kannada digit TWO (U+0CE8)
೩ &#3305; &#x0CE9; & ೩ ? Kannada digit THREE (U+0CE9)
೪ &#3306; &#x0CEA; & ೪ ? Kannada digit FOUR (U+0CEA)
೫ &#3307; &#x0CEB; & ೫ ? Kannada digit FIVE (U+0CEB)
೬ &#3308; &#x0CEC; & ೬ ? Kannada digit SIX (U+0CEC)
೭ &#3309; &#x0CED; & ೭ ? Kannada digit SEVEN (U+0CED)
೮ &#3310; &#x0CEE; & ೮ ? Kannada digit EIGHT (U+0CEE)
೯ &#3311; &#x0CEF; & ೯ ? Kannada digit NINE (U+0CEF)

೰ &#3312; &#x0CF0; & ೰ ? not a valid unicode character.
ೱ &#3313; &#x0CF1; & ೱ ? Kannada sign JIHVAMULIYA (U+0CF1)
ೲ &#3314; &#x0CF2; & ೲ ? Kannada sign UPADHMANIYA (U+0CF2)
ೳ &#3315; &#x0CF3; & ೳ ? not a valid unicode character.
೴ &#3316; &#x0CF4; & ೴ ? not a valid unicode character.
೵ &#3317; &#x0CF5; & ೵ ? not a valid unicode character.
೶ &#3318; &#x0CF6; & ೶ ? not a valid unicode character.
೷ &#3319; &#x0CF7; & ೷ ? not a valid unicode character.
೸ &#3320; &#x0CF8; & ೸ ? not a valid unicode character.
೹ &#3321; &#x0CF9; & ೹ ? not a valid unicode character.
೺ &#3322; &#x0CFA; & ೺ ? not a valid unicode character.
೻ &#3323; &#x0CFB; & ೻ ? not a valid unicode character.
೼ &#3324; &#x0CFC; & ೼ ? not a valid unicode character.
೽ &#3325; &#x0CFD; & ೽ ? not a valid unicode character.
೾ &#3326; &#x0CFE; & ೾ ? not a valid unicode character.
೿ &#3327; &#x0CFF; & ೿ ? not a valid unicode character.

Malayalam: Kerala 0D00
ഀ &#3328; &#x0D00; & ഀ ? not a valid unicode character.
ഁ &#3329; &#x0D01; & ഁ ? not a valid unicode character.
ം &#3330; &#x0D02; & ം ? Malayalam sign ANUSVARA (U+0D02)
ഃ &#3331; &#x0D03; & ഃ ? Malayalam sign VISARGA (U+0D03)
ഄ &#3332; &#x0D04; & ഄ ? not a valid unicode character.
അ &#3333; &#x0D05; & അ ? Malayalam letter A (U+0D05)
ആ &#3334; &#x0D06; & ആ ? Malayalam letter AA (U+0D06)
ഇ &#3335; &#x0D07; & ഇ ? Malayalam letter I (U+0D07)
ഈ &#3336; &#x0D08; & ഈ ? Malayalam letter II (U+0D08)
ഉ &#3337; &#x0D09; & ഉ ? Malayalam letter U (U+0D09)
ഊ &#3338; &#x0D0A; & ഊ ? Malayalam letter U (U+0D0A)
ഋ &#3339; &#x0D0B; & ഋ ? Malayalam letter vocalic R (U+0D0B)
ഌ &#3340; &#x0D0C; & ഌ ? Malayalam letter vocalic L (U+0D0C)
഍ &#3341; &#x0D0D; & ഍ ? not a valid unicode character.
എ &#3342; &#x0D0E; & എ ? Malayalam letter E (U+0D0E)
ഏ &#3343; &#x0D0F; & ഏ ? Malayalam letter EE (U+0D0F)

ഐ &#3344; &#x0D10; & ഐ ? Malayalam letter AI (U+0D10)
൵ &#3445; &#x0D11; & ൵ ? not a valid unicode character.
ഒ &#3346; &#x0D12; & ഒ ? Malayalam letter O (U+0D12)
ഓ &#3347; &#x0D13; & ഓ ? Malayalam letter OO (U+0D13)
ഔ &#3348; &#x0D14; & ഔ ? Malayalam letter AU (U+0D14)
ക &#3349; &#x0D15; & ക ? Malayalam letter KA (U+0D15)
ഖ &#3350; &#x0D16; & ഖ ? Malayalam letter KHA (U+0D16)
ഗ &#3351; &#x0D17; & ഗ ? Malayalam letter GA (U+0D17)
ഘ &#3352; &#x0D18; & ഘ ? Malayalam letter GHA (U+0D18)
ങ &#3353; &#x0D19; & ങ ? Malayalam letter NGA (U+0D19)
ച &#3354; &#x0D1A; & ച ? Malayalam letter CA (U+0D1A)
ഛ &#3355; &#x0D1B; & ഛ ? Malayalam letter CHA (U+0D1B)
ജ &#3356; &#x0D1C; & ജ ? Malayalam letter JA (U+0D1C)
ഝ &#3357; &#x0D1D; & ഝ ? Malayalam letter JHA (U+0D1D)
ഞ &#3358; &#x0D1E; & ഞ ? Malayalam letter NYA (U+0D1E)
ട &#3359; &#x0D1F; & ട ? Malayalam letter TTA (U+0D1F)

ഠ &#3360; &#x0D20; & ഠ ? Malayalam letter TTHA (U+0D20)
ഡ &#3361; &#x0D21; & ഡ ? Malayalam letter DDA (U+0D21)
ഢ &#3362; &#x0D22; & ഢ ? Malayalam letter DDHA (U+0D22)
ണ &#3363; &#x0D23; & ണ ? Malayalam letter NNA (U+0D23)
ത &#3364; &#x0D24; & ത ? Malayalam letter TA (U+0D24)
ഥ &#3365; &#x0D25; & ഥ ? Malayalam letter THA (U+0D25)
ദ &#3366; &#x0D26; & ദ ? Malayalam letter DA (U+0D26)
ധ &#3367; &#x0D27; & ധ ? Malayalam letter DHA (U+0D27)
ന &#3368; &#x0D28; & ന ? Malayalam letter NA (U+0D28)
ഩ &#3369; &#x0D29; & ഩ ? Malayalam letter NNNA (U+0D29)
പ &#3370; &#x0D2A; & പ ? Malayalam letter PA (U+0D2A)
ഫ &#3371; &#x0D2B; & ഫ ? Malayalam letter PHA (U+0D2B)
ബ &#3372; &#x0D2C; & ബ ? Malayalam letter BA (U+0D2C)
ഭ &#3373; &#x0D2D; & ഭ ? Malayalam letter BHA (U+0D2D)
മ &#3374; &#x0D2E; & മ ? Malayalam letter MA (U+0D2E)
യ &#3375; &#x0D2F; & യ ? Malayalam letter YA (U+0D2F)

ര &#3376; &#x0D30; & ര ? Malayalam letter RA (U+0D30)
റ &#3377; &#x0D31; & റ ? Malayalam letter RRA (U+0D31)
ല &#3378; &#x0D32; & ല ? Malayalam letter LA (U+0D32)
ള &#3379; &#x0D33; & ള ? Malayalam letter LLA (U+0D33)
ഴ &#3380; &#x0D34; & ഴ ? Malayalam letter LLLA (U+0D34)
വ &#3381; &#x0D35; & വ ? Malayalam letter VA (U+0D35)
ശ &#3382; &#x0D36; & ശ ? Malayalam letter SHA (U+0D36)
ഷ &#3383; &#x0D37; & ഷ ? Malayalam letter SSA (U+0D37)
സ &#3384; &#x0D38; & സ ? Malayalam letter SA (U+0D38)
ഹ &#3385; &#x0D39; & ഹ ? Malayalam letter HA (U+0D39)
ഺ &#3386; &#x0D3A; & ഺ ? Malayalam letter TTTA (U+0D3A)
ඟ &#3487; &#x0D3B; & ඟ ? not a valid unicode character.
ච &#3488; &#x0D3C; & ච ? not a valid unicode character.
ഽ &#3389; &#x0D3D; & ഽ ? Malayalam sign AVAGRAHA (U+0D3D)
ാ &#3390; &#x0D3E; & ാ ? Malayalam vowel sign AA (U+0D3E)
ി &#3391; &#x0D3F; & ി ? Malayalam vowel sign I (U+0D3F)

ീ &#3392; &#x0D40; & ീ ? Malayalam vowel sign II (U+0D40)
ു &#3393; &#x0D41; & ു ? Malayalam vowel sign U (U+0D41)
ൂ &#3394; &#x0D42; & ൂ ? Malayalam vowel sign U (U+0D42)
ൃ &#3395; &#x0D43; & ൃ ? Malayalam vowel sign vocalic R (U+0D43)
ൄ &#3396; &#x0D44; & ൄ ? Malayalam vowel sign vocalic RR (U+0D44)
൅ &#3397; &#x0D45; & ൅ ? not a valid unicode character.
െ &#3398; &#x0D46; & െ ? Malayalam vowel sign E (U+0D46)
േ &#3399; &#x0D47; & േ ? Malayalam vowel sign EE (U+0D47)
ൈ &#3400; &#x0D48; & ൈ ? Malayalam vowel sign AI (U+0D48)
൉ &#3401; &#x0D49; & ൉ ? not a valid unicode character.
ൊ &#3402; &#x0D4A; & ൊ ? Malayalam vowel sign O (U+0D4A)
ോ &#3403; &#x0D4B; & ോ ? Malayalam vowel sign OO (U+0D4B)
ൌ &#3404; &#x0D4C; & ൌ ? Malayalam vowel sign AU (U+0D4C)
് &#3405; &#x0D4D; & ് ? Malayalam sign VIRAMA (U+0D4D)
ൎ &#3406; &#x0D4E; & ൎ ? Malayalam letter dot REPH (U+0D4E)
൏ &#3407; &#x0D4F; & ൏ ? not a valid unicode character.

൐ &#3408; &#x0D50; & ൐ ? not a valid unicode character.
൑ &#3409; &#x0D51; & ൑ ? not a valid unicode character.
൒ &#3410; &#x0D52; & ൒ ? not a valid unicode character.
൓ &#3411; &#x0D53; & ൓ ? not a valid unicode character.
ൔ &#3412; &#x0D54; & ൔ ? not a valid unicode character.
ൕ &#3413; &#x0D55; & ൕ ? not a valid unicode character.
ൖ &#3414; &#x0D56; & ൖ ? not a valid unicode character.
ൗ &#3415; &#x0D57; & ൗ ? Malayalam AU length mark (U+0D57)
൘ &#3416; &#x0D58; & ൘ ? not a valid unicode character.
൙ &#3417; &#x0D59; & ൙ ? not a valid unicode character.
൚ &#3418; &#x0D5A; & ൚ ? not a valid unicode character.
൛ &#3419; &#x0D5B; & ൛ ? not a valid unicode character.
൜ &#3420; &#x0D5C; & ൜ ? not a valid unicode character.
൝ &#3421; &#x0D5D; & ൝ ? not a valid unicode character.
൞ &#3422; &#x0D5E; & ൞ ? not a valid unicode character.
ൟ &#3423; &#x0D5F; & ൟ ? not a valid unicode character.

ൠ &#3424; &#x0D60; & ൠ ? Malayalam letter vocalic RR (U+0D60)
ൡ &#3425; &#x0D61; & ൡ ? Malayalam letter vocalic LL (U+0D61)
ൢ &#3426; &#x0D62; & ൢ ? Malayalam vowel sign vocalic L (U+0D62)
ൣ &#3427; &#x0D63; & ൣ ? Malayalam vowel sign vocalic LL (U+0D63)
൤ &#3428; &#x0D64; & ൤ ? not a valid unicode character.
൥ &#3429; &#x0D65; & ൥ ? not a valid unicode character.
൦ &#3430; &#x0D66; & ൦ ? Malayalam digit ZERO (U+0D66)
൧ &#3431; &#x0D67; & ൧ ? Malayalam digit ONE (U+0D67)
൨ &#3432; &#x0D68; & ൨ ? Malayalam digit TWO (U+0D68)
൩ &#3433; &#x0D69; & ൩ ? Malayalam digit THREE (U+0D69)
൪ &#3434; &#x0D6A; & ൪ ? Malayalam digit FOUR (U+0D6A)
൫ &#3435; &#x0D6B; & ൫ ? Malayalam digit FIVE (U+0D6B)
൬ &#3436; &#x0D6C; & ൬ ? Malayalam digit SIX (U+0D6C)
൭ &#3437; &#x0D6D; & ൭ ? Malayalam digit SEVEN (U+0D6D)
൮ &#3438; &#x0D6E; & ൮ ? Malayalam digit EIGHT (U+0D6E)
൯ &#3439; &#x0D6F; & ൯ ? Malayalam digit NINE (U+0D6F)

൰ &#3440; &#x0D70; & ൰ ? Malayalam number TEN (U+0D70)
൱ &#3441; &#x0D71; & ൱ ? Malayalam number ONE HUNDRED (U+0D71)
൲ &#3442; &#x0D72; & ൲ ? Malayalam number ONE THOUSAND (U+0D72)
൳ &#3443; &#x0D73; & ൳ ? Malayalam fraction ONE QUARTER (U+0D73)
൴ &#3444; &#x0D74; & ൴ ? Malayalam fraction ONE half (U+0D74)
൵ &#3445; &#x0D75; & ൵ ? Malayalam fraction THREE QUARTERS (U+0D75)
൶ &#3446; &#x0D76; & ൶ ? not a valid unicode character.
൷ &#3447; &#x0D77; & ൷ ? not a valid unicode character.
൸ &#3448; &#x0D78; & ൸ ? not a valid unicode character.
൹ &#3449; &#x0D79; & ൹ ? Malayalam DATE mark (U+0D79)
ൺ &#3450; &#x0D7A; & ൺ ? Malayalam letter CHILLU NN (U+0D7A)
ൻ &#3451; &#x0D7B; & ൻ ? Malayalam letter CHILLU N (U+0D7B)
ർ &#3452; &#x0D7C; & ർ ? Malayalam letter CHILLU RR (U+0D7C)
ൽ &#3453; &#x0D7D; & ൽ ? Malayalam letter CHILLU L (U+0D7D)
ൾ &#3454; &#x0D7E; & ൾ ? Malayalam letter CHILLU LL (U+0D7E)
ൿ &#3455; &#x0D7F; & ൿ ? Malayalam letter CHILLU K (U+0D7F)

Sinhala: Sri Lanka 0D80
඀ &#3456; &#x0D80; & ඀ ? not a valid unicode character.
ඁ &#3457; &#x0D81; & ඁ ? not a valid unicode character.
ං &#3458; &#x0D82; & ං ? Sinhala sign ANUSVARAYA (U+0D82)
ඃ &#3459; &#x0D83; & ඃ ? Sinhala sign VISARGAYA (U+0D83)
඄ &#3460; &#x0D84; & ඄ ? not a valid unicode character.
අ &#3461; &#x0D85; & අ ? Sinhala letter AYANNA (U+0D85)
ආ &#3462; &#x0D86; & ආ ? Sinhala letter AAYANNA (U+0D86)
ඇ &#3463; &#x0D87; & ඇ ? Sinhala letter AEYANNA (U+0D87)
ඈ &#3464; &#x0D88; & ඈ ? Sinhala letter AEEYANNA (U+0D88)
ඉ &#3465; &#x0D89; & ඉ ? Sinhala letter IYANNA (U+0D89)
ඊ &#3466; &#x0D8A; & ඊ ? Sinhala letter IIYANNA (U+0D8A)
උ &#3467; &#x0D8B; & උ ? Sinhala letter UYANNA (U+0D8B)
ඌ &#3468; &#x0D8C; & ඌ ? Sinhala letter UYANNA (U+0D8C)
ඍ &#3469; &#x0D8D; & ඍ ? Sinhala letter IRUYANNA (U+0D8D)
ඎ &#3470; &#x0D8E; & ඎ ? Sinhala letter IRUYANNA (U+0D8E)
ඏ &#3471; &#x0D8F; & ඏ ? Sinhala letter ILUYANNA (U+0D8F)

ඐ &#3472; &#x0D90; & ඐ ? Sinhala letter ILUYANNA (U+0D90)
එ &#3473; &#x0D91; & එ ? Sinhala letter EYANNA (U+0D91)
ඒ &#3474; &#x0D92; & ඒ ? Sinhala letter EEYANNA (U+0D92)
ඓ &#3475; &#x0D93; & ඓ ? Sinhala letter AIYANNA (U+0D93)
ඔ &#3476; &#x0D94; & ඔ ? Sinhala letter OYANNA (U+0D94)
ඕ &#3477; &#x0D95; & ඕ ? Sinhala letter OOYANNA (U+0D95)
ඖ &#3478; &#x0D96; & ඖ ? Sinhala letter AUYANNA (U+0D96)
඗ &#3479; &#x0D97; & ඗ ? not a valid unicode character.
඘ &#3480; &#x0D98; & ඘ ? not a valid unicode character.
඙ &#3481; &#x0D99; & ඙ ? not a valid unicode character.
ක &#3482; &#x0D9A; & ක ? Sinhala letter ALPAPRAANA KAYANNA (U+0D9A)
ඛ &#3483; &#x0D9B; & ඛ ? Sinhala letter MAHAAPRAANA KAYANNA (U+0D9B)
ග &#3484; &#x0D9C; & ග ? Sinhala letter ALPAPRAANA GAYANNA (U+0D9C)
ඝ &#3485; &#x0D9D; & ඝ ? Sinhala letter MAHAAPRAANA GAYANNA (U+0D9D)
ඞ &#3486; &#x0D9E; & ඞ ? Sinhala letter KANTAJA NAASIKYAYA (U+0D9E)
ඟ &#3487; &#x0D9F; & ඟ ? Sinhala letter SANYAKA GAYANNA (U+0D9F)

ච &#3488; &#x0DA0; & ච ? Sinhala letter ALPAPRAANA CAYANNA (U+0DA0)
ඡ &#3489; &#x0DA1; & ඡ ? Sinhala letter MAHAAPRAANA CAYANNA (U+0DA1)
ජ &#3490; &#x0DA2; & ජ ? Sinhala letter ALPAPRAANA JAYANNA (U+0DA2)
ඣ &#3491; &#x0DA3; & ඣ ? Sinhala letter MAHAAPRAANA JAYANNA (U+0DA3)
ඤ &#3492; &#x0DA4; & ඤ ? Sinhala letter TAALUJA NAASIKYAYA (U+0DA4)
ඥ &#3493; &#x0DA5; & ඥ ? Sinhala letter TAALUJA SANYOOGA NAAKSIKYAYA (U+0DA5)
ඦ &#3494; &#x0DA6; & ඦ ? Sinhala letter SANYAKA JAYANNA (U+0DA6)
ට &#3495; &#x0DA7; & ට ? Sinhala letter ALPAPRAANA TTAYANNA (U+0DA7)
ඨ &#3496; &#x0DA8; & ඨ ? Sinhala letter MAHAAPRAANA TTAYANNA (U+0DA8)
ඩ &#3497; &#x0DA9; & ඩ ? Sinhala letter ALPAPRAANA DDAYANNA (U+0DA9)
ඪ &#3498; &#x0DAA; & ඪ ? Sinhala letter MAHAAPRAANA DDAYANNA (U+0DAA)
ණ &#3499; &#x0DAB; & ණ ? Sinhala letter MURDHAJA NAYANNA (U+0DAB)
ඬ &#3500; &#x0DAC; & ඬ ? Sinhala letter SANYAKA DDAYANNA (U+0DAC)
ත &#3501; &#x0DAD; & ත ? Sinhala letter ALPAPRAANA TAYANNA (U+0DAD)
ථ &#3502; &#x0DAE; & ථ ? Sinhala letter MAHAAPRAANA TAYANNA (U+0DAE)
ද &#3503; &#x0DAF; & ද ? Sinhala letter ALPAPRAANA DAYANNA (U+0DAF)

ධ &#3504; &#x0DB0; & ධ ? Sinhala letter MAHAAPRAANA DAYANNA (U+0DB0)
න &#3505; &#x0DB1; & න ? Sinhala letter DANTAJA NAYANNA (U+0DB1)
඲ &#3506; &#x0DB2; & ඲ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DB2)
ඳ &#3507; &#x0DB3; & ඳ ? Sinhala letter SANYAKA DAYANNA (U+0DB3)
ප &#3508; &#x0DB4; & ප ? Sinhala letter ALPAPRAANA PAYANNA (U+0DB4)
ඵ &#3509; &#x0DB5; & ඵ ? Sinhala letter MAHAAPRAANA PAYANNA (U+0DB5)
බ &#3510; &#x0DB6; & බ ? Sinhala letter ALPAPRAANA BAYANNA (U+0DB6)
භ &#3511; &#x0DB7; & භ ? Sinhala letter MAHAAPRAANA BAYANNA (U+0DB7)
ම &#3512; &#x0DB8; & ම ? Sinhala letter MAYANNA (U+0DB8)
ඹ &#3513; &#x0DB9; & ඹ ? Sinhala letter AMBA BAYANNA (U+0DB9)
ය &#3514; &#x0DBA; & ය ? Sinhala letter YAYANNA (U+0DBA)
ර &#3515; &#x0DBB; & ර ? Sinhala letter RAYANNA (U+0DBB)
඼ &#3516; &#x0DBC; & ඼ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DBC)
ල &#3517; &#x0DBD; & ල ? Sinhala letter DANTAJA LAYANNA (U+0DBD)
඾ &#3518; &#x0DBE; & ඾ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DBE)
඿ &#3519; &#x0DBF; & ඿ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DBF)

ව &#3520; &#x0DC0; & ව ? Sinhala letter VAYANNA (U+0DC0)
ශ &#3521; &#x0DC1; & ශ ? Sinhala letter TAALUJA SAYANNA (U+0DC1)
ෂ &#3522; &#x0DC2; & ෂ ? Sinhala letter MURDHAJA SAYANNA (U+0DC2)
ස &#3523; &#x0DC3; & ස ? Sinhala letter DANTAJA SAYANNA (U+0DC3)
හ &#3524; &#x0DC4; & හ ? Sinhala letter HAYANNA (U+0DC4)
ළ &#3525; &#x0DC5; & ළ ? Sinhala letter MURDHAJA LAYANNA (U+0DC5)
ෆ &#3526; &#x0DC6; & ෆ ? Sinhala letter FAYANNA (U+0DC6)
෇ &#3527; &#x0DC7; & ෇ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DC7)
෈ &#3528; &#x0DC8; & ෈ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DC8)
෉ &#3529; &#x0DC9; & ෉ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DC9)
් &#3530; &#x0DCA; & ් ? Sinhala sign AL-LAKUNA (U+0DCA)
෋ &#3531; &#x0DCB; & ෋ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DCB)
෌ &#3532; &#x0DCC; & ෌ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DCC)
෍ &#3533; &#x0DCD; & ෍ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DCD)
෎ &#3534; &#x0DCE; & ෎ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DCE)
ා &#3535; &#x0DCF; & ා ? Sinhala vowel sign AELA-PILLA (U+0DCF)

ැ &#3536; &#x0DD0; & ැ ? Sinhala vowel sign KETTI AEDA-PILLA (U+0DD0)
ෑ &#3537; &#x0DD1; & ෑ ? Sinhala vowel sign DIGA AEDA-PILLA (U+0DD1)
ි &#3538; &#x0DD2; & ි ? Sinhala vowel sign KETTI IS-PILLA (U+0DD2)
ී &#3539; &#x0DD3; & ී ? Sinhala vowel sign DIGA IS-PILLA (U+0DD3)
ු &#3540; &#x0DD4; & ු ? Sinhala vowel sign KETTI PAA-PILLA (U+0DD4)
෕ &#3541; &#x0DD5; & ෕ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DD5)
ූ &#3542; &#x0DD6; & ූ ? Sinhala vowel sign DIGA PAA-PILLA (U+0DD6)
෗ &#3543; &#x0DD7; & ෗ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DD7)
ෘ &#3544; &#x0DD8; & ෘ ? Sinhala vowel sign GAETTA-PILLA (U+0DD8)
ෙ &#3545; &#x0DD9; & ෙ ? Sinhala vowel sign KOMBUVA (U+0DD9)
ේ &#3546; &#x0DDA; & ේ ? Sinhala vowel sign DIGA KOMBUVA (U+0DDA)
ෛ &#3547; &#x0DDB; & ෛ ? Sinhala vowel sign KOMBU DEKA (U+0DDB)
ො &#3548; &#x0DDC; & ො ? Sinhala vowel sign KOMBUVA HAA AELA-PILLA (U+0DDC)
ෝ &#3549; &#x0DDD; & ෝ ? Sinhala vowel sign KOMBUVA HAA DIGA AELA-PILLA (U+0DDD)
ෞ &#3550; &#x0DDE; & ෞ ? Sinhala vowel sign KOMBUVA HAA GAYANUKITTA (U+0DDE)
ෟ &#3551; &#x0DDF; & ෟ ? Sinhala vowel sign GAYANUKITTA (U+0DDF)

෠ &#3552; &#x0DE0; & ෠ ? X Sinhala vowel sign KETTI AEDA-PILLA (U+0DE0)
෡ &#3553; &#x0DE1; & ෡ ? X Sinhala vowel sign DIGA AEDA-PILLA (U+0DE1)
෢ &#3554; &#x0DE2; & ෢ ? X Sinhala vowel sign KETTI IS-PILLA (U+0DE2)
෣ &#3555; &#x0DE3; & ෣ ? X Sinhala vowel sign DIGA IS-PILLA (U+0DE3)
෤ &#3556; &#x0DE4; & ෤ ? X Sinhala vowel sign KETTI PAA-PILLA (U+0DE4)
෥ &#3557; &#x0DE5; & ෥ ? Xnot a valid unicode character.
෦ &#3558; &#x0DE6; & ෦ ? X Sinhala vowel sign DIGA PAA-PILLA (U+0DE6)
෧ &#3559; &#x0DE7; & ෧ ? Xnot a valid unicode character.
෨ &#3560; &#x0DE8; & ෨ ? X Sinhala vowel sign GAETTA-PILLA (U+0DE8)
෩ &#3561; &#x0DE9; & ෩ ? X Sinhala vowel sign KOMBUVA (U+0DE9)
෪ &#3562; &#x0DEA; & ෪ ? X Sinhala vowel sign DIGA KOMBUVA (U+0DEA)
෫ &#3563; &#x0DEB; & ෫ ? X Sinhala vowel sign KOMBU DEKA (U+0DEB)
෬ &#3564; &#x0DEC; & ෬ ? X Sinhala vowel sign KOMBUVA HAA AELA-PILLA (U+0DEC)
෭ &#3565; &#x0DED; & ෭ ? X Sinhala vowel sign KOMBUVA HAA DIGA AELA-PILLA (U+0DED)
෮ &#3566; &#x0DEE; & ෮ ? X Sinhala vowel sign KOMBUVA HAA GAYANUKITTA (U+0DEE)
෯ &#3567; &#x0DEF; & ෯ ? X Sinhala vowel sign GAYANUKITTA (U+0DEF)

෰ &#3568; &#x0DF0; & ෰ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DF0)
෱ &#3569; &#x0DF1; & ෱ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DF1)
ෲ &#3570; &#x0DF2; & ෲ ? Sinhala vowel sign DIGA GAETTA-PILLA (U+0DF2)
ෳ &#3571; &#x0DF3; & ෳ ? Sinhala vowel sign DIGA GAYANUKITTA (U+0DF3)
෴ &#3572; &#x0DF4; & ෴ ? Sinhala punctuation KUNDDALIYA (U+0DF4)
෵ &#3573; &#x0DF5; & ෵ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DF5)
෶ &#3574; &#x0DF6; & ෶ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0D6F)
෷ &#3575; &#x0DF7; & ෷ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DF7)
෸ &#3576; &#x0DF8; & ෸ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DF8)
෹ &#3577; &#x0DF9; & ෹ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DF9)
෺ &#3578; &#x0DFA; & ෺ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DFA)
෻ &#3579; &#x0DFB; & ෻ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DFB)
෼ &#3580; &#x0DFC; & ෼ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DFC)
෽ &#3581; &#x0DFD; & ෽ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DFD)
෾ &#3582; &#x0DFE; & ෾ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DFE)
෿ &#3583; &#x0DFF; & ෿ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0DFF)

Thai 0E00
฀ &#3584; &#x0E01; & ฀ ? not a valid unicode character. (U+0E00)
ก &#3585; &#x0E01; & ก ? Thai character KO KAI (U+0E01)
ข &#3586; &#x0E02; & ข ? Thai character KHO KHAI (U+0E02)
ฃ &#3587; &#x0E03; & ฃ ? Thai character KHO KHUAT (U+0E03)
ค &#3588; &#x0E04; & ค ? Thai character KHO KHWAI (U+0E04)
ฅ &#3589; &#x0E05; & ฅ ? Thai character KHO KHON (U+0E05)
ฆ &#3590; &#x0E06; & ฆ ? Thai character KHO RAKHANG (U+0E06)
ง &#3591; &#x0E07; & ง ? Thai character NGO NGU (U+0E07)
จ &#3592; &#x0E08; & จ ? Thai character CHO CHAN (U+0E08)
ฉ &#3593; &#x0E09; & ฉ ? Thai character CHO CHING (U+0E09)
ช &#3594; &#x0E0A; & ช ? Thai character CHO CHANG (U+0E0A)
ซ &#3595; &#x0E0B; & ซ ? Thai character SO SO (U+0E0B)
ฌ &#3596; &#x0E0C; & ฌ ? Thai character CHO CHOE (U+0E0C)
ญ &#3597; &#x0E0D; & ญ ? Thai character YO YING (U+0E0D)
ฎ &#3598; &#x0E0E; & ฎ ? Thai character DO CHADA (U+0E0E)
ฏ &#3599; &#x0E0F; & ฏ ? Thai character TO PATAK (U+0E0F)

ฐ &#3600; &#x0E10; & ฐ ? Thai character THO THAN (U+0E10)
ฑ &#3601; &#x0E11; & ฑ ? Thai character THO NANGMONTHO (U+0E11)
ฒ &#3602; &#x0E12; & ฒ ? Thai character THO PHUTHAO (U+0E12)
ณ &#3603; &#x0E13; & ณ ? Thai character NO NEN (U+0E13)
ด &#3604; &#x0E14; & ด ? Thai character DO DEK (U+0E14)
ต &#3605; &#x0E15; & ต ? Thai character TO TAO (U+0E15)
ถ &#3606; &#x0E16; & ถ ? Thai character THO THUNG (U+0E16)
ท &#3607; &#x0E17; & ท ? Thai character THO THAHAN (U+0E17)
ธ &#3608; &#x0E18; & ธ ? Thai character THO THONG (U+0E18)
น &#3609; &#x0E19; & น ? Thai character NO NU (U+0E19)
บ &#3610; &#x0E1A; & บ ? Thai character BO BAIMAI (U+0E1A)
ป &#3611; &#x0E1B; & ป ? Thai character PO PLA (U+0E1B)
ผ &#3612; &#x0E1C; & ผ ? Thai character PHO PHUNG (U+0E1C)
ฝ &#3613; &#x0E1D; & ฝ ? Thai character FO FA (U+0E1D)
พ &#3614; &#x0E1E; & พ ? Thai character PHO PHAN (U+0E1E)
ฟ &#3615; &#x0E1F; & ฟ ? Thai character FO FAN (U+0E1F)

ภ &#3616; &#x0E20; & ภ ? Thai character PHO SAMPHAO (U+0E20)
ม &#3617; &#x0E21; & ม ? Thai character MO MA (U+0E21)
ย &#3618; &#x0E22; & ย ? Thai character YO YAK (U+0E22)
ร &#3619; &#x0E23; & ร ? Thai character RO RUA (U+0E23)
ฤ &#3620; &#x0E24; & ฤ ? Thai character RU (U+0E24)
ล &#3621; &#x0E25; & ล ? Thai character LO LING (U+0E25)
ฦ &#3622; &#x0E26; & ฦ ? Thai character LU (U+0E26)
ว &#3623; &#x0E27; & ว ? Thai character WO WAEN (U+0E27)
ศ &#3624; &#x0E28; & ศ ? Thai character SO SALA (U+0E28)
ษ &#3625; &#x0E29; & ษ ? Thai character SO RUSI (U+0E29)
ส &#3626; &#x0E2A; & ส ? Thai character SO SUA (U+0E2A)
ห &#3627; &#x0E2B; & ห ? Thai character HO HIP (U+0E2B)
ฬ &#3628; &#x0E2C; & ฬ ? Thai character LO CHULA (U+0E2C)
อ &#3629; &#x0E2D; & อ ? Thai character O ANG (U+0E2D)
ฮ &#3630; &#x0E2E; & ฮ ? Thai character HO NOKHUK (U+0E2E)
ฯ &#3631; &#x0E2F; & ฯ ? Thai character PAIYANNOI (U+0E2F)

ะ &#3632; &#x0E30; & ะ ? Thai character SARA A (U+0E30)
ั &#3633; &#x0E31; & ั ? Thai character MAI HAN-AKAT (U+0E31)
า &#3634; &#x0E32; & า ? Thai character SARA AA (U+0E32)
ำ &#3635; &#x0E33; & ำ ? Thai character SARA AM (U+0E33)
ิ &#3636; &#x0E34; & ิ ? Thai character SARA I (U+0E34)
ี &#3637; &#x0E35; & ี ? Thai character SARA II (U+0E35)
ึ &#3638; &#x0E36; & ึ ? Thai character SARA UE (U+0E36)
ื &#3639; &#x0E37; & ื ? Thai character SARA UEE (U+0E37)
ุ &#3640; &#x0E38; & ุ ? Thai character SARA U (U+0E38)
ู &#3641; &#x0E39; & ู ? Thai character SARA U (U+0E39)
ฺ &#3642; &#x0E3A; & ฺ ? Thai character PHINTHU (U+0E3A)
฻ &#3643; &#x0E3B; & ฻ ? not a valid unicode character.
฼ &#3644; &#x0E3C; & ฼ ? not a valid unicode character.
฽ &#3645; &#x0E3D; & ฽ ? not a valid unicode character.
฾ &#3646; &#x0E3E; & ฾ ? not a valid unicode character.
฿ &#3647; &#x0E3F; & ฿ ? Thai currency symbol BAHT (U+0E3F)

เ &#3648; &#x0E40; & เ ? Thai character SARA E (U+0E40)
แ &#3649; &#x0E41; & แ ? Thai character SARA AE (U+0E41)
โ &#3650; &#x0E42; & โ ? Thai character SARA O (U+0E42)
ใ &#3651; &#x0E43; & ใ ? Thai character SARA AI MAIMUAN (U+0E43)
ไ &#3652; &#x0E44; & ไ ? Thai character SARA AI MAIMALAI (U+0E44)
ๅ &#3653; &#x0E45; & ๅ ? Thai character LAKKHANGYAO (U+0E45)
ๆ &#3654; &#x0E46; & ๆ ? Thai character MAIYAMOK (U+0E46)
็ &#3655; &#x0E47; & ็ ? Thai character MAITAIKHU (U+0E47)
่ &#3656; &#x0E48; & ่ ? Thai character MAI EK (U+0E48)
้ &#3657; &#x0E49; & ้ ? Thai character MAI THO (U+0E49)
๊ &#3658; &#x0E4A; & ๊ ? Thai character MAI TRI (U+0E4A)
๋ &#3659; &#x0E4B; & ๋ ? Thai character MAI CHATTAWA (U+0E4B)
์ &#3660; &#x0E4C; & ์ ? Thai character THANTHAKHAT (U+0E4C)
ํ &#3661; &#x0E4D; & ํ ? Thai character NIKHAHIT (U+0E4D)
๎ &#3662; &#x0E4E; & ๎ ? Thai character YAMAKKAN (U+0E4E)
๏ &#3663; &#x0E4F; & ๏ ? Thai character FONGMAN (U+0E4F)

๐ &#3664; &#x0E50; & ๐ ? Thai digit ZERO (U+0E50)
๑ &#3665; &#x0E51; & ๑ ? Thai digit ONE (U+0E51)
๒ &#3666; &#x0E52; & ๒ ? Thai digit TWO (U+0E52)
๓ &#3667; &#x0E53; & ๓ ? Thai digit THREE (U+0E53)
๔ &#3668; &#x0E54; & ๔ ? Thai digit FOUR (U+0E54)
๕ &#3669; &#x0E55; & ๕ ? Thai digit FIVE (U+0E55)
๖ &#3670; &#x0E56; & ๖ ? Thai digit SIX (U+0E56)
๗ &#3671; &#x0E57; & ๗ ? Thai digit SEVEN (U+0E57)
๘ &#3672; &#x0E58; & ๘ ? Thai digit EIGHT (U+0E58)
๙ &#3673; &#x0E59; & ๙ ? Thai digit NINE (U+0E59)
๚ &#3674; &#x0E5A; & ๚ ? Thai character ANGKHANKHU (U+0E5A)
๛ &#3675; &#x0E5B; & ๛ ? Thai character KHOMUT (U+0E5B)
๜ &#3676; &#x0E5C; & ๜ ? not a valid unicode character.
๝ &#3677; &#x0E5D; & ๝ ? not a valid unicode character.
๞ &#3678; &#x0E5E; & ๞ ? not a valid unicode character.
๟ &#3679; &#x0E5F; & ๟ ? not a valid unicode character.

Lao 0E80
๾ &#3710; &#x0E80; & ๾ ? not a valid unicode character.
ກ &#3713; &#x0E81; & ກ ? Lao letter KO (U+0E81)
ຂ &#3714; &#x0E82; & ຂ ? LAO letter KHO SUNG (U+0E82)
຃ &#3715; &#x0E83; & ຃ ? not a valid unicode character.
ຄ &#3716; &#x0E84; & ຄ ? Lao letter KHO TAM (U+0E84)
຅ &#3717; &#x0E85; & ຅ ? not a valid unicode character.
ຆ &#3718; &#x0E86; & ຆ ? not a valid unicode character.
ງ &#3719; &#x0E87; & ງ ? Lao letter NGO (U+0E87)
ຈ &#3720; &#x0E88; & ຈ ? Lao letter CO (U+0E88)
ຉ &#3721; &#x0E89; & ຉ ? not a valid unicode character.
ຊ &#3722; &#x0E8A; & ຊ ? Lao letter SO TAM (U+0E8A)
຋ &#3723; &#x0E8B; & ຋ ? not a valid unicode character.
ຌ &#3724; &#x0E8C; & ຌ ? not a valid unicode character.
ຍ &#3725; &#x0E8D; & ຍ ? Lao letter NYO (U+0E8D)
ຎ &#3726; &#x0E8E; & ຎ ? not a valid unicode character.
ຏ &#3727; &#x0E8F; & ຏ ? not a valid unicode character.

ຐ &#3728; &#x0E90; & ຐ ? not a valid unicode character.
ຑ &#3729; &#x0E91; & ຑ ? not a valid unicode character.
ຒ &#3731; &#x0E92; & ຒ ? not a valid unicode character.
ຓ &#3730; &#x0E93; & ຓ ? not a valid unicode character.
ດ &#3732; &#x0E94; & ດ ? Lao letter DO (U+0E94)
ຕ &#3733; &#x0E95; & ຕ ? Lao letter TO (U+0E95)
ຖ &#3734; &#x0E96; & ຖ ? Lao letter THO SUNG (U+0E96)
ທ &#3735; &#x0E97; & ທ ? Lao letter THO TAM (U+0E97)
ຘ &#3736; &#x0E98; & ຘ ? not a valid unicode character.
ນ &#3737; &#x0E99; & ນ ? Lao letter NO (U+0E99)
ບ &#3738; &#x0E9A; & ບ ? Lao letter BO (U+0E9A)
ປ &#3739; &#x0E9B; & ປ ? Lao letter PO (U+0E9B)
ຜ &#3740; &#x0E9C; & ຜ ? Lao letter PHO SUNG (U+0E9C)
ຝ &#3741; &#x0E9D; & ຝ ? Lao letter FO TAM (U+0E9D)
ພ &#3742; &#x0E9E; & ພ ? Lao letter PHO TAM (U+0E9E)
ຟ &#3743; &#x0E9F; & ຟ ? Lao letter FO SUNG (U+0E9F)

ຠ &#3744; &#x0EA0; & ຠ ? not a valid unicode character.
ມ &#3745; &#x0EA1; & ມ ? Lao letter MO (U+0EA1)
ຢ &#3746; &#x0EA2; & ຢ ? Lao letter YO (U+0EA2)
ຣ &#3747; &#x0EA3; & ຣ ? Lao letter LO LING (U+0EA3)
຤ &#3748; &#x0EA4; & ຤ ? not a valid unicode character.
ລ &#3749; &#x0EA5; & ລ ? Lao letter LO LOOT (U+0EA5)
຦ &#3750; &#x0EA6; & ຦ ? not a valid unicode character.
ວ &#3751; &#x0EA7; & ວ ? Lao letter WO (U+0EA7)
ຨ &#3752; &#x0EA8; & ຨ ? not a valid unicode character.
ຩ &#3753; &#x0EA9; & ຩ ? not a valid unicode character.
ສ &#3754; &#x0EAA; & ສ ? Lao letter SO SUNG (U+0EAA)
ຫ &#3755; &#x0EAB; & ຫ ? Lao letter HO SUNG (U+0EAB)
ຬ &#3756; &#x0EAC; & ຬ ? not a valid unicode character.
ອ &#3757; &#x0EAD; & ອ ? Lao letter O (U+0EAD)
ຮ &#3758; &#x0EAE; & ຮ ? Lao letter HO TAM (U+0EAE)
ຯ &#3759; &#x0EAF; & ຯ ? Lao ELLIPSIS (U+0EAF)

ະ &#3760; &#x0EB0; & ະ ? Lao vowel sign A (U+0EB0)
ັ &#3761; &#x0EB1; & ັ ? Lao vowel sign MAI KAN (U+0EB1)
າ &#3762; &#x0EB2; & າ ? Lao vowel sign AA (U+0EB2)
ຳ &#3763; &#x0EB3; & ຳ ? Lao vowel sign AM (U+0EB3)
ິ &#3764; &#x0EB4; & ິ ? Lao vowel sign I (U+0EB4)
ີ &#3765; &#x0EB5; & ີ ? Lao vowel sign II (U+0EB5)
ຶ &#3766; &#x0EB6; & ຶ ? Lao vowel sign Y (U+0EB6)
ື &#3767; &#x0EB7; & ື ? Lao vowel sign YY (U+0EB7)
ຸ &#3768; &#x0EB8; & ຸ ? Lao vowel sign U (U+0EB8)
ູ &#3769; &#x0EB9; & ູ ? Lao vowel sign U (U+0EB9)
຺ &#3770; &#x0EBA; & ຺ ? not a valid unicode character.
ົ &#3771; &#x0EBB; & ົ ? Lao vowel sign MAI KON (U+0EBB)
ຼ &#3772; &#x0EBC; & ຼ ? Lao SEMIvowel sign LO (U+0EBC)
ຽ &#3773; &#x0EBD; & ຽ ? Lao SEMIvowel sign NYO (U+0EBD)
຾ &#3774; &#x0EBE; & ຾ ? not a valid unicode character.
຿ &#3775; &#x0EBF; & ຿ ? not a valid unicode character.

ເ &#3776; &#x0EC0; & ເ ? Lao vowel sign E (U+0EC0)
ແ &#3777; &#x0EC1; & ແ ? Lao vowel sign EI (U+0EC1)
ໂ &#3778; &#x0EC2; & ໂ ? Lao vowel sign O (U+0EC2)
ໃ &#3779; &#x0EC3; & ໃ ? Lao vowel sign AY (U+0EC3)
ໄ &#3780; &#x0EC4; & ໄ ? Lao vowel sign AI (U+0EC4)
໅ &#3781; &#x0EC5; & ໅ ? not a valid unicode character.
ໆ &#3782; &#x0EC6; & ໆ ? Lao KO LA (U+0EC6)
໇ &#3783; &#x0EC7; & ໇ ? not a valid unicode character.
່ &#3784; &#x0EC8; & ່ ? Lao tone MAI EK (U+0EC8)
້ &#3785; &#x0EC9; & ້ ? Lao tone MAI THO (U+0EC9)
໊ &#3786; &#x0ECA; & ໊ ? Lao tone MAI TI (U+0ECA)
໋ &#3787; &#x0ECB; & ໋ ? Lao tone MAI CATAWA (U+0ECB)
໌ &#3788; &#x0ECC; & ໌ ? Lao CANCELLATION mark (U+0ECC)
ໍ &#3789; &#x0ECD; & ໍ ? Lao NIGGAHITA (U+0ECD)
໎ &#3790; &#x0ECE; & ໎ ? not a valid unicode character.
໏ &#3791; &#x0ECF; & ໏ ? not a valid unicode character.

໐ &#3792; &#x0ED0; & ໐ ? Lao digit ZERO (U+0ED0)
໑ &#3793; &#x0ED1; & ໑ ? Lao digit ONE (U+0ED1)
໒ &#3794; &#x0ED2; & ໒ ? Lao digit TWO (U+0ED2)
໓ &#3795; &#x0ED3; & ໓ ? Lao digit THREE (U+0ED3)
໔ &#3796; &#x0ED4; & ໔ ? Lao digit FOUR (U+0ED4)
໕ &#3797; &#x0ED5; & ໕ ? Lao digit FIVE (U+0ED5)
໖ &#3798; &#x0ED6; & ໖ ? Lao digit SIX (U+0ED6)
໗ &#3799; &#x0ED7; & ໗ ? Lao digit SEVEN (U+0ED7)
໘ &#3800; &#x0ED8; & ໘ ? Lao digit EIGHT (U+0ED8)
໙ &#3801; &#x0ED9; & ໙ ? Lao digit NINE (U+0ED9)
໚ &#3802; &#x0EDA; & ໚ ? not a valid unicode character.
໛ &#3803; &#x0EDB; & ໛ ? not a valid unicode character.
ໜ &#3804; &#x0EDC; & ໜ ? Lao HO NO (U+0EDC)
ໝ &#3805; &#x0EDD; & ໝ ? Lao HO MO (U+0EDD)
ໞ &#3806; &#x0EDE; & ໞ ? Lao letter KHMU GO (U+0EDE)
ໟ &#3807; &#x0EDF; & ໟ ? Lao letter KHMU NYO (U+0EDF)

Tibetan 0F00
ༀ &#3840; &#x0F00; & ༀ ? Tibetan syllable OM (U+0F00)
༁ &#3841; &#x0F01; & ༁ ? Tibetan mark GTER YIG MGO TRUNCATED A (U+0F01)
༂ &#3842; &#x0F02; & ༂ ? Tibetan mark GTER YIG MGO - (U+M RNAM BCAD MA (U+0F02)
༃ &#3843; &#x0F03; & ༃ ? Tibetan mark GTER YIG MGO - (U+M GTER TSHEG MA (U+0F03)
༄ &#3844; &#x0F04; & ༄ ? Tibetan mark INITIAL YIG MGO MDUN MA (U+0F04)
༅ &#3845; &#x0F05; & ༅ ? Tibetan mark CLOSING YIG MGO SGAB MA (U+0F05)
༆ &#3846; &#x0F06; & ༆ ? Tibetan mark CARET YIG MGO PHUR SHAD MA (U+0F06)
༇ &#3847; &#x0F07; & ༇ ? Tibetan mark YIG MGO TSHEG SHAD MA (U+0F07)
༈ &#3848; &#x0F08; & ༈ ? Tibetan mark SBRUL SHAD (U+0F08)
༉ &#3849; &#x0F09; & ༉ ? Tibetan mark BSKUR YIG MGO (U+0F09)
༊ &#3850; &#x0F0A; & ༊ ? Tibetan mark BKA- SHOG YIG MGO (U+0F0A)
་ &#3851; &#x0F0B; & ་ ? Tibetan mark INTERSYLLABIC TSHEG (U+0F0B)
༌ &#3852; &#x0F0C; & ༌ ? Tibetan mark DELIMITER TSHEG BSTAR (U+0F0C)
། &#3853; &#x0F0D; & ། ? Tibetan mark SHAD (U+0F0D)
༎ &#3854; &#x0F0E; & ༎ ? Tibetan mark NYIS SHAD (U+0F0E)
༏ &#3855; &#x0F0F; & ༏ ? Tibetan mark TSHEG SHAD (U+0F0F)

༐ &#3856; &#x0F10; & ༐ ? Tibetan mark NYIS TSHEG SHAD (U+0F10)
༑ &#3857; &#x0F11; & ༑ ? Tibetan mark RIN CHEN SPUNGS SHAD (U+0F11)
༒ &#3858; &#x0F12; & ༒ ? Tibetan mark RGYA GRAM SHAD (U+0F12)
༓ &#3859; &#x0F13; & ༓ ? Tibetan mark CARET -DZUD RTAGS ME long CAN (U+0F13)
༔ &#3860; &#x0F14; & ༔ ? Tibetan mark GTER TSHEG (U+0F14)
༕ &#3861; &#x0F15; & ༕ ? Tibetan LOGOTYPE sign CHAD RTAGS (U+0F15)
༖ &#3862; &#x0F16; & ༖ ? Tibetan LOGOTYPE sign LHAG RTAGS (U+0F16)
༗ &#3863; &#x0F17; & ༗ ? Tibetan ASTROLOGICAL sign SGRA GCAN -CHAR RTAGS (U+0F17)
༘ &#3864; &#x0F18; & ༘ ? Tibetan ASTROLOGICAL sign -KHYUD PA (U+0F18)
༙ &#3865; &#x0F19; & ༙ ? Tibetan ASTROLOGICAL sign SDONG TSHUGS (U+0F19)
༚ &#3866; &#x0F1A; & ༚ ? Tibetan sign RDEL DKAR GCIG (U+0F1A)
༛ &#3867; &#x0F1B; & ༛ ? Tibetan sign RDEL DKAR GNYIS (U+0F1B)
༜ &#3868; &#x0F1C; & ༜ ? Tibetan sign RDEL DKAR GSUM (U+0F1C)
༝ &#3869; &#x0F1D; & ༝ ? Tibetan sign RDEL NAG GCIG (U+0F1D)
༞ &#3870; &#x0F1E; & ༞ ? Tibetan sign RDEL NAG GNYIS (U+0F1E)
༟ &#3871; &#x0F1F; & ༟ ? Tibetan sign RDEL DKAR RDEL NAG (U+0F1F)

༠ &#3872; &#x0F20; & ༠ ? Tibetan digit ZERO (U+0F20)
༡ &#3873; &#x0F21; & ༡ ? Tibetan digit ONE (U+0F21)
༢ &#3874; &#x0F22; & ༢ ? Tibetan digit TWO (U+0F22)
༣ &#3875; &#x0F23; & ༣ ? Tibetan digit THREE (U+0F23)
༤ &#3876; &#x0F24; & ༤ ? Tibetan digit FOUR (U+0F24)
༥ &#3877; &#x0F25; & ༥ ? Tibetan digit FIVE (U+0F25)
༦ &#3878; &#x0F26; & ༦ ? Tibetan digit SIX (U+0F26)
༧ &#3879; &#x0F27; & ༧ ? Tibetan digit SEVEN (U+0F27)
༨ &#3880; &#x0F28; & ༨ ? Tibetan digit EIGHT (U+0F28)
༩ &#3881; &#x0F29; & ༩ ? Tibetan digit NINE (U+0F29)
༪ &#3882; &#x0F2A; & ༪ ? Tibetan digit half ONE (U+0F2A)
༫ &#3883; &#x0F2B; & ༫ ? Tibetan digit half TWO (U+0F2B)
༬ &#3884; &#x0F2C; & ༬ ? Tibetan digit half THREE (U+0F2C)
༭ &#3885; &#x0F2D; & ༭ ? Tibetan digit half FOUR (U+0F2D)
༮ &#3886; &#x0F2E; & ༮ ? Tibetan digit half FIVE (U+0F2E)
༯ &#3887; &#x0F2F; & ༯ ? Tibetan digit half SIX (U+0F2F)

༰ &#3888; &#x0F30; & ༰ ? Tibetan digit half SEVEN (U+0F30)
༱ &#3889; &#x0F31; & ༱ ? Tibetan digit half EIGHT (U+0F31)
༲ &#3890; &#x0F32; & ༲ ? Tibetan digit half NINE (U+0F32)
༳ &#3891; &#x0F33; & ༳ ? Tibetan digit half ZERO (U+0F33)
༴ &#3892; &#x0F34; & ༴ ? Tibetan mark BSDUS RTAGS (U+0F34)
༵ &#3893; &#x0F35; & ༵ ? Tibetan mark NGAS BZUNG NYI ZLA (U+0F35)
༶ &#3894; &#x0F36; & ༶ ? Tibetan mark CARET -DZUD RTAGS BZHI MIG CAN (U+0F36)
༷ &#3895; &#x0F37; & ༷ ? Tibetan mark NGAS BZUNG SGOR RTAGS (U+0F37)
༸ &#3896; &#x0F38; & ༸ ? Tibetan mark CHE MGO (U+0F38)
༹ &#3897; &#x0F39; & ༹ ? Tibetan mark TSA -PHRU (U+0F39)
༺ &#3898; &#x0F3A; & ༺ ? Tibetan mark GUG RTAGS GYON (U+0F3A)
༻ &#3899; &#x0F3B; & ༻ ? Tibetan mark GUG RTAGS GYAS (U+0F3B)
༼ &#3900; &#x0F3C; & ༼ ? Tibetan mark ANG KHANG GYON (U+0F3C)
༽ &#3901; &#x0F3D; & ༽ ? Tibetan mark ANG KHANG GYAS (U+0F3D)
༾ &#3902; &#x0F3E; & ༾ ? Tibetan sign YAR TSHES (U+0F3E)
༿ &#3903; &#x0F3F; & ༿ ? Tibetan sign MAR TSHES (U+0F3F)

ཀ &#3904; &#x0F40; & ཀ ? Tibetan letter KA (U+0F40)
ཁ &#3905; &#x0F41; & ཁ ? Tibetan letter KHA (U+0F41)
ག &#3906; &#x0F42; & ག ? Tibetan letter GA (U+0F42)
གྷ &#3907; &#x0F43; & གྷ ? Tibetan letter GHA (U+0F43)
ང &#3908; &#x0F44; & ང ? Tibetan letter NGA (U+0F44)
ཅ &#3909; &#x0F45; & ཅ ? Tibetan letter CA (U+0F45)
ཆ &#3910; &#x0F46; & ཆ ? Tibetan letter CHA (U+0F46)
ཇ &#3911; &#x0F47; & ཇ ? Tibetan letter JA (U+0F47)
཈ &#3912; &#x0F48; & ཈ ? not a valid unicode character.
ཉ &#3913; &#x0F49; & ཉ ? Tibetan letter NYA (U+0F49)
ཊ &#3914; &#x0F4A; & ཊ ? Tibetan letter TTA (U+0F4A)
ཋ &#3915; &#x0F4B; & ཋ ? Tibetan letter TTHA (U+0F4B)
ཌ &#3916; &#x0F4C; & ཌ ? Tibetan letter DDA (U+0F4C)
ཌྷ &#3917; &#x0F4D; & ཌྷ ? Tibetan letter DDHA (U+0F4D)
ཎ &#3918; &#x0F4E; & ཎ ? Tibetan letter NNA (U+0F4E)
ཏ &#3919; &#x0F4F; & ཏ ? Tibetan letter TA (U+0F4F)

ཐ &#3920; &#x0F50; & ཐ ? Tibetan letter THA (U+0F50)
ད &#3921; &#x0F51; & ད ? Tibetan letter DA (U+0F51)
དྷ &#3922; &#x0F52; & དྷ ? Tibetan letter DHA (U+0F52)
ན &#3923; &#x0F53; & ན ? Tibetan letter NA (U+0F53)
པ &#3924; &#x0F54; & པ ? Tibetan letter PA (U+0F54)
ཕ &#3925; &#x0F55; & ཕ ? Tibetan letter PHA (U+0F55)
བ &#3926; &#x0F56; & བ ? Tibetan letter BA (U+0F56)
བྷ &#3927; &#x0F57; & བྷ ? Tibetan letter BHA (U+0F57)
མ &#3928; &#x0F58; & མ ? Tibetan letter MA (U+0F58)
ཙ &#3929; &#x0F59; & ཙ ? Tibetan letter TSA (U+0F59)
ཚ &#3930; &#x0F5A; & ཚ ? Tibetan letter TSHA (U+0F5A)
ཛ &#3931; &#x0F5B; & ཛ ? Tibetan letter DZA (U+0F5B)
ཛྷ &#3932; &#x0F5C; & ཛྷ ? Tibetan letter DZHA (U+0F5C)
ཝ &#3933; &#x0F5D; & ཝ ? Tibetan letter WA (U+0F5D)
ཞ &#3934; &#x0F5E; & ཞ ? Tibetan letter ZHA (U+0F5E)
ཟ &#3935; &#x0F5F; & ཟ ? Tibetan letter ZA (U+0F5F)

འ &#3936; &#x0F60; & འ ? Tibetan letter -A (U+0F60)
ཡ &#3937; &#x0F61; & ཡ ? Tibetan letter YA (U+0F61)
ར &#3938; &#x0F62; & ར ? Tibetan letter RA (U+0F62)
ལ &#3939; &#x0F63; & ལ ? Tibetan letter LA (U+0F63)
ཤ &#3940; &#x0F64; & ཤ ? Tibetan letter SHA (U+0F64)
ཥ &#3941; &#x0F65; & ཥ ? Tibetan letter SSA (U+0F65)
ས &#3942; &#x0F66; & ས ? Tibetan letter SA (U+0F66)
ཧ &#3943; &#x0F67; & ཧ ? Tibetan letter HA (U+0F67)
ཨ &#3944; &#x0F68; & ཨ ? Tibetan letter A (U+0F68)
ཀྵ &#3945; &#x0F69; & ཀྵ ? Tibetan letter KSSA (U+0F69)
ཪ &#3946; &#x0F6A; & ཪ ? Tibetan letter FIXED-FORM RA (U+0F6A)
ཫ &#3947; &#x0F6B; & ཫ ? Tibetan letter KKA (U+0F6B)
ཬ &#3948; &#x0F6C; & ཬ ? Tibetan letter RRA (U+0F6C)
཭ &#3949; &#x0F6D; & ཭ ? not a valid unicode character.
཮ &#3950; &#x0F6E; & ཮ ? not a valid unicode character.
཯ &#3951; &#x0F6F; & ཯ ? not a valid unicode character.

཰ &#3952; &#x0F70; & ཰ ? Tibetan vowel sign AA (U+0F71)
ཱི &#3955; &#x0F71; & ཱི ? Tibetan vowel sign AA (U+0F71)
ི &#3954; &#x0F72; & ི ? Tibetan vowel sign I (U+0F72)
ཱི &#3955; &#x0F73; & ཱི ? Tibetan vowel sign II (U+0F73)
ུ &#3956; &#x0F74; & ུ ? Tibetan vowel sign U (U+0F74)
ཱུ &#3957; &#x0F75; & ཱུ ? Tibetan vowel sign U (U+0F75)
ྲྀ &#3958; &#x0F76; & ྲྀ ? Tibetan vowel sign vocalic R (U+0F76)
ཷ &#3959; &#x0F77; & ཷ ? Tibetan vowel sign vocalic RR (U+0F77)
ླྀ &#3960; &#x0F78; & ླྀ ? Tibetan vowel sign vocalic L (U+0F78)
ཹ &#3961; &#x0F79; & ཹ ? Tibetan vowel sign vocalic LL (U+0F79)
ེ &#3962; &#x0F7A; & ེ ? Tibetan vowel sign E (U+0F7A)
ཻ &#3963; &#x0F7B; & ཻ ? Tibetan vowel sign EE (U+0F7B)
ོ &#3964; &#x0F7C; & ོ ? Tibetan vowel sign O (U+0F7C)
ཽ &#3965; &#x0F7D; & ཽ ? Tibetan vowel sign OO (U+0F7D)
ཾ &#3966; &#x0F7E; & ཾ ? Tibetan sign RJES SU NGA RO (U+0F7E)
ཿ &#3967; &#x0F7F; & ཿ ? Tibetan sign RNAM BCAD (U+0F7F)

ྀ &#3968; &#x0F80; & ྀ ? Tibetan vowel sign reversed I (U+0F80)
ཱྀ &#3969; &#x0F81; & ཱྀ ? Tibetan vowel sign reversed II (U+0F81)
ྂ &#3970; &#x0F82; & ྂ ? Tibetan sign NYI ZLA NAA DA (U+0F82)
ྃ &#3971; &#x0F83; & ྃ ? Tibetan sign SNA LDAN (U+0F83)
྄ &#3972; &#x0F84; & ྄ ? Tibetan mark HALANTA (U+0F84)
྅ &#3973; &#x0F85; & ྅ ? Tibetan mark PALUTA (U+0F85)
྆ &#3974; &#x0F86; & ྆ ? Tibetan sign LCI RTAGS (U+0F86)
྇ &#3975; &#x0F87; & ྇ ? Tibetan sign YANG RTAGS (U+0F87)
ྈ &#3976; &#x0F88; & ྈ ? Tibetan sign LCE TSA CAN (U+0F88)
ྉ &#3977; &#x0F89; & ྉ ? Tibetan sign MCHU CAN (U+0F89)
ྊ &#3978; &#x0F8A; & ྊ ? Tibetan sign GRU CAN RGYINGS (U+0F8A)
ྋ &#3979; &#x0F8B; & ྋ ? Tibetan sign GRU MED RGYINGS (U+0F8B)
ྌ &#3980; &#x0F8C; & ྌ ? Tibetan sign inverted MCHU CAN (U+0F8C)
ྍ &#3981; &#x0F8D; & ྍ ? Tibetan subjoined sign LCE TSA CAN (U+0F8D)
ྎ &#3982; &#x0F8E; & ྎ ? Tibetan subjoined sign MCHU CAN (U+0F8E)
ྏ &#3983; &#x0F8F; & ྏ ? Tibetan subjoined sign inverted MCHU CAN (U+0F8F)

ྐ &#3984; &#x0F90; & ྐ ? Tibetan subjoined letter KA (U+0F90)
ྑ &#3985; &#x0F91; & ྑ ? Tibetan subjoined letter KHA (U+0F91)
ྒ &#3986; &#x0F92; & ྒ ? Tibetan subjoined letter GA (U+0F92)
ྒྷ &#3987; &#x0F93; & ྒྷ ? Tibetan subjoined letter GHA (U+0F93)
ྔ &#3988; &#x0F94; & ྔ ? Tibetan subjoined letter NGA (U+0F94)
ྕ &#3989; &#x0F95; & ྕ ? Tibetan subjoined letter CA (U+0F95)
ྖ &#3990; &#x0F96; & ྖ ? Tibetan subjoined letter CHA (U+0F96)
ྗ &#3991; &#x0F97; & ྗ ? Tibetan subjoined letter JA (U+0F97)
྘ &#3992; &#x0F98; & ྘ ? not a valid unicode character.
ྙ &#3993; &#x0F99; & ྙ ? Tibetan subjoined letter NYA (U+0F99)
ྚ &#3994; &#x0F9A; & ྚ ? Tibetan subjoined letter TTA (U+0F9A)
ྛ &#3995; &#x0F9B; & ྛ ? Tibetan subjoined letter TTHA (U+0F9B)
ྜ &#3996; &#x0F9C; & ྜ ? Tibetan subjoined letter DDA (U+0F9C)
ྜྷ &#3997; &#x0F9D; & ྜྷ ? Tibetan subjoined letter DDHA (U+0F9D)
ྞ &#3998; &#x0F9E; & ྞ ? Tibetan subjoined letter NNA (U+0F9E)
ྟ &#3999; &#x0F9F; & ྟ ? Tibetan subjoined letter TA (U+0F9F)

ྠ &#4000; &#x0FA0; & ྠ ? Tibetan subjoined letter THA (U+0FA0)
ྡ &#4001; &#x0FA1; & ྡ ? Tibetan subjoined letter DA (U+0FA1)
ྡྷ &#4002; &#x0FA2; & ྡྷ ? Tibetan subjoined letter DHA (U+0FA2)
ྣ &#4003; &#x0FA3; & ྣ ? Tibetan subjoined letter NA (U+0FA3)
ྤ &#4004; &#x0FA4; & ྤ ? Tibetan subjoined letter PA (U+0FA4)
ྥ &#4005; &#x0FA5; & ྥ ? Tibetan subjoined letter PHA (U+0FA5)
ྦ &#4006; &#x0FA6; & ྦ ? Tibetan subjoined letter BA (U+0FA6)
ྦྷ &#4007; &#x0FA7; & ྦྷ ? Tibetan subjoined letter BHA (U+0FA7)
ྨ &#4008; &#x0FA8; & ྨ ? Tibetan subjoined letter MA (U+0FA8)
ྩ &#4009; &#x0FA9; & ྩ ? Tibetan subjoined letter TSA (U+0FA9)
ྪ &#4010; &#x0FAA; & ྪ ? Tibetan subjoined letter TSHA (U+0FAA)
ྫ &#4011; &#x0FAB; & ྫ ? Tibetan subjoined letter DZA (U+0FAB)
ྫྷ &#4012; &#x0FAC; & ྫྷ ? Tibetan subjoined letter DZHA (U+0FAC)
ྭ &#4013; &#x0FAD; & ྭ ? Tibetan subjoined letter WA (U+0FAD)
ྮ &#4014; &#x0FAE; & ྮ ? Tibetan subjoined letter ZHA (U+0FAE)
ྯ &#4015; &#x0FAF; & ྯ ? Tibetan subjoined letter ZA (U+0FAF)

ྰ &#4016; &#x0FB0; & ྰ ? Tibetan subjoined letter -A (U+0FB0)
ྱ &#4017; &#x0FB1; & ྱ ? Tibetan subjoined letter YA (U+0FB1)
ྲ &#4018; &#x0FB2; & ྲ ? Tibetan subjoined letter RA (U+0FB2)
ླ &#4019; &#x0FB3; & ླ ? Tibetan subjoined letter LA (U+0FB3)
ྴ &#4020; &#x0FB4; & ྴ ? Tibetan subjoined letter SHA (U+0FB4)
ྵ &#4021; &#x0FB5; & ྵ ? Tibetan subjoined letter SSA (U+0FB5)
ྶ &#4022; &#x0FB6; & ྶ ? Tibetan subjoined letter SA (U+0FB6)
ྷ &#4023; &#x0FB7; & ྷ ? Tibetan subjoined letter HA (U+0FB7)
ྸ &#4024; &#x0FB8; & ྸ ? Tibetan subjoined letter A (U+0FB8)
ྐྵ &#4025; &#x0FB9; & ྐྵ ? Tibetan subjoined letter KSSA (U+0FB9)
ྺ &#4026; &#x0FBA; & ྺ ? Tibetan subjoined letter FIXED-FORM WA (U+0FBA)
ྻ &#4027; &#x0FBB; & ྻ ? Tibetan subjoined letter FIXED-FORM YA (U+0FBB)
ྼ &#4028; &#x0FBC; & ྼ ? Tibetan subjoined letter FIXED-FORM RA (U+0FBC)
྽ &#4029; &#x0FBD; & ྽ ? not a valid unicode character.
྾ &#4030; &#x0FBE; & ྾ ? Tibetan KU RU KHA (U+0FBE)
྿ &#4031; &#x0FBF; & ྿ ? Tibetan KU RU KHA BZHI MIG CAN (U+0FBF)

࿀ &#4032; &#x0FC0; & ࿀ ? Tibetan cantillation sign HEAVY BEAT (U+0FC0)
࿁ &#4033; &#x0FC1; & ࿁ ? Tibetan cantillation sign LIGHT BEAT (U+0FC1)
࿂ &#4034; &#x0FC2; & ࿂ ? Tibetan cantillation sign CANG TE- U (U+0FC2)
࿃ &#4035; &#x0FC3; & ࿃ ? Tibetan cantillation sign SBUB -CHAL (U+0FC3)
࿄ &#4036; &#x0FC4; & ࿄ ? Tibetan symbol DRIL BU (U+0FC4)
࿅ &#4037; &#x0FC5; & ࿅ ? Tibetan symbol RDO RJE (U+0FC5)
࿆ &#4038; &#x0FC6; & ࿆ ? Tibetan symbol PADMA GDAN (U+0FC6)
࿇ &#4039; &#x0FC7; & ࿇ ? Tibetan symbol RDO RJE RGYA GRAM (U+0FC7)
࿈ &#4040; &#x0FC8; & ࿈ ? Tibetan symbol PHUR PA (U+0FC8)
࿉ &#4041; &#x0FC9; & ࿉ ? Tibetan symbol NOR BU (U+0FC9)
࿊ &#4042; &#x0FCA; & ࿊ ? Tibetan symbol NOR BU NYIS -KHYIL (U+0FCA)
࿋ &#4043; &#x0FCB; & ࿋ ? Tibetan symbol NOR BU GSUM -KHYIL (U+0FCB)
࿌ &#4044; &#x0FCC; & ࿌ ? Tibetan symbol NOR BU BZHI -KHYIL (U+0FCC)
࿍ &#4045; &#x0FCD; & ࿍ ? not a valid unicode character.
࿎ &#4046; &#x0FCE; & ࿎ ? Tibetan sign RDEL NAG RDEL DKAR (U+0FCE)
࿏ &#4047; &#x0FCF; & ࿏ ? Tibetan sign RDEL NAG GSUM (U+0FCF)

࿐ &#4048; &#x0FD0; & ࿐ ? Tibetan mark BSKA- SHOG GI MGO RGYAN (U+0FD0)
࿑ &#4049; &#x0FD1; & ࿑ ? Tibetan mark MNYAM YIG GI MGO RGYAN (U+0FD1)
࿒ &#4050; &#x0FD2; & ࿒ ? Tibetan mark NYIS TSHEG (U+0FD2)
࿓ &#4051; &#x0FD3; & ࿓ ? Tibetan mark INITIAL BRDA RNYING YIG MGO MDUN MA (U+0FD3)
࿔ &#4052; &#x0FD4; & ࿔ ? Tibetan mark CLOSING BRDA RNYING YIG MGO SGAB MA (U+0FD4)
࿕ &#4053; &#x0FD5; & ࿕ ? right-facing SVASTI sign (U+0FD5)
࿖ &#4054; &#x0FD6; & ࿖ ? left-facing SVASTI sign (U+0FD6)
࿗ &#4055; &#x0FD7; & ࿗ ? right-facing SVASTI sign with dots (U+0FD7)
࿘ &#4056; &#x0FD8; & ࿘ ? left-facing SVASTI sign with dots (U+0FD8)
࿙ &#4057; &#x0FD9; & ࿙ ? Tibetan mark leading MCHAN RTAGS (U+0FD9)
࿚ &#4058; &#x0FDA; & ࿚ ? Tibetan mark trailing MCHAN RTAGS (U+0FDA)
࿛ &#4059; &#x0FDB; & ࿛ ? not a valid unicode character.
࿜ &#4060; &#x0FDC; & ࿜ ? not a valid unicode character.
࿝ &#4061; &#x0FDD; & ࿝ ? not a valid unicode character.
࿞ &#4062; &#x0FDE; & ࿞ ? not a valid unicode character.
࿟ &#4063; &#x0FDF; & ࿟ ? not a valid unicode character.

Myanmar 1000
က &#4096; &#x1000; & က ? Myanmar letter KA (U+1000)
ခ &#4097; &#x1001; & ခ ? Myanmar letter KHA (U+1001)
ဂ &#4098; &#x1002; & ဂ ? Myanmar letter GA (U+1002)
ဃ &#4099; &#x1003; & ဃ ? Myanmar letter GHA (U+1003)
င &#4100; &#x1004; & င ? Myanmar letter NGA (U+1004)
စ &#4101; &#x1005; & စ ? Myanmar letter CA (U+1005)
ဆ &#4102; &#x1006; & ဆ ? Myanmar letter CHA (U+1006)
ဇ &#4103; &#x1007; & ဇ ? Myanmar letter JA (U+1007)
ဈ &#4104; &#x1008; & ဈ ? Myanmar letter JHA (U+1008)
ဉ &#4105; &#x1009; & ဉ ? Myanmar letter NYA (U+1009)
ည &#4106; &#x100A; & ည ? Myanmar letter NNYA (U+100A)
ဋ &#4107; &#x100B; & ဋ ? Myanmar letter TTA (U+100B)
ဌ &#4108; &#x100C; & ဌ ? Myanmar letter TTHA (U+100C)
ဍ &#4109; &#x100D; & ဍ ? Myanmar letter DDA (U+100D)
ဎ &#4110; &#x100E; & ဎ ? Myanmar letter DDHA (U+100E)
ဏ &#4111; &#x100F; & ဏ ? Myanmar letter NNA (U+100F)

တ &#4112; &#x1010; & တ ? Myanmar letter TA (U+1010)
ထ &#4113; &#x1011; & ထ ? Myanmar letter THA (U+1011)
ဒ &#4114; &#x1012; & ဒ ? Myanmar letter DA (U+1012)
ဓ &#4115; &#x1013; & ဓ ? Myanmar letter DHA (U+1013)
န &#4116; &#x1014; & န ? Myanmar letter NA (U+1014)
ပ &#4117; &#x1015; & ပ ? Myanmar letter PA (U+1015)
ဖ &#4118; &#x1016; & ဖ ? Myanmar letter PHA (U+1016)
ဗ &#4119; &#x1017; & ဗ ? Myanmar letter BA (U+1017)
ဘ &#4120; &#x1018; & ဘ ? Myanmar letter BHA (U+1018)
မ &#4121; &#x1019; & မ ? Myanmar letter MA (U+1019)
ယ &#4122; &#x101A; & ယ ? Myanmar letter YA (U+101A)
ရ &#4123; &#x101B; & ရ ? Myanmar letter RA (U+101B)
လ &#4124; &#x101C; & လ ? Myanmar letter LA (U+101C)
ဝ &#4125; &#x101D; & ဝ ? Myanmar letter WA (U+101D)
သ &#4126; &#x101E; & သ ? Myanmar letter SA (U+101E)
ဟ &#4127; &#x101F; & ဟ ? Myanmar letter HA (U+101F)

ဠ &#4128; &#x1020; & ဠ ? Myanmar letter LLA (U+1020)
အ &#4129; &#x1021; & အ ? Myanmar letter A (U+1021)
ဢ &#4130; &#x1022; & ဢ ? Myanmar letter SHAN A (U+1022)
ဣ &#4131; &#x1023; & ဣ ? Myanmar letter I (U+1023)
ဤ &#4132; &#x1024; & ဤ ? Myanmar letter II (U+1024)
ဥ &#4133; &#x1025; & ဥ ? Myanmar letter U (U+1025)
ဦ &#4134; &#x1026; & ဦ ? Myanmar letter U (U+1026)
ဧ &#4135; &#x1027; & ဧ ? Myanmar letter E (U+1027)
ဨ &#4136; &#x1028; & ဨ ? Myanmar letter MON E (U+1028)
ဩ &#4137; &#x1029; & ဩ ? Myanmar letter O (U+1029)
ဪ &#4138; &#x102A; & ဪ ? Myanmar letter AU (U+102A)
ါ &#4139; &#x102B; & ါ ? Myanmar vowel sign TALL AA (U+102B)
ာ &#4140; &#x102C; & ာ ? Myanmar vowel sign AA (U+102C)
ိ &#4141; &#x102D; & ိ ? Myanmar vowel sign I (U+102D)
ီ &#4142; &#x102E; & ီ ? Myanmar vowel sign II (U+102E)
ု &#4143; &#x102F; & ု ? Myanmar vowel sign U (U+102F)

ူ &#4144; &#x1030; & ူ ? Myanmar vowel sign U (U+1030)
ေ &#4145; &#x1031; & ေ ? Myanmar vowel sign E (U+1031)
ဲ &#4146; &#x1032; & ဲ ? Myanmar vowel sign AI (U+1032)
ဳ &#4147; &#x1033; & ဳ ? Myanmar vowel sign MON II (U+1033)
ဴ &#4148; &#x1034; & ဴ ? Myanmar vowel sign MON O (U+1034)
ဵ &#4149; &#x1035; & ဵ ? Myanmar vowel sign E above (U+1035)
ံ &#4150; &#x1036; & ံ ? Myanmar sign ANUSVARA (U+1036)
့ &#4151; &#x1037; & ့ ? Myanmar sign dot below (U+1037)
း &#4152; &#x1038; & း ? Myanmar sign VISARGA (U+1038)
္ &#4153; &#x1039; & ္ ? Myanmar sign VIRAMA (U+1039)
် &#4154; &#x103A; & ် ? Myanmar sign ASAT (U+103A)
ျ &#4155; &#x103B; & ျ ? Myanmar consonant sign medial YA (U+103B)
ြ &#4156; &#x103C; & ြ ? Myanmar consonant sign medial RA (U+103C)
ွ &#4157; &#x103D; & ွ ? Myanmar consonant sign medial WA (U+103D)
ှ &#4158; &#x103E; & ှ ? Myanmar consonant sign medial HA (U+103E)
ဿ &#4159; &#x103F; & ဿ ? Myanmar letter GREAT SA (U+103F)

၀ &#4160; &#x1040; & ၀ ? Myanmar digit ZERO (U+1040)
၁ &#4161; &#x1041; & ၁ ? Myanmar digit ONE (U+1041)
၂ &#4162; &#x1042; & ၂ ? Myanmar digit TWO (U+1042)
၃ &#4163; &#x1043; & ၃ ? Myanmar digit THREE (U+1043)
၄ &#4164; &#x1044; & ၄ ? Myanmar digit FOUR (U+1044)
၅ &#4165; &#x1045; & ၅ ? Myanmar digit FIVE (U+1045)
၆ &#4166; &#x1046; & ၆ ? Myanmar digit SIX (U+1046)
၇ &#4167; &#x1047; & ၇ ? Myanmar digit SEVEN (U+1047)
၈ &#4168; &#x1048; & ၈ ? Myanmar digit EIGHT (U+1048)
၉ &#4169; &#x1049; & ၉ ? Myanmar digit NINE (U+1049)
၊ &#4170; &#x104A; & ၊ ? Myanmar sign little SECTION (U+104A)
။ &#4171; &#x104B; & ။ ? Myanmar sign SECTION (U+104B)
၌ &#4172; &#x104C; & ၌ ? Myanmar symbol LOCATIVE (U+104C)
၍ &#4173; &#x104D; & ၍ ? Myanmar symbol COMPLETED (U+104D)
၎ &#4174; &#x104E; & ၎ ? Myanmar symbol AFOREMENTIONED (U+104E)
၏ &#4175; &#x104F; & ၏ ? Myanmar symbol GENITIVE (U+104F)

ၐ &#4176; &#x1050; & ၐ ? Myanmar letter SHA (U+1050)
ၑ &#4177; &#x1051; & ၑ ? Myanmar letter SSA (U+1051)
ၒ &#4178; &#x1052; & ၒ ? Myanmar letter vocalic R (U+1052)
ၓ &#4179; &#x1053; & ၓ ? Myanmar letter vocalic RR (U+1053)
ၔ &#4180; &#x1054; & ၔ ? Myanmar letter vocalic L (U+1054)
ၕ &#4181; &#x1055; & ၕ ? Myanmar letter vocalic LL (U+1055)
ၖ &#4182; &#x1056; & ၖ ? Myanmar vowel sign vocalic R (U+1056)
ၗ &#4183; &#x1057; & ၗ ? Myanmar vowel sign vocalic RR (U+1057)
ၘ &#4184; &#x1058; & ၘ ? Myanmar vowel sign vocalic L (U+1058)
ၙ &#4185; &#x1059; & ၙ ? Myanmar vowel sign vocalic LL (U+1059)
ၚ &#4186; &#x105A; & ၚ ? Myanmar letter MON NGA (U+105A)
ၛ &#4187; &#x105B; & ၛ ? Myanmar letter MON JHA (U+105B)
ၜ &#4188; &#x105C; & ၜ ? Myanmar letter MON BBA (U+105C)
ၝ &#4189; &#x105D; & ၝ ? Myanmar letter MON BBE (U+105D)
ၞ &#4190; &#x105E; & ၞ ? Myanmar consonant sign MON medial NA (U+105E)
ၟ &#4191; &#x105F; & ၟ ? Myanmar consonant sign MON medial MA (U+105F)

ၠ &#4192; &#x1060; & ၠ ? Myanmar consonant sign MON medial LA (U+1060)
ၡ &#4193; &#x1061; & ၡ ? Myanmar letter SGAW KAREN SHA (U+1061)
ၢ &#4194; &#x1062; & ၢ ? Myanmar vowel sign SGAW KAREN EU (U+1062)
ၣ &#4195; &#x1063; & ၣ ? Myanmar tone mark SGAW KAREN HATHI (U+1063)
ၤ &#4196; &#x1064; & ၤ ? Myanmar tone mark SGAW KAREN KE PHO (U+1064)
ၥ &#4197; &#x1065; & ၥ ? Myanmar letter WESTERN PWO KAREN THA (U+1065)
ၦ &#4198; &#x1066; & ၦ ? Myanmar letter WESTERN PWO KAREN PWA (U+1066)
ၧ &#4199; &#x1067; & ၧ ? Myanmar vowel sign WESTERN PWO KAREN EU (U+1067)
ၨ &#4200; &#x1068; & ၨ ? Myanmar vowel sign WESTERN PWO KAREN UE (U+1068)
ၩ &#4201; &#x1069; & ၩ ? Myanmar sign WESTERN PWO KAREN tone-1 (U+1069)
ၪ &#4202; &#x106A; & ၪ ? Myanmar sign WESTERN PWO KAREN tone-2 (U+106A)
ၫ &#4203; &#x106B; & ၫ ? Myanmar sign WESTERN PWO KAREN tone-3 (U+106B)
ၬ &#4204; &#x106C; & ၬ ? Myanmar sign WESTERN PWO KAREN tone-4 (U+106C)
ၭ &#4205; &#x106D; & ၭ ? Myanmar sign WESTERN PWO KAREN tone-5 (U+106D)
ၮ &#4206; &#x106E; & ၮ ? Myanmar letter EASTERN PWO KAREN NNA (U+106E)
ၯ &#4207; &#x106F; & ၯ ? Myanmar letter EASTERN PWO KAREN YWA (U+106F)

ၰ &#4208; &#x1070; & ၰ ? Myanmar letter EASTERN PWO KAREN GHWA (U+1070)
ၱ &#4209; &#x1071; & ၱ ? Myanmar vowel sign GEBA KAREN I (U+1071)
ၲ &#4210; &#x1072; & ၲ ? Myanmar vowel sign KAYAH OE (U+1072)
ၳ &#4211; &#x1073; & ၳ ? Myanmar vowel sign KAYAH U (U+1073)
ၴ &#4212; &#x1074; & ၴ ? Myanmar vowel sign KAYAH EE (U+1074)
ၵ &#4213; &#x1075; & ၵ ? Myanmar letter SHAN KA (U+1075)
ၶ &#4214; &#x1076; & ၶ ? Myanmar letter SHAN KHA (U+1076)
ၷ &#4215; &#x1077; & ၷ ? Myanmar letter SHAN GA (U+1077)
ၸ &#4216; &#x1078; & ၸ ? Myanmar letter SHAN CA (U+1078)
ၹ &#4217; &#x1079; & ၹ ? Myanmar letter SHAN ZA (U+1079)
ၺ &#4218; &#x107A; & ၺ ? Myanmar letter SHAN NYA (U+107A)
ၻ &#4219; &#x107B; & ၻ ? Myanmar letter SHAN DA (U+107B)
ၼ &#4220; &#x107C; & ၼ ? Myanmar letter SHAN NA (U+107C)
ၽ &#4221; &#x107D; & ၽ ? Myanmar letter SHAN PHA (U+107D)
ၾ &#4222; &#x107E; & ၾ ? Myanmar letter SHAN FA (U+107E)
ၿ &#4223; &#x107F; & ၿ ? Myanmar letter SHAN BA (U+107F)

ႀ &#4224; &#x1080; & ႀ ? Myanmar letter SHAN THA (U+1080)
ႁ &#4225; &#x1081; & ႁ ? Myanmar letter SHAN HA (U+1081)
ႂ &#4226; &#x1082; & ႂ ? Myanmar consonant sign SHAN medial WA (U+1082)
ႃ &#4227; &#x1083; & ႃ ? Myanmar vowel sign SHAN AA (U+1083)
ႄ &#4228; &#x1084; & ႄ ? Myanmar vowel sign SHAN E (U+1084)
ႅ &#4229; &#x1085; & ႅ ? Myanmar vowel sign SHAN E above (U+1085)
ႆ &#4230; &#x1086; & ႆ ? Myanmar vowel sign SHAN final Y (U+1086)
ႇ &#4231; &#x1087; & ႇ ? Myanmar sign SHAN tone-2 (U+1087)
ႈ &#4232; &#x1088; & ႈ ? Myanmar sign SHAN tone-3 (U+1088)
ႉ &#4233; &#x1089; & ႉ ? Myanmar sign SHAN tone-5 (U+1089)
ႊ &#4234; &#x108A; & ႊ ? Myanmar sign SHAN tone-6 (U+108A)
ႋ &#4235; &#x108B; & ႋ ? Myanmar sign SHAN COUNCIL tone-2 (U+108B)
ႌ &#4236; &#x108C; & ႌ ? Myanmar sign SHAN COUNCIL tone-3 (U+108C)
ႍ &#4237; &#x108D; & ႍ ? Myanmar sign SHAN COUNCIL EMPHATIC tone (U+108D)
ႎ &#4238; &#x108E; & ႎ ? Myanmar letter RUMAI PALAUNG FA (U+108E)
ႏ &#4239; &#x108F; & ႏ ? Myanmar sign RUMAI PALAUNG tone-5 (U+108F)

႐ &#4240; &#x1090; & ႐ ? Myanmar SHAN digit ZERO (U+1090)
႑ &#4241; &#x1091; & ႑ ? Myanmar SHAN digit ONE (U+1091)
႒ &#4242; &#x1092; & ႒ ? Myanmar SHAN digit TWO (U+1092)
႓ &#4243; &#x1093; & ႓ ? Myanmar SHAN digit THREE (U+1093)
႔ &#4244; &#x1094; & ႔ ? Myanmar SHAN digit FOUR (U+1094)
႕ &#4245; &#x1095; & ႕ ? Myanmar SHAN digit FIVE (U+1095)
႖ &#4246; &#x1096; & ႖ ? Myanmar SHAN digit SIX (U+1096)
႗ &#4247; &#x1097; & ႗ ? Myanmar SHAN digit SEVEN (U+1097)
႘ &#4248; &#x1098; & ႘ ? Myanmar SHAN digit EIGHT (U+1098)
႙ &#4249; &#x1099; & ႙ & Myanmar SHAN digit NINE (U+1099)
ႚ &#4250; &#x109A; & ႚ ? Myanmar sign KHAMTI tone-1 (U+109A)
ႛ &#4251; &#x109B; & ႛ ? Myanmar sign KHAMTI tone-3 (U+109B)
ႜ &#4252; &#x109C; & ႜ ? Myanmar vowel sign AITON A (U+109C)
ႝ &#4253; &#x109D; & ႝ ? Myanmar vowel sign AITON AI (U+109D)
Ⴁ &#4257; &#x109E; & Ⴁ ? Myanmar symbol SHAN ONE (U+109E)
႟ &#4255; &#x109F; & ႟ ? Myanmar symbol SHAN EXCLAMATION (U+109F)

Georgian 10A0
Ⴁ &#4257; &#x10A0; & Ⴁ ? Georgian capital letter AN (U+10A0)
Ⴁ &#4257; &#x10A1; & Ⴁ ? Georgian capital letter BAN (U+10A1)
Ⴂ &#4258; &#x10A2; & Ⴂ ? Georgian capital letter GAN (U+10A2)
Ⴃ &#4259; &#x10A3; & Ⴃ ? Georgian capital letter DON (U+10A3)
Ⴄ &#4260; &#x10A4; & Ⴄ ? Georgian capital letter EN (U+10A4)
Ⴅ &#4261; &#x10A5; & Ⴅ ? Georgian capital letter VIN (U+10A5)
Ⴆ &#4262; &#x10A6; & Ⴆ ? Georgian capital letter ZEN (U+10A6)
Ⴇ &#4263; &#x10A7; & Ⴇ ? Georgian capital letter TAN (U+10A7)
Ⴈ &#4264; &#x10A8; & Ⴈ ? Georgian capital letter IN (U+10A8)
Ⴉ &#4265; &#x10A9; & Ⴉ ? Georgian capital letter KAN (U+10A9)
Ⴊ &#4266; &#x10AA; & Ⴊ ? Georgian capital letter LAS (U+10AA)
Ⴋ &#4267; &#x10AB; & Ⴋ ? Georgian capital letter MAN (U+10AB)
Ⴌ &#4268; &#x10AC; & Ⴌ ? Georgian capital letter NAR (U+10AC)
Ⴍ &#4269; &#x10AD; & Ⴍ ? Georgian capital letter ON (U+10AD)
Ⴎ &#4270; &#x10AE; & Ⴎ ? Georgian capital letter PAR (U+10AE)
Ⴏ &#4271; &#x10AF; & Ⴏ ? Georgian capital letter ZHAR (U+10AF)

Ⴐ &#4272; &#x10B0; & Ⴐ ? Georgian capital letter RAE (U+10B0)
Ⴑ &#4273; &#x10B1; & Ⴑ ? Georgian capital letter SAN (U+10B1)
Ⴒ &#4274; &#x10B2; & Ⴒ ? Georgian capital letter TAR (U+10B2)
Ⴓ &#4275; &#x10B3; & Ⴓ ? Georgian capital letter UN (U+10B3)
Ⴔ &#4276; &#x10B4; & Ⴔ ? Georgian capital letter PHAR (U+10B4)
Ⴕ &#4277; &#x10B5; & Ⴕ ? Georgian capital letter KHAR (U+10B5)
Ⴖ &#4278; &#x10B6; & Ⴖ ? Georgian capital letter GHAN (U+10B6)
Ⴗ &#4279; &#x10B7; & Ⴗ ? Georgian capital letter QAR (U+10B7)
Ⴘ &#4280; &#x10B8; & Ⴘ ? Georgian capital letter SHIN (U+10B8)
Ⴙ &#4281; &#x10B9; & Ⴙ ? Georgian capital letter CHIN (U+10B9)
Ⴚ &#4282; &#x10BA; & Ⴚ ? Georgian capital letter CAN (U+10BA)
Ⴛ &#4283; &#x10BB; & Ⴛ ? Georgian capital letter JIL (U+10BB)
Ⴜ &#4284; &#x10BC; & Ⴜ ? Georgian capital letter CIL (U+10BC)
Ⴝ &#4285; &#x10BD; & Ⴝ ? Georgian capital letter CHAR (U+10BD)
Ⴞ &#4286; &#x10BE; & Ⴞ ? Georgian capital letter XAN (U+10BE)
Ⴟ &#4287; &#x10BF; & Ⴟ ? Georgian capital letter JHAN (U+10BF)

Ⴠ &#4288; &#x10C0; & Ⴠ ? Georgian capital letter HAE (U+10C0)
Ⴡ &#4289; &#x10C1; & Ⴡ ? Georgian capital letter HE (U+10C1)
Ⴢ &#4290; &#x10C2; & Ⴢ ? Georgian capital letter HIE (U+10C2)
Ⴣ &#4291; &#x10C3; & Ⴣ ? Georgian capital letter WE (U+10C3)
Ⴤ &#4292; &#x10C4; & Ⴤ ? Georgian capital letter HAR (U+10C4)
Ⴥ &#4293; &#x10C5; & Ⴥ ? Georgian capital letter HOE (U+10C5)
჆ &#4294; &#x10C6; & ჆ ? not a valid unicode character.
Ⴧ &#4295; &#x10C7; & Ⴧ ? Georgian capital letter YN (U+10C7)
჈ &#4296; &#x10C8; & ჈ ? not a valid unicode character.
჉ &#4297; &#x10C9; & ჉ ? not a valid unicode character.
჊ &#4298; &#x10CA; & ჊ ? not a valid unicode character.
჋ &#4299; &#x10CB; & ჋ ? not a valid unicode character.
჌ &#4300; &#x10CC; & ჌ ? not a valid unicode character.
Ⴭ &#4301; &#x10CD; & Ⴭ ? Georgian capital letter AEN (U+10CD)
჎ &#4302; &#x10CE; & ჎ ? not a valid unicode character.
჏ &#4303; &#x10CF; & ჏ ? not a valid unicode character.

ა &#4304; &#x10D0; & ა ? Georgian letter AN (U+10D0)
ბ &#4305; &#x10D1; & ბ ? Georgian letter BAN (U+10D1)
გ &#4306; &#x10D2; & გ ? Georgian letter GAN (U+10D2)
დ &#4307; &#x10D3; & დ ? Georgian letter DON (U+10D3)
ე &#4308; &#x10D4; & ე ? Georgian letter EN (U+10D4)
ვ &#4309; &#x10D5; & ვ ? Georgian letter VIN (U+10D5)
ზ &#4310; &#x10D6; & ზ ? Georgian letter ZEN (U+10D6)
თ &#4311; &#x10D7; & თ ? Georgian letter TAN (U+10D7)
ი &#4312; &#x10D8; & ი ? Georgian letter IN (U+10D8)
კ &#4313; &#x10D9; & კ ? Georgian letter KAN (U+10D9)
ლ &#4314; &#x10DA; & ლ ? Georgian letter LAS (U+10DA)
მ &#4315; &#x10DB; & მ ? Georgian letter MAN (U+10DB)
ნ &#4316; &#x10DC; & ნ ? Georgian letter NAR (U+10DC)
ო &#4317; &#x10DD; & ო ? Georgian letter ON (U+10DD)
პ &#4318; &#x10DE; & პ ? Georgian letter PAR (U+10DE)
ჟ &#4319; &#x10DF; & ჟ ? Georgian letter ZHAR (U+10DF)

რ &#4320; &#x10E0; & რ ? Georgian letter RAE (U+10E0)
ს &#4321; &#x10E1; & ს ? Georgian letter SAN (U+10E1)
ტ &#4322; &#x10E2; & ტ ? Georgian letter TAR (U+10E2)
უ &#4323; &#x10E3; & უ ? Georgian letter UN (U+10E3)
ფ &#4324; &#x10E4; & ფ ? Georgian letter PHAR (U+10E4)
ქ &#4325; &#x10E5; & ქ ? Georgian letter KHAR (U+10E5)
ღ &#4326; &#x10E6; & ღ ? Georgian letter GHAN (U+10E6)
ყ &#4327; &#x10E7; & ყ ? Georgian letter QAR (U+10E7)
შ &#4328; &#x10E8; & შ ? Georgian letter SHIN (U+10E8)
ჩ &#4329; &#x10E9; & ჩ ? Georgian letter CHIN (U+10E9)
ც &#4330; &#x10EA; & ც ? Georgian letter CAN (U+10EA)
ძ &#4331; &#x10EB; & ძ ? Georgian letter JIL (U+10EB)
წ &#4332; &#x10EC; & წ ? Georgian letter CIL (U+10EC)
ჭ &#4333; &#x10ED; & ჭ ? Georgian letter CHAR (U+10ED)
ხ &#4334; &#x10EE; & ხ ? Georgian letter XAN (U+10EE)
ჯ &#4335; &#x10EF; & ჯ ? Georgian letter JHAN (U+10EF)

ჰ &#4336; &#x10F0; & ჰ ? Georgian letter HAE (U+10F0)
ჱ &#4337; &#x10F1; & ჱ ? Georgian letter HE (U+10F1)
ჲ &#4338; &#x10F2; & ჲ ? Georgian letter HIE (U+10F2)
ჳ &#4339; &#x10F3; & ჳ ? Georgian letter WE (U+10F3)
ჴ &#4340; &#x10F4; & ჴ ? Georgian letter HAR (U+10F4)
ჵ &#4341; &#x10F5; & ჵ ? Georgian letter HOE (U+10F5)
ჶ &#4342; &#x10F6; & ჶ ? Georgian letter FI (U+10F6)
ჷ &#4343; &#x10F7; & ჷ ? Georgian letter YN (U+10F7)
ჸ &#4344; &#x10F8; & ჸ ? Georgian letter ELIFI (U+10F8)
ჹ &#4345; &#x10F9; & ჹ ? Georgian letter turned GAN (U+10F9)
ჺ &#4346; &#x10FA; & ჺ ? Georgian letter AIN (U+10FA)
჻ &#4347; &#x10FB; & ჻ ? Georgian PARAGRAPH separator (U+10FB)
ჼ &#4348; &#x10FC; & ჼ ? modifier letter Georgian NAR (U+10FC)
ჽ &#4349; &#x10FD; & ჽ ? Georgian letter AEN (U+10FD)
ჾ &#4350; &#x10FE; & ჾ ? Georgian letter hard sign (U+10FE)
ჿ &#4351; &#x10FF; & ჿ ? Georgian letter LABIAL sign (U+10FF)

Hangul Jamo: Korean 1100
ᄀ &#4352; &#x1100; & ᄀ ? Hangul Choseong KIYEOK (U+1100)
ᄁ &#4353; &#x1101; & ᄁ ? Hangul Choseong SSANGKIYEOK (U+1101)
ᄂ &#4354; &#x1102; & ᄂ ? Hangul Choseong NIEUN (U+1102)
ᄃ &#4355; &#x1103; & ᄃ ? Hangul Choseong TIKEUT (U+1103)
ᄄ &#4356; &#x1104; & ᄄ ? Hangul Choseong SSANGTIKEUT (U+1104)
ᄅ &#4357; &#x1105; & ᄅ ? Hangul Choseong RIEUL (U+1105)
ᄆ &#4358; &#x1106; & ᄆ ? Hangul Choseong MIEUM (U+1106)
ᄇ &#4359; &#x1107; & ᄇ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP (U+1107)
ᄈ &#4360; &#x1108; & ᄈ ? Hangul Choseong SSANGPIEUP (U+1108)
ᄉ &#4361; &#x1109; & ᄉ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS (U+1109)
ᄊ &#4362; &#x110A; & ᄊ ? Hangul Choseong SSANGSIOS (U+110A)
ᄋ &#4363; &#x110B; & ᄋ ? Hangul Choseong IEUNG (U+110B)
ᄌ &#4364; &#x110C; & ᄌ ? Hangul Choseong CIEUC (U+110C)
ᄍ &#4365; &#x110D; & ᄍ ? Hangul Choseong SSANGCIEUC (U+110D)
ᄎ &#4366; &#x110E; & ᄎ ? Hangul Choseong CHIEUCH (U+110E)
ᄏ &#4367; &#x110F; & ᄏ ? Hangul Choseong KHIEUKH (U+110F)

ᄐ &#4368; &#x1110; & ᄐ ? Hangul Choseong THIEUTH (U+1110)
ᄑ &#4369; &#x1111; & ᄑ ? Hangul Choseong PHIEUPH (U+1111)
ᄒ &#4370; &#x1112; & ᄒ ? Hangul Choseong HIEUH (U+1112)
ᄓ &#4371; &#x1113; & ᄓ ? Hangul Choseong NIEUN-KIYEOK (U+1113)
ᄔ &#4372; &#x1114; & ᄔ ? Hangul Choseong SSANGNIEUN (U+1114)
ᄕ &#4373; &#x1115; & ᄕ ? Hangul Choseong NIEUN-TIKEUT (U+1115)
ᄖ &#4374; &#x1116; & ᄖ ? Hangul Choseong NIEUN-PIEUP (U+1116)
ᄗ &#4375; &#x1117; & ᄗ ? Hangul Choseong TIKEUT-KIYEOK (U+1117)
ᄘ &#4376; &#x1118; & ᄘ ? Hangul Choseong RIEUL-NIEUN (U+1118)
ᄙ &#4377; &#x1119; & ᄙ ? Hangul Choseong SSANGRIEUL (U+1119)
ᄚ &#4378; &#x111A; & ᄚ ? Hangul Choseong RIEUL-HIEUH (U+111A)
ᄛ &#4379; &#x111B; & ᄛ ? Hangul Choseong KAPYEOUNRIEUL (U+111B)
ᄜ &#4380; &#x111C; & ᄜ ? Hangul Choseong MIEUM-PIEUP (U+111C)
ᄝ &#4381; &#x111D; & ᄝ ? Hangul Choseong KAPYEOUNMIEUM (U+111D)
ᄞ &#4382; &#x111E; & ᄞ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-KIYEOK (U+111E)
ᄟ &#4383; &#x111F; & ᄟ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-NIEUN (U+111F)

ᄠ &#4384; &#x1120; & ᄠ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-TIKEUT (U+1120)
ᄡ &#4385; &#x1121; & ᄡ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-SIOS (U+1121)
ᄢ &#4386; &#x1122; & ᄢ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-SIOS-KIYEOK (U+1122)
ᄣ &#4387; &#x1123; & ᄣ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-SIOS-TIKEUT (U+1123)
ᄤ &#4388; &#x1124; & ᄤ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-SIOS-PIEUP (U+1124)
ᄥ &#4389; &#x1125; & ᄥ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-SSANGSIOS (U+1125)
ᄦ &#4390; &#x1126; & ᄦ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-SIOS-CIEUC (U+1126)
ᄧ &#4391; &#x1127; & ᄧ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-CIEUC (U+1127)
ᄨ &#4392; &#x1128; & ᄨ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-CHIEUCH (U+1128)
ᄩ &#4393; &#x1129; & ᄩ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-THIEUTH (U+1129)
ᄪ &#4394; &#x112A; & ᄪ ? Hangul Choseong PIEUP-PHIEUPH (U+112A)
ᄫ &#4395; &#x112B; & ᄫ ? Hangul Choseong KAPYEOUNPIEUP (U+112B)
ᄬ &#4396; &#x112C; & ᄬ ? Hangul Choseong KAPYEOUNSSANGPIEUP (U+112C)
ᄭ &#4397; &#x112D; & ᄭ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-KIYEOK (U+112D)
ᄮ &#4398; &#x112E; & ᄮ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-NIEUN (U+112E)
ᄯ &#4399; &#x112F; & ᄯ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-TIKEUT (U+112F)

ᄰ &#4400; &#x1130; & ᄰ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-RIEUL (U+1130)
ᄱ &#4401; &#x1131; & ᄱ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-MIEUM (U+1131)
ᄲ &#4402; &#x1132; & ᄲ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-PIEUP (U+1132)
ᄳ &#4403; &#x1133; & ᄳ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-PIEUP-KIYEOK (U+1133)
ᄴ &#4404; &#x1134; & ᄴ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-SSANGSIOS (U+1134)
ᄵ &#4405; &#x1135; & ᄵ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-IEUNG (U+1135)
ᄶ &#4406; &#x1136; & ᄶ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-CIEUC (U+1136)
ᄷ &#4407; &#x1137; & ᄷ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-CHIEUCH (U+1137)
ᄸ &#4408; &#x1138; & ᄸ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-KHIEUKH (U+1138)
ᄹ &#4409; &#x1139; & ᄹ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-THIEUTH (U+1139)
ᄺ &#4410; &#x113A; & ᄺ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-PHIEUPH (U+113A)
ᄻ &#4411; &#x113B; & ᄻ ? Hangul Choseong SIOS-HIEUH (U+113B)
ᄼ &#4412; &#x113C; & ᄼ ? Hangul Choseong CHITUEUMSIOS (U+113C)
ᄽ &#4413; &#x113D; & ᄽ ? Hangul Choseong CHITUEUMSSANGSIOS (U+113D)
ᄾ &#4414; &#x113E; & ᄾ ? Hangul Choseong CEONGCHIEUMSIOS (U+113E)
ᄿ &#4415; &#x113F; & ᄿ ? Hangul Choseong CEONGCHIEUMSSANGSIOS (U+113F)

ᅀ &#4416; &#x1140; & ᅀ ? Hangul Choseong PANSIOS (U+1140)
ᅁ &#4417; &#x1141; & ᅁ ? Hangul Choseong IEUNG-KIYEOK (U+1141)
ᅂ &#4418; &#x1142; & ᅂ ? Hangul Choseong IEUNG-TIKEUT (U+1142)
ᅃ &#4419; &#x1143; & ᅃ ? Hangul Choseong IEUNG-MIEUM (U+1143)
ᅄ &#4420; &#x1144; & ᅄ ? Hangul Choseong IEUNG-PIEUP (U+1144)
ᅅ &#4421; &#x1145; & ᅅ ? Hangul Choseong IEUNG-SIOS (U+1145)
ᅆ &#4422; &#x1146; & ᅆ ? Hangul Choseong IEUNG-PANSIOS (U+1146)
ᅇ &#4423; &#x1147; & ᅇ ? Hangul Choseong SSANGIEUNG (U+1147)
ᅈ &#4424; &#x1148; & ᅈ ? Hangul Choseong IEUNG-CIEUC (U+1148)
ᅉ &#4425; &#x1149; & ᅉ ? Hangul Choseong IEUNG-CHIEUCH (U+1149)
ᅊ &#4426; &#x114A; & ᅊ ? Hangul Choseong IEUNG-THIEUTH (U+114A)
ᅋ &#4427; &#x114B; & ᅋ ? Hangul Choseong IEUNG-PHIEUPH (U+114B)
ᅌ &#4428; &#x114C; & ᅌ ? Hangul Choseong YESIEUNG (U+114C)
ᅍ &#4429; &#x114D; & ᅍ ? Hangul Choseong CIEUC-IEUNG (U+114D)
ᅎ &#4430; &#x114E; & ᅎ ? Hangul Choseong CHITUEUMCIEUC (U+114E)
ᅏ &#4431; &#x114F; & ᅏ ? Hangul Choseong CHITUEUMSSANGCIEUC (U+114F)

ᅐ &#4432; &#x1150; & ᅐ ? Hangul Choseong CEONGCHIEUMCIEUC (U+1150)
ᅑ &#4433; &#x1151; & ᅑ ? Hangul Choseong CEONGCHIEUMSSANGCIEUC (U+1151)
ᅒ &#4434; &#x1152; & ᅒ ? Hangul Choseong CHIEUCH-KHIEUKH (U+1152)
ᅓ &#4435; &#x1153; & ᅓ ? Hangul Choseong CHIEUCH-HIEUH (U+1153)
ᅔ &#4436; &#x1154; & ᅔ ? Hangul Choseong CHITUEUMCHIEUCH (U+1154)
ᅕ &#4437; &#x1155; & ᅕ ? Hangul Choseong CEONGCHIEUMCHIEUCH (U+1155)
ᅖ &#4438; &#x1156; & ᅖ ? Hangul Choseong PHIEUPH-PIEUP (U+1156)
ᅗ &#4439; &#x1157; & ᅗ ? Hangul Choseong KAPYEOUNPHIEUPH (U+1157)
ᅘ &#4440; &#x1158; & ᅘ ? Hangul Choseong SSANGHIEUH (U+1158)
ᅙ &#4441; &#x1159; & ᅙ ? Hangul Choseong YEORINHIEUH (U+1159)
ᅚ &#4442; &#x115A; & ᅚ ? Hangul Choseong KIYEOK-TIKEUT (U+115A)
ᅛ &#4443; &#x115B; & ᅛ ? Hangul Choseong NIEUN-SIOS (U+115B)
ᅜ &#4444; &#x115C; & ᅜ ? Hangul Choseong NIEUN-CIEUC (U+115C)
ᅝ &#4445; &#x115D; & ᅝ ? Hangul Choseong NIEUN-HIEUH (U+115D)
ᅞ &#4446; &#x115E; & ᅞ ? Hangul Choseong TIKEUT-RIEUL (U+115E)
ᅟ &#4447; &#x115F; & ᅟ ? Hangul Choseong FILLER (U+115F)

ᅠ &#4448; &#x1160; & ᅠ ? Hangul Jungseong FILLER (U+1160)
ᅡ &#4449; &#x1161; & ᅡ ? Hangul Jungseong A (U+1161)
ᅢ &#4450; &#x1162; & ᅢ ? Hangul Jungseong AE (U+1162)
ᅣ &#4451; &#x1163; & ᅣ ? Hangul Jungseong YA (U+1163)
ᅤ &#4452; &#x1164; & ᅤ ? Hangul Jungseong YAE (U+1164)
ᅥ &#4453; &#x1165; & ᅥ ? Hangul Jungseong EO (U+1165)
ᅦ &#4454; &#x1166; & ᅦ ? Hangul Jungseong E (U+1166)
ᅧ &#4455; &#x1167; & ᅧ ? Hangul Jungseong YEO (U+1167)
ᅨ &#4456; &#x1168; & ᅨ ? Hangul Jungseong YE (U+1168)
ᅩ &#4457; &#x1169; & ᅩ ? Hangul Jungseong O (U+1169)
ᅪ &#4458; &#x116A; & ᅪ ? Hangul Jungseong WA (U+116A)
ᅫ &#4459; &#x116B; & ᅫ ? Hangul Jungseong WAE (U+116B)
ᅬ &#4460; &#x116C; & ᅬ ? Hangul Jungseong OE (U+116C)
ᅭ &#4461; &#x116D; & ᅭ ? Hangul Jungseong YO (U+116D)
ᅮ &#4462; &#x116E; & ᅮ ? Hangul Jungseong U (U+116E)
ᅯ &#4463; &#x116F; & ᅯ ? Hangul Jungseong WEO (U+116F)

ᅰ &#4464; &#x1170; & ᅰ ? Hangul Jungseong WE (U+1170)
ᅱ &#4465; &#x1171; & ᅱ ? Hangul Jungseong WI (U+1171)
ᅲ &#4466; &#x1172; & ᅲ ? Hangul Jungseong YU (U+1172)
ᅳ &#4467; &#x1173; & ᅳ ? Hangul Jungseong EU (U+1173)
ᅴ &#4468; &#x1174; & ᅴ ? Hangul Jungseong YI (U+1174)
ᅵ &#4469; &#x1175; & ᅵ ? Hangul Jungseong I (U+1175)
ᅶ &#4470; &#x1176; & ᅶ ? Hangul Jungseong A-O (U+1176)
ᅷ &#4471; &#x1177; & ᅷ ? Hangul Jungseong A- U (U+1177)
ᅸ &#4472; &#x1178; & ᅸ ? Hangul Jungseong YA-O (U+1178)
ᅹ &#4473; &#x1179; & ᅹ ? Hangul Jungseong YA-YO (U+1179)
ᅺ &#4474; &#x117A; & ᅺ ? Hangul Jungseong EO-O (U+117A)
ᅻ &#4475; &#x117B; & ᅻ ? Hangul Jungseong EO- U (U+117B)
ᅼ &#4476; &#x117C; & ᅼ ? Hangul Jungseong EO-EU (U+117C)
ᅽ &#4477; &#x117D; & ᅽ ? Hangul Jungseong YEO-O (U+117D)
ᅾ &#4478; &#x117E; & ᅾ ? Hangul Jungseong YEO- U (U+117E)
ᅿ &#4479; &#x117F; & ᅿ ? Hangul Jungseong O-EO (U+117F)

ᆀ &#4480; &#x1180; & ᆀ ? Hangul Jungseong O-E (U+1180)
ᆁ &#4481; &#x1181; & ᆁ ? Hangul Jungseong O-YE (U+1181)
ᆂ &#4482; &#x1182; & ᆂ ? Hangul Jungseong O-O (U+1182)
ᆃ &#4483; &#x1183; & ᆃ ? Hangul Jungseong O- U (U+1183)
ᆄ &#4484; &#x1184; & ᆄ ? Hangul Jungseong YO-YA (U+1184)
ᆅ &#4485; &#x1185; & ᆅ ? Hangul Jungseong YO-YAE (U+1185)
ᆆ &#4486; &#x1186; & ᆆ ? Hangul Jungseong YO-YEO (U+1186)
ᆇ &#4487; &#x1187; & ᆇ ? Hangul Jungseong YO-O (U+1187)
ᆈ &#4488; &#x1188; & ᆈ ? Hangul Jungseong YO-I (U+1188)
ᆉ &#4489; &#x1189; & ᆉ ? Hangul Jungseong U-A (U+1189)
ᆊ &#4490; &#x118A; & ᆊ ? Hangul Jungseong U-AE (U+118A)
ᆋ &#4491; &#x118B; & ᆋ ? Hangul Jungseong U-EO-EU (U+118B)
ᆌ &#4492; &#x118C; & ᆌ ? Hangul Jungseong U-YE (U+118C)
ᆍ &#4493; &#x118D; & ᆍ ? Hangul Jungseong U- U (U+118D)
ᆎ &#4494; &#x118E; & ᆎ ? Hangul Jungseong YU-A (U+118E)
ᆏ &#4495; &#x118F; & ᆏ ? Hangul Jungseong YU-EO (U+118F)

ᆐ &#4496; &#x1190; & ᆐ ? Hangul Jungseong YU-E (U+1190)
ᆑ &#4497; &#x1191; & ᆑ ? Hangul Jungseong YU-YEO (U+1191)
ᆒ &#4498; &#x1192; & ᆒ ? Hangul Jungseong YU-YE (U+1192)
ᆓ &#4499; &#x1193; & ᆓ ? Hangul Jungseong YU- U (U+1193)
ᆔ &#4500; &#x1194; & ᆔ ? Hangul Jungseong YU-I (U+1194)
ᆕ &#4501; &#x1195; & ᆕ ? Hangul Jungseong EU- U (U+1195)
ᆖ &#4502; &#x1196; & ᆖ ? Hangul Jungseong EU-EU (U+1196)
ᆗ &#4503; &#x1197; & ᆗ ? Hangul Jungseong YI- U (U+1197)
ᆘ &#4504; &#x1198; & ᆘ ? Hangul Jungseong I-A (U+1198)
ᆙ &#4505; &#x1199; & ᆙ ? Hangul Jungseong I-YA (U+1199)
ᆚ &#4506; &#x119A; & ᆚ ? Hangul Jungseong I-O (U+119A)
ᆛ &#4507; &#x119B; & ᆛ ? Hangul Jungseong I- U (U+119B)
ᆜ &#4508; &#x119C; & ᆜ ? Hangul Jungseong I-EU (U+119C)
ᆝ &#4509; &#x119D; & ᆝ ? Hangul Jungseong I-ARAEA (U+119D)
ᆞ &#4510; &#x119E; & ᆞ ? Hangul Jungseong ARAEA (U+119E)
ᆟ &#4511; &#x119F; & ᆟ ? Hangul Jungseong ARAEA-EO (U+119F)

ᆠ &#4512; &#x11A0; & ᆠ ? Hangul Jungseong ARAEA- U (U+11A0)
ᆡ &#4513; &#x11A1; & ᆡ ? Hangul Jungseong ARAEA-I (U+11A1)
ᆢ &#4514; &#x11A2; & ᆢ ? Hangul Jungseong SSANGARAEA (U+11A2)
ᆣ &#4515; &#x11A3; & ᆣ ? Hangul Jungseong A-EU (U+11A3)
ᆤ &#4516; &#x11A4; & ᆤ ? Hangul Jungseong YA- U (U+11A4)
ᆥ &#4517; &#x11A5; & ᆥ ? Hangul Jungseong YEO-YA (U+11A5)
ᆦ &#4518; &#x11A6; & ᆦ ? Hangul Jungseong O-YA (U+11A6)
ᆧ &#4519; &#x11A7; & ᆧ ? Hangul Jungseong O-YAE (U+11A7)
ᆨ &#4520; &#x11A8; & ᆨ ? Hangul Jongseong KIYEOK (U+11A8)
ᆩ &#4521; &#x11A9; & ᆩ ? Hangul Jongseong SSANGKIYEOK (U+11A9)
ᆪ &#4522; &#x11AA; & ᆪ ? Hangul Jongseong KIYEOK-SIOS (U+11AA)
ᆫ &#4523; &#x11AB; & ᆫ ? Hangul Jongseong NIEUN (U+11AB)
ᆬ &#4524; &#x11AC; & ᆬ ? Hangul Jongseong NIEUN-CIEUC (U+11AC)
ᆭ &#4525; &#x11AD; & ᆭ ? Hangul Jongseong NIEUN-HIEUH (U+11AD)
ᆮ &#4526; &#x11AE; & ᆮ ? Hangul Jongseong TIKEUT (U+11AE)
ᆯ &#4527; &#x11AF; & ᆯ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL (U+11AF)

ᆰ &#4528; &#x11B0; & ᆰ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-KIYEOK (U+11B0)
ᆱ &#4529; &#x11B1; & ᆱ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-MIEUM (U+11B1)
ᆲ &#4530; &#x11B2; & ᆲ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-PIEUP (U+11B2)
ᆳ &#4531; &#x11B3; & ᆳ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-SIOS (U+11B3)
ᆴ &#4532; &#x11B4; & ᆴ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-THIEUTH (U+11B4)
ᆵ &#4533; &#x11B5; & ᆵ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-PHIEUPH (U+11B5)
ᆶ &#4534; &#x11B6; & ᆶ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-HIEUH (U+11B6)
ᆷ &#4535; &#x11B7; & ᆷ ? Hangul Jongseong MIEUM (U+11B7)
ᆸ &#4536; &#x11B8; & ᆸ ? Hangul Jongseong PIEUP (U+11B8)
ᆹ &#4537; &#x11B9; & ᆹ ? Hangul Jongseong PIEUP-SIOS (U+11B9)
ᆺ &#4538; &#x11BA; & ᆺ ? Hangul Jongseong SIOS (U+11BA)
ᆻ &#4539; &#x11BB; & ᆻ ? Hangul Jongseong SSANGSIOS (U+11BB)
ᆼ &#4540; &#x11BC; & ᆼ ? Hangul Jongseong IEUNG (U+11BC)
ᆽ &#4541; &#x11BD; & ᆽ ? Hangul Jongseong CIEUC (U+11BD)
ᆾ &#4542; &#x11BE; & ᆾ ? Hangul Jongseong CHIEUCH (U+11BE)
ᆿ &#4543; &#x11BF; & ᆿ ? Hangul Jongseong KHIEUKH (U+11BF)

ᇀ &#4544; &#x11C0; & ᇀ ? Hangul Jongseong THIEUTH (U+11C0)
ᇁ &#4545; &#x11C1; & ᇁ ? Hangul Jongseong PHIEUPH (U+11C1)
ᇂ &#4546; &#x11C2; & ᇂ ? Hangul Jongseong HIEUH (U+11C2)
ᇃ &#4547; &#x11C3; & ᇃ ? Hangul Jongseong KIYEOK-RIEUL (U+11C3)
ᇄ &#4548; &#x11C4; & ᇄ ? Hangul Jongseong KIYEOK-SIOS-KIYEOK (U+11C4)
ᇅ &#4549; &#x11C5; & ᇅ ? Hangul Jongseong NIEUN-KIYEOK (U+11C5)
ᇆ &#4550; &#x11C6; & ᇆ ? Hangul Jongseong NIEUN-TIKEUT (U+11C6)
ᇇ &#4551; &#x11C7; & ᇇ ? Hangul Jongseong NIEUN-SIOS (U+11C7)
ᇈ &#4552; &#x11C8; & ᇈ ? Hangul Jongseong NIEUN-PANSIOS (U+11C8)
ᇉ &#4553; &#x11C9; & ᇉ ? Hangul Jongseong NIEUN-THIEUTH (U+11C9)
ᇊ &#4554; &#x11CA; & ᇊ ? Hangul Jongseong TIKEUT-KIYEOK (U+11CA)
ᇋ &#4555; &#x11CB; & ᇋ ? Hangul Jongseong TIKEUT-RIEUL (U+11CB)
ᇌ &#4556; &#x11CC; & ᇌ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-KIYEOK-SIOS (U+11CC)
ᇍ &#4557; &#x11CD; & ᇍ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-NIEUN (U+11CD)
ᇎ &#4558; &#x11CE; & ᇎ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-TIKEUT (U+11CE)
ᇏ &#4559; &#x11CF; & ᇏ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-TIKEUT-HIEUH (U+11CF)

ᇐ &#4560; &#x11D0; & ᇐ ? Hangul Jongseong SSANGRIEUL (U+11D0)
ᇑ &#4561; &#x11D1; & ᇑ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-MIEUM-KIYEOK (U+11D1)
ᇒ &#4562; &#x11D2; & ᇒ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-MIEUM-SIOS (U+11D2)
ᇓ &#4563; &#x11D3; & ᇓ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-PIEUP-SIOS (U+11D3)
ᇔ &#4564; &#x11D4; & ᇔ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-PIEUP-HIEUH (U+11D4)
ᇕ &#4565; &#x11D5; & ᇕ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-KAPYEOUNPIEUP (U+11D5)
ᇖ &#4566; &#x11D6; & ᇖ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-SSANGSIOS (U+11D6)
ᇗ &#4567; &#x11D7; & ᇗ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-PANSIOS (U+11D7)
ᇘ &#4568; &#x11D8; & ᇘ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-KHIEUKH (U+11D8)
ᇙ &#4569; &#x11D9; & ᇙ ? Hangul Jongseong RIEUL-YEORINHIEUH (U+11D9)
ᇚ &#4570; &#x11DA; & ᇚ ? Hangul Jongseong MIEUM-KIYEOK (U+11DA)
ᇛ &#4571; &#x11DB; & ᇛ ? Hangul Jongseong MIEUM-RIEUL (U+11DB)
ᇜ &#4572; &#x11DC; & ᇜ ? Hangul Jongseong MIEUM-PIEUP (U+11DC)
ᇝ &#4573; &#x11DD; & ᇝ ? Hangul Jongseong MIEUM-SIOS (U+11DD)
ᇞ &#4574; &#x11DE; & ᇞ ? Hangul Jongseong MIEUM-SSANGSIOS (U+11DE)
ᇟ &#4575; &#x11DF; & ᇟ ? Hangul Jongseong MIEUM-PANSIOS (U+11DF)

ᇠ &#4576; &#x11E0; & ᇠ ? Hangul Jongseong MIEUM-CHIEUCH (U+11E0)
ᇡ &#4577; &#x11E1; & ᇡ ? Hangul Jongseong MIEUM-HIEUH (U+11E1)
ᇢ &#4578; &#x11E2; & ᇢ ? Hangul Jongseong KAPYEOUNMIEUM (U+11E2)
ᇣ &#4579; &#x11E3; & ᇣ ? Hangul Jongseong PIEUP-RIEUL (U+11E3)
ᇤ &#4580; &#x11E4; & ᇤ ? Hangul Jongseong PIEUP-PHIEUPH (U+11E4)
ᇥ &#4581; &#x11E5; & ᇥ ? Hangul Jongseong PIEUP-HIEUH (U+11E5)
ᇦ &#4582; &#x11E6; & ᇦ ? Hangul Jongseong KAPYEOUNPIEUP (U+11E6)
ᇧ &#4583; &#x11E7; & ᇧ ? Hangul Jongseong SIOS-KIYEOK (U+11E7)
ᇨ &#4584; &#x11E8; & ᇨ ? Hangul Jongseong SIOS-TIKEUT (U+11E8)
ᇩ &#4585; &#x11E9; & ᇩ ? Hangul Jongseong SIOS-RIEUL (U+11E9)
ᇪ &#4586; &#x11EA; & ᇪ ? Hangul Jongseong SIOS-PIEUP (U+11EA)
ᇫ &#4587; &#x11EB; & ᇫ ? Hangul Jongseong PANSIOS (U+11EB)
ᇬ &#4588; &#x11EC; & ᇬ ? Hangul Jongseong IEUNG-KIYEOK (U+11EC)
ᇭ &#4589; &#x11ED; & ᇭ ? Hangul Jongseong IEUNG-SSANGKIYEOK (U+11ED)
ᇮ &#4590; &#x11EE; & ᇮ ? Hangul Jongseong SSANGIEUNG (U+11EE)
ᇯ &#4591; &#x11EF; & ᇯ ? Hangul Jongseong IEUNG-KHIEUKH (U+11EF)

ᇰ &#4592; &#x11F0; & ᇰ ? Hangul Jongseong YESIEUNG (U+11F0)
ᇱ &#4593; &#x11F1; & ᇱ ? Hangul Jongseong YESIEUNG-SIOS (U+11F1)
ᇲ &#4594; &#x11F2; & ᇲ ? Hangul Jongseong YESIEUNG-PANSIOS (U+11F2)
ᇳ &#4595; &#x11F3; & ᇳ ? Hangul Jongseong PHIEUPH-PIEUP (U+11F3)
ᇴ &#4596; &#x11F4; & ᇴ ? Hangul Jongseong KAPYEOUNPHIEUPH (U+11F4)
ᇵ &#4597; &#x11F5; & ᇵ ? Hangul Jongseong HIEUH-NIEUN (U+11F5)
ᇶ &#4598; &#x11F6; & ᇶ ? Hangul Jongseong HIEUH-RIEUL (U+11F6)
ᇷ &#4599; &#x11F7; & ᇷ ? Hangul Jongseong HIEUH-MIEUM (U+11F7)
ᇸ &#4600; &#x11F8; & ᇸ ? Hangul Jongseong HIEUH-PIEUP (U+11F8)
ᇹ &#4601; &#x11F9; & ᇹ ? Hangul Jongseong YEORINHIEUH (U+11F9)
ᇺ &#4602; &#x11FA; & ᇺ ? Hangul Jongseong KIYEOK-NIEUN (U+11FA)
ᇻ &#4603; &#x11FB; & ᇻ ? Hangul Jongseong KIYEOK-PIEUP (U+11FB)
ᇼ &#4604; &#x11FC; & ᇼ ? Hangul Jongseong KIYEOK-CHIEUCH (U+11FC)
ᇽ &#4605; &#x11FD; & ᇽ ? Hangul Jongseong KIYEOK-KHIEUKH (U+11FD)
ᇾ &#4606; &#x11FE; & ᇾ ? Hangul Jongseong KIYEOK-HIEUH (U+11FE)
ᇿ &#4607; &#x11FF; & ᇿ ? Hangul Jongseong SSANGNIEUN (U+11FF)

Ethiopic 1200
ሀ &#4608; &#x1200; & ሀ ? Ethiopic syllable HA (U+1200)
ሁ &#4609; &#x1201; & ሁ ? Ethiopic syllable HU (U+1201)
ሂ &#4610; &#x1202; & ሂ ? Ethiopic syllable HI (U+1202)
ሃ &#4611; &#x1203; & ሃ ? Ethiopic syllable HAA (U+1203)
ሄ &#4612; &#x1204; & ሄ ? Ethiopic syllable HEE (U+1204)
ህ &#4613; &#x1205; & ህ ? Ethiopic syllable HE (U+1205)
ሆ &#4614; &#x1206; & ሆ ? Ethiopic syllable HO (U+1206)
ሇ &#4615; &#x1207; & ሇ ? Ethiopic syllable HOA (U+1207)
ለ &#4616; &#x1208; & ለ ? Ethiopic syllable LA (U+1208)
ሉ &#4617; &#x1209; & ሉ ? Ethiopic syllable LU (U+1209)
ሊ &#4618; &#x120A; & ሊ ? Ethiopic syllable LI (U+120A)
ላ &#4619; &#x120B; & ላ ? Ethiopic syllable LAA (U+120B)
ሌ &#4620; &#x120C; & ሌ ? Ethiopic syllable LEE (U+120C)
ል &#4621; &#x120D; & ል ? Ethiopic syllable LE (U+120D)
ሎ &#4622; &#x120E; & ሎ ? Ethiopic syllable LO (U+120E)
ሏ &#4623; &#x120F; & ሏ ? Ethiopic syllable LWA (U+120F)

ሐ &#4624; &#x1210; & ሐ ? Ethiopic syllable HHA (U+1210)
ሑ &#4625; &#x1211; & ሑ ? Ethiopic syllable HHU (U+1211)
ሒ &#4626; &#x1212; & ሒ ? Ethiopic syllable HHI (U+1212)
ሓ &#4627; &#x1213; & ሓ ? Ethiopic syllable HHAA (U+1213)
ሔ &#4628; &#x1214; & ሔ ? Ethiopic syllable HHEE (U+1214)
ሕ &#4629; &#x1215; & ሕ ? Ethiopic syllable HHE (U+1215)
ሖ &#4630; &#x1216; & ሖ ? Ethiopic syllable HHO (U+1216)
ሗ &#4631; &#x1217; & ሗ ? Ethiopic syllable HHWA (U+1217)
መ &#4632; &#x1218; & መ ? Ethiopic syllable MA (U+1218)
ሙ &#4633; &#x1219; & ሙ ? Ethiopic syllable MU (U+1219)
ሚ &#4634; &#x121A; & ሚ ? Ethiopic syllable MI (U+121A)
ማ &#4635; &#x121B; & ማ ? Ethiopic syllable MAA (U+121B)
ሜ &#4636; &#x121C; & ሜ ? Ethiopic syllable MEE (U+121C)
ም &#4637; &#x121D; & ም ? Ethiopic syllable ME (U+121D)
ሞ &#4638; &#x121E; & ሞ ? Ethiopic syllable MO (U+121E)
ሟ &#4639; &#x121F; & ሟ ? Ethiopic syllable MWA (U+121F)

ሠ &#4640; &#x1220; & ሠ ? Ethiopic syllable SZA (U+1220)
ሡ &#4641; &#x1221; & ሡ ? Ethiopic syllable SZU (U+1221)
ሢ &#4642; &#x1222; & ሢ ? Ethiopic syllable SZI (U+1222)
ሣ &#4643; &#x1223; & ሣ ? Ethiopic syllable SZAA (U+1223)
ሤ &#4644; &#x1224; & ሤ ? Ethiopic syllable SZEE (U+1224)
ሥ &#4645; &#x1225; & ሥ ? Ethiopic syllable SZE (U+1225)
ሦ &#4646; &#x1226; & ሦ ? Ethiopic syllable SZO (U+1226)
ሧ &#4647; &#x1227; & ሧ ? Ethiopic syllable SZWA (U+1227)
ረ &#4648; &#x1228; & ረ ? Ethiopic syllable RA (U+1228)
ሩ &#4649; &#x1229; & ሩ ? Ethiopic syllable RU (U+1229)
ሪ &#4650; &#x122A; & ሪ ? Ethiopic syllable RI (U+122A)
ራ &#4651; &#x122B; & ራ ? Ethiopic syllable RAA (U+122B)
ሬ &#4652; &#x122C; & ሬ ? Ethiopic syllable REE (U+122C)
ር &#4653; &#x122D; & ር ? Ethiopic syllable RE (U+122D)
ሮ &#4654; &#x122E; & ሮ ? Ethiopic syllable RO (U+122E)
ሯ &#4655; &#x122F; & ሯ ? Ethiopic syllable RWA (U+122F)

ሰ &#4656; &#x1230; & ሰ ? Ethiopic syllable SA (U+1230)
ሱ &#4657; &#x1231; & ሱ ? Ethiopic syllable SU (U+1231)
ሲ &#4658; &#x1232; & ሲ ? Ethiopic syllable SI (U+1232)
ሳ &#4659; &#x1233; & ሳ ? Ethiopic syllable SAA (U+1233)
ሴ &#4660; &#x1234; & ሴ ? Ethiopic syllable SEE (U+1234)
ስ &#4661; &#x1235; & ስ ? Ethiopic syllable SE (U+1235)
ሶ &#4662; &#x1236; & ሶ ? Ethiopic syllable SO (U+1236)
ሷ &#4663; &#x1237; & ሷ ? Ethiopic syllable SWA (U+1237)
ሸ &#4664; &#x1238; & ሸ ? Ethiopic syllable SHA (U+1238)
ሹ &#4665; &#x1239; & ሹ ? Ethiopic syllable SHU (U+1239)
ሺ &#4666; &#x123A; & ሺ ? Ethiopic syllable SHI (U+123A)
ሻ &#4667; &#x123B; & ሻ ? Ethiopic syllable SHAA (U+123B)
ሼ &#4668; &#x123C; & ሼ ? Ethiopic syllable SHEE (U+123C)
ሽ &#4669; &#x123D; & ሽ ? Ethiopic syllable SHE (U+123D)
ሾ &#4670; &#x123E; & ሾ ? Ethiopic syllable SHO (U+123E)
ሿ &#4671; &#x123F; & ሿ ? Ethiopic syllable SHWA (U+123F)

ቀ &#4672; &#x1240; & ቀ ? Ethiopic syllable QA (U+1240)
ቁ &#4673; &#x1241; & ቁ ? Ethiopic syllable QU (U+1241)
ቂ &#4674; &#x1242; & ቂ ? Ethiopic syllable QI (U+1242)
ቃ &#4675; &#x1243; & ቃ ? Ethiopic syllable QAA (U+1243)
ቄ &#4676; &#x1244; & ቄ ? Ethiopic syllable QEE (U+1244)
ቅ &#4677; &#x1245; & ቅ ? Ethiopic syllable QE (U+1245)
ቆ &#4678; &#x1246; & ቆ ? Ethiopic syllable QO (U+1246)
ቇ &#4679; &#x1247; & ቇ ? Ethiopic syllable QOA (U+1247)
ቈ &#4680; &#x1248; & ቈ ? Ethiopic syllable QWA (U+1248)
቉ &#4681; &#x1249; & ቉ ? not a valid unicode character.
ቊ &#4682; &#x124A; & ቊ ? Ethiopic syllable QWI (U+124A)
ቋ &#4683; &#x124B; & ቋ ? Ethiopic syllable QWAA (U+124B)
ቌ &#4684; &#x124C; & ቌ ? Ethiopic syllable QWEE (U+124C)
ቍ &#4685; &#x124D; & ቍ ? Ethiopic syllable QWE (U+124D)
቎ &#4686; &#x124E; & ቎ ? not a valid unicode character.
቏ &#4687; &#x124F; & ቏ ? not a valid unicode character.

ቐ &#4688; &#x1250; & ቐ ? Ethiopic syllable QHA (U+1250)
ቑ &#4689; &#x1251; & ቑ ? Ethiopic syllable QHU (U+1251)
ቒ &#4690; &#x1252; & ቒ ? Ethiopic syllable QHI (U+1252)
ቓ &#4691; &#x1253; & ቓ ? Ethiopic syllable QHAA (U+1253)
ቔ &#4692; &#x1257; & ቔ ? Ethiopic syllable QHEE (U+1257)
ቕ &#4693; &#x1255; & ቕ ? Ethiopic syllable QHE (U+1255)
ቖ &#4694; &#x1257; & ቖ ? Ethiopic syllable QHO (U+1257)
቗ &#4695; &#x1257; & ቗ ? not a valid unicode character.
ቘ &#4696; &#x1258; & ቘ ? Ethiopic syllable QHWA (U+1258)
቙ &#4697; &#x1259; & ቙ ? not a valid unicode character.
ቚ &#4698; &#x125A; & ቚ ? Ethiopic syllable QHWI (U+125A)
ቛ &#4699; &#x125B; & ቛ ? Ethiopic syllable QHWAA (U+125B)
ቜ &#4700; &#x125C; & ቜ ? Ethiopic syllable QHWEE (U+125C)
ቝ &#4701; &#x125D; & ቝ ? Ethiopic syllable QHWE (U+125D)
቞ &#4702; &#x125E; & ቞ ? not a valid unicode character.
቟ &#4703; &#x125F; & ቟ ? not a valid unicode character.

በ &#4704; &#x1260; & በ ? Ethiopic syllable BA (U+1260)
ቡ &#4705; &#x1261; & ቡ ? Ethiopic syllable BU (U+1261)
ቢ &#4706; &#x1262; & ቢ ? Ethiopic syllable BI (U+1262)
ባ &#4707; &#x1263; & ባ ? Ethiopic syllable BAA (U+1263)
ቤ &#4708; &#x1264; & ቤ ? Ethiopic syllable BEE (U+1264)
ብ &#4709; &#x1265; & ብ ? Ethiopic syllable BE (U+1265)
ቦ &#4710; &#x1266; & ቦ ? Ethiopic syllable BO (U+1266)
ቧ &#4711; &#x1267; & ቧ ? Ethiopic syllable BWA (U+1267)
ቨ &#4712; &#x1268; & ቨ ? Ethiopic syllable VA (U+1268)
ቩ &#4713; &#x1269; & ቩ ? Ethiopic syllable VU (U+1269)
ቪ &#4714; &#x126A; & ቪ ? Ethiopic syllable VI (U+126A)
ቫ &#4715; &#x126B; & ቫ ? Ethiopic syllable VAA (U+126B)
ቬ &#4716; &#x126C; & ቬ ? Ethiopic syllable VEE (U+126C)
ቭ &#4717; &#x126D; & ቭ ? Ethiopic syllable VE (U+126D)
ቮ &#4718; &#x126E; & ቮ ? Ethiopic syllable VO (U+126E)
ቯ &#4719; &#x126F; & ቯ ? Ethiopic syllable VWA (U+126F)

ተ &#4720; &#x1270; & ተ ? Ethiopic syllable TA (U+1270)
ቱ &#4721; &#x1271; & ቱ ? Ethiopic syllable TU (U+1271)
ቲ &#4722; &#x1272; & ቲ ? Ethiopic syllable TI (U+1272)
ታ &#4723; &#x1273; & ታ ? Ethiopic syllable TAA (U+1273)
ቴ &#4724; &#x1274; & ቴ ? Ethiopic syllable TEE (U+1274)
ት &#4725; &#x1275; & ት ? Ethiopic syllable TE (U+1275)
ቶ &#4726; &#x1276; & ቶ ? Ethiopic syllable TO (U+1276)
ቷ &#4727; &#x1277; & ቷ ? Ethiopic syllable TWA (U+1277)
ቸ &#4728; &#x1278; & ቸ ? Ethiopic syllable CA (U+1278)
ቹ &#4729; &#x1279; & ቹ ? Ethiopic syllable CU (U+1279)
ቺ &#4730; &#x127A; & ቺ ? Ethiopic syllable CI (U+127A)
ቻ &#4731; &#x127B; & ቻ ? Ethiopic syllable CAA (U+127B)
ቼ &#4732; &#x127C; & ቼ ? Ethiopic syllable CEE (U+127C)
ች &#4733; &#x127D; & ች ? Ethiopic syllable CE (U+127D)
ቾ &#4734; &#x127E; & ቾ ? Ethiopic syllable CO (U+127E)
ቿ &#4735; &#x127F; & ቿ ? Ethiopic syllable CWA (U+127F)

ኀ &#4736; &#x1280; & ኀ ? Ethiopic syllable XA (U+1280)
ኁ &#4737; &#x1281; & ኁ ? Ethiopic syllable XU (U+1281)
ኂ &#4738; &#x1282; & ኂ ? Ethiopic syllable XI (U+1282)
ኃ &#4739; &#x1283; & ኃ ? Ethiopic syllable XAA (U+1283)
ኄ &#4740; &#x1284; & ኄ ? Ethiopic syllable XEE (U+1284)
ኅ &#4741; &#x1285; & ኅ ? Ethiopic syllable XE (U+1285)
ኆ &#4742; &#x1286; & ኆ ? Ethiopic syllable XO (U+1286)
ኇ &#4743; &#x1287; & ኇ ? Ethiopic syllable XOA (U+1287)
ኈ &#4744; &#x1288; & ኈ ? Ethiopic syllable XWA (U+1288)
኉ &#4745; &#x1289; & ኉ ? not a valid unicode character.
ኊ &#4746; &#x128A; & ኊ ? Ethiopic syllable XWI (U+128A)
ኋ &#4747; &#x128B; & ኋ ? Ethiopic syllable XWAA (U+128B)
ኌ &#4748; &#x128C; & ኌ ? Ethiopic syllable XWEE (U+128C)
ኍ &#4749; &#x128D; & ኍ ? Ethiopic syllable XWE (U+128D)
኎ &#4750; &#x128E; & ኎ ? not a valid unicode character.
኏ &#4751; &#x128F; & ኏ ? not a valid unicode character.

ነ &#4752; &#x1290; & ነ ? Ethiopic syllable NA (U+1290)
ኑ &#4753; &#x1291; & ኑ ? Ethiopic syllable NU (U+1291)
ኒ &#4754; &#x1292; & ኒ ? Ethiopic syllable NI (U+1292)
ና &#4755; &#x1293; & ና ? Ethiopic syllable NAA (U+1293)
ኔ &#4756; &#x1294; & ኔ ? Ethiopic syllable NEE (U+1294)
ን &#4757; &#x1295; & ን ? Ethiopic syllable NE (U+1295)
ኖ &#4758; &#x1296; & ኖ ? Ethiopic syllable NO (U+1296)
ኗ &#4759; &#x1297; & ኗ ? Ethiopic syllable NWA (U+1297)
ኘ &#4760; &#x1298; & ኘ ? Ethiopic syllable NYA (U+1298)
ኙ &#4761; &#x1299; & ኙ ? Ethiopic syllable NYU (U+1299)
ኚ &#4762; &#x129A; & ኚ ? Ethiopic syllable NYI (U+129A)
ኛ &#4763; &#x129B; & ኛ ? Ethiopic syllable NYAA (U+129B)
ኜ &#4764; &#x129C; & ኜ ? Ethiopic syllable NYEE (U+129C)
ኝ &#4765; &#x129D; & ኝ ? Ethiopic syllable NYE (U+129D)
ኞ &#4766; &#x129E; & ኞ ? Ethiopic syllable NYO (U+129E)
ኟ &#4767; &#x129F; & ኟ ? Ethiopic syllable NYWA (U+129F)

አ &#4768; &#x12A0; & አ ? Ethiopic syllable GLOTTAL A (U+12A0)
ኡ &#4769; &#x12A1; & ኡ ? Ethiopic syllable GLOTTAL U (U+12A1)
ኢ &#4770; &#x12A2; & ኢ ? Ethiopic syllable GLOTTAL I (U+12A2)
ኣ &#4771; &#x12A3; & ኣ ? Ethiopic syllable GLOTTAL AA (U+12A3)
ኤ &#4772; &#x12A4; & ኤ ? Ethiopic syllable GLOTTAL EE (U+12A4)
እ &#4773; &#x12A5; & እ ? Ethiopic syllable GLOTTAL E (U+12A5)
ኦ &#4774; &#x12A6; & ኦ ? Ethiopic syllable GLOTTAL O (U+12A6)
ኧ &#4775; &#x12A7; & ኧ ? Ethiopic syllable GLOTTAL WA (U+12A7)
ከ &#4776; &#x12A8; & ከ ? Ethiopic syllable KA (U+12A8)
ኩ &#4777; &#x12A9; & ኩ ? Ethiopic syllable KU (U+12A9)
ኪ &#4778; &#x12AA; & ኪ ? Ethiopic syllable KI (U+12AA)
ካ &#4779; &#x12AB; & ካ ? Ethiopic syllable KAA (U+12AB)
ኬ &#4780; &#x12AC; & ኬ ? Ethiopic syllable KEE (U+12AC)
ክ &#4781; &#x12AD; & ክ ? Ethiopic syllable KE (U+12AD)
ኮ &#4782; &#x12AE; & ኮ ? Ethiopic syllable KO (U+12AE)
ኯ &#4783; &#x12AF; & ኯ ? Ethiopic syllable KOA (U+12AF)

ኰ &#4784; &#x12B0; & ኰ ? Ethiopic syllable KWA (U+12B0)
኱ &#4785; &#x12B1; & ኱ ? not a valid unicode character.
ኲ &#4786; &#x12B2; & ኲ ? Ethiopic syllable KWI (U+12B2)
ኳ &#4787; &#x12B3; & ኳ ? Ethiopic syllable KWAA (U+12B3)
ኴ &#4788; &#x12B4; & ኴ ? Ethiopic syllable KWEE (U+12B4)
ኵ &#4789; &#x12B5; & ኵ ? Ethiopic syllable KWE (U+12B5)
኶ &#4790; &#x12B6; & ኶ ? not a valid unicode character.
኷ &#4791; &#x12B7; & ኷ ? not a valid unicode character.
ኸ &#4792; &#x12B8; & ኸ ? Ethiopic syllable KXA (U+12B8)
ኹ &#4793; &#x12B9; & ኹ ? Ethiopic syllable KXU (U+12B9)
ኺ &#4794; &#x12BA; & ኺ ? Ethiopic syllable KXI (U+12BA)
ኻ &#4795; &#x12BB; & ኻ ? Ethiopic syllable KXAA (U+12BB)
ኼ &#4796; &#x12BC; & ኼ ? Ethiopic syllable KXEE (U+12BC)
ኽ &#4797; &#x12BD; & ኽ ? Ethiopic syllable KXE (U+12BD)
ኾ &#4798; &#x12BE; & ኾ ? Ethiopic syllable KXO (U+12BE)
኿ &#4799; &#x12BF; & ኿ ? not a valid unicode character.

ዀ &#4800; &#x12C0; & ዀ ? Ethiopic syllable KXWA (U+12C0)
዁ &#4801; &#x12C1; & ዁ ? not a valid unicode character.
ዂ &#4802; &#x12C2; & ዂ ? Ethiopic syllable KXWI (U+12C2)
ዃ &#4803; &#x12C3; & ዃ ? Ethiopic syllable KXWAA (U+12C3)
ዄ &#4804; &#x12C4; & ዄ ? Ethiopic syllable KXWEE (U+12C4)
ዅ &#4805; &#x12C5; & ዅ ? Ethiopic syllable KXWE (U+12C5)
዆ &#4806; &#x12C6; & ዆ ? not a valid unicode character.
዇ &#4807; &#x12C7; & ዇ ? not a valid unicode character.
ወ &#4808; &#x12C8; & ወ ? Ethiopic syllable WA (U+12C8)
ዉ &#4809; &#x12C9; & ዉ ? Ethiopic syllable WU (U+12C9)
ዊ &#4810; &#x12CA; & ዊ ? Ethiopic syllable WI (U+12CA)
ዋ &#4811; &#x12CB; & ዋ ? Ethiopic syllable WAA (U+12CB)
ዌ &#4812; &#x12CC; & ዌ ? Ethiopic syllable WEE (U+12CC)
ው &#4813; &#x12CD; & ው ? Ethiopic syllable WE (U+12CD)
ዎ &#4814; &#x12CE; & ዎ ? Ethiopic syllable WO (U+12CE)
ዏ &#4815; &#x12CF; & ዏ ? Ethiopic syllable WOA (U+12CF)

ዐ &#4816; &#x12D0; & ዐ ? Ethiopic syllable PHARYNGEAL A (U+12D0)
ዑ &#4817; &#x12D1; & ዑ ? Ethiopic syllable PHARYNGEAL U (U+12D1)
ዒ &#4818; &#x12D2; & ዒ ? Ethiopic syllable PHARYNGEAL I (U+12D2)
ዓ &#4819; &#x12D3; & ዓ ? Ethiopic syllable PHARYNGEAL AA (U+12D3)
ዔ &#4820; &#x12D4; & ዔ ? Ethiopic syllable PHARYNGEAL EE (U+12D4)
ዕ &#4821; &#x12D5; & ዕ ? Ethiopic syllable PHARYNGEAL E (U+12D5)
ዖ &#4822; &#x12D6; & ዖ ? Ethiopic syllable PHARYNGEAL O (U+12D6)
዗ &#4823; &#x12D7; & ዗ ? not a valid unicode character.
ዘ &#4824; &#x12D8; & ዘ ? Ethiopic syllable ZA (U+12D8)
ዙ &#4825; &#x12D9; & ዙ ? Ethiopic syllable ZU (U+12D9)
ዚ &#4826; &#x12DA; & ዚ ? Ethiopic syllable ZI (U+12DA)
ዛ &#4827; &#x12DB; & ዛ ? Ethiopic syllable ZAA (U+12DB)
ዜ &#4828; &#x12DC; & ዜ ? Ethiopic syllable ZEE (U+12DC)
ዝ &#4829; &#x12DD; & ዝ ? Ethiopic syllable ZE (U+12DD)
ዞ &#4830; &#x12DE; & ዞ ? Ethiopic syllable ZO (U+12DE)
ዟ &#4831; &#x12DF; & ዟ ? Ethiopic syllable ZWA (U+12DF)

ዠ &#4832; &#x12E0; & ዠ ? Ethiopic syllable ZHA (U+12E0)
ዡ &#4833; &#x12E1; & ዡ ? Ethiopic syllable ZHU (U+12E1)
ዢ &#4834; &#x12E2; & ዢ ? Ethiopic syllable ZHI (U+12E2)
ዣ &#4835; &#x12E3; & ዣ ? Ethiopic syllable ZHAA (U+12E3)
ዤ &#4836; &#x12E4; & ዤ ? Ethiopic syllable ZHEE (U+12E4)
ዥ &#4837; &#x12E5; & ዥ ? Ethiopic syllable ZHE (U+12E5)
ዦ &#4838; &#x12E6; & ዦ ? Ethiopic syllable ZHO (U+12E6)
ዧ &#4839; &#x12E7; & ዧ ? Ethiopic syllable ZHWA (U+12E7)
የ &#4840; &#x12E8; & የ ? Ethiopic syllable YA (U+12E8)
ዩ &#4841; &#x12E9; & ዩ ? Ethiopic syllable YU (U+12E9)
ዪ &#4842; &#x12EA; & ዪ ? Ethiopic syllable YI (U+12EA)
ያ &#4843; &#x12EB; & ያ ? Ethiopic syllable YAA (U+12EB)
ዬ &#4844; &#x12EC; & ዬ ? Ethiopic syllable YEE (U+12EC)
ይ &#4845; &#x12ED; & ይ ? Ethiopic syllable YE (U+12ED)
ዮ &#4846; &#x12EE; & ዮ ? Ethiopic syllable YO (U+12EE)
ዯ &#4847; &#x12EF; & ዯ ? Ethiopic syllable YOA (U+12EF)

ደ &#4848; &#x12F0; & ደ ? Ethiopic syllable DA (U+12F0)
ዱ &#4849; &#x12F1; & ዱ ? Ethiopic syllable DU (U+12F1)
ዲ &#4850; &#x12F2; & ዲ ? Ethiopic syllable DI (U+12F2)
ዳ &#4851; &#x12F3; & ዳ ? Ethiopic syllable DAA (U+12F3)
ዴ &#4852; &#x12F4; & ዴ ? Ethiopic syllable DEE (U+12F4)
ድ &#4853; &#x12F5; & ድ ? Ethiopic syllable DE (U+12F5)
ዶ &#4854; &#x12F6; & ዶ ? Ethiopic syllable DO (U+12F6)
ዷ &#4855; &#x12F7; & ዷ ? Ethiopic syllable DWA (U+12F7)
ዸ &#4856; &#x12F8; & ዸ ? Ethiopic syllable DDA (U+12F8)
ዹ &#4857; &#x12F9; & ዹ ? Ethiopic syllable DDU (U+12F9)
ዺ &#4858; &#x12FA; & ዺ ? Ethiopic syllable DDI (U+12FA)
ዻ &#4859; &#x12FB; & ዻ ? Ethiopic syllable DDAA (U+12FB)
ዼ &#4860; &#x12FC; & ዼ ? Ethiopic syllable DDEE (U+12FC)
ዽ &#4861; &#x12FD; & ዽ ? Ethiopic syllable DDE (U+12FD)
ዾ &#4862; &#x12FE; & ዾ ? Ethiopic syllable DDO (U+12FE)
ዿ &#4863; &#x12FF; & ዿ ? Ethiopic syllable DDWA (U+12FF)

ጀ &#4864; &#x1300; & ጀ ? Ethiopic syllable JA (U+1300)
ጁ &#4865; &#x1301; & ጁ ? Ethiopic syllable JU (U+1301)
ጂ &#4866; &#x1302; & ጂ ? Ethiopic syllable JI (U+1302)
ጃ &#4867; &#x1303; & ጃ ? Ethiopic syllable JAA (U+1303)
ጄ &#4868; &#x1304; & ጄ ? Ethiopic syllable JEE (U+1304)
ጅ &#4869; &#x1305; & ጅ ? Ethiopic syllable JE (U+1305)
ጆ &#4870; &#x1306; & ጆ ? Ethiopic syllable JO (U+1306)
ጇ &#4871; &#x1307; & ጇ ? Ethiopic syllable JWA (U+1307)
ገ &#4872; &#x1308; & ገ ? Ethiopic syllable GA (U+1308)
ጉ &#4873; &#x1309; & ጉ ? Ethiopic syllable GU (U+1309)
ጊ &#4874; &#x130A; & ጊ ? Ethiopic syllable GI (U+130A)
ጋ &#4875; &#x130B; & ጋ ? Ethiopic syllable GAA (U+130B)
ጌ &#4876; &#x130C; & ጌ ? Ethiopic syllable GEE (U+130C)
ግ &#4877; &#x130D; & ግ ? Ethiopic syllable GE (U+130D)
ጎ &#4878; &#x130E; & ጎ ? Ethiopic syllable GO (U+130E)
ጏ &#4879; &#x130F; & ጏ ? Ethiopic syllable GOA (U+130F)

ጐ &#4880; &#x1310; & ጐ ? Ethiopic syllable GWA (U+1310)
጑ &#4881; &#x1311; & ጑ not a valid unicode character.
ጒ &#4882; &#x1312; & ጒ ? Ethiopic syllable GWI (U+1312)
ጓ &#4883; &#x1313; & ጓ ? Ethiopic syllable GWAA (U+1313)
ጔ &#4884; &#x1314; & ጔ ? Ethiopic syllable GWEE (U+1314)
ጕ &#4885; &#x1315; & ጕ ? Ethiopic syllable GWE (U+1315)
጖ &#4886; &#x1316; & ጖ not a valid unicode character.
጗ &#4887; &#x1317; & ጗ not a valid unicode character.
ጘ &#4888; &#x1318; & ጘ ? Ethiopic syllable GGA (U+1318)
ጙ &#4889; &#x1319; & ጙ ? Ethiopic syllable GGU (U+1319)
ጚ &#4890; &#x131A; & ጚ ? Ethiopic syllable GGI (U+131A)
ጛ &#4891; &#x131B; & ጛ ? Ethiopic syllable GGAA (U+131B)
ጜ &#4892; &#x131C; & ጜ ? Ethiopic syllable GGEE (U+131C)
ጝ &#4893; &#x131D; & ጝ ? Ethiopic syllable GGE (U+131D)
ጞ &#4894; &#x131E; & ጞ ? Ethiopic syllable GGO (U+131E)
ጟ &#4895; &#x131F; & ጟ ? Ethiopic syllable GGWAA (U+131F)

ጠ &#4896; &#x1320; & ጠ ? Ethiopic syllable THA (U+1320)
ጡ &#4897; &#x1321; & ጡ ? Ethiopic syllable THU (U+1321)
ጢ &#4898; &#x1322; & ጢ ? Ethiopic syllable THI (U+1322)
ጣ &#4899; &#x1323; & ጣ ? Ethiopic syllable THAA (U+1323)
ጤ &#4900; &#x1324; & ጤ ? Ethiopic syllable THEE (U+1324)
ጥ &#4901; &#x1325; & ጥ ? Ethiopic syllable THE (U+1325)
ጦ &#4902; &#x1326; & ጦ ? Ethiopic syllable THO (U+1326)
ጧ &#4903; &#x1327; & ጧ ? Ethiopic syllable THWA (U+1327)
ጨ &#4904; &#x1328; & ጨ ? Ethiopic syllable CHA (U+1328)
ጩ &#4905; &#x1329; & ጩ ? Ethiopic syllable CHU (U+1329)
ጪ &#4906; &#x132A; & ጪ ? Ethiopic syllable CHI (U+132A)
ጫ &#4907; &#x132B; & ጫ ? Ethiopic syllable CHAA (U+132B)
ጬ &#4908; &#x132C; & ጬ ? Ethiopic syllable CHEE (U+132C)
ጭ &#4909; &#x132D; & ጭ ? Ethiopic syllable CHE (U+132D)
ጮ &#4910; &#x132E; & ጮ ? Ethiopic syllable CHO (U+132E)
ጯ &#4911; &#x132F; & ጯ ? Ethiopic syllable CHWA (U+132F)

ጰ &#4912; &#x1330; & ጰ ? Ethiopic syllable PHA (U+1330)
ጱ &#4913; &#x1331; & ጱ ? Ethiopic syllable PHU (U+1331)
ጲ &#4914; &#x1332; & ጲ ? Ethiopic syllable PHI (U+1332)
ጳ &#4915; &#x1333; & ጳ ? Ethiopic syllable PHAA (U+1333)
ጴ &#4916; &#x1334; & ጴ ? Ethiopic syllable PHEE (U+1334)
ጵ &#4917; &#x1335; & ጵ ? Ethiopic syllable PHE (U+1335)
ጶ &#4918; &#x1336; & ጶ ? Ethiopic syllable PHO (U+1336)
ጷ &#4919; &#x1337; & ጷ ? Ethiopic syllable PHWA (U+1337)
ጸ &#4920; &#x1338; & ጸ ? Ethiopic syllable TSA (U+1338)
ጹ &#4921; &#x1339; & ጹ ? Ethiopic syllable TSU (U+1339)
ጺ &#4922; &#x133A; & ጺ ? Ethiopic syllable TSI (U+133A)
ጻ &#4923; &#x133B; & ጻ ? Ethiopic syllable TSAA (U+133B)
ጼ &#4924; &#x133C; & ጼ ? Ethiopic syllable TSEE (U+133C)
ጽ &#4925; &#x133D; & ጽ ? Ethiopic syllable TSE (U+133D)
ጾ &#4926; &#x133E; & ጾ ? Ethiopic syllable TSO (U+133E)
ጿ &#4927; &#x133F; & ጿ ? Ethiopic syllable TSWA (U+133F)

ፀ &#4928; &#x1340; & ፀ ? Ethiopic syllable TZA (U+1340)
ፁ &#4929; &#x1341; & ፁ ? Ethiopic syllable TZU (U+1341)
ፂ &#4930; &#x1342; & ፂ ? Ethiopic syllable TZI (U+1342)
ፃ &#4931; &#x1343; & ፃ ? Ethiopic syllable TZAA (U+1343)
ፄ &#4932; &#x1344; & ፄ ? Ethiopic syllable TZEE (U+1344)
ፅ &#4933; &#x1345; & ፅ ? Ethiopic syllable TZE (U+1345)
ፆ &#4934; &#x1346; & ፆ ? Ethiopic syllable TZO (U+1346)
ፇ &#4935; &#x1347; & ፇ ? Ethiopic syllable TZOA (U+1347)
ፈ &#4936; &#x1348; & ፈ ? Ethiopic syllable FA (U+1348)
ፉ &#4937; &#x1349; & ፉ ? Ethiopic syllable FU (U+1349)
ፊ &#4938; &#x134A; & ፊ ? Ethiopic syllable FI (U+134A)
ፋ &#4939; &#x134B; & ፋ ? Ethiopic syllable FAA (U+134B)
ፌ &#4940; &#x134C; & ፌ ? Ethiopic syllable FEE (U+134C)
ፍ &#4941; &#x134D; & ፍ ? Ethiopic syllable FE (U+134D)
ፎ &#4942; &#x134E; & ፎ ? Ethiopic syllable FO (U+134E)
ፏ &#4943; &#x134F; & ፏ ? Ethiopic syllable FWA (U+134F)

ፐ &#4944; &#x1350; & ፐ ? Ethiopic syllable PA (U+1350)
ፑ &#4945; &#x1351; & ፑ ? Ethiopic syllable PU (U+1351)
ፒ &#4946; &#x1352; & ፒ ? Ethiopic syllable PI (U+1352)
ፓ &#4947; &#x1353; & ፓ ? Ethiopic syllable PAA (U+1353)
ፔ &#4948; &#x1354; & ፔ ? Ethiopic syllable PEE (U+1354)
ፕ &#4949; &#x1355; & ፕ ? Ethiopic syllable PE (U+1355)
ፖ &#4950; &#x1356; & ፖ ? Ethiopic syllable PO (U+1356)
ፗ &#4951; &#x1357; & ፗ ? Ethiopic syllable PWA (U+1357)
ፘ &#4952; &#x1358; & ፘ ? Ethiopic syllable RYA (U+1358)
፛ &#4955; &#x1359; & ፛ ? Ethiopic syllable MYA (U+1359)
ፚ &#4954; &#x135A; & ፚ ? Ethiopic syllable FYA (U+135A)
፛ &#4955; &#x135B; & ፛ not a valid unicode character.
፜ &#4956; &#x135C; & ፜ not a valid unicode character.
፝ &#4957; &#x135D; & ፝ ? Ethiopic combining GEMINATION and vowel length mark (U+135D)
፞ &#4958; &#x135E; & ፞ ? Ethiopic combining vowel length mark (U+135E)
፟ &#4959; &#x135F; & ፟ ? Ethiopic combining GEMINATION mark (U+135F)

፠ &#4960; &#x1360; & ፠ ? Ethiopic SECTION mark (U+1360)
፡ &#4961; &#x1361; & ፡ ? Ethiopic WORDSPACE (U+1361)
። &#4962; &#x1362; & ። ? Ethiopic FULL Stop (U+1362)
፣ &#4963; &#x1363; & ፣ ? Ethiopic COMMA (U+1363)
፤ &#4964; &#x1364; & ፤ ? Ethiopic SEMICOLON (U+1364)
፥ &#4965; &#x1365; & ፥ ? Ethiopic COLON (U+1365)
፦ &#4966; &#x1366; & ፦ ? Ethiopic PREFACE COLON (U+1366)
፧ &#4967; &#x1367; & ፧ ? Ethiopic QUESTION mark (U+1367)
፨ &#4968; &#x1368; & ፨ ? Ethiopic PARAGRAPH separator (U+1368)
፩ &#4969; &#x1369; & ፩ ? Ethiopic digit ONE (U+1369)
፪ &#4970; &#x136A; & ፪ ? Ethiopic digit TWO (U+136A)
፫ &#4971; &#x136B; & ፫ ? Ethiopic digit THREE (U+136B)
፬ &#4972; &#x136C; & ፬ ? Ethiopic digit FOUR (U+136C)
፭ &#4973; &#x136D; & ፭ ? Ethiopic digit FIVE (U+136D)
፮ &#4974; &#x136E; & ፮ ? Ethiopic digit SIX (U+136E)
፯ &#4975; &#x136F; & ፯ ? Ethiopic digit SEVEN (U+136F)

፰ &#4976; &#x1370; & ፰ ? Ethiopic digit EIGHT (U+1370)
፱ &#4977; &#x1371; & ፱ ? Ethiopic digit NINE (U+1371)
፲ &#4978; &#x1372; & ፲ ? Ethiopic number TEN (U+1372)
፳ &#4979; &#x1373; & ፳ ? Ethiopic number TWENTY (U+1373)
፴ &#4980; &#x1374; & ፴ ? Ethiopic number THIRTY (U+1374)
፵ &#4981; &#x1375; & ፵ ? Ethiopic number FORTY (U+1375)
፶ &#4982; &#x1376; & ፶ ? Ethiopic number FIFTY (U+1376)
፷ &#4983; &#x1377; & ፷ ? Ethiopic number SIXTY (U+1377)
፸ &#4984; &#x1378; & ፸ ? Ethiopic number SEVENTY (U+1378)
፹ &#4985; &#x1379; & ፹ ? Ethiopic number EIGHTY (U+1379)
፺ &#4986; &#x137A; & ፺ ? Ethiopic number NINETY (U+137A)
፻ &#4987; &#x137B; & ፻ ? Ethiopic number HUNDRED (U+137B)
፼ &#4988; &#x137C; & ፼ ? Ethiopic number TEN THOUSAND (U+137C)
፽ &#4989; &#x137D; & ፽ not a valid unicode character.
፾ &#4990; &#x137E; & ፾ not a valid unicode character.
፿ &#4991; &#x137F; & ፿ not a valid unicode character.

ᎀ &#4992; &#x1380; & ᎀ ? Ethiopic syllable SEBATBEIT MWA (U+1380)
ᎁ &#4993; &#x1381; & ᎁ ? Ethiopic syllable MWI (U+1381)
ᎂ &#4994; &#x1382; & ᎂ ? Ethiopic syllable MWEE (U+1382)
ᎃ &#4995; &#x1383; & ᎃ ? Ethiopic syllable MWE (U+1383)
ᎄ &#4996; &#x1384; & ᎄ ? Ethiopic syllable SEBATBEIT BWA (U+1384)
ᎅ &#4997; &#x1385; & ᎅ ? Ethiopic syllable BWI (U+1385)
ᎆ &#4998; &#x1386; & ᎆ ? Ethiopic syllable BWEE (U+1386)
ᎇ &#4999; &#x1387; & ᎇ ? Ethiopic syllable BWE (U+1387)
ᎈ &#5000; &#x1388; & ᎈ ? Ethiopic syllable SEBATBEIT FWA (U+1388)
ᎉ &#5001; &#x1389; & ᎉ ? Ethiopic syllable FWI (U+1389)
ᎊ &#5002; &#x138A; & ᎊ ? Ethiopic syllable FWEE (U+138A)
ᎋ &#5003; &#x138B; & ᎋ ? Ethiopic syllable FWE (U+138B)
ᎌ &#5004; &#x138C; & ᎌ ? Ethiopic syllable SEBATBEIT PWA (U+138C)
ᎍ &#5005; &#x138D; & ᎍ ? Ethiopic syllable PWI (U+138D)
ᎎ &#5006; &#x138E; & ᎎ ? Ethiopic syllable PWEE (U+138E)
ᎏ &#5007; &#x138F; & ᎏ ? Ethiopic syllable PWE (U+138F)

᎐ &#5008; &#x1390; & ᎐ ? Ethiopic tonal mark YIZET (U+1390)
᎑ &#5009; &#x1391; & ᎑ ? Ethiopic tonal mark DERET (U+1391)
᎒ &#5010; &#x1392; & ᎒ ? Ethiopic tonal mark RIKRIK (U+1392)
᎓ &#5011; &#x1393; & ᎓ ? Ethiopic tonal mark short RIKRIK (U+1393)
᎔ &#5012; &#x1394; & ᎔ ? Ethiopic tonal mark DIFAT (U+1394)
᎕ &#5013; &#x1395; & ᎕ ? Ethiopic tonal mark KENAT (U+1395)
᎖ &#5014; &#x1396; & ᎖ ? Ethiopic tonal mark CHIRET (U+1396)
᎗ &#5015; &#x1397; & ᎗ ? Ethiopic tonal mark HIDET (U+1397)
᎘ &#5016; &#x1398; & ᎘ ? Ethiopic tonal mark DERET-HIDET (U+1398)
᎙ &#5017; &#x1399; & ᎙ ? Ethiopic tonal mark KURT (U+1399)
᎚ &#5018; &#x139A; & ᎚ not a valid unicode character.
᎛ &#5019; &#x139B; & ᎛ not a valid unicode character.
᎜ &#5020; &#x139C; & ᎜ not a valid unicode character.
᎝ &#5021; &#x139D; & ᎝ not a valid unicode character.
᎞ &#5022; &#x139E; & ᎞ not a valid unicode character.
᎟ &#5023; &#x139F; & ᎟ not a valid unicode character.

Cherokee 13A0
Ꭰ &#5024; &#x13A0; & Ꭰ ? Cherokee letter A (U+13A0)
Ꭱ &#5025; &#x13A1; & Ꭱ ? Cherokee letter E (U+13A1)
Ꭲ &#5026; &#x13A2; & Ꭲ ? Cherokee letter I (U+13A2)
Ꭳ &#5027; &#x13A3; & Ꭳ ? Cherokee letter O (U+13A3)
Ꭴ &#5028; &#x13A4; & Ꭴ ? Cherokee letter U (U+13A4)
Ꭵ &#5029; &#x13A5; & Ꭵ ? Cherokee letter V (U+13A5)
Ꭶ &#5030; &#x13A6; & Ꭶ ? Cherokee letter GA (U+13A6)
Ꭷ &#5031; &#x13A7; & Ꭷ ? Cherokee letter KA (U+13A7)
Ꭸ &#5032; &#x13A8; & Ꭸ ? Cherokee letter GE (U+13A8)
Ꭹ &#5033; &#x13A9; & Ꭹ ? Cherokee letter GI (U+13A9)
Ꭺ &#5034; &#x13AA; & Ꭺ ? Cherokee letter GO (U+13AA)
Ꭻ &#5035; &#x13AB; & Ꭻ ? Cherokee letter GU (U+13AB)
Ꭼ &#5036; &#x13AC; & Ꭼ ? Cherokee letter GV (U+13AC)
Ꭽ &#5037; &#x13AD; & Ꭽ ? Cherokee letter HA (U+13AD)
Ꭾ &#5038; &#x13AE; & Ꭾ ? Cherokee letter HE (U+13AE)
Ꭿ &#5039; &#x13AF; & Ꭿ ? Cherokee letter HI (U+13AF)

Ꮀ &#5040; &#x13B0; & Ꮀ ? Cherokee letter HO (U+13B0)
Ꮁ &#5041; &#x13B1; & Ꮁ ? Cherokee letter HU (U+13B1)
Ꮂ &#5042; &#x13B2; & Ꮂ ? Cherokee letter HV (U+13B2)
Ꮃ &#5043; &#x13B3; & Ꮃ ? Cherokee letter LA (U+13B3)
Ꮄ &#5044; &#x13B4; & Ꮄ ? Cherokee letter LE (U+13B4)
Ꮅ &#5045; &#x13B5; & Ꮅ ? Cherokee letter LI (U+13B5)
Ꮆ &#5046; &#x13B6; & Ꮆ ? Cherokee letter LO (U+13B6)
Ꮇ &#5047; &#x13B7; & Ꮇ ? Cherokee letter LU (U+13B7)
Ꮈ &#5048; &#x13B8; & Ꮈ ? Cherokee letter LV (U+13B8)
Ꮉ &#5049; &#x13B9; & Ꮉ ? Cherokee letter MA (U+13B9)
Ꮊ &#5050; &#x13BA; & Ꮊ ? Cherokee letter ME (U+13BA)
Ꮋ &#5051; &#x13BB; & Ꮋ ? Cherokee letter MI (U+13BB)
Ꮌ &#5052; &#x13BC; & Ꮌ ? Cherokee letter MO (U+13BC)
Ꮍ &#5053; &#x13BD; & Ꮍ ? Cherokee letter MU (U+13BD)
Ꮎ &#5054; &#x13BE; & Ꮎ ? Cherokee letter NA (U+13BE)
Ꮏ &#5055; &#x13BF; & Ꮏ ? Cherokee letter HNA (U+13BF)

Ꮐ &#5056; &#x13C0; & Ꮐ ? Cherokee letter NAH (U+13C0)
Ꮑ &#5057; &#x13C1; & Ꮑ ? Cherokee letter NE (U+13C1)
Ꮒ &#5058; &#x13C2; & Ꮒ ? Cherokee letter NI (U+13C2)
Ꮓ &#5059; &#x13C3; & Ꮓ ? Cherokee letter NO (U+13C3)
Ꮔ &#5060; &#x13C4; & Ꮔ ? Cherokee letter NU (U+13C4)
Ꮕ &#5061; &#x13C5; & Ꮕ ? Cherokee letter NV (U+13C5)
Ꮖ &#5062; &#x13C6; & Ꮖ ? Cherokee letter QUA (U+13C6)
Ꮗ &#5063; &#x13C7; & Ꮗ ? Cherokee letter QUE (U+13C7)
Ꮘ &#5064; &#x13C8; & Ꮘ ? Cherokee letter QUI (U+13C8)
Ꮙ &#5065; &#x13C9; & Ꮙ ? Cherokee letter QUO (U+13C9)
Ꮚ &#5066; &#x13CA; & Ꮚ ? Cherokee letter QU (U+13CA)
Ꮛ &#5067; &#x13CB; & Ꮛ ? Cherokee letter QUV (U+13CB)
Ꮜ &#5068; &#x13CC; & Ꮜ ? Cherokee letter SA (U+13CC)
Ꮝ &#5069; &#x13CD; & Ꮝ ? Cherokee letter S (U+13CD)
Ꮞ &#5070; &#x13CE; & Ꮞ ? Cherokee letter SE (U+13CE)
Ꮟ &#5071; &#x13CF; & Ꮟ ? Cherokee letter SI (U+13CF)

Ꮠ &#5072; &#x13D0; & Ꮠ ? Cherokee letter SO (U+13D0)
Ꮡ &#5073; &#x13D1; & Ꮡ ? Cherokee letter SU (U+13D1)
Ꮢ &#5074; &#x13D2; & Ꮢ ? Cherokee letter SV (U+13D2)
Ꮣ &#5075; &#x13D3; & Ꮣ ? Cherokee letter DA (U+13D3)
Ꮤ &#5076; &#x13D4; & Ꮤ ? Cherokee letter TA (U+13D4)
Ꮥ &#5077; &#x13D5; & Ꮥ ? Cherokee letter DE (U+13D5)
Ꮦ &#5078; &#x13D6; & Ꮦ ? Cherokee letter TE (U+13D6)
Ꮧ &#5079; &#x13D7; & Ꮧ ? Cherokee letter DI (U+13D7)
Ꮨ &#5080; &#x13D8; & Ꮨ ? Cherokee letter TI (U+13D8)
Ꮩ &#5081; &#x13D9; & Ꮩ ? Cherokee letter DO (U+13D9)
Ꮪ &#5082; &#x13DA; & Ꮪ ? Cherokee letter DU (U+13DA)
Ꮫ &#5083; &#x13DB; & Ꮫ ? Cherokee letter DV (U+13DB)
Ꮬ &#5084; &#x13DC; & Ꮬ ? Cherokee letter DLA (U+13DC)
Ꮭ &#5085; &#x13DD; & Ꮭ ? Cherokee letter TLA (U+13DD)
Ꮮ &#5086; &#x13DE; & Ꮮ ? Cherokee letter TLE (U+13DE)
Ꮯ &#5087; &#x13DF; & Ꮯ ? Cherokee letter TLI (U+13DF)

Ꮰ &#5088; &#x13E0; & Ꮰ ? Cherokee letter TLO (U+13E0)
Ꮱ &#5089; &#x13E1; & Ꮱ ? Cherokee letter TLU (U+13E1)
Ꮲ &#5090; &#x13E2; & Ꮲ ? Cherokee letter TLV (U+13E2)
Ꮳ &#5091; &#x13E3; & Ꮳ ? Cherokee letter TSA (U+13E3)
Ꮴ &#5092; &#x13E4; & Ꮴ ? Cherokee letter TSE (U+13E4)
Ꮵ &#5093; &#x13E5; & Ꮵ ? Cherokee letter TSI (U+13E5)
Ꮶ &#5094; &#x13E6; & Ꮶ ? Cherokee letter TSO (U+13E6)
Ꮷ &#5095; &#x13E7; & Ꮷ ? Cherokee letter TSU (U+13E7)
Ꮸ &#5096; &#x13E8; & Ꮸ ? Cherokee letter TSV (U+13E8)
Ꮹ &#5097; &#x13E9; & Ꮹ ? Cherokee letter WA (U+13E9)
Ꮺ &#5098; &#x13EA; & Ꮺ ? Cherokee letter WE (U+13EA)
Ꮻ &#5099; &#x13EB; & Ꮻ ? Cherokee letter WI (U+13EB)
Ꮼ &#5100; &#x13EC; & Ꮼ ? Cherokee letter WO (U+13EC)
Ꮽ &#5101; &#x13ED; & Ꮽ ? Cherokee letter WU (U+13ED)
Ꮾ &#5102; &#x13EE; & Ꮾ ? Cherokee letter WV (U+13EE)
Ꮿ &#5103; &#x13EF; & Ꮿ ? Cherokee letter YA (U+13EF)

Ᏸ &#5104; &#x13F0; & Ᏸ ? Cherokee letter YE (U+13F0)
Ᏹ &#5105; &#x13F1; & Ᏹ ? Cherokee letter YI (U+13F1)
Ᏺ &#5106; &#x13F2; & Ᏺ ? Cherokee letter YO (U+13F2)
Ᏻ &#5107; &#x13F3; & Ᏻ ? Cherokee letter YU (U+13F3)
Ᏼ &#5108; &#x13F4; & Ᏼ ? Cherokee letter YV (U+13F4)
Ᏽ &#5109; &#x13F5; & Ᏽ not a valid unicode character.
᏶ &#5110; &#x13F6; & ᏶ not a valid unicode character.
᏷ &#5111; &#x13F7; & ᏷ not a valid unicode character.
ᏸ &#5112; &#x13F8; & ᏸ not a valid unicode character.
ᏹ &#5113; &#x13F9; & ᏹ not a valid unicode character.
ᏺ &#5114; &#x13FA; & ᏺ not a valid unicode character.
ᏻ &#5115; &#x13FB; & ᏻ not a valid unicode character.
ᏼ &#5116; &#x13FC; & ᏼ not a valid unicode character.
ᏽ &#5117; &#x13FD; & ᏽ not a valid unicode character.
᏾ &#5118; &#x13FE; & ᏾ not a valid unicode character.
᏿ &#5119; &#x13FF; & ᏿ not a valid unicode character.

Canadian Aboriginal Syllabic 1400
᐀ &#5120; &#x1400; & ᐀ ? Canadian syllabics HYPHEN (U+1400)
ᐁ &#5121; &#x1401; & ᐁ ? Canadian syllabics E (U+1401)
ᐂ &#5122; &#x1402; & ᐂ ? Canadian syllabics AAI (U+1402)
ᐃ &#5123; &#x1403; & ᐃ ? Canadian syllabics I (U+1403)
ᐄ &#5124; &#x1404; & ᐄ ? Canadian syllabics II (U+1404)
ᐅ &#5125; &#x1405; & ᐅ ? Canadian syllabics O (U+1405)
ᐆ &#5126; &#x1406; & ᐆ ? Canadian syllabics OO (U+1406)
ᐇ &#5127; &#x1407; & ᐇ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE OO (U+1407)
ᐈ &#5128; &#x1408; & ᐈ ? Canadian syllabics carrier EE (U+1408)
ᐉ &#5129; &#x1409; & ᐉ ? Canadian syllabics carrier I (U+1409)
ᐊ &#5130; &#x140A; & ᐊ ? Canadian syllabics A (U+140A)
ᐋ &#5131; &#x140B; & ᐋ ? Canadian syllabics AA (U+140B)
ᐌ &#5132; &#x140C; & ᐌ ? Canadian syllabics WE (U+140C)
ᐍ &#5133; &#x140D; & ᐍ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE WE (U+140D)
ᐎ &#5134; &#x140E; & ᐎ ? Canadian syllabics WI (U+140E)
ᐏ &#5135; &#x140F; & ᐏ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE WI (U+140F)

ᐐ &#5136; &#x1410; & ᐐ ? Canadian syllabics WII (U+1410)
ᐑ &#5137; &#x1411; & ᐑ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE WII (U+1411)
ᐒ &#5138; &#x1412; & ᐒ ? Canadian syllabics WO (U+1412)
ᐓ &#5139; &#x1413; & ᐓ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE WO (U+1413)
ᐔ &#5140; &#x1414; & ᐔ ? Canadian syllabics WOO (U+1414)
ᐕ &#5141; &#x1415; & ᐕ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE WOO (U+1415)
ᐖ &#5142; &#x1416; & ᐖ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI WOO (U+1416)
ᐗ &#5143; &#x1417; & ᐗ ? Canadian syllabics WA (U+1417)
ᐘ &#5144; &#x1418; & ᐘ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE WA (U+1418)
ᐙ &#5145; &#x1419; & ᐙ ? Canadian syllabics WAA (U+1419)
ᐚ &#5146; &#x141A; & ᐚ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE WAA (U+141A)
ᐛ &#5147; &#x141B; & ᐛ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI WAA (U+141B)
ᐜ &#5148; &#x141C; & ᐜ ? Canadian syllabics AI (U+141C)
ᐝ &#5149; &#x141D; & ᐝ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE W (U+141D)
ᐞ &#5150; &#x141E; & ᐞ ? Canadian syllabics GLOTTAL STOP (U+141E)
ᐟ &#5151; &#x141F; & ᐟ ? Canadian syllabics final acute (U+141F)

ᐠ &#5152; &#x1420; & ᐠ ? Canadian syllabics final grave (U+1420)
ᐡ &#5153; &#x1421; & ᐡ ? Canadian syllabics final bottom half ring (U+1421)
ᐢ &#5154; &#x1422; & ᐢ ? Canadian syllabics final top half ring (U+1422)
ᐣ &#5155; &#x1423; & ᐣ ? Canadian syllabics final right half ring (U+1423)
ᐤ &#5156; &#x1424; & ᐤ ? Canadian syllabics final ring (U+1424)
ᐥ &#5157; &#x1425; & ᐥ ? Canadian syllabics final double acute (U+1425)
ᐦ &#5158; &#x1426; & ᐦ ? Canadian syllabics final double short vertical STROKES (U+1426)
ᐧ &#5159; &#x1427; & ᐧ ? Canadian syllabics final middle DOT (U+1427)
ᐨ &#5160; &#x1428; & ᐨ ? Canadian syllabics final short horizontal STROKE (U+1428)
ᐩ &#5161; &#x1429; & ᐩ ? Canadian syllabics final PLUS (U+1429)
ᐪ &#5162; &#x142A; & ᐪ ? Canadian syllabics final down TACK (U+142A)
ᐫ &#5163; &#x142B; & ᐫ ? Canadian syllabics EN (U+142B)
ᐬ &#5164; &#x142C; & ᐬ ? Canadian syllabics IN (U+142C)
ᐭ &#5165; &#x142D; & ᐭ ? Canadian syllabics ON (U+142D)
ᐮ &#5166; &#x142E; & ᐮ ? Canadian syllabics AN (U+142E)
ᐯ &#5167; &#x142F; & ᐯ ? Canadian syllabics PE (U+142F)

ᐰ &#5168; &#x1430; & ᐰ ? Canadian syllabics PAAI (U+1430)
ᐱ &#5169; &#x1431; & ᐱ ? Canadian syllabics PI (U+1431)
ᐲ &#5170; &#x1432; & ᐲ ? Canadian syllabics PII (U+1432)
ᐳ &#5171; &#x1433; & ᐳ ? Canadian syllabics PO (U+1433)
ᐴ &#5172; &#x1434; & ᐴ ? Canadian syllabics POO (U+1434)
ᐵ &#5173; &#x1435; & ᐵ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE POO (U+1435)
ᐶ &#5174; &#x1436; & ᐶ ? Canadian syllabics carrier HEE (U+1436)
ᐷ &#5175; &#x1437; & ᐷ ? Canadian syllabics carrier HI (U+1437)
ᐸ &#5176; &#x1438; & ᐸ ? Canadian syllabics PA (U+1438)
ᐹ &#5177; &#x1439; & ᐹ ? Canadian syllabics PAA (U+1439)
ᐺ &#5178; &#x143A; & ᐺ ? Canadian syllabics PWE (U+143A)
ᐻ &#5179; &#x143B; & ᐻ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE PWE (U+143B)
ᐼ &#5180; &#x143C; & ᐼ ? Canadian syllabics PWI (U+143C)
ᐽ &#5181; &#x143D; & ᐽ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE PWI (U+143D)
ᐾ &#5182; &#x143E; & ᐾ ? Canadian syllabics PWII (U+143E)
ᐿ &#5183; &#x143F; & ᐿ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE PWII (U+143F)

ᑀ &#5184; &#x1440; & ᑀ ? Canadian syllabics PWO (U+1440)
ᑁ &#5185; &#x1441; & ᑁ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE PWO (U+1441)
ᑂ &#5186; &#x1442; & ᑂ ? Canadian syllabics PWOO (U+1442)
ᑃ &#5187; &#x1443; & ᑃ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE PWOO (U+1443)
ᑄ &#5188; &#x1444; & ᑄ ? Canadian syllabics PWA (U+1444)
ᑅ &#5189; &#x1445; & ᑅ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE PWA (U+1445)
ᑆ &#5190; &#x1446; & ᑆ ? Canadian syllabics PWAA (U+1446)
ᑇ &#5191; &#x1447; & ᑇ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE PWAA (U+1447)
ᑈ &#5192; &#x1448; & ᑈ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE PWAA (U+1448)
ᑉ &#5193; &#x1449; & ᑉ ? Canadian syllabics P (U+1449)
ᑊ &#5194; &#x144A; & ᑊ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE P (U+144A)
ᑋ &#5195; &#x144B; & ᑋ ? Canadian syllabics carrier H (U+144B)
ᑌ &#5196; &#x144C; & ᑌ ? Canadian syllabics TE (U+144C)
ᑍ &#5197; &#x144D; & ᑍ ? Canadian syllabics TAAI (U+144D)
ᑎ &#5198; &#x144E; & ᑎ ? Canadian syllabics TI (U+144E)
ᑏ &#5199; &#x144F; & ᑏ ? Canadian syllabics TII (U+144F)

ᑐ &#5200; &#x1450; & ᑐ ? Canadian syllabics TO (U+1450)
ᑑ &#5201; &#x1451; & ᑑ ? Canadian syllabics TOO (U+1451)
ᑒ &#5202; &#x1452; & ᑒ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE TOO (U+1452)
ᑓ &#5203; &#x1453; & ᑓ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DEE (U+1453)
ᑔ &#5204; &#x1454; & ᑔ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DI (U+1454)
ᑕ &#5205; &#x1455; & ᑕ ? Canadian syllabics TA (U+1455)
ᑖ &#5206; &#x1456; & ᑖ ? Canadian syllabics TAA (U+1456)
ᑗ &#5207; &#x1457; & ᑗ ? Canadian syllabics TWE (U+1457)
ᑘ &#5208; &#x1458; & ᑘ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE TWE (U+1458)
ᑙ &#5209; &#x1459; & ᑙ ? Canadian syllabics TWI (U+1459)
ᑚ &#5210; &#x145A; & ᑚ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE TWI (U+145A)
ᑛ &#5211; &#x145B; & ᑛ ? Canadian syllabics TWII (U+145B)
ᑜ &#5212; &#x145C; & ᑜ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE TWII (U+145C)
ᑝ &#5213; &#x145D; & ᑝ ? Canadian syllabics TWO (U+145D)
ᑞ &#5214; &#x145E; & ᑞ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE TWO (U+145E)
ᑟ &#5215; &#x145F; & ᑟ ? Canadian syllabics TWOO (U+145F)

ᑠ &#5216; &#x1460; & ᑠ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE TWOO (U+1460)
ᑡ &#5217; &#x1461; & ᑡ ? Canadian syllabics TWA (U+1461)
ᑢ &#5218; &#x1462; & ᑢ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE TWA (U+1462)
ᑣ &#5219; &#x1463; & ᑣ ? Canadian syllabics TWAA (U+1463)
ᑤ &#5220; &#x1464; & ᑤ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE TWAA (U+1464)
ᑥ &#5221; &#x1465; & ᑥ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI TWAA (U+1465)
ᑦ &#5222; &#x1466; & ᑦ ? Canadian syllabics T (U+1466)
ᑧ &#5223; &#x1467; & ᑧ ? Canadian syllabics TTE (U+1467)
ᑨ &#5224; &#x1468; & ᑨ ? Canadian syllabics TTI (U+1468)
ᑩ &#5225; &#x1469; & ᑩ ? Canadian syllabics TTO (U+1469)
ᑪ &#5226; &#x146A; & ᑪ ? Canadian syllabics TTA (U+146A)
ᑫ &#5227; &#x146B; & ᑫ ? Canadian syllabics KE (U+146B)
ᑬ &#5228; &#x146C; & ᑬ ? Canadian syllabics KAAI (U+146C)
ᑭ &#5229; &#x146D; & ᑭ ? Canadian syllabics KI (U+146D)
ᑮ &#5230; &#x146E; & ᑮ ? Canadian syllabics KII (U+146E)
ᑯ &#5231; &#x146F; & ᑯ ? Canadian syllabics KO (U+146F)

ᑰ &#5232; &#x1470; & ᑰ ? Canadian syllabics KOO (U+1470)
ᑱ &#5233; &#x1471; & ᑱ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE KOO (U+1471)
ᑲ &#5234; &#x1472; & ᑲ ? Canadian syllabics KA (U+1472)
ᑳ &#5235; &#x1473; & ᑳ ? Canadian syllabics KAA (U+1473)
ᑴ &#5236; &#x1474; & ᑴ ? Canadian syllabics KWE (U+1474)
ᑵ &#5237; &#x1475; & ᑵ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE KWE (U+1475)
ᑶ &#5238; &#x1476; & ᑶ ? Canadian syllabics KWI (U+1476)
ᑷ &#5239; &#x1477; & ᑷ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE KWI (U+1477)
ᑸ &#5240; &#x1478; & ᑸ ? Canadian syllabics KWII (U+1478)
ᑹ &#5241; &#x1479; & ᑹ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE KWII (U+1479)
ᑺ &#5242; &#x147A; & ᑺ ? Canadian syllabics KWO (U+147A)
ᑻ &#5243; &#x147B; & ᑻ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE KWO (U+147B)
ᑼ &#5244; &#x147C; & ᑼ ? Canadian syllabics KWOO (U+147C)
ᑽ &#5245; &#x147D; & ᑽ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE KWOO (U+147D)
ᑾ &#5246; &#x147E; & ᑾ ? Canadian syllabics KWA (U+147E)
ᑿ &#5247; &#x147F; & ᑿ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE KWA (U+147F)

ᒀ &#5248; &#x1480; & ᒀ ? Canadian syllabics KWAA (U+1480)
ᒁ &#5249; &#x1481; & ᒁ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE KWAA (U+1481)
ᒂ &#5250; &#x1482; & ᒂ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI KWAA (U+1482)
ᒃ &#5251; &#x1483; & ᒃ ? Canadian syllabics K (U+1483)
ᒄ &#5252; &#x1484; & ᒄ ? Canadian syllabics KW (U+1484)
ᒅ &#5253; &#x1485; & ᒅ ? Canadian syllabics SOUTH-SLAVEY KEH (U+1485)
ᒉ &#5257; &#x1486; & ᒉ ? Canadian syllabics SOUTH-SLAVEY KIH (U+1486)
ᒇ &#5255; &#x1487; & ᒇ ? Canadian syllabics SOUTH-SLAVEY KOH (U+1487)
ᒉ &#5257; &#x1488; & ᒉ ? Canadian syllabics SOUTH-SLAVEY KAH (U+1488)
ᒉ &#5257; &#x1489; & ᒉ ? Canadian syllabics CE (U+1489)
ᒊ &#5258; &#x148A; & ᒊ ? Canadian syllabics CAAI (U+148A)
ᒋ &#5259; &#x148B; & ᒋ ? Canadian syllabics CI (U+148B)
ᒌ &#5260; &#x148C; & ᒌ ? Canadian syllabics CII (U+148C)
ᒍ &#5261; &#x148D; & ᒍ ? Canadian syllabics CO (U+148D)
ᒎ &#5262; &#x148E; & ᒎ ? Canadian syllabics COO (U+148E)
ᒏ &#5263; &#x148F; & ᒏ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE COO (U+148F)

ᒐ &#5264; &#x1490; & ᒐ ? Canadian syllabics CA (U+1490)
ᒑ &#5265; &#x1491; & ᒑ ? Canadian syllabics CAA (U+1491)
ᒒ &#5266; &#x1492; & ᒒ ? Canadian syllabics CWE (U+1492)
ᒓ &#5267; &#x1493; & ᒓ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE CWE (U+1493)
ᒔ &#5268; &#x1494; & ᒔ ? Canadian syllabics CWI (U+1494)
ᒕ &#5269; &#x1495; & ᒕ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE CWI (U+1495)
ᒖ &#5270; &#x1496; & ᒖ ? Canadian syllabics CWII (U+1496)
ᒗ &#5271; &#x1497; & ᒗ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE CWII (U+1497)
ᒘ &#5272; &#x1498; & ᒘ ? Canadian syllabics CWO (U+1498)
ᒙ &#5273; &#x1499; & ᒙ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE CWO (U+1499)
ᒚ &#5274; &#x149A; & ᒚ ? Canadian syllabics CWOO (U+149A)
ᒛ &#5275; &#x149B; & ᒛ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE CWOO (U+149B)
ᒜ &#5276; &#x149C; & ᒜ ? Canadian syllabics CWA (U+149C)
ᒝ &#5277; &#x149D; & ᒝ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE CWA (U+149D)
ᒞ &#5278; &#x149E; & ᒞ ? Canadian syllabics CWAA (U+149E)
ᒟ &#5279; &#x149F; & ᒟ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE CWAA (U+149F)

ᒠ &#5280; &#x14A0; & ᒠ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI CWAA (U+14A0)
ᒡ &#5281; &#x14A1; & ᒡ ? Canadian syllabics C (U+14A1)
ᒢ &#5282; &#x14A2; & ᒢ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI TH (U+14A2)
ᒣ &#5283; &#x14A3; & ᒣ ? Canadian syllabics ME (U+14A3)
ᒤ &#5284; &#x14A4; & ᒤ ? Canadian syllabics MAAI (U+14A4)
ᒥ &#5285; &#x14A5; & ᒥ ? Canadian syllabics MI (U+14A5)
ᒦ &#5286; &#x14A6; & ᒦ ? Canadian syllabics MII (U+14A6)
ᒧ &#5287; &#x14A7; & ᒧ ? Canadian syllabics MO (U+14A7)
ᒨ &#5288; &#x14A8; & ᒨ ? Canadian syllabics MOO (U+14A8)
ᒩ &#5289; &#x14A9; & ᒩ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE MOO (U+14A9)
ᒪ &#5290; &#x14AA; & ᒪ ? Canadian syllabics MA (U+14AA)
ᒫ &#5291; &#x14AB; & ᒫ ? Canadian syllabics MAA (U+14AB)
ᒬ &#5292; &#x14AC; & ᒬ ? Canadian syllabics MWE (U+14AC)
ᒭ &#5293; &#x14AD; & ᒭ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE MWE (U+14AD)
ᒮ &#5294; &#x14AE; & ᒮ ? Canadian syllabics MWI (U+14AE)
ᒯ &#5295; &#x14AF; & ᒯ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE MWI (U+14AF)

ᒰ &#5296; &#x14B0; & ᒰ ? Canadian syllabics MWII (U+14B0)
ᒱ &#5297; &#x14B1; & ᒱ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE MWII (U+14B1)
ᒲ &#5298; &#x14B2; & ᒲ ? Canadian syllabics MWO (U+14B2)
ᒳ &#5299; &#x14B3; & ᒳ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE MWO (U+14B3)
ᒴ &#5300; &#x14B4; & ᒴ ? Canadian syllabics MWOO (U+14B4)
ᒵ &#5301; &#x14B5; & ᒵ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE MWOO (U+14B5)
ᒶ &#5302; &#x14B6; & ᒶ ? Canadian syllabics MWA (U+14B6)
ᒷ &#5303; &#x14B7; & ᒷ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE MWA (U+14B7)
ᒸ &#5304; &#x14B8; & ᒸ ? Canadian syllabics MWAA (U+14B8)
ᒹ &#5305; &#x14B9; & ᒹ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE MWAA (U+14B9)
ᒺ &#5306; &#x14BA; & ᒺ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI MWAA (U+14BA)
ᒻ &#5307; &#x14BB; & ᒻ ? Canadian syllabics M (U+14BB)
ᒼ &#5308; &#x14BC; & ᒼ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE M (U+14BC)
ᒽ &#5309; &#x14BD; & ᒽ ? Canadian syllabics MH (U+14BD)
ᒾ &#5310; &#x14BE; & ᒾ ? Canadian syllabics ATHAPASCAN M (U+14BE)
ᒿ &#5311; &#x14BF; & ᒿ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI M (U+14BF)

ᓀ &#5312; &#x14C0; & ᓀ ? Canadian syllabics NE (U+14C0)
ᓁ &#5313; &#x14C1; & ᓁ ? Canadian syllabics NAAI (U+14C1)
ᓂ &#5314; &#x14C2; & ᓂ ? Canadian syllabics NI (U+14C2)
ᓃ &#5315; &#x14C3; & ᓃ ? Canadian syllabics NII (U+14C3)
ᓄ &#5316; &#x14C4; & ᓄ ? Canadian syllabics NO (U+14C4)
ᓅ &#5317; &#x14C5; & ᓅ ? Canadian syllabics NOO (U+14C5)
ᓆ &#5318; &#x14C6; & ᓆ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE NOO (U+14C6)
ᓇ &#5319; &#x14C7; & ᓇ ? Canadian syllabics NA (U+14C7)
ᓈ &#5320; &#x14C8; & ᓈ ? Canadian syllabics NAA (U+14C8)
ᓉ &#5321; &#x14C9; & ᓉ ? Canadian syllabics NWE (U+14C9)
ᓊ &#5322; &#x14CA; & ᓊ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE NWE (U+14CA)
ᓋ &#5323; &#x14CB; & ᓋ ? Canadian syllabics NWA (U+14CB)
ᓌ &#5324; &#x14CC; & ᓌ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE NWA (U+14CC)
ᓍ &#5325; &#x14CD; & ᓍ ? Canadian syllabics NWAA (U+14CD)
ᓎ &#5326; &#x14CE; & ᓎ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE NWAA (U+14CE)
ᓏ &#5327; &#x14CF; & ᓏ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI NWAA (U+14CF)

ᓐ &#5328; &#x14D0; & ᓐ ? Canadian syllabics N (U+14D0)
ᓑ &#5329; &#x14D1; & ᓑ ? Canadian syllabics carrier NG (U+14D1)
ᓒ &#5330; &#x14D2; & ᓒ ? Canadian syllabics NH (U+14D2)
ᓓ &#5331; &#x14D3; & ᓓ ? Canadian syllabics LE (U+14D3)
ᓔ &#5332; &#x14D4; & ᓔ ? Canadian syllabics LAAI (U+14D4)
ᓕ &#5333; &#x14D5; & ᓕ ? Canadian syllabics LI (U+14D5)
ᓖ &#5334; &#x14D6; & ᓖ ? Canadian syllabics LII (U+14D6)
ᓗ &#5335; &#x14D7; & ᓗ ? Canadian syllabics LO (U+14D7)
ᓘ &#5336; &#x14D8; & ᓘ ? Canadian syllabics LOO (U+14D8)
ᓙ &#5337; &#x14D9; & ᓙ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE LOO (U+14D9)
ᓚ &#5338; &#x14DA; & ᓚ ? Canadian syllabics LA (U+14DA)
ᓛ &#5339; &#x14DB; & ᓛ ? Canadian syllabics LAA (U+14DB)
ᓜ &#5340; &#x14DC; & ᓜ ? Canadian syllabics LWE (U+14DC)
ᓝ &#5341; &#x14DD; & ᓝ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LWE (U+14DD)
ᓞ &#5342; &#x14DE; & ᓞ ? Canadian syllabics LWI (U+14DE)
ᓟ &#5343; &#x14DF; & ᓟ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LWI (U+14DF)

ᓠ &#5344; &#x14E0; & ᓠ ? Canadian syllabics LWII (U+14E0)
ᓡ &#5345; &#x14E1; & ᓡ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LWII (U+14E1)
ᓢ &#5346; &#x14E2; & ᓢ ? Canadian syllabics LWO (U+14E2)
ᓣ &#5347; &#x14E3; & ᓣ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LWO (U+14E3)
ᓤ &#5348; &#x14E4; & ᓤ ? Canadian syllabics LWOO (U+14E4)
ᓥ &#5349; &#x14E5; & ᓥ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LWOO (U+14E5)
ᓦ &#5350; &#x14E6; & ᓦ ? Canadian syllabics LWA (U+14E6)
ᓧ &#5351; &#x14E7; & ᓧ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LWA (U+14E7)
ᓨ &#5352; &#x14E8; & ᓨ ? Canadian syllabics LWAA (U+14E8)
ᓩ &#5353; &#x14E9; & ᓩ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LWAA (U+14E9)
ᓪ &#5354; &#x14EA; & ᓪ ? Canadian syllabics L (U+14EA)
ᓫ &#5355; &#x14EB; & ᓫ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE L (U+14EB)
ᓬ &#5356; &#x14EC; & ᓬ ? Canadian syllabics medial L (U+14EC)
ᓭ &#5357; &#x14ED; & ᓭ ? Canadian syllabics SE (U+14ED)
ᓮ &#5358; &#x14EE; & ᓮ ? Canadian syllabics SAAI (U+14EE)
ᓯ &#5359; &#x14EF; & ᓯ ? Canadian syllabics SI (U+14EF)

ᓰ &#5360; &#x14F0; & ᓰ ? Canadian syllabics SII (U+14F0)
ᓱ &#5361; &#x14F1; & ᓱ ? Canadian syllabics SO (U+14F1)
ᓲ &#5362; &#x14F2; & ᓲ ? Canadian syllabics SOO (U+14F2)
ᓳ &#5363; &#x14F3; & ᓳ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE SOO (U+14F3)
ᓴ &#5364; &#x14F4; & ᓴ ? Canadian syllabics SA (U+14F4)
ᓵ &#5365; &#x14F5; & ᓵ ? Canadian syllabics SAA (U+14F5)
ᓶ &#5366; &#x14F6; & ᓶ ? Canadian syllabics SWE (U+14F6)
ᓷ &#5367; &#x14F7; & ᓷ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SWE (U+14F7)
ᓸ &#5368; &#x14F8; & ᓸ ? Canadian syllabics SWI (U+14F8)
ᓹ &#5369; &#x14F9; & ᓹ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SWI (U+14F9)
ᓺ &#5370; &#x14FA; & ᓺ ? Canadian syllabics SWII (U+14FA)
ᓻ &#5371; &#x14FB; & ᓻ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SWII (U+14FB)
ᓼ &#5372; &#x14FC; & ᓼ ? Canadian syllabics SWO (U+14FC)
ᓽ &#5373; &#x14FD; & ᓽ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SWO (U+14FD)
ᓾ &#5374; &#x14FE; & ᓾ ? Canadian syllabics SWOO (U+14FE)
ᓿ &#5375; &#x14FF; & ᓿ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SWOO (U+14FF)

ᔀ &#5376; &#x1500; & ᔀ ? Canadian syllabics SWA (U+1500)
ᔁ &#5377; &#x1501; & ᔁ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SWA (U+1501)
ᔂ &#5378; &#x1502; & ᔂ ? Canadian syllabics SWAA (U+1502)
ᔃ &#5379; &#x1503; & ᔃ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SWAA (U+1503)
ᔄ &#5380; &#x1504; & ᔄ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI SWAA (U+1504)
ᔅ &#5381; &#x1505; & ᔅ ? Canadian syllabics S (U+1505)
ᔆ &#5382; &#x1506; & ᔆ ? Canadian syllabics ATHAPASCAN S (U+1506)
ᔇ &#5383; &#x1507; & ᔇ ? Canadian syllabics SW (U+1507)
ᔈ &#5384; &#x1508; & ᔈ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT S (U+1508)
ᔉ &#5385; &#x1509; & ᔉ ? Canadian syllabics MOOSE-CREE SK (U+1509)
ᔊ &#5386; &#x150A; & ᔊ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI SKW (U+150A)
ᔋ &#5387; &#x150B; & ᔋ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI S-W (U+150B)
ᔌ &#5388; &#x150C; & ᔌ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI SPWA (U+150C)
ᔍ &#5389; &#x150D; & ᔍ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI STWA (U+150D)
ᔎ &#5390; &#x150E; & ᔎ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI SKWA (U+150E)
ᔏ &#5391; &#x150F; & ᔏ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI SCWA (U+150F)

ᔐ &#5392; &#x1510; & ᔐ ? Canadian syllabics SHE (U+1510)
ᔑ &#5393; &#x1511; & ᔑ ? Canadian syllabics SHI (U+1511)
ᔒ &#5394; &#x1512; & ᔒ ? Canadian syllabics SHII (U+1512)
ᔓ &#5395; &#x1513; & ᔓ ? Canadian syllabics SHO (U+1513)
ᔔ &#5396; &#x1514; & ᔔ ? Canadian syllabics SHOO (U+1514)
ᔕ &#5397; &#x1515; & ᔕ ? Canadian syllabics SHA (U+1515)
ᔖ &#5398; &#x1516; & ᔖ ? Canadian syllabics SHAA (U+1516)
ᔗ &#5399; &#x1517; & ᔗ ? Canadian syllabics SHWE (U+1517)
ᔘ &#5400; &#x1518; & ᔘ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SHWE (U+1518)
ᔙ &#5401; &#x1519; & ᔙ ? Canadian syllabics SHWI (U+1519)
ᔚ &#5402; &#x151A; & ᔚ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SHWI (U+151A)
ᔛ &#5403; &#x151B; & ᔛ ? Canadian syllabics SHWII (U+151B)
ᔜ &#5404; &#x151C; & ᔜ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SHWII (U+151C)
ᔝ &#5405; &#x151D; & ᔝ ? Canadian syllabics SHWO (U+151D)
ᔞ &#5406; &#x151E; & ᔞ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SHWO (U+151E)
ᔟ &#5407; &#x151F; & ᔟ ? Canadian syllabics SHWOO (U+151F)

ᔠ &#5408; &#x1520; & ᔠ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SHWOO (U+1520)
ᔡ &#5409; &#x1521; & ᔡ ? Canadian syllabics SHWA (U+1521)
ᔢ &#5410; &#x1522; & ᔢ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SHWA (U+1522)
ᔣ &#5411; &#x1523; & ᔣ ? Canadian syllabics SHWAA (U+1523)
ᔤ &#5412; &#x1524; & ᔤ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE SHWAA (U+1524)
ᔥ &#5413; &#x1525; & ᔥ ? Canadian syllabics SH (U+1525)
ᔦ &#5414; &#x1526; & ᔦ ? Canadian syllabics YE (U+1526)
ᔧ &#5415; &#x1527; & ᔧ ? Canadian syllabics YAAI (U+1527)
ᔨ &#5416; &#x1528; & ᔨ ? Canadian syllabics YI (U+1528)
ᔩ &#5417; &#x1529; & ᔩ ? Canadian syllabics YII (U+1529)
ᔪ &#5418; &#x152A; & ᔪ ? Canadian syllabics YO (U+152A)
ᔫ &#5419; &#x152B; & ᔫ ? Canadian syllabics YOO (U+152B)
ᔬ &#5420; &#x152C; & ᔬ ? Canadian syllabics Y-CREE YOO (U+152C)
ᔭ &#5421; &#x152D; & ᔭ ? Canadian syllabics YA (U+152D)
ᔮ &#5422; &#x152E; & ᔮ ? Canadian syllabics YAA (U+152E)
ᔯ &#5423; &#x152F; & ᔯ ? Canadian syllabics YWE (U+152F)

ᔰ &#5424; &#x1530; & ᔰ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE YWE (U+1530)
ᔱ &#5425; &#x1531; & ᔱ ? Canadian syllabics YWI (U+1531)
ᔲ &#5426; &#x1532; & ᔲ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE YWI (U+1532)
ᔳ &#5427; &#x1533; & ᔳ ? Canadian syllabics YWII (U+1533)
ᔴ &#5428; &#x1534; & ᔴ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE YWII (U+1534)
ᔵ &#5429; &#x1535; & ᔵ ? Canadian syllabics YWO (U+1535)
ᔶ &#5430; &#x1536; & ᔶ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE YWO (U+1536)
ᔷ &#5431; &#x1537; & ᔷ ? Canadian syllabics YWOO (U+1537)
ᔸ &#5432; &#x1538; & ᔸ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE YWOO (U+1538)
ᔹ &#5433; &#x1539; & ᔹ ? Canadian syllabics YWA (U+1539)
ᔺ &#5434; &#x153A; & ᔺ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE YWA (U+153A)
ᔻ &#5435; &#x153B; & ᔻ ? Canadian syllabics YWAA (U+153B)
ᔼ &#5436; &#x153C; & ᔼ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE YWAA (U+153C)
ᔽ &#5437; &#x153D; & ᔽ ? Canadian syllabics NASKAPI YWAA (U+153D)
ᔾ &#5438; &#x153E; & ᔾ ? Canadian syllabics Y (U+153E)
ᔿ &#5439; &#x153F; & ᔿ ? Canadian syllabics BIBLE-CREE Y (U+153F)

ᕀ &#5440; &#x1540; & ᕀ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE Y (U+1540)
ᕁ &#5441; &#x1541; & ᕁ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI YI (U+1541)
ᕂ &#5442; &#x1542; & ᕂ ? Canadian syllabics RE (U+1542)
ᕃ &#5443; &#x1543; & ᕃ ? Canadian syllabics R-CREE RE (U+1543)
ᕄ &#5444; &#x1544; & ᕄ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LE (U+1544)
ᕅ &#5445; &#x1545; & ᕅ ? Canadian syllabics RAAI (U+1545)
ᕆ &#5446; &#x1546; & ᕆ ? Canadian syllabics RI (U+1546)
ᕇ &#5447; &#x1547; & ᕇ ? Canadian syllabics RII (U+1547)
ᕈ &#5448; &#x1548; & ᕈ ? Canadian syllabics RO (U+1548)
ᕉ &#5449; &#x1549; & ᕉ ? Canadian syllabics ROO (U+1549)
ᕊ &#5450; &#x154A; & ᕊ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LO (U+154A)
ᕋ &#5451; &#x154B; & ᕋ ? Canadian syllabics RA (U+154B)
ᕌ &#5452; &#x154C; & ᕌ ? Canadian syllabics RAA (U+154C)
ᕍ &#5453; &#x154D; & ᕍ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LA (U+154D)
ᕎ &#5454; &#x154E; & ᕎ ? Canadian syllabics RWAA (U+154E)
ᕏ &#5455; &#x154F; & ᕏ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE RWAA (U+154F)

ᕐ &#5456; &#x1550; & ᕐ ? Canadian syllabics R (U+1550)
ᕑ &#5457; &#x1551; & ᕑ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE R (U+1551)
ᕒ &#5458; &#x1552; & ᕒ ? Canadian syllabics medial R (U+1552)
ᕓ &#5459; &#x1553; & ᕓ ? Canadian syllabics FE (U+1553)
ᕔ &#5460; &#x1554; & ᕔ ? Canadian syllabics FAAI (U+1554)
ᕕ &#5461; &#x1555; & ᕕ ? Canadian syllabics FI (U+1555)
ᕖ &#5462; &#x1556; & ᕖ ? Canadian syllabics FII (U+1556)
ᕗ &#5463; &#x1557; & ᕗ ? Canadian syllabics FO (U+1557)
ᕘ &#5464; &#x1558; & ᕘ ? Canadian syllabics FOO (U+1558)
ᕙ &#5465; &#x1559; & ᕙ ? Canadian syllabics FA (U+1559)
ᕚ &#5466; &#x155A; & ᕚ ? Canadian syllabics FAA (U+155A)
ᕛ &#5467; &#x155B; & ᕛ ? Canadian syllabics FWAA (U+155B)
ᕜ &#5468; &#x155C; & ᕜ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE FWAA (U+155C)
ᕝ &#5469; &#x155D; & ᕝ ? Canadian syllabics F (U+155D)
ᕞ &#5470; &#x155E; & ᕞ ? Canadian syllabics THE (U+155E)
ᕟ &#5471; &#x155F; & ᕟ ? Canadian syllabics N-CREE THE (U+155F)

ᕠ &#5472; &#x1560; & ᕠ ? Canadian syllabics THI (U+1560)
ᕡ &#5473; &#x1561; & ᕡ ? Canadian syllabics N-CREE THI (U+1561)
ᕢ &#5474; &#x1562; & ᕢ ? Canadian syllabics THII (U+1562)
ᕣ &#5475; &#x1563; & ᕣ ? Canadian syllabics N-CREE THII (U+1563)
ᕤ &#5476; &#x1564; & ᕤ ? Canadian syllabics THO (U+1564)
ᕥ &#5477; &#x1565; & ᕥ ? Canadian syllabics THOO (U+1565)
ᕦ &#5478; &#x1566; & ᕦ ? Canadian syllabics THA (U+1566)
ᕧ &#5479; &#x1567; & ᕧ ? Canadian syllabics THAA (U+1567)
ᕨ &#5480; &#x1568; & ᕨ ? Canadian syllabics THWAA (U+1568)
ᕩ &#5481; &#x1569; & ᕩ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE THWAA (U+1569)
ᕪ &#5482; &#x156A; & ᕪ ? Canadian syllabics TH (U+156A)
ᕫ &#5483; &#x156B; & ᕫ ? Canadian syllabics TTHE (U+156B)
ᕬ &#5484; &#x156C; & ᕬ ? Canadian syllabics TTHI (U+156C)
ᕭ &#5485; &#x156D; & ᕭ ? Canadian syllabics TTHO (U+156D)
ᕮ &#5486; &#x156E; & ᕮ ? Canadian syllabics TTHA (U+156E)
ᕯ &#5487; &#x156F; & ᕯ ? Canadian syllabics TTH (U+156F)

ᕰ &#5488; &#x1570; & ᕰ ? Canadian syllabics TYE (U+1570)
ᕱ &#5489; &#x1571; & ᕱ ? Canadian syllabics TYI (U+1571)
ᕲ &#5490; &#x1572; & ᕲ ? Canadian syllabics TYO (U+1572)
ᕳ &#5491; &#x1573; & ᕳ ? Canadian syllabics TYA (U+1573)
ᕴ &#5492; &#x1574; & ᕴ ? Canadian syllabics NUNAVIK HE (U+1574)
ᕵ &#5493; &#x1575; & ᕵ ? Canadian syllabics NUNAVIK HI (U+1575)
ᕶ &#5494; &#x1576; & ᕶ ? Canadian syllabics NUNAVIK HII (U+1576)
ᕷ &#5495; &#x1577; & ᕷ ? Canadian syllabics NUNAVIK HO (U+1577)
ᕸ &#5496; &#x1578; & ᕸ ? Canadian syllabics NUNAVIK HOO (U+1578)
ᕹ &#5497; &#x1579; & ᕹ ? Canadian syllabics NUNAVIK HA (U+1579)
ᕺ &#5498; &#x157A; & ᕺ ? Canadian syllabics NUNAVIK HAA (U+157A)
ᕻ &#5499; &#x157B; & ᕻ ? Canadian syllabics NUNAVIK H (U+157B)
ᕼ &#5500; &#x157C; & ᕼ ? Canadian syllabics NUNAVUT H (U+157C)
ᕽ &#5501; &#x157D; & ᕽ ? Canadian syllabics HK (U+157D)
ᕾ &#5502; &#x157E; & ᕾ ? Canadian syllabics QAAI (U+157E)
ᕿ &#5503; &#x157F; & ᕿ ? Canadian syllabics QI (U+157F)

ᖀ &#5504; &#x1580; & ᖀ ? Canadian syllabics QII (U+1580)
ᖁ &#5505; &#x1581; & ᖁ ? Canadian syllabics QO (U+1581)
ᖂ &#5506; &#x1582; & ᖂ ? Canadian syllabics QOO (U+1582)
ᖃ &#5507; &#x1583; & ᖃ ? Canadian syllabics QA (U+1583)
ᖄ &#5508; &#x1584; & ᖄ ? Canadian syllabics QAA (U+1584)
ᖅ &#5509; &#x1585; & ᖅ ? Canadian syllabics Q (U+1585)
ᖆ &#5510; &#x1586; & ᖆ ? Canadian syllabics TLHE (U+1586)
ᖇ &#5511; &#x1587; & ᖇ ? Canadian syllabics TLHI (U+1587)
ᖈ &#5512; &#x1588; & ᖈ ? Canadian syllabics TLHO (U+1588)
ᖉ &#5513; &#x1589; & ᖉ ? Canadian syllabics TLHA (U+1589)
ᖊ &#5514; &#x158A; & ᖊ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE RE (U+158A)
ᖋ &#5515; &#x158B; & ᖋ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE RI (U+158B)
ᖌ &#5516; &#x158C; & ᖌ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE RO (U+158C)
ᖍ &#5517; &#x158D; & ᖍ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE RA (U+158D)
ᖎ &#5518; &#x158E; & ᖎ ? Canadian syllabics NGAAI (U+158E)
ᖏ &#5519; &#x158F; & ᖏ ? Canadian syllabics NGI (U+158F)

ᖐ &#5520; &#x1590; & ᖐ ? Canadian syllabics NGII (U+1590)
ᖑ &#5521; &#x1591; & ᖑ ? Canadian syllabics NGO (U+1591)
ᖒ &#5522; &#x1592; & ᖒ ? Canadian syllabics NGOO (U+1592)
ᖓ &#5523; &#x1593; & ᖓ ? Canadian syllabics NGA (U+1593)
ᖔ &#5524; &#x1594; & ᖔ ? Canadian syllabics NGAA (U+1594)
ᖕ &#5525; &#x1595; & ᖕ ? Canadian syllabics NG (U+1595)
ᖖ &#5526; &#x1596; & ᖖ ? Canadian syllabics NNG (U+1596)
ᖗ &#5527; &#x1597; & ᖗ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI SHE (U+1597)
ᖘ &#5528; &#x1598; & ᖘ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI SHI (U+1598)
ᖙ &#5529; &#x1599; & ᖙ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI SHO (U+1599)
ᖚ &#5530; &#x159A; & ᖚ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI SHA (U+159A)
ᖛ &#5531; &#x159B; & ᖛ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE THE (U+159B)
ᖜ &#5532; &#x159C; & ᖜ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE THI (U+159C)
ᖝ &#5533; &#x159D; & ᖝ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE THO (U+159D)
ᖞ &#5534; &#x159E; & ᖞ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE THA (U+159E)
ᖟ &#5535; &#x159F; & ᖟ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE TH (U+159F)

ᖠ &#5536; &#x15A0; & ᖠ ? Canadian syllabics LHI (U+15A0)
ᖡ &#5537; &#x15A1; & ᖡ ? Canadian syllabics LHII (U+15A1)
ᖢ &#5538; &#x15A2; & ᖢ ? Canadian syllabics LHO (U+15A2)
ᖣ &#5539; &#x15A3; & ᖣ ? Canadian syllabics LHOO (U+15A3)
ᖤ &#5540; &#x15A4; & ᖤ ? Canadian syllabics LHA (U+15A4)
ᖥ &#5541; &#x15A5; & ᖥ ? Canadian syllabics LHAA (U+15A5)
ᖦ &#5542; &#x15A6; & ᖦ ? Canadian syllabics LH (U+15A6)
ᖧ &#5543; &#x15A7; & ᖧ ? Canadian syllabics TH-CREE THE (U+15A7)
ᖨ &#5544; &#x15A8; & ᖨ ? Canadian syllabics TH-CREE THI (U+15A8)
ᖩ &#5545; &#x15A9; & ᖩ ? Canadian syllabics TH-CREE THII (U+15A9)
ᖪ &#5546; &#x15AA; & ᖪ ? Canadian syllabics TH-CREE THO (U+15AA)
ᖫ &#5547; &#x15AB; & ᖫ ? Canadian syllabics TH-CREE THOO (U+15AB)
ᖬ &#5548; &#x15AC; & ᖬ ? Canadian syllabics TH-CREE THA (U+15AC)
ᖭ &#5549; &#x15AD; & ᖭ ? Canadian syllabics TH-CREE THAA (U+15AD)
ᖮ &#5550; &#x15AE; & ᖮ ? Canadian syllabics TH-CREE TH (U+15AE)
ᖯ &#5551; &#x15AF; & ᖯ ? Canadian syllabics AIVILIK B (U+15AF)

ᖰ &#5552; &#x15B0; & ᖰ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT E (U+15B0)
ᖱ &#5553; &#x15B1; & ᖱ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT I (U+15B1)
ᖲ &#5554; &#x15B2; & ᖲ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT O (U+15B2)
ᖳ &#5555; &#x15B3; & ᖳ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT A (U+15B3)
ᖴ &#5556; &#x15B4; & ᖴ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT WE (U+15B4)
ᖵ &#5557; &#x15B5; & ᖵ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT WI (U+15B5)
ᖶ &#5558; &#x15B6; & ᖶ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT WO (U+15B6)
ᖷ &#5559; &#x15B7; & ᖷ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT WA (U+15B7)
ᖸ &#5560; &#x15B8; & ᖸ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT NE (U+15B8)
ᖹ &#5561; &#x15B9; & ᖹ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT NI (U+15B9)
ᖺ &#5562; &#x15BA; & ᖺ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT NO (U+15BA)
ᖻ &#5563; &#x15BB; & ᖻ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT NA (U+15BB)
ᖼ &#5564; &#x15BC; & ᖼ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT KE (U+15BC)
ᖽ &#5565; &#x15BD; & ᖽ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT KI (U+15BD)
ᖾ &#5566; &#x15BE; & ᖾ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT KO (U+15BE)
ᖿ &#5567; &#x15BF; & ᖿ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT KA (U+15BF)

ᗀ &#5568; &#x15C0; & ᗀ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI HE (U+15C0)
ᗁ &#5569; &#x15C1; & ᗁ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI HI (U+15C1)
ᗂ &#5570; &#x15C2; & ᗂ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI HO (U+15C2)
ᗃ &#5571; &#x15C3; & ᗃ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI HA (U+15C3)
ᗄ &#5572; &#x15C4; & ᗄ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GHU (U+15C4)
ᗅ &#5573; &#x15C5; & ᗅ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GHO (U+15C5)
ᗆ &#5574; &#x15C6; & ᗆ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GHE (U+15C6)
ᗇ &#5575; &#x15C7; & ᗇ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GHEE (U+15C7)
ᗈ &#5576; &#x15C8; & ᗈ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GHI (U+15C8)
ᗉ &#5577; &#x15C9; & ᗉ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GHA (U+15C9)
ᗊ &#5578; &#x15CA; & ᗊ ? Canadian syllabics carrier RU (U+15CA)
ᗋ &#5579; &#x15CB; & ᗋ ? Canadian syllabics carrier RO (U+15CB)
ᗌ &#5580; &#x15CC; & ᗌ ? Canadian syllabics carrier RE (U+15CC)
ᗍ &#5581; &#x15CD; & ᗍ ? Canadian syllabics carrier REE (U+15CD)
ᗎ &#5582; &#x15CE; & ᗎ ? Canadian syllabics carrier RI (U+15CE)
ᗏ &#5583; &#x15CF; & ᗏ ? Canadian syllabics carrier RA (U+15CF)

ᗐ &#5584; &#x15D0; & ᗐ ? Canadian syllabics carrier WU (U+15D0)
ᗑ &#5585; &#x15D1; & ᗑ ? Canadian syllabics carrier WO (U+15D1)
ᗒ &#5586; &#x15D2; & ᗒ ? Canadian syllabics carrier WE (U+15D2)
ᗓ &#5587; &#x15D3; & ᗓ ? Canadian syllabics carrier WEE (U+15D3)
ᗔ &#5588; &#x15D4; & ᗔ ? Canadian syllabics carrier WI (U+15D4)
ᗕ &#5589; &#x15D5; & ᗕ ? Canadian syllabics carrier WA (U+15D5)
ᗖ &#5590; &#x15D6; & ᗖ ? Canadian syllabics carrier HWU (U+15D6)
ᗗ &#5591; &#x15D7; & ᗗ ? Canadian syllabics carrier HWO (U+15D7)
ᗘ &#5592; &#x15D8; & ᗘ ? Canadian syllabics carrier HWE (U+15D8)
ᗙ &#5593; &#x15D9; & ᗙ ? Canadian syllabics carrier HWEE (U+15D9)
ᗚ &#5594; &#x15DA; & ᗚ ? Canadian syllabics carrier HWI (U+15DA)
ᗛ &#5595; &#x15DB; & ᗛ ? Canadian syllabics carrier HWA (U+15DB)
ᗜ &#5596; &#x15DC; & ᗜ ? Canadian syllabics carrier THU (U+15DC)
ᗝ &#5597; &#x15DD; & ᗝ ? Canadian syllabics carrier THO (U+15DD)
ᗞ &#5598; &#x15DE; & ᗞ ? Canadian syllabics carrier THE (U+15DE)
ᗟ &#5599; &#x15DF; & ᗟ ? Canadian syllabics carrier THEE (U+15DF)

ᗠ &#5600; &#x15E0; & ᗠ ? Canadian syllabics carrier THI (U+15E0)
ᗡ &#5601; &#x15E1; & ᗡ ? Canadian syllabics carrier THA (U+15E1)
ᗢ &#5602; &#x15E2; & ᗢ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTU (U+15E2)
ᗣ &#5603; &#x15E3; & ᗣ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTO (U+15E3)
ᗤ &#5604; &#x15E4; & ᗤ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTE (U+15E4)
ᗥ &#5605; &#x15E5; & ᗥ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTEE (U+15E5)
ᗦ &#5606; &#x15E6; & ᗦ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTI (U+15E6)
ᗧ &#5607; &#x15E7; & ᗧ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTA (U+15E7)
ᗨ &#5608; &#x15E8; & ᗨ ? Canadian syllabics carrier PU (U+15E8)
ᗩ &#5609; &#x15E9; & ᗩ ? Canadian syllabics carrier PO (U+15E9)
ᗪ &#5610; &#x15EA; & ᗪ ? Canadian syllabics carrier PE (U+15EA)
ᗫ &#5611; &#x15EB; & ᗫ ? Canadian syllabics carrier PEE (U+15EB)
ᗬ &#5612; &#x15EC; & ᗬ ? Canadian syllabics carrier PI (U+15EC)
ᗭ &#5613; &#x15ED; & ᗭ ? Canadian syllabics carrier PA (U+15ED)
ᗮ &#5614; &#x15EE; & ᗮ ? Canadian syllabics carrier P (U+15EE)
ᗯ &#5615; &#x15EF; & ᗯ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GU (U+15EF)

ᗰ &#5616; &#x15F0; & ᗰ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GO (U+15F0)
ᗱ &#5617; &#x15F1; & ᗱ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GE (U+15F1)
ᗲ &#5618; &#x15F2; & ᗲ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GEE (U+15F2)
ᗳ &#5619; &#x15F3; & ᗳ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GI (U+15F3)
ᗴ &#5620; &#x15F4; & ᗴ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GA (U+15F4)
ᗵ &#5621; &#x15F5; & ᗵ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KHU (U+15F5)
ᗶ &#5622; &#x15F6; & ᗶ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KHO (U+15F6)
ᗷ &#5623; &#x15F7; & ᗷ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KHE (U+15F7)
ᗸ &#5624; &#x15F8; & ᗸ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KHEE (U+15F8)
ᗹ &#5625; &#x15F9; & ᗹ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KHI (U+15F9)
ᗺ &#5626; &#x15FA; & ᗺ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KHA (U+15FA)
ᗻ &#5627; &#x15FB; & ᗻ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KKU (U+15FB)
ᗼ &#5628; &#x15FC; & ᗼ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KKO (U+15FC)
ᗽ &#5629; &#x15FD; & ᗽ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KKE (U+15FD)
ᗾ &#5630; &#x15FE; & ᗾ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KKEE (U+15FE)
ᗿ &#5631; &#x15FF; & ᗿ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KKI (U+15FF)

ᘀ &#5632; &#x1600; & ᘀ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KKA (U+1600)
ᘁ &#5633; &#x1601; & ᘁ ? Canadian syllabics carrier KK (U+1601)
ᘂ &#5634; &#x1602; & ᘂ ? Canadian syllabics carrier NU (U+1602)
ᘃ &#5635; &#x1603; & ᘃ ? Canadian syllabics carrier NO (U+1603)
ᘄ &#5636; &#x1604; & ᘄ ? Canadian syllabics carrier NE (U+1604)
ᘅ &#5637; &#x1605; & ᘅ ? Canadian syllabics carrier NEE (U+1605)
ᘆ &#5638; &#x1606; & ᘆ ? Canadian syllabics carrier NI (U+1606)
ᘇ &#5639; &#x1607; & ᘇ ? Canadian syllabics carrier NA (U+1607)
ᘈ &#5640; &#x1608; & ᘈ ? Canadian syllabics carrier MU (U+1608)
ᘉ &#5641; &#x1609; & ᘉ ? Canadian syllabics carrier MO (U+1609)
ᘊ &#5642; &#x160A; & ᘊ ? Canadian syllabics carrier ME (U+160A)
ᘋ &#5643; &#x160B; & ᘋ ? Canadian syllabics carrier MEE (U+160B)
ᘌ &#5644; &#x160C; & ᘌ ? Canadian syllabics carrier MI (U+160C)
ᘍ &#5645; &#x160D; & ᘍ ? Canadian syllabics carrier MA (U+160D)
ᘎ &#5646; &#x160E; & ᘎ ? Canadian syllabics carrier YU (U+160E)
ᘏ &#5647; &#x160F; & ᘏ ? Canadian syllabics carrier YO (U+160F)

ᘐ &#5648; &#x1610; & ᘐ ? Canadian syllabics carrier YE (U+1610)
ᘑ &#5649; &#x1611; & ᘑ ? Canadian syllabics carrier YEE (U+1611)
ᘒ &#5650; &#x1612; & ᘒ ? Canadian syllabics carrier YI (U+1612)
ᘓ &#5651; &#x1613; & ᘓ ? Canadian syllabics carrier YA (U+1613)
ᘔ &#5652; &#x1614; & ᘔ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JU (U+1614)
ᘕ &#5653; &#x1615; & ᘕ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI JU (U+1615)
ᘖ &#5654; &#x1616; & ᘖ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JO (U+1616)
ᘗ &#5655; &#x1617; & ᘗ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JE (U+1617)
ᘘ &#5656; &#x1618; & ᘘ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JEE (U+1618)
ᘙ &#5657; &#x1619; & ᘙ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JI (U+1619)
ᘚ &#5658; &#x161A; & ᘚ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI JI (U+161A)
ᘛ &#5659; &#x161B; & ᘛ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JA (U+161B)
ᘜ &#5660; &#x161C; & ᘜ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JJU (U+161C)
ᘝ &#5661; &#x161D; & ᘝ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JJO (U+161D)
ᘞ &#5662; &#x161E; & ᘞ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JJE (U+161E)
ᘟ &#5663; &#x161F; & ᘟ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JJEE (U+161F)

ᘠ &#5664; &#x1620; & ᘠ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JJI (U+1620)
ᘡ &#5665; &#x1621; & ᘡ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JJA (U+1621)
ᘢ &#5666; &#x1622; & ᘢ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LU (U+1622)
ᘣ &#5667; &#x1623; & ᘣ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LO (U+1623)
ᘤ &#5668; &#x1624; & ᘤ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LE (U+1624)
ᘥ &#5669; &#x1625; & ᘥ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LEE (U+1625)
ᘦ &#5670; &#x1626; & ᘦ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LI (U+1626)
ᘧ &#5671; &#x1627; & ᘧ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LA (U+1627)
ᘨ &#5672; &#x1628; & ᘨ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DLU (U+1628)
ᘩ &#5673; &#x1629; & ᘩ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DLO (U+1629)
ᘪ &#5674; &#x162A; & ᘪ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DLE (U+162A)
ᘫ &#5675; &#x162B; & ᘫ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DLEE (U+162B)
ᘬ &#5676; &#x162C; & ᘬ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DLI (U+162C)
ᘭ &#5677; &#x162D; & ᘭ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DLA (U+162D)
ᘮ &#5678; &#x162E; & ᘮ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LHU (U+162E)
ᘯ &#5679; &#x162F; & ᘯ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LHO (U+162F)

ᘰ &#5680; &#x1630; & ᘰ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LHE (U+1630)
ᘱ &#5681; &#x1631; & ᘱ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LHEE (U+1631)
ᘲ &#5682; &#x1632; & ᘲ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LHI (U+1632)
ᘳ &#5683; &#x1633; & ᘳ ? Canadian syllabics carrier LHA (U+1633)
ᘴ &#5684; &#x1634; & ᘴ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLHU (U+1634)
ᘵ &#5685; &#x1635; & ᘵ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLHO (U+1635)
ᘶ &#5686; &#x1636; & ᘶ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLHE (U+1636)
ᘷ &#5687; &#x1637; & ᘷ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLHEE (U+1637)
ᘸ &#5688; &#x1638; & ᘸ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLHI (U+1638)
ᘹ &#5689; &#x1639; & ᘹ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLHA (U+1639)
ᘺ &#5690; &#x163A; & ᘺ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLU (U+163A)
ᘻ &#5691; &#x163B; & ᘻ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLO (U+163B)
ᘼ &#5692; &#x163C; & ᘼ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLE (U+163C)
ᘽ &#5693; &#x163D; & ᘽ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLEE (U+163D)
ᘾ &#5694; &#x163E; & ᘾ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLI (U+163E)
ᘿ &#5695; &#x163F; & ᘿ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TLA (U+163F)

ᙀ &#5696; &#x1640; & ᙀ ? Canadian syllabics carrier ZU (U+1640)
ᙁ &#5697; &#x1641; & ᙁ ? Canadian syllabics carrier ZO (U+1641)
ᙂ &#5698; &#x1642; & ᙂ ? Canadian syllabics carrier ZE (U+1642)
ᙃ &#5699; &#x1643; & ᙃ ? Canadian syllabics carrier ZEE (U+1643)
ᙄ &#5700; &#x1644; & ᙄ ? Canadian syllabics carrier ZI (U+1644)
ᙅ &#5701; &#x1645; & ᙅ ? Canadian syllabics carrier ZA (U+1645)
ᙆ &#5702; &#x1646; & ᙆ ? Canadian syllabics carrier Z (U+1646)
ᙇ &#5703; &#x1647; & ᙇ ? Canadian syllabics carrier INITIAL Z (U+1647)
ᙈ &#5704; &#x1648; & ᙈ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DZU (U+1648)
ᙉ &#5705; &#x1649; & ᙉ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DZO (U+1649)
ᙊ &#5706; &#x164A; & ᙊ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DZE (U+164A)
ᙋ &#5707; &#x164B; & ᙋ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DZEE (U+164B)
ᙌ &#5708; &#x164C; & ᙌ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DZI (U+164C)
ᙍ &#5709; &#x164D; & ᙍ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DZA (U+164D)
ᙎ &#5710; &#x164E; & ᙎ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SU (U+164E)
ᙏ &#5711; &#x164F; & ᙏ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SO (U+164F)

ᙐ &#5712; &#x1650; & ᙐ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SE (U+1650)
ᙑ &#5713; &#x1651; & ᙑ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SEE (U+1651)
ᙒ &#5714; &#x1652; & ᙒ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SI (U+1652)
ᙓ &#5715; &#x1653; & ᙓ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SA (U+1653)
ᙔ &#5716; &#x1654; & ᙔ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SHU (U+1654)
ᙕ &#5717; &#x1655; & ᙕ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SHO (U+1655)
ᙖ &#5718; &#x1656; & ᙖ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SHE (U+1656)
ᙗ &#5719; &#x1657; & ᙗ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SHEE (U+1657)
ᙘ &#5720; &#x1658; & ᙘ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SHI (U+1658)
ᙙ &#5721; &#x1659; & ᙙ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SHA (U+1659)
ᙚ &#5722; &#x165A; & ᙚ ? Canadian syllabics carrier SH (U+165A)
ᙛ &#5723; &#x165B; & ᙛ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TSU (U+165B)
ᙜ &#5724; &#x165C; & ᙜ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TSO (U+165C)
ᙝ &#5725; &#x165D; & ᙝ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TSE (U+165D)
ᙞ &#5726; &#x165E; & ᙞ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TSEE (U+165E)
ᙟ &#5727; &#x165F; & ᙟ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TSI (U+165F)

ᙠ &#5728; &#x1660; & ᙠ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TSA (U+1660)
ᙡ &#5729; &#x1661; & ᙡ ? Canadian syllabics carrier CHU (U+1661)
ᙢ &#5730; &#x1662; & ᙢ ? Canadian syllabics carrier CHO (U+1662)
ᙣ &#5731; &#x1663; & ᙣ ? Canadian syllabics carrier CHE (U+1663)
ᙤ &#5732; &#x1664; & ᙤ ? Canadian syllabics carrier CHEE (U+1664)
ᙥ &#5733; &#x1665; & ᙥ ? Canadian syllabics carrier CHI (U+1665)
ᙦ &#5734; &#x1666; & ᙦ ? Canadian syllabics carrier CHA (U+1666)
ᙧ &#5735; &#x1667; & ᙧ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTSU (U+1667)
ᙨ &#5736; &#x1668; & ᙨ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTSO (U+1668)
ᙩ &#5737; &#x1669; & ᙩ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTSE (U+1669)
ᙪ &#5738; &#x166A; & ᙪ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTSEE (U+166A)
ᙫ &#5739; &#x166B; & ᙫ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTSI (U+166B)
ᙬ &#5740; &#x166C; & ᙬ ? Canadian syllabics carrier TTSA (U+166C)
᙭ &#5741; &#x166D; & ᙭ ? Canadian syllabics CHI sign (U+166D)
᙮ &#5742; &#x166E; & ᙮ ? Canadian syllabics FULL STOP (U+166E)
ᙯ &#5743; &#x166F; & ᙯ ? Canadian syllabics QAI (U+166F)

ᙰ &#5744; &#x1670; & ᙰ ? Canadian syllabics NGAI (U+1670)
ᙱ &#5745; &#x1671; & ᙱ ? Canadian syllabics NNGI (U+1671)
ᙲ &#5746; &#x1672; & ᙲ ? Canadian syllabics NNGII (U+1672)
ᙳ &#5747; &#x1673; & ᙳ ? Canadian syllabics NNGO (U+1673)
ᙴ &#5748; &#x1674; & ᙴ ? Canadian syllabics NNGOO (U+1674)
ᙵ &#5749; &#x1675; & ᙵ ? Canadian syllabics NNGA (U+1675)
ᙶ &#5750; &#x1676; & ᙶ ? Canadian syllabics NNGAA (U+1676)
ᙷ &#5751; &#x1677; & ᙷ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE THWEE (U+1677)
ᙸ &#5752; &#x1678; & ᙸ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE THWI (U+1678)
ᙹ &#5753; &#x1679; & ᙹ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE THWII (U+1679)
ᙺ &#5754; &#x167A; & ᙺ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE THWO (U+167A)
ᙻ &#5755; &#x167B; & ᙻ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE THWOO (U+167B)
ᙼ &#5756; &#x167C; & ᙼ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE THWA (U+167C)
ᙽ &#5757; &#x167D; & ᙽ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE THWAA (U+167D)
ᙾ &#5758; &#x167E; & ᙾ ? Canadian syllabics WOODS-CREE final TH (U+167E)
ᙿ &#5759; &#x167F; & ᙿ ? Canadian syllabics BLACKFOOT W (U+167F)

Ogham: Old Irish 1680
  &#5760; &#x1680; &   ? Ogham SPACE mark (U+1680)
ᚁ &#5761; &#x1681; & ᚁ ? Ogham letter BEITH (U+1681)
ᚂ &#5762; &#x1682; & ᚂ ? Ogham letter LUIS (U+1682)
ᚃ &#5763; &#x1683; & ᚃ ? Ogham letter FEARN (U+1683)
ᚄ &#5764; &#x1684; & ᚄ ? Ogham letter SAIL (U+1684)
ᚅ &#5765; &#x1685; & ᚅ ? Ogham letter NION (U+1685)
ᚆ &#5766; &#x1686; & ᚆ ? Ogham letter UATH (U+1686)
ᚇ &#5767; &#x1687; & ᚇ ? Ogham letter DAIR (U+1687)
ᚈ &#5768; &#x1688; & ᚈ ? Ogham letter TINNE (U+1688)
ᚉ &#5769; &#x1689; & ᚉ ? Ogham letter COLL (U+1689)
ᚊ &#5770; &#x168A; & ᚊ ? Ogham letter CEIRT (U+168A)
ᚋ &#5771; &#x168B; & ᚋ ? Ogham letter MUIN (U+168B)
ᚌ &#5772; &#x168C; & ᚌ ? Ogham letter GORT (U+168C)
ᚍ &#5773; &#x168D; & ᚍ ? Ogham letter NGEADAL (U+168D)
ᚎ &#5774; &#x168E; & ᚎ ? Ogham letter STRAIF (U+168E)
ᚏ &#5775; &#x168F; & ᚏ ? Ogham letter RUIS (U+168F)

ᚐ &#5776; &#x1690; & ᚐ ? Ogham letter AILM (U+1690)
ᚑ &#5777; &#x1691; & ᚑ ? Ogham letter ONN (U+1691)
ᚒ &#5778; &#x1692; & ᚒ ? Ogham letter UR (U+1692)
ᚓ &#5779; &#x1693; & ᚓ ? Ogham letter EADHADH (U+1693)
ᚔ &#5780; &#x1694; & ᚔ ? Ogham letter IODHADH (U+1694)
ᚕ &#5781; &#x1695; & ᚕ ? Ogham letter EABHADH (U+1695)
ᚖ &#5782; &#x1696; & ᚖ ? Ogham letter OR (U+1696)
ᚗ &#5783; &#x1697; & ᚗ ? Ogham letter UILLEANN (U+1697)
ᚘ &#5784; &#x1698; & ᚘ ? Ogham letter IFIN (U+1698)
ᚙ &#5785; &#x1699; & ᚙ ? Ogham letter EAMHANCHOLL (U+1699)
ᚚ &#5786; &#x169A; & ᚚ ? Ogham letter PEITH (U+169A)
᚛ &#5787; &#x169B; & ᚛ ? Ogham FEATHER mark (U+169B)
᚜ &#5788; &#x169C; & ᚜ ? Ogham reversed FEATHER mark (U+169C)
᚝ &#5789; &#x169D; & ᚝ not a valid unicode character.
᚞ &#5790; &#x169E; & ᚞ not a valid unicode character.
᚟ &#5791; &#x169F; & ᚟ not a valid unicode character.

Runic 16A0
ᚠ &#5792; &#x16A0; & ᚠ ? Runic letter FEHU FEOH FE F (U+16A0)
ᚡ &#5793; &#x16A1; & ᚡ ? Runic letter V (U+16A1)
ᚢ &#5794; &#x16A2; & ᚢ ? Runic letter URUZ UR U (U+16A2)
ᚣ &#5795; &#x16A3; & ᚣ ? Runic letter YR (U+16A3)
ᚤ &#5796; &#x16A4; & ᚤ ? Runic letter Y (U+16A4)
ᚥ &#5797; &#x16A5; & ᚥ ? Runic letter W (U+16A5)
ᚦ &#5798; &#x16A6; & ᚦ ? Runic letter THURISAZ THURS THORN (U+16A6)
ᚧ &#5799; &#x16A7; & ᚧ ? Runic letter ETH (U+16A7)
ᚨ &#5800; &#x16A8; & ᚨ ? Runic letter ANSUZ A (U+16A8)
ᚩ &#5801; &#x16A9; & ᚩ ? Runic letter OS O (U+16A9)
ᚪ &#5802; &#x16AA; & ᚪ ? Runic letter AC A (U+16AA)
ᚫ &#5803; &#x16AB; & ᚫ ? Runic letter AESC (U+16AB)
ᚬ &#5804; &#x16AC; & ᚬ ? Runic letter LONG-BRANCH-OSS O (U+16AC)
ᚭ &#5805; &#x16AD; & ᚭ ? Runic letter short-TWIG-OSS O (U+16AD)
ᚮ &#5806; &#x16AE; & ᚮ ? Runic letter O (U+16AE)
ᚯ &#5807; &#x16AF; & ᚯ ? Runic letter OE (U+16AF)

ᚰ &#5808; &#x16B0; & ᚰ ? Runic letter ON (U+16B0)
ᚱ &#5809; &#x16B1; & ᚱ ? Runic letter RAIDO RAD REID R (U+16B1)
ᚲ &#5810; &#x16B2; & ᚲ ? Runic letter KAUNA (U+16B2)
ᚳ &#5811; &#x16B3; & ᚳ ? Runic letter CEN (U+16B3)
ᚴ &#5812; &#x16B4; & ᚴ ? Runic letter KAUN K (U+16B4)
ᚵ &#5813; &#x16B5; & ᚵ ? Runic letter G (U+16B5)
ᚶ &#5814; &#x16B6; & ᚶ ? Runic letter ENG (U+16B6)
ᚷ &#5815; &#x16B7; & ᚷ ? Runic letter GEBO GYFU G (U+16B7)
ᚸ &#5816; &#x16B8; & ᚸ ? Runic letter GAR (U+16B8)
ᚹ &#5817; &#x16B9; & ᚹ ? Runic letter WUNJO WYNN W (U+16B9)
ᚺ &#5818; &#x16BA; & ᚺ ? Runic letter HAGLAZ H (U+16BA)
ᚻ &#5819; &#x16BB; & ᚻ ? Runic letter HAEGL H (U+16BB)
ᚼ &#5820; &#x16BC; & ᚼ ? Runic letter LONG-BRANCH-HAGALL H (U+16BC)
ᚽ &#5821; &#x16BD; & ᚽ ? Runic letter short-TWIG-HAGALL H (U+16BD)
ᚾ &#5822; &#x16BE; & ᚾ ? Runic letter NAUDIZ NYD NAUD N (U+16BE)
ᚿ &#5823; &#x16BF; & ᚿ ? Runic letter short-TWIG-NAUD N (U+16BF)

ᛀ &#5824; &#x16C0; & ᛀ ? Runic letter DOTTED-N (U+16C0)
ᛁ &#5825; &#x16C1; & ᛁ ? Runic letter ISAZ IS ISS I (U+16C1)
ᛂ &#5826; &#x16C2; & ᛂ ? Runic letter E (U+16C2)
ᛃ &#5827; &#x16C3; & ᛃ ? Runic letter JERAN J (U+16C3)
ᛄ &#5828; &#x16C4; & ᛄ ? Runic letter GER (U+16C4)
ᛅ &#5829; &#x16C5; & ᛅ ? Runic letter LONG-BRANCH-AR AE (U+16C5)
ᛆ &#5830; &#x16C6; & ᛆ ? Runic letter short-TWIG-AR A (U+16C6)
ᛇ &#5831; &#x16C7; & ᛇ ? Runic letter IWAZ EOH (U+16C7)
ᛈ &#5832; &#x16C8; & ᛈ ? Runic letter PERTHO PEORTH P (U+16C8)
ᛉ &#5833; &#x16C9; & ᛉ ? Runic letter ALGIZ EOLHX (U+16C9)
ᛊ &#5834; &#x16CA; & ᛊ ? Runic letter SOWILO S (U+16CA)
ᛋ &#5835; &#x16CB; & ᛋ ? Runic letter SIGEL LONG-BRANCH-SOL S (U+16CB)
ᛌ &#5836; &#x16CC; & ᛌ ? Runic letter short-TWIG-SOL S (U+16CC)
ᛍ &#5837; &#x16CD; & ᛍ ? Runic letter C (U+16CD)
ᛎ &#5838; &#x16CE; & ᛎ ? Runic letter Z (U+16CE)
ᛏ &#5839; &#x16CF; & ᛏ ? Runic letter TIWAZ TIR TYR T (U+16CF)

ᛐ &#5840; &#x16D0; & ᛐ ? Runic letter short-TWIG-TYR T (U+16D0)
ᛑ &#5841; &#x16D1; & ᛑ ? Runic letter D (U+16D1)
ᛒ &#5842; &#x16D2; & ᛒ ? Runic letter BERKANAN BEORC BJARKAN B (U+16D2)
ᛓ &#5843; &#x16D3; & ᛓ ? Runic letter short-TWIG-BJARKAN B (U+16D3)
ᛔ &#5844; &#x16D4; & ᛔ ? Runic letter DOTTED-P (U+16D4)
ᛕ &#5845; &#x16D5; & ᛕ ? Runic letter open-P (U+16D5)
ᛖ &#5846; &#x16D6; & ᛖ ? Runic letter EHWAZ EH E (U+16D6)
ᛗ &#5847; &#x16D7; & ᛗ ? Runic letter MANNAZ MAN M (U+16D7)
ᛘ &#5848; &#x16D8; & ᛘ ? Runic letter LONG-BRANCH-MADR M (U+16D8)
ᛙ &#5849; &#x16D9; & ᛙ ? Runic letter short-TWIG-MADR M (U+16D9)
ᛚ &#5850; &#x16DA; & ᛚ ? Runic letter LAUKAZ LAGU LOGR L (U+16DA)
ᛛ &#5851; &#x16DB; & ᛛ ? Runic letter DOTTED-L (U+16DB)
ᛜ &#5852; &#x16DC; & ᛜ ? Runic letter INGWAZ (U+16DC)
ᛝ &#5853; &#x16DD; & ᛝ ? Runic letter ING (U+16DD)
ᛞ &#5854; &#x16DE; & ᛞ ? Runic letter DAGAZ DAEG D (U+16DE)
ᛟ &#5855; &#x16DF; & ᛟ ? Runic letter OTHALAN ETHEL O (U+16DF)

ᛠ &#5856; &#x16E0; & ᛠ ? Runic letter EAR (U+16E0)
ᛡ &#5857; &#x16E1; & ᛡ ? Runic letter IOR (U+16E1)
ᛢ &#5858; &#x16E2; & ᛢ ? Runic letter CWEORTH (U+16E2)
ᛣ &#5859; &#x16E3; & ᛣ ? Runic letter CALC (U+16E3)
ᛤ &#5860; &#x16E4; & ᛤ ? Runic letter CEALC (U+16E4)
ᛥ &#5861; &#x16E5; & ᛥ ? Runic letter STAN (U+16E5)
ᛦ &#5862; &#x16E6; & ᛦ ? Runic letter LONG-BRANCH-YR (U+16E6)
ᛧ &#5863; &#x16E7; & ᛧ ? Runic letter short-TWIG-YR (U+16E7)
ᛨ &#5864; &#x16E8; & ᛨ ? Runic letter ICELANDIC-YR (U+16E8)
ᛩ &#5865; &#x16E9; & ᛩ ? Runic letter Q (U+16E9)
ᛪ &#5866; &#x16EA; & ᛪ ? Runic letter X (U+16EA)
᛫ &#5867; &#x16EB; & ᛫ ? Runic SINGLE punctuation (U+16EB)
᛬ &#5868; &#x16EC; & ᛬ ? Runic MULTIPLE punctuation (U+16EC)
᛭ &#5869; &#x16ED; & ᛭ ? Runic CROSS punctuation (U+16ED)
ᛮ &#5870; &#x16EE; & ᛮ ? Runic ARLAUG symbol (U+16EE)
ᛯ &#5871; &#x16EF; & ᛯ ? Runic TVIMADUR symbol (U+16EF)

ᛰ &#5872; &#x16F0; & ᛰ ? Runic BELGTHOR symbol (U+16F0)
ᛱ &#5873; &#x16F1; & ᛱ not a valid unicode character.
ᛲ &#5874; &#x16F2; & ᛲ not a valid unicode character.
ᛳ &#5875; &#x16F3; & ᛳ not a valid unicode character.
ᛴ &#5876; &#x16F4; & ᛴ not a valid unicode character.
ᛵ &#5877; &#x16F5; & ᛵ not a valid unicode character.
ᛶ &#5878; &#x16F6; & ᛶ not a valid unicode character.
ᛷ &#5879; &#x16F7; & ᛷ not a valid unicode character.
ᛸ &#5880; &#x16F8; & ᛸ not a valid unicode character.
᛹ &#5881; &#x16F9; & ᛺ not a valid unicode character.
᛺ &#5882; &#x16FA; & ᛺ not a valid unicode character.
᛻ &#5883; &#x16FB; & ᛻ not a valid unicode character.
᛼ &#5884; &#x16FC; & ᛼ not a valid unicode character.
᛽ &#5885; &#x16FD; & ᛽ not a valid unicode character.
᛾ &#5886; &#x16FE; & ᛾ not a valid unicode character.
᛿ &#5887; &#x16FF; & ᛿ not a valid unicode character.

Tagalog: Philippino 1700
ᜀ &#5888; &#x1700; & ᜀ ? Tagalog letter A (U+1700)
ᜁ &#5889; &#x1701; & ᜁ ? Tagalog letter I (U+1701)
ᜂ &#5890; &#x1702; & ᜂ ? Tagalog letter U (U+1702)
ᜃ &#5891; &#x1703; & ᜃ ? Tagalog letter KA (U+1703)
ᜄ &#5892; &#x1704; & ᜄ ? Tagalog letter GA (U+1704)
ᜅ &#5893; &#x1705; & ᜅ ? Tagalog letter NGA (U+1705)
ᜆ &#5894; &#x1706; & ᜆ ? Tagalog letter TA (U+1706)
ᜇ &#5895; &#x1707; & ᜇ ? Tagalog letter DA (U+1707)
ᜈ &#5896; &#x1708; & ᜈ ? Tagalog letter NA (U+1708)
ᜉ &#5897; &#x1709; & ᜉ ? Tagalog letter PA (U+1709)
ᜊ &#5898; &#x170A; & ᜊ ? Tagalog letter BA (U+170A)
ᜋ &#5899; &#x170B; & ᜋ ? Tagalog letter MA (U+170B)
ᜌ &#5900; &#x170C; & ᜌ ? Tagalog letter YA (U+170C)
ᜍ &#5901; &#x170D; & ᜍ not a valid unicode character.
ᜎ &#5902; &#x170E; & ᜎ ? Tagalog letter LA (U+170E)
ᜏ &#5903; &#x170F; & ᜏ ? Tagalog letter WA (U+170F)

ᜐ &#5904; &#x1710; & ᜐ ? Tagalog letter SA (U+1710)
ᜑ &#5905; &#x1711; & ᜑ ? Tagalog letter HA (U+1711)
ᜒ &#5906; &#x1712; & ᜒ ? Tagalog vowel sign I (U+1712)
ᜓ &#5907; &#x1713; & ᜓ ? Tagalog vowel sign U (U+1713)
᜔ &#5908; &#x1714; & ᜔ ? Tagalog sign VIRAMA (U+1714)
᜕ &#5909; &#x1715; & ᜕ not a valid unicode character.
᜖ &#5910; &#x1716; & ᜖ not a valid unicode character.
᜗ &#5911; &#x1717; & ᜗ not a valid unicode character.
᜘ &#5912; &#x1718; & ᜘ not a valid unicode character.
᜙ &#5913; &#x1719; & ᜙ not a valid unicode character.
᜚ &#5914; &#x171A; & ᜚ not a valid unicode character.
᜛ &#5915; &#x171B; & ᜛ not a valid unicode character.
᜜ &#5916; &#x171C; & ᜜ not a valid unicode character.
᜝ &#5917; &#x171D; & ᜝ not a valid unicode character.
᜞ &#5918; &#x171E; & ᜞ not a valid unicode character.
ᜟ &#5919; &#x171F; & ᜟ not a valid unicode character.

Hanunoo: Mindoro in the Philippines 1720
ᜠ &#5920; &#x1720; & ᜠ ? Hanunoo letter A (U+1720)
ᜡ &#5921; &#x1721; & ᜡ ? Hanunoo letter I (U+1721)
ᜢ &#5922; &#x1722; & ᜢ ? Hanunoo letter U (U+1722)
ᜣ &#5923; &#x1723; & ᜣ ? Hanunoo letter KA (U+1723)
ᜤ &#5924; &#x1724; & ᜤ ? Hanunoo letter GA (U+1724)
ᜥ &#5925; &#x1725; & ᜥ ? Hanunoo letter NGA (U+1725)
ᜦ &#5926; &#x1726; & ᜦ ? Hanunoo letter TA (U+1726)
ᜧ &#5927; &#x1727; & ᜧ ? Hanunoo letter DA (U+1727)
ᜨ &#5928; &#x1728; & ᜨ ? Hanunoo letter NA (U+1728)
ᜩ &#5929; &#x1729; & ᜩ ? Hanunoo letter PA (U+1729)
ᜪ &#5930; &#x172A; & ᜪ ? Hanunoo letter BA (U+172A)
ᜫ &#5931; &#x172B; & ᜫ ? Hanunoo letter MA (U+172B)
ᜬ &#5932; &#x172C; & ᜬ ? Hanunoo letter YA (U+172C)
ᜭ &#5933; &#x172D; & ᜭ ? Hanunoo letter RA (U+172D)
ᜮ &#5934; &#x172E; & ᜮ ? Hanunoo letter LA (U+172E)
ᜯ &#5935; &#x172F; & ᜯ ? Hanunoo letter WA (U+172F)

ᜰ &#5936; &#x1730; & ᜰ ? Hanunoo letter SA (U+1730)
ᜱ &#5937; &#x1731; & ᜱ ? Hanunoo letter HA (U+1731)
ᜲ &#5938; &#x1732; & ᜲ ? Hanunoo vowel sign I (U+1732)
ᜳ &#5939; &#x1733; & ᜳ ? Hanunoo vowel sign U (U+1733)
᜴ &#5940; &#x1734; & ᜴ ? Hanunoo sign PAMUDPOD (U+1734)
᜵ &#5941; &#x1735; & ᜵ ? Philippene single punctuation (U+1735)
᜶ &#5942; &#x1736; & ᜶ ? Philippene double punctuation (U+1736)
᜷ &#5943; &#x1737; & ᜷ not a valid unicode character.
᜸ &#5944; &#x1738; & ᜸ not a valid unicode character.
᜹ &#5945; &#x1739; & ᜹ not a valid unicode character.
᜺ &#5946; &#x173A; & ᜺ not a valid unicode character.
᜻ &#5947; &#x173B; & ᜻ not a valid unicode character.
᜼ &#5948; &#x173C; & ᜼ not a valid unicode character.
᜽ &#5949; &#x173D; & ᜽ not a valid unicode character.
᜾ &#5950; &#x173E; & ᜾ not a valid unicode character.
᜿ &#5951; &#x173F; & ᜿ not a valid unicode character.

Buhid: Mindoro in the Philippines, used to write Tagalog 1740
ᝀ &#5952; &#x1740; & ᝀ ? Buhid letter A (U+1740)
ᝃ &#5955; &#x1741; & ᝃ ? Buhid letter I (U+1741)
ᝂ &#5954; &#x1742; & ᝂ ? Buhid letter U (U+1742)
ᝃ &#5955; &#x1743; & ᝃ ? Buhid letter KA (U+1743)
ᝄ &#5956; &#x1744; & ᝄ ? Buhid letter GA (U+1744)
ᝅ &#5957; &#x1745; & ᝅ ? Buhid letter NGA (U+1745)
ᝆ &#5958; &#x1746; & ᝆ ? Buhid letter TA (U+1746)
ᝇ &#5959; &#x1747; & ᝇ ? Buhid letter DA (U+1747)
ᝈ &#5960; &#x1748; & ᝈ ? Buhid letter NA (U+1748)
ᝉ &#5961; &#x1749; & ᝉ ? Buhid letter PA (U+1749)
ᝊ &#5962; &#x174A; & ᝊ ? Buhid letter BA (U+174A)
ᝋ &#5963; &#x174B; & ᝋ ? Buhid letter MA (U+174B)
ᝌ &#5964; &#x174C; & ᝌ ? Buhid letter YA (U+174C)
ᝍ &#5965; &#x174D; & ᝍ ? Buhid letter RA (U+174D)
ᝎ &#5966; &#x174E; & ᝎ ? Buhid letter LA (U+174E)
ᝏ &#5967; &#x174F; & ᝏ ? Buhid letter WA (U+174F)

ᝐ &#5968; &#x1750; & ᝐ ? Buhid letter SA (U+1750)
ᝑ &#5969; &#x1751; & ᝑ ? Buhid letter HA (U+1751)
ᝒ &#5970; &#x1752; & ᝒ ? Buhid vowel sign I (U+1752)
ᝓ &#5971; &#x1753; & ᝓ ? Buhid vowel sign U (U+1753)
᝔ &#5972; &#x1754; & ᝔ not a valid unicode character.
᝕ &#5973; &#x1755; & ᝕ not a valid unicode character.
᝖ &#5974; &#x1756; & ᝖ not a valid unicode character.
᝗ &#5975; &#x1757; & ᝗ not a valid unicode character.
᝘ &#5976; &#x1758; & ᝘ not a valid unicode character.
᝙ &#5977; &#x1759; & ᝙ not a valid unicode character.
᝚ &#5978; &#x175A; & ᝚ not a valid unicode character.
᝛ &#5979; &#x175B; & ᝛ not a valid unicode character.
᝜ &#5980; &#x175C; & ᝜ not a valid unicode character.
᝝ &#5981; &#x175D; & ᝝ not a valid unicode character.
᝞ &#5982; &#x175E; & ᝞ not a valid unicode character.
᝟ &#5983; &#x175F; & ᝟ not a valid unicode character.

Tagbanwa: Philippines 1760
ᝠ &#5984; &#x1760; & ᝠ ? Tagbanwa letter A (U+1760)
ᝡ &#5985; &#x1761; & ᝡ ? Tagbanwa letter I (U+1761)
ᝢ &#5986; &#x1762; & ᝢ ? Tagbanwa letter U (U+1762)
ᝣ &#5987; &#x1763; & ᝣ ? Tagbanwa letter KA (U+1763)
ᝤ &#5988; &#x1764; & ᝤ ? Tagbanwa letter GA (U+1764)
ᝥ &#5989; &#x1765; & ᝥ ? Tagbanwa letter NGA (U+1765)
ᝦ &#5990; &#x1766; & ᝦ ? Tagbanwa letter TA (U+1766)
ᝧ &#5991; &#x1767; & ᝧ ? Tagbanwa letter DA (U+1767)
ᝨ &#5992; &#x1768; & ᝨ ? Tagbanwa letter NA (U+1768)
ᝩ &#5993; &#x1769; & ᝩ ? Tagbanwa letter PA (U+1769)
ᝪ &#5994; &#x176A; & ᝪ ? Tagbanwa letter BA (U+176A)
ᝫ &#5995; &#x176B; & ᝫ ? Tagbanwa letter MA (U+176B)
ᝬ &#5996; &#x176C; & ᝬ ? Tagbanwa letter YA (U+176C)
᝭ &#5997; &#x176D; & ᝭ not a valid unicode character.
ᝮ &#5998; &#x176E; & ᝮ ? Tagbanwa letter LA (U+176E)
ᝯ &#5999; &#x176F; & ᝯ ? Tagbanwa letter WA (U+176F)

ᝰ &#6000; &#x1770; & ᝰ ? Tagbanwa letter SA (U+1770)
᝱ &#6001; &#x1771; & ᝱ not a valid unicode character.
ᝲ &#6002; &#x1772; & ᝲ ? Tagbanwa vowel sign I (U+1772)
ᝳ &#6003; &#x1773; & ᝳ ? Tagbanwa vowel sign U (U+1773)
᝴ &#6004; &#x1774; & ᝴ not a valid unicode character.
᝵ &#6005; &#x1775; & ᝵ not a valid unicode character.
᝶ &#6006; &#x1776; & ᝶ not a valid unicode character.
᝷ &#6007; &#x1777; & ᝷ not a valid unicode character.
᝸ &#6008; &#x1778; & ᝸ not a valid unicode character.
᝹ &#6009; &#x1779; & ᝹ not a valid unicode character.
᝺ &#6010; &#x177A; & ᝺ not a valid unicode character.
᝻ &#6011; &#x177B; & ᝻ not a valid unicode character.
᝼ &#6012; &#x177C; & ᝼ not a valid unicode character.
᝽ &#6013; &#x177D; & ᝽ not a valid unicode character.
᝾ &#6014; &#x177E; & ᝾ not a valid unicode character.
᝿ &#6015; &#x177F; & ᝿ not a valid unicode character.

Khmer: Cambodian 1780
ក &#6016; &#x1780; & ក ? Khmer letter KA (U+1780)
ខ &#6017; &#x1781; & ខ ? Khmer letter KHA (U+1781)
គ &#6018; &#x1782; & គ ? Khmer letter KO (U+1782)
ឃ &#6019; &#x1783; & ឃ ? Khmer letter KHO (U+1783)
ង &#6020; &#x1784; & ង ? Khmer letter NGO (U+1784)
ច &#6021; &#x1785; & ច ? Khmer letter CA (U+1785)
ឆ &#6022; &#x1786; & ឆ ? Khmer letter CHA (U+1786)
ជ &#6023; &#x1787; & ជ ? Khmer letter CO (U+1787)
ឈ &#6024; &#x1788; & ឈ ? Khmer letter CHO (U+1788)
ញ &#6025; &#x1789; & ញ ? Khmer letter NYO (U+1789)
ដ &#6026; &#x178A; & ដ ? Khmer letter DA (U+178A)
ឋ &#6027; &#x178B; & ឋ ? Khmer letter TTHA (U+178B)
ឌ &#6028; &#x178C; & ឌ ? Khmer letter DO (U+178C)
ឍ &#6029; &#x178D; & ឍ ? Khmer letter TTHO (U+178D)
ណ &#6030; &#x178E; & ណ ? Khmer letter NNO (U+178E)
ត &#6031; &#x178F; & ត ? Khmer letter TA (U+178F)

ថ &#6032; &#x1790; & ថ ? Khmer letter THA (U+1790)
ទ &#6033; &#x1791; & ទ ? Khmer letter TO (U+1791)
ធ &#6034; &#x1792; & ធ ? Khmer letter THO (U+1792)
ន &#6035; &#x1793; & ន ? Khmer letter NO (U+1793)
ប &#6036; &#x1794; & ប ? Khmer letter BA (U+1794)
ផ &#6037; &#x1795; & ផ ? Khmer letter PHA (U+1795)
ព &#6038; &#x1796; & ព ? Khmer letter PO (U+1796)
ភ &#6039; &#x1797; & ភ ? Khmer letter PHO (U+1797)
ម &#6040; &#x1798; & ម ? Khmer letter MO (U+1798)
យ &#6041; &#x1799; & យ ? Khmer letter YO (U+1799)
រ &#6042; &#x179A; & រ ? Khmer letter RO (U+179A)
ល &#6043; &#x179B; & ល ? Khmer letter LO (U+179B)
វ &#6044; &#x179C; & វ ? Khmer letter VO (U+179C)
ឝ &#6045; &#x179D; & ឝ ? Khmer letter SHA (U+179D)
ឞ &#6046; &#x179E; & ឞ ? Khmer letter SSO (U+179E)
ស &#6047; &#x179F; & ស ? Khmer letter SA (U+179F)

ហ &#6048; &#x17A0; & ហ ? Khmer letter HA (U+17A0)
ឡ &#6049; &#x17A1; & ឡ ? Khmer letter LA (U+17A1)
អ &#6050; &#x17A2; & អ ? Khmer letter QA (U+17A2)
ឣ &#6051; &#x17A3; & ឣ ? Khmer independent vowel QAQ (U+17A3)
ឤ &#6052; &#x17A4; & ឤ ? Khmer independent vowel QAA (U+17A4)
ឥ &#6053; &#x17A5; & ឥ ? Khmer independent vowel QI (U+17A5)
ឦ &#6054; &#x17A6; & ឦ ? Khmer independent vowel QII (U+17A6)
ឧ &#6055; &#x17A7; & ឧ ? Khmer independent vowel QU (U+17A7)
ឨ &#6056; &#x17A8; & ឨ ? Khmer independent vowel QUK (U+17A8)
ឩ &#6057; &#x17A9; & ឩ ? Khmer independent vowel QU (U+17A9)
ឪ &#6058; &#x17AA; & ឪ ? Khmer independent vowel QUV (U+17AA)
ឫ &#6059; &#x17AB; & ឫ ? Khmer independent vowel RY (U+17AB)
ឬ &#6060; &#x17AC; & ឬ ? Khmer independent vowel RYY (U+17AC)
ឭ &#6061; &#x17AD; & ឭ ? Khmer independent vowel LY (U+17AD)
ឮ &#6062; &#x17AE; & ឮ ? Khmer independent vowel LYY (U+17AE)
ឯ &#6063; &#x17AF; & ឯ ? Khmer independent vowel QE (U+17AF)

ឰ &#6064; &#x17B0; & ឰ ? Khmer independent vowel QAI (U+17B0)
ឱ &#6065; &#x17B1; & ឱ ? Khmer independent vowel QOO TYPE ONE (U+17B1)
ឲ &#6066; &#x17B2; & ឲ ? Khmer independent vowel QOO TYPE TWO (U+17B2)
ឳ &#6067; &#x17B3; & ឳ ? Khmer independent vowel QAU (U+17B3)
឴ &#6068; &#x17B4; & ឴ ? Khmer vowel INHERENT AQ (U+17B4)
឵ &#6069; &#x17B5; & ឵ ? Khmer vowel INHERENT AA (U+17B5)
ា &#6070; &#x17B6; & ា ? Khmer vowel sign AA (U+17B6)
ិ &#6071; &#x17B7; & ិ ? Khmer vowel sign I (U+17B7)
ី &#6072; &#x17B8; & ី ? Khmer vowel sign II (U+17B8)
ឹ &#6073; &#x17B9; & ឹ ? Khmer vowel sign Y (U+17B9)
ឺ &#6074; &#x17BA; & ឺ ? Khmer vowel sign YY (U+17BA)
ុ &#6075; &#x17BB; & ុ ? Khmer vowel sign U (U+17BB)
ូ &#6076; &#x17BC; & ូ ? Khmer vowel sign U (U+17BC)
ួ &#6077; &#x17BD; & ួ ? Khmer vowel sign UA (U+17BD)
ើ &#6078; &#x17BE; & ើ ? Khmer vowel sign OE (U+17BE)
ឿ &#6079; &#x17BF; & ឿ ? Khmer vowel sign YA (U+17BF)

ៀ &#6080; &#x17C0; & ៀ ? Khmer vowel sign IE (U+17C0)
េ &#6081; &#x17C1; & េ ? Khmer vowel sign E (U+17C1)
ែ &#6082; &#x17C2; & ែ ? Khmer vowel sign AE (U+17C2)
ៃ &#6083; &#x17C3; & ៃ ? Khmer vowel sign AI (U+17C3)
ោ &#6084; &#x17C4; & ោ ? Khmer vowel sign OO (U+17C4)
ៅ &#6085; &#x17C5; & ៅ ? Khmer vowel sign AU (U+17C5)
ំ &#6086; &#x17C6; & ំ ? Khmer sign NIKAHIT (U+17C6)
ះ &#6087; &#x17C7; & ះ ? Khmer sign REAHMUK (U+17C7)
ៈ &#6088; &#x17C8; & ៈ ? Khmer sign YUKALEAPINTU (U+17C8)
៉ &#6089; &#x17C9; & ៉ ? Khmer sign MUSIKATOAN (U+17C9)
៊ &#6090; &#x17CA; & ៊ ? Khmer sign TRIISAP (U+17CA)
់ &#6091; &#x17CB; & ់ ? Khmer sign BANTOC (U+17CB)
៌ &#6092; &#x17CC; & ៌ ? Khmer sign ROBAT (U+17CC)
៍ &#6093; &#x17CD; & ៍ ? Khmer sign TOANDAKHIAT (U+17CD)
៎ &#6094; &#x17CE; & ៎ ? Khmer sign KAKABAT (U+17CE)
៏ &#6095; &#x17CF; & ៏ ? Khmer sign AHSDA (U+17CF)

័ &#6096; &#x17D0; & ័ ? Khmer sign SAMYOK SANNYA (U+17D0)
៑ &#6097; &#x17D1; & ៑ ? Khmer sign VIRIAM (U+17D1)
្ &#6098; &#x17D2; & ្ ? Khmer sign COENG (U+17D2)
៓ &#6099; &#x17D3; & ៓ ? Khmer sign BATHAMASAT (U+17D3)
។ &#6100; &#x17D4; & ។ ? Khmer sign KHAN (U+17D4)
៕ &#6101; &#x17D5; & ៕ ? Khmer sign BARIYOOSAN (U+17D5)
៖ &#6102; &#x17D6; & ៖ ? Khmer sign CAMNUC PII KUH (U+17D6)
ៗ &#6103; &#x17D7; & ៗ ? Khmer sign LEK TOO (U+17D7)
៘ &#6104; &#x17D8; & ៘ ? Khmer sign BEYYAL (U+17D8)
៙ &#6105; &#x17D9; & ៙ ? Khmer sign PHNAEK MUAN (U+17D9)
៚ &#6106; &#x17DA; & ៚ ? Khmer sign KOOMUT (U+17DA)
៛ &#6107; &#x17DB; & ៛ ? Khmer currency symbol RIEL (U+17DB)
ៜ &#6108; &#x17DC; & ៜ ? Khmer sign AVAKRAHASANYA (U+17DC)
៝ &#6109; &#x17DD; & ៝ ? Khmer sign ATTHACAN (U+17DD)
៞ &#6110; &#x17DE; & ៞ not a valid unicode character.
៟ &#6111; &#x17DF; & ɣ not a valid unicode character.

០ &#6112; &#x17E0; & ០ ? Khmer digit ZERO (U+17E0)
១ &#6113; &#x17E1; & ១ ? Khmer digit ONE (U+17E1)
២ &#6114; &#x17E2; & ២ ? Khmer digit TWO (U+17E2)
៣ &#6115; &#x17E3; & ៣ ? Khmer digit THREE (U+17E3)
៤ &#6116; &#x17E4; & ៤ ? Khmer digit FOUR (U+17E4)
៥ &#6117; &#x17E5; & ៥ ? Khmer digit FIVE (U+17E5)
៦ &#6118; &#x17E6; & ៦ ? Khmer digit SIX (U+17E6)
៧ &#6119; &#x17E7; & ៧ ? Khmer digit SEVEN (U+17E7)
៨ &#6120; &#x17E8; & ៨ ? Khmer digit EIGHT (U+17E8)
៩ &#6121; &#x17E9; & ៩ ? Khmer digit NINE (U+17E9)
៪ &#6122; &#x17EA; & ៪ not a valid unicode character.
៫ &#6123; &#x17EB; & ៫ not a valid unicode character.
៬ &#6124; &#x17EC; & ៬ not a valid unicode character.
៭ &#6125; &#x17ED; & ៭ not a valid unicode character.
៮ &#6126; &#x17EE; & ៮ not a valid unicode character.
៯ &#6127; &#x17EF; & ៯ not a valid unicode character.

៰ &#6128; &#x17F0; & ៰ ? Khmer symbol LEK ATTAK SON (U+17F0)
៱ &#6129; &#x17F1; & ៱ ? Khmer symbol LEK ATTAK MUOY (U+17F1)
៲ &#6130; &#x17F2; & ៲ ? Khmer symbol LEK ATTAK PII (U+17F2)
៳ &#6131; &#x17F3; & ៳ ? Khmer symbol LEK ATTAK BEI (U+17F3)
៴ &#6132; &#x17F4; & ៴ ? Khmer symbol LEK ATTAK BUON (U+17F4)
៵ &#6133; &#x17F5; & ៵ ? Khmer symbol LEK ATTAK PRAM (U+17F5)
៶ &#6134; &#x17F6; & ៶ ? Khmer symbol LEK ATTAK PRAM-MUOY (U+17F6)
៷ &#6135; &#x17F7; & ៷ ? Khmer symbol LEK ATTAK PRAM-PII (U+17F7)
៸ &#6136; &#x17F8; & ៸ ? Khmer symbol LEK ATTAK PRAM-BEI (U+17F8)
៹ &#6137; &#x17F9; & ៹ ? Khmer symbol LEK ATTAK PRAM-BUON (U+17F9)
៹ &#6137; &#x17FA; & ៺ not a valid unicode character.
៹ &#6137; &#x17FB; & ៻ not a valid unicode character.
៼ &#6140; &#x17FC; & ៼ not a valid unicode character.
៽ &#6141; &#x17FD; & ៽ not a valid unicode character.
៾ &#6142; &#x17FE; & ៾ not a valid unicode character.
៿ &#6143; &#x17FF; & ៿ not a valid unicode character.

Mongolian 1800
᠀ &#6144; &#x1800; & ᠀ ? Mongolian BIRGA (U+1800)
᠁ &#6145; &#x1801; & ᠁ ? Mongolian ELLIPSIS (U+1801)
᠂ &#6146; &#x1802; & ᠂ ? Mongolian COMMA (U+1802)
᠃ &#6147; &#x1803; & ᠃ ? Mongolian FULL Stop (U+1803)
᠄ &#6148; &#x1804; & ᠄ ? Mongolian COLON (U+1804)
᠅ &#6149; &#x1805; & ᠅ ? Mongolian FOUR dots (U+1805)
᠆ &#6150; &#x1806; & ᠆ ? Mongolian TODO soft HYPHEN (U+1806)
᠇ &#6151; &#x1807; & ᠇ ? Mongolian SIBE syllable boundary marker (U+1807)
᠈ &#6152; &#x1808; & ᠈ ? Mongolian MANCHU COMMA (U+1808)
᠉ &#6153; &#x1809; & ᠉ ? Mongolian MANCHU FULL STOP (U+1809)
᠊ &#6154; &#x180A; & ᠊ ? Mongolian NIRUGU (U+180A)
᠋ &#6155; &#x180B; & ᠋ ? Mongolian free variation selector ONE (U+180B)
᠌ &#6156; &#x180C; & ᠌ ? Mongolian free variation selector TWO (U+180C)
᠍ &#6157; &#x180D; & ᠍ ? Mongolian free variation selector THREE (U+180D)
᠎ &#6158; &#x180E; & ᠎ ? Mongolian vowel separator (U+180E)
᠏ &#6159; &#x180F; & ᠏ not a valid unicode character.

᠐ &#6160; &#x1810; & ᠐ ? Mongolian digit ZERO (U+1810)
᠑ &#6161; &#x1811; & ᠑ ? Mongolian digit ONE (U+1811)
᠒ &#6162; &#x1812; & ᠒ ? Mongolian digit TWO (U+1812)
᠓ &#6163; &#x1813; & ᠓ ? Mongolian digit THREE (U+1813)
᠔ &#6164; &#x1814; & ᠔ ? Mongolian digit FOUR (U+1814)
᠕ &#6165; &#x1815; & ᠕ ? Mongolian digit FIVE (U+1815)
᠖ &#6166; &#x1816; & ᠖ ? Mongolian digit SIX (U+1816)
᠗ &#6167; &#x1817; & ᠗ ? Mongolian digit SEVEN (U+1817)
᠘ &#6168; &#x1818; & ᠘ ? Mongolian digit EIGHT (U+1818)
᠙ &#6169; &#x1819; & ᠙ & Mongolian digit NINE (U+1819)
᠚ &#6170; &#x181A; & ᠚ not a valid unicode character.
᠛ &#6171; &#x181B; & ᠛ not a valid unicode character.
᠜ &#6172; &#x181C; & ᠜ not a valid unicode character.
᠝ &#6173; &#x181D; & ᠝ not a valid unicode character.
᠞ &#6174; &#x181E; & ᠞ not a valid unicode character.
᠟ &#6175; &#x181F; & ᠟ not a valid unicode character.

ᠠ &#6176; &#x1820; & ᠠ ? Mongolian letter A (U+1820)
ᠡ &#6177; &#x1821; & ᠡ ? Mongolian letter E (U+1821)
ᠢ &#6178; &#x1822; & ᠢ ? Mongolian letter I (U+1822)
ᠣ &#6179; &#x1823; & ᠣ ? Mongolian letter O (U+1823)
ᠤ &#6180; &#x1824; & ᠤ ? Mongolian letter U (U+1824)
ᠥ &#6181; &#x1825; & ᠥ ? Mongolian letter OE (U+1825)
ᠦ &#6182; &#x1826; & ᠦ ? Mongolian letter UE (U+1826)
ᠧ &#6183; &#x1827; & ᠧ ? Mongolian letter EE (U+1827)
ᠨ &#6184; &#x1828; & ᠨ ? Mongolian letter NA (U+1828)
ᠩ &#6185; &#x1829; & ᠩ ? Mongolian letter ANG (U+1829)
ᠪ &#6186; &#x182A; & ᠪ ? Mongolian letter BA (U+182A)
ᠫ &#6187; &#x182B; & ᠫ ? Mongolian letter PA (U+182B)
ᠬ &#6188; &#x182C; & ᠬ ? Mongolian letter QA (U+182C)
ᠭ &#6189; &#x182D; & ᠭ ? Mongolian letter GA (U+182D)
ᠮ &#6190; &#x182E; & ᠮ ? Mongolian letter MA (U+182E)
ᠯ &#6191; &#x182F; & ᠯ ? Mongolian letter LA (U+182F)

ᠰ &#6192; &#x1830; & ᠰ ? Mongolian letter SA (U+1830)
ᠱ &#6193; &#x1831; & ᠱ ? Mongolian letter SHA (U+1831)
ᠲ &#6194; &#x1832; & ᠲ ? Mongolian letter TA (U+1832)
ᠳ &#6195; &#x1833; & ᠳ ? Mongolian letter DA (U+1833)
ᠴ &#6196; &#x1834; & ᠴ ? Mongolian letter CHA (U+1834)
ᠵ &#6197; &#x1835; & ᠵ ? Mongolian letter JA (U+1835)
ᠶ &#6198; &#x1836; & ᠶ ? Mongolian letter YA (U+1836)
ᠷ &#6199; &#x1837; & ᠷ ? Mongolian letter RA (U+1837)
ᠸ &#6200; &#x1838; & ᠸ ? Mongolian letter WA (U+1838)
ᠹ &#6201; &#x1839; & ᠹ ? Mongolian letter FA (U+1839)
ᠺ &#6202; &#x183A; & ᠺ ? Mongolian letter KA (U+183A)
ᠻ &#6203; &#x183B; & ᠻ ? Mongolian letter KHA (U+183B)
ᠼ &#6204; &#x183C; & ᠼ ? Mongolian letter TSA (U+183C)
ᠽ &#6205; &#x183D; & ᠽ ? Mongolian letter ZA (U+183D)
ᠾ &#6206; &#x183E; & ᠾ ? Mongolian letter HAA (U+183E)
ᠿ &#6207; &#x183F; & ᠿ ? Mongolian letter ZRA (U+183F)

ᡀ &#6208; &#x1840; & ᡀ ? Mongolian letter LHA (U+1840)
ᡁ &#6209; &#x1841; & ᡁ ? Mongolian letter ZHI (U+1841)
ᡂ &#6210; &#x1842; & ᡂ ? Mongolian letter CHI (U+1842)
ᡃ &#6211; &#x1843; & ᡃ ? Mongolian letter TODO long vowel sign (U+1843)
ᡄ &#6212; &#x1844; & ᡄ ? Mongolian letter TODO E (U+1844)
ᡅ &#6213; &#x1845; & ᡅ ? Mongolian letter TODO I (U+1845)
ᡆ &#6214; &#x1846; & ᡆ ? Mongolian letter TODO O (U+1846)
ᡇ &#6215; &#x1847; & ᡇ ? Mongolian letter TODO U (U+1847)
ᡈ &#6216; &#x1848; & ᡈ ? Mongolian letter TODO OE (U+1848)
ᡉ &#6217; &#x1849; & ᡉ ? Mongolian letter TODO UE (U+1849)
ᡊ &#6218; &#x184A; & ᡊ ? Mongolian letter TODO ANG (U+184A)
ᡋ &#6219; &#x184B; & ᡋ ? Mongolian letter TODO BA (U+184B)
ᡌ &#6220; &#x184C; & ᡌ ? Mongolian letter TODO PA (U+184C)
ᡍ &#6221; &#x184D; & ᡍ ? Mongolian letter TODO QA (U+184D)
ᡎ &#6222; &#x184E; & ᡎ ? Mongolian letter TODO GA (U+184E)
ᡏ &#6223; &#x184F; & ᡏ ? Mongolian letter TODO MA (U+184F)

ᡐ &#6224; &#x1850; & ᡐ ? Mongolian letter TODO TA (U+1850)
ᡑ &#6225; &#x1851; & ᡑ ? Mongolian letter TODO DA (U+1851)
ᡒ &#6226; &#x1852; & ᡒ ? Mongolian letter TODO CHA (U+1852)
ᡓ &#6227; &#x1853; & ᡓ ? Mongolian letter TODO JA (U+1853)
ᡔ &#6228; &#x1854; & ᡔ ? Mongolian letter TODO TSA (U+1854)
ᡕ &#6229; &#x1855; & ᡕ ? Mongolian letter TODO YA (U+1855)
ᡖ &#6230; &#x1856; & ᡖ ? Mongolian letter TODO WA (U+1856)
ᡗ &#6231; &#x1857; & ᡗ ? Mongolian letter TODO KA (U+1857)
ᡘ &#6232; &#x1858; & ᡘ ? Mongolian letter TODO GAA (U+1858)
ᡙ &#6233; &#x1859; & ᡙ ? Mongolian letter TODO HAA (U+1859)
ᡚ &#6234; &#x185A; & ᡚ ? Mongolian letter TODO JIA (U+185A)
ᡛ &#6235; &#x185B; & ᡛ ? Mongolian letter TODO NIA (U+185B)
ᡜ &#6236; &#x185C; & ᡜ ? Mongolian letter TODO DZA (U+185C)
ᡝ &#6237; &#x185D; & ᡝ ? Mongolian letter SIBE E (U+185D)
ᡞ &#6238; &#x185E; & ᡞ ? Mongolian letter SIBE I (U+185E)
ᡟ &#6239; &#x185F; & ᡟ ? Mongolian letter SIBE IY (U+185F)

ᡠ &#6240; &#x1860; & ᡠ ? Mongolian letter SIBE UE (U+1860)
ᡡ &#6241; &#x1861; & ᡡ ? Mongolian letter SIBE U (U+1861)
ᡢ &#6242; &#x1862; & ᡢ ? Mongolian letter SIBE ANG (U+1862)
ᡣ &#6243; &#x1863; & ᡣ ? Mongolian letter SIBE KA (U+1863)
ᡤ &#6244; &#x1864; & ᡤ ? Mongolian letter SIBE GA (U+1864)
ᡥ &#6245; &#x1865; & ᡥ ? Mongolian letter SIBE HA (U+1865)
ᡦ &#6246; &#x1866; & ᡦ ? Mongolian letter SIBE PA (U+1866)
ᡧ &#6247; &#x1867; & ᡧ ? Mongolian letter SIBE SHA (U+1867)
ᡨ &#6248; &#x1868; & ᡨ ? Mongolian letter SIBE TA (U+1868)
ᡩ &#6249; &#x1869; & ᡩ ? Mongolian letter SIBE DA (U+1869)
ᡪ &#6250; &#x186A; & ᡪ ? Mongolian letter SIBE JA (U+186A)
ᡫ &#6251; &#x186B; & ᡫ ? Mongolian letter SIBE FA (U+186B)
ᡬ &#6252; &#x186C; & ᡬ ? Mongolian letter SIBE GAA (U+186C)
ᡭ &#6253; &#x186D; & ᡭ ? Mongolian letter SIBE HAA (U+186D)
ᡱ &#6257; &#x186E; & ᡱ ? Mongolian letter SIBE TSA (U+186E)
ᡯ &#6255; &#x186F; & ᡯ ? Mongolian letter SIBE ZA (U+186F)

ᡱ &#6257; &#x1870; & ᡱ ? Mongolian letter SIBE RAA (U+1870)
ᡱ &#6257; &#x1871; & ᡱ ? Mongolian letter SIBE CHA (U+1871)
ᡲ &#6258; &#x1872; & ᡲ ? Mongolian letter SIBE ZHA (U+1872)
ᡳ &#6259; &#x1873; & ᡳ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU I (U+1873)
ᡴ &#6260; &#x1874; & ᡴ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU KA (U+1874)
ᡵ &#6261; &#x1875; & ᡵ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU RA (U+1875)
ᡶ &#6262; &#x1876; & ᡶ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU FA (U+1876)
ᡷ &#6263; &#x1877; & ᡷ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ZHA (U+1877)
ᡸ &#6264; &#x1878; & ᡸ not a valid unicode character.
᡹ &#6265; &#x1879; & ᡹ not a valid unicode character.
᡺ &#6266; &#x187A; & ᡺ not a valid unicode character.
᡻ &#6267; &#x187B; & ᡻ not a valid unicode character.
᡼ &#6268; &#x187C; & ᡼ not a valid unicode character.
᡽ &#6269; &#x187D; & ᡽ not a valid unicode character.
᡾ &#6270; &#x187E; & ᡾ not a valid unicode character.
᡿ &#6271; &#x187F; & ᡿ not a valid unicode character.

ᢀ &#6272; &#x1880; & ᢀ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI ANUSVARA ONE (U+1880)
ᢁ &#6273; &#x1881; & ᢁ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI VISARGA ONE (U+1881)
ᢂ &#6274; &#x1882; & ᢂ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI DAMARU (U+1882)
ᢃ &#6275; &#x1883; & ᢃ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI UBADAMA (U+1883)
ᢄ &#6276; &#x1884; & ᢄ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI inverted UBADAMA (U+1884)
ᢅ &#6277; &#x1885; & ᢅ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI BALUDA (U+1885)
ᢆ &#6278; &#x1886; & ᢆ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI THREE BALUDA (U+1886)
ᢇ &#6279; &#x1887; & ᢇ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI A (U+1887)
ᢈ &#6280; &#x1888; & ᢈ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI I (U+1888)
ᢉ &#6281; &#x1889; & ᢉ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI KA (U+1889)
ᢊ &#6282; &#x188A; & ᢊ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI NGA (U+188A)
ᢋ &#6283; &#x188B; & ᢋ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI CA (U+188B)
ᢌ &#6284; &#x188C; & ᢌ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI TTA (U+188C)
ᢍ &#6285; &#x188D; & ᢍ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI TTHA (U+188D)
ᢎ &#6286; &#x188E; & ᢎ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI DDA (U+188E)
ᢏ &#6287; &#x188F; & ᢏ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI NNA (U+188F)

ᢐ &#6288; &#x1890; & ᢐ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI TA (U+1890)
ᢑ &#6289; &#x1891; & ᢑ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI DA (U+1891)
ᢒ &#6290; &#x1892; & ᢒ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI PA (U+1892)
ᢓ &#6291; &#x1893; & ᢓ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI PHA (U+1893)
ᢔ &#6292; &#x1894; & ᢔ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI SSA (U+1894)
ᢕ &#6293; &#x1895; & ᢕ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI ZHA (U+1895)
ᢖ &#6294; &#x1896; & ᢖ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI ZA (U+1896)
ᢗ &#6295; &#x1897; & ᢗ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI AH (U+1897)
ᢘ &#6296; &#x1898; & ᢘ ? Mongolian letter TODO ALI GALI TA (U+1898)
ᢙ &#6297; &#x1899; & ᢙ ? Mongolian letter TODO ALI GALI ZHA (U+1899)
ᢚ &#6298; &#x189A; & ᢚ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI GHA (U+189A)
ᢛ &#6299; &#x189B; & ᢛ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI NGA (U+189B)
ᢜ &#6300; &#x189C; & ᢜ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI CA (U+189C)
ᢝ &#6301; &#x189D; & ᢝ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI JHA (U+189D)
ᢞ &#6302; &#x189E; & ᢞ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI TTA (U+189E)
ᢟ &#6303; &#x189F; & ᢟ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI DDHA (U+189F)

ᢠ &#6304; &#x18A0; & ᢠ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI TA (U+18A0)
ᢡ &#6305; &#x18A1; & ᢡ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI DHA (U+18A1)
ᢢ &#6306; &#x18A2; & ᢢ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI SSA (U+18A2)
ᢣ &#6307; &#x18A3; & ᢣ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI CYA (U+18A3)
ᢤ &#6308; &#x18A4; & ᢤ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI ZHA (U+18A4)
ᢥ &#6309; &#x18A5; & ᢥ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI ZA (U+18A5)
ᢦ &#6310; &#x18A6; & ᢦ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI half U (U+18A6)
ᢧ &#6311; &#x18A7; & ᢧ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI half YA (U+18A7)
ᢨ &#6312; &#x18A8; & ᢨ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI BHA (U+18A8)
ᢩ &#6313; &#x18A9; & ᢩ ? Mongolian letter ALI GALI DAGALGA (U+18A9)
ᢪ &#6314; &#x18AA; & ᢪ ? Mongolian letter MANCHU ALI GALI LHA (U+18AA)
᢫ &#6315; &#x18AB; & ᢫ not a valid unicode character.
᢬ &#6316; &#x18AC; & ᢬ not a valid unicode character.
᢭ &#6317; &#x18AD; & ᢭ not a valid unicode character.
᢮ &#6318; &#x18AE; & ᢮ not a valid unicode character.
᢯ &#6319; &#x18AF; & ᢯ not a valid unicode character.

ᢰ &#6320; &#x18B0; & ᢰ ? Canadian syllabics OY (U+18B0)
ᢱ &#6321; &#x18B1; & ᢱ ? Canadian syllabics AY (U+18B1)
ᢲ &#6322; &#x18B2; & ᢲ ? Canadian syllabics AAY (U+18B2)
ᢳ &#6323; &#x18B3; & ᢳ ? Canadian syllabics WAY (U+18B3)
ᢴ &#6324; &#x18B4; & ᢴ ? Canadian syllabics POY (U+18B4)
ᢵ &#6325; &#x18B5; & ᢵ ? Canadian syllabics PAY (U+18B5)
ᢶ &#6326; &#x18B6; & ᢶ ? Canadian syllabics PWOY (U+18B6)
ᢷ &#6327; &#x18B7; & ᢷ ? Canadian syllabics TAY (U+18B7)
ᢸ &#6328; &#x18B8; & ᢸ ? Canadian syllabics KAY (U+18B8)
ᢹ &#6329; &#x18B9; & ᢹ ? Canadian syllabics KWAY (U+18B9)
ᢺ &#6330; &#x18BA; & ᢺ ? Canadian syllabics MAY (U+18BA)
ᢻ &#6331; &#x18BB; & ᢻ ? Canadian syllabics NOY (U+18BB)
ᢼ &#6332; &#x18BC; & ᢼ ? Canadian syllabics NAY (U+18BC)
ᢽ &#6333; &#x18BD; & ᢽ ? Canadian syllabics LAY (U+18BD)
ᢾ &#6334; &#x18BE; & ᢾ ? Canadian syllabics SOY (U+18BE)
ᢿ &#6335; &#x18BF; & ᢿ ? Canadian syllabics SAY (U+18BF)

ᣀ &#6336; &#x18C0; & ᣀ ? Canadian syllabics SHOY (U+18C0)
ᣁ &#6337; &#x18C1; & ᣁ ? Canadian syllabics SHAY (U+18C1)
ᣂ &#6338; &#x18C2; & ᣂ ? Canadian syllabics SHWOY (U+18C2)
ᣃ &#6339; &#x18C3; & ᣃ ? Canadian syllabics YOY (U+18C3)
ᣄ &#6340; &#x18C4; & ᣄ ? Canadian syllabics YAY (U+18C4)
ᣅ &#6341; &#x18C5; & ᣅ ? Canadian syllabics RAY (U+18C5)
ᣆ &#6342; &#x18C6; & ᣆ ? Canadian syllabics NWI (U+18C6)
ᣇ &#6343; &#x18C7; & ᣇ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY NWI (U+18C7)
ᣈ &#6344; &#x18C8; & ᣈ ? Canadian syllabics NWII (U+18C8)
ᣉ &#6345; &#x18C9; & ᣉ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY NWII (U+18C9)
ᣊ &#6346; &#x18CA; & ᣊ ? Canadian syllabics NWO (U+18CA)
ᣋ &#6347; &#x18CB; & ᣋ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY NWO (U+18CB)
ᣌ &#6348; &#x18CC; & ᣌ ? Canadian syllabics NWOO (U+18CC)
ᣍ &#6349; &#x18CD; & ᣍ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY NWOO (U+18CD)
ᣎ &#6350; &#x18CE; & ᣎ ? Canadian syllabics RWEE (U+18CE)
ᣏ &#6351; &#x18CF; & ᣏ ? Canadian syllabics RWI (U+18CF)

ᣐ &#6352; &#x18D0; & ᣐ ? Canadian syllabics RWII (U+18D0)
ᣑ &#6353; &#x18D1; & ᣑ ? Canadian syllabics RWO (U+18D1)
ᣒ &#6354; &#x18D2; & ᣒ ? Canadian syllabics RWOO (U+18D2)
ᣓ &#6355; &#x18D3; & ᣓ ? Canadian syllabics RWA (U+18D3)
ᣔ &#6356; &#x18D4; & ᣔ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY P (U+18D4)
ᣕ &#6357; &#x18D5; & ᣕ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY T (U+18D5)
ᣖ &#6358; &#x18D6; & ᣖ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY K (U+18D6)
ᣗ &#6359; &#x18D7; & ᣗ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY C (U+18D7)
ᣘ &#6360; &#x18D8; & ᣘ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY M (U+18D8)
ᣙ &#6361; &#x18D9; & ᣙ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY N (U+18D9)
ᣚ &#6362; &#x18DA; & ᣚ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY S (U+18DA)
ᣛ &#6363; &#x18DB; & ᣛ ? Canadian syllabics OJIBWAY SH (U+18DB)
ᣜ &#6364; &#x18DC; & ᣜ ? Canadian syllabics EASTERN W (U+18DC)
ᣝ &#6365; &#x18DD; & ᣝ ? Canadian syllabics WESTERN W (U+18DD)
ᣞ &#6366; &#x18DE; & ᣞ ? Canadian syllabics final small ring (U+18DE)
ᣟ &#6367; &#x18DF; & ᣟ ? Canadian syllabics final RAISED DOT (U+18DF)

ᣠ &#6368; &#x18E0; & ᣠ ? Canadian syllabics R-CREE RWE (U+18E0)
ᣡ &#6369; &#x18E1; & ᣡ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LOO (U+18E1)
ᣢ &#6370; &#x18E2; & ᣢ ? Canadian syllabics WEST-CREE LAA (U+18E2)
ᣣ &#6371; &#x18E3; & ᣣ ? Canadian syllabics THWE (U+18E3)
ᣤ &#6372; &#x18E4; & ᣤ ? Canadian syllabics THWA (U+18E4)
ᣥ &#6373; &#x18E5; & ᣥ ? Canadian syllabics TTHWE (U+18E5)
ᣦ &#6374; &#x18E6; & ᣦ ? Canadian syllabics TTHOO (U+18E6)
ᣧ &#6375; &#x18E7; & ᣧ ? Canadian syllabics TTHAA (U+18E7)
ᣨ &#6376; &#x18E8; & ᣨ ? Canadian syllabics TLHWE (U+18E8)
ᣩ &#6377; &#x18E9; & ᣩ ? Canadian syllabics TLHOO (U+18E9)
ᣪ &#6378; &#x18EA; & ᣪ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI SHWE (U+18EA)
ᣫ &#6379; &#x18EB; & ᣫ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI SHOO (U+18EB)
ᣬ &#6380; &#x18EC; & ᣬ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI HOO (U+18EC)
ᣭ &#6381; &#x18ED; & ᣭ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GWU (U+18ED)
ᣮ &#6382; &#x18EE; & ᣮ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DENE GEE (U+18EE)
ᣯ &#6383; &#x18EF; & ᣯ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GAA (U+18EF)

ᣰ &#6384; &#x18F0; & ᣰ ? Canadian syllabics carrier GWA (U+18F0)
ᣱ &#6385; &#x18F1; & ᣱ ? Canadian syllabics SAYISI JU (U+18F1)
ᣲ &#6386; &#x18F2; & ᣲ ? Canadian syllabics carrier JWA (U+18F2)
ᣳ &#6387; &#x18F3; & ᣳ ? Canadian syllabics BEAVER DENE L (U+18F3)
ᣴ &#6388; &#x18F4; & ᣴ ? Canadian syllabics BEAVER DENE R (U+18F4)
ᣵ &#6389; &#x18F5; & ᣵ ? Canadian syllabics carrier DENTAL S (U+18F5)
᣶ &#6390; &#x18F6; & ᣶ not a valid unicode character.
᣷ &#6391; &#x18F7; & ᣷ not a valid unicode character.
᣸ &#6392; &#x18F8; & ᣸ not a valid unicode character.
᣹ &#6393; &#x18F9; & ᣹ not a valid unicode character.
᣺ &#6394; &#x18FA; & ᣺ not a valid unicode character.
᣻ &#6395; &#x18FB; & ᣻ not a valid unicode character.
᣼ &#6396; &#x18FC; & ᣼ not a valid unicode character.
᣽ &#6397; &#x18FD; & ᣽ not a valid unicode character.
᣾ &#6398; &#x18FE; & ᣾ not a valid unicode character.
᣿ &#6399; &#x18FF; & ᣿ not a valid unicode character.

Limbu: Tibet/Burma 1900
ᤀ &#6400; &#x1900; & ᤀ ? Limbu vowel-carrier letter (U+1900)
ᤁ &#6401; &#x1901; & ᤁ ? Limbu letter KA (U+1901)
ᤂ &#6402; &#x1902; & ᤂ ? Limbu letter KHA (U+1902)
ᤃ &#6403; &#x1903; & ᤃ ? Limbu letter GA (U+1903)
ᤄ &#6404; &#x1904; & ᤄ ? Limbu letter GHA (U+1904)
ᤅ &#6405; &#x1905; & ᤅ ? Limbu letter NGA (U+1905)
ᤆ &#6406; &#x1906; & ᤆ ? Limbu letter CA (U+1906)
ᤇ &#6407; &#x1907; & ᤇ ? Limbu letter CHA (U+1907)
ᤈ &#6408; &#x1908; & ᤈ ? Limbu letter JA (U+1908)
ᤉ &#6409; &#x1909; & ᤉ ? Limbu letter JHA (U+1909)
ᤊ &#6410; &#x190A; & ᤊ ? Limbu letter YAN (U+190A)
ᤋ &#6411; &#x190B; & ᤋ ? Limbu letter TA (U+190B)
ᤌ &#6412; &#x190C; & ᤌ ? Limbu letter THA (U+190C)
ᤍ &#6413; &#x190D; & ᤍ ? Limbu letter DA (U+190D)
ᤎ &#6414; &#x190E; & ᤎ ? Limbu letter DHA (U+190E)
ᤏ &#6415; &#x190F; & ᤏ ? Limbu letter NA (U+190F)

ᤐ &#6416; &#x1910; & ᤐ ? Limbu letter PA (U+1910)
ᤑ &#6417; &#x1911; & ᤑ ? Limbu letter PHA (U+1911)
ᤒ &#6418; &#x1912; & ᤒ ? Limbu letter BA (U+1912)
ᤓ &#6419; &#x1913; & ᤓ ? Limbu letter BHA (U+1913)
ᤔ &#6420; &#x1914; & ᤔ ? Limbu letter MA (U+1914)
ᤕ &#6421; &#x1915; & ᤕ ? Limbu letter YA (U+1915)
ᤖ &#6422; &#x1916; & ᤖ ? Limbu letter RA (U+1916)
ᤗ &#6423; &#x1917; & ᤗ ? Limbu letter LA (U+1917)
ᤘ &#6424; &#x1918; & ᤘ ? Limbu letter WA (U+1918)
ᤙ &#6425; &#x1919; & ᤙ ? Limbu letter SHA (U+1919)
ᤚ &#6426; &#x191A; & ᤚ ? Limbu letter SSA (U+191A)
ᤛ &#6427; &#x191B; & ᤛ ? Limbu letter SA (U+191B)
ᤜ &#6428; &#x191C; & ᤜ ? Limbu letter HA (U+191C)
ᤝ &#6429; &#x191D; & ᤝ not a valid unicode character.
ᤞ &#6430; &#x191E; & ᤞ not a valid unicode character.
᤟ &#6431; &#x191F; & ᤟ not a valid unicode character.

ᤠ &#6432; &#x1920; & ᤠ ? Limbu vowel sign A (U+1920)
ᤡ &#6433; &#x1921; & ᤡ ? Limbu vowel sign I (U+1921)
ᤢ &#6434; &#x1922; & ᤢ ? Limbu vowel sign U (U+1922)
ᤣ &#6435; &#x1923; & ᤣ ? Limbu vowel sign EE (U+1923)
ᤤ &#6436; &#x1924; & ᤤ ? Limbu vowel sign AI (U+1924)
ᤥ &#6437; &#x1925; & ᤥ ? Limbu vowel sign OO (U+1925)
ᤦ &#6438; &#x1926; & ᤦ ? Limbu vowel sign AU (U+1926)
ᤧ &#6439; &#x1927; & ᤧ ? Limbu vowel sign E (U+1927)
ᤨ &#6440; &#x1928; & ᤨ ? Limbu vowel sign O (U+1928)
ᤩ &#6441; &#x1929; & ᤩ ? Limbu subjoined letter YA (U+1929)
ᤪ &#6442; &#x192A; & ᤪ ? Limbu subjoined letter RA (U+192A)
ᤫ &#6443; &#x192B; & ᤫ ? Limbu subjoined letter WA (U+192B)
᤬ &#6444; &#x192C; & ᤬ not a valid unicode character.
᤭ &#6445; &#x192D; & ᤭ not a valid unicode character.
᤮ &#6446; &#x192E; & ᤮ not a valid unicode character.
᤯ &#6447; &#x192F; & ᤯ not a valid unicode character.

ᤰ &#6448; &#x1930; & ᤰ ? Limbu small letter KA (U+1930)
ᤱ &#6449; &#x1931; & ᤱ ? Limbu small letter NGA (U+1931)
ᤲ &#6450; &#x1932; & ᤲ ? Limbu small letter ANUSVARA (U+1932)
ᤳ &#6451; &#x1933; & ᤳ ? Limbu small letter TA (U+1933)
ᤴ &#6452; &#x1934; & ᤴ ? Limbu small letter NA (U+1934)
ᤵ &#6453; &#x1935; & ᤵ ? Limbu small letter PA (U+1935)
ᤶ &#6454; &#x1936; & ᤶ ? Limbu small letter MA (U+1936)
ᤷ &#6455; &#x1937; & ᤷ ? Limbu small letter RA (U+1937)
ᤸ &#6456; &#x1938; & ᤸ ? Limbu small letter LA (U+1938)
᤹ &#6457; &#x1939; & ᤹ ? Limbu sign MUKPHRENG (U+1939)
᤺ &#6458; &#x193A; & ᤺ ? Limbu sign KEMPHRENG (U+193A)
᤻ &#6459; &#x193B; & ᤻ ? Limbu sign SA-I (U+193B)
᤼ &#6460; &#x193C; & ᤼ not a valid unicode character.
᤽ &#6461; &#x193D; & ᤽ not a valid unicode character.
᤾ &#6462; &#x193E; & ᤾ not a valid unicode character.
᤿ &#6463; &#x193F; & ᤿ not a valid unicode character.

᥀ &#6464; &#x1940; & ᥀ ? Limbu sign LOO (U+1940)
᥁ &#6465; &#x1941; & ᥁ not a valid unicode character.
᥂ &#6466; &#x1942; & ᥂ not a valid unicode character.
᥃ &#6467; &#x1943; & ᥃ not a valid unicode character.
᥄ &#6468; &#x1944; & ᥄ ? Limbu EXCLAMATION mark (U+1944)
᥅ &#6469; &#x1945; & ᥅ ? Limbu QUESTION mark (U+1945)
᥆ &#6470; &#x1946; & ᥆ ? Limbu digit ZERO (U+1946)
᥇ &#6471; &#x1947; & ᥇ ? Limbu digit ONE (U+1947)
᥈ &#6472; &#x1948; & ᥈ ? Limbu digit TWO (U+1948)
᥉ &#6473; &#x1949; & ᥉ ? Limbu digit THREE (U+1949)
᥊ &#6474; &#x194A; & ᥊ ? Limbu digit FOUR (U+194A)
᥋ &#6475; &#x194B; & ᥋ ? Limbu digit FIVE (U+194B)
᥌ &#6476; &#x194C; & ᥌ ? Limbu digit SIX (U+194C)
᥍ &#6477; &#x194D; & ᥍ ? Limbu digit SEVEN (U+194D)
᥎ &#6478; &#x194E; & ᥎ ? Limbu digit EIGHT (U+194E)
᥏ &#6479; &#x194F; & ᥏ ? Limbu digit NINE (U+194F)

Tai Le: China 1950
ᥐ &#6480; &#x1950; & ᥐ ? Tai Le letter KA (U+1950)
ᥑ &#6481; &#x1951; & ᥑ ? Tai Le letter XA (U+1951)
ᥒ &#6482; &#x1952; & ᥒ ? Tai Le letter NGA (U+1952)
ᥓ &#6483; &#x1955; & ᥓ ? Tai Le letter TSA (U+1955)
ᥔ &#6484; &#x1954; & ᥔ ? Tai Le letter SA (U+1954)
ᥕ &#6485; &#x1955; & ᥕ ? Tai Le letter YA (U+1955)
ᥖ &#6486; &#x1956; & ᥖ ? Tai Le letter TA (U+1956)
ᥗ &#6487; &#x1957; & ᥗ ? Tai Le letter THA (U+1957)
ᥘ &#6488; &#x1958; & ᥘ ? Tai Le letter LA (U+1958)
ᥙ &#6489; &#x1959; & ᥙ ? Tai Le letter PA (U+1959)
ᥚ &#6490; &#x195A; & ᥚ ? Tai Le letter PHA (U+195A)
ᥛ &#6491; &#x195B; & ᥛ ? Tai Le letter MA (U+195B)
ᥜ &#6492; &#x195C; & ᥜ ? Tai Le letter FA (U+195C)
ᥝ &#6493; &#x195D; & ᥝ ? Tai Le letter VA (U+195D)
ᥞ &#6494; &#x195E; & ᥞ ? Tai Le letter HA (U+195E)
ᥟ &#6495; &#x195F; & ᥟ ? Tai Le letter QA (U+195F)

ᥠ &#6496; &#x1960; & ᥠ ? Tai Le letter KHA (U+1960)
ᥡ &#6497; &#x1961; & ᥡ ? Tai Le letter TSHA (U+1961)
ᥢ &#6498; &#x1962; & ᥢ ? Tai Le letter NA (U+1962)
ᥣ &#6499; &#x1963; & ᥣ ? Tai Le letter A (U+1963)
ᥤ &#6500; &#x1964; & ᥤ ? Tai Le letter I (U+1964)
ᥥ &#6501; &#x1965; & ᥥ ? Tai Le letter EE (U+1965)
ᥦ &#6502; &#x1966; & ᥦ ? Tai Le letter EH (U+1966)
ᥧ &#6503; &#x1967; & ᥧ ? Tai Le letter U (U+1967)
ᥨ &#6504; &#x1968; & ᥨ ? Tai Le letter OO (U+1968)
ᥩ &#6505; &#x1969; & ᥩ ? Tai Le letter O (U+1969)
ᥪ &#6506; &#x196A; & ᥪ ? Tai Le letter UE (U+196A)
ᥫ &#6507; &#x196B; & ᥫ ? Tai Le letter E (U+196B)
ᥬ &#6508; &#x196C; & ᥬ ? Tai Le letter AUE (U+196C)
ᥭ &#6509; &#x196D; & ᥭ ? Tai Le letter AI (U+196D)
᥮ &#6510; &#x196E; & ᥮ not a valid unicode character.
᥯ &#6511; &#x196F; & ᥯ not a valid unicode character.

ᥰ &#6512; &#x1970; & ᥰ ? Tai Le letter tone-2 (U+1970)
ᥱ &#6513; &#x1971; & ᥱ ? Tai Le letter tone-3 (U+1971)
ᥲ &#6514; &#x1972; & ᥲ ? Tai Le letter tone-4 (U+1972)
ᥳ &#6515; &#x1973; & ᥳ ? Tai Le letter tone-5 (U+1973)
ᥴ &#6516; &#x1974; & ᥴ ? Tai Le letter tone-6 (U+1974)
᥵ &#6517; &#x1975; & ᥵ not a valid unicode character.
᥶ &#6518; &#x1976; & ᥶ not a valid unicode character.
᥷ &#6519; &#x1977; & ᥷ not a valid unicode character.
᥸ &#6520; &#x1978; & ᥸ not a valid unicode character.
᥹ &#6521; &#x1979; & ᥹ not a valid unicode character.
᥺ &#6522; &#x197A; & ᥺ not a valid unicode character.
᥻ &#6523; &#x197B; & ᥻ not a valid unicode character.
᥼ &#6524; &#x197C; & ᥼ not a valid unicode character.
᥽ &#6525; &#x197D; & ᥽ not a valid unicode character.
᥾ &#6526; &#x197E; & ᥾ not a valid unicode character.
᥿ &#6527; &#x197F; & ᥿ not a valid unicode character.

ᦀ &#6528; &#x1980; & ᦀ ? New Tai Lue letter high QA (U+1980)
ᦁ &#6529; &#x1981; & ᦁ ? New Tai Lue letter low QA (U+1981)
ᦂ &#6530; &#x1982; & ᦂ ? New Tai Lue letter high KA (U+1982)
ᦃ &#6531; &#x1983; & ᦃ ? New Tai Lue letter high XA (U+1983)
ᦄ &#6532; &#x1984; & ᦄ ? New Tai Lue letter high NGA (U+1984)
ᦅ &#6533; &#x1985; & ᦅ ? New Tai Lue letter low KA (U+1985)
ᦆ &#6534; &#x1986; & ᦆ ? New Tai Lue letter low XA (U+1986)
ᦇ &#6535; &#x1987; & ᦇ ? New Tai Lue letter low NGA (U+1987)
ᦈ &#6536; &#x1988; & ᦈ ? New Tai Lue letter high TSA (U+1988)
ᦉ &#6537; &#x1989; & ᦉ ? New Tai Lue letter high SA (U+1989)
ᦊ &#6538; &#x198A; & ᦊ ? New Tai Lue letter high YA (U+198A)
ᦋ &#6539; &#x198B; & ᦋ ? New Tai Lue letter low TSA (U+198B)
ᦌ &#6540; &#x198C; & ᦌ ? New Tai Lue letter low SA (U+198C)
ᦍ &#6541; &#x198D; & ᦍ ? New Tai Lue letter low YA (U+198D)
ᦎ &#6542; &#x198E; & ᦎ ? New Tai Lue letter high TA (U+198E)
ᦏ &#6543; &#x198F; & ᦏ ? New Tai Lue letter high THA (U+198F)

ᦐ &#6544; &#x1990; & ᦐ ? New Tai Lue letter high NA (U+1990)
ᦑ &#6545; &#x1991; & ᦑ ? New Tai Lue letter low TA (U+1991)
ᦒ &#6546; &#x1992; & ᦒ ? New Tai Lue letter low THA (U+1992)
ᦓ &#6547; &#x1993; & ᦓ ? New Tai Lue letter low NA (U+1993)
ᦔ &#6548; &#x1994; & ᦔ ? New Tai Lue letter high PA (U+1994)
ᦕ &#6549; &#x1995; & ᦕ ? New Tai Lue letter high PHA (U+1995)
ᦖ &#6550; &#x1996; & ᦖ ? New Tai Lue letter high MA (U+1996)
ᦗ &#6551; &#x1997; & ᦗ ? New Tai Lue letter low PA (U+1997)
ᦘ &#6552; &#x1998; & ᦘ ? New Tai Lue letter low PHA (U+1998)
ᦙ &#6553; &#x1999; & ᦙ ? New Tai Lue letter low MA (U+1999)
ᦚ &#6554; &#x199A; & ᦚ ? New Tai Lue letter high FA (U+199A)
ᦛ &#6555; &#x199B; & ᦛ ? New Tai Lue letter high VA (U+199B)
ᦜ &#6556; &#x199C; & ᦜ ? New Tai Lue letter high LA (U+199C)
ᦝ &#6557; &#x199D; & ᦝ ? New Tai Lue letter low FA (U+199D)
ᦞ &#6558; &#x199E; & ᦞ ? New Tai Lue letter low VA (U+199E)
ᦟ &#6559; &#x199F; & ᦟ ? New Tai Lue letter low LA (U+199F)

ᦠ &#6560; &#x19A0; & ᦠ ? New Tai Lue letter high HA (U+19A0)
ᦡ &#6561; &#x19A1; & ᦡ ? New Tai Lue letter high DA (U+19A1)
ᦢ &#6562; &#x19A2; & ᦢ ? New Tai Lue letter high BA (U+19A2)
ᦣ &#6563; &#x19A3; & ᦣ ? New Tai Lue letter low HA (U+19A3)
ᦤ &#6564; &#x19A4; & ᦤ ? New Tai Lue letter low DA (U+19A4)
ᦥ &#6565; &#x19A5; & ᦥ ? New Tai Lue letter low BA (U+19A5)
ᦦ &#6566; &#x19A6; & ᦦ ? New Tai Lue letter high KVA (U+19A6)
ᦧ &#6567; &#x19A7; & ᦧ ? New Tai Lue letter high XVA (U+19A7)
ᦨ &#6568; &#x19A8; & ᦨ ? New Tai Lue letter low KVA (U+19A8)
ᦩ &#6569; &#x19A9; & ᦩ ? New Tai Lue letter low XVA (U+19A9)
ᦪ &#6570; &#x19AA; & ᦪ ? New Tai Lue letter high SUA (U+19AA)
ᦫ &#6571; &#x19AB; & ᦫ ? New Tai Lue letter low SUA (U+19AB)
᦬ &#6572; &#x19AC; & ᦬ not a valid unicode character.
᦭ &#6573; &#x19AD; & ᦭ not a valid unicode character.
᦮ &#6574; &#x19AE; & ᦮ not a valid unicode character.
᦯ &#6575; &#x19AF; & ᦯ not a valid unicode character.

ᦰ &#6576; &#x19B0; & ᦰ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign vowel shortENER (U+19B0)
ᦱ &#6577; &#x19B1; & ᦱ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign AA (U+19B1)
ᦲ &#6578; &#x19B2; & ᦲ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign II (U+19B2)
ᦳ &#6579; &#x19B3; & ᦳ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign U (U+19B3)
ᦴ &#6580; &#x19B4; & ᦴ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign U (U+19B4)
ᦵ &#6581; &#x19B5; & ᦵ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign E (U+19B5)
ᦶ &#6582; &#x19B6; & ᦶ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign AE (U+19B6)
ᦷ &#6583; &#x19B7; & ᦷ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign O (U+19B7)
ᦸ &#6584; &#x19B8; & ᦸ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign OA (U+19B8)
ᦹ &#6585; &#x19B9; & ᦹ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign UE (U+19B9)
ᦺ &#6586; &#x19BA; & ᦺ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign AY (U+19BA)
ᦻ &#6587; &#x19BB; & ᦻ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign AAY (U+19BB)
ᦼ &#6588; &#x19BC; & ᦼ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign UY (U+19BC)
ᦽ &#6589; &#x19BD; & ᦽ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign OY (U+19BD)
ᦾ &#6590; &#x19BE; & ᦾ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign OAY (U+19BE)
ᦿ &#6591; &#x19BF; & ᦿ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign UEY (U+19BF)

ᧀ &#6592; &#x19C0; & ᧀ ? New Tai Lue vowel sign IY (U+19C0)
ᧁ &#6593; &#x19C1; & ᧁ ? New Tai Lue letter final V (U+19C1)
ᧂ &#6594; &#x19C2; & ᧂ ? New Tai Lue letter final NG (U+19C2)
ᧃ &#6595; &#x19C3; & ᧃ ? New Tai Lue letter final N (U+19C3)
ᧄ &#6596; &#x19C4; & ᧄ ? New Tai Lue letter final M (U+19C4)
ᧅ &#6597; &#x19C5; & ᧅ ? New Tai Lue letter final K (U+19C5)
ᧆ &#6598; &#x19C6; & ᧆ ? New Tai Lue letter final D (U+19C6)
ᧇ &#6599; &#x19C7; & ᧇ ? New Tai Lue letter final B (U+19C7)
ᧈ &#6600; &#x19C8; & ᧈ ? New Tai Lue tone mark-1 (U+19C8)
ᧉ &#6601; &#x19C9; & ᧉ ? New Tai Lue tone mark-2 (U+19C9)
᧊ &#6602; &#x19CA; & ᧊ not a valid unicode character.
᧋ &#6603; &#x19CB; & ᧋ not a valid unicode character.
᧌ &#6604; &#x19CC; & ᧌ not a valid unicode character.
᧍ &#6605; &#x19CD; & ᧍ not a valid unicode character.
᧎ &#6606; &#x19CE; & ᧎ not a valid unicode character.
᧏ &#6607; &#x19CF; & ᧏ not a valid unicode character.

᧐ &#6608; &#x19D0; & ᧐ ? New Tai Lue digit ZERO (U+19D0)
᧑ &#6609; &#x19D1; & ᧑ ? New Tai Lue digit ONE (U+19D1)
᧒ &#6610; &#x19D2; & ᧒ ? New Tai Lue digit TWO (U+19D2)
᧓ &#6611; &#x19D3; & ᧓ ? New Tai Lue digit THREE (U+19D3)
᧔ &#6612; &#x19D4; & ᧔ ? New Tai Lue digit FOUR (U+19D4)
᧕ &#6613; &#x19D5; & ᧕ ? New Tai Lue digit FIVE (U+19D5)
᧖ &#6614; &#x19D6; & ᧖ ? New Tai Lue digit SIX (U+19D6)
᧗ &#6615; &#x19D7; & ᧗ ? New Tai Lue digit SEVEN (U+19D7)
᧘ &#6616; &#x19D8; & ᧘ ? New Tai Lue digit EIGHT (U+19D8)
᧙ &#6617; &#x19D9; & ᧙ ? New Tai Lue digit NINE (U+19D9)
᧚ &#6618; &#x19DA; & ᧚ ? New Tai Lue THAM digit ONE (U+19DA)
᧛ &#6619; &#x19DB; & ᧛ not a valid unicode character.
᧜ &#6620; &#x19DC; & ᧜ not a valid unicode character.
᧝ &#6621; &#x19DD; & ᧝ not a valid unicode character.
᧞ &#6622; &#x19DE; & ᧞ ? New Tai Lue sign LAE (U+19DE)
᧟ &#6623; &#x19DF; & ᧟ ? New Tai Lue sign LAEV (U+19DF)

Khmer Symbols: Cambodian 19E0
᧠ &#6624; &#x19E0; & ᧠ ? Khmer symbol PATHAMASAT (U+19E0)
᧡ &#6625; &#x19E1; & ᧡ ? Khmer symbol MUOY KOET (U+19E1)
᧢ &#6626; &#x19E2; & ᧢ ? Khmer symbol PII KOET (U+19E2)
᧣ &#6627; &#x19E3; & ᧣ ? Khmer symbol BEI KOET (U+19E3)
᧤ &#6628; &#x19E4; & ᧤ ? Khmer symbol BUON KOET (U+19E4)
᧥ &#6629; &#x19E5; & ᧥ ? Khmer symbol PRAM KOET (U+19E5)
᧦ &#6630; &#x19E6; & ᧦ ? Khmer symbol PRAM-MUOY KOET (U+19E6)
᧧ &#6631; &#x19E7; & ᧧ ? Khmer symbol PRAM-PII KOET (U+19E7)
᧨ &#6632; &#x19E8; & ᧨ ? Khmer symbol PRAM-BEI KOET (U+19E8)
᧩ &#6633; &#x19E9; & ᧩ ? Khmer symbol PRAM-BUON KOET (U+19E9)
᧪ &#6634; &#x19EA; & ᧪ ? Khmer symbol DAP KOET (U+19EA)
᧫ &#6635; &#x19EB; & ᧫ ? Khmer symbol DAP-MUOY KOET (U+19EB)
᧬ &#6636; &#x19EC; & ᧬ ? Khmer symbol DAP-PII KOET (U+19EC)
᧭ &#6637; &#x19ED; & ᧭ ? Khmer symbol DAP-BEI KOET (U+19ED)
᧮ &#6638; &#x19EE; & ᧮ ? Khmer symbol DAP-BUON KOET (U+19EE)
᧯ &#6639; &#x19EF; & ᧯ ? Khmer symbol DAP-PRAM KOET (U+19EF)

᧰ &#6640; &#x19F0; & ᧰ ? Khmer symbol TUTEYASAT (U+19F0)
᧱ &#6641; &#x19F1; & ᧱ ? Khmer symbol MUOY ROC (U+19F1)
᧲ &#6642; &#x19F2; & ᧲ ? Khmer symbol PII ROC (U+19F2)
᧳ &#6643; &#x19F3; & ᧳ ? Khmer symbol BEI ROC (U+19F3)
᧴ &#6644; &#x19F4; & ᧴ ? Khmer symbol BUON ROC (U+19F4)
᧵ &#6645; &#x19F5; & ᧵ ? Khmer symbol PRAM ROC (U+19F5)
᧶ &#6646; &#x19F6; & ᧶ ? Khmer symbol PRAM-MUOY ROC (U+19F6)
᧷ &#6647; &#x19F7; & ᧷ ? Khmer symbol PRAM-PII ROC (U+19F7)
᧸ &#6648; &#x19F8; & ᧸ ? Khmer symbol PRAM-BEI ROC (U+19F8)
᧹ &#6649; &#x19F9; & ᧹ ? Khmer symbol PRAM-BUON ROC (U+19F9)
᧺ &#6650; &#x19FA; & ᧺ ? Khmer symbol DAP ROC (U+19FA)
᧻ &#6651; &#x19FB; & ᧻ ? Khmer symbol DAP-MUOY ROC (U+19FB)
᧼ &#6652; &#x19FC; & ᧼ ? Khmer symbol DAP-PII ROC (U+19FC)
᧽ &#6653; &#x19FD; & ᧽ ? Khmer symbol DAP-BEI ROC (U+19FD)
᧾ &#6654; &#x19FE; & ᧾ ? Khmer symbol DAP-BUON ROC (U+19FE)
᧿ &#6655; &#x19FF; & ᧿ ? Khmer symbol DAP-PRAM ROC (U+19FF)

ᨀ &#6656; &#x1A00; & ᨀ ? Buginese letter KA (U+1A00)
ᨁ &#6657; &#x1A01; & ᨁ ? Buginese letter GA (U+1A01)
ᨂ &#6658; &#x1A02; & ᨂ ? Buginese letter NGA (U+1A02)
ᨃ &#6659; &#x1A03; & ᨃ ? Buginese letter NGKA (U+1A03)
ᨄ &#6660; &#x1A04; & ᨄ ? Buginese letter PA (U+1A04)
ᨅ &#6661; &#x1A05; & ᨅ ? Buginese letter BA (U+1A05)
ᨆ &#6662; &#x1A06; & ᨆ ? Buginese letter MA (U+1A06)
ᨇ &#6663; &#x1A07; & ᨇ ? Buginese letter MPA (U+1A07)
ᨈ &#6664; &#x1A08; & ᨈ ? Buginese letter TA (U+1A08)
ᨉ &#6665; &#x1A09; & ᨉ ? Buginese letter DA (U+1A09)
ᨊ &#6666; &#x1A0A; & ᨊ ? Buginese letter NA (U+1A0A)
ᨋ &#6667; &#x1A0B; & ᨋ ? Buginese letter NRA (U+1A0B)
ᨌ &#6668; &#x1A0C; & ᨌ ? Buginese letter CA (U+1A0C)
ᨍ &#6669; &#x1A0D; & ᨍ ? Buginese letter JA (U+1A0D)
ᨎ &#6670; &#x1A0E; & ᨎ ? Buginese letter NYA (U+1A0E)
ᨏ &#6671; &#x1A0F; & ᨏ ? Buginese letter NYCA (U+1A0F)

ᨐ &#6672; &#x1A10; & ᨐ ? Buginese letter YA (U+1A10)
ᨑ &#6673; &#x1A11; & ᨑ ? Buginese letter RA (U+1A11)
ᨒ &#6674; &#x1A12; & ᨒ ? Buginese letter LA (U+1A12)
ᨓ &#6675; &#x1A13; & ᨓ ? Buginese letter VA (U+1A13)
ᨔ &#6676; &#x1A14; & ᨔ ? Buginese letter SA (U+1A14)
ᨕ &#6677; &#x1A15; & ᨕ ? Buginese letter A (U+1A15)
ᨖ &#6678; &#x1A16; & ᨖ ? Buginese letter HA (U+1A16)
ᨗ &#6679; &#x1A17; & ᨗ ? Buginese vowel sign I (U+1A17)
ᨘ &#6680; &#x1A18; & ᨘ ? Buginese vowel sign U (U+1A18)
ᨙ &#6681; &#x1A19; & ᨙ ? Buginese vowel sign E (U+1A19)
ᨚ &#6682; &#x1A1A; & ᨚ ? Buginese vowel sign O (U+1A1A)
ᨛ &#6683; &#x1A1B; & ᨛ ? Buginese vowel sign AE (U+1A1B)
᨜ &#6684; &#x1A1C; & ᨜ not a valid unicode character.
᨝ &#6685; &#x1A1D; & ᨝ not a valid unicode character.
᨞ &#6686; &#x1A1E; & ᨞ ? Buginese PALLAWA (U+1A1E)
᨟ &#6687; &#x1A1F; & ᨟ ? Buginese end of SECTION (U+1A1F)

ᨠ &#6688; &#x1A20; & ᨠ ? Tai Tham letter high KA (U+1A20)
ᨡ &#6689; &#x1A21; & ᨡ ? Tai Tham letter high KHA (U+1A21)
ᨢ &#6690; &#x1A22; & ᨢ ? Tai Tham letter high KXA (U+1A22)
ᨣ &#6691; &#x1A23; & ᨣ ? Tai Tham letter low KA (U+1A23)
ᨤ &#6692; &#x1A24; & ᨤ ? Tai Tham letter low KXA (U+1A24)
ᨥ &#6693; &#x1A25; & ᨥ ? Tai Tham letter low KHA (U+1A25)
ᨦ &#6694; &#x1A26; & ᨦ ? Tai Tham letter NGA (U+1A26)
ᨧ &#6695; &#x1A27; & ᨧ ? Tai Tham letter high CA (U+1A27)
ᨨ &#6696; &#x1A28; & ᨨ ? Tai Tham letter high CHA (U+1A28)
ᨩ &#6697; &#x1A29; & ᨩ ? Tai Tham letter low CA (U+1A29)
ᨪ &#6698; &#x1A2A; & ᨪ ? Tai Tham letter low SA (U+1A2A)
ᨫ &#6699; &#x1A2B; & ᨫ ? Tai Tham letter low CHA (U+1A2B)
ᨬ &#6700; &#x1A2C; & ᨬ ? Tai Tham letter NYA (U+1A2C)
ᨭ &#6701; &#x1A2D; & ᨭ ? Tai Tham letter RATA (U+1A2D)
ᨮ &#6702; &#x1A2E; & ᨮ ? Tai Tham letter high RATHA (U+1A2E)
ᨯ &#6703; &#x1A2F; & ᨯ ? Tai Tham letter DA (U+1A2F)

ᨰ &#6704; &#x1A30; & ᨰ ? Tai Tham letter low RATHA (U+1A30)
ᨱ &#6705; &#x1A31; & ᨱ ? Tai Tham letter RANA (U+1A31)
ᨲ &#6706; &#x1A32; & ᨲ ? Tai Tham letter high TA (U+1A32)
ᨳ &#6707; &#x1A33; & ᨳ ? Tai Tham letter high THA (U+1A33)
ᨴ &#6708; &#x1A34; & ᨴ ? Tai Tham letter low TA (U+1A34)
ᨵ &#6709; &#x1A35; & ᨵ ? Tai Tham letter low THA (U+1A35)
ᨶ &#6710; &#x1A36; & ᨶ ? Tai Tham letter NA (U+1A36)
ᨷ &#6711; &#x1A37; & ᨷ ? Tai Tham letter BA (U+1A37)
ᨸ &#6712; &#x1A38; & ᨸ ? Tai Tham letter high PA (U+1A38)
ᨹ &#6713; &#x1A39; & ᨹ ? Tai Tham letter high PHA (U+1A39)
ᨺ &#6714; &#x1A3A; & ᨺ ? Tai Tham letter high FA (U+1A3A)
ᨻ &#6715; &#x1A3B; & ᨻ ? Tai Tham letter low PA (U+1A3B)
ᨼ &#6716; &#x1A3C; & ᨼ ? Tai Tham letter low FA (U+1A3C)
ᨽ &#6717; &#x1A3D; & ᨽ ? Tai Tham letter low PHA (U+1A3D)
ᨾ &#6718; &#x1A3E; & ᨾ ? Tai Tham letter MA (U+1A3E)
ᨿ &#6719; &#x1A3F; & ᨿ ? Tai Tham letter low YA (U+1A3F)

ᩀ &#6720; &#x1A40; & ᩀ ? Tai Tham letter high YA (U+1A40)
ᩁ &#6721; &#x1A41; & ᩁ ? Tai Tham letter RA (U+1A41)
ᩂ &#6722; &#x1A42; & ᩂ ? Tai Tham letter RUE (U+1A42)
ᩃ &#6723; &#x1A43; & ᩃ ? Tai Tham letter LA (U+1A43)
ᩄ &#6724; &#x1A44; & ᩄ ? Tai Tham letter LUE (U+1A44)
ᩅ &#6725; &#x1A45; & ᩅ ? Tai Tham letter WA (U+1A45)
ᩆ &#6726; &#x1A46; & ᩆ ? Tai Tham letter high SHA (U+1A46)
ᩇ &#6727; &#x1A47; & ᩇ ? Tai Tham letter high SSA (U+1A47)
ᩈ &#6728; &#x1A48; & ᩈ ? Tai Tham letter high SA (U+1A48)
ᩉ &#6729; &#x1A49; & ᩉ ? Tai Tham letter high HA (U+1A49)
ᩊ &#6730; &#x1A4A; & ᩊ ? Tai Tham letter LLA (U+1A4A)
ᩋ &#6731; &#x1A4B; & ᩋ ? Tai Tham letter A (U+1A4B)
ᩌ &#6732; &#x1A4C; & ᩌ ? Tai Tham letter low HA (U+1A4C)
ᩍ &#6733; &#x1A4D; & ᩍ ? Tai Tham letter I (U+1A4D)
ᩎ &#6734; &#x1A4E; & ᩎ ? Tai Tham letter II (U+1A4E)
ᩏ &#6735; &#x1A4F; & ᩏ ? Tai Tham letter U (U+1A4F)

ᩐ &#6736; &#x1A50; & ᩐ ? Tai Tham letter U (U+1A50)
ᩑ &#6737; &#x1A51; & ᩑ ? Tai Tham letter EE (U+1A51)
ᩒ &#6738; &#x1A52; & ᩒ ? Tai Tham letter OO (U+1A52)
ᩓ &#6739; &#x1A53; & ᩓ ? Tai Tham letter LAE (U+1A53)
ᩔ &#6740; &#x1A54; & ᩔ ? Tai Tham letter GREAT SA (U+1A54)
ᩕ &#6741; &#x1A55; & ᩕ ? Tai Tham consonant sign medial RA (U+1A55)
ᩖ &#6742; &#x1A56; & ᩖ ? Tai Tham consonant sign medial LA (U+1A56)
ᩗ &#6743; &#x1A57; & ᩗ ? Tai Tham consonant sign LA TANG LAI (U+1A57)
ᩘ &#6744; &#x1A58; & ᩘ ? Tai Tham sign MAI KANG LAI (U+1A58)
ᩙ &#6745; &#x1A59; & ᩙ ? Tai Tham consonant sign final NGA (U+1A59)
ᩚ &#6746; &#x1A5A; & ᩚ ? Tai Tham consonant sign low PA (U+1A5A)
ᩛ &#6747; &#x1A5B; & ᩛ ? Tai Tham consonant sign high RATHA OR low PA (U+1A5B)
ᩜ &#6748; &#x1A5C; & ᩜ ? Tai Tham consonant sign MA (U+1A5C)
ᩝ &#6749; &#x1A5D; & ᩝ ? Tai Tham consonant sign BA (U+1A5D)
ᩞ &#6750; &#x1A5E; & ᩞ ? Tai Tham consonant sign SA (U+1A5E)
᩟ &#6751; &#x1A5F; & ᩟ not a valid unicode character.

᩠ &#6752; &#x1A60; & ᩠ ? Tai Tham sign SAKOT (U+1A60)
ᩡ &#6753; &#x1A61; & ᩡ ? Tai Tham vowel sign A (U+1A61)
ᩢ &#6754; &#x1A62; & ᩢ ? Tai Tham vowel sign MAI SAT (U+1A62)
ᩣ &#6755; &#x1A63; & ᩣ ? Tai Tham vowel sign AA (U+1A63)
ᩤ &#6756; &#x1A64; & ᩤ ? Tai Tham vowel sign TALL AA (U+1A64)
ᩥ &#6757; &#x1A65; & ᩥ ? Tai Tham vowel sign I (U+1A65)
ᩦ &#6758; &#x1A66; & ᩦ ? Tai Tham vowel sign II (U+1A66)
ᩧ &#6759; &#x1A67; & ᩧ ? Tai Tham vowel sign UE (U+1A67)
ᩨ &#6760; &#x1A68; & ᩨ ? Tai Tham vowel sign UE (U+1A68)
ᩩ &#6761; &#x1A69; & ᩩ ? Tai Tham vowel sign U (U+1A69)
ᩪ &#6762; &#x1A6A; & ᩪ ? Tai Tham vowel sign U (U+1A6A)
ᩫ &#6763; &#x1A6B; & ᩫ ? Tai Tham vowel sign O (U+1A6B)
ᩬ &#6764; &#x1A6C; & ᩬ ? Tai Tham vowel sign OA below (U+1A6C)
ᩭ &#6765; &#x1A6D; & ᩭ ? Tai Tham vowel sign OY (U+1A6D)
ᩮ &#6766; &#x1A6E; & ᩮ ? Tai Tham vowel sign E (U+1A6E)
ᩯ &#6767; &#x1A6F; & ᩯ ? Tai Tham vowel sign AE (U+1A6F)

ᩰ &#6768; &#x1A70; & ᩰ ? Tai Tham vowel sign OO (U+1A70)
ᩱ &#6769; &#x1A71; & ᩱ ? Tai Tham vowel sign AI (U+1A71)
ᩲ &#6770; &#x1A72; & ᩲ ? Tai Tham vowel sign THAM AI (U+1A72)
ᩳ &#6771; &#x1A73; & ᩳ ? Tai Tham vowel sign OA above (U+1A73)
ᩴ &#6772; &#x1A74; & ᩴ ? Tai Tham sign MAI KANG (U+1A74)
᩵ &#6773; &#x1A75; & ᩵ ? Tai Tham sign tone-1 (U+1A75)
᩶ &#6774; &#x1A76; & ᩶ ? Tai Tham sign tone-2 (U+1A76)
᩷ &#6775; &#x1A77; & ᩷ ? Tai Tham sign KHUEN tone-3 (U+1A77)
᩸ &#6776; &#x1A78; & ᩸ ? Tai Tham sign KHUEN tone-4 (U+1A78)
᩹ &#6777; &#x1A79; & ᩹ ? Tai Tham sign KHUEN tone-5 (U+1A79)
᩺ &#6778; &#x1A7A; & ᩺ ? Tai Tham sign RA HAAM (U+1A7A)
᩻ &#6779; &#x1A7B; & ᩻ ? Tai Tham sign MAI SAM (U+1A7B)
᩼ &#6780; &#x1A7C; & ᩼ ? Tai Tham sign KHUEN-LUE KARAN (U+1A7C)
᩽ &#6781; &#x1A7D; & ᩽ not a valid unicode character.
᩾ &#6782; &#x1A7E; & ᩾ not a valid unicode character.
᩿ &#6783; &#x1A7F; & ᩿ ? Tai Tham combining CRYPTOGRAMMIC DOT (U+1A7F)

᪀ &#6784; &#x1A80; & ᪀ ? Tai Tham HORA digit ZERO (U+1A80)
᪁ &#6785; &#x1A81; & ᪁ ? Tai Tham HORA digit ONE (U+1A81)
᪂ &#6786; &#x1A82; & ᪂ ? Tai Tham HORA digit TWO (U+1A82)
᪃ &#6787; &#x1A83; & ᪃ ? Tai Tham HORA digit THREE (U+1A83)
᪄ &#6788; &#x1A84; & ᪄ ? Tai Tham HORA digit FOUR (U+1A84)
᪅ &#6789; &#x1A85; & ᪅ ? Tai Tham HORA digit FIVE (U+1A85)
᪆ &#6790; &#x1A86; & ᪆ ? Tai Tham HORA digit SIX (U+1A86)
᪇ &#6791; &#x1A87; & ᪇ ? Tai Tham HORA digit SEVEN (U+1A87)
᪈ &#6792; &#x1A88; & ᪈ ? Tai Tham HORA digit EIGHT (U+1A88)
᪉ &#6793; &#x1A89; & ᪉ ? Tai Tham HORA digit NINE (U+1A89)
᪊ &#6794; &#x1A8A; & ᪊ not a valid unicode character.
᪋ &#6795; &#x1A8B; & ᪋ not a valid unicode character.
᪌ &#6796; &#x1A8C; & ᪌ not a valid unicode character.
᪍ &#6797; &#x1A8D; & ᪍ not a valid unicode character.
᪎ &#6798; &#x1A8E; & ᪎ not a valid unicode character.
᪏ &#6799; &#x1A8F; & ᪏ not a valid unicode character.

᪐ &#6800; &#x1A90; & ᪐ ? Tai Tham THAM digit ZERO (U+1A90)
᪑ &#6801; &#x1A91; & ᪑ ? Tai Tham THAM digit ONE (U+1A91)
᪒ &#6802; &#x1A92; & ᪒ ? Tai Tham THAM digit TWO (U+1A92)
᪓ &#6803; &#x1A93; & ᪓ ? Tai Tham THAM digit THREE (U+1A93)
᪔ &#6804; &#x1A94; & ᪔ ? Tai Tham THAM digit FOUR (U+1A94)
᪕ &#6805; &#x1A95; & ᪕ ? Tai Tham THAM digit FIVE (U+1A95)
᪖ &#6806; &#x1A96; & ᪖ ? Tai Tham THAM digit SIX (U+1A96)
᪗ &#6807; &#x1A97; & ᪗ ? Tai Tham THAM digit SEVEN (U+1A97)
᪘ &#6808; &#x1A98; & ᪘ ? Tai Tham THAM digit EIGHT (U+1A98)
᪙ &#6809; &#x1A99; & ᪙ ? Tai Tham THAM digit NINE (U+1A99)
᪛ &#6811; &#x1A9A; & ᪛ not a valid unicode character.
᪜ &#6812; &#x1A9B; & ᪜ not a valid unicode character.
᪝ &#6813; &#x1A9C; & ᪝ not a valid unicode character.
᪞ &#6814; &#x1A9D; & ᪞ not a valid unicode character.
᪟ &#6815; &#x1A9E; & ᪟ not a valid unicode character.
᪠ &#6816; &#x1A9F; & ᪠ not a valid unicode character.

᪠ &#6816; &#x1AA0; & ᪠ & Tai Tham sign WIANG (U+1AA0)
᪡ &#6817; &#x1AA1; & ᪡ ? Tai Tham sign WIANGWAAK (U+1AA1)
᪢ &#6818; &#x1AA2; & ᪢ ? Tai Tham sign SAWAN (U+1AA2)
᪣ &#6819; &#x1AA3; & ᪣ ? Tai Tham sign KEOW (U+1AA3)
᪤ &#6820; &#x1AA4; & ᪤ ? Tai Tham sign HOY (U+1AA4)
᪥ &#6821; &#x1AA5; & ᪥ ? Tai Tham sign DOKMAI (U+1AA5)
᪦ &#6822; &#x1AA6; & ᪦ ? Tai Tham sign reversed rotated RANA (U+1AA6)
ᪧ &#6823; &#x1AA7; & ᪧ ? Tai Tham sign MAI YAMOK (U+1AA7)
᪨ &#6824; &#x1AA8; & ᪨ ? Tai Tham sign KAAN (U+1AA8)
᪩ &#6825; &#x1AA9; & ᪩ ? Tai Tham sign KAANKU (U+1AA9)
᪪ &#6826; &#x1AAA; & ᪪ ? Tai Tham sign SATKAAN (U+1AAA)
᪫ &#6827; &#x1AAB; & ᪫ ? Tai Tham sign SATKAANKU (U+1AAB)
᪬ &#6828; &#x1AAC; & ᪬ ? Tai Tham sign HANG (U+1AAC)
᪭ &#6829; &#x1AAD; & ᪭ ? Tai Tham sign CAANG (U+1AAD)
᪮ &#6830; &#x1AAE; & ᪮ not a valid unicode character.
᪯ &#6831; &#x1AAF; & ᪯ not a valid unicode character.
1AB0 - 1AFF are not valid unicode characters.
ᬀ &#6912; &#x1B00; & ᬀ ? Balinese sign ULU RICEM (U+1B00)
ᬁ &#6913; &#x1B01; & ᬁ ? Balinese sign ULU CANDRA (U+1B01)
ᬂ &#6914; &#x1B02; & ᬂ ? Balinese sign CECEK (U+1B02)
ᬃ &#6915; &#x1B03; & ᬃ ? Balinese sign SURANG (U+1B03)
ᬄ &#6916; &#x1B04; & ᬄ ? Balinese sign BISAH (U+1B04)
ᬅ &#6917; &#x1B05; & ᬅ ? Balinese letter AKARA (U+1B05)
ᬆ &#6918; &#x1B06; & ᬆ ? Balinese letter AKARA TEDUNG (U+1B06)
ᬇ &#6919; &#x1B07; & ᬇ ? Balinese letter IKARA (U+1B07)
ᬈ &#6920; &#x1B08; & ᬈ ? Balinese letter IKARA TEDUNG (U+1B08)
ᬉ &#6921; &#x1B09; & ᬉ ? Balinese letter UKARA (U+1B09)
ᬊ &#6922; &#x1B0A; & ᬊ ? Balinese letter UKARA TEDUNG (U+1B0A)
ᬋ &#6923; &#x1B0B; & ᬋ ? Balinese letter RA REPA (U+1B0B)
ᬌ &#6924; &#x1B0C; & ᬌ ? Balinese letter RA REPA TEDUNG (U+1B0C)
ᬍ &#6925; &#x1B0D; & ᬍ ? Balinese letter LA LENGA (U+1B0D)
ᬎ &#6926; &#x1B0E; & ᬎ ? Balinese letter LA LENGA TEDUNG (U+1B0E)
ᬏ &#6927; &#x1B0F; & ᬏ ? Balinese letter EKARA (U+1B0F)

ᬐ &#6928; &#x1B10; & ᬐ ? Balinese letter AIKARA (U+1B10)
ᬑ &#6929; &#x1B11; & ᬑ ? Balinese letter OKARA (U+1B11)
ᬒ &#6930; &#x1B12; & ᬒ ? Balinese letter OKARA TEDUNG (U+1B12)
ᬓ &#6931; &#x1B13; & ᬓ ? Balinese letter KA (U+1B13)
ᬔ &#6932; &#x1B14; & ᬔ ? Balinese letter KA MAHAPRANA (U+1B14)
ᬕ &#6933; &#x1B15; & ᬕ ? Balinese letter GA (U+1B15)
ᬖ &#6934; &#x1B16; & ᬖ ? Balinese letter GA GORA (U+1B16)
ᬗ &#6935; &#x1B17; & ᬗ ? Balinese letter NGA (U+1B17)
ᬘ &#6936; &#x1B18; & ᬘ ? Balinese letter CA (U+1B18)
ᬙ &#6937; &#x1B19; & ᬙ ? Balinese letter CA LACA (U+1B19)
ᬚ &#6938; &#x1B1A; & ᬚ ? Balinese letter JA (U+1B1A)
ᬛ &#6939; &#x1B1B; & ᬛ ? Balinese letter JA JERA (U+1B1B)
ᬜ &#6940; &#x1B1C; & ᬜ ? Balinese letter NYA (U+1B1C)
ᬝ &#6941; &#x1B1D; & ᬝ ? Balinese letter TA LATIK (U+1B1D)
ᬞ &#6942; &#x1B1E; & ᬞ ? Balinese letter TA MURDA MAHAPRANA (U+1B1E)
ᬟ &#6943; &#x1B1F; & ᬟ ? Balinese letter DA MURDA ALPAPRANA (U+1B1F)

ᬠ &#6944; &#x1B20; & ᬠ ? Balinese letter DA MURDA MAHAPRANA (U+1B20)
ᬡ &#6945; &#x1B21; & ᬡ ? Balinese letter NA RAMBAT (U+1B21)
ᬢ &#6946; &#x1B22; & ᬢ ? Balinese letter TA (U+1B22)
ᬣ &#6947; &#x1B23; & ᬣ ? Balinese letter TA TAWA (U+1B23)
ᬤ &#6948; &#x1B24; & ᬤ ? Balinese letter DA (U+1B24)
ᬥ &#6949; &#x1B25; & ᬥ ? Balinese letter DA MADU (U+1B25)
ᬦ &#6950; &#x1B26; & ᬦ ? Balinese letter NA (U+1B26)
ᬧ &#6951; &#x1B27; & ᬧ ? Balinese letter PA (U+1B27)
ᬨ &#6952; &#x1B28; & ᬨ ? Balinese letter PA KAPAL (U+1B28)
ᬫ &#6955; &#x1B29; & ᬫ ? Balinese letter BA (U+1B29)
ᬪ &#6954; &#x1B2A; & ᬪ ? Balinese letter BA KEMBANG (U+1B2A)
ᬫ &#6955; &#x1B2B; & ᬫ ? Balinese letter MA (U+1B2B)
ᬬ &#6956; &#x1B2C; & ᬬ ? Balinese letter YA (U+1B2C)
ᬭ &#6957; &#x1B2D; & ᬭ ? Balinese letter RA (U+1B2D)
ᬮ &#6958; &#x1B2E; & ᬮ ? Balinese letter LA (U+1B2E)
ᬯ &#6959; &#x1B2F; & ᬯ ? Balinese letter WA (U+1B2F)

ᬰ &#6960; &#x1B30; & ᬰ ? Balinese letter SA SAGA (U+1B30)
ᬱ &#6961; &#x1B31; & ᬱ ? Balinese letter SA SAPA (U+1B31)
ᬲ &#6962; &#x1B32; & ᬲ ? Balinese letter SA (U+1B32)
ᬳ &#6963; &#x1B33; & ᬳ ? Balinese letter HA (U+1B33)
᬴ &#6964; &#x1B34; & ᬴ ? Balinese sign REREKAN (U+1B34)
ᬵ &#6965; &#x1B35; & ᬵ ? Balinese vowel sign TEDUNG (U+1B35)
ᬶ &#6966; &#x1B36; & ᬶ ? Balinese vowel sign ULU (U+1B36)
ᬷ &#6967; &#x1B37; & ᬷ ? Balinese vowel sign ULU SARI (U+1B37)
ᬸ &#6968; &#x1B38; & ᬸ ? Balinese vowel sign SUKU (U+1B38)
ᬹ &#6969; &#x1B39; & ᬹ ? Balinese vowel sign SUKU ILUT (U+1B39)
ᬺ &#6970; &#x1B3A; & ᬺ ? Balinese vowel sign RA REPA (U+1B3A)
ᬻ &#6971; &#x1B3B; & ᬻ ? Balinese vowel sign RA REPA TEDUNG (U+1B3B)
ᬼ &#6972; &#x1B3C; & ᬼ ? Balinese vowel sign LA LENGA (U+1B3C)
ᬽ &#6973; &#x1B3D; & ᬽ ? Balinese vowel sign LA LENGA TEDUNG (U+1B3D)
ᬾ &#6974; &#x1B3E; & ᬾ ? Balinese vowel sign TALING (U+1B3E)
ᬿ &#6975; &#x1B3F; & ᬿ ? Balinese vowel sign TALING REPA (U+1B3F)

ᭀ &#6976; &#x1B40; & ᭀ ? Balinese vowel sign TALING TEDUNG (U+1B40)
ᭁ &#6977; &#x1B41; & ᭁ ? Balinese vowel sign TALING REPA TEDUNG (U+1B41)
ᭂ &#6978; &#x1B42; & ᭂ ? Balinese vowel sign PEPET (U+1B42)
ᭃ &#6979; &#x1B43; & ᭃ ? Balinese vowel sign PEPET TEDUNG (U+1B43)
᭄ &#6980; &#x1B44; & ᭄ ? Balinese ADEG ADEG (U+1B44)
ᭅ &#6981; &#x1B45; & ᭅ ? Balinese letter KAF SASAK (U+1B45)
ᭆ &#6982; &#x1B46; & ᭆ ? Balinese letter KHOT SASAK (U+1B46)
ᭇ &#6983; &#x1B47; & ᭇ ? Balinese letter TZIR SASAK (U+1B47)
ᭈ &#6984; &#x1B48; & ᭈ ? Balinese letter EF SASAK (U+1B48)
ᭉ &#6985; &#x1B49; & ᭉ ? Balinese letter VE SASAK (U+1B49)
ᭊ &#6986; &#x1B4A; & ᭊ ? Balinese letter ZAL SASAK (U+1B4A)
ᭋ &#6987; &#x1B4B; & ᭋ ? Balinese letter ASYURA SASAK (U+1B4B)
ᭌ &#6988; &#x1B4C; & ᭌ not a valid unicode character.
᭍ &#6989; &#x1B4D; & ᭍ not a valid unicode character.
᭎ &#6990; &#x1B4E; & ᭎ not a valid unicode character.
᭏ &#6991; &#x1B4F; & ᭏ not a valid unicode character.

᭐ &#6992; &#x1B50; & ᭐ ? Balinese digit ZERO (U+1B50)
᭑ &#6993; &#x1B51; & ᭑ ? Balinese digit ONE (U+1B51)
᭒ &#6994; &#x1B52; & ᭒ ? Balinese digit TWO (U+1B52)
᭓ &#6995; &#x1B53; & ᭓ ? Balinese digit THREE (U+1B53)
᭔ &#6996; &#x1B54; & ᭔ ? Balinese digit FOUR (U+1B54)
᭕ &#6997; &#x1B55; & ᭕ ? Balinese digit FIVE (U+1B55)
᭖ &#6998; &#x1B56; & ᭖ ? Balinese digit SIX (U+1B56)
᭗ &#6999; &#x1B57; & ᭗ ? Balinese digit SEVEN (U+1B57)
᭘ &#7000; &#x1B58; & ᭘ ? Balinese digit EIGHT (U+1B58)
᭙ &#7001; &#x1B59; & ᭙ ? Balinese digit NINE (U+1B59)
᭚ &#7002; &#x1B5A; & ᭚ ? Balinese PANTI (U+1B5A)
᭛ &#7003; &#x1B5B; & ᭛ ? Balinese PAMADA (U+1B5B)
᭜ &#7004; &#x1B5C; & ᭜ ? Balinese WINDU (U+1B5C)
᭝ &#7005; &#x1B5D; & ᭝ ? Balinese CARIK PAMUNGKAH (U+1B5D)
᭞ &#7006; &#x1B5E; & ᭞ ? Balinese CARIK SIKI (U+1B5E)
᭟ &#7007; &#x1B5F; & ᭟ ? Balinese CARIK PAREREN (U+1B5F)

᭠ &#7008; &#x1B60; & ᭠ ? Balinese PAMENENG (U+1B60)
᭡ &#7009; &#x1B61; & ᭡ ? Balinese musical symbol DONG (U+1B61)
᭢ &#7010; &#x1B62; & ᭢ ? Balinese musical symbol DENG (U+1B62)
᭣ &#7011; &#x1B63; & ᭣ ? Balinese musical symbol DUNG (U+1B63)
᭤ &#7012; &#x1B64; & ᭤ ? Balinese musical symbol DANG (U+1B64)
᭥ &#7013; &#x1B65; & ᭥ ? Balinese musical symbol DANG SURANG (U+1B65)
᭦ &#7014; &#x1B66; & ᭦ ? Balinese musical symbol DING (U+1B66)
᭧ &#7015; &#x1B67; & ᭧ ? Balinese musical symbol DAENG (U+1B67)
᭨ &#7016; &#x1B68; & ᭨ ? Balinese musical symbol DEUNG (U+1B68)
᭩ &#7017; &#x1B69; & ᭩ ? Balinese musical symbol DAING (U+1B69)
᭪ &#7018; &#x1B6A; & ᭪ ? Balinese musical symbol DANG GEDE (U+1B6A)
᭫ &#7019; &#x1B6B; & ᭫ ? Balinese musical symbol combining TEGEH (U+1B6B)
᭬ &#7020; &#x1B6C; & ᭬ ? Balinese musical symbol combining ENDEP (U+1B6C)
᭭ &#7021; &#x1B6D; & ᭭ ? Balinese musical symbol combining KEMPUL (U+1B6D)
᭮ &#7022; &#x1B6E; & ᭮ ? Balinese musical symbol combining KEMPLI (U+1B6E)
᭯ &#7023; &#x1B6F; & ᭯ ? Balinese musical symbol combining JEGOGAN (U+1B6F)

᭰ &#7024; &#x1B70; & ᭰ ? Balinese musical symbol combining KEMPUL with JEGOGAN (U+1B70)
᭱ &#7025; &#x1B71; & ᭱ ? Balinese musical symbol combining KEMPLI with JEGOGAN (U+1B71)
᭲ &#7026; &#x1B72; & ᭲ ? Balinese musical symbol combining BENDE (U+1B72)
᭳ &#7027; &#x1B73; & ᭳ ? Balinese musical symbol combining GONG (U+1B73)
᭴ &#7028; &#x1B74; & ᭴ ? Balinese musical symbol right-HAND open DUG (U+1B74)
᭵ &#7029; &#x1B75; & ᭵ ? Balinese musical symbol right-HAND open DAG (U+1B75)
᭶ &#7030; &#x1B76; & ᭶ ? Balinese musical symbol right-HAND closed TUK (U+1B76)
᭷ &#7031; &#x1B77; & ᭷ ? Balinese musical symbol right-HAND closed TAK (U+1B77)
᭸ &#7032; &#x1B78; & ᭸ ? Balinese musical symbol left-HAND open PANG (U+1B78)
᭹ &#7033; &#x1B79; & ᭹ ? Balinese musical symbol left-HAND open PUNG (U+1B79)
᭺ &#7034; &#x1B7A; & ᭺ ? Balinese musical symbol left-HAND closed PLAK (U+1B7A)
᭻ &#7035; &#x1B7B; & ᭻ ? Balinese musical symbol left-HAND closed PLUK (U+1B7B)
᭼ &#7036; &#x1B7C; & ᭼ ? Balinese musical symbol left-HAND open PING (U+1B7C)
᭽ &#7037; &#x1B7D; & ᭽ not a valid unicode character.
᭾ &#7038; &#x1B7E; & ᭾ not a valid unicode character.
᭿ &#7039; &#x1B7F; & ᭿ not a valid unicode character.

ᮀ &#7040; &#x1B80; & ᮀ ? Sundanese sign PANYECEK (U+1B80)
ᮁ &#7041; &#x1B81; & ᮁ ? Sundanese sign PANGLAYAR (U+1B81)
ᮂ &#7042; &#x1B82; & ᮂ ? Sundanese sign PANGWISAD (U+1B82)
ᮃ &#7043; &#x1B83; & ᮃ ? Sundanese letter A (U+1B83)
ᮄ &#7044; &#x1B84; & ᮄ ? Sundanese letter I (U+1B84)
ᮅ &#7045; &#x1B85; & ᮅ ? Sundanese letter U (U+1B85)
ᮆ &#7046; &#x1B86; & ᮆ ? Sundanese letter AE (U+1B86)
ᮇ &#7047; &#x1B87; & ᮇ ? Sundanese letter O (U+1B87)
ᮈ &#7048; &#x1B88; & ᮈ ? Sundanese letter E (U+1B88)
ᮉ &#7049; &#x1B89; & ᮉ ? Sundanese letter EU (U+1B89)
ᮊ &#7050; &#x1B8A; & ᮊ ? Sundanese letter KA (U+1B8A)
ᮋ &#7051; &#x1B8B; & ᮋ ? Sundanese letter QA (U+1B8B)
ᮌ &#7052; &#x1B8C; & ᮌ ? Sundanese letter GA (U+1B8C)
ᮍ &#7053; &#x1B8D; & ᮍ ? Sundanese letter NGA (U+1B8D)
ᮎ &#7054; &#x1B8E; & ᮎ ? Sundanese letter CA (U+1B8E)
ᮏ &#7055; &#x1B8F; & ᮏ ? Sundanese letter JA (U+1B8F)

ᮐ &#7056; &#x1B90; & ᮐ ? Sundanese letter ZA (U+1B90)
ᮑ &#7057; &#x1B91; & ᮑ ? Sundanese letter NYA (U+1B91)
ᮒ &#7058; &#x1B92; & ᮒ ? Sundanese letter TA (U+1B92)
ᮓ &#7059; &#x1B93; & ᮓ ? Sundanese letter DA (U+1B93)
ᮔ &#7060; &#x1B94; & ᮔ ? Sundanese letter NA (U+1B94)
ᮕ &#7061; &#x1B95; & ᮕ ? Sundanese letter PA (U+1B95)
ᮖ &#7062; &#x1B96; & ᮖ ? Sundanese letter FA (U+1B96)
ᮗ &#7063; &#x1B97; & ᮗ ? Sundanese letter VA (U+1B97)
ᮘ &#7064; &#x1B98; & ᮘ ? Sundanese letter BA (U+1B98)
ᮙ &#7065; &#x1B99; & ᮙ ? Sundanese letter MA (U+1B99)
ᮚ &#7066; &#x1B9A; & ᮚ ? Sundanese letter YA (U+1B9A)
ᮛ &#7067; &#x1B9B; & ᮛ ? Sundanese letter RA (U+1B9B)
ᮜ &#7068; &#x1B9C; & ᮜ ? Sundanese letter LA (U+1B9C)
ᮝ &#7069; &#x1B9D; & ᮝ ? Sundanese letter WA (U+1B9D)
ᮞ &#7070; &#x1B9E; & ᮞ ? Sundanese letter SA (U+1B9E)
ᮟ &#7071; &#x1B9F; & ᮟ ? Sundanese letter XA (U+1B9F)

ᮠ &#7072; &#x1BA0; & ᮠ ? Sundanese letter HA (U+1BA0)
ᮡ &#7073; &#x1BA1; & ᮡ ? Sundanese consonant sign PAMINGKAL (U+1BA1)
ᮢ &#7074; &#x1BA2; & ᮢ ? Sundanese consonant sign PANYAKRA (U+1BA2)
ᮣ &#7075; &#x1BA3; & ᮣ ? Sundanese consonant sign PANYIKU (U+1BA3)
ᮤ &#7076; &#x1BA4; & ᮤ ? Sundanese vowel sign PANGHULU (U+1BA4)
ᮥ &#7077; &#x1BA5; & ᮥ ? Sundanese vowel sign PANYUKU (U+1BA5)
ᮦ &#7078; &#x1BA6; & ᮦ ? Sundanese vowel sign PANAELAENG (U+1BA6)
ᮧ &#7079; &#x1BA7; & ᮧ ? Sundanese vowel sign PANOLONG (U+1BA7)
ᮨ &#7080; &#x1BA8; & ᮨ ? Sundanese vowel sign PAMEPET (U+1BA8)
ᮩ &#7081; &#x1BA9; & ᮩ ? Sundanese vowel sign PANEULEUNG (U+1BA9)
᮪ &#7082; &#x1BAA; & ᮪ ? Sundanese sign PAMAAEH (U+1BAA)
᮫ &#7083; &#x1BAB; & ᮫ ? Sundanese sign VIRAMA (U+1BAB)
ᮬ &#7084; &#x1BAC; & ᮬ ? Sundanese consonant sign PASANGAN MA (U+1BAC)
ᮭ &#7085; &#x1BAD; & ᮭ ? Sundanese consonant sign PASANGAN WA (U+1BAD)
ᮮ &#7086; &#x1BAE; & ᮮ ? Sundanese letter KHA (U+1BAE)
ᮯ &#7087; &#x1BAF; & ᮯ ? Sundanese letter SYA (U+1BAF)

᮰ &#7088; &#x1BB0; & ᮰ ? Sundanese digit ZERO (U+1BB0)
᮱ &#7089; &#x1BB1; & ᮱ ? Sundanese digit ONE (U+1BB1)
᮲ &#7090; &#x1BB2; & ᮲ ? Sundanese digit TWO (U+1BB2)
᮳ &#7091; &#x1BB3; & ᮳ ? Sundanese digit THREE (U+1BB3)
᮴ &#7092; &#x1BB4; & ᮴ ? Sundanese digit FOUR (U+1BB4)
᮵ &#7093; &#x1BB5; & ᮵ ? Sundanese digit FIVE (U+1BB5)
᮶ &#7094; &#x1BB6; & ᮶ ? Sundanese digit SIX (U+1BB6)
᮷ &#7095; &#x1BB7; & ᮷ ? Sundanese digit SEVEN (U+1BB7)
᮸ &#7096; &#x1BB8; & ᮸ ? Sundanese digit EIGHT (U+1BB8)
᮹ &#7097; &#x1BB9; & ᮹ ? Sundanese digit NINE (U+1BB9)
ᮺ &#7098; &#x1BBA; & ᮺ ? Sundanese AVAGRAHA (U+1BBA)
ᮻ &#7099; &#x1BBB; & ᮻ ? Sundanese letter REU (U+1BBB)
ᮼ &#7100; &#x1BBC; & ᮼ ? Sundanese letter LEU (U+1BBC)
ᮽ &#7101; &#x1BBD; & ᮽ ? Sundanese letter BHA (U+1BBD)
ᮾ &#7102; &#x1BBE; & ᮾ ? Sundanese letter final K (U+1BBE)
ᮿ &#7103; &#x1BBF; & ᮿ ? Sundanese letter final M (U+1BBF)

Batak: Sumatra Indonesia 1BC0
ᯀ &#7104; &#x1BC0; & ᯀ ? Batak letter A (U+1BC0)
ᯁ &#7105; &#x1BC1; & ᯁ ? Batak letter SIMALUNGUN A (U+1BC1)
ᯂ &#7106; &#x1BC2; & ᯂ ? Batak letter HA (U+1BC2)
ᯃ &#7107; &#x1BC3; & ᯃ ? Batak letter SIMALUNGUN HA (U+1BC3)
ᯄ &#7108; &#x1BC4; & ᯄ ? Batak letter MANDAILING HA (U+1BC4)
ᯅ &#7109; &#x1BC5; & ᯅ ? Batak letter BA (U+1BC5)
ᯆ &#7110; &#x1BC6; & ᯆ ? Batak letter KARO BA (U+1BC6)
ᯇ &#7111; &#x1BC7; & ᯇ ? Batak letter PA (U+1BC7)
ᯈ &#7112; &#x1BC8; & ᯈ ? Batak letter SIMALUNGUN PA (U+1BC8)
ᯉ &#7113; &#x1BC9; & ᯉ ? Batak letter NA (U+1BC9)
ᯊ &#7114; &#x1BCA; & ᯊ ? Batak letter MANDAILING NA (U+1BCA)
ᯋ &#7115; &#x1BCB; & ᯋ ? Batak letter WA (U+1BCB)
ᯌ &#7116; &#x1BCC; & ᯌ ? Batak letter SIMALUNGUN WA (U+1BCC)
ᯍ &#7117; &#x1BCD; & ᯍ ? Batak letter PAKPAK WA (U+1BCD)
ᯎ &#7118; &#x1BCE; & ᯎ ? Batak letter GA (U+1BCE)
ᯏ &#7119; &#x1BCF; & ᯏ ? Batak letter SIMALUNGUN GA (U+1BCF)

ᯐ &#7120; &#x1BD0; & ᯐ ? Batak letter JA (U+1BD0)
ᯑ &#7121; &#x1BD1; & ᯑ ? Batak letter DA (U+1BD1)
ᯒ &#7122; &#x1BD2; & ᯒ ? Batak letter RA (U+1BD2)
ᯓ &#7123; &#x1BD3; & ᯓ ? Batak letter SIMALUNGUN RA (U+1BD3)
ᯔ &#7124; &#x1BD4; & ᯔ ? Batak letter MA (U+1BD4)
ᯕ &#7125; &#x1BD5; & ᯕ ? Batak letter SIMALUNGUN MA (U+1BD5)
ᯖ &#7126; &#x1BD6; & ᯖ ? Batak letter SOUTHERN TA (U+1BD6)
ᯗ &#7127; &#x1BD7; & ᯗ ? Batak letter NORTHERN TA (U+1BD7)
ᯘ &#7128; &#x1BD8; & ᯘ ? Batak letter SA (U+1BD8)
ᯙ &#7129; &#x1BD9; & ᯙ ? Batak letter SIMALUNGUN SA (U+1BD9)
ᯚ &#7130; &#x1BDA; & ᯚ ? Batak letter MANDAILING SA (U+1BDA)
ᯛ &#7131; &#x1BDB; & ᯛ ? Batak letter YA (U+1BDB)
ᯜ &#7132; &#x1BDC; & ᯜ ? Batak letter SIMALUNGUN YA (U+1BDC)
ᯝ &#7133; &#x1BDD; & ᯝ ? Batak letter NGA (U+1BDD)
ᯞ &#7134; &#x1BDE; & ᯞ ? Batak letter LA (U+1BDE)
ᯟ &#7135; &#x1BDF; & ᯟ ? Batak letter SIMALUNGUN LA (U+1BDF)

ᯠ &#7136; &#x1BE0; & ᯠ ? Batak letter NYA (U+1BE0)
ᯡ &#7137; &#x1BE1; & ᯡ ? Batak letter CA (U+1BE1)
ᯢ &#7138; &#x1BE2; & ᯢ ? Batak letter NDA (U+1BE2)
ᯣ &#7139; &#x1BE3; & ᯣ ? Batak letter MBA (U+1BE3)
ᯤ &#7140; &#x1BE4; & ᯤ ? Batak letter I (U+1BE4)
ᯥ &#7141; &#x1BE5; & ᯥ ? Batak letter U (U+1BE5)
᯦ &#7142; &#x1BE6; & ᯦ ? Batak sign TOMPI (U+1BE6)
ᯧ &#7143; &#x1BE7; & ᯧ ? Batak vowel sign E (U+1BE7)
ᯨ &#7144; &#x1BE8; & ᯨ ? Batak vowel sign PAKPAK E (U+1BE8)
ᯩ &#7145; &#x1BE9; & ᯩ ? Batak vowel sign EE (U+1BE9)
ᯪ &#7146; &#x1BEA; & ᯪ ? Batak vowel sign I (U+1BEA)
ᯫ &#7147; &#x1BEB; & ᯫ ? Batak vowel sign KARO I (U+1BEB)
ᯬ &#7148; &#x1BEC; & ᯬ ? Batak vowel sign O (U+1BEC)
ᯭ &#7149; &#x1BED; & ᯭ ? Batak vowel sign KARO O (U+1BED)
ᯮ &#7150; &#x1BEE; & ᯮ ? Batak vowel sign U (U+1BEE)
ᯯ &#7151; &#x1BEF; & ᯯ ? Batak vowel sign U for SIMALUNGUN SA (U+1BEF)

ᯰ &#7152; &#x1BF0; & ᯰ ? Batak consonant sign NG (U+1BF0)
ᯱ &#7153; &#x1BF1; & ᯱ ? Batak consonant sign H (U+1BF1)
᯲ &#7154; &#x1BF2; & ᯲ ? Batak PANGOLAT (U+1BF2)
᯳ &#7155; &#x1BF3; & ᯳ ? Batak PANONGONAN (U+1BF3)
᯴ &#7156; &#x1BF4; & ᯴ not a valid unicode character.
᯵ &#7157; &#x1BF5; & ᯵ not a valid unicode character.
᯶ &#7158; &#x1BF6; & ᯶ not a valid unicode character.
᯷ &#7159; &#x1BF7; & ᯷ not a valid unicode character.
᯸ &#7160; &#x1BF8; & ᯸ not a valid unicode character.
᯹ &#7161; &#x1BF9; & ᯹ not a valid unicode character.
᯺ &#7162; &#x1BFA; & ᯺ not a valid unicode character.
᯻ &#7163; &#x1BFB; & ᯻ not a valid unicode character.
᯼ &#7164; &#x1BFC; & ᯼ ? Batak symbol BINDU NA METEK (U+1BFC)
᯽ &#7165; &#x1BFD; & ᯽ ? Batak symbol BINDU PINARBORAS (U+1BFD)
᯾ &#7166; &#x1BFE; & ᯾ ? Batak symbol BINDU JUDUL (U+1BFE)
᯿ &#7167; &#x1BFF; & ᯿ ? Batak symbol BINDU PANGOLAT (U+1BFF)

ᰀ &#7168; &#x1C00; & ᰀ ? Lepcha letter KA (U+1C00)
ᰁ &#7169; &#x1C01; & ᰁ ? Lepcha letter KLA (U+1C01)
ᰂ &#7170; &#x1C02; & ᰂ ? Lepcha letter KHA (U+1C02)
ᰃ &#7171; &#x1C03; & ᰃ ? Lepcha letter GA (U+1C03)
ᰄ &#7172; &#x1C04; & ᰄ ? Lepcha letter GLA (U+1C04)
ᰅ &#7173; &#x1C05; & ᰅ ? Lepcha letter NGA (U+1C05)
ᰆ &#7174; &#x1C06; & ᰆ ? Lepcha letter CA (U+1C06)
ᰇ &#7175; &#x1C07; & ᰇ ? Lepcha letter CHA (U+1C07)
ᰈ &#7176; &#x1C08; & ᰈ ? Lepcha letter JA (U+1C08)
ᰉ &#7177; &#x1C09; & ᰉ ? Lepcha letter NYA (U+1C09)
ᰊ &#7178; &#x1C0A; & ᰊ ? Lepcha letter TA (U+1C0A)
ᰋ &#7179; &#x1C0B; & ᰋ ? Lepcha letter THA (U+1C0B)
ᰌ &#7180; &#x1C0C; & ᰌ ? Lepcha letter DA (U+1C0C)
ᰍ &#7181; &#x1C0D; & ᰍ ? Lepcha letter NA (U+1C0D)
ᰎ &#7182; &#x1C0E; & ᰎ ? Lepcha letter PA (U+1C0E)
ᰏ &#7183; &#x1C0F; & ᰏ ? Lepcha letter PLA (U+1C0F)

ᰐ &#7184; &#x1C10; & ᰐ ? Lepcha letter PHA (U+1C10)
ᰑ &#7185; &#x1C11; & ᰑ ? Lepcha letter FA (U+1C11)
ᰒ &#7186; &#x1C12; & ᰒ ? Lepcha letter FLA (U+1C12)
ᰓ &#7187; &#x1C13; & ᰓ ? Lepcha letter BA (U+1C13)
ᰔ &#7188; &#x1C14; & ᰔ ? Lepcha letter BLA (U+1C14)
ᰕ &#7189; &#x1C15; & ᰕ ? Lepcha letter MA (U+1C15)
ᰖ &#7190; &#x1C16; & ᰖ ? Lepcha letter MLA (U+1C16)
ᰗ &#7191; &#x1C17; & ᰗ ? Lepcha letter TSA (U+1C17)
ᰘ &#7192; &#x1C18; & ᰘ ? Lepcha letter TSHA (U+1C18)
ᰙ &#7193; &#x1C19; & ᰙ ? Lepcha letter DZA (U+1C19)
ᰚ &#7194; &#x1C1A; & ᰚ ? Lepcha letter YA (U+1C1A)
ᰛ &#7195; &#x1C1B; & ᰛ ? Lepcha letter RA (U+1C1B)
ᰜ &#7196; &#x1C1C; & ᰜ ? Lepcha letter LA (U+1C1C)
ᰝ &#7197; &#x1C1D; & ᰝ ? Lepcha letter HA (U+1C1D)
ᰞ &#7198; &#x1C1E; & ᰞ ? Lepcha letter HLA (U+1C1E)
ᰟ &#7199; &#x1C1F; & ᰟ ? Lepcha letter VA (U+1C1F)

ᰠ &#7200; &#x1C20; & ᰠ ? Lepcha letter SA (U+1C20)
ᰡ &#7201; &#x1C21; & ᰡ ? Lepcha letter SHA (U+1C21)
ᰢ &#7202; &#x1C22; & ᰢ ? Lepcha letter WA (U+1C22)
ᰣ &#7203; &#x1C23; & ᰣ ? Lepcha letter A (U+1C23)
ᰤ &#7204; &#x1C24; & ᰤ ? Lepcha subjoined letter YA (U+1C24)
ᰥ &#7205; &#x1C25; & ᰥ ? Lepcha subjoined letter RA (U+1C25)
ᰦ &#7206; &#x1C26; & ᰦ ? Lepcha vowel sign AA (U+1C26)
ᰧ &#7207; &#x1C27; & ᰧ ? Lepcha vowel sign I (U+1C27)
ᰨ &#7208; &#x1C28; & ᰨ ? Lepcha vowel sign O (U+1C28)
ᰩ &#7209; &#x1C29; & ᰩ ? Lepcha vowel sign OO (U+1C29)
ᰪ &#7210; &#x1C2A; & ᰪ ? Lepcha vowel sign U (U+1C2A)
ᰫ &#7211; &#x1C2B; & ᰫ ? Lepcha vowel sign U (U+1C2B)
ᰬ &#7212; &#x1C2C; & ᰬ ? Lepcha vowel sign E (U+1C2C)
ᰭ &#7213; &#x1C2D; & ᰭ ? Lepcha consonant sign K (U+1C2D)
ᰮ &#7214; &#x1C2E; & ᰮ ? Lepcha consonant sign M (U+1C2E)
ᰯ &#7215; &#x1C2F; & ᰯ ? Lepcha consonant sign L (U+1C2F)

ᰰ &#7216; &#x1C30; & ᰰ ? Lepcha consonant sign N (U+1C30)
ᰱ &#7217; &#x1C31; & ᰱ ? Lepcha consonant sign P (U+1C31)
ᰲ &#7218; &#x1C32; & ᰲ ? Lepcha consonant sign R (U+1C32)
ᰳ &#7219; &#x1C33; & ᰳ ? Lepcha consonant sign T (U+1C33)
ᰴ &#7220; &#x1C34; & ᰴ ? Lepcha consonant sign NYIN-DO (U+1C34)
ᰵ &#7221; &#x1C35; & ᰵ ? Lepcha consonant sign KANG (U+1C35)
ᰶ &#7222; &#x1C36; & ᰶ ? Lepcha sign RAN (U+1C36)
᰷ &#7223; &#x1C37; & ᰷ ? Lepcha sign NUKTA (U+1C37)
᰸ &#7224; &#x1C38; & ᰸ not a valid unicode character.
᰹ &#7225; &#x1C39; & ᰹ not a valid unicode character.
᰺ &#7226; &#x1C3A; & ᰺ not a valid unicode character.
᰻ &#7227; &#x1C3B; & ᰻ ? Lepcha punctuation TA-ROL (U+1C3B)
᰼ &#7228; &#x1C3C; & ᰼ ? Lepcha punctuation NYET THYOOM TA-ROL (U+1C3C)
᰽ &#7229; &#x1C3D; & ᰽ ? Lepcha punctuation CER-WA (U+1C3D)
᰾ &#7230; &#x1C3E; & ᰾ ? Lepcha punctuation TShook CER-WA (U+1C3E)
᰿ &#7231; &#x1C3F; & ᰿ ? Lepcha punctuation TShook (U+1C3F)

᱀ &#7232; &#x1C40; & ᱀ ? Lepcha digit ZERO (U+1C40)
᱁ &#7233; &#x1C41; & ᱁ ? Lepcha digit ONE (U+1C41)
᱂ &#7234; &#x1C42; & ᱂ ? Lepcha digit TWO (U+1C42)
᱃ &#7235; &#x1C43; & ᱃ ? Lepcha digit THREE (U+1C43)
᱄ &#7236; &#x1C44; & ᱄ ? Lepcha digit FOUR (U+1C44)
᱅ &#7237; &#x1C45; & ᱅ ? Lepcha digit FIVE (U+1C45)
᱆ &#7238; &#x1C46; & ᱆ ? Lepcha digit SIX (U+1C46)
᱇ &#7239; &#x1C47; & ᱇ ? Lepcha digit SEVEN (U+1C47)
᱈ &#7240; &#x1C48; & ᱈ ? Lepcha digit EIGHT (U+1C48)
᱉ &#7241; &#x1C49; & ᱉ ? Lepcha digit NINE (U+1C49)
᱊ &#7242; &#x1C4A; & ᱊ not a valid unicode character.
᱋ &#7243; &#x1C4B; & ᱋ not a valid unicode character.
᱌ &#7244; &#x1C4C; & ᱌ not a valid unicode character.
ᱍ &#7245; &#x1C4D; & ᱍ ? Lepcha letter TTA (U+1C4D)
ᱎ &#7246; &#x1C4E; & ᱎ ? Lepcha letter TTHA (U+1C4E)
ᱏ &#7247; &#x1C4F; & ᱏ ? Lepcha letter DDA (U+1C4F)

᱐ &#7248; &#x1C50; & ᱐ ? OL CHIKI digit ZERO (U+1C50)
᱑ &#7249; &#x1C51; & ᱑ ? OL CHIKI digit ONE (U+1C51)
᱒ &#7250; &#x1C52; & ᱒ ? OL CHIKI digit TWO (U+1C52)
᱓ &#7251; &#x1C53; & ᱓ ? OL CHIKI digit THREE (U+1C53)
᱔ &#7252; &#x1C54; & ᱔ ? OL CHIKI digit FOUR (U+1C54)
᱕ &#7253; &#x1C55; & ᱕ ? OL CHIKI digit FIVE (U+1C55)
᱙ &#7257; &#x1C56; & ᱙ ? OL CHIKI digit SIX (U+1C56)
᱗ &#7255; &#x1C57; & ᱗ ? OL CHIKI digit SEVEN (U+1C57)
᱙ &#7257; &#x1C58; & ᱙ ? OL CHIKI digit EIGHT (U+1C58)
᱙ &#7257; &#x1C59; & ᱙ ? OL CHIKI digit NINE (U+1C59)
ᱚ &#7258; &#x1C5A; & ᱚ ? OL CHIKI letter LA (U+1C5A)
ᱛ &#7259; &#x1C5B; & ᱛ ? OL CHIKI letter AT (U+1C5B)
ᱜ &#7260; &#x1C5C; & ᱜ ? OL CHIKI letter AG (U+1C5C)
ᱝ &#7261; &#x1C5D; & ᱝ ? OL CHIKI letter ANG (U+1C5D)
ᱞ &#7262; &#x1C5E; & ᱞ ? OL CHIKI letter AL (U+1C5E)
ᱟ &#7263; &#x1C5F; & ᱟ ? OL CHIKI letter LAA (U+1C5F)

ᱠ &#7264; &#x1C60; & ᱠ ? OL CHIKI letter AAK (U+1C60)
ᱡ &#7265; &#x1C61; & ᱡ ? OL CHIKI letter AAJ (U+1C61)
ᱢ &#7266; &#x1C62; & ᱢ ? OL CHIKI letter AAM (U+1C62)
ᱣ &#7267; &#x1C63; & ᱣ ? OL CHIKI letter AAW (U+1C63)
ᱤ &#7268; &#x1C64; & ᱤ ? OL CHIKI letter LI (U+1C64)
ᱥ &#7269; &#x1C65; & ᱥ ? OL CHIKI letter IS (U+1C65)
ᱦ &#7270; &#x1C66; & ᱦ ? OL CHIKI letter IH (U+1C66)
ᱧ &#7271; &#x1C67; & ᱧ ? OL CHIKI letter INY (U+1C67)
ᱨ &#7272; &#x1C68; & ᱨ ? OL CHIKI letter IR (U+1C68)
ᱩ &#7273; &#x1C69; & ᱩ ? OL CHIKI letter LU (U+1C69)
ᱪ &#7274; &#x1C6A; & ᱪ ? OL CHIKI letter UC (U+1C6A)
ᱫ &#7275; &#x1C6B; & ᱫ ? OL CHIKI letter UD (U+1C6B)
ᱬ &#7276; &#x1C6C; & ᱬ ? OL CHIKI letter UNN (U+1C6C)
ᱭ &#7277; &#x1C6D; & ᱭ ? OL CHIKI letter UY (U+1C6D)
ᱮ &#7278; &#x1C6E; & ᱮ ? OL CHIKI letter LE (U+1C6E)
ᱯ &#7279; &#x1C6F; & ᱯ ? OL CHIKI letter EP (U+1C6F)

ᱰ &#7280; &#x1C70; & ᱰ ? OL CHIKI letter EDD (U+1C70)
ᱱ &#7281; &#x1C71; & ᱱ ? OL CHIKI letter EN (U+1C71)
ᱲ &#7282; &#x1C72; & ᱲ ? OL CHIKI letter ERR (U+1C72)
ᱳ &#7283; &#x1C73; & ᱳ ? OL CHIKI letter LO (U+1C73)
ᱴ &#7284; &#x1C74; & ᱴ ? OL CHIKI letter OTT (U+1C74)
ᱵ &#7285; &#x1C75; & ᱵ ? OL CHIKI letter OB (U+1C75)
ᱶ &#7286; &#x1C76; & ᱶ ? OL CHIKI letter OV (U+1C76)
ᱷ &#7287; &#x1C77; & ᱷ ? OL CHIKI letter OH (U+1C77)
ᱸ &#7288; &#x1C78; & ᱸ ? OL CHIKI MU TTUDDAG (U+1C78)
ᱹ &#7289; &#x1C79; & ᱹ ? OL CHIKI GAAHLAA TTUDDAAG (U+1C79)
ᱺ &#7290; &#x1C7A; & ᱺ ? OL CHIKI MU-GAAHLAA TTUDDAAG (U+1C7A)
ᱻ &#7291; &#x1C7B; & ᱻ ? OL CHIKI RELAA (U+1C7B)
ᱼ &#7292; &#x1C7C; & ᱼ ? OL CHIKI PHAARKAA (U+1C7C)
ᱽ &#7293; &#x1C7D; & ᱽ ? OL CHIKI AHAD (U+1C7D)
᱾ &#7294; &#x1C7E; & ᱾ ? OL CHIKI punctuation MUCAAD (U+1C7E)
᱿ &#7295; &#x1C7F; & ᱿ ? OL CHIKI punctuation double MUCAAD (U+1C7F)

᳀ &#7360; &#x1CC0; & ᳀ ? Sundanese punctuation BINDU SURYA (U+1CC0)
᳁ &#7361; &#x1CC1; & ᳁ ? Sundanese punctuation BINDU PANGLONG (U+1CC1)
᳂ &#7362; &#x1CC2; & ᳂ ? Sundanese punctuation BINDU PURNAMA (U+1CC2)
᳃ &#7363; &#x1CC3; & ᳃ ? Sundanese punctuation BINDU CAKRA (U+1CC3)
᳄ &#7364; &#x1CC4; & ᳄ ? Sundanese punctuation BINDU LEU SATANGA (U+1CC4)
᳅ &#7365; &#x1CC5; & ᳅ ? Sundanese punctuation BINDU KA SATANGA (U+1CC5)
᳆ &#7366; &#x1CC6; & ᳆ ? Sundanese punctuation BINDU DA SATANGA (U+1CC6)
᳇ &#7367; &#x1CC7; & ᳇ ? Sundanese punctuation BINDU BA SATANGA (U+1CC7)
᳇ &#7368; &#x1CC8; & ᳈ ? ? not a valid unicode character.
᳇ &#7369; &#x1CC9; & ᳉ ? ? not a valid unicode character.
᳊ &#7370; &#x1CCA; & ᳊ ? ? not a valid unicode character.
᳋ &#7371; &#x1CCB; & ᳋ ? ? not a valid unicode character.
᳌ &#7372; &#x1CCC; & ᳌ ? ? not a valid unicode character.
᳍ &#7373; &#x1CCD; & ᳍ ? ? not a valid unicode character.
᳎ &#7374; &#x1CCE; & ᳎ ? ? not a valid unicode character.
᳏ &#7375; &#x1CCF; & ᳏ ? ? not a valid unicode character.

᳐ &#7376; &#x1CD0; & ᳐ ? Vedic tone KARSHANA (U+1CD0)
᳑ &#7377; &#x1CD1; & ᳑ ? Vedic tone SHARA (U+1CD1)
᳒ &#7378; &#x1CD2; & ᳒ ? Vedic tone PRENKHA (U+1CD2)
᳓ &#7379; &#x1CD3; & ᳓ ? Vedic sign NIHSHVASA (U+1CD3)
᳔ &#7380; &#x1CD4; & ᳔ ? Vedic sign YAJURVedic MIDLINE SVARITA (U+1CD4)
᳕ &#7381; &#x1CD5; & ᳕ ? Vedic tone YAJURVedic aggravated independent SVARITA (U+1CD5)
᳖ &#7382; &#x1CD6; & ᳖ ? Vedic tone YAJURVedic independent SVARITA (U+1CD6)
᳗ &#7383; &#x1CD7; & ᳗ ? Vedic tone YAJURVedic KATHAKA independent SVARITA (U+1CD7)
᳘ &#7384; &#x1CD8; & ᳘ ? Vedic tone CANDRA below (U+1CD8)
᳙ &#7385; &#x1CD9; & ᳙ ? Vedic tone YAJURVedic KATHAKA independent SVARITA SCHROEDER (U+1CD9)
᳚ &#7386; &#x1CDA; & ᳚ ? Vedic tone double SVARITA (U+1CDA)
᳛ &#7387; &#x1CDB; & ᳛ ? Vedic tone triple SVARITA (U+1CDB)
᳜ &#7388; &#x1CDC; & ᳜ ? Vedic tone KATHAKA ANUDATTA (U+1CDC)
᳝ &#7389; &#x1CDD; & ᳝ ? Vedic tone dot below (U+1CDD)
᳞ &#7390; &#x1CDE; & ᳞ ? Vedic tone TWO dots below (U+1CDE)
᳟ &#7391; &#x1CDF; & ᳟ ? Vedic tone three dots below (U+1CDF)

᳠ &#7392; &#x1CE0; & ᳠ ? Vedic tone RIGVedic KASHMIRI independent SVARITA (U+1CE0)
᳡ &#7393; &#x1CE1; & ᳡ ? Vedic tone ATHARVAVedic independent SVARITA (U+1CE1)
᳢ &#7394; &#x1CE2; & ᳢ ? Vedic sign VISARGA SVARITA (U+1CE2)
᳣ &#7395; &#x1CE3; & ᳣ ? Vedic sign VISARGA UDATTA (U+1CE3)
᳤ &#7396; &#x1CE4; & ᳤ ? Vedic sign reversed VISARGA UDATTA (U+1CE4)
᳥ &#7397; &#x1CE5; & ᳥ ? Vedic sign VISARGA ANUDATTA (U+1CE5)
᳦ &#7398; &#x1CE6; & ᳦ ? Vedic sign reversed VISARGA ANUDATTA (U+1CE6)
᳧ &#7399; &#x1CE7; & ᳧ ? Vedic sign VISARGA UDATTA with tail (U+1CE7)
᳨ &#7400; &#x1CE8; & ᳨ ? Vedic sign VISARGA ANUDATTA with tail (U+1CE8)
ᳩ &#7401; &#x1CE9; & ᳩ ? Vedic sign ANUSVARA ANTARGOMUKHA (U+1CE9)
ᳪ &#7402; &#x1CEA; & ᳪ ? Vedic sign ANUSVARA BAHIRGOMUKHA (U+1CEA)
ᳫ &#7403; &#x1CEB; & ᳫ ? Vedic sign ANUSVARA VAMAGOMUKHA (U+1CEB)
ᳬ &#7404; &#x1CEC; & ᳬ ? Vedic sign ANUSVARA VAMAGOMUKHA with tail (U+1CEC)
᳭ &#7405; &#x1CED; & ᳭ ? Vedic sign TIRYAK (U+1CED)
ᳮ &#7406; &#x1CEE; & ᳮ ? Vedic sign hexiform long ANUSVARA (U+1CEE)
ᳯ &#7407; &#x1CEF; & ᳯ ? Vedic sign long ANUSVARA (U+1CEF)

ᳰ &#7408; &#x1CF0; & ᳰ ? Vedic sign RTHANG long ANUSVARA (U+1CF0)
ᳱ &#7409; &#x1CF1; & ᳱ ? Vedic sign ANUSVARA UBHAYATO MUKHA (U+1CF1)
ᳲ &#7410; &#x1CF2; & ᳲ ? Vedic sign ARDHAVISARGA (U+1CF2)
ᳳ &#7411; &#x1CF3; & ᳳ ? Vedic sign rotated ARDHAVISARGA (U+1CF3)
᳴ &#7412; &#x1CF4; & ᳴ ? Vedic tone CANDRA above (U+1CF4)
ᳵ &#7413; &#x1CF5; & ᳵ ? Vedic sign JIHVAMULIYA (U+1CF5)
ᳶ &#7414; &#x1CF6; & ᳶ ? Vedic sign UPADHMANIYA (U+1CF6)
᳷ &#7415; &#x1CF7; & ˥ ? not a valid unicode character.
᳸ &#7416; &#x1CF8; & ˥ ? not a valid unicode character.
᳹ &#7417; &#x1CF9; & ˥ ? not a valid unicode character.
ᳺ &#7418; &#x1CFA; & ˥ ? not a valid unicode character.
᳻ &#7419; &#x1CFB; & ˥ ? not a valid unicode character.
᳼ &#7420; &#x1CFC; & ˥ ? not a valid unicode character.
᳽ &#7421; &#x1CFD; & ˥ ? not a valid unicode character.
᳾ &#7422; &#x1CFE; & ˥ ? not a valid unicode character.
᳿ &#7423; &#x1CFF; & ˥ ? not a valid unicode character.

Phonetic Extensions 1D00
ᴀ &#7424; &#x1D00; & ᴀ ? Latin letter small capital A (U+1D00)
ᴁ &#7425; &#x1D01; & ᴁ ? Latin letter small capital AE (U+1D01)
ᴂ &#7426; &#x1D02; & ᴂ ? Latin small letter turned AE (U+1D02)
ᴃ &#7427; &#x1D03; & ᴃ ? Latin letter small capital barred B (U+1D03)
ᴄ &#7428; &#x1D04; & ᴄ ? Latin letter small capital C (U+1D04)
ᴅ &#7429; &#x1D05; & ᴅ ? Latin letter small capital D (U+1D05)
ᴆ &#7430; &#x1D06; & ᴆ ? Latin letter small capital ETH (U+1D06)
ᴇ &#7431; &#x1D07; & ᴇ ? Latin letter small capital E (U+1D07)
ᴈ &#7432; &#x1D08; & ᴈ ? Latin small letter turned open E (U+1D08)
ᴉ &#7433; &#x1D09; & ᴉ ? Latin small letter turned I (U+1D09)
ᴊ &#7434; &#x1D0A; & ᴊ ? Latin letter small capital J (U+1D0A)
ᴋ &#7435; &#x1D0B; & ᴋ ? Latin letter small capital K (U+1D0B)
ᴌ &#7436; &#x1D0C; & ᴌ ? Latin letter small capital L with stroke (U+1D0C)
ᴍ &#7437; &#x1D0D; & ᴍ ? Latin letter small capital M (U+1D0D)
ᴎ &#7438; &#x1D0E; & ᴎ ? Latin letter small capital reversed N (U+1D0E)
ᴏ &#7439; &#x1D0F; & ᴏ ? Latin letter small capital O (U+1D0F)

ᴐ &#7440; &#x1D10; & ᴐ ? Latin letter small capital open O (U+1D10)
ᴑ &#7441; &#x1D11; & ᴑ ? Latin small letter sideways O (U+1D11)
ᴒ &#7442; &#x1D12; & ᴒ ? Latin small letter sideways open O (U+1D12)
ᴓ &#7443; &#x1D13; & ᴓ ? Latin small letter sideways O with stroke (U+1D13)
ᴔ &#7444; &#x1D14; & ᴔ ? Latin small letter turned OE (U+1D14)
ᴕ &#7445; &#x1D15; & ᴕ ? Latin letter small capital O U (U+1D15)
ᴖ &#7446; &#x1D16; & ᴖ ? Latin small letter top half O (U+1D16)
ᴗ &#7447; &#x1D17; & ᴗ ? Latin small letter bottom half O (U+1D17)
ᴘ &#7448; &#x1D18; & ᴘ ? Latin letter small capital P (U+1D18)
ᴙ &#7449; &#x1D19; & ᴙ ? Latin letter small capital reversed R (U+1D19)
ᴚ &#7450; &#x1D1A; & ᴚ ? Latin letter small capital turned R (U+1D1A)
ᴛ &#7451; &#x1D1B; & ᴛ ? Latin letter small capital T (U+1D1B)
ᴜ &#7452; &#x1D1C; & ᴜ ? Latin letter small capital U (U+1D1C)
ᴝ &#7453; &#x1D1D; & ᴝ ? Latin small letter sideways U (U+1D1D)
ᴞ &#7454; &#x1D1E; & ᴞ ? Latin small letter sideways diaeresized U (U+1D1E)
ᴟ &#7455; &#x1D1F; & ᴟ ? Latin small letter sideways turned M (U+1D1F)

ᴠ &#7456; &#x1D20; & ᴠ ? Latin letter small capital V (U+1D20)
ᴡ &#7457; &#x1D21; & ᴡ ? Latin letter small capital W (U+1D21)
ᴢ &#7458; &#x1D22; & ᴢ ? Latin letter small capital Z (U+1D22)
ᴣ &#7459; &#x1D23; & ᴣ ? Latin letter small capital EZH (U+1D23)
ᴤ &#7460; &#x1D24; & ᴤ ? Latin letter voiced laryngeal SPIRANT (U+1D24)
ᴥ &#7461; &#x1D25; & ᴥ ? Latin letter AIN (U+1D25)
ᴦ &#7462; &#x1D26; & ᴦ ? Greek letter small capital GAMMA (U+1D26)
ᴧ &#7463; &#x1D27; & ᴧ ? Greek letter small capital LAMDA (U+1D27)
ᴨ &#7464; &#x1D28; & ᴨ ? Greek letter small capital PI (U+1D28)
ᴩ &#7465; &#x1D29; & ᴩ ? Greek letter small capital RHO (U+1D29)
ᴪ &#7466; &#x1D2A; & ᴪ ? Greek letter small capital PSI (U+1D2A)
ᴫ &#7467; &#x1D2B; & ᴫ ? Cyrillic letter small capital EL (U+1D2B)
ᴬ &#7468; &#x1D2C; & ᴬ ? modifier letter capital A (U+1D2C)
ᴭ &#7469; &#x1D2D; & ᴭ ? modifier letter capital AE (U+1D2D)
ᴮ &#7470; &#x1D2E; & ᴮ ? modifier letter capital B (U+1D2E)
ᴯ &#7471; &#x1D2F; & ᴯ ? modifier letter capital barred B (U+1D2F)

ᴰ &#7472; &#x1D30; & ᴰ ? modifier letter capital D (U+1D30)
ᴱ &#7473; &#x1D31; & ᴱ ? modifier letter capital E (U+1D31)
ᴲ &#7474; &#x1D32; & ᴲ ? modifier letter capital reversed E (U+1D32)
ᴳ &#7475; &#x1D33; & ᴳ ? modifier letter capital G (U+1D33)
ᴴ &#7476; &#x1D34; & ᴴ ? modifier letter capital H (U+1D34)
ᴵ &#7477; &#x1D35; & ᴵ ? modifier letter capital I (U+1D35)
ᴶ &#7478; &#x1D36; & ᴶ ? modifier letter capital J (U+1D36)
ᴷ &#7479; &#x1D37; & ᴷ ? modifier letter capital K (U+1D37)
ᴸ &#7480; &#x1D38; & ᴸ ? modifier letter capital L (U+1D38)
ᴹ &#7481; &#x1D39; & ᴹ ? modifier letter capital M (U+1D39)
ᴺ &#7482; &#x1D3A; & ᴺ ? modifier letter capital N (U+1D3A)
ᴻ &#7483; &#x1D3B; & ᴻ ? modifier letter capital reversed N (U+1D3B)
ᴼ &#7484; &#x1D3C; & ᴼ ? modifier letter capital O (U+1D3C)
ᴽ &#7485; &#x1D3D; & ᴽ ? modifier letter capital O U (U+1D3D)
ᴾ &#7486; &#x1D3E; & ᴾ & modifier letter capital P (U+1D3E)
ᴿ &#7487; &#x1D3F; & ᴿ ? modifier letter capital R (U+1D3F)

ᵀ &#7488; &#x1D40; & ᵀ ? modifier letter capital T (U+1D40)
ᵁ &#7489; &#x1D41; & ᵁ ? modifier letter capital U (U+1D41)
ᵂ &#7490; &#x1D42; & ᵂ & modifier letter capital W (U+1D42)
ᵃ &#7491; &#x1D43; & ᵃ ? modifier letter small A (U+1D43)
ᵄ &#7492; &#x1D44; & ᵄ ? modifier letter small turned A (U+1D44)
ᵅ &#7493; &#x1D45; & ᵅ ? modifier letter small ALPHA (U+1D45)
ᵆ &#7494; &#x1D46; & ᵆ ? modifier letter small turned AE (U+1D46)
ᵇ &#7495; &#x1D47; & ᵇ & modifier letter small B (U+1D47)
ᵈ &#7496; &#x1D48; & ᵈ ? modifier letter small D (U+1D48)
ᵉ &#7497; &#x1D49; & ᵉ ? modifier letter small E (U+1D49)
ᵊ &#7498; &#x1D4A; & ᵊ ? modifier letter small SCHWA (U+1D4A)
ᵋ &#7499; &#x1D4B; & ᵋ ? modifier letter small open E (U+1D4B)
ᵌ &#7500; &#x1D4C; & ᵌ ? modifier letter small turned open E (U+1D4C)
ᵍ &#7501; &#x1D4D; & ᵍ & modifier letter small G (U+1D4D)
ᵎ &#7502; &#x1D4E; & ᵎ ? modifier letter small turned I (U+1D4E)
ᵏ &#7503; &#x1D4F; & ᵏ ? modifier letter small K (U+1D4F)

ᵐ &#7504; &#x1D50; & ᵐ & modifier letter small M (U+1D50)
ᵑ &#7505; &#x1D51; & ᵑ ? modifier letter small ENG (U+1D51)
ᵒ &#7506; &#x1D52; & ᵒ & modifier letter small O (U+1D52)
ᵓ &#7507; &#x1D53; & ᵓ ? modifier letter small open O (U+1D53)
ᵔ &#7508; &#x1D54; & ᵔ ? modifier letter small top half O (U+1D54)
ᵕ &#7509; &#x1D55; & ᵕ ? modifier letter small bottom half O (U+1D55)
ᵖ &#7510; &#x1D56; & ᵖ & modifier letter small P (U+1D56)
ᵗ &#7511; &#x1D57; & ᵗ ? modifier letter small T (U+1D57)
ᵘ &#7512; &#x1D58; & ᵘ ? modifier letter small U (U+1D58)
ᵙ &#7513; &#x1D59; & ᵙ ? modifier letter small sideways U (U+1D59)
ᵚ &#7514; &#x1D5A; & ᵚ ? modifier letter small turned M (U+1D5A)
ᵛ &#7515; &#x1D5B; & ᵛ ? modifier letter small V (U+1D5B)
ᵜ &#7516; &#x1D5C; & ᵜ ? modifier letter small AIN (U+1D5C)
ᵝ &#7517; &#x1D5D; & ᵝ ? modifier letter small BETA (U+1D5D)
ᵞ &#7518; &#x1D5E; & ᵞ ? modifier letter small Greek GAMMA (U+1D5E)
ᵟ &#7519; &#x1D5F; & ᵟ ? modifier letter small DELTA (U+1D5F)

ᵠ &#7520; &#x1D60; & ᵠ ? modifier letter small Greek PHI (U+1D60)
ᵡ &#7521; &#x1D61; & ᵡ ? modifier letter small CHI (U+1D61)
ᵢ &#7522; &#x1D62; & ᵢ ? Latin S (U+BSCRIPT small letter I (U+1D62)
ᵣ &#7523; &#x1D63; & ᵣ ? Latin S (U+BSCRIPT small letter R (U+1D63)
ᵤ &#7524; &#x1D64; & ᵤ ? Latin S (U+BSCRIPT small letter U (U+1D64)
ᵥ &#7525; &#x1D65; & ᵥ ? Latin S (U+BSCRIPT small letter V (U+1D65)
ᵦ &#7526; &#x1D66; & ᵦ ? Greek S (U+BSCRIPT small letter BETA (U+1D66)
ᵧ &#7527; &#x1D67; & ᵧ ? Greek S (U+BSCRIPT small letter GAMMA (U+1D67)
ᵨ &#7528; &#x1D68; & ᵨ ? Greek S (U+BSCRIPT small letter RHO (U+1D68)
ᵩ &#7529; &#x1D69; & ᵩ ? Greek S (U+BSCRIPT small letter PHI (U+1D69)
ᵪ &#7530; &#x1D6A; & ᵪ ? Greek S (U+BSCRIPT small letter CHI (U+1D6A)
ᵫ &#7531; &#x1D6B; & ᵫ ? Latin small letter (U+E (U+1D6B)
ᵬ &#7532; &#x1D6C; & ᵬ ? Latin small letter B with middle tilde (U+1D6C)
ᵭ &#7533; &#x1D6D; & ᵭ ? Latin small letter D with middle tilde (U+1D6D)
ᵮ &#7534; &#x1D6E; & ᵮ ? Latin small letter F with middle tilde (U+1D6E)
ᵯ &#7535; &#x1D6F; & ᵯ ? Latin small letter M with middle tilde (U+1D6F)

ᵰ &#7536; &#x1D70; & ᵰ ? Latin small letter N with middle tilde (U+1D70)
ᵱ &#7537; &#x1D71; & ᵱ ? Latin small letter P with middle tilde (U+1D71)
ᵲ &#7538; &#x1D72; & ᵲ ? Latin small letter R with middle tilde (U+1D72)
ᵳ &#7539; &#x1D73; & ᵳ ? Latin small letter R with FISHHOOK and middle TILDE (U+1D73)
ᵴ &#7540; &#x1D74; & ᵴ ? Latin small letter S with middle tilde (U+1D74)
ᵵ &#7541; &#x1D75; & ᵵ ? Latin small letter T with middle tilde (U+1D75)
ᵶ &#7542; &#x1D76; & ᵶ ? Latin small letter Z with middle tilde (U+1D76)
ᵷ &#7543; &#x1D77; & ᵷ ? Latin small letter turned G (U+1D77)
ᵸ &#7544; &#x1D78; & ᵸ ? modifier letter Cyrillic EN (U+1D78)
ᵹ &#7545; &#x1D79; & ᵹ ? Latin small letter INS (U+LAR G (U+1D79)
ᵺ &#7546; &#x1D7A; & ᵺ ? Latin small letter TH with STRIKETHRO (U+GH (U+1D7A)
ᵻ &#7547; &#x1D7B; & ᵻ ? Latin small capital letter I with stroke (U+1D7B)
ᵼ &#7548; &#x1D7C; & ᵼ ? Latin small letter IOTA with stroke (U+1D7C)
ᵽ &#7549; &#x1D7D; & ᵽ ? Latin small letter P with stroke (U+1D7D)
ᵾ &#7550; &#x1D7E; & ᵾ ? Latin small capital letter U with stroke (U+1D7E)
ᵿ &#7551; &#x1D7F; & ᵿ ? Latin small letter UPSILON with stroke (U+1D7F)

ᶀ &#7552; &#x1D80; & ᶀ ? Latin small letter B with palatal hook (U+1D80)
ᶁ &#7553; &#x1D81; & ᶁ ? Latin small letter D with palatal hook (U+1D81)
ᶂ &#7554; &#x1D82; & ᶂ ? Latin small letter F with palatal hook (U+1D82)
ᶃ &#7555; &#x1D83; & ᶃ ? Latin small letter G with palatal hook (U+1D83)
ᶄ &#7556; &#x1D84; & ᶄ ? Latin small letter K with palatal hook (U+1D84)
ᶅ &#7557; &#x1D85; & ᶅ ? Latin small letter L with palatal hook (U+1D85)
ᶆ &#7558; &#x1D86; & ᶆ ? Latin small letter M with palatal hook (U+1D86)
ᶇ &#7559; &#x1D87; & ᶇ ? Latin small letter N with palatal hook (U+1D87)
ᶈ &#7560; &#x1D88; & ᶈ ? Latin small letter P with palatal hook (U+1D88)
ᶉ &#7561; &#x1D89; & ᶉ ? Latin small letter R with palatal hook (U+1D89)
ᶊ &#7562; &#x1D8A; & ᶊ ? Latin small letter S with palatal hook (U+1D8A)
ᶋ &#7563; &#x1D8B; & ᶋ ? Latin small letter ESH with palatal hook (U+1D8B)
ᶌ &#7564; &#x1D8C; & ᶌ ? Latin small letter V with palatal hook (U+1D8C)
ᶍ &#7565; &#x1D8D; & ᶍ ? Latin small letter X with palatal hook (U+1D8D)
ᶎ &#7566; &#x1D8E; & ᶎ ? Latin small letter Z with palatal hook (U+1D8E)
ᶏ &#7567; &#x1D8F; & ᶏ ? Latin small letter A with retroflex hook (U+1D8F)

ᶐ &#7568; &#x1D90; & ᶐ ? Latin small letter ALPHA with retroflex hook (U+1D90)
ᶑ &#7569; &#x1D91; & ᶑ ? Latin small letter D with hook and tail (U+1D91)
ᶒ &#7570; &#x1D92; & ᶒ ? Latin small letter E with retroflex hook (U+1D92)
ᶓ &#7571; &#x1D93; & ᶓ ? Latin small letter open E with retroflex hook (U+1D93)
ᶔ &#7572; &#x1D94; & ᶔ ? Latin small letter reversed open E with retroflex hook (U+1D94)
ᶕ &#7573; &#x1D95; & ᶕ ? Latin small letter SCHWA with retroflex hook (U+1D95)
ᶖ &#7574; &#x1D96; & ᶖ ? Latin small letter I with retroflex hook (U+1D96)
ᶗ &#7575; &#x1D97; & ᶗ ? Latin small letter open O with retroflex hook (U+1D97)
ᶘ &#7576; &#x1D98; & ᶘ ? Latin small letter ESH with retroflex hook (U+1D98)
ᶙ &#7577; &#x1D99; & ᶙ ? Latin small letter U with retroflex hook (U+1D99)
ᶚ &#7578; &#x1D9A; & ᶚ ? Latin small letter EZH with retroflex hook (U+1D9A)
ᶛ &#7579; &#x1D9B; & ᶛ ? modifier letter small turned ALPHA (U+1D9B)
ᶜ &#7580; &#x1D9C; & ᶜ & modifier letter small C (U+1D9C)
ᶝ &#7581; &#x1D9D; & ᶝ ? modifier letter small C with C (U+RL (U+1D9D)
ᶞ &#7582; &#x1D9E; & ᶞ ? modifier letter small ETH (U+1D9E)
ᶟ &#7583; &#x1D9F; & ᶟ ? modifier letter small reversed open E (U+1D9F)

ᶠ &#7584; &#x1DA0; & ᶠ ? modifier letter small F (U+1DA0)
ᶡ &#7585; &#x1DA1; & ᶡ ? modifier letter small dotless J with stroke (U+1DA1)
ᶢ &#7586; &#x1DA2; & ᶢ ? modifier letter small SCRIPT G (U+1DA2)
ᶣ &#7587; &#x1DA3; & ᶣ ? modifier letter small turned H (U+1DA3)
ᶤ &#7588; &#x1DA4; & ᶤ ? modifier letter small I with stroke (U+1DA4)
ᶥ &#7589; &#x1DA5; & ᶥ ? modifier letter small IOTA (U+1DA5)
ᶦ &#7590; &#x1DA6; & ᶦ ? modifier letter small capital I (U+1DA6)
ᶧ &#7591; &#x1DA7; & ᶧ ? modifier letter small capital I with stroke (U+1DA7)
ᶨ &#7592; &#x1DA8; & ᶨ ? modifier letter small J with CROSSED-TAIL (U+1DA8)
ᶩ &#7593; &#x1DA9; & ᶩ ? modifier letter small L with retroflex hook (U+1DA9)
ᶪ &#7594; &#x1DAA; & ᶪ ? modifier letter small L with palatal hook (U+1DAA)
ᶫ &#7595; &#x1DAB; & ᶫ ? modifier letter small capital L (U+1DAB)
ᶬ &#7596; &#x1DAC; & ᶬ ? modifier letter small M with hook (U+1DAC)
ᶭ &#7597; &#x1DAD; & ᶭ ? modifier letter small turned M with long LEG (U+1DAD)
ᶮ &#7598; &#x1DAE; & ᶮ ? modifier letter small N with left hook (U+1DAE)
ᶯ &#7599; &#x1DAF; & ᶯ ? modifier letter small N with retroflex hook (U+1DAF)

ᶰ &#7600; &#x1DB0; & ᶰ ? modifier letter small capital N (U+1DB0)
ᶱ &#7601; &#x1DB1; & ᶱ ? modifier letter small barred O (U+1DB1)
ᶲ &#7602; &#x1DB2; & ᶲ ? modifier letter small PHI (U+1DB2)
ᶳ &#7603; &#x1DB3; & ᶳ ? modifier letter small S with hook (U+1DB3)
ᶴ &#7604; &#x1DB4; & ᶴ ? modifier letter small ESH (U+1DB4)
ᶵ &#7605; &#x1DB5; & ᶵ ? modifier letter small T with palatal hook (U+1DB5)
ᶶ &#7606; &#x1DB6; & ᶶ ? modifier letter small U BAR (U+1DB6)
ᶷ &#7607; &#x1DB7; & ᶷ ? modifier letter small UPSILON (U+1DB7)
ᶸ &#7608; &#x1DB8; & ᶸ ? modifier letter small capital U (U+1DB8)
ᶹ &#7609; &#x1DB9; & ᶹ ? modifier letter small V with hook (U+1DB9)
ᶺ &#7610; &#x1DBA; & ᶺ ? modifier letter small turned V (U+1DBA)
ᶻ &#7611; &#x1DBB; & ᶻ ? modifier letter small Z (U+1DBB)
ᶼ &#7612; &#x1DBC; & ᶼ ? modifier letter small Z with retroflex hook (U+1DBC)
ᶽ &#7613; &#x1DBD; & ᶽ ? modifier letter small Z with C (U+RL (U+1DBD)
ᶾ &#7614; &#x1DBE; & ᶾ ? modifier letter small EZH (U+1DBE)
ᶿ &#7615; &#x1DBF; & ᶿ ? modifier letter small THETA (U+1DBF)

᷀ &#7616; &#x1DC0; & ᷀ ? combining DOTTED grave accent (U+1DC0)
᷁ &#7617; &#x1DC1; & ᷁ ? combining DOTTED acute accent (U+1DC1)
᷂ &#7618; &#x1DC2; & ᷂ ? combining SNAKE below (U+1DC2)
᷃ &#7619; &#x1DC3; & ᷃ ? combining S (U+SPENSION mark (U+1DC3)
᷄ &#7620; &#x1DC4; & ᷄ ? combining macron-acute (U+1DC4)
᷅ &#7621; &#x1DC5; & ᷅ ? combining grave-MACRON (U+1DC5)
᷆ &#7622; &#x1DC6; & ᷆ ? combining macron-GRAVE (U+1DC6)
᷇ &#7623; &#x1DC7; & ᷇ ? combining acute-MACRON (U+1DC7)
᷈ &#7624; &#x1DC8; & ᷈ ? combining grave-acute-GRAVE (U+1DC8)
᷉ &#7625; &#x1DC9; & ᷉ ? combining acute-GRAVE-acute (U+1DC9)
᷊ &#7626; &#x1DCA; & ᷊ ? combining Latin small letter R below (U+1DCA)
᷋ &#7627; &#x1DCB; & ᷋ ? combining BREVE-MACRON (U+1DCB)
᷌ &#7628; &#x1DCC; & ᷌ ? combining macron-BREVE (U+1DCC)
᷍ &#7629; &#x1DCD; & ᷍ ? combining DO (U+BLE circumflex above (U+1DCD)
᷎ &#7630; &#x1DCE; & ᷎ ? combining OGONEK above (U+1DCE)
᷏ &#7631; &#x1DCF; & ᷏ ? combining ZIGZAG below (U+1DCF)

᷐ &#7632; &#x1DD0; & ᷐ ? combining IS below (U+1DD0)
᷑ &#7633; &#x1DD1; & ᷑ ? combining (U+R above (U+1DD1)
᷒ &#7634; &#x1DD2; & ᷒ ? combining (U+S above (U+1DD2)
ᷓ &#7635; &#x1DD3; & ᷓ ? combining Latin small letter flattened open A above (U+1DD3)
ᷔ &#7636; &#x1DD4; & ᷔ ? combining Latin small letter AE (U+1DD4)
ᷕ &#7637; &#x1DD5; & ᷕ ? combining Latin small letter AO (U+1DD5)
ᷖ &#7638; &#x1DD6; & ᷖ ? combining Latin small letter AV (U+1DD6)
ᷗ &#7639; &#x1DD7; & ᷗ ? combining Latin small letter C CEDILLA (U+1DD7)
ᷘ &#7640; &#x1DD8; & ᷘ ? combining Latin small letter INS (U+LAR D (U+1DD8)
ᷙ &#7641; &#x1DD9; & ᷙ ? combining Latin small letter ETH (U+1DD9)
ᷚ &#7642; &#x1DDA; & ᷚ ? combining Latin small letter G (U+1DDA)
ᷛ &#7643; &#x1DDB; & ᷛ ? combining Latin letter small capital G (U+1DDB)
ᷜ &#7644; &#x1DDC; & ᷜ ? combining Latin small letter K (U+1DDC)
ᷝ &#7645; &#x1DDD; & ᷝ ? combining Latin small letter L (U+1DDD)
ᷞ &#7646; &#x1DDE; & ᷞ ? combining Latin letter small capital L (U+1DDE)
ᷟ &#7647; &#x1DDF; & ᷟ ? combining Latin letter small capital M (U+1DDF)

ᷠ &#7648; &#x1DE0; & ᷠ ? combining Latin small letter N (U+1DE0)
ᷡ &#7649; &#x1DE1; & ᷡ ? combining Latin letter small capital N (U+1DE1)
ᷢ &#7650; &#x1DE2; & ᷢ ? combining Latin letter small capital R (U+1DE2)
ᷣ &#7651; &#x1DE3; & ᷣ ? combining Latin small letter R ROT (U+NDA (U+1DE3)
ᷤ &#7652; &#x1DE4; & ᷤ ? combining Latin small letter S (U+1DE4)
ᷥ &#7653; &#x1DE5; & ᷥ ? combining Latin small letter long S (U+1DE5)
ᷦ &#7654; &#x1DE6; & ᷦ ? combining Latin small letter Z (U+1DE6)
ᷧ &#7655; &#x1DE7; & ᷦ not a valid unicode character.
ᷨ &#7656; &#x1DE8; & ᷦ not a valid unicode character.
ᷩ &#7657; &#x1DE9; & ᷦ not a valid unicode character.
ᷪ &#7658; &#x1DEA; & ᷦ not a valid unicode character.
ᷫ &#7659; &#x1DEB; & ᷦ not a valid unicode character.
ᷬ &#7660; &#x1DEC; & ᷦ not a valid unicode character.
ᷭ &#7661; &#x1DED; & ᷦ not a valid unicode character.
ᷮ &#7662; &#x1DEE; & ᷦ not a valid unicode character.
ᷯ &#7663; &#x1DEF; & ᷦ not a valid unicode character.

ᷰ &#7664; &#x1DF0; & ᷰ ? not a valid unicode character.
ᷱ &#7665; &#x1DF1; & ᷱ ? not a valid unicode character.
ᷲ &#7666; &#x1DF2; & ᷲ ? not a valid unicode character.
ᷳ &#7667; &#x1DF3; & ᷳ ? not a valid unicode character.
ᷴ &#7668; &#x1DF4; & ᷴ ? not a valid unicode character.
᷵ &#7669; &#x1DF5; & ᷵ ? not a valid unicode character.
᷶ &#7676; &#x1DF6; & ᷶ ? not a valid unicode character.
᷷ &#7676; &#x1DF7; & ᷷ ? not a valid unicode character.
᷸ &#7676; &#x1DF8; & ᷸ ? not a valid unicode character.
᷹ &#7676; &#x1DF9; & ᷹ ? not a valid unicode character.
᷺ &#7676; &#x1DFA; & ᷺ ? not a valid unicode character.
᷻ &#7676; &#x1DFB; & ᷻ ? not a valid unicode character.
᷼ &#7676; &#x1DFC; & ᷼ ? ? combining double inverted breve below (U+1DFC)
᷽ &#7677; &#x1DFD; & ᷽ ? combining ALMOST EQUAL TO below (U+1DFD)
᷾ &#7678; &#x1DFE; & ᷾ ? combining left ARROWHEAD above (U+1DFE)
᷿ &#7679; &#x1DFF; & ᷿ ? combining right ARROWHEAD and down ARROWHEAD below (U+1DFF)

Latin extended Additional: dotted letters, letters with two accents. 1E00
Ḁ &#7680; &#x1E00; & Ḁ ? Latin capital letter A with ring below (U+1E00)
ḁ &#7681; &#x1E01; & ḁ ? Latin small letter A with ring below (U+1E01)
Ḃ &#7682; &#x1E02; & Ḃ ? Latin capital letter B with dot above (U+1E02)
ḃ &#7683; &#x1E03; & ḃ ? Latin small letter B with dot above (U+1E03)
Ḅ &#7684; &#x1E04; & Ḅ ? Latin capital letter B with dot below (U+1E04)
ḅ &#7685; &#x1E05; & ḅ ? Latin small letter B with dot below (U+1E05)
Ḇ &#7686; &#x1E06; & Ḇ ? Latin capital letter B with line below (U+1E06)
ḇ &#7687; &#x1E07; & ḇ ? Latin small letter B with line below (U+1E07)
Ḉ &#7688; &#x1E08; & Ḉ ? Latin capital letter C with CEDILLA and acute (U+1E08)
ḉ &#7689; &#x1E09; & ḉ ? Latin small letter C with CEDILLA and acute (U+1E09)
Ḋ &#7690; &#x1E0A; & Ḋ ? Latin capital letter D with dot above (U+1E0A)
ḋ &#7691; &#x1E0B; & ḋ ? Latin small letter D with dot above (U+1E0B)
Ḍ &#7692; &#x1E0C; & Ḍ ? Latin capital letter D with dot below (U+1E0C)
ḍ &#7693; &#x1E0D; & ḍ ? Latin small letter D with dot below (U+1E0D)
Ḏ &#7694; &#x1E0E; & Ḏ ? Latin capital letter D with line below (U+1E0E)
ḏ &#7695; &#x1E0F; & ḏ & Latin small letter D with line below (U+1E0F)

Ḑ &#7696; &#x1E10; & Ḑ ? Latin capital letter D with CEDILLA (U+1E10)
ḑ &#7697; &#x1E11; & ḑ ? Latin small letter D with CEDILLA (U+1E11)
Ḓ &#7698; &#x1E12; & Ḓ ? Latin capital letter D with circumflex below (U+1E12)
ḓ &#7699; &#x1E13; & ḓ ? Latin small letter D with circumflex below (U+1E13)
Ḕ &#7700; &#x1E14; & Ḕ ? Latin capital letter E with macron and grave (U+1E14)
ḕ &#7701; &#x1E15; & ḕ ? Latin small letter E with macron and grave (U+1E15)
Ḗ &#7702; &#x1E16; & Ḗ ? Latin capital letter E with macron and acute (U+1E16)
ḗ &#7703; &#x1E17; & ḗ ? Latin small letter E with macron and acute (U+1E17)
Ḙ &#7704; &#x1E18; & Ḙ ? Latin capital letter E with circumflex below (U+1E18)
ḙ &#7705; &#x1E19; & ḙ ? Latin small letter E with circumflex below (U+1E19)
Ḛ &#7706; &#x1E1A; & Ḛ ? Latin capital letter E with tilde below (U+1E1A)
ḛ &#7707; &#x1E1B; & ḛ ? Latin small letter E with tilde below (U+1E1B)
Ḝ &#7708; &#x1E1C; & Ḝ ? Latin capital letter E with CEDILLA and BREVE (U+1E1C)
ḝ &#7709; &#x1E1D; & ḝ ? Latin small letter E with CEDILLA and BREVE (U+1E1D)
Ḟ &#7710; &#x1E1E; & Ḟ ? Latin capital letter F with dot above (U+1E1E)
ḟ &#7711; &#x1E1F; & ḟ ? Latin small letter F with dot above (U+1E1F)

Ḡ &#7712; &#x1E20; & Ḡ ? Latin capital letter G with macron (U+1E20)
ḡ &#7713; &#x1E21; & ḡ ? Latin small letter G with macron (U+1E21)
Ḣ &#7714; &#x1E22; & Ḣ ? Latin capital letter H with dot above (U+1E22)
ḣ &#7715; &#x1E23; & ḣ ? Latin small letter H with dot above (U+1E23)
Ḥ &#7716; &#x1E24; & Ḥ ? Latin capital letter H with dot below (U+1E24)
ḥ &#7717; &#x1E25; & ḥ ? Latin small letter H with dot below (U+1E25)
Ḧ &#7718; &#x1E26; & Ḧ ? Latin capital letter H with diaeresis (U+1E26)
ḧ &#7719; &#x1E27; & ḧ ? Latin small letter H with diaeresis (U+1E27)
Ḩ &#7720; &#x1E28; & Ḩ ? Latin capital letter H with CEDILLA (U+1E28)
ḩ &#7721; &#x1E29; & ḩ ? Latin small letter H with CEDILLA (U+1E29)
Ḫ &#7722; &#x1E2A; & Ḫ ? Latin capital letter H with breve below (U+1E2A)
ḫ &#7723; &#x1E2B; & ḫ ? Latin small letter H with breve below (U+1E2B)
Ḭ &#7724; &#x1E2C; & Ḭ ? Latin capital letter I with tilde below (U+1E2C)
ḭ &#7725; &#x1E2D; & ḭ ? Latin small letter I with tilde below (U+1E2D)
Ḯ &#7726; &#x1E2E; & Ḯ ? Latin capital letter I with diaeresis and acute (U+1E2E)
ḯ &#7727; &#x1E2F; & ḯ ? Latin small letter I with diaeresis and acute (U+1E2F)

Ḱ &#7728; &#x1E30; & Ḱ ? Latin capital letter K with acute (U+1E30)
ḱ &#7729; &#x1E31; & ḱ ? Latin small letter K with acute (U+1E31)
Ḳ &#7730; &#x1E32; & Ḳ ? Latin capital letter K with dot below (U+1E32)
ḳ &#7731; &#x1E33; & ḳ ? Latin small letter K with dot below (U+1E33)
Ḵ &#7732; &#x1E34; & Ḵ ? Latin capital letter K with line below (U+1E34)
ḵ &#7733; &#x1E35; & ḵ ? Latin small letter K with line below (U+1E35)
Ḷ &#7734; &#x1E36; & Ḷ ? Latin capital letter L with dot below (U+1E36)
ḷ &#7735; &#x1E37; & ḷ ? Latin small letter L with dot below (U+1E37)
Ḹ &#7736; &#x1E38; & Ḹ ? Latin capital letter L with dot below and macron (U+1E38)
ḹ &#7737; &#x1E39; & ḹ ? Latin small letter L with dot below and macron (U+1E39)
Ḻ &#7738; &#x1E3A; & Ḻ ? Latin capital letter L with line below (U+1E3A)
ḻ &#7739; &#x1E3B; & ḻ ? Latin small letter L with line below (U+1E3B)
Ḽ &#7740; &#x1E3C; & Ḽ ? Latin capital letter L with circumflex below (U+1E3C)
ḽ &#7741; &#x1E3D; & ḽ ? Latin small letter L with circumflex below (U+1E3D)
Ḿ &#7742; &#x1E3E; & Ḿ ? Latin capital letter M with acute (U+1E3E)
ḿ &#7743; &#x1E3F; & ḿ ? Latin small letter M with acute (U+1E3F)

Ṁ &#7744; &#x1E40; & Ṁ ? Latin capital letter M with dot above (U+1E40)
ṁ &#7745; &#x1E41; & ṁ ? Latin small letter M with dot above (U+1E41)
Ṃ &#7746; &#x1E42; & Ṃ ? Latin capital letter M with dot below (U+1E42)
ṃ &#7747; &#x1E43; & ṃ ? Latin small letter M with dot below (U+1E43)
Ṅ &#7748; &#x1E44; & Ṅ ? Latin capital letter N with dot above (U+1E44)
ṅ &#7749; &#x1E45; & ṅ ? Latin small letter N with dot above (U+1E45)
Ṇ &#7750; &#x1E46; & Ṇ ? Latin capital letter N with dot below (U+1E46)
ṇ &#7751; &#x1E47; & ṇ ? Latin small letter N with dot below (U+1E47)
Ṉ &#7752; &#x1E48; & Ṉ ? Latin capital letter N with line below (U+1E48)
ṉ &#7753; &#x1E49; & ṉ ? Latin small letter N with line below (U+1E49)
Ṋ &#7754; &#x1E4A; & Ṋ ? Latin capital letter N with circumflex below (U+1E4A)
ṋ &#7755; &#x1E4B; & ṋ ? Latin small letter N with circumflex below (U+1E4B)
Ṍ &#7756; &#x1E4C; & Ṍ ? Latin capital letter O with tilde and acute (U+1E4C)
ṍ &#7757; &#x1E4D; & ṍ ? Latin small letter O with tilde and acute (U+1E4D)
Ṏ &#7758; &#x1E4E; & Ṏ ? Latin capital letter O with tilde and diaeresis (U+1E4E)
ṏ &#7759; &#x1E4F; & ṏ ? Latin small letter O with tilde and diaeresis (U+1E4F)

Ṑ &#7760; &#x1E50; & Ṑ ? Latin capital letter O with macron and grave (U+1E50)
ṑ &#7761; &#x1E51; & ṑ ? Latin small letter O with macron and grave (U+1E51)
Ṓ &#7762; &#x1E52; & Ṓ ? Latin capital letter O with macron and acute (U+1E52)
ṓ &#7763; &#x1E53; & ṓ ? Latin small letter O with macron and acute (U+1E53)
Ṕ &#7764; &#x1E54; & Ṕ ? Latin capital letter P with acute (U+1E54)
ṕ &#7765; &#x1E55; & ṕ ? Latin small letter P with acute (U+1E55)
Ṗ &#7766; &#x1E56; & Ṗ ? Latin capital letter P with dot above (U+1E56)
ṗ &#7767; &#x1E57; & ṗ ? Latin small letter P with dot above (U+1E57)
Ṙ &#7768; &#x1E58; & Ṙ ? Latin capital letter R with dot above (U+1E58)
ṙ &#7769; &#x1E59; & ṙ ? Latin small letter R with dot above (U+1E59)
Ṛ &#7770; &#x1E5A; & Ṛ ? Latin capital letter R with dot below (U+1E5A)
ṛ &#7771; &#x1E5B; & ṛ ? Latin small letter R with dot below (U+1E5B)
Ṝ &#7772; &#x1E5C; & Ṝ ? Latin capital letter R with dot below and macron (U+1E5C)
ṝ &#7773; &#x1E5D; & ṝ ? Latin small letter R with dot below and macron (U+1E5D)
Ṟ &#7774; &#x1E5E; & Ṟ & Latin capital letter R with line below (U+1E5E)
ṟ &#7775; &#x1E5F; & ṟ ? Latin small letter R with line below (U+1E5F)

Ṡ &#7776; &#x1E60; & Ṡ ? Latin capital letter S with dot above (U+1E60)
ṡ &#7777; &#x1E61; & ṡ ? Latin small letter S with dot above (U+1E61)
Ṣ &#7778; &#x1E62; & Ṣ ? Latin capital letter S with dot below (U+1E62)
ṣ &#7779; &#x1E63; & ṣ ? Latin small letter S with dot below (U+1E63)
Ṥ &#7780; &#x1E64; & Ṥ ? Latin capital letter S with acute and dot above (U+1E64)
ṥ &#7781; &#x1E65; & ṥ ? Latin small letter S with acute and dot above (U+1E65)
Ṧ &#7782; &#x1E66; & Ṧ ? Latin capital letter S with caron and dot above (U+1E66)
ṧ &#7783; &#x1E67; & ṧ ? Latin small letter S with caron and dot above (U+1E67)
Ṩ &#7784; &#x1E68; & Ṩ ? Latin capital letter S with dot below and dot above (U+1E68)
ṩ &#7785; &#x1E69; & ṩ ? Latin small letter S with dot below and dot above (U+1E69)
Ṫ &#7786; &#x1E6A; & Ṫ ? Latin capital letter T with dot above (U+1E6A)
ṫ &#7787; &#x1E6B; & ṫ ? Latin small letter T with dot above (U+1E6B)
Ṭ &#7788; &#x1E6C; & Ṭ ? Latin capital letter T with dot below (U+1E6C)
ṭ &#7789; &#x1E6D; & ṭ ? Latin small letter T with dot below (U+1E6D)
Ṯ &#7790; &#x1E6E; & Ṯ ? Latin capital letter T with line below (U+1E6E)
ṯ &#7791; &#x1E6F; & ṯ & Latin small letter T with line below (U+1E6F)

Ṱ &#7792; &#x1E70; & Ṱ ? Latin capital letter T with circumflex below (U+1E70)
ṱ &#7793; &#x1E71; & ṱ ? Latin small letter T with circumflex below (U+1E71)
Ṳ &#7794; &#x1E72; & Ṳ ? Latin capital letter U with diaeresis below (U+1E72)
ṳ &#7795; &#x1E73; & ṳ & Latin small letter U with diaeresis below (U+1E73)
Ṵ &#7796; &#x1E74; & Ṵ & Latin capital letter U with tilde below (U+1E74)
ṵ &#7797; &#x1E75; & ṵ & Latin small letter U with tilde below (U+1E75)
Ṷ &#7798; &#x1E76; & Ṷ & Latin capital letter U with circumflex below (U+1E76)
ṷ &#7799; &#x1E77; & ṷ & Latin small letter U with circumflex below (U+1E77)
Ṹ &#7800; &#x1E78; & Ṹ & Latin capital letter U with tilde and acute (U+1E78)
ṹ &#7801; &#x1E79; & ṹ & Latin small letter U with tilde and acute (U+1E79)
Ṻ &#7802; &#x1E7A; & Ṻ ? Latin capital letter U with macron and diaeresis (U+1E7A)
ṻ &#7803; &#x1E7B; & ṻ ? Latin small letter U with macron and diaeresis (U+1E7B)
Ṽ &#7804; &#x1E7C; & Ṽ ? Latin capital letter V with tilde (U+1E7C)
ṽ &#7805; &#x1E7D; & ṽ ? Latin small letter V with tilde (U+1E7D)
Ṿ &#7806; &#x1E7E; & Ṿ ? Latin capital letter V with dot below (U+1E7E)
ṿ &#7807; &#x1E7F; & ṿ ? Latin small letter V with dot below (U+1E7F)

Ẁ &#7808; &#x1E80; & Ẁ & Latin capital letter W with grave (U+1E80)
ẁ &#7809; &#x1E81; & ẁ & Latin small letter W with grave (U+1E81)
Ẃ &#7810; &#x1E82; & Ẃ & Latin capital letter W with acute (U+1E82)
ẃ &#7811; &#x1E83; & ẃ & Latin small letter W with acute (U+1E83)
Ẅ &#7812; &#x1E84; & Ẅ ? Latin capital letter W with diaeresis (U+1E84)
ẅ &#7813; &#x1E85; & ẅ ? Latin small letter W with diaeresis (U+1E85)
Ẇ &#7814; &#x1E86; & Ẇ ? Latin capital letter W with dot above (U+1E86)
ẇ &#7815; &#x1E87; & ẇ ? Latin small letter W with dot above (U+1E87)
Ẉ &#7816; &#x1E88; & Ẉ ? Latin capital letter W with dot below (U+1E88)
ẉ &#7817; &#x1E89; & ẉ ? Latin small letter W with dot below (U+1E89)
Ẋ &#7818; &#x1E8A; & Ẋ ? Latin capital letter X with dot above (U+1E8A)
ẋ &#7819; &#x1E8B; & ẋ ? Latin small letter X with dot above (U+1E8B)
Ẍ &#7820; &#x1E8C; & Ẍ ? Latin capital letter X with diaeresis (U+1E8C)
ẍ &#7821; &#x1E8D; & ẍ ? Latin small letter X with diaeresis (U+1E8D)
Ẏ &#7822; &#x1E8E; & Ẏ ? Latin capital letter Y with dot above (U+1E8E)
ẏ &#7823; &#x1E8F; & ẏ ? Latin small letter Y with dot above (U+1E8F)

Ẑ &#7824; &#x1E90; & Ẑ ? Latin capital letter Z with circumflex (U+1E90)
ẑ &#7825; &#x1E91; & ẑ ? Latin small letter Z with circumflex (U+1E91)
Ẓ &#7826; &#x1E92; & Ẓ ? Latin capital letter Z with dot below (U+1E92)
ẓ &#7827; &#x1E93; & ẓ ? Latin small letter Z with dot below (U+1E93)
Ẕ &#7828; &#x1E94; & Ẕ ? Latin capital letter Z with line below (U+1E94)
ẕ &#7829; &#x1E95; & ẕ ? Latin small letter Z with line below (U+1E95)
ẖ &#7830; &#x1E96; & ẖ ? Latin small letter H with line below (U+1E96)
ẗ &#7831; &#x1E97; & ẗ ? Latin small letter T with diaeresis (U+1E97)
ẘ &#7832; &#x1E98; & ẘ ? Latin small letter W with ring above (U+1E98)
ẙ &#7833; &#x1E99; & ẙ ? Latin small letter Y with ring above (U+1E99)
ẚ &#7834; &#x1E9A; & ẚ ? Latin small letter A with right half ring (U+1E9A)
ẛ &#7835; &#x1E9B; & ẛ ? Latin small letter long S with dot above (U+1E9B)
ẜ &#7836; &#x1E9C; & ẜ ? Latin small letter long S with DIAGONAL stroke (U+1E9C)
ẝ &#7837; &#x1E9D; & ẝ ? Latin small letter long S with high stroke (U+1E9D)
ẞ &#7838; &#x1E9E; & ẞ ? Latin capital letter SHARP S (U+1E9E)
ẟ &#7839; &#x1E9F; & ẟ ? Latin small letter DELTA (U+1E9F)

Ạ &#7840; &#x1EA0; & Ạ & Latin capital letter A with dot below (U+1EA0)
ạ &#7841; &#x1EA1; & ạ & Latin small letter A with dot below (U+1EA1)
Ả &#7842; &#x1EA2; & Ả ? Latin capital letter A with hook above (U+1EA2)
ả &#7843; &#x1EA3; & ả ? Latin small letter A with hook above (U+1EA3)
Ấ &#7844; &#x1EA4; & Ấ ? Latin capital letter A with circumflex and acute (U+1EA4)
ấ &#7845; &#x1EA5; & ấ ? Latin small letter A with circumflex and acute (U+1EA5)
Ầ &#7846; &#x1EA6; & Ầ & Latin capital letter A with circumflex and grave (U+1EA6)
ầ &#7847; &#x1EA7; & ầ & Latin small letter A with circumflex and grave (U+1EA7)
Ẩ &#7848; &#x1EA8; & Ẩ ? Latin capital letter A with circumflex and hook above (U+1EA8)
ẩ &#7849; &#x1EA9; & ẩ ? Latin small letter A with circumflex and hook above (U+1EA9)
Ẫ &#7850; &#x1EAA; & Ẫ ? Latin capital letter A with circumflex and tilde (U+1EAA)
ẫ &#7851; &#x1EAB; & ẫ ? Latin small letter A with circumflex and tilde (U+1EAB)
Ậ &#7852; &#x1EAC; & Ậ ? Latin capital letter A with circumflex and dot below (U+1EAC)
ậ &#7853; &#x1EAD; & ậ ? Latin small letter A with circumflex and dot below (U+1EAD)
Ắ &#7854; &#x1EAE; & Ắ & Latin capital letter A with breve and acute (U+1EAE)
ắ &#7855; &#x1EAF; & ắ & Latin small letter A with breve and acute (U+1EAF)

Ằ &#7856; &#x1EB0; & Ằ & Latin capital letter A with breve and grave (U+1EB0)
ằ &#7857; &#x1EB1; & ằ & Latin small letter A with breve and grave (U+1EB1)
Ẳ &#7858; &#x1EB2; & Ẳ ? Latin capital letter A with breve and hook above (U+1EB2)
ẳ &#7859; &#x1EB3; & ẳ ? Latin small letter A with breve and hook above (U+1EB3)
Ẵ &#7860; &#x1EB4; & Ẵ ? Latin capital letter A with breve and tilde (U+1EB4)
ẵ &#7861; &#x1EB5; & ẵ ? Latin small letter A with breve and tilde (U+1EB5)
Ặ &#7862; &#x1EB6; & Ặ & Latin capital letter A with breve and dot below (U+1EB6)
ặ &#7863; &#x1EB7; & ặ & Latin small letter A with breve and dot below (U+1EB7)
Ẹ &#7864; &#x1EB8; & Ẹ & Latin capital letter E with dot below (U+1EB8)
ẹ &#7865; &#x1EB9; & ẹ & Latin small letter E with dot below (U+1EB9)
Ẻ &#7866; &#x1EBA; & Ẻ ? Latin capital letter E with hook above (U+1EBA)
ẻ &#7867; &#x1EBB; & ẻ ? Latin small letter E with hook above (U+1EBB)
Ẽ &#7868; &#x1EBC; & Ẽ ? Latin capital letter E with tilde (U+1EBC)
ẽ &#7869; &#x1EBD; & ẽ ? Latin small letter E with tilde (U+1EBD)
Ế &#7870; &#x1EBE; & Ế ? Latin capital letter E with circumflex and acute (U+1EBE)
ế &#7871; &#x1EBF; & ế ? Latin small letter E with circumflex and acute (U+1EBF)

Ề &#7872; &#x1EC0; & Ề & Latin capital letter E with circumflex and grave (U+1EC0)
ề &#7873; &#x1EC1; & ề & Latin small letter E with circumflex and grave (U+1EC1)
Ể &#7874; &#x1EC2; & Ể ? Latin capital letter E with circumflex and hook above (U+1EC2)
ể &#7875; &#x1EC3; & ể ? Latin small letter E with circumflex and hook above (U+1EC3)
Ễ &#7876; &#x1EC4; & Ễ ? Latin capital letter E with circumflex and tilde (U+1EC4)
ễ &#7877; &#x1EC5; & ễ ? Latin small letter E with circumflex and tilde (U+1EC5)
Ệ &#7878; &#x1EC6; & Ệ ? Latin capital letter E with circumflex and dot below (U+1EC6)
ệ &#7879; &#x1EC7; & ệ ? Latin small letter E with circumflex and dot below (U+1EC7)
Ỉ &#7880; &#x1EC8; & Ỉ ? Latin capital letter I with hook above (U+1EC8)
ỉ &#7881; &#x1EC9; & ỉ ? Latin small letter I with hook above (U+1EC9)
Ị &#7882; &#x1ECA; & Ị & Latin capital letter I with dot below (U+1ECA)
ị &#7883; &#x1ECB; & ị & Latin small letter I with dot below (U+1ECB)
Ọ &#7884; &#x1ECC; & Ọ & Latin capital letter O with dot below (U+1ECC)
ọ &#7885; &#x1ECD; & ọ & Latin small letter O with dot below (U+1ECD)
Ỏ &#7886; &#x1ECE; & Ỏ ? Latin capital letter O with hook above (U+1ECE)
ỏ &#7887; &#x1ECF; & ỏ ? Latin small letter O with hook above (U+1ECF)

Ố &#7888; &#x1ED0; & Ố & Latin capital letter O with circumflex and acute (U+1ED0)
ố &#7889; &#x1ED1; & ố ? Latin small letter O with circumflex and acute (U+1ED1)
Ồ &#7890; &#x1ED2; & Ồ & Latin capital letter O with circumflex and grave (U+1ED2)
ồ &#7891; &#x1ED3; & ồ & Latin small letter O with circumflex and grave (U+1ED3)
Ổ &#7892; &#x1ED4; & Ổ ? Latin capital letter O with circumflex and hook above (U+1ED4)
ổ &#7893; &#x1ED5; & ổ ? Latin small letter O with circumflex and hook above (U+1ED5)
Ỗ &#7894; &#x1ED6; & Ỗ ? Latin capital letter O with circumflex and tilde (U+1ED6)
ỗ &#7895; &#x1ED7; & ỗ ? Latin small letter O with circumflex and tilde (U+1ED7)
Ộ &#7896; &#x1ED8; & Ộ & Latin capital letter O with circumflex and dot below (U+1ED8)
ộ &#7897; &#x1ED9; & ộ ? Latin small letter O with circumflex and dot below (U+1ED9)
Ớ &#7898; &#x1EDA; & Ớ & Latin capital letter O with HORN and acute (U+1EDA)
ớ &#7899; &#x1EDB; & ớ ? Latin small letter O with HORN and acute (U+1EDB)
Ờ &#7900; &#x1EDC; & Ờ ? Latin capital letter O with HORN and grave (U+1EDC)
ờ &#7901; &#x1EDD; & ờ ? Latin small letter O with HORN and grave (U+1EDD)
Ở &#7902; &#x1EDE; & Ở ? Latin capital letter O with HORN and hook above (U+1EDE)
ở &#7903; &#x1EDF; & ở ? Latin small letter O with HORN and hook above (U+1EDF)

Ỡ &#7904; &#x1EE0; & Ỡ ? Latin capital letter O with HORN and tilde (U+1EE0)
ỡ &#7905; &#x1EE1; & ỡ ? Latin small letter O with HORN and tilde (U+1EE1)
Ợ &#7906; &#x1EE2; & Ợ & Latin capital letter O with HORN and dot below (U+1EE2)
ợ &#7907; &#x1EE3; & ợ & Latin small letter O with HORN and dot below (U+1EE3)
Ụ &#7908; &#x1EE4; & Ụ & Latin capital letter U with dot below (U+1EE4)
ụ &#7909; &#x1EE5; & ụ & Latin small letter U with dot below (U+1EE5)
Ủ &#7910; &#x1EE6; & Ủ ? Latin capital letter U with hook above (U+1EE6)
ủ &#7911; &#x1EE7; & ủ ? Latin small letter U with hook above (U+1EE7)
Ứ &#7912; &#x1EE8; & Ứ & Latin capital letter U with HORN and acute (U+1EE8)
ứ &#7913; &#x1EE9; & ứ & Latin small letter U with HORN and acute (U+1EE9)
Ừ &#7914; &#x1EEA; & Ừ & Latin capital letter U with HORN and grave (U+1EEA)
ừ &#7915; &#x1EEB; & ừ & Latin small letter U with HORN and grave (U+1EEB)
Ử &#7916; &#x1EEC; & Ử ? Latin capital letter U with HORN and hook above (U+1EEC)
ử &#7917; &#x1EED; & ử ? Latin small letter U with HORN and hook above (U+1EED)
Ữ &#7918; &#x1EEE; & Ữ ? Latin capital letter U with HORN and tilde (U+1EEE)
ữ &#7919; &#x1EEF; & ữ ? Latin small letter U with HORN and tilde (U+1EEF)

Ự &#7920; &#x1EF0; & Ự & Latin capital letter U with HORN and dot below (U+1EF0)
ự &#7921; &#x1EF1; & ự & Latin small letter U with HORN and dot below (U+1EF1)
Ỳ &#7922; &#x1EF2; & Ỳ & Latin capital letter Y with grave (U+1EF2)
ỳ &#7923; &#x1EF3; & ỳ & Latin small letter Y with grave (U+1EF3)
Ỵ &#7924; &#x1EF4; & Ỵ & Latin capital letter Y with dot below (U+1EF4)
ỵ &#7925; &#x1EF5; & ỵ & Latin small letter Y with dot below (U+1EF5)
Ỷ &#7926; &#x1EF6; & Ỷ ? Latin capital letter Y with hook above (U+1EF6)
ỷ &#7927; &#x1EF7; & ỷ ? Latin small letter Y with hook above (U+1EF7)
Ỹ &#7928; &#x1EF8; & Ỹ ? Latin capital letter Y with tilde (U+1EF8)
ỹ &#7929; &#x1EF9; & ỹ ? Latin small letter Y with tilde (U+1EF9)
Ỻ &#7930; &#x1EFA; & Ỻ ? Latin capital letter Middle-Welsh LL (U+1EFA)
ỻ &#7931; &#x1EFB; & ỻ ? Latin small letter Middle-Welsh LL (U+1EFB)
Ỽ &#7932; &#x1EFC; & Ỽ ? Latin capital letter Middle-Welsh V (U+1EFC)
ỽ &#7933; &#x1EFD; & ỽ ? Latin small letter Middle-Welsh V (U+1EFD)
Ỿ &#7934; &#x1EFE; & Ỿ ? Latin capital letter Y with loop (U+1EFE)
ỿ &#7935; &#x1EFF; & ỿ ? Latin small letter Y with loop (U+1EFF)

Greek extended 1F00
ἀ &#7936; &#x1F00; & ἀ Greek small letter ALPHA with PSILI (U+1F00)
ἁ &#7937; &#x1F01; & ἁ Greek small letter ALPHA with DASIA (U+1F01)
ἂ &#7938; &#x1F02; & ἂ Greek small letter ALPHA with PSILI and varia (U+1F02)
ἃ &#7939; &#x1F03; & ἃ Greek small letter ALPHA with DASIA and varia (U+1F03)
ἄ &#7940; &#x1F04; & ἄ Greek small letter ALPHA with PSILI and oxia (U+1F04)
ἅ &#7941; &#x1F05; & ἅ Greek small letter ALPHA with DASIA and oxia (U+1F05)
ἆ &#7942; &#x1F06; & ἆ Greek small letter ALPHA with PSILI and perispomeni (U+1F06)
ἇ &#7943; &#x1F07; & ἇ Greek small letter ALPHA with DASIA and perispomeni (U+1F07)
Ἀ &#7944; &#x1F08; & Ἀ Greek capital letter ALPHA with PSILI (U+1F08)
Ἁ &#7945; &#x1F09; & Ἁ Greek capital letter ALPHA with DASIA (U+1F09)
Ἂ &#7946; &#x1F0A; & Ἂ Greek capital letter ALPHA with PSILI and varia (U+1F0A)
Ἃ &#7947; &#x1F0B; & Ἃ Greek capital letter ALPHA with DASIA and varia (U+1F0B)
Ἄ &#7948; &#x1F0C; & Ἄ Greek capital letter ALPHA with PSILI and oxia (U+1F0C)
Ἅ &#7949; &#x1F0D; & Ἅ Greek capital letter ALPHA with DASIA and oxia (U+1F0D)
Ἆ &#7950; &#x1F0E; & Ἆ Greek capital letter ALPHA with PSILI and perispomeni (U+1F0E)
Ἇ &#7951; &#x1F0F; & Ἇ Greek capital letter ALPHA with DASIA and perispomeni (U+1F0F)

ἐ &#7952; &#x1F10; & ἐ Greek small letter EPSILON with PSILI (U+1F10)
ἓ &#7955; &#x1F11; & ἓ Greek small letter EPSILON with DASIA (U+1F11)
ἒ &#7954; &#x1F12; & ἒ Greek small letter EPSILON with PSILI and varia (U+1F12)
ἓ &#7955; &#x1F13; & ἓ Greek small letter EPSILON with DASIA and varia (U+1F13)
ἔ &#7956; &#x1F14; & ἔ Greek small letter EPSILON with PSILI and oxia (U+1F14)
ἕ &#7957; &#x1F15; & ἕ Greek small letter EPSILON with DASIA and oxia (U+1F15)
἖ &#7958; &#x1F16; & ἖not a valid unicode character.
἗ &#7959; &#x1F17; & ἗not a valid unicode character.
Ἐ &#7960; &#x1F18; & Ἐ Greek capital letter EPSILON with PSILI (U+1F18)
Ἑ &#7961; &#x1F19; & Ἑ Greek capital letter EPSILON with DASIA (U+1F19)
Ἒ &#7962; &#x1F1A; & Ἒ Greek capital letter EPSILON with PSILI and varia (U+1F1A)
Ἓ &#7963; &#x1F1B; & Ἓ Greek capital letter EPSILON with DASIA and varia (U+1F1B)
Ἔ &#7964; &#x1F1C; & Ἔ Greek capital letter EPSILON with PSILI and OXIA (U+1F1C)
Ἕ &#7965; &#x1F1D; & Ἕ Greek capital letter EPSILON with DASIA and OXIA (U+1F1D)
἞ &#7966; &#x1F1E; & ἞ not a valid unicode character.
἟ &#7967; &#x1F1F; & Ἕ not a valid unicode character.

ἠ &#7968; &#x1F20; & ἠ Greek small letter ETA with PSILI (U+1F20)
ἡ &#7969; &#x1F21; & ἡ Greek small letter ETA with DASIA (U+1F21)
ἢ &#7970; &#x1F22; & ἢ Greek small letter ETA with PSILI and varia (U+1F22)
ἣ &#7971; &#x1F23; & ἣ Greek small letter ETA with DASIA and varia (U+1F23)
ἤ &#7972; &#x1F24; & ἤ Greek small letter ETA with PSILI and oxia (U+1F24)
ἥ &#7973; &#x1F25; & ἥ Greek small letter ETA with DASIA and oxia (U+1F25)
ἦ &#7974; &#x1F26; & ἦ Greek small letter ETA with PSILI and perispomeni (U+1F26)
ἧ &#7975; &#x1F27; & ἧ Greek small letter ETA with DASIA and perispomeni (U+1F27)
Ἠ &#7976; &#x1F28; & Ἠ Greek capital letter ETA with PSILI (U+1F28)
Ἡ &#7977; &#x1F29; & Ἡ Greek capital letter ETA with DASIA (U+1F29)
Ἢ &#7978; &#x1F2A; & Ἢ Greek capital letter ETA with PSILI and varia (U+1F2A)
Ἣ &#7979; &#x1F2B; & Ἣ Greek capital letter ETA with DASIA and varia (U+1F2B)
Ἤ &#7980; &#x1F2C; & Ἤ Greek capital letter ETA with PSILI and oxia (U+1F2C)
Ἥ &#7981; &#x1F2D; & Ἥ Greek capital letter ETA with DASIA and oxia (U+1F2D)
Ἦ &#7982; &#x1F2E; & Ἦ Greek capital letter ETA with PSILI and perispomeni (U+1F2E)
Ἧ &#7983; &#x1F2F; & Ἧ Greek capital letter ETA with DASIA and perispomeni (U+1F2F)

ἰ &#7984; &#x1F30; & ἰ Greek small letter IOTA with PSILI (U+1F30)
ἱ &#7985; &#x1F31; & ἱ Greek small letter IOTA with DASIA (U+1F31)
ἲ &#7986; &#x1F32; & ἲ Greek small letter IOTA with PSILI and varia (U+1F32)
ἳ &#7987; &#x1F33; & ἳ Greek small letter IOTA with DASIA and varia (U+1F33)
ἴ &#7988; &#x1F34; & ἴ Greek small letter IOTA with PSILI and oxia (U+1F34)
ἵ &#7989; &#x1F35; & ἵ Greek small letter IOTA with DASIA and oxia (U+1F35)
ἶ &#7990; &#x1F36; & ἶ Greek small letter IOTA with PSILI and perispomeni (U+1F36)
ἷ &#7991; &#x1F37; & ἷ Greek small letter IOTA with DASIA and perispomeni (U+1F37)
Ἰ &#7992; &#x1F38; & Ἰ Greek capital letter IOTA with PSILI (U+1F38)
Ἱ &#7993; &#x1F39; & Ἱ Greek capital letter IOTA with DASIA (U+1F39)
Ἲ &#7994; &#x1F3A; & Ἲ Greek capital letter IOTA with PSILI and varia (U+1F3A)
Ἳ &#7995; &#x1F3B; & Ἳ Greek capital letter IOTA with DASIA and varia (U+1F3B)
Ἴ &#7996; &#x1F3C; & Ἴ Greek capital letter IOTA with PSILI and oxia (U+1F3C)
Ἵ &#7997; &#x1F3D; & Ἵ Greek capital letter IOTA with DASIA and oxia (U+1F3D)
Ἶ &#7998; &#x1F3E; & Ἶ Greek capital letter IOTA with PSILI and perispomeni (U+1F3E)
Ἷ &#7999; &#x1F3F; & Ἷ Greek capital letter IOTA with DASIA and perispomeni (U+1F3F)

ὀ &#8000; &#x1F40; & ὀ Greek small letter OMICRON with PSILI (U+1F40)
ὁ &#8001; &#x1F41; & ὁ Greek small letter OMICRON with DASIA (U+1F41)
ὂ &#8002; &#x1F42; & ὂ Greek small letter OMICRON with PSILI and varia (U+1F42)
ὃ &#8003; &#x1F43; & ὃ Greek small letter OMICRON with DASIA and varia (U+1F43)
ὄ &#8004; &#x1F44; & ὄ Greek small letter OMICRON with PSILI and oxia (U+1F44)
ὅ &#8005; &#x1F45; & ὅ Greek small letter OMICRON with DASIA and oxia (U+1F45)
὆ &#8006; &#x1F46; & ὆ not a valid unicode character.
὇ &#8007; &#x1F47; & Ὀ not a valid unicode character.
Ὀ &#8008; &#x1F48; & Ὀ Greek capital letter OMICRON with PSILI (U+1F48)
Ὁ &#8009; &#x1F49; & Ὁ Greek capital letter OMICRON with DASIA (U+1F49)
Ὂ &#8010; &#x1F4A; & Ὂ Greek capital letter OMICRON with PSILI and varia (U+1F4A)
Ὃ &#8011; &#x1F4B; & Ὃ Greek capital letter OMICRON with DASIA and varia (U+1F4B)
Ὄ &#8012; &#x1F4C; & Ὄ Greek capital letter OMICRON with PSILI and OXIA (U+1F4C)
Ὅ &#8013; &#x1F4D; & Ὅ Greek capital letter OMICRON with DASIA and OXIA (U+1F4D)
὎ &#8014; &#x1F4E; & ὎ not a valid unicode character.
὏ &#8015; &#x1F4F; & ὏ not a valid unicode character.

ὐ &#8016; &#x1F50; & ὐ Greek small letter UPSILON with PSILI (U+1F50)
ὑ &#8017; &#x1F51; & ὑ Greek small letter UPSILON with DASIA (U+1F51)
ὒ &#8018; &#x1F52; & ὒ Greek small letter UPSILON with PSILI and varia (U+1F52)
ὓ &#8019; &#x1F53; & ὓ Greek small letter UPSILON with DASIA and varia (U+1F53)
ὔ &#8020; &#x1F54; & ὔ Greek small letter UPSILON with PSILI and oxia (U+1F54)
ὕ &#8021; &#x1F55; & ὕ Greek small letter UPSILON with DASIA and oxia (U+1F55)
ὖ &#8022; &#x1F56; & ὖ Greek small letter UPSILON with PSILI and perispomeni (U+1F56)
ὗ &#8023; &#x1F57; & ὗ Greek small letter UPSILON with DASIA and perispomeni (U+1F57)
὘ &#8024; &#x1F58; & ὘ not a valid unicode character.
Ὑ &#8025; &#x1F59; & Ὑ Greek capital letter UPSILON with DASIA (U+1F59)
὚ &#8026; &#x1F5A; & ὚ not a valid unicode character.
Ὓ &#8027; &#x1F5B; & Ὓ Greek capital letter UPSILON with DASIA and varia (U+1F5B)
὜ &#8028; &#x1F5C; & ὜ not a valid unicode character.
Ὕ &#8029; &#x1F5D; & Ὕ Greek capital letter UPSILON with DASIA and OXIA (U+1F5D)
὞ &#8030; &#x1F5E; & ὞ not a valid unicode character.
Ὗ &#8031; &#x1F5F; & Ὗ Greek capital letter UPSILON with DASIA and perispomeni (U+1F5F)

ὠ &#8032; &#x1F60; & ὠ Greek small letter OMEGA with PSILI (U+1F60)
ὡ &#8033; &#x1F61; & ὡ Greek small letter OMEGA with DASIA (U+1F61)
ὢ &#8034; &#x1F62; & ὢ Greek small letter OMEGA with PSILI and varia (U+1F62)
ὣ &#8035; &#x1F63; & ὣ Greek small letter OMEGA with DASIA and varia (U+1F63)
ὤ &#8036; &#x1F64; & ὤ Greek small letter OMEGA with PSILI and oxia (U+1F64)
ὥ &#8037; &#x1F65; & ὥ Greek small letter OMEGA with DASIA and oxia (U+1F65)
ὦ &#8038; &#x1F66; & ὦ Greek small letter OMEGA with PSILI and perispomeni (U+1F66)
ὧ &#8039; &#x1F67; & ὧ Greek small letter OMEGA with DASIA and perispomeni (U+1F67)
Ὠ &#8040; &#x1F68; & Ὠ Greek capital letter OMEGA with PSILI (U+1F68)
Ὡ &#8041; &#x1F69; & Ὡ Greek capital letter OMEGA with DASIA (U+1F69)
Ὢ &#8042; &#x1F6A; & Ὢ Greek capital letter OMEGA with PSILI and varia (U+1F6A)
Ὣ &#8043; &#x1F6B; & Ὣ Greek capital letter OMEGA with DASIA and varia (U+1F6B)
Ὤ &#8044; &#x1F6C; & Ὤ Greek capital letter OMEGA with PSILI and oxia (U+1F6C)
Ὥ &#8045; &#x1F6D; & Ὥ Greek capital letter OMEGA with DASIA and oxia (U+1F6D)
Ὦ &#8046; &#x1F6E; & Ὦ Greek capital letter OMEGA with PSILI and perispomeni (U+1F6E)
Ὧ &#8047; &#x1F6F; & Ὧ Greek capital letter OMEGA with DASIA and perispomeni (U+1F6F)

ὰ &#8048; &#x1F70; & ὰ Greek small letter ALPHA with varia (U+1F70)
ά &#8049; &#x1F71; & ά Greek small letter ALPHA with oxia (U+1F71)
ὲ &#8050; &#x1F72; & ὲ Greek small letter EPSILON with varia (U+1F72)
έ &#8051; &#x1F73; & έ Greek small letter EPSILON with oxia (U+1F73)
ὴ &#8052; &#x1F74; & ὴ Greek small letter ETA with varia (U+1F74)
ή &#8053; &#x1F75; & ή Greek small letter ETA with oxia (U+1F75)
ὶ &#8054; &#x1F76; & ὶ Greek small letter IOTA with varia (U+1F76)
ί &#8055; &#x1F77; & ί Greek small letter IOTA with oxia (U+1F77)
ὸ &#8056; &#x1F78; & ὸ Greek small letter OMICRON with varia (U+1F78)
ό &#8057; &#x1F79; & ό Greek small letter OMICRON with oxia (U+1F79)
ὺ &#8058; &#x1F7A; & ὺ Greek small letter UPSILON with varia (U+1F7A)
ύ &#8059; &#x1F7B; & ύ Greek small letter UPSILON with oxia (U+1F7B)
ὼ &#8060; &#x1F7C; & ὼ Greek small letter OMEGA with varia (U+1F7C)
ώ &#8061; &#x1F7D; & ώ Greek small letter OMEGA with oxia (U+1F7D)
὾ &#8062; &#x1F7E; & ὾ not a valid unicode character.
὿ &#8063; &#x1F7F; & ὿ not a valid unicode character.

ᾀ &#8064; &#x1F80; & ᾀ Greek small letter ALPHA with PSILI and ypogegrammeni (U+1F80)
ᾁ &#8065; &#x1F81; & ᾁ Greek small letter ALPHA with DASIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1F81)
ᾂ &#8066; &#x1F82; & ᾂ Greek small letter ALPHA with PSILI and varia and ypogegrammeni (U+1F82)
ᾃ &#8067; &#x1F83; & ᾃ Greek small letter ALPHA with DASIA and varia and ypogegrammeni (U+1F83)
ᾄ &#8068; &#x1F84; & ᾄ Greek small letter ALPHA with PSILI and OXIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1F84)
ᾅ &#8069; &#x1F85; & ᾅ Greek small letter ALPHA with DASIA and OXIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1F85)
ᾆ &#8070; &#x1F86; & ᾆ Greek small letter ALPHA with PSILI and perispomeni and ypogegrammeni (U+1F86)
ᾇ &#8071; &#x1F87; & ᾇ Greek small letter ALPHA with DASIA and perispomeni and ypogegrammeni (U+1F87)
ᾈ &#8072; &#x1F88; & ᾈ Greek capital letter ALPHA with PSILI and prosgegrammeni (U+1F88)
ᾉ &#8073; &#x1F89; & ᾉ Greek capital letter ALPHA with DASIA and prosgegrammeni (U+1F89)
ᾊ &#8074; &#x1F8A; & ᾊ Greek capital letter ALPHA with PSILI and varia and prosgegrammeni (U+1F8A)
ᾋ &#8075; &#x1F8B; & ᾋ Greek capital letter ALPHA with DASIA and varia and prosgegrammeni (U+1F8B)
ᾌ &#8076; &#x1F8C; & ᾌ Greek capital letter ALPHA with PSILI and OXIA and prosgegrammeni (U+1F8C)
ᾍ &#8077; &#x1F8D; & ᾍ Greek capital letter ALPHA with DASIA and OXIA and prosgegrammeni (U+1F8D)
ᾎ &#8078; &#x1F8E; & ᾎ Greek capital letter ALPHA with PSILI and perispomeni and prosgegrammeni (U+1F8E)
ᾏ &#8079; &#x1F8F; & ᾏ Greek capital letter ALPHA with DASIA and perispomeni and prosgegrammeni (U+1F8F)

ᾐ &#8080; &#x1F90; & ᾐ Greek small letter ETA with PSILI and ypogegrammeni (U+1F90)
ᾑ &#8081; &#x1F91; & ᾑ Greek small letter ETA with DASIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1F91)
ᾒ &#8082; &#x1F92; & ᾒ Greek small letter ETA with PSILI and varia and ypogegrammeni (U+1F92)
ᾓ &#8083; &#x1F93; & ᾓ Greek small letter ETA with DASIA and varia and ypogegrammeni (U+1F93)
ᾔ &#8084; &#x1F94; & ᾔ Greek small letter ETA with PSILI and OXIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1F94)
ᾕ &#8085; &#x1F95; & ᾕ Greek small letter ETA with DASIA and OXIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1F95)
ᾖ &#8086; &#x1F96; & ᾖ Greek small letter ETA with PSILI and perispomeni and ypogegrammeni (U+1F96)
ᾗ &#8087; &#x1F97; & ᾗ Greek small letter ETA with DASIA and perispomeni and ypogegrammeni (U+1F97)
ᾘ &#8088; &#x1F98; & ᾘ Greek capital letter ETA with PSILI and prosgegrammeni (U+1F98)
ᾙ &#8089; &#x1F99; & ᾙ Greek capital letter ETA with DASIA and prosgegrammeni (U+1F99)
ᾚ &#8090; &#x1F9A; & ᾚ Greek capital letter ETA with PSILI and varia and prosgegrammeni (U+1F9A)
ᾛ &#8091; &#x1F9B; & ᾛ Greek capital letter ETA with DASIA and varia and prosgegrammeni (U+1F9B)
ᾜ &#8092; &#x1F9C; & ᾜ Greek capital letter ETA with PSILI and OXIA and prosgegrammeni (U+1F9C)
ᾝ &#8093; &#x1F9D; & ᾝ Greek capital letter ETA with DASIA and OXIA and prosgegrammeni (U+1F9D)
ᾞ &#8094; &#x1F9E; & ᾞ Greek capital letter ETA with PSILI and perispomeni and prosgegrammeni (U+1F9E)
ᾟ &#8095; &#x1F9F; & ᾟ Greek capital letter ETA with DASIA and perispomeni and prosgegrammeni (U+1F9F)

ᾠ &#8096; &#x1FA0; & ᾠ Greek small letter OMEGA with PSILI and ypogegrammeni (U+1FA0)
ᾡ &#8097; &#x1FA1; & ᾡ Greek small letter OMEGA with DASIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1FA1)
ᾢ &#8098; &#x1FA2; & ᾢ Greek small letter OMEGA with PSILI and varia and ypogegrammeni (U+1FA2)
ᾣ &#8099; &#x1FA3; & ᾣ Greek small letter OMEGA with DASIA and varia and ypogegrammeni (U+1FA3)
ᾤ &#8100; &#x1FA4; & ᾤ Greek small letter OMEGA with PSILI and OXIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1FA4)
ᾥ &#8101; &#x1FA5; & ᾥ Greek small letter OMEGA with DASIA and OXIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1FA5)
ᾦ &#8102; &#x1FA6; & ᾦ Greek small letter OMEGA with PSILI and perispomeni and ypogegrammeni (U+1FA6)
ᾧ &#8103; &#x1FA7; & ᾧ Greek small letter OMEGA with DASIA and perispomeni and ypogegrammeni (U+1FA7)
ᾨ &#8104; &#x1FA8; & ᾨ Greek capital letter OMEGA with PSILI and prosgegrammeni (U+1FA8)
ᾩ &#8105; &#x1FA9; & ᾩ Greek capital letter OMEGA with DASIA and prosgegrammeni (U+1FA9)
ᾪ &#8106; &#x1FAA; & ᾪ Greek capital letter OMEGA with PSILI and varia and prosgegrammeni (U+1FAA)
ᾫ &#8107; &#x1FAB; & ᾫ Greek capital letter OMEGA with DASIA and varia and prosgegrammeni (U+1FAB)
ᾬ &#8108; &#x1FAC; & ᾬ Greek capital letter OMEGA with PSILI and OXIA and prosgegrammeni (U+1FAC)
ᾭ &#8109; &#x1FAD; & ᾭ Greek capital letter OMEGA with DASIA and OXIA and prosgegrammeni (U+1FAD)
ᾮ &#8110; &#x1FAE; & ᾮ Greek capital letter OMEGA with PSILI and perispomeni and prosgegrammeni (U+1FAE)
ᾯ &#8111; &#x1FAF; & ᾯ Greek capital letter OMEGA with DASIA and perispomeni and prosgegrammeni (U+1FAF)

ᾰ &#8112; &#x1FB0; & ᾰ Greek small letter ALPHA with vrachy (U+1FB0)
ᾱ &#8113; &#x1FB1; & ᾱ Greek small letter ALPHA with macron (U+1FB1)
ᾲ &#8114; &#x1FB2; & ᾲ Greek small letter ALPHA with varia and ypogegrammeni (U+1FB2)
ᾳ &#8115; &#x1FB3; & ᾳ Greek small letter ALPHA with ypogegrammeni (U+1FB3)
ᾴ &#8116; &#x1FB4; & ᾴ Greek small letter ALPHA with OXIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1FB4)
᾵ &#8117; &#x1FB5; & ᾵ not a valid unicode character.
ᾶ &#8118; &#x1FB6; & ᾶ Greek small letter ALPHA with perispomeni (U+1FB6)
ᾷ &#8119; &#x1FB7; & ᾷ Greek small letter ALPHA with perispomeni and ypogegrammeni (U+1FB7)
Ᾰ &#8120; &#x1FB8; & Ᾰ Greek capital letter ALPHA with vrachy (U+1FB8)
Ᾱ &#8121; &#x1FB9; & Ᾱ Greek capital letter ALPHA with macron (U+1FB9)
Ὰ &#8122; &#x1FBA; & Ὰ Greek capital letter ALPHA with varia (U+1FBA)
Ά &#8123; &#x1FBB; & Ά Greek capital letter ALPHA with oxia (U+1FBB)
ᾼ &#8124; &#x1FBC; & ᾼ Greek capital letter ALPHA with prosgegrammeni (U+1FBC)
᾽ &#8125; &#x1FBD; & ᾽ Greek KORONIS (U+1FBD)
ι &#8126; &#x1FBE; & ι Greek prosgegrammeni (U+1FBE)
᾿ &#8127; &#x1FBF; & ᾿ Greek PSILI (U+1FBF)

῀ &#8128; &#x1FC0; & ῀ Greek perispomeni (U+1FC0)
῁ &#8129; &#x1FC1; & ῁ Greek dialytika and perispomeni (U+1FC1)
ῂ &#8130; &#x1FC2; & ῂ Greek small letter ETA with varia and ypogegrammeni (U+1FC2)
ῃ &#8131; &#x1FC3; & ῃ Greek small letter ETA with ypogegrammeni (U+1FC3)
ῄ &#8132; &#x1FC4; & ῄ Greek small letter ETA with OXIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1FC4)
῅ &#8133; &#x1FC5; & ῅ not a valid unicode character.
ῆ &#8134; &#x1FC6; & ῆ Greek small letter ETA with perispomeni (U+1FC6)
ῇ &#8135; &#x1FC7; & ῇ Greek small letter ETA with perispomeni and ypogegrammeni (U+1FC7)
Ὲ &#8136; &#x1FC8; & Ὲ Greek capital letter EPSILON with varia (U+1FC8)
Έ &#8137; &#x1FC9; & Έ Greek capital letter EPSILON with oxia (U+1FC9)
Ὴ &#8138; &#x1FCA; & Ὴ Greek capital letter ETA with varia (U+1FCA)
Ή &#8139; &#x1FCB; & Ή Greek capital letter ETA with oxia (U+1FCB)
ῌ &#8140; &#x1FCC; & ῌ Greek capital letter ETA with prosgegrammeni (U+1FCC)
῍ &#8141; &#x1FCD; & ῍ Greek PSILI and varia (U+1FCD)
῎ &#8142; &#x1FCE; & ῎ Greek PSILI and oxia (U+1FCE)
῏ &#8143; &#x1FCF; & ῏ Greek PSILI and perispomeni (U+1FCF)

ῐ &#8144; &#x1FD0; & ῐ Greek small letter IOTA with vrachy (U+1FD0)
ῑ &#8145; &#x1FD1; & ῑ Greek small letter IOTA with macron (U+1FD1)
ῒ &#8146; &#x1FD2; & ῒ Greek small letter IOTA with dialytika and varia (U+1FD2)
ΐ &#8147; &#x1FD3; & ΐ Greek small letter IOTA with dialytika and oxia (U+1FD3)
῞ &#8150; &#x1FD4; & ῞ not a valid unicode character.
῟ &#8150; &#x1FD5; & ῟ not a valid unicode character.
ῖ &#8150; &#x1FD6; & ῖ Greek small letter IOTA with perispomeni (U+1FD6)
ῗ &#8151; &#x1FD7; & ῗ Greek small letter IOTA with dialytika and perispomeni (U+1FD7)
Ῐ &#8152; &#x1FD8; & Ῐ Greek capital letter IOTA with vrachy (U+1FD8)
Ῑ &#8153; &#x1FD9; & Ῑ Greek capital letter IOTA with macron (U+1FD9)
Ὶ &#8154; &#x1FDA; & Ὶ Greek capital letter IOTA with varia (U+1FDA)
Ί &#8155; &#x1FDB; & Ί Greek capital letter IOTA with oxia (U+1FDB)
῜ &#8156; &#x1FDC; & ῜ not a valid unicode character.
῝ &#8157; &#x1FDD; & ῝ Greek DASIA and varia (U+1FDD)
῞ &#8158; &#x1FDE; & ῞ Greek DASIA and oxia (U+1FDE)
῟ &#8159; &#x1FDF; & ῟ Greek DASIA and perispomeni (U+1FDF)

ῠ &#8160; &#x1FE0; & ῠ Greek small letter UPSILON with vrachy (U+1FE0)
ῡ &#8161; &#x1FE1; & ῡ Greek small letter UPSILON with macron (U+1FE1)
ῢ &#8162; &#x1FE2; & ῢ Greek small letter UPSILON with dialytika and varia (U+1FE2)
ΰ &#8163; &#x1FE3; & ΰ Greek small letter UPSILON with dialytika and OXIA (U+1FE3)
ῤ &#8164; &#x1FE4; & ῤ Greek small letter RHO with PSILI (U+1FE4)
ῥ &#8165; &#x1FE5; & ῥ Greek small letter RHO with DASIA (U+1FE5)
ῦ &#8166; &#x1FE6; & ῦ Greek small letter UPSILON with perispomeni (U+1FE6)
ῧ &#8167; &#x1FE7; & ῧ Greek small letter UPSILON with dialytika and perispomeni (U+1FE7)
Ῠ &#8168; &#x1FE8; & Ῠ Greek capital letter UPSILON with vrachy (U+1FE8)
Ῡ &#8169; &#x1FE9; & Ῡ Greek capital letter UPSILON with macron (U+1FE9)
Ὺ &#8170; &#x1FEA; & Ὺ Greek capital letter UPSILON with varia (U+1FEA)
Ύ &#8171; &#x1FEB; & Ύ Greek capital letter UPSILON with oxia (U+1FEB)
Ῥ &#8172; &#x1FEC; & Ῥ Greek capital letter RHO with DASIA (U+1FEC)
῭ &#8173; &#x1FED; & ῭ Greek dialytika and varia (U+1FED)
΅ &#8174; &#x1FEE; & ΅ Greek dialytika and oxia (U+1FEE)
` &#8175; &#x1FEF; & ` Greek varia (U+1FEF)

῱ &#8177; &#x1FF1; & not a valid unicode character.
ῲ &#8178; &#x1FF2; & ῲ Greek small letter OMEGA with varia and ypogegrammeni (U+1FF2)
ῳ &#8179; &#x1FF3; & ῳ Greek small letter OMEGA with ypogegrammeni (U+1FF3)
ῴ &#8180; &#x1FF4; & ῴ Greek small letter OMEGA with OXIA and ypogegrammeni (U+1FF4)
῵ &#8181; &#x1FF5; & ῵ not a valid unicode character.
ῶ &#8182; &#x1FF6; & ῶ Greek small letter OMEGA with perispomeni (U+1FF6)
ῷ &#8183; &#x1FF7; & ῷ Greek small letter OMEGA with perispomeni and ypogegrammeni (U+1FF7)
Ὸ &#8184; &#x1FF8; & Ὸ Greek capital letter OMICRON with varia (U+1FF8)
Ό &#8185; &#x1FF9; & Ό Greek capital letter OMICRON with oxia (U+1FF9)
Ὼ &#8186; &#x1FFA; & Ὼ Greek capital letter OMEGA with varia (U+1FFA)
Ώ &#8187; &#x1FFB; & Ώ Greek capital letter OMEGA with oxia (U+1FFB)
ῼ &#8188; &#x1FFC; & ῼ Greek capital letter OMEGA with prosgegrammeni (U+1FFC)
´ &#8189; &#x1FFD; & ´ Greek oxia (U+1FFD)
῾ &#8190; &#x1FFE; & ῾ Greek DASIA (U+1FFE)
῾ &#8190; &#x1FFE; & ? greek dasia (U+1FFE)
῿ &#8191; &#x1FFF; & not a valid unicode character.

General Punctuation 2000
  &#8192; &#x2000; &   ? ? en quad (U+2000)
  &#8193; &#x2001; &   ? ? em quad (U+2001)
  &#8194; &#x2002; &ensp; en space (U+2002)
  &#8195; &#x2003; &emsp; em space (U+2003)
  &#8196; &#x2004; & ? three-per-em space (U+2004)
  &#8197; &#x2005; & ? four-per-em space (U+2005)
  &#8198; &#x2006; & ? six-per-em space (U+2006)
  &#8199; &#x2007; & ? figure space (U+2007)
  &#8200; &#x2008; & ? punctuation space (U+2008)
  &#8201; &#x2009; &thinsp; ? thin space (U+2009)
  &#8202; &#x200A; & ? hair space (U+200A)
​ &#8203; &#x200B; & ? zero width space (U+200B)
‌ &#8204; &#x200C; &zwnj; ? zero width non-joiner (U+200C)
‍ &#8205; &#x200D; &zwj; ?zero width joiner (U+200D)
‎ &#8206; &#x200E; &lrm; left-to-right mark (U+200E)
‏ &#8207; &#x200F; &rlm; ?right-to-left mark (U+200F)

‐ &#8208; &#x2010; & ? hyphen (U+2010)
‑ &#8209; &#x2011; & ? non-breaking hyphen (U+2011)
‒ &#8210; &#x2012; & ? figure dash (U+2012)
– &#8211; &#x2013; &ndash; en dash,
— &#8212; &#x2014; &mdash; — em dash (U+2014), also &#151; &;#151;
― &#8213; &#x2015; & ? horizontal bar (U+2015)
‖ &#8214; &#x2016; & ? double vertical line (U+2016)
‗ &#8215; &#x2017; & ? double low line (U+2017)
‘ &#8216; &#x2018; &lsquo; ‘ left single quotation mark (U+2018)
’ &#8217; &#x2019; &rsquo; ’ right single quotation mark (U+2019)
‚ &#8218; &#x201A; &sbquo; ‚ single low-9 quotation mark (U+201A)
‛ &#8219; &#x201B; & ? single high-reversed-9 quotation mark (U+201B)
“ &#8220; &#x201C; &ldquo; “ left double quotation mark (U+201C)
” &#8221; &#x201D; &rdquo; ” right double quotation mark (U+201D)
„ &#8222; &#x201E; &bdquo; „ double low-9 quotation mark (U+201E)
‟ &#8223; &#x201F; & ? double high-reversed-9 quotation mark (U+201F)

† &#8224; &#x2020; &dagger; dagger, † dagger (U+2020)
‡ &#8225; &#x2021; &Dagger; double dagger, ‡ double dagger (U+2021)
• &#8226; &#x2022; &bull; bullet (black small circle), • bullet (U+2022)
‣ &#8227; &#x2023; & ? triangular bullet (U+2023)
․ &#8228; &#x2024; & ? one dot leader (U+2024)
‥ &#8229; &#x2025; & ? two dot leader (U+2025)
… &#8230; &#x2026; &hellip; … horizontal ellipsis (U+2026), also &#133; three dot leader
‧ &#8231; &#x2027; & ? hyphenation point (U+2027)

 &#8232; &#x2028; & line separator (U+2028)

 &#8233; &#x2029; & paragraph separator (U+2029)
‪ &#8234; &#x202A; & left-to-right embedding (U+202A)
‫ &#8235; &#x202B; & right-to-left embedding (U+202B)|‫&#8235; &#x202B; ? right-to-left embedding (U+202B)
‬ &#8236; &#x202C; & pop directional formatting (U+202C)
‭ &#8237; &#x202D; & left-to-right override (U+202D)
‮ &#8238; &#x202E; & right-to-left override (U+202E)|‭&#8238; &#x202E; & right-to-left override (U+202E)
  &#8239; &#x202F; & ? narrow no-break space (U+202F)

‰ &#8240; &#x2030; &permil; per mille sign, ‰ per mille sign (U+2030)
‱ &#8241; &#x2031; & ? per ten thousand sign (U+2031)
′ &#8242; &#x2032; &prime; prime (minutes)(feet), ? prime (U+2032)
″ &#8243; &#x2033; &Prime; double prime (seconds)(inches), ? double prime (U+2033)
‴ &#8244; &#x2034; & ? triple prime (U+2034)
‵ &#8245; &#x2035; & ? reversed prime (U+2035)
‶ &#8246; &#x2036; & ? reversed double prime (U+2036)
‷ &#8247; &#x2037; & ? reversed triple prime (U+2037)
‸ &#8248; &#x2038; & ? caret (U+2038)
‹ &#8249; &#x2039; &lsaquo; single left-pointing angle quotation mark, ‹ single left-pointing angle quotation mark (U+2039)
› &#8250; &#x203A; &rsaquo; single right-pointing angle quotation mark, › single right-pointing angle quotation mark (U+203A)
※ &#8251; &#x203B; & ? reference mark (U+203B)
‼ &#8252; &#x203C; & ? double exclamation mark (U+203C)
‽ &#8253; &#x203D; & ? interrobang (U+203D)
⁁ &#8257; &#x203E; &oline; overline (spacing overscore), ? overline (U+203E)
‿ &#8255; &#x203F; & ? undertie (U+203F)

⁁ &#8257; &#x2040; & ? character tie (U+2040)
⁁ &#8257; &#x2041; & ? caret insertion point (U+2041)
⁂ &#8258; &#x2042; & ? asterism (U+2042)
⁃ &#8259; &#x2043; & ? hyphen bullet (U+2043)
⁄ &#8260; &#x2044; &frasl; fraction slash, ? fraction slash (U+2044)
⁅ &#8261; &#x2045; & ? left square bracket with quill (U+2045)
⁆ &#8262; &#x2046; & ? right square bracket with quill (U+2046)
⁇ &#8263; &#x2047; & ? double question mark (U+2047)
⁈ &#8264; &#x2048; & ? question exclamation mark (U+2048)
⁉ &#8265; &#x2049; & ? exclamation question mark (U+2049)
⁊ &#8266; &#x204A; & ? tironian sign et (U+204A)
⁋ &#8267; &#x204B; & ? reversed pilcrow sign (U+204B)
⁌ &#8268; &#x204C; & ? black leftwards bullet (U+204C)
⁍ &#8269; &#x204D; & ? black rightwards bullet (U+204D)
⁎ &#8270; &#x204E; & ? low asterisk (U+204E)
⁏ &#8271; &#x204F; & ? reversed semicolon (U+204F)

⁐ &#8272; &#x2050; & ? close up (U+2050)
⁑ &#8273; &#x2051; & ? two asterisks aligned vertically (U+2051)
⁒ &#8274; &#x2052; & ? ? commercial minus sign (U+2052)
⁓ &#8275; &#x2053; & ? swung dash (U+2053)
⁔ &#8276; &#x2054; & ? inverted undertie (U+2054)
⁕ &#8277; &#x2055; & ? flower punctuation mark (U+2055)
⁖ &#8278; &#x2056; & ? three dot punctuation (U+2056)
⁗ &#8279; &#x2057; & ? quadruple prime (U+2057)
⁘ &#8280; &#x2058; & ? four dot punctuation (U+2058)
⁙ &#8281; &#x2059; & ? five dot punctuation (U+2059)
⁚ &#8282; &#x205A; & ? two dot punctuation (U+205A)
⁛ &#8283; &#x205B; & ? four dot mark (U+205B)
⁜ &#8284; &#x205C; & ? dotted cross (U+205C)
⁝ &#8285; &#x205D; & ? tricolon (U+205D)
⁞ &#8286; &#x205E; & ? vertical four dots (U+205E)
  &#8287; &#x205F; & ? medium mathematical space (U+205F)

⁠ &#8288; &#x2060; & ?? ? word joiner (U+2060)
⁡ &#8289; &#x2061; & ??function application (U+2061)
⁢ &#8290; &#x2062; & ? ?invisible times (U+2062)
⁣ &#8291; &#x2063; & ? ? invisible separator (U+2063)
⁤ &#8292; &#x2064; & ?? invisible plus (U+2064)
⁥ &#8293; &#x2065; & ? not a valid unicode character.
⁦ &#8294; &#x2066; & ? left-to-right isolate (U+2066)
⁧ &#8295; &#x2067; & ? right-to-left isolate (U+2067)
⁨ &#8296; &#x2068; & ? first strong isolate (U+2068)
⁩ &#8297; &#x2069; & ? pop directional isolate (U+2069)
 &#8298; &#x206A; & ? inhibit symmetric swapping (U+206A)
 &#8299; &#x206B; & ? activate symmetric swapping (U+206B)
 &#8300; &#x206C; & ? inhibit arabic form shaping (U+206C)
 &#8301; &#x206D; & ? activate arabic form shaping (U+206D)
 &#8302; &#x206E; & ? national digit shapes (U+206E)
 &#8303; &#x206F; & ? nominal digit shapes (U+206F)

Superscripts and Subscripts 2070
⁰ &#8304; &#x2070; & ? ? superscript zero (U+2070)
ⁱ &#8305; &#x2071; & ? ? superscript latin small letter i (U+2071)
⁲ &#8306; &#x2072; & ? not a valid unicode character.
⁳ &#8307; &#x2073; & ? not a valid unicode character.
⁴ &#8308; &#x2074; & ? ? superscript four (U+2074)
⁵ &#8309; &#x2075; & ? ? superscript five (U+2075)
⁶ &#8310; &#x2076; & ? superscript six (U+2076)
⁷ &#8311; &#x2077; & ? ? superscript seven (U+2077)
⁸ &#8312; &#x2078; & ? ? superscript eight (U+2078)
⁹ &#8313; &#x2079; & ? ? superscript nine (U+2079)
⁺ &#8314; &#x207A; & ? ? superscript plus sign (U+207A)
⁻ &#8315; &#x207B; & ? ? superscript minus (U+207B)
⁼ &#8316; &#x207C; & ? ? superscript equals sign (U+207C)
⁽ &#8317; &#x207D; & ? ? superscript left parenthesis (U+207D)
⁾ &#8318; &#x207E; & ? ? superscript right parenthesis (U+207E)
ⁿ &#8319; &#x207F; & ? ? superscript latin small letter n (U+207F)

₀ &#8320; &#x2080; & ? subscript zero (U+2080)
₁ &#8321; &#x2081; & ? subscript one (U+2081)
₂ &#8322; &#x2082; & ? subscript two (U+2082)
₃ &#8323; &#x2083; & ? subscript three (U+2083)
₄ &#8324; &#x2084; & ? subscript four (U+2084)
₅ &#8325; &#x2085; & ? subscript five (U+2085)
₆ &#8326; &#x2086; & ? subscript six (U+2086)
₇ &#8327; &#x2087; & ? subscript seven (U+2087)
₈ &#8328; &#x2088; & ? subscript eight (U+2088)
₉ &#8329; &#x2089; & ? subscript nine (U+2089)
₊ &#8330; &#x208A; & ? subscript plus sign (U+208A)
₋ &#8331; &#x208B; & ? subscript minus (U+208B)
₌ &#8332; &#x208C; & ? subscript equals sign (U+208C)
₍ &#8333; &#x208D; & ? subscript left parenthesis (U+208D)
₎ &#8334; &#x208E; & ? subscript right parenthesis (U+208E)
₏ &#8335; &#x208F; & not a valid unicode character. (U+208f)

ₐ &#8336; &#x2090; & ? latin subscript small letter a (U+2090)
ₑ &#8337; &#x2091; & ? latin subscript small letter e (U+2091)
ₒ &#8338; &#x2092; & ? latin subscript small letter o (U+2092)
ₓ &#8339; &#x2093; & ? latin subscript small letter x (U+2093)
ₔ &#8340; &#x2094; & ? latin subscript small letter schwa (U+2094)
ₕ &#8341; &#x2095; & ? latin subscript small letter h (U+2095)
ₖ &#8342; &#x2096; & ? latin subscript small letter k (U+2096)
ₗ &#8343; &#x2097; & ? latin subscript small letter l (U+2097)
ₘ &#8344; &#x2098; & ? latin subscript small letter m (U+2098)
ₙ &#8345; &#x2099; & ? latin subscript small letter n (U+2099)
ₚ &#8346; &#x209A; & ? latin subscript small letter p (U+209A)
ₛ &#8347; &#x209B; & ? latin subscript small letter s (U+209B)
ₜ &#8348; &#x209C; & ? latin subscript small letter t (U+209C)
₝ &#8349; &#x209D; & not a valid unicode character.
₞ &#8350; &#x209E; & not a valid unicode character.
₟ &#8351; &#x209F; & not a valid unicode character.

Currency Symbols:
₠ &#8352; &#x20A0; & ? Euro-currency sign (U+20A0)
₡ &#8353; &#x20A1; & ? Colon sign (U+20A1)
₢ &#8354; &#x20A2; & ? Cruzeiro sign (U+20A2)
₣ &#8355; &#x20A3; & ? French franc sign (U+20A3)
₤ &#8356; &#x20A4; & ? Lira sign (U+20A4)
₥ &#8357; &#x20A5; & ? Mill sign (U+20A5)
₦ &#8358; &#x20A6; & ? Naira sign (U+20A6)
₧ &#8359; &#x20A7; & ? Peseta sign (U+20A7)
₨ &#8360; &#x20A8; & ? Rupee sign (U+20A8)
₩ &#8361; &#x20A9; & ? Won sign (U+20A9)
₪ &#8362; &#x20AA; & ? New sheqel sign (U+20AA)
₫ &#8363; &#x20AB; & ? Dong sign (U+20AB)
€ &#8364; &#x20AC; &euro; Euro sign, € euro sign (U+20AC)
₭ &#8365; &#x20AD; & ? Kip sign (U+20AD)
₮ &#8366; &#x20AE; & ? Tugrik sign (U+20AE)
₯ &#8367; &#x20AF; & ? Drachma sign (U+20AF)
₰ &#8368; &#x20B0; & ? German penny sign (U+20B0)
₱ &#8369; &#x20B1; & ? Peso sign (U+20B1)
₲ &#8370; &#x20B2; & ? Guarani sign (U+20B2)
₳ &#8371; &#x20B3; & ? Austral sign (U+20B3)
₴ &#8372; &#x20B4; & ? Hryvnia sign (U+20B4)
₵ &#8373; &#x20B5; & ? Cedi sign (U+20B5)
₶ &#8374; &#x20B6; & ? Livre tournois sign (U+20B6)
₷ &#8375; &#x20B7; & ? Spesmilo sign (U+20B7)
₸ &#8376; &#x20B8; & ? Tenge sign (U+20B8)
₹ &#8377; &#x20B9; & ? Indian rupee sign (U+20B9)
₺ &#8378; &#x20BA; & not a valid unicode character.
₻ &#8379; &#x20BB; & not a valid unicode character.
₼ &#8380; &#x20BC; & not a valid unicode character.
₽ &#8381; &#x20BD; & not a valid unicode character.
₾ &#8382; &#x20BE; & not a valid unicode character.
₿ &#8383; &#x20BF; & not a valid unicode character.

⃀ &#8384; &#x20C0; & not a valid unicode character.
⃁ &#8385; &#x20C1; & not a valid unicode character.
⃂ &#8386; &#x20C2; & not a valid unicode character.
⃃ &#8387; &#x20C3; & not a valid unicode character.
⃄ &#8388; &#x20C4; & not a valid unicode character.
⃅ &#8389; &#x20C5; & not a valid unicode character.
⃆ &#8390; &#x20C6; & not a valid unicode character.
⃇ &#8391; &#x20C7; & not a valid unicode character.
⃈ &#8392; &#x20C8; & not a valid unicode character.
⃉ &#8393; &#x20C9; & not a valid unicode character.
⃊ &#8394; &#x20CA; & not a valid unicode character.
⃋ &#8395; &#x20CB; & not a valid unicode character.
⃌ &#8396; &#x20CC; & not a valid unicode character.
⃍ &#8397; &#x20CD; & not a valid unicode character.
⃎ &#8398; &#x20CE; & not a valid unicode character.
⃏ &#8399; &#x20CF; & not a valid unicode character.

Combining Marks for Symbols 20D0
⃐ &#8400; &#x20D0; & ?combining left harpoon above (U+20D0)
⃑ &#8401; &#x20D1; & ?combining right harpoon above (U+20D1)
⃒ &#8402; &#x20D2; & ?combining long vertical line overlay (U+20D2)
⃓ &#8403; &#x20D3; & ? combining short vertical line overlay (U+20D3)
⃔ &#8404; &#x20D4; & ?combining anticlockwise arrow above (U+20D4)
⃕ &#8405; &#x20D5; & ?combining clockwise arrow above (U+20D5)
⃖ &#8406; &#x20D6; & ?combining left arrow above (U+20D6)
⃗ &#8407; &#x20D7; & ?combining right arrow above (U+20D7)
⃘ &#8408; &#x20D8; & ?combining ring overlay (U+20D8)
⃙ &#8409; &#x20D9; & ?combining clockwise ring overlay (U+20D9)
⃚ &#8410; &#x20DA; & ?combining anticlockwise ring overlay (U+20DA)
⃛ &#8411; &#x20DB; & ?combining three dots above (U+20DB)
⃜ &#8412; &#x20DC; & ?combining four dots above (U+20DC)
⃝ &#8413; &#x20DD; & ?combining enclosing circle (U+20DD)
⃞ &#8414; &#x20DE; & ?combining enclosing square (U+20DE)
⃟ &#8415; &#x20DF; & ?combining enclosing diamond (U+20DF)

⃠ &#8416; &#x20E0; & ?combining enclosing circle backslash (U+20E0)
⃡ &#8417; &#x20E1; & ?combining left right arrow above (U+20E1)
⃢ &#8418; &#x20E2; & ?combining enclosing screen (U+20E2)
⃣ &#8419; &#x20E3; & ?combining enclosing keycap (U+20E3)
⃤ &#8420; &#x20E4; & ?combining enclosing upward pointing triangle (U+20E4)
⃥ &#8421; &#x20E5; & ?combining reverse solidus overlay (U+20E5)
⃦ &#8422; &#x20E6; & ?combining double vertical stroke overlay (U+20E6)
⃧ &#8423; &#x20E7; & ?combining annuity symbol (U+20E7)
⃨ &#8424; &#x20E8; & ?combining triple underdot (U+20E8)
⃩ &#8425; &#x20E9; & ?combining wide bridge above (U+20E9)
⃪ &#8426; &#x20EA; & ?combining leftwards arrow overlay (U+20EA)
⃫ &#8427; &#x20EB; & ?combining long double solidus overlay (U+20EB)
⃬ &#8428; &#x20EC; & ?combining rightwards harpoon with barb downwards (U+20EC)
⃭ &#8429; &#x20ED; & ?combining leftwards harpoon with barb downwards (U+20ED)
⃮ &#8430; &#x20EE; & ?combining left arrow below (U+20EE)
⃯ &#8431; &#x20EF; & ?combining right arrow below (U+20EF)

⃰ &#8432; &#x20F0; & ?combining asterisk above (U+20F0)
⃱ &#8433; &#x20F1; & not a valid unicode character.
⃲ &#8434; &#x20F2; & not a valid unicode character.
⃳ &#8435; &#x20F3; & not a valid unicode character.
⃴ &#8436; &#x20F4; & not a valid unicode character.
⃵ &#8437; &#x20F5; & not a valid unicode character.
⃶ &#8438; &#x20F6; & not a valid unicode character.
⃷ &#8439; &#x20F7; & not a valid unicode character.
⃸ &#8440; &#x20F8; & not a valid unicode character.
⃹ &#8441; &#x20F9; & not a valid unicode character.
⃺ &#8442; &#x20FA; & not a valid unicode character.
⃻ &#8443; &#x20FB; & not a valid unicode character.
⃼ &#8444; &#x20FC; & not a valid unicode character.
⃽ &#8445; &#x20FD; & not a valid unicode character.
⃾ &#8446; &#x20FE; & not a valid unicode character.
⃿ &#8447; &#x20FF; & not a valid unicode character.

Letterlike Symbols 2100
℀ &#8448; &#x2100; & ? account of (U+2100)
℁ &#8449; &#x2101; & ? addressed to the subject (U+2101)
ℂ &#8450; &#x2102; & ? double-struck capital c (U+2102)
℃ &#8451; &#x2103; & ? degree celsius (U+2103)
℄ &#8452; &#x2104; & ? centre line symbol (U+2104)
℅ &#8453; &#x2105; & ? care of (U+2105)
℆ &#8454; &#x2106; & ? cada una (U+2106)
ℇ &#8455; &#x2107; & ? euler constant (U+2107)
℈ &#8456; &#x2108; & ? scruple (U+2108)
℉ &#8457; &#x2109; & ? degree fahrenheit (U+2109)
ℊ &#8458; &#x210A; & ? script small g (U+210A)
ℋ &#8459; &#x210B; & ? script capital h (U+210B)
ℌ &#8460; &#x210C; & ? black-letter capital h (U+210C)
ℍ &#8461; &#x210D; & ? double-struck capital h (U+210D)
ℎ &#8462; &#x210E; & ? planck constant (U+210E)
ℏ &#8463; &#x210F; & ? planck constant over two pi (U+210F)

ℐ &#8464; &#x2110; & ? script capital i (U+2110)
ℑ &#8465; &#x2111; &image; blackletter capital I (imaginary part), ? black-letter capital i (U+2111)
ℒ &#8466; &#x2112; & ? script capital l (U+2112)
ℓ &#8467; &#x2113; & ? script small l (U+2113)
℔ &#8468; &#x2114; & ? l b bar symbol (U+2114)
ℕ &#8469; &#x2115; & ? double-struck capital n (U+2115)
№ &#8470; &#x2116; & ? numero sign (U+2116)
℗ &#8471; &#x2117; & ? sound recording copyright (U+2117)
℘ &#8472; &#x2118; &weierp; script capital P (power set)(Weierstrass p), ? script capital p (U+2118)
ℙ &#8473; &#x2119; & ? double-struck capital p (U+2119)
ℚ &#8474; &#x211A; & ? double-struck capital q (U+211A)
ℛ &#8475; &#x211B; & ? script capital r (U+211B)
ℜ &#8476; &#x211C; &real; blackletter capital R (real part symbol), ? black-letter capital r (U+211C)
ℝ &#8477; &#x211D; & ? double-struck capital r (U+211D)
℞ &#8478; &#x211E; & ? prescription take (U+211E)
℟ &#8479; &#x211F; & ? response (U+211F)

℠ &#8480; &#x2120; & ? service mark (U+2120)
℡ &#8481; &#x2121; & ? telephone sign (U+2121)
™ &#8482; &#x2122; &trade; trademark sign (and &#153;), ™ trade mark sign (U+2122)
℣ &#8483; &#x2123; & ? versicle (U+2123)
ℤ &#8484; &#x2124; & ? double-struck capital z (U+2124)
℥ &#8485; &#x2125; & ? ounce sign (U+2125)
Ω &#8486; &#x2126; & ? ohm sign (U+2126)
℧ &#8487; &#x2127; & ? inverted ohm sign (U+2127)
ℨ &#8488; &#x2128; & ? black-letter capital z (U+2128)
℩ &#8489; &#x2129; & ? turned greek small letter iota (U+2129)
K &#8490; &#x212A; & ? kelvin sign (U+212A)
Å &#8491; &#x212B; & ? angstrom sign (U+212B)
ℬ &#8492; &#x212C; & ? script capital b (U+212C)
ℭ &#8493; &#x212D; & ? black-letter capital c (U+212D)
℮ &#8494; &#x212E; & ? estimated symbol (U+212E)
ℯ &#8495; &#x212F; & ? script small e (U+212F)

ℰ &#8496; &#x2130; & ? script capital e (U+2130)
ℱ &#8497; &#x2131; & ? script capital f (U+2131)
Ⅎ &#8498; &#x2132; & ? turned capital f (U+2132)
ℳ &#8499; &#x2133; & ? script capital m (U+2133)
ℴ &#8500; &#x2134; & ? script small o (U+2134)
ℵ &#8501; &#x2135; &alefsym; alef symbol (first transfinite cardinal), ? alef symbol (U+2135)
ℶ &#8502; &#x2136; & ? bet symbol (U+2136)
ℷ &#8503; &#x2137; & ? gimel symbol (U+2137)
ℸ &#8504; &#x2138; & ? dalet symbol (U+2138)
ℹ &#8505; &#x2139; & ? information source (U+2139)
℺ &#8506; &#x213A; & ? rotated capital q (U+213A)
℻ &#8507; &#x213B; & ? facsimile sign (U+213B)
ℼ &#8508; &#x213C; & ? double-struck small pi (U+213C)
ℽ &#8509; &#x213D; & ? double-struck small gamma (U+213D)
ℾ &#8510; &#x213E; & ? double-struck capital gamma (U+213E)
ℿ &#8511; &#x213F; & ? double-struck capital pi (U+213F)

⅀ &#8512; &#x2140; & ? double-struck n-ary summation (U+2140)
⅁ &#8513; &#x2141; & ? turned sans-serif capital g (U+2141)
⅂ &#8514; &#x2142; & ? turned sans-serif capital l (U+2142)
⅃ &#8515; &#x2143; & ? reversed sans-serif capital l (U+2143)
⅄ &#8516; &#x2144; & ? turned sans-serif capital y (U+2144)
ⅅ &#8517; &#x2145; & ? double-struck italic capital d (U+2145)
ⅆ &#8518; &#x2146; & ? double-struck italic small d (U+2146)
ⅇ &#8519; &#x2147; & ? double-struck italic small e (U+2147)
ⅈ &#8520; &#x2148; & ? double-struck italic small i (U+2148)
ⅉ &#8521; &#x2149; & ? double-struck italic small j (U+2149)
⅊ &#8522; &#x214A; & ? property line (U+214A)
⅋ &#8523; &#x214B; & ? turned ampersand (U+214B)
⅌ &#8524; &#x214C; & ? per sign (U+214C)
⅍ &#8525; &#x214D; & ? aktieselskab (U+214D)
ⅎ &#8526; &#x214E; & ? turned small f (U+214E)
⅏ &#8527; &#x214F; & ? symbol for samaritan source (U+214F)

Number Forms ? ? ? 2150
⅐ &#8528; &#x2150; & ? vulgar fraction one seventh (U+2150)
⅑ &#8529; &#x2151; & ? vulgar fraction one ninth (U+2151)
⅒ &#8530; &#x2152; & ? vulgar fraction one tenth (U+2152)
⅓ &#8531; &#x2153; & ? vulgar fraction one third (U+2153)
⅔ &#8532; &#x2154; & ? vulgar fraction two thirds (U+2154)
⅕ &#8533; &#x2155; & ? vulgar fraction one fifth (U+2155)
⅖ &#8534; &#x2156; & ? vulgar fraction two fifths (U+2156)
⅗ &#8535; &#x2157; & ? vulgar fraction three fifths (U+2157)
⅘ &#8536; &#x2158; & ? vulgar fraction four fifths (U+2158)
⅙ &#8537; &#x2159; & ? vulgar fraction one sixth (U+2159)
⅚ &#8538; &#x215A; & ? vulgar fraction five sixths (U+215A)
⅛ &#8539; &#x215B; & ? vulgar fraction one eighth (U+215B)
⅜ &#8540; &#x215C; & ? vulgar fraction three eighths (U+215C)
⅝ &#8541; &#x215D; & ? vulgar fraction five eighths (U+215D)
⅞ &#8542; &#x215E; & ? vulgar fraction seven eighths (U+215E)
⅟ &#8543; &#x215F; & ? fraction numerator one (U+215F)

Ⅰ &#8544; &#x2160; & ? roman numeral one (U+2160)
Ⅱ &#8545; &#x2161; & ? roman numeral two (U+2161)
Ⅲ &#8546; &#x2162; & ? roman numeral three (U+2162)
Ⅳ &#8547; &#x2163; & ? roman numeral four (U+2163)
Ⅴ &#8548; &#x2164; & ? roman numeral five (U+2164)
Ⅵ &#8549; &#x2165; & ? roman numeral six (U+2165)
Ⅶ &#8550; &#x2166; & ? roman numeral seven (U+2166)
Ⅷ &#8551; &#x2167; & ? roman numeral eight (U+2167)
Ⅸ &#8552; &#x2168; & ? roman numeral nine (U+2168)
Ⅹ &#8553; &#x2169; & ? roman numeral ten (U+2169)
Ⅺ &#8554; &#x216A; & ? roman numeral eleven (U+216A)
Ⅻ &#8555; &#x216B; & ? roman numeral twelve (U+216B)
Ⅼ &#8556; &#x216C; & ? roman numeral fifty (U+216C)
Ⅽ &#8557; &#x216D; & ? roman numeral one hundred (U+216D)
Ⅾ &#8558; &#x216E; & ? roman numeral five hundred (U+216E)
Ⅿ &#8559; &#x216F; & ? roman numeral one thousand (U+216F)

ⅰ &#8560; &#x2170; & ? small roman numeral one (U+2170)
ⅱ &#8561; &#x2171; & ? small roman numeral two (U+2171)
ⅲ &#8562; &#x2172; & ? small roman numeral three (U+2172)
ⅳ &#8563; &#x2173; & ? small roman numeral four (U+2173)
ⅴ &#8564; &#x2174; & ? small roman numeral five (U+2174)
ⅵ &#8565; &#x2175; & ? small roman numeral six (U+2175)
ⅶ &#8566; &#x2176; & ? small roman numeral seven (U+2176)
ⅷ &#8567; &#x2177; & ? small roman numeral eight (U+2177)
ⅸ &#8568; &#x2178; & ? small roman numeral nine (U+2178)
ⅹ &#8569; &#x2179; & ? small roman numeral ten (U+2179)
ⅺ &#8570; &#x217A; & ? small roman numeral eleven (U+217A)
ⅻ &#8571; &#x217B; & ? small roman numeral twelve (U+217B)
ⅼ &#8572; &#x217C; & ? small roman numeral fifty (U+217C)
ⅽ &#8573; &#x217D; & ? small roman numeral one hundred (U+217D)
ⅾ &#8574; &#x217E; & ? small roman numeral five hundred (U+217E)
ⅿ &#8575; &#x217F; & ? small roman numeral one thousand (U+217F)

ↀ &#8576; &#x2180; & ? roman numeral one thousand c d (U+2180)
ↁ &#8577; &#x2181; & ? roman numeral five thousand (U+2181)
ↂ &#8578; &#x2182; & ? roman numeral ten thousand (U+2182)
Ↄ &#8579; &#x2183; & ? roman numeral reversed one hundred (U+2183)
ↄ &#8580; &#x2184; & ? latin small letter reversed c (U+2184)
ↅ &#8581; &#x2185; & ? roman numeral six late form (U+2185)
ↆ &#8582; &#x2186; & ? roman numeral fifty early form (U+2186)
ↇ &#8583; &#x2187; & ? roman numeral fifty thousand (U+2187)
ↈ &#8584; &#x2188; & ? roman numeral one hundred thousand (U+2188)
↉ &#8585; &#x2189; & ? vulgar fraction zero thirds (U+2189)
↊ &#8586; &#x218A; & not a valid unicode character.
↋ &#8587; &#x218B; & not a valid unicode character.
↌ &#8588; &#x218C; & not a valid unicode character.
↍ &#8589; &#x218D; & not a valid unicode character.
↎ &#8590; &#x218E; & not a valid unicode character.
↏ &#8591; &#x218F; & not a valid unicode character.

Arrows 2190
← &#8592; &#x2190; &larr; ? leftwards arrow (U+2190)
↑ &#8593; &#x2191; &uarr; ? upwards arrow (U+2191)
→ &#8594; &#x2192; &rarr; ? rightwards arrow (U+2192)
↓ &#8595; &#x2193; &darr; ? downwards arrow (U+2193)
↔ &#8596; &#x2194; &harr; ? left right arrow (U+2194), horizontal double headed arrow
↕ &#8597; &#x2195; & ? up down arrow (U+2195)
↖ &#8598; &#x2196; & ? north west arrow (U+2196)
↗ &#8599; &#x2197; & ? north east arrow (U+2197)
↘ &#8600; &#x2198; & ? south east arrow (U+2198)
↙ &#8601; &#x2199; & ? south west arrow (U+2199)
↚ &#8602; &#x219A; & ? leftwards arrow with stroke (U+219A)
↛ &#8603; &#x219B; & ? rightwards arrow with stroke (U+219B)
↜ &#8604; &#x219C; & ? leftwards wave arrow (U+219C)
↝ &#8605; &#x219D; & ? rightwards wave arrow (U+219D)
↞ &#8606; &#x219E; & ? leftwards two headed arrow (U+219E)
↟ &#8607; &#x219F; & ? upwards two headed arrow (U+219F)

↠ &#8608; &#x21A0; & ? rightwards two headed arrow (U+21A0)
↡ &#8609; &#x21A1; & ? downwards two headed arrow (U+21A1)
↢ &#8610; &#x21A2; & ? leftwards arrow with tail (U+21A2)
↣ &#8611; &#x21A3; & ? rightwards arrow with tail (U+21A3)
↤ &#8612; &#x21A4; & ? leftwards arrow from bar (U+21A4)
↥ &#8613; &#x21A5; & ? upwards arrow from bar (U+21A5)
↦ &#8614; &#x21A6; & ? rightwards arrow from bar (U+21A6)
↧ &#8615; &#x21A7; & ? downwards arrow from bar (U+21A7)
↨ &#8616; &#x21A8; & ? up down arrow with base (U+21A8)
↩ &#8617; &#x21A9; & ? leftwards arrow with hook (U+21A9)
↪ &#8618; &#x21AA; & ? rightwards arrow with hook (U+21AA)
↫ &#8619; &#x21AB; & ? leftwards arrow with loop (U+21AB)
↬ &#8620; &#x21AC; & ? rightwards arrow with loop (U+21AC)
↭ &#8621; &#x21AD; & ? left right wave arrow (U+21AD)
↮ &#8622; &#x21AE; & ? left right arrow with stroke (U+21AE)
↯ &#8623; &#x21AF; & ? downwards zigzag arrow (U+21AF)

↰ &#8624; &#x21B0; & ? upwards arrow with tip leftwards (U+21B0)
↱ &#8625; &#x21B1; & ? upwards arrow with tip rightwards (U+21B1)
↲ &#8626; &#x21B2; & ? downwards arrow with tip leftwards (U+21B2)
↳ &#8627; &#x21B3; & ? downwards arrow with tip rightwards (U+21B3)
↴ &#8628; &#x21B4; & ? rightwards arrow with corner downwards (U+21B4)
↵ &#8629; &#x21B5; &crarr; ? downwards arrow with corner leftwards (U+21B5), carriage return symbol
↶ &#8630; &#x21B6; & ? anticlockwise top semicircle arrow (U+21B6)
↷ &#8631; &#x21B7; & ? clockwise top semicircle arrow (U+21B7)
↸ &#8632; &#x21B8; & ? north west arrow to long bar (U+21B8)
↹ &#8633; &#x21B9; & ? leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar (U+21B9)
↺ &#8634; &#x21BA; & ? anticlockwise open circle arrow (U+21BA)
↻ &#8635; &#x21BB; & ? clockwise open circle arrow (U+21BB)
↼ &#8636; &#x21BC; & ? leftwards harpoon with barb upwards (U+21BC)
↽ &#8637; &#x21BD; & ? leftwards harpoon with barb downwards (U+21BD)
↾ &#8638; &#x21BE; & ? upwards harpoon with barb rightwards (U+21BE)
↿ &#8639; &#x21BF; & ? upwards harpoon with barb leftwards (U+21BF)

⇀ &#8640; &#x21C0; & ? rightwards harpoon with barb upwards (U+21C0)
⇁ &#8641; &#x21C1; & ? rightwards harpoon with barb downwards (U+21C1)
⇂ &#8642; &#x21C2; & ? downwards harpoon with barb rightwards (U+21C2)
⇃ &#8643; &#x21C3; & ? downwards harpoon with barb leftwards (U+21C3)
⇄ &#8644; &#x21C4; & ? rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow (U+21C4)
⇅ &#8645; &#x21C5; & ? upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow (U+21C5)
⇆ &#8646; &#x21C6; & ? leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow (U+21C6)
⇇ &#8647; &#x21C7; & ? leftwards paired arrows (U+21C7)
⇈ &#8648; &#x21C8; & ? upwards paired arrows (U+21C8)
⇉ &#8649; &#x21C9; & ? rightwards paired arrows (U+21C9)
⇊ &#8650; &#x21CA; & ? downwards paired arrows (U+21CA)
⇋ &#8651; &#x21CB; & ? leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon (U+21CB)
⇌ &#8652; &#x21CC; & ? rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon (U+21CC)
⇍ &#8653; &#x21CD; & ? leftwards double arrow with stroke (U+21CD)
⇎ &#8654; &#x21CE; & ? left right double arrow with stroke (U+21CE)
⇏ &#8655; &#x21CF; & ? rightwards double arrow with stroke (U+21CF)

⇐ &#8656; &#x21D0; &lArr; leftwards double arrow, ? leftwards double arrow (U+21D0)
⇑ &#8657; &#x21D1; &uArr; upwards double arrow, ? upwards double arrow (U+21D1)
⇒ &#8658; &#x21D2; &rArr; rightwards double arrow, ? rightwards double arrow (U+21D2)
⇓ &#8659; &#x21D3; &dArr; downwards double arrow, ? downwards double arrow (U+21D3)
⇔ &#8660; &#x21D4; &hArr; left-right double arrow, ? left right double arrow (U+21D4)
⇕ &#8661; &#x21D5; & ? up down double arrow (U+21D5)
⇖ &#8662; &#x21D6; & ? north west double arrow (U+21D6)
⇗ &#8663; &#x21D7; & ? north east double arrow (U+21D7)
⇘ &#8664; &#x21D8; & ? south east double arrow (U+21D8)
⇙ &#8665; &#x21D9; & ? south west double arrow (U+21D9)
⇚ &#8666; &#x21DA; & ? leftwards triple arrow (U+21DA)
⇛ &#8667; &#x21DB; & ? rightwards triple arrow (U+21DB)
⇜ &#8668; &#x21DC; & ? leftwards squiggle arrow (U+21DC)
⇝ &#8669; &#x21DD; & ? rightwards squiggle arrow (U+21DD)
⇞ &#8670; &#x21DE; & ? upwards arrow with double stroke (U+21DE)
⇟ &#8671; &#x21DF; & ? downwards arrow with double stroke (U+21DF)

⇠ &#8672; &#x21E0; & ? leftwards dashed arrow (U+21E0)
⇡ &#8673; &#x21E1; & ? upwards dashed arrow (U+21E1)
⇢ &#8674; &#x21E2; & ? rightwards dashed arrow (U+21E2)
⇣ &#8675; &#x21E3; & ? downwards dashed arrow (U+21E3)
⇤ &#8676; &#x21E4; & ? leftwards arrow to bar (U+21E4)
⇥ &#8677; &#x21E5; & ? rightwards arrow to bar (U+21E5)
⇦ &#8678; &#x21E6; & ? leftwards white arrow (U+21E6)
⇧ &#8679; &#x21E7; & ? upwards white arrow (U+21E7)
⇨ &#8680; &#x21E8; & ? rightwards white arrow (U+21E8)
⇩ &#8681; &#x21E9; & ? downwards white arrow (U+21E9)
⇪ &#8682; &#x21EA; & ? upwards white arrow from bar (U+21EA)
⇫ &#8683; &#x21EB; & ? upwards white arrow on pedestal (U+21EB)
⇬ &#8684; &#x21EC; & ? upwards white arrow on pedestal with horizontal bar (U+21EC)
⇭ &#8685; &#x21ED; & ? upwards white arrow on pedestal with vertical bar (U+21ED)
⇮ &#8686; &#x21EE; & ? upwards white double arrow (U+21EE)
⇯ &#8687; &#x21EF; & ? upwards white double arrow on pedestal (U+21EF)

⇰ &#8688; &#x21F0; & ? rightwards white arrow from wall (U+21F0)
⇱ &#8689; &#x21F1; & ? north west arrow to corner (U+21F1)
⇲ &#8690; &#x21F2; & ? south east arrow to corner (U+21F2)
⇳ &#8691; &#x21F3; & ? up down white arrow (U+21F3)
⇴ &#8692; &#x21F4; & ? right arrow with small circle (U+21F4)
⇵ &#8693; &#x21F5; & ? downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow (U+21F5)
⇶ &#8694; &#x21F6; & ? three rightwards arrows (U+21F6)
⇷ &#8695; &#x21F7; & ? leftwards arrow with vertical stroke (U+21F7)
⇸ &#8696; &#x21F8; & ? rightwards arrow with vertical stroke (U+21F8)
⇹ &#8697; &#x21F9; & ? left right arrow with vertical stroke (U+21F9)
⇺ &#8698; &#x21FA; & ? leftwards arrow with double vertical stroke (U+21FA)
⇻ &#8699; &#x21FB; & ? rightwards arrow with double vertical stroke (U+21FB)
⇼ &#8700; &#x21FC; & ? left right arrow with double vertical stroke (U+21FC)
⇽ &#8701; &#x21FD; & ? leftwards open-headed arrow (U+21FD)
⇾ &#8702; &#x21FE; & ? rightwards open-headed arrow (U+21FE)
⇿ &#8703; &#x21FF; & ? left right open-headed arrow (U+21FF)
Mathematical Operators: (primatives) ? del, ? element, ? there exists, ? for all, ? union, ? intersection, ? contains member, ? dot product, ? therefore, ? square root, ? logical and, ? logical or, ? summation, ? product, ? not equal, ? less or equal 2200

∀ &#8704; &#x2200; &forall; for all, ? for all (U+2200)
∁ &#8705; &#x2201; & ? complement (U+2201)
∂ &#8706; &#x2202; &part; partial differential, ? partial differential (U+2202)
∃ &#8707; &#x2203; &exist; there exists, ? there exists (U+2203)
∄ &#8708; &#x2204; & ? there does not exist (U+2204)
∅ &#8709; &#x2205; &empty; empty set (null set)(diameter), ? empty set (U+2205)
∆ &#8710; &#x2206; & ? increment (U+2206)
∇ &#8711; &#x2207; &nabla; nabla (backward difference), ? nabla (U+2207)
∈ &#8712; &#x2208; &isin; element of , ? element of (U+2208)
∉ &#8713; &#x2209; &notin; not an element of, ? not an element of (U+2209)
∊ &#8714; &#x220A; & ? small element of (U+220A)
∋ &#8715; &#x220B; &ni; contains as member, ? contains as member (U+220B)
∌ &#8716; &#x220C; & ? does not contain as member (U+220C)
∍ &#8717; &#x220D; & ? small contains as member (U+220D)
∎ &#8718; &#x220E; & ? end of proof (U+220E)
∏ &#8719; &#x220F; &prod; n-ary product (product sign), ? n-ary product (U+220F)

∐ &#8720; &#x2210; & ? n-ary coproduct (U+2210)
∑ &#8721; &#x2211; &sum; n-ary sumation, ? n-ary summation (U+2211)
− &#8722; &#x2212; &minus; minus sign, ? minus sign (U+2212)
∓ &#8723; &#x2213; & ? minus-or-plus sign (U+2213)
∔ &#8724; &#x2214; & ? dot plus (U+2214)
∕ &#8725; &#x2215; & ? division slash (U+2215)
∖ &#8726; &#x2216; & ? set minus (U+2216)
∗ &#8727; &#x2217; &lowast; asterisk operator, ? asterisk operator (U+2217)
∘ &#8728; &#x2218; & ? ring operator (U+2218)
∙ &#8729; &#x2219; & ? bullet operator (U+2219)
√ &#8730; &#x221A; &radic; square root (radical sign), ? square root (U+221A)
∛ &#8731; &#x221B; & ? cube root (U+221B)
∜ &#8732; &#x221C; & ? fourth root (U+221C)
∝ &#8733; &#x221D; &prop; proportional to, ? proportional to (U+221D)
∞ &#8734; &#x221E; &infin; infinity, ? infinity (U+221E)
∟ &#8735; &#x221F; & ? right angle (U+221F)

∠ &#8736; &#x2220; &ang; angle, ? angle (U+2220)
∡ &#8737; &#x2221; & ? measured angle (U+2221)
∢ &#8738; &#x2222; & ? spherical angle (U+2222)
∣ &#8739; &#x2223; & ? divides (U+2223)
∤ &#8740; &#x2224; & ? does not divide (U+2224)
∥ &#8741; &#x2225; & ? parallel to (U+2225)
∦ &#8742; &#x2226; & ? not parallel to (U+2226)
∧ &#8743; &#x2227; &and; logical and (wedge), ? logical and (U+2227)
∨ &#8744; &#x2228; &or; logical or (vee), ? logical or (U+2228)
∩ &#8745; &#x2229; &cap; intersection (cap), ? intersection (U+2229)
∪ &#8746; &#x222A; &cup; union (cup), ? union (U+222A)
∫ &#8747; &#x222B; &int; integral, ? integral (U+222B)
∬ &#8748; &#x222C; & ? double integral (U+222C)
∭ &#8749; &#x222D; & ? triple integral (U+222D)
∮ &#8750; &#x222E; & ? contour integral (U+222E)
∯ &#8751; &#x222F; & ? surface integral (U+222F)

∰ &#8752; &#x2230; & ? volume integral (U+2230)
∱ &#8753; &#x2231; & ? clockwise integral (U+2231)
∲ &#8754; &#x2232; & ? clockwise contour integral (U+2232)
∳ &#8755; &#x2233; & ? anticlockwise contour integral (U+2233)
∴ &#8756; &#x2234; &there4; therefore, ? therefore (U+2234)
∵ &#8757; &#x2235; & ? because (U+2235)
∶ &#8758; &#x2236; & ? ratio (U+2236)
∷ &#8759; &#x2237; & ? proportion (U+2237)
∸ &#8760; &#x2238; & ? dot minus (U+2238)
∹ &#8761; &#x2239; & ? excess (U+2239)
∺ &#8762; &#x223A; & ? geometric proportion (U+223A)
∻ &#8763; &#x223B; & ? homothetic (U+223B)
∼ &#8764; &#x223C; &sim; tilde operator (varies with)(similar to), ? tilde operator (U+223C)
∽ &#8765; &#x223D; & ? reversed tilde (U+223D)
∾ &#8766; &#x223E; & ? inverted lazy s (U+223E)
∿ &#8767; &#x223F; & ? sine wave (U+223F)

≀ &#8768; &#x2240; & ? wreath product (U+2240)
≁ &#8769; &#x2241; & ? not tilde (U+2241)
≂ &#8770; &#x2242; & ? minus tilde (U+2242)
≃ &#8771; &#x2243; & ? asymptotically equal to (U+2243)
≄ &#8772; &#x2244; & ? not asymptotically equal to (U+2244)
≅ &#8773; &#x2245; &cong; congruent to or approximately equal to, ? approximately equal to (U+2245)
≆ &#8774; &#x2246; & ? approximately but not actually equal to
≇ &#8775; &#x2247; & ? neither approximately nor actually equal to (U+2247)
≈ &#8776; &#x2248; &asymp; almost equal to (asymptotic to), ? almost equal to (U+2248)
≉ &#8777; &#x2249; & ? not almost equal to (U+2249)
≊ &#8778; &#x224A; & ? almost equal or equal to (U+224A)
≋ &#8779; &#x224B; & ? triple tilde (U+224B)
≌ &#8780; &#x224C; & ? all equal to (U+224C)
≍ &#8781; &#x224D; & ? equivalent to (U+224D)
≎ &#8782; &#x224E; & ? geometrically equivalent to (U+224E)
≏ &#8783; &#x224F; & ? difference between (U+224F)

≐ &#8784; &#x2250; & ? approaches the limit (U+2250)
≑ &#8785; &#x2251; & ? geometrically equal to (U+2251)
≒ &#8786; &#x2252; & ? approximately equal to or the image of (U+2252)
≓ &#8787; &#x2253; & ? image of or approximately equal to (U+2253)
≔ &#8788; &#x2257; & ? colon equals (U+2257)
≕ &#8789; &#x2255; & ? equals colon (U+2255)
≖ &#8790; &#x2257; & ? ring in equal to (U+2257)
≗ &#8791; &#x2257; & ? ring equal to (U+2257)
≘ &#8792; &#x2258; & ? corresponds to (U+2258)
≙ &#8793; &#x2259; & ? estimates (U+2259)
≚ &#8794; &#x225A; & ? equiangular to (U+225A)
≛ &#8795; &#x225B; & ? star equals (U+225B)
≜ &#8796; &#x225C; & ? delta equal to (U+225C)
≝ &#8797; &#x225D; & ? equal to by definition (U+225D)
≞ &#8798; &#x225E; & ? measured by (U+225E)
≟ &#8799; &#x225F; & ? questioned equal to (U+225F)

≠ &#8800; &#x2260; &ne; not equal to, ? not equal to (U+2260)
≡ &#8801; &#x2261; &equiv; identical to, ? identical to (U+2261)
≢ &#8802; &#x2262; & ? not identical to (U+2262)
≣ &#8803; &#x2263; & ? strictly equivalent to (U+2263)
≤ &#8804; &#x2264; &le; less-than or equal to, ? less-than or equal to (U+2264)
≥ &#8805; &#x2265; &ge; greater-than or equal to, ? greater-than or equal to (U+2265)
≦ &#8806; &#x2266; & ? less-than over equal to (U+2266)
≧ &#8807; &#x2267; & ? greater-than over equal to (U+2267)
≨ &#8808; &#x2268; & ? less-than but not equal to (U+2268)
≩ &#8809; &#x2269; & ? greater-than but not equal to (U+2269)
≪ &#8810; &#x226A; & ? much less-than (U+226A)
≫ &#8811; &#x226B; & ? much greater-than (U+226B)
≬ &#8812; &#x226C; & ? between (U+226C)
≭ &#8813; &#x226D; & ? not equivalent to (U+226D)
≮ &#8814; &#x226E; & ? not less-than (U+226E)
≯ &#8815; &#x226F; & ? not greater-than (U+226F)

≰ &#8816; &#x2270; & ? neither less-than nor equal to (U+2270)
≱ &#8817; &#x2271; & ? neither greater-than nor equal to (U+2271)
≲ &#8818; &#x2272; & ? less-than or equivalent to (U+2272)
≳ &#8819; &#x2273; & ? greater-than or equivalent to (U+2273)
≴ &#8820; &#x2274; & ? neither less-than nor equivalent to (U+2274)
≵ &#8821; &#x2275; & ? neither greater-than nor equivalent to (U+2275)
≶ &#8822; &#x2276; & ? less-than or greater-than (U+2276)
≷ &#8823; &#x2277; & ? greater-than or less-than (U+2277)
≸ &#8824; &#x2278; & ? neither less-than nor greater-than (U+2278)
≹ &#8825; &#x2279; & ? neither greater-than nor less-than (U+2279)
≺ &#8826; &#x227A; & ? precedes (U+227A)
≻ &#8827; &#x227B; & ? succeeds (U+227B)
≼ &#8828; &#x227C; & ? precedes or equal to (U+227C)
≽ &#8829; &#x227D; & ? succeeds or equal to (U+227D)
≾ &#8830; &#x227E; & ? precedes or equivalent to (U+227E)
≿ &#8831; &#x227F; & ? succeeds or equivalent to (U+227F)

⊀ &#8832; &#x2280; & ? does not precede (U+2280)
⊁ &#8833; &#x2281; & ? does not succeed (U+2281)
⊂ &#8834; &#x2282; &sub; subset of, ? subset of (U+2282)
⊃ &#8835; &#x2283; &sup; superset of, ? superset of (U+2283)
⊄ &#8836; &#x2284; &nsub; not a subset of, ? not a subset of (U+2284)
⊅ &#8837; &#x2285; & ? not a superset of (U+2285)
⊆ &#8838; &#x2286; &sube; subset of or equal to, ? subset of or equal to (U+2286)
⊇ &#8839; &#x2287; &supe; superset of or equal to, ? superset of or equal to (U+2287)
⊈ &#8840; &#x2288; & ? neither a subset of nor equal to (U+2288)
⊉ &#8841; &#x2289; & ? neither a superset of nor equal to (U+2289)
⊊ &#8842; &#x228A; & ? subset of with not equal to (U+228A)
⊋ &#8843; &#x228B; & ? superset of with not equal to (U+228B)
⊌ &#8844; &#x228C; & ? multiset (U+228C)
⊍ &#8845; &#x228D; & ? multiset multiplication (U+228D)
⊎ &#8846; &#x228E; & ? multiset union (U+228E)
⊏ &#8847; &#x228F; & ? square image of (U+228F)

⊐ &#8848; &#x2290; & ? square original of (U+2290)
⊑ &#8849; &#x2291; & ? square image of or equal to (U+2291)
⊒ &#8850; &#x2292; & ? square original of or equal to (U+2292)
⊓ &#8851; &#x2293; & ? square cap (U+2293)
⊔ &#8852; &#x2294; & ? square cup (U+2294)
⊕ &#8853; &#x2295; &oplus; circled plus (direct sum), ? circled plus (U+2295)
⊖ &#8854; &#x2296; & ? circled minus (U+2296)
⊗ &#8855; &#x2297; &otimes; circled times (vector product), ? circled times (U+2297)
⊘ &#8856; &#x2298; & ? circled division slash (U+2298)
⊙ &#8857; &#x2299; & ? circled dot operator (U+2299)
⊚ &#8858; &#x229A; & ? circled ring operator (U+229A)
⊛ &#8859; &#x229B; & ? circled asterisk operator (U+229B)
⊜ &#8860; &#x229C; & ? circled equals (U+229C)
⊝ &#8861; &#x229D; & ? circled dash (U+229D)
⊞ &#8862; &#x229E; & ? squared plus (U+229E)
⊟ &#8863; &#x229F; & ? squared minus (U+229F)

⊠ &#8864; &#x22A0; & ? squared times (U+22A0)
⊡ &#8865; &#x22A1; & ? squared dot operator (U+22A1)
⊢ &#8866; &#x22A2; & ? right tack (U+22A2)
⊣ &#8867; &#x22A3; & ? left tack (U+22A3)
⊤ &#8868; &#x22A4; & ? down tack (U+22A4)
⊥ &#8869; &#x22A5; &perp; up tack (orthogonal to)(perpendicular), ? up tack (U+22A5)
⊦ &#8870; &#x22A6; & ? assertion (U+22A6)
⊧ &#8871; &#x22A7; & ? models (U+22A7)
⊨ &#8872; &#x22A8; & ? true (U+22A8)
⊩ &#8873; &#x22A9; & ? forces (U+22A9)
⊪ &#8874; &#x22AA; & ? triple vertical bar right turnstile (U+22AA)
⊫ &#8875; &#x22AB; & ? double vertical bar double right turnstile (U+22AB)
⊬ &#8876; &#x22AC; & ? does not prove (U+22AC)
⊭ &#8877; &#x22AD; & ? not true (U+22AD)
⊮ &#8878; &#x22AE; & ? does not force (U+22AE)
⊯ &#8879; &#x22AF; & ? negated double vertical bar double right turnstile (U+22AF)

⊰ &#8880; &#x22B0; & ? precedes under relation (U+22B0)
⊱ &#8881; &#x22B1; & ? succeeds under relation (U+22B1)
⊲ &#8882; &#x22B2; & ? normal subgroup of (U+22B2)
⊳ &#8883; &#x22B3; & ? contains as normal subgroup (U+22B3)
⊴ &#8884; &#x22B4; & ? normal subgroup of or equal to (U+22B4)
⊵ &#8885; &#x22B5; & ? contains as normal subgroup or equal to (U+22B5)
⊶ &#8886; &#x22B6; & ? original of (U+22B6)
⊷ &#8887; &#x22B7; & ? image of (U+22B7)
⊸ &#8888; &#x22B8; & ? multimap (U+22B8)
⊹ &#8889; &#x22B9; & ? hermitian conjugate matrix (U+22B9)
⊺ &#8890; &#x22BA; & ? intercalate (U+22BA)
⊻ &#8891; &#x22BB; & ? xor (U+22BB)
⊼ &#8892; &#x22BC; & ? nand (U+22BC)
⊽ &#8893; &#x22BD; & ? nor (U+22BD)
⊾ &#8894; &#x22BE; & ? right angle with arc (U+22BE)
⊿ &#8895; &#x22BF; & ? right triangle (U+22BF)

⋀ &#8896; &#x22C0; & ? n-ary logical and (U+22C0)
⋁ &#8897; &#x22C1; & ? n-ary logical or (U+22C1)
⋂ &#8898; &#x22C2; & ? n-ary intersection (U+22C2)
⋃ &#8899; &#x22C3; & ? n-ary union (U+22C3)
⋄ &#8900; &#x22C4; & ? diamond operator (U+22C4)
⋅ &#8901; &#x22C5; &sdot; dot operator, ? dot operator (U+22C5)
⋆ &#8902; &#x22C6; & ? star operator (U+22C6)
⋇ &#8903; &#x22C7; & ? division times (U+22C7)
⋈ &#8904; &#x22C8; & ? bowtie (U+22C8)
⋉ &#8905; &#x22C9; & ? left normal factor semidirect product (U+22C9)
⋊ &#8906; &#x22CA; & ? right normal factor semidirect product (U+22CA)
⋋ &#8907; &#x22CB; & ? left semidirect product (U+22CB)
⋌ &#8908; &#x22CC; & ? right semidirect product (U+22CC)
⋍ &#8909; &#x22CD; & ? reversed tilde equals (U+22CD)
⋎ &#8910; &#x22CE; & ? curly logical or (U+22CE)
⋏ &#8911; &#x22CF; & ? curly logical and (U+22CF)

⋐ &#8912; &#x22D0; & ? ? double subset (U+22D0)
⋑ &#8913; &#x22D1; & ? ? double superset (U+22D1)
⋒ &#8914; &#x22D2; &Cap; ? ? double intersection (U+22D2)
⋓ &#8915; &#x22D3; &Cup; ? ? double union (U+22D3)
⋔ &#8916; &#x22D4; &fork; ? ? pitchfork (U+22D4)
⋕ &#8917; &#x22D5; & ? ? equal and parallel to (U+22D5)
⋖ &#8918; &#x22D6; &ltdot; ? ? less-than with dot (U+22D6)
⋗ &#8919; &#x22D7; &gsdot; ? ? greater-than with dot (U+22D7)
⋘ &#8920; &#x22D8; &Ll; ? ? very much less-than (U+22D8)
⋙ &#8921; &#x22D9; &Gg; ? ? very much greater-than (U+22D9)
⋚ &#8922; &#x22DA; &leg; ? ? less-than equal to or greater-than (U+22DA)
⋛ &#8923; &#x22DB; &gel; ? ? greater-than equal to or less-than (U+22DB)
⋜ &#8924; &#x22DC; &els; ? ? equal to or less-than (U+22DC)
⋝ &#8925; &#x22DD; &egs; ? ? equal to or greater-than (U+22DD)
⋞ &#8926; &#x22DE; &cuepr; ? ? equal to or precedes (U+22DE)
⋟ &#8927; &#x22DF; &cuesc; ? ? equal to or succeeds (U+22DF)

⋠ &#8928; &#x22E0; &npre; ? ? does not precede or equal (U+22E0)
⋡ &#8929; &#x22E1; &nsce; ? ? does not succeed or equal (U+22E1)
⋢ &#8930; &#x22E2; & ? ? not square image of or equal to (U+22E2)
⋣ &#8931; &#x22E3; & ? not square original of or equal to (U+22E3)
⋤ &#8932; &#x22E4; & ? square image of or not equal to (U+22E4)
⋥ &#8933; &#x22E5; & ? square original of or not equal to (U+22E5)
⋦ &#8934; &#x22E6; &lnsim; ? less-than but not equivalent to (U+22E6)
⋧ &#8935; &#x22E7; &gnsim; ? greater-than but not equivalent to (U+22E7)
⋨ &#8936; &#x22E8; &prnsim; ? precedes but not equivalent to (U+22E8)
⋩ &#8937; &#x22E9; &scnsim; ? succeeds but not equivalent to (U+22E9)
⋪ &#8938; &#x22EA; &nltri; ? not normal subgroup of (U+22EA)
⋫ &#8939; &#x22EB; &nrtri; ? does not contain as normal subgroup (U+22EB)
⋬ &#8940; &#x22EC; &nltrie; ? not normal subgroup of or equal to (U+22EC)
⋭ &#8941; &#x22ED; &nrtrie; ? does not contain as normal subgroup or equal (U+22ED)
⋮ &#8942; &#x22EE; &vellip; ? vertical ellipsis (U+22EE)
⋯ &#8943; &#x22EF; & ? midline horizontal ellipsis (U+22EF)

⋰ &#8944; &#x22F0; & ? up right diagonal ellipsis (U+22F0)
⋱ &#8945; &#x22F1; & ? down right diagonal ellipsis (U+22F1)
⋲ &#8946; &#x22F2; & ? element of with long horizontal stroke (U+22F2)
⋳ &#8947; &#x22F3; & ? element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke (U+22F3)
⋴ &#8948; &#x22F4; & ? small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke (U+22F4)
⋵ &#8949; &#x22F5; & ? element of with dot above (U+22F5)
⋶ &#8950; &#x22F6; & ? element of with overbar (U+22F6)
⋷ &#8951; &#x22F7; & ? small element of with overbar (U+22F7)
⋸ &#8952; &#x22F8; & ? element of with underbar (U+22F8)
⋻ &#8955; &#x22F9; & ? element of with two horizontal strokes (U+22F9)
⋺ &#8954; &#x22FA; & ? contains with long horizontal stroke (U+22FA)
⋻ &#8955; &#x22FB; & ? contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke (U+22FB)
⋼ &#8956; &#x22FC; & ? small contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke (U+22FC)
⋽ &#8957; &#x22FD; & ? contains with overbar (U+22FD)
⋾ &#8958; &#x22FE; & ? small contains with overbar (U+22FE)
⋿ &#8959; &#x22FF; & ? z notation bag membership (U+22FF)

Miscellaneous Technical: APL operators. 2300
⌀ &#8960; &#x2300; & ? diameter sign (U+2300)
⌁ &#8961; &#x2301; & ? electric arrow (U+2301)
⌂ &#8962; &#x2302; & ? house (U+2302)
⌃ &#8963; &#x2303; & ? up arrowhead (U+2303)
⌄ &#8964; &#x2304; & ? down arrowhead (U+2304)
⌅ &#8965; &#x2305; & ? projective (U+2305)
⌆ &#8966; &#x2306; &Barwed; ? perspective (U+2306)
⌇ &#8967; &#x2307; & ? wavy line (U+2307)
⌈ &#8968; &#x2308; &lceil; left ceiling (APL upstile), ? left ceiling (U+2308)
⌉ &#8969; &#x2309; &rceil; right ceiling, ? right ceiling (U+2309)
⌊ &#8970; &#x230A; &lfloor; left floor (APL downstile), ? left floor (U+230A)
⌋ &#8971; &#x230B; &rfloor; right floor, ? right floor (U+230B)
⌌ &#8972; &#x230C; &drcrop; ? bottom right crop (U+230C)
⌍ &#8973; &#x230D; &dlcrop; ? bottom left crop (U+230D)
⌎ &#8974; &#x230E; &urcrop; ? top right crop (U+230E)
⌏ &#8975; &#x230F; &ulcrop; ? top left crop (U+230F)

⌐ &#8976; &#x2310; & ? reversed not sign (U+2310)
⌑ &#8977; &#x2311; & ? square lozenge (U+2311)
⌒ &#8978; &#x2312; &:frown; ? arc (U+2312)
⌓ &#8979; &#x2313; & ? segment (U+2313)
⌔ &#8980; &#x2314; & ? sector (U+2314)
⌕ &#8981; &#x2315; &:telrec; ? telephone recorder (U+2315)
⌖ &#8982; &#x2316; &:target; ? position indicator (U+2316)
⌗ &#8983; &#x2317; & ? viewdata square (U+2317)
⌘ &#8984; &#x2318; & ? place of interest sign (U+2318), command(Apple)
⌙ &#8985; &#x2319; & ? turned not sign (U+2319)
⌚ &#8986; &#x231A; & ? watch (U+231A)
⌛ &#8987; &#x231B; & ? hourglass (U+231B)
⌜ &#8988; &#x231C; &:ulcorn; ? top left corner (U+231C)
⌝ &#8989; &#x231D; &:urcorn; ? top right corner (U+231D)
⌞ &#8990; &#x231E; &:dlcorn; ? bottom left corner (U+231E)
⌟ &#8991; &#x231F; &:drcorn; ? bottom right corner (U+231F)

⌠ &#8992; &#x2320; & ? top half integral (U+2320)
⌡ &#8993; &#x2321; & ? bottom half integral (U+2321)
⌢ &#8994; &#x2322; &:frown; ? frown (U+2322)
⌣ &#8995; &#x2323; &:smile; ? smile (U+2323)
⌤ &#8996; &#x2324; & ? up arrowhead between two horizontal bars (U+2324)
⌥ &#8997; &#x2325; & ? option key (U+2325)
⌦ &#8998; &#x2326; & ? erase to the right (U+2326)
⌧ &#8999; &#x2327; & ? x in a rectangle box (U+2327)
⌨ &#9000; &#x2328; & ? keyboard (U+2328)
〈 &#9001; &#x2329; &lang; left-pointing angle bracket (bra), ? left-pointing angle bracket (U+2329)
〉 &#9002; &#x232A; &rang; right-pointing angle bracket (ket), ? right-pointing angle bracket (U+232A)
⌫ &#9003; &#x232B; & ? erase to the left (U+232B)
⌬ &#9004; &#x232C; & ? benzene ring (U+232C)
⌭ &#9005; &#x232D; & ? cylindricity (U+232D)
⌮ &#9006; &#x232E; & ? all around-profile (U+232E)
⌯ &#9007; &#x232F; & ? symmetry (U+232F)

⌰ &#9008; &#x2330; & ? total runout (U+2330)
⌱ &#9009; &#x2331; & ? dimension origin (U+2331)
⌲ &#9010; &#x2332; & ? conical taper (U+2332)
⌳ &#9011; &#x2333; & ? slope (U+2333)
⌴ &#9012; &#x2334; & ? counterbore (U+2334)
⌵ &#9013; &#x2335; & ? countersink (U+2335)
⌶ &#9014; &#x2336; & ? apl functional symbol i-beam (U+2336)
⌷ &#9015; &#x2337; & ? apl functional symbol squish quad (U+2337)
⌸ &#9016; &#x2338; & ? apl functional symbol quad equal (U+2338)
⌹ &#9017; &#x2339; & ? apl functional symbol quad divide (U+2339)
⌺ &#9018; &#x233A; & ? apl functional symbol quad diamond (U+233A)
⌻ &#9019; &#x233B; & ? apl functional symbol quad jot (U+233B)
⌼ &#9020; &#x233C; & ? apl functional symbol quad circle (U+233C)
⌽ &#9021; &#x233D; & ? apl functional symbol circle stile (U+233D)
⌾ &#9022; &#x233E; & ? apl functional symbol circle jot (U+233E)
⌿ &#9023; &#x233F; & ? apl functional symbol slash bar (U+233F)

⍀ &#9024; &#x2340; & ? apl functional symbol backslash bar (U+2340)
⍁ &#9025; &#x2341; & ? apl functional symbol quad slash (U+2341)
⍂ &#9026; &#x2342; & ? apl functional symbol quad backslash (U+2342)
⍃ &#9027; &#x2343; & ? apl functional symbol quad less-than (U+2343)
⍄ &#9028; &#x2344; & ? apl functional symbol quad greater-than (U+2344)
⍅ &#9029; &#x2345; & ? apl functional symbol leftwards vane (U+2345)
⍆ &#9030; &#x2346; & ? apl functional symbol rightwards vane (U+2346)
⍇ &#9031; &#x2347; & ? apl functional symbol quad leftwards arrow (U+2347)
⍈ &#9032; &#x2348; & ? apl functional symbol quad rightwards arrow (U+2348)
⍉ &#9033; &#x2349; & ? apl functional symbol circle backslash (U+2349)
⍊ &#9034; &#x234A; & ? apl functional symbol down tack underbar (U+234A)
⍋ &#9035; &#x234B; & ? apl functional symbol delta stile (U+234B)
⍌ &#9036; &#x234C; & ? apl functional symbol quad down caret (U+234C)
⍍ &#9037; &#x234D; & ? apl functional symbol quad delta (U+234D)
⍎ &#9038; &#x234E; & ? apl functional symbol down tack jot (U+234E)
⍏ &#9039; &#x234F; & ? apl functional symbol down tack jot (U+234E)

⍐ &#9040; &#x2350; & ? apl functional symbol quad upwards arrow (U+2350)
⍑ &#9041; &#x2351; & ? apl functional symbol up tack overbar (U+2351)
⍒ &#9042; &#x2352; & ? apl functional symbol del stile (U+2352)
⍓ &#9043; &#x2353; & ? apl functional symbol quad up caret (U+2353)
⍔ &#9044; &#x2354; & ? apl functional symbol quad del (U+2354)
⍕ &#9045; &#x2355; & ? apl functional symbol up tack jot (U+2355)
⍖ &#9046; &#x2356; & ? apl functional symbol downwards vane (U+2356)
⍗ &#9047; &#x2357; & ? apl functional symbol quad downwards arrow (U+2357)
⍘ &#9048; &#x2358; & ? apl functional symbol quote underbar (U+2358)
⍙ &#9049; &#x2359; & ? apl functional symbol delta underbar (U+2359)
⍚ &#9050; &#x235A; & ? apl functional symbol diamond underbar (U+235A)
⍛ &#9051; &#x235B; & ? apl functional symbol jot underbar (U+235B)
⍜ &#9052; &#x235C; & ? apl functional symbol circle underbar (U+235C)
⍝ &#9053; &#x235D; & ? apl functional symbol up shoe jot (U+235D)
⍞ &#9054; &#x235E; & ? apl functional symbol quote quad (U+235E)
⍟ &#9055; &#x235F; & ? apl functional symbol circle star (U+235F)

⍠ &#9056; &#x2360; & ? apl functional symbol quad colon (U+2360)
⍡ &#9057; &#x2361; & ? apl functional symbol up tack diaeresis (U+2361)
⍢ &#9058; &#x2362; & ? apl functional symbol del diaeresis (U+2362)
⍣ &#9059; &#x2363; & ? apl functional symbol star diaeresis (U+2363)
⍤ &#9060; &#x2364; & ? apl functional symbol jot diaeresis (U+2364)
⍥ &#9061; &#x2365; & ? apl functional symbol circle diaeresis (U+2365)
⍦ &#9062; &#x2366; & ? apl functional symbol down shoe stile (U+2366)
⍧ &#9063; &#x2367; & ? apl functional symbol left shoe stile (U+2367)
⍨ &#9064; &#x2368; & ? apl functional symbol tilde diaeresis (U+2368)
⍩ &#9065; &#x2369; & ? apl functional symbol greater-than diaeresis (U+2369)
⍪ &#9066; &#x236A; & ? apl functional symbol comma bar (U+236A)
⍫ &#9067; &#x236B; & ? apl functional symbol del tilde (U+236B)
⍬ &#9068; &#x236C; & ? apl functional symbol zilde (U+236C)
⍭ &#9069; &#x236D; & ? apl functional symbol stile tilde (U+236D)
⍮ &#9070; &#x236E; & ? apl functional symbol semicolon underbar (U+236E)
⍯ &#9071; &#x236F; & ? apl functional symbol quad not equal (U+236F)

⍰ &#9072; &#x2370; & ? apl functional symbol quad question (U+2370)
⍱ &#9073; &#x2371; & ? apl functional symbol down caret tilde (U+2371)
⍲ &#9074; &#x2372; & ? apl functional symbol up caret tilde (U+2372)
⍳ &#9075; &#x2373; & ? apl functional symbol iota (U+2373)
⍴ &#9076; &#x2374; & ? apl functional symbol rho (U+2374)
⍵ &#9077; &#x2375; & ? apl functional symbol omega (U+2375)
⍶ &#9078; &#x2376; & ? apl functional symbol alpha underbar (U+2376)
⍷ &#9079; &#x2377; & ? apl functional symbol epsilon underbar (U+2377)
⍸ &#9080; &#x2378; & ? apl functional symbol iota underbar (U+2378)
⍹ &#9081; &#x2379; & ? apl functional symbol omega underbar (U+2379)
⍺ &#9082; &#x237A; & ? apl functional symbol alpha (U+237A)
⍻ &#9083; &#x237B; & ? not check mark (U+237B)
⍼ &#9084; &#x237C; & ? right angle with downwards zigzag arrow (U+237C)
⍽ &#9085; &#x237D; & ? shouldered open box (U+237D)
⍾ &#9086; &#x237E; & ? bell symbol (U+237E)
⍿ &#9087; &#x237F; & ? vertical line with middle dot (U+237F)

⎀ &#9088; &#x2380; & ? insertion symbol (U+2380)
⎁ &#9089; &#x2381; & ? continuous underline symbol (U+2381)
⎂ &#9090; &#x2382; & ? discontinuous underline symbol (U+2382)
⎃ &#9091; &#x2383; & ? emphasis symbol (U+2383)
⎄ &#9092; &#x2384; & ? composition symbol (U+2384)
⎅ &#9093; &#x2385; & ? white square with centre vertical line (U+2385)
⎆ &#9094; &#x2386; & ? enter symbol (U+2386)
⎇ &#9095; &#x2387; & ? alternative key symbol (U+2387)
⎈ &#9096; &#x2388; & ? helm symbol (U+2388)
⎉ &#9097; &#x2389; & ? circled horizontal bar with notch (U+2389)
⎊ &#9098; &#x238A; & ? circled triangle down (U+238A)
⎋ &#9099; &#x238B; & ? broken circle with northwest arrow (U+238B)
⎌ &#9100; &#x238C; & ? undo symbol (U+238C)
⎍ &#9101; &#x238D; & ? monostable symbol (U+238D)
⎎ &#9102; &#x238E; & ? hysteresis symbol (U+238E)
⎏ &#9103; &#x238F; & ? open-circuit-output h-type symbol (U+238F)

⎐ &#9104; &#x2390; & ? open-circuit-output l-type symbol (U+2390)
⎑ &#9105; &#x2391; & ? passive-pull-down-output symbol (U+2391)
⎒ &#9106; &#x2392; & ? passive-pull-up-output symbol (U+2392)
⎓ &#9107; &#x2393; & ? direct current symbol form two (U+2393)
⎔ &#9108; &#x2394; & ? software-function symbol (U+2394)
⎕ &#9109; &#x2395; & ? apl functional symbol quad (U+2395)
⎖ &#9110; &#x2396; & ? decimal separator key symbol (U+2396)
⎗ &#9111; &#x2397; & ? previous page (U+2397)
⎘ &#9112; &#x2398; & ? next page (U+2398)
⎙ &#9113; &#x2399; & ? print screen symbol (U+2399)
⎚ &#9114; &#x239A; & ? clear screen symbol (U+239A)
⎛ &#9115; &#x239B; & ? left parenthesis upper hook (U+239B)
⎜ &#9116; &#x239C; & ? left parenthesis extension (U+239C)
⎝ &#9117; &#x239D; & ? left parenthesis lower hook (U+239D)
⎞ &#9118; &#x239E; & ? right parenthesis upper hook (U+239E)
⎟ &#9119; &#x239F; & ? right parenthesis extension (U+239F)

⎠ &#9120; &#x23A0; & ? right parenthesis lower hook (U+23A0)
⎡ &#9121; &#x23A1; & ? left square bracket upper corner (U+23A1)
⎢ &#9122; &#x23A2; & ? left square bracket extension (U+23A2)
⎣ &#9123; &#x23A3; & ? left square bracket lower corner (U+23A3)
⎤ &#9124; &#x23A4; & ? right square bracket upper corner (U+23A4)
⎥ &#9125; &#x23A5; & ? right square bracket extension (U+23A5)
⎦ &#9126; &#x23A6; & ? right square bracket lower corner (U+23A6)
⎧ &#9127; &#x23A7; & ? left curly bracket upper hook (U+23A7)
⎨ &#9128; &#x23A8; & ? left curly bracket middle piece (U+23A8)
⎩ &#9129; &#x23A9; & ? left curly bracket lower hook (U+23A9)
⎪ &#9130; &#x23AA; & ? curly bracket extension (U+23AA)
⎫ &#9131; &#x23AB; & ? right curly bracket upper hook (U+23AB)
⎬ &#9132; &#x23AC; & ? right curly bracket middle piece (U+23AC)
⎭ &#9133; &#x23AD; & ? right curly bracket lower hook (U+23AD)
⎮ &#9134; &#x23AE; & ? integral extension (U+23AE)
⎯ &#9135; &#x23AF; & ? horizontal line extension (U+23AF)

⎰ &#9136; &#x23B0; & ? upper left or lower right curly bracket section (U+23B0)
⎱ &#9137; &#x23B1; & ? upper right or lower left curly bracket section (U+23B1)
⎲ &#9138; &#x23B2; & ? summation top (U+23B2)
⎳ &#9139; &#x23B3; & ? summation bottom (U+23B3)
⎴ &#9140; &#x23B4; & ? top square bracket (U+23B4)
⎵ &#9141; &#x23B5; & ? bottom square bracket (U+23B5)
⎶ &#9142; &#x23B6; & ? bottom square bracket over top square bracket (U+23B6)
⎷ &#9143; &#x23B7; & ? radical symbol bottom (U+23B7)
⎸ &#9144; &#x23B8; & ? left vertical box line (U+23B8)
⎹ &#9145; &#x23B9; & ? right vertical box line (U+23B9)
⎺ &#9146; &#x23BA; & ? horizontal scan line-1 (U+23BA)
⎻ &#9147; &#x23BB; & ? horizontal scan line-3 (U+23BB)
⎼ &#9148; &#x23BC; & ? horizontal scan line-7 (U+23BC)
⎽ &#9149; &#x23BD; & ? horizontal scan line-9 (U+23BD)
⎾ &#9150; &#x23BE; & ? dentistry symbol light vertical and top right (U+23BE)
⎿ &#9151; &#x23BF; & ? dentistry symbol light vertical and bottom right (U+23BF)

⏀ &#9152; &#x23C0; & ? ⏀dentistry symbol LIGHT vertical with CIRCLE (U+23C0)
⏁ &#9153; &#x23C1; & ⏁dentistry symbol LIGHT down and horizontal with CIRCLE (U+23C1)
⏂ &#9154; &#x23C2; & ⏂dentistry symbol LIGHT up and horizontal with CIRCLE (U+23C2)
⏃ &#9155; &#x23C3; & ⏃dentistry symbol LIGHT vertical with TRIANGLE (U+23C3)
⏄ &#9156; &#x23C4; & ⏄dentistry symbol LIGHT down and horizontal with TRIANGLE (U+23C4)
⏅ &#9157; &#x23C5; & ⏅dentistry symbol LIGHT up and horizontal with TRIANGLE (U+23C5)
⏆ &#9158; &#x23C6; & ⏆dentistry symbol LIGHT vertical and WAVE (U+23C6)
⏇ &#9159; &#x23C7; & ⏇dentistry symbol LIGHT down and horizontal with WAVE (U+23C7)
⏈ &#9160; &#x23C8; & ⏈dentistry symbol LIGHT up and horizontal with WAVE (U+23C8)
⏉ &#9161; &#x23C9; & ⏉dentistry symbol LIGHT down and horizontal (U+23C9)
⏊ &#9162; &#x23CA; & ⏊dentistry symbol LIGHT up and horizontal (U+23CA)
⏋ &#9163; &#x23CB; & ⏋dentistry symbol LIGHT vertical and top left (U+23CB)
⏌ &#9164; &#x23CC; & ⏌dentistry symbol LIGHT vertical and bottom left (U+23CC)
⏍ &#9165; &#x23CD; & ⏍SQUARE FOOT (U+23CD)
⏎ &#9166; &#x23CE; & ⏎RETURN symbol (U+23CE)
⏏ &#9167; &#x23CF; & ⏏EJECT symbol (U+23CF)

⏐ &#9168; &#x23D0; & ⏐vertical LINE EXTENSION (U+23D0)
⏑ &#9169; &#x23D1; & ⏑METRICAL BREVE (U+23D1)
⏒ &#9170; &#x23D2; & ⏒METRICAL long OVER short (U+23D2)
⏓ &#9171; &#x23D3; & ⏓METRICAL short OVER LONG (U+23D3)
⏔ &#9172; &#x23D4; & ⏔METRICAL long OVER TWO shortS (U+23D4)
⏕ &#9173; &#x23D5; & ⏕METRICAL TWO shortS OVER LONG (U+23D5)
⏖ &#9174; &#x23D6; & ⏖METRICAL TWO shortS JOINED (U+23D6)
⏗ &#9175; &#x23D7; & ⏗METRICAL TRISEME (U+23D7)
⏘ &#9176; &#x23D8; & ⏘METRICAL TETRASEME (U+23D8)
⏙ &#9177; &#x23D9; & ⏙METRICAL PENTASEME (U+23D9)
⏚ &#9178; &#x23DA; & ⏚EARTH GROUND (U+23DA)
⏛ &#9179; &#x23DB; & ⏛FUSE (U+23DB)
⏜ &#9180; &#x23DC; & ⏜top PARENTHESIS (U+23DC)
⏝ &#9181; &#x23DD; & ⏝bottom PARENTHESIS (U+23DD)
⏞ &#9182; &#x23DE; & ⏞top CURLY BRACKET (U+23DE)
⏟ &#9183; &#x23DF; & ⏟bottom CURLY BRACKET (U+23DF)

⏠ &#9184; &#x23E0; & ⏠top TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET (U+23E0)
⏡ &#9185; &#x23E1; & ⏡bottom TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET (U+23E1)
⏢ &#9186; &#x23E2; & ⏢WHITE TRAPEZIUM (U+23E2)
⏣ &#9187; &#x23E3; & ⏣BENZENE RING with CIRCLE (U+23E3)
⏤ &#9188; &#x23E4; & ⏤STRAIGHTNESS (U+23E4)
⏥ &#9189; &#x23E5; & ⏥FLATNESS (U+23E5)
⏦ &#9190; &#x23E6; & ⏦AC CURRENT (U+23E6)
⏧ &#9191; &#x23E7; & ⏧ELECTRICAL INTERSECTION (U+23E7)
⏨ &#9192; &#x23E8; & ⏨DECIMAL EXPONENT symbol (U+23E8)
⏩ &#9193; &#x23E9; & ⏩black right-pointing double TRIANGLE (U+23E9)
⏪ &#9194; &#x23EA; & ⏪black left-pointing double TRIANGLE (U+23EA)
⏫ &#9195; &#x23EB; & ⏫black UP-pointing double TRIANGLE (U+23EB)
⏬ &#9196; &#x23EC; & ⏬black down-pointing double TRIANGLE (U+23EC)
⏭ &#9197; &#x23ED; & ⏭black right-pointing double TRIANGLE with vertical BAR (U+23ED)
⏮ &#9198; &#x23EE; & ⏮black left-pointing double TRIANGLE with vertical BAR (U+23EE)
⏯ &#9199; &#x23EF; & ⏯black right-pointing TRIANGLE with double vertical BAR (U+23EF)

⏰ &#9200; &#x23F0; & ⏰ALARM CLOCK (U+23F0)
⏱ &#9201; &#x23F1; & ⏱STOPWATCH (U+23F1)
⏲ &#9202; &#x23F2; & ⏲TIMER CLOCK (U+23F2)
⏳ &#9203; &#x23F3; & ⏳HOURGLASS with FLOWING SAND (U+23F3)
⏴ &#9204; &#x23F4; & ⏴ not a valid unicode character.
⏵ &#9205; &#x23F5; & ⏵ not a valid unicode character.
⏶ &#9206; &#x23F6; & ⏶ not a valid unicode character.
⏷ &#9207; &#x23F7; & ⏷ not a valid unicode character.
⏸ &#9208; &#x23F8; & ⏸ not a valid unicode character.
⏹ &#9209; &#x23F9; & ⏹ not a valid unicode character.
⏺ &#9210; &#x23FA; & ⏺ not a valid unicode character.
⏻ &#9211; &#x23FB; & ⏻ not a valid unicode character.
⏼ &#9212; &#x23FC; & ⏼ not a valid unicode character.
⏽ &#9213; &#x23FD; & ⏽ not a valid unicode character.
⏾ &#9214; &#x23FE; & ⏾ not a valid unicode character.
⏿ &#9215; &#x23FF; & ⏿ not a valid unicode character.

Control Pictures: for displaying unprintable ASCII control chararacters. 2400
␀ &#9216; &#x2400; & ␀symbol for NULL (U+2400)
␁ &#9217; &#x2401; & ␁symbol for START OF HEADING (U+2401)
␂ &#9218; &#x2402; & ␂symbol for START OF TEXT (U+2402)
␃ &#9219; &#x2403; & ␃symbol for END OF TEXT (U+2403)
␄ &#9220; &#x2404; & ␄symbol for END OF TRANSMISSION (U+2404)
␅ &#9221; &#x2405; & ␅symbol for ENQUIRY (U+2405)
␆ &#9222; &#x2406; & ␆symbol for ACKNOWLEDGE (U+2406)
␇ &#9223; &#x2407; & ␇symbol for BELL (U+2407)
␈ &#9224; &#x2408; & ␈symbol for BACKSPACE (U+2408)
␉ &#9225; &#x2409; & ␉symbol for HORIZONTAL TABULATION (U+2409)
␊ &#9226; &#x240A; & ␊symbol for LINE FEED (U+240A)
␋ &#9227; &#x240B; & ␋symbol for vertical TABULATION (U+240B)
␌ &#9228; &#x240C; & ␌symbol for FORM FEED (U+240C)
␍ &#9229; &#x240D; & ␍symbol for CARRIAGE RETURN (U+240D)
␎ &#9230; &#x240E; & ␎symbol for SHIFT OUT (U+240E)
␏ &#9231; &#x240F; & ␏symbol for SHIFT IN (U+240F)

␐ &#9232; &#x2410; & ␐symbol for DATA LINK ESCAPE (U+2410)
␑ &#9233; &#x2411; & ␑symbol for DEVICE CONTROL ONE (U+2411)
␒ &#9234; &#x2412; & ␒symbol for DEVICE CONTROL TWO (U+2412)
␓ &#9235; &#x2413; & ␓symbol for DEVICE CONTROL THREE (U+2413)
␔ &#9236; &#x2414; & ␔symbol for DEVICE CONTROL FOUR (U+2414)
␕ &#9237; &#x2415; & ␕symbol for negative ACKNOWLEDGE (U+2415)
␖ &#9238; &#x2416; & ␖symbol for SYNCHRONOUS IDLE (U+2416)
␗ &#9239; &#x2417; & ␗symbol for END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK (U+2417)
␘ &#9240; &#x2418; & ␘symbol for CANCEL (U+2418)
␙ &#9241; &#x2419; & ␙symbol for END OF MEDIUM (U+2419)
␚ &#9242; &#x241A; & ␚symbol for SUBSTITUTE (U+241A)
␛ &#9243; &#x241B; & ␛symbol for ESCAPE (U+241B)
␜ &#9244; &#x241C; & ␜symbol for FILE SEPARATOR (U+241C)
␝ &#9245; &#x241D; & ␝symbol for GROUP SEPARATOR (U+241D)
␞ &#9246; &#x241E; & ␞symbol for RECORD SEPARATOR (U+241E)
␟ &#9247; &#x241F; & ␟symbol for UNIT SEPARATOR (U+241F)

␠ &#9248; &#x2420; & ␠symbol for SPACE (U+2420)
␡ &#9249; &#x2421; & ␡symbol for DELETE (U+2421)
␢ &#9250; &#x2422; & ␢BLANK symbol (U+2422)
␣ &#9251; &#x2423; & &:blank; & ␣OPEN BOX (U+2423)
␤ &#9252; &#x2424; & ␤symbol for NEWLINE (U+2424)
␥ &#9253; &#x2425; & ␥symbol for DELETE FORM TWO (U+2425)
␩ &#9257; &#x2426; & ␩symbol for SUBSTITUTE FORM TWO (U+2426)
␧ &#9255; &#x2427; & ␧ not a valid unicode character.
␩ &#9257; &#x2428; & ␩ not a valid unicode character.
␩ &#9257; &#x2429; & ␩ not a valid unicode character.
␪ &#9258; &#x242A; & ␪ not a valid unicode character.
␫ &#9259; &#x242B; & ␫ not a valid unicode character.
␬ &#9260; &#x242C; & ␬ not a valid unicode character.
␭ &#9261; &#x242D; & ␭ not a valid unicode character.
␮ &#9262; &#x242E; & ␮ not a valid unicode character.
␯ &#9263; &#x242F; & ␯ not a valid unicode character.

␰ &#9264; &#x2430; & ␰ not a valid unicode character.
␱ &#9265; &#x2431; & ␱ not a valid unicode character.
␲ &#9266; &#x2432; & ␲ not a valid unicode character.
␳ &#9267; &#x2433; & ␳ not a valid unicode character.
␴ &#9268; &#x2434; & ␴ not a valid unicode character.
␵ &#9269; &#x2435; & ␵ not a valid unicode character.
␶ &#9270; &#x2436; & ␶ not a valid unicode character.
␷ &#9271; &#x2437; & ␷ not a valid unicode character.
␸ &#9272; &#x2438; & ␸ not a valid unicode character.
␹ &#9273; &#x2439; & ␹ not a valid unicode character.
␺ &#9274; &#x243A; & ␺ not a valid unicode character.
␻ &#9275; &#x243B; & ␻ not a valid unicode character.
␼ &#9276; &#x243C; & ␼ not a valid unicode character.
␽ &#9277; &#x243D; & ␽ not a valid unicode character.
␾ &#9278; &#x243E; & ␾ not a valid unicode character.
␿ &#9279; &#x243F; & ␿ not a valid unicode character.

Optical Character Recognition 2440
⑀ &#9280; &#x2440; & ⑀OCR hook (U+2440)
⑁ &#9281; &#x2441; & ⑁OCR CHAIR (U+2441)
⑂ &#9282; &#x2442; & ⑂OCR FORK (U+2442)
⑃ &#9283; &#x2443; & ⑃OCR inverted FORK (U+2443)
⑄ &#9284; &#x2444; & ⑄OCR BELT BUCKLE (U+2444)
⑅ &#9285; &#x2445; & ⑅OCR BOW TIE (U+2445)
⑆ &#9286; &#x2446; & ⑆OCR BRANCH BANK IDENTIFICATION (U+2446)
⑇ &#9287; &#x2447; & ⑇OCR AMOUNT OF CHECK (U+2447)
⑈ &#9288; &#x2448; & ⑈OCR DASH (U+2448)
⑉ &#9289; &#x2449; & ⑉OCR CUSTOMER ACCOUNT number (U+2449)
⑊ &#9290; &#x244A; & ⑊OCR double BACKSLASH (U+244A)
⑋ &#9291; &#x244B; & ⑋ not a valid unicode character.
⑌ &#9292; &#x244C; & ⑌ not a valid unicode character.
⑍ &#9293; &#x244D; & ⑍ not a valid unicode character.
⑎ &#9294; &#x244E; & ⑎ not a valid unicode character.
⑏ &#9295; &#x244F; & ⑏ not a valid unicode character.

⑐ &#9296; &#x2450; & ⑐ not a valid unicode character.
⑑ &#9297; &#x2451; & ⑑ not a valid unicode character.
⑒ &#9298; &#x2452; & ⑒ not a valid unicode character.
⑓ &#9299; &#x2453; & ⑓ not a valid unicode character.
⑔ &#9300; &#x2454; & ⑔ not a valid unicode character.
⑕ &#9301; &#x2455; & ⑕ not a valid unicode character.
⑖ &#9302; &#x2456; & ⑖ not a valid unicode character.
⑗ &#9303; &#x2457; & ⑗ not a valid unicode character.
⑘ &#9304; &#x2458; & ⑘ not a valid unicode character.
⑙ &#9305; &#x2459; & ⑙ not a valid unicode character.
⑚ &#9306; &#x245A; & ⑚ not a valid unicode character.
⑛ &#9307; &#x245B; & ⑛ not a valid unicode character.
⑜ &#9308; &#x245C; & ⑜ not a valid unicode character.
⑝ &#9309; &#x245D; & ⑝ not a valid unicode character.
⑞ &#9310; &#x245E; & ⑞ not a valid unicode character.
⑟ &#9311; &#x245F; & ⑟ not a valid unicode character.

Enclosed Alphanumerics: 2460, see Dingbats 2700 for more circled digits.
① &#9312; &#x2460; & ① (1) (1) (1) circled digit ONE (U+2460)
② &#9313; &#x2461; & ② (2) (2) (2) circled digit TWO (U+2461)
③ &#9314; &#x2462; & ③ (3) (3) (3) circled digit THREE (U+2462)
④ &#9315; &#x2463; & ④ (4) (4) (4) circled digit FOUR (U+2463)
⑤ &#9316; &#x2464; & ⑤ (5) (5) (5) circled digit FIVE (U+2464)
⑥ &#9317; &#x2465; & ⑥ (6) (6) (6) circled digit SIX (U+2465)
⑦ &#9318; &#x2466; & ⑦ (7) (7) (7) circled digit SEVEN (U+2466)
⑧ &#9319; &#x2467; & ⑧ (8) (8) (8) circled digit EIGHT (U+2467)
⑨ &#9320; &#x2468; & ⑨ (9) (9) (9) circled digit NINE (U+2468)
⑩ &#9321; &#x2469; & ⑩ (10) (10) (10) circled number TEN (U+2469)
⑪ &#9322; &#x246A; & ⑪ (11) (11) (11) circled number ELEVEN (U+246A)
⑫ &#9323; &#x246B; & ⑫ (12) (12) (12) circled number TWELVE (U+246B)
⑬ &#9324; &#x246C; & ⑬ (13) (13) (13) circled number THIRTEEN (U+246C)
⑭ &#9325; &#x246D; & ⑭ (14) (14) (14) circled number FOURTEEN (U+246D)
⑮ &#9326; &#x246E; & ⑮ (15) (15) (15) circled number FIFTEEN (U+246E)
⑯ &#9327; &#x246F; & ⑯ (16) (16) (16) circled number SIXTEEN (U+246F)

⑰ &#9328; &#x2470; & ⑰ (17) (17) (17) circled number SEVENTEEN (U+2470)
⑱ &#9329; &#x2471; & ⑱ (18) (18) (18) circled number EIGHTEEN (U+2471)
⑲ &#9330; &#x2472; & ⑲ (19) (19) (19) circled number NINETEEN (U+2472)
⑳ &#9331; &#x2473; & ⑳ (20) (20) (20) circled number TWENTY (U+2473)
⑴ &#9332; &#x2474; & ⑴ (1) (1) (1) parenthesized digit ONE (U+2474)
⑵ &#9333; &#x2475; & ⑵ (2) (2) (2) parenthesized digit TWO (U+2475)
⑶ &#9334; &#x2476; & ⑶ (3) (3) (3) parenthesized digit THREE (U+2476)
⑷ &#9335; &#x2477; & ⑷ (4) (4) (4) parenthesized digit FOUR (U+2477)
⑸ &#9336; &#x2478; & ⑸ (5) (5) (5) parenthesized digit FIVE (U+2478)
⑹ &#9337; &#x2479; & ⑹ (6) (6) (6) parenthesized digit SIX (U+2479)
⑺ &#9338; &#x247A; & ⑺ (7) (7) (7) parenthesized digit SEVEN (U+247A)
⑻ &#9339; &#x247B; & ⑻ (8) (8) (8) parenthesized digit EIGHT (U+247B)
⑼ &#9340; &#x247C; & ⑼ (9) (9) (9) parenthesized digit NINE (U+247C)
⑽ &#9341; &#x247D; & ⑽ (10) (10) (10) parenthesized number TEN (U+247D)
⑾ &#9342; &#x247E; & ⑾ (11) (11) (11) parenthesized number ELEVEN (U+247E)
⑿ &#9343; &#x247F; & ⑿ (12) (12) (12) parenthesized number TWELVE (U+247F)

⒀ &#9344; &#x2480; & ⒀ (13) (13) (13) parenthesized number THIRTEEN (U+2480)
⒁ &#9345; &#x2481; & ⒁ (14) (14) (14) parenthesized number FOURTEEN (U+2481)
⒂ &#9346; &#x2482; & ⒂ (15) (15) (15) parenthesized number FIFTEEN (U+2482)
⒃ &#9347; &#x2483; & ⒃ (16) (16) (16) parenthesized number SIXTEEN (U+2483)
⒄ &#9348; &#x2484; & ⒄ (17) (17) (17) parenthesized number SEVENTEEN (U+2484)
⒅ &#9349; &#x2485; & ⒅ (18) (18) (18) parenthesized number EIGHTEEN (U+2485)
⒆ &#9350; &#x2486; & ⒆ (19) (19) (19) parenthesized number NINETEEN (U+2486)
⒇ &#9351; &#x2487; & ⒇ (20) (20) (20) parenthesized number TWENTY (U+2487)
⒈ &#9352; &#x2488; & ⒈ 1. 1. 1. digit ONE FULL STOP (U+2488)
⒉ &#9353; &#x2489; & ⒉ 2. 2. 2. digit TWO FULL STOP (U+2489)
⒊ &#9354; &#x248A; & ⒊ 3. 3. 3. digit THREE FULL STOP (U+248A)
⒋ &#9355; &#x248B; & ⒋ 4. 4. 4. digit FOUR FULL STOP (U+248B)
⒌ &#9356; &#x248C; & ⒌ 5. 5. 5. digit FIVE FULL STOP (U+248C)
⒍ &#9357; &#x248D; & ⒍ 6. 6. 6. digit SIX FULL STOP (U+248D)
⒎ &#9358; &#x248E; & ⒎ 7. 7. 7. digit SEVEN FULL STOP (U+248E)
⒏ &#9359; &#x248F; & ⒏ 8. 8. 8. digit EIGHT FULL STOP (U+248F)

⒐ &#9360; &#x2490; & ⒐ 9. 9. 9. digit NINE FULL STOP (U+2490)
⒑ &#9361; &#x2491; & ⒑ 10. 10. 10. number TEN FULL STOP (U+2491)
⒒ &#9362; &#x2492; & ⒒ 11. 11. 11. number ELEVEN FULL STOP (U+2492)
⒓ &#9363; &#x2493; & ⒓ 12. 12. 12. number TWELVE FULL STOP (U+2493)
⒔ &#9364; &#x2494; & ⒔ 13. 13. 13. number THIRTEEN FULL STOP (U+2494)
⒕ &#9365; &#x2495; & ⒕ 14. 14. 14. number FOURTEEN FULL STOP (U+2495)
⒖ &#9366; &#x2496; & ⒖ 15. 15. 15. number FIFTEEN FULL STOP (U+2496)
⒗ &#9367; &#x2497; & ⒗ 16. 16. 16. number SIXTEEN FULL STOP (U+2497)
⒘ &#9368; &#x2498; & ⒘ 17. 17. 17. number SEVENTEEN FULL STOP (U+2498)
⒙ &#9369; &#x2499; & ⒙ 18. 18. 18. number EIGHTEEN FULL STOP (U+2499)
⒚ &#9370; &#x249A; & ⒚ 19. 19. 19. number NINETEEN FULL STOP (U+249A)
⒛ &#9371; &#x249B; & ⒛ 20. 20. 20. number TWENTY FULL STOP (U+249B)
⒜ &#9372; &#x249C; & ⒜ (a) (a) (a) parenthesized Latin small letter A (U+249C)
⒝ &#9373; &#x249D; & ⒝ (b) (b) (b) parenthesized Latin small letter B (U+249D)
⒞ &#9374; &#x249E; & ⒞ (c) (c) (c) parenthesized Latin small letter C (U+249E)
⒟ &#9375; &#x249F; & ⒟ (d) (d) (d) parenthesized Latin small letter D (U+249F)

⒠ &#9376; &#x24A0; & ⒠ (e) (e) (e) parenthesized Latin small letter E (U+24A0)
⒡ &#9377; &#x24A1; & ⒡ (f) (f) (f) parenthesized Latin small letter F (U+24A1)
⒢ &#9378; &#x24A2; & ⒢ (g) (g) (g) parenthesized Latin small letter G (U+24A2)
⒣ &#9379; &#x24A3; & ⒣ (h) (h) (h) parenthesized Latin small letter H (U+24A3)
⒤ &#9380; &#x24A4; & ⒤ (i) (i) (i) parenthesized Latin small letter I (U+24A4)
⒥ &#9381; &#x24A5; & ⒥ (j) (j) (j) parenthesized Latin small letter J (U+24A5)
⒦ &#9382; &#x24A6; & ⒦ (k) (k) (k) parenthesized Latin small letter K (U+24A6)
⒧ &#9383; &#x24A7; & ⒧ (l) (l) (l) parenthesized Latin small letter L (U+24A7)
⒨ &#9384; &#x24A8; & ⒨ (m) (m) (m) parenthesized Latin small letter M (U+24A8)
⒩ &#9385; &#x24A9; & ⒩ (n) (n) (n) parenthesized Latin small letter N (U+24A9)
⒪ &#9386; &#x24AA; & ⒪ (o) (o) (o) parenthesized Latin small letter O (U+24AA)
⒫ &#9387; &#x24AB; & ⒫ (p) (p) (p) parenthesized Latin small letter P (U+24AB)
⒬ &#9388; &#x24AC; & ⒬ (q) (q) (q) parenthesized Latin small letter Q (U+24AC)
⒭ &#9389; &#x24AD; & ⒭ (r) (r) (r) parenthesized Latin small letter R (U+24AD)
⒮ &#9390; &#x24AE; & ⒮ (s) (s) (s) parenthesized Latin small letter S (U+24AE)
⒯ &#9391; &#x24AF; & ⒯ (t) (t) (t) parenthesized Latin small letter T (U+24AF)

⒰ &#9392; &#x24B0; & ⒰ ((U+) ((U+) ((U+) parenthesized Latin small letter U (U+24B0)
⒱ &#9393; &#x24B1; & ⒱ (v) (v) (v) parenthesized Latin small letter V (U+24B1)
⒲ &#9394; &#x24B2; & ⒲ (w) (w) (w) parenthesized Latin small letter W (U+24B2)
⒳ &#9395; &#x24B3; & ⒳ (x) (x) (x) parenthesized Latin small letter X (U+24B3)
⒴ &#9396; &#x24B4; & ⒴ (y) (y) (y) parenthesized Latin small letter Y (U+24B4)
⒵ &#9397; &#x24B5; & ⒵ (z) (z) (z) parenthesized Latin small letter Z (U+24B5)
Ⓐ &#9398; &#x24B6; & Ⓐ (A) (A) (A) circled Latin capital letter A (U+24B6)
Ⓑ &#9399; &#x24B7; & Ⓑ (B) (B) (B) circled Latin capital letter B (U+24B7)
Ⓒ &#9400; &#x24B8; & Ⓒ (C) (C) (C) circled Latin capital letter C (U+24B8)
Ⓓ &#9401; &#x24B9; & Ⓓ (D) (D) (D) circled Latin capital letter D (U+24B9)
Ⓔ &#9402; &#x24BA; & Ⓔ (E) (E) (E) circled Latin capital letter E (U+24BA)
Ⓕ &#9403; &#x24BB; & Ⓕ (F) (F) (F) circled Latin capital letter F (U+24BB)
Ⓖ &#9404; &#x24BC; & Ⓖ (G) (G) (G) circled Latin capital letter G (U+24BC)
Ⓗ &#9405; &#x24BD; & Ⓗ (H) (H) (H) circled Latin capital letter H (U+24BD)
Ⓘ &#9406; &#x24BE; & Ⓘ (I) (I) (I) circled Latin capital letter I (U+24BE)
Ⓙ &#9407; &#x24BF; & Ⓙ (J) (J) (J) circled Latin capital letter J (U+24BF)

Ⓚ &#9408; &#x24C0; & Ⓚ (K) (K) (K) circled Latin capital letter K (U+24C0)
Ⓛ &#9409; &#x24C1; & Ⓛ (L) (L) (L) circled Latin capital letter L (U+24C1)
Ⓜ &#9410; &#x24C2; & Ⓜ (M) (M) (M) circled Latin capital letter M (U+24C2)
Ⓝ &#9411; &#x24C3; & Ⓝ (N) (N) (N) circled Latin capital letter N (U+24C3)
Ⓞ &#9412; &#x24C4; & Ⓞ (O) (O) (O) circled Latin capital letter O (U+24C4)
Ⓟ &#9413; &#x24C5; & Ⓟ (P) (P) (P) circled Latin capital letter P (U+24C5)
Ⓠ &#9414; &#x24C6; & Ⓠ (Q) (Q) (Q) circled Latin capital letter Q (U+24C6)
Ⓡ &#9415; &#x24C7; & Ⓡ (R) (R) (R) circled Latin capital letter R (U+24C7)
Ⓢ &#9416; &#x24C8; &oS; Ⓢ (S) (S) (S) circled Latin capital letter S (U+24C8)
Ⓣ &#9417; &#x24C9; & Ⓣ (T) (T) (T) circled Latin capital letter T (U+24C9)
Ⓤ &#9418; &#x24CA; & Ⓤ (U) (U) (U) circled Latin capital letter U (U+24CA)
Ⓥ &#9419; &#x24CB; & Ⓥ (V) (V) (V) circled Latin capital letter V (U+24CB)
Ⓦ &#9420; &#x24CC; & Ⓦ (W) (W) (W) circled Latin capital letter W (U+24CC)
Ⓧ &#9421; &#x24CD; & Ⓧ (X) (X) (X) circled Latin capital letter X (U+24CD)
Ⓨ &#9422; &#x24CE; & Ⓨ (Y) (Y) (Y) circled Latin capital letter Y (U+24CE)
Ⓩ &#9423; &#x24CF; & Ⓩ (Z) (Z) (Z) circled Latin capital letter Z (U+24CF)

ⓐ &#9424; &#x24D0; & ⓐ (a) (a) (a) circled Latin small letter A (U+24D0)
ⓑ &#9425; &#x24D1; & ⓑ (b) (b) (b) circled Latin small letter B (U+24D1)
ⓒ &#9426; &#x24D2; & ⓒ (c) (c) (c) circled Latin small letter C (U+24D2)
ⓓ &#9427; &#x24D3; & ⓓ (d) (d) (d) circled Latin small letter D (U+24D3)
ⓔ &#9428; &#x24D4; & ⓔ (e) (e) (e) circled Latin small let